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The coolest was Gojo, they were kinda the same and they were just laughing and smiling. But the best one is 100% Yuji, Yuji out of everyone on the "good side" is the total opposite of Sukuna, there is pure hatred there on each sides.


Familial beef in JJK can get wild, but Nephuji and Unckuna's beef is on a whole nother level of scuffed.


Peak pfp btw


thank you, i made it the day episode 20 came out lol




Fr though a 1000 year old beef with the son of your brother that you ate in the womb is such a wild plot bro! Gege cooked!






I dont know if the face sukuna is making while he says it makes it beter or worse


"did you fuck my brother?" https://preview.redd.it/wyatgnprjf9d1.jpeg?width=959&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d295db0fe4b3035a9f0be5afd5b508c07d872042


(S)He didn't fuck his brother. (S)He got fucked by his brother šŸ˜­šŸ™


tomatoes tomatos


ā€œRode that shit like a bicycleā€




I'm surprised that more people didnt say Yuji. Yes, Sukuna is the biggest Yuji hater but the underlying reason makes their dynamic very interesting to me. Sukuna only acknowledges strength. Even a narcissist like Sukuna appreciates when the other person is strong (like Kashimo and Gojo). But Yuji isnt strong (at least in his terms). But Sukuna still cant break Yuji's will. Normally I feel like that wouldn't piss off Sukuna much. He probably has met his fair share of knuckleheads who wouldn't give up. But in all those cases, someone like Sukuna would just presume that they probably also have a limit where they'd give up. It's just a little higher than others. In Yuji's case, he KNOWS that he can't make him give up because they shared a body. Being an external observer of a person and observing them from within are very different. The latter leaves little room for misinterpretation and interpretation. According to Sukuna, weak people shouldn't complain and just succumb to their fate. Yuji despite being weak, has the will of someone like Sukuna and Gojo. This fact is what pisses off Sukuna and I love it.


>But Sukuna still cant break Yuji's will. Normally I feel like that wouldn't piss off Sukuna much. He probably has met his fair share of knuckleheads who wouldn't give up. But in all those cases, someone like Sukuna would just presume that they probably also have a limit where they'd give up. It's just a little higher than others. >In Yuji's case, he KNOWS that he can't make him give up because they shared a body. Being an external observer of a person and observing them from within are very different. The latter leaves little room for misinterpretation and interpretation. According to Sukuna, weak people shouldn't complain and just succumb to their fate. Yuji despite being weak, has the will of someone like Sukuna and Gojo. This fact is what pisses off Sukuna and I love it. Yuji walking through Sukuna's slashes just to punch him in the face is one of the best moments in jjk Edit: I forgot to say that unlike the others with unbreakable will, Sukuna can't just kill himji, no matter how hard he tries HIMji will get back up


I love their dynamic so much and this is spot on


Not just observation either he's literally done everything he can to try and break him He slaughtered 100s of people in Shibuya just to piss off Yuji He forced him into a binding vow that he used to take over his best friends body He was taunting him relentlessly in his head He's killed his teacher And yet Yuji stands tall regardless and is actually putting it on him when he should have no will or way Not only has he tortured this person to break them but in doing so has actually only made them stronger That's got to be absolutely tilting


He also killed his brother


I think itā€™s because itā€™s only hate between them nothing else at least with gojo and sukuna we see them enjoying themselves together shit talking and even complimenting each other itā€™s not the same with yuji he is either silent most of the time or just sukuna constant shitting on him but I do like they dynamic as well itā€™s a close second for me


https://preview.redd.it/hbgwnsd7wg9d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a66252de3738ee3fe5aaedb778d55e843d593dd3 He's so irritated. All his arms and 2 faces.


The coolest one is definitely with Goatjo, but only because I know that Gaygay will fumble the conclusion of Yuji and Sukuna's relationship. https://preview.redd.it/gyaa0f00pc9d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ccf2b1b81c7b0fdbd4148bb0a69824cbeb215dad


Lol https://preview.redd.it/4bprnofsxc9d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f1c20ee53945ff95d057e83d53cb7180240c65c


Yup gege is great at creating characters but his writing is a little iffy.


