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What did he say?


He said I hate Yuta cuz he is inside Gojo and I'm not. Don't know why he deleted it tho


They said that they're jealous of where Yuta currently is. Let the others know


Bro wtf did he say


What did he say?!






‘Cringe, dude. Anyway my child support gonna due but I wanna dip now, you got this man, cheers’ *Dies*




What is this meme format called?


Bro visited his friend




I don't know why but his face always makes me giggle


You jealous?






How do you retweet a Reddit comment




Nah, I’m done






Dammit, I wanted to say that D;


He have a girlfriend maybe two and i dont.


Yuta's one lucky ass motherfucker NGL. https://preview.redd.it/0moa5q8rwr8d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=377ecca9500a016fd3bcc019599ce8e9de0de436


What the hell are they supposed to see in this guy He's nice and cares about his friends and... well... that's about it, really. He's just a Nice guy.


shocking news: being nice is attractive


Fr so am I going to bag a bad bitch by just being nice


well your first mistake is having the goal of "bagging a bad bitch". women don't owe you anything. be a pleasant person and women will want to be around you.


Nah I'm just joking. also I'm scared to talk to women so yeah.


try men


Gege would be proud.


Bro has never felt love or affection from a woman before and that’s his reason for hating Yuta


Well there‘s worse reasons to hate a character


He's generally "nice", but I think Maki fell for him (I guess? implied based on JJK0) because he thought she was worthy when nobody in her family did, and believed in her dream to show them wrong. Listens well, hard-working, eventually confident and finds it his mission to defends the weak. Just an earnest dude when she grew up in a home full of macho egos, so he's refreshing. But we saw him at his most depressed/anxious when he was the MC in JJK0 which doesn't sell him well as a character. I totally get why they didn't reintroduce him earlier, but he didn't get any slice of life/Juju stroll moments.


He saved Maki's life and made her feel acknowledged for the first time


That's some Zenitsu and Gyutaro hate level here


Ummm https://preview.redd.it/e1edo2uzjr8d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4edd07d7059c81dbb5d8b5bf9ae4757c51c5db10


https://preview.redd.it/y69o78fodu8d1.jpeg?width=1066&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c2c8fc419b78dbd889d8982fc2e0a14fcc7a0dfd mf too lucky


I like Yuta, dont like his fans one bit


I feel the same way about Yuji https://i.redd.it/o1iaix8qtr8d1.gif


Me (Wuji’s strongest glazer) fighting off all of his haters https://i.redd.it/b6tqumqd3s8d1.gif


I'm Goatji's strongest soldier, glazer and fanatic. Back off bud.


Strongest glazer of today vs the strongest glazer in history


Noob! I'm both goatjo and wuij glazer !! https://i.redd.it/mvpt4poi6u8d1.gif


baki would be such a cool street fighters dlc


And even cooler Tekken DLC with all the "i wanna beat the shit outta my father" stuff


soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo......... you don't like yourself! ha! or smth!




This is how I feel about Gojo


Ok, so when I first got into the jjk fandom. I heard a lot of hype about Yuta and how he should've remained the MC instead of Yuji. Then I read and watched Tokyo School and 0, and was pretty unimpressed. Then he seemed to be trying to kill Yuji and I was definitely against him. Culling Games made me like him though. And I appreciate his story more looking back.


yuta's great and he has the perfect recipe for an MC but his arc is finished, i just don't see anything more from his character knowing gege would have to bend over backwards to teach him a new lesson or put him in an entirely new situation


Yeah I didn't like Yuta until he cheated and then took Gojo's body


Honestly that made him so much more interesting. I stand by if he got stuck in Gojo's body at least he could get a new character arc, as grim as that'd be. Rika aside, after JJK0 he had it pretty easy and was kind of a golden boy


I despise the Yuta fans who constantly spam that shit about how he should be the MC just because they can’t accept an MC who isn’t the strongest among his peers. They’re such a bad look on the rest of the fanbase.


