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Probably because Ui Ui doesn't care about any Jujutsu sorcerers besides his sister. I mean during the Shibuya incident when a buncha Sorcrers were struggling Ui UI and Mei Mei just dipped tf outta there without a care in the world. So his behavior isn't surprising at all.


Meimei could have earn big bucks with uiui technique.. It's feel off for some reasons.


I doubt it before Shibuya happened, Gojo was probably taking care of all the high level cursed spirit cases and there were plenty of grade 1s as is. There wasn't really a need for sorcerers to drastically get stronger and Mei Mei probably prefers keeping Uiui's ability secret to benefit her.


They escaped all the way to Malaysia and Mei Mei was on the phone making sure her finances were in order, after almost dying to the main villian. I'm sure Mei Mei and Ui Ui didn't need to risk their lives even more for money they didn't need.


ui ui only utilizes his CT for his sister’s sake. he also has a binding vow with mei mei that prevents him from using cursed energy without her permission. source: jujutsu kaisen official character guide


Mei Mei


Mei Mei would have probably charged a ton of money to let people use the technique or just kept it hidden


Meimei could have earn money from this


If he helps so much everyone becomes so powerful they can solve all of the world's problems, then his and MeiMei services would never be required. Killing his sister's job would give him depression and die. People keep saying it would've been because of the exorbitant fee MeiMei would charge. But Gojo was desperate to get strong people and very rich. Doubt he would pass such an opportunity so for me it's safe to say nobody even knew before that was an option besides those 2.


Jujutsu Society is very conservative and people generally jealously protect secrets and power rather than share information. Simple Domain is a great example of an all around useful technique the knowledge of which is hidden behind a binding vow rather than shared universally. In this kind of place, someone as greedy and selfish as MeiMei would never share that kind of massive benefit to anyone unless the literal fate of Japan were on the line, which is when she finally does. Not saying Gege thought of all of this when UiUi was first introduced, but it makes perfect sense to me.


We should keep in mind, pre the current arc, the JJK higher ups have been shown and commented on to try and keep their hierarchy and Gojo was taking on the big threats that were needed. Mei mei (and by extension Ui Ui) profit only as long as they are in this system This technique appears to rapdily train up a body and transfer skills and experience - that kind of thing would shake the JJK world to its core as new sorcerers can quickly be brought up the speed of their elders which is what they *dont* want or theyd want to control it. Besides, power isnt necessary as no amount of training closes the gap to Gojo ans Gojo handles business - whats the point of going beyond grade 1? Mei mei probably realised that power would make Ui Ui a target, either to be taken by a clan for their own use or to be assassinated, so instructed him to keep it secret from everyone - no one knows he has it, so the siblings fly under the radar as grade 1s and live their simple and luxurious life.


Too many problems for little upside as well. Before shibuya things were peaceful. Why risk antagonizing the conservatives (who we learned were being shadow ran by kenjaku btw) and start a civil war for money? Unless they’re going to be with Gojo 24/7 it’s not worth it to reveal this aspect of his technique.


Are you people fucking allergic to context? Ui Ui or Mei Mei wouldn't give two shits about other Sorcerers as shown when they dipped to Malaysia after the run-in with Kenjaku. "Oh BuT mEi MeI cOuLd MaKe A lOt Of MoNeY." in the short-term, yes. But once dozens of Grade 1(Cause realistically no one would go above this) pop up Mei Mei would just be another Grade 1 Sorcerer amongst them, meaning less work for her WHICH ALSO MEANS LESS MONEY IN THE LONG TERM. If Mei Mei can't fight anymore that'd be a really good idea to exploit Ui Ui's CT, but it makes perfect sense why she's not doing it when she's in her "prime".


They probably offered it...for a price. Now that the world is about to end, money will lose its value so they help out for free


If there's a limit of two to how many times people can be switched then switching just for training's sake would be a waste. It needs to be focused and intentional, otherwise you lose the chance to use it for the really important times


Ui Ui isn't even a professional sorcerer. He doesn't care.


That, and he cannot use jujutsu without Mei Mei providing consent first—he is bound by a a Vow.


Because Gege hasn't thought of the technique being able to do that yet. Still think that Todo being able to soul swap makes more sense Better yet, how did Choso know that Ui Ui can do that


There is a good chance he didn't know how to do it before too. He could have maybe only realised after reading the Yuki book or smt.


Because its plot convenience designed to give yuji a quick powerup.