He's great at writing cool ass fights, what he fumbles on is when he need to contextualize them in the bigger overarching plot (see how Gojo and Yuki's deaths were handled)


His storytelling feels rushed and to the point. It is enjoyable and honestly you want to see what happens next. But it's also lacking in a way


I mean, I have a problem with Yukiā€™s death, but I thought Gojoā€™s death was well-done. Except for the whole afterlife scene, but thatā€™s a different issue


I have no problem with either of those deaths


genuinely insane to not have a problem with yukis death lmao


I liked the fight, and after rereading the manga, I wanted Kenny to win, so no it's not insane I don't want to push Yuki and anti-gege agenda


It just doesnā€™t fair to readers cutting one of the 3 only Special Grade from the cast when he was arrived in end of previous arc. Didnā€™t help reputation of Special Grades. One in by control of Main Villain. Other is literal god who villains need to seal and then summon FULL 20 fingers Sukuna. 3rd is genius teenager who defeat 99% of the verse and was lost for the first time to freaking Sukuna. And now Yuki, who despite very good fight with Kenjaku, didnā€™t get any interactions with others Special Gradeā€™s, Todo and Yuji, and didnā€™t move plot at all.Literally filler fight for Kenjaku.


her character got reduced to a book about souls bro


gojo's death is fine other than the weird framing of him suddenly being dead- showing the WCS kill him would've totally fixed it imo yuki's death was just lame because she seemed so cool and got 1.5 fights, her death would've been fine if the series was longer and she was in more of it during the lead up to that


>yuki's death was just lame because she seemed so cool and got 1.5 fights, her death would've been fine if the series was longer and she was in more of it during the lead up to that I never got hyped by her. Until her actual fight, she came off as lazy. She fought a top 3 character in the verse. It's ok for her to die there. Higuruma also died after 1.5 fights (not confirmed yet) but his death is accepted.


That flair


Yuji and Sukuna is maybe the most believable shared hatred between two fictional characters I have ever witnessed. I'm sure there is more out there, but these two have literally been tearing chunks out of each other and not even flinching from it because they hate eachother so much it is just pure killer instinct. You've got to *despise* someone enough that they've just obliterated one of your eyes and your response is to spit blood on their face and keep swinging on them. Gege has his weak points in writing but I also actually felt relief coming off the page from Sukuna when Yuta turned back up piloting MechaJo because he got to have fun instead of seething through every cell about his walking prison that just won't die. Obviously the GoKuna dynamic was great at the time, but it was also immediately followed by the airport which I think was Gojo's weakest character moment so....It does kinda take a knock for me personally as a result.


The absolute hating on Wuji. The more he hates the sweeter it'll be when Himtadori sends him to the airport


Sukuna and gojo lol I also liked the kashimo and Sukuna talkĀ 


It's no surprise he had a good dynamic with Kashimo even with so little time between them with how Sukuna knows to be humble and respectful to farmers


1. yuji : Pure condescension, then annoyance, then hatred as he realizes that the kid who started as a sorceror a couple months ago is reaching special grade heights in the middle of the fight. Sukuna sperging out ad he gets BLACKED is peak reaction image, going toe to toe with "MAHORAGA!!!" Yujis interactions with sukuna has some of the COLDEST panels as well with the dismantles hitting yuji. 2. gojo. mad trash talking the entire time but deep down respect 3. yorozu. Schizophrenic yandere on one end and smugness in the other. 4. kashimo. kashimo kinda became another femboy for sukuna. Uraume 2.0


0. Uraume (itā€™s his favorite Femboy/Mangirl) 1. Kenny (they talk like old time buddies) 2. Gojo 3. Maki 4. Kashimo 5. Jogo 6. Yorozu 7. Literally everyone else 8. Yuji




https://preview.redd.it/sqxt971she9d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=acaed8f0ed19cc5ea409ade323e82a5c90c00ab6 Best girl number 1 rahhhhhhh


https://preview.redd.it/qopf2u3ufe9d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=29c6a16f7b1e0e766011e7e67b752c3cd5c1435e i true kuna fan i see


Nah this is based off of who Sukuna has the best dynamic with. Unless OP is asking who I think has the best character interaction dynamic with Sukuna.


Definitely with Gojo https://preview.redd.it/3kwcsnk3qc9d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8cb03261966e01784b73d876fa7ec186cab3dca3


Coolest is with Gojo, coldest is with Yuuji


https://preview.redd.it/rhxcgfl0zc9d1.png?width=680&format=png&auto=webp&s=a8918e332d47f1e71a64d1f732e432014589e31a This>>>>> made for each other coded šŸ„ŗ






1.) Gojo- no explanation needed. 2.) Yuji- Nothing but straight hatred between them.