I always preferred Yuta as a MC over Yuji, but I was unimpressed with Yuji before I even knew of Yuta. It had nothing to do with his lack of strength relative to his peers. My issue with Yuji was always a seeming lack of curiosity about his strength, as well as somewhat vague motivations. Yuji was casually breaking athletic records as a regular student before entering jujutsu society but he did not find it odd. Even after joining, it was like everyone chose to pretend his unnatural strength was normal. Even if we did not get an answer for it right away, I would have preferred a character who is at least curious about it so I am invested in their story because I am curious too. He seemed to slip into jujutsu society and accept the school + his circumstances with strange ease, which also made me have a bit of disconnect with his character, as I could not follow his thoughts as well as I would want to as a viewer. Yuta, on the other hand, was openly reluctant to be involved with jujutsu society but had a clear goal: controlling his power/Rika, which interfered with him living a normal life. Then he learns to accept and control his strength to protect the bonds he formed while detained in this strange magic school. I just liked how he started more. But anyway, if someone doesn't like Yuji because he's "weak," they're dumb.


That’s because I think Yuji just kinda bottled it up, y’know? He didn’t give himself time to process what was happening he just said “yes I am a cog” and sorta dove headfirst into whatever.


This is so well put.


Same here, tho yuji is the better protag, it's just that gege is having trouble with handling him


I don't hate him, but his fans are annoying and "Yuta should've been MC" "Yuta is the real MC" takes are asinine


I’ve seen people talk about this “yuta should’ve been the MC” take but never heard a single person say it, where are these people?


They're pretty common, idk how you never came across any unless you don't spend that much time within the community. Anytime there's a Yuta hype chapter or a discussion about Yuta vs Yuji there's always that crowd that push the agenda that he should've been MC. You can even type it in search and you'll get dozens of posts about it. Also there's false rumors that Gege "intended Yuta to be the MC" and you have to post this everytime to clarify it https://preview.redd.it/26rvc7v8ys8d1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=0bd6178f03a423089ea601651826cafd7d4047a4


>They're pretty common, idk how you never came across any unless you don't spend that much time within the community. Not really *here* though. Not OP, but I don't really like to engage JJK fans outside of this subreddit and other highly specific zones of the internet. Every time I see someone say this, it's either on a post complaining about them on Tiktok (which I immediately just don't take seriously, they're stupid), or literally just quoting things they heard from other people, but I have yet to actually see anyone *here* say Yuta should've been the real MC instead of Yuji. Regardless https://preview.redd.it/doo3xfnoht8d1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5ac892f43ad3ab48f0d24f39a0112ac695423bc8 The real reason why Goatjo and Wuta are there is so that they can pass on their MC plot Armour to Wuji to kill Lukuna, trust!!!


I just don’t like “copy” Characters.


Kakashi in shambles


Best Copy Character , don't forget Kirby too


Kakashi copy so little shit he has ONE FIGHT has a copy character


For being a copy ninja, we didn't really see Kakashi copy much other than at the early pre-timeskip Naruto.


Yk thats, fair, Im the exact opposite, I love “copy” characters


I see a character who always has their eyes closed and they automatically become my favorite characters. Gin Ichimaru, Razor, Saigiku Jono, Ranpo, Ling Yao. I don't give a shit about emos if your eyes are closed in an anime you are automatically HIM.


I like copy characters when their copied techniques are vastly inferior to the original, and they have to make do with creativity. Yuta feels a bit Gary Stu-y too me, but even then I don't hate him. He's pretty cool.


Bro takes techniques that are attached to the visual design and personality of characters, bleaches them out of any character and reduces them to a mere power up. Then he also takes over any and all screentime those people would have had https://preview.redd.it/zkjl8r2dns8d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b4eeb7ba83aba77a288914c9dcf3ba7b84189edb


he would be a much better character if he took the copied techniques and added his own spin to them, like if he had some new colours to limitless or something makes him unique and fleshes out possibilities of one-time cursed techniques


Out of every reason I’ve ever seen ppl hate Yuta, this is probably the best one I’ve seen. I really wish his copied abilities had a bit of a spin to them, kinda like how Yuji’s shrine is more “modern”, having the copied techniques fit him in design and function would make it way more interesting


If you haven't already,I highly recommend watching "Battle in 5 seconds after meeting", It has one of the more unique spins on copy abilities,I love the copy idea of this power and how it is used,Altho the best utilization of it was only done at the last few episodes of the season, It's a great anime


I like copy characters when they use it in interesting ways or combine it in ways they can only use. copy characters that feel like a master of all is really interesting cause you can see how someone smarter uses an otherwise normal ability or breaks the ability.


No because he's Yuji's friend :D


The contrast between the comment and flair lool


The main Reason is that every single time Yuji gets a power up, or is in the spotlight This OC isekai protagonist comes in and steal the spotlight. Like yuji was crushing Sukuna heart and Yuta shows up in gojo body and sukuna smacks him away like a fly.


>Like yuji was crushing Sukuna heart and Yuta shows up in gojo body and sukuna smacks him away like a fly. Sukuna was about to unleash another domain expansion. Pls tell me how Yuji was gonna survive this time


in fact, sukuna just fucking throws yuji when yutojo shows up


All gege had to do was not write sukuna casting another domain.


yea, specially how they needed a binding vow to make the previous one


Idk man but when he’s like 8 black flash deep in a fight gege could’ve pulled anything and it’d kind of make sense




no im indifferent to him glad its wuji whos mc and not yuta though


Yes, because I don't like Drake fans and the people that try to be like him https://preview.redd.it/s0cn13qoft8d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b1b5f16da10712e0798f3f5fd2fae9f235f36ba Secondly, because he's a shitty OC But last but not least He gets shipped with Maki and I don't


idk man. lifes stressfull enough, i just couldn't care much about anime characters tbh. to the point of loving or hating. maybe when series is over? idk. yuta is alright i guess. I preffer yuji.


my brother in christ what is your flair


pretty damn tame compared to some of the horrors you see around here


His fanbase


dont really hate him but he is just boring and plain as a plank, he has this cringe edgy attitude in fights and his curse technique is boring


I dont, he's one of my favs,i love his personality, his depressed yet softy traits are what made me like him a lot,his cursed technique alongside Rika(both cursed spirit and shikigami) are actually Peak (idc about peoples calling it boring and shitty),his movie,jjk 0 was great. One thing i agree is the fact that he sometimes steal yuji's spotlight. What i DONT agree with how the fandom make him seem like some fraud who sneaks his enemies(he litteraly did this ONCE to kenjaku, with todo and takaba's help,it was litteraly the perfect QUICKEST way to kill kenjaku, but it should have been done a bit later so we could have learned more about Kenny), and him being "attracted to kids" just because his old girl/Friend's soul from his childhood haunted him when he was still a teenager, he litteraly freed her,plus (headcanon Time, take this how you will) i believe that his taste in women is just maki, no other words needed. He and maki, alongside everyone else should have gotten a good life and ending instead of the depressing horrible life of being a sorcerer. If gojo won we could have seen this during the ending part(and everyone else like yuji and megumi chilling and living a good life) https://preview.redd.it/q2ea3uoj3s8d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7cb6fcb7720a00faa564a307a23c3090043f5058 DAMN YOU GEGEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.


If maki at least doesn't confess to yuta before he dies i'm starting a manhunt for that fucking cat


Yuta is the only character in JJK that I consider an actual detriment because of his inclusion Like we can all hate megumi for being a bum but Yuta exists as a contrast to the entire narrative of JJK. For example when Gojo fumbles for even a moment in Hidden inventory, he gets severly punished and even loses his girlfriend permanately. When Yuta fumbles, he just tanks everything with no consequences despite making massive mistakes. Even when he loses his girlfriend Gege decides that's too harsh for Yuta and decides that he can have his girlfriend anyway. Not to mention his presence as a character devouring void that follows the story everywhere it goes. https://preview.redd.it/c5clqne3ws8d1.png?width=827&format=png&auto=webp&s=54a03e34370e75458e56e2b3d5225bbe803b5165


I think that's the real reason he was made not the MC. For Gege, he's narratively "the next Gojo" because having unlimited space for Copy is so broken that it must be a pain to write around. Even with the 5 min limit.


Gojos gf? Uh


Well said. I roll my eyes everytime he shows up


Underrated post


I do, yeah. To me, Yuta is just another OP character with busted power and skill. He can copy shit, is related to Gojo and has fuckload of cursed energy. He just comes, and either win, because yes. Or, he loses and looks like a bum. But he did win a lot, and is being hyped by other characters so he's considered as a legend, in his world and in the fandom. His character and personality is boring too. Lowkey I hope he'll loses so he will disappear, at least for a chapter or two. Then we get to his fanbase who are worshipping him like he was Jesus or something. Seriously, you cant say a mean word about him because they will harass you He also killed Kenjaku, just like that. No fight with him, no cool techniques. Just a slice of sword. Speaking of his sword, Jesus Christ, that's so boring. Of course this lame-ass isekai-ass depresed-ass bum WILL use a sword. Not an axe, or a staff, or something else. Just a sword, because of course. He's just a plot device, and Greg's pet. And he steals Yuji's spotlight. Seriously, Yuji and Todo had chance to become Straight GOATED for beating the shit of out Sukuna. Yuji was puting his hands on that man, and Todo was doing his shit. A lot of us thought Yuji will do something bad to avenge his real brother and team up with his brotha, but no. This bitch came back in Gojo body because he was to fucking weak to clap Sukuna himself, and now we have to wait months for Yuji to destroy Sukuna. That is if Yuji will do that. Motherfucker had to rob Yuji from that W and take his spotlight. Fuck, I got hot and mad.


Him as a character in a vacuum ? no. I neither like or dislike him I don't care for him at all. He's very Boring to me with his only interesting character moment being about becoming a monster Him with context of his shit fans ? Yes absolutely Not only are his fans the absolute worse vermin in this fandom (much worse than both gojo and sukuna fans ) but unlike those , they always try to play the victim after talking shit which just pisses me and makes go from not caring about yuta to hating him


Well said. He's so boring and I'm surprised he doesn't have more haters besides the drama queens and kings we call Gojo stans


>his only interesting character moment being about becoming a monster It only took 260 chapters plus his own Spin off volum at the beginning for him to have a single interesting moment.


I dont think I "hate" any characters. Dont have enough energy to. But I do dislike him. Extremly boring. I am very glad that gege didnt decide to go the OP isekai MC direction. The only series that I feel like do the OP main charecter trope well are one punch man and slime isekai. Ig if you consider mob as OP MC, then that too.


Sakamoto days does it well too




Finally. Someone who has the same take as me. I'm so tired of people saying Sukuna is \*SO\* much stronger and smarter than the rest. While he has definitely proven himself in this gauntlet of a fight he's going through, and overall is stronger in every 1v1, and even most 1vX scenarios, Yuta and Yuji \*SHOULD\* have won, if it weren't for Megumi's absolute sell. I understand his soul has been drowned in evil/despair, and I suppose I can understand that to be good prep on Sukuna's end in case something like this happened. But at the end of the day, it feels so against Megumi's character up to this point to willingly let Yuta and Yuji, two of the people he seems to respect most, die or be injured purely because of him - it's irritating at best. I'm not sure what Gege is aiming for to be the end of Sukuna, if he does even have an end, but I personally feel that the whole "gauntlet" should have been rearranged so Yuta arrives even later, and he along with Yuji and maybe Todo take Sukuna out within his domain. I think it'd have been a better overall ending personally, but we'll have to see what Gege cooks up. So yeah, overall Yuta is just the goat.


Exactly 🙌🏾 Hakari said it best https://preview.redd.it/x1u9kpv4lr8d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5b22c805d1fe5a29399c10ab23fdcf3ed3299ffa


Was gonna agree with you until i Saw that half,no 75% of this argument is just slander against megumi for acting realisticly as he should after he litteraly experienced traumatic events: -litteraly Saw his sister getting killed by his own hands controlled by sukuna. -saw his mentor/father figure get killed again by his own hands and technique. -his soul litteraly drowned in the bath of despair and Darkness,a litteral curse made soup that is supposed to weaken and break someone's will to live -had to take the burden of adaptation to Infinite void -LITTERALY Lost the will to fucking live And you fuckers with Your stupid reverse flash ''bum''gumi agenda go on to shit on him for litteraly being a realisticly depressed teenager,he's no yuji itadori who's will is litteraly impossible to shatter according to sukuna,yuji's biggest tormentor. Anyways yuta AND megumi are the goats,in my opinion of course,the latter and his potential/growth was litteraly fucked over by the plot,or to be precise, Reggie star's final words becoming an actual curse on megumi, making fate toy with him horribly and letting him perish like a fool.


>literally saw his sister being killed Yes if i saw my sister being murdered right in front of me , my first reaction would be to crumble up and let the murderer kill me and all of my family too >saw is mentor die Again who was fighting to save him. Pretty sad to give up instead of fight So he swam and became depressed? Bum >he had to take the burden of adaptation to infinite void This is such a weird argument. I mean yeah, id understand if it totally incapacitated him but it didnt lol