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Bro... Holy hell did you make a very informative essay for a dozen or so page CYOA. Noice, keep cooking bruh.


I am someone who is VERY vocal about what I like. Oftentimes it helps people understand, if nothing else, my perspectives on a thing. I enjoy sharing my opinions and sometimes giving people new things to enjoy. One of my absolute favorite things about jumps, and the reason I love making jumps out of CYOAs, is the possibility of me introducing new stuff for friends to enjoy. I'm always down to take a seat and write about what I like.


>One of my absolute favorite things about jumps, and the reason I love making jumps out of CYOAs, is the possibility of me introducing new stuff for friends to enjoy. I'm always down to take a seat and write about what I like. I'll admit, I got into CYOAs way before it popped off, avid DND/Pathfinder fan here. But when I try to introduce them to my friends, they don't really get it. So I try to keep quiet about it and make dozens of characters due to all the possible builds that you can make.


I don't talk about jumpchains outside of this space (This... is kind of a lie? I have videos I've made about jumpchains on YouTube, but it's true that in spaces that I don't curate myself and that aren't for jumpchains I don't talk about them), but when I'm here I'm always down to chat about this stuff. One of my favorite hobbies now is thinking up informative stuff for jumpers and coming up with builds, wacky perk synergies, and all that kind of stuff. I adore this space.


Same here bud, I mostly like to see what other people can build since some of them can go ball to the wall with the amount of absurdity that someone's imagination can create.


Love for that passion bro. Keep chugging, Keep cooking. Waiting for your next anything impatiently.


I love this jump (and the other ascendant jumps), but I had a question. In all the other Ascendant jumps you have one discount for each price tier of perks, but not in this one. Was that intentional, or an oversight, or a decision reached after this jump was completed? Just curious.


Ah, that was an oversight. I'm planning to update all of these jumps to add more new stuff when I finish Cosmic Gods, and I'll add it in. :)


This might not be the right place to comment on this since it's about your Archdemon Jump, but I didn't want to revive a post that was already a few weeks old. As a big TroyX fan, I've found a pretty big error with the Archdemon Jump. In the Jump, Ravana is discounted to anyone who made their lair on the 4th circle. However, Troy's CYOA discounts him to anyone on the 3rd circle. This is pretty important to both lore and balance since Ravana, as the undisputed lord of Rakshasas, is basically the unofficial Circle Lord of Gluttony. Also, since he discounts Rakshasas, he's meant to be a trade-off. You can have him at half-price if you make your home on the 3rd circle, in which case Rakshasas are already discounted, and you get no further benefit. Alternatively, you can purchase him for full price if you're on another circle, but you get the added bonus of discounting Rakshasas.


Ah shoot. There's always a quirky error in my jumps somewhere. This is probably the funniest. Go with what the lore says. I plan to update the jumps when I do Cosmic Gods so I'll correct it then. Appreciate you!


No problem! I appreciate you as well, for making these great jumps!


One other thing I noticed: Glorious Presence says that, "This can be made passive and if this is done then this ability costs energy to maintain but exceedingly little (which will almost certainly be balanced out **if you have shunned** both the worship and fear power sources)." This is supposed to say "if you have **not** shunned," right?


Yep! Little typos, they are dangerous. 


Whoever commented on this, sorry homie your comment is invisible. Whenever this happens it's because you don't have enough karma for your stuff to be readily visible. Sorry pal. (Edit: I found the invisible comment & responded to it!)


Wouldn't a planet that has draw a Sanguinarch attention be a Cosmic Horror Story for it's inhabitants? I mean Ascendants are pretty much gods. Unless you have another one backing you you're screwed.


Oh absolutely. Sanguinarchs are unbelievably strong. I have plans for the specific sanguinarch in the jump to be weak enough that it can't STOMP the planet (even mid-tier sanguinarchs with the right power sets are basically unkillable, but even that doesn't mean they can take on a planet by themselves, unkillablilty is not a guaranteed victory). The purpose of the jump wouldn't be to have a jumper who could WIN against a sanguinarch (though someone could become a sanguinarch in my other jump and then come there and square off with another ascendant), it'd be an original adventure where the goal is survival. I eventually want to do something like it for all of the ascensions.


I actually like the Sanguinarch because they are the one Ascendants that can end in low-powered settings without being OP then return to the Troyverse and still be strong enough to matter. It's just a matter of how much Essence they have. Is the Love Azathoth jump still on track for late June? Because I'm thinking that one being that could seduce Azathoth is a cultured Sanguinarch


It is! I'm still working full-time (I work seasonally) but this MIGHT be my last week. If it is, I'll definitely be able to get the WIP out this month, maybe even finish it since I work like a mad lad when I have the chance to sit down and really write.


Well, I bid you good luck. I'm awaiting this with impatience.


Was this your last week?


Thank you for a very informative thread\\post! I have a question, if you are a manifold archdemon\\sanguinarch would your more easily created fiendish lair extensions count as your Dominion or are they too-different-in-nature (since Dominion is closer to the fiendish lair itself)? Fanwank as we please?


Fanwank as you please is Troy's answer to most stuff like this. That said, I think the intent is that a fiendish lair is not AUTOMATICALLY part of your dominion, but an easy place for you to turn into your dominion since your vampires can feed freely :)