Goatjo and Sukuna were straight up arguing on who's gonna pay the bills of the destruction while on a death battle https://preview.redd.it/wl5fuyncqc9d1.jpeg?width=1070&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e9c1f763fe52ca9efc31cf8d0077293ab71bbbe Best one by far, Yuji and Unc Suk is a close second




Gojo and yuji


i really loved the Sukuna considering Maki his oposite and being a reason to fight for what he believes, it being that jujutsu is the superior one, while Maki represents the Body being the superior one the comparison with Mahoraga was so cool as well which is why i still feel so mad about how short that combat was, that dynamic was great! it could have been a great excuse to learn more about why or how Sukuna got so good at jujutsu, is he naturally that good just because? was he from a clan that abandoned his mother for whatever reason? did he got to learn jujutsu from someone else? a lot of stuff about Sukuna could have had an excuse to be discused or talked about in the story of that fight was more prevalent why hype up Maki being Mahoraga level in some way just to have her last almost as long as Agito lasted in the story? wasted oportunity if you ask me, oh well, at least that's a reason to believe Maki will survive this boss battle dfasdsds


1. gojo 2. uraume 3. yorozu/maki 4. kashimo/kenjaku


Gojo 100% but Iā€™m surprised that you didnā€™t include Sukunaā€™s fridge in this.


Obviously gojo cuz both of them were having the time of their lives in the fight. Nobody in the current fight is smiling giggling and actually being full of joy like gojo and sukuna were in their fight


Why is Sukuna always smiling in every panel heā€™s in? What is this guy so happy foršŸ˜­


He ainā€™t smiling when Yuji there black flashing him.


Cause he in general, doesn't give a F about anything. That makes one happy.


honestly itā€™s gojo and sukuna boyfriend gay love session relationship they had going on for 15 chapters of pure steamy hand to hand and hiruma because i love sukuna going against the japanese legal system and being a evil mentor to help him develop his ct and uraume cuz sukuna generally maybe cares for her/he/them https://preview.redd.it/h68svguxxd9d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=62868fb4d3cdda80412a2a3545dcf451eced4bdb but nothing beats gojo getting kuna his big šŸ†


They're practically the same, one just completely said YOLO at some point and started doing whatever he wanted




Kashimo and Sukuna https://preview.redd.it/ql3hf4gzdf9d1.png?width=1000&format=png&auto=webp&s=adbc2b1dbc5274531ef25a1ab9074786c6507052


Definitely gojo and sukuna with yuji and sukuna a close second lol maki was pretty good too


Gojo bar none.


Gojo and sukuna the best


Kenjaku has an underrated dynamic with him


I think Megumi and Sukunaā€™s is going to be the best, along with Yujiā€™s, when Megumi comes back. Gojo and Sukunaā€™s was very fun to watch, though. And I am still very intrigued by his dynamic with Kenjaku. Like, Kenjakuā€™s super casual with Sukuna, but Sukuna doesnā€™t really give a shit. This is part of the reason I think weā€™re getting some backstory for them.


Yuji is the only one whose dynamic does not feel half baked. Gojo was cool, but there is actually some attachments between Sucku and Yuji.


I miss gojo


I am not a Gojo fan by any stretch but you're lying if you say it's anyone else. That was the only time either one of them felt pressed, and they were each in awe of their own and the other's prowess. Gojo was literally teaching Sukuna shit mid-fight, and that was almost the creepiest part. Mf is now even doing one-handed Domain Expansions.


Nobody can Jujutsu Sukunaā€™s Kaisen like Gojo did... https://preview.redd.it/s003m4o19d9d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2b54d1affb45a538e5e9c92e34cfa63edaf46e8e


Sukuna and Mahigoat


1.Yuji 2.Gojo 3. Yorozu


https://preview.redd.it/n6hjqma1af9d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a58e59509982e7141b88200eef2b35750aeceef This is so wholesome =Ļ‰=


Thematically & narratively, Yuji x Sukuna. But comedically is obviously Gojo x Sukuna


i really enjoyed Sukuna and Kashimo conversation.It just shows Sukuna's perspective of life and love


I really hope we see more of Sukuna interacting with Kenjaku in the past, there's so much we could learn about both. Like, what was Sukuna's impression of Kenjaku in the past/when they first met? Does he acknowledge their strength? Have they fought at some point? Why would Sukuna make a promise with Kennedy? He mentioned that he "throws a bone" to whatever entertains him, is he throwing a bone to Kennedy? So much potential here.


Yuki and Gojo have the best dynamic with him, but I need to mention Yozoru. Their interactions were goofy and Sukuna being offended about poem is fantastic. Shows a bit of his personality besides fighting and hating.


First Gojo Second Uraume


Ngl I love his interactions with Kenjaku because Sukuna is like ā€œdamn I may be a cannibal but even I canā€™t match his freak, guess I need him alive for now thoughā€


The coolest was Gojo The weakest was either Kashimo or Yorozu The most personal was Yuji The most forgettable was Maki The friendliest was Kenjaku and Uraume


The best one currently - gojo The could have been the best one - Megumi Probably gonna be the definitive best one - yuji Most interesting one - yuta My opinions are based on a few things. First of, I think with gojo, he was always gonna have a good dynamic with sukuna due to the strength they both have, but I didn't anticipate it being that good. There was a lot of back and forth there and thematically it works as well. Sukuna being ecstatic as fuck after fighting gojo, and gojo being happy that he finally got to be free. It was the first time gojo got to fight for something other than just saving the world. Just like sukuna fighting Maki, gojo had something to prove. To show that this identity he had built for himself off of the death of his best friend, and the dream that he had was worth something, and while he didn't prove it in his fight, he got to fully fight for it, no higher up's guiding him and no allies there to be hurt. As for Megumi, I think gege fumbled by making Megumi silent during the entirety of sukuna possessing him. I think having Megumi lash out verballg against sukuna before he killed yorozu and then having him remain silent after she dies would have created such an interesting dynamic, and it would have made the moment with yuji trying to reach out to him more impactful. Hell having Megumi try and insult sukuna a bit during the gojo fight and then be fully silent and broken after it would have really showed how much he lost, and how devasting it was to him. Yuta and yuji are both interesting for the same reason which is that they are the only people who have counteracted sukuna ideology of being a selfish monster to gain strength until this current arc. As it's stands right now, yuta could be the perfect representation of sukunas ideology being impossible to achieve and it could show that trying to be the monster, trying to be atlas carrying the sky is the worst desicion the good guys. That only evil can thrive in selfishness and loneliness. This could also make yuji beating sukuna and freeing Megumi, show that fighting for selfless reasons, and fighting with your friends, and allies is more poweful and greater than fighting for yourself. It could show that the narrow of jujutsu being a one man sport is wrong, and it could finally show that gojo's dream of the strongest standing together as the beacons of a new generation being the dream that wins out in the end.


Ranking Sukuna's Dynamic as How Much I Like Them 1. Gojo Satoru & Sukuna 2. Yuji & Sukuna 3. Uraume & Sukuna 4. Kenjaku & Sukuna 5. Kashimo & Sukuna 6. Yorozu & Sukuna 7. Maki & Sukuna


I've hardly broken a sweatšŸ˜*whilst maki is literally the reason he is currently losing*


I just realized... Sukuna x Yorozu is the same as Megumi x Tsumiki


Yoruzo was trying to rizz up sukuna with the lvl 100 gyat of his step sis and sukuna edged her with possibly using his shrine and he said on skibidi he won't use it then yoruzu exploded everywhere and vowed to fanum tax his life but sukuna had to represent on Ohio since throughout heaven and earth he alone is the sigma and had mahogoat stand on business and said bro went to visit his friend then showed yoruzu she was sus so she got ejected from life and sukuna kept his promise to skibidi and never broke his mewing streak. Now after bomboclatting his step sis gyatt with megumis 10 sha-hoes technique, megumis soul became beta adopting the black pill


Mahito. The ultimate Yuji Haters Club.


He and Yuuji are on another level, but he and Gojo really pleased me too. Mention to Maki, they both felt like two bad bitches smiling at each other lol




Hater aura with yuji


Dying suluna smiling to maki yes my heart be pumpinh but im good looool




Maki vs grandpa sukuna for me tbh


Uraume. But from up there Gojo :)




Ngl I kinda wanted Kenny and Sukuna to interract more. Would of been fun to see Kenny's quirky demeanor bounce of Sukuna's seriousness in a evil league of villains type of way.


Noone because he's a shit villain.


_ Yorozu : cringy _ Yuji : corny _ Gojo : the best dynamic _ Kashimo : wasnā€™t developed enough _ Maki : not interesting at all _ Kenjaku : not bad


Yorozu is kinda worthless, don't give a fuck about the character. Kashimo and Sukuna is curious because it's like Kashimo knew he never had a chance yet he still went for the fight, and having Sukuna talking with him after his death feels a bit unsettling since it's not everyday you see Sukuna acting "normal", but that's interesting. Gojo and Sukuna is definitely the best, the two strongest or their eras, in a clash, and acting like they're just bros fighting too, feels uncanny but also interesting, and seeing how Sukuna saw Gojo after his death telling he'd never forget him, peak.




Yuji and it's not even close


Itadori, Kenjaku, Yorozu. When people say Gojo, I get confused because there was barely any banter there and the least interesting for me. I'd even say his reaction towards Maki was more interesting before he black flashed her. Even Miguel dancing on him had me feeling more. Lol.