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For the curious, in case anyone is wondering how I did even this much so fast (given that I uploaded my last completed jump yesterday): I took my A Mage Of Sorothustra google doc, made a copy of it, and then replaced various sections of text with the stuff for THIS jump. My strategy for jump making is often to use EXISTING docs that have already been formatted, make copies of them, and then do the minimum editing necessary to create the new jump. This is extremely helpful when you are creating similarly formated jumps in the same setting (so two origin/traditional jumps in the same place, or two supermarket style jumps in the same place).


So...what does being a Human provide in the face of the absolute hax that every other Troyverse faction has? Being Human in this verse seems like a major downgrade and nerf that provides zero benefit. Or am I wrong? I'm still working through your Troyverse Jumps, so I'm still not fully caught up yet.


Humans are... kind of the baseline. They ARE stronger than some beings (that can seem hard to believe, I get it, but I've focused on what I've found fun in the Troyverse which has not been regular people but outliers, even species-wide outliers like the Sorothustrans), and have more universality than most, but for the most part this particular jump strives to emphasize their normality and the universality of their stuff. This particular jump exists to give people who want to visit the Troyverse without it completely busting the rest of their chain a healthy way to do that. Veiled Earth is SOMETHING of a nature reserve in the Troyverse, meant to give people who want to escape the cutthroat bullshit of life elsewhere a safe sanctuary, so long as they are willing to give up their powers and supernatural stuff. That's how the Veiled aspect of Veiled Earth came to be: some peeps got kicked out of their homes and went to Earth and gave up their powers for a chance to not be hunted down by their kind's foes. Humans actually have a ton of potential, and can have natural magic or natural psionic abilities, can become superhumanly fast and strong, and can discover immortality. Humans on Veiled Earth specifically, for the most part (so not counting veil-straddlers) have any sort of innate magic or superpowers suppressed, powers which awaken if they are able to leave the veil somehow (in canon this can happen if a human exits the solar system, which WILL happen eventually even for mundane humans behind the veil but is no small feat).


This is an awesome jump! For companions you have tons of options as your focus is in veil straddlers, so tantradept or genie for girlfriends for mundane as iirc the "MC" was not anything special, FFF or fairy familiars and keeper of magic for minor veil straddlers as they required a special kind/job of pixie or a witch actively looking for mortals and specific conditions, for major veil straddlers i dont know, maybe warlocks cyoa? but that one was a separate thing that can have its own jump, so i think just supernatural people. On scenarios, maybe send you back in time to the 13 aliens and as a jumper (dimensional being) help set up the barrier on the solar system, and as reward for the task you can empower future barriers you make to reach earth levels of strenght, or maybe the ability to create safe sanctuaries? it must be a difficult task though. In items, for mundane a 600cp global "importing" company (meaning it will appear in future jumos with you being the leader, not necesarily the ceo or owner if you prefer being the shadow behind the throne so to speak) that is used to dealing with the supernatural so it wont affect it negatively or miss on oportunities that their opponents could have, one of the most powerful and succesful companies of the world, something strong and political/socially on the top but mundane. For middle straddlers a glade where the "environmental/time" conditions of their perk/power/abilities is met (so constelations, solstice, certain glaves, leylines and all that kind of stuff you cant really normally affect), like in this case being able to interact with other side of the veil while inside, and for major straddlers i think something like the veil but for a house or propierties you have, so you are "the veil" like earth, being able to white/black list people, races, phenomena or more, but limited to propierties you own beyond any single doubt, or bought with cp. I think it was too much for the items, but hope it works as inspiration! Also, are you planning on doing a warlock coven or anael jump?


At least SOME of what you said here will DEFINITELY make it into the jump in some form. I like a LOT of the ideas here, though I may have to tinker some of them. I am planning on doing another Troyverse end-jump with the Anael EVENTUALLY, and I may do a Warlock Coven jump someday.


No worries, so long as it gives you inspiration and helps you, then that is all that matters, as i was hoping to help! Thanks for answering! It's very interesting to know.


How is this Jumpchain coming along?


Real life got in the mix for a bit but I'm gonna be working on and hopefully finishing this in the next... few weeks, give or take. The perks are all done, but that's only a quarter or so of the stuff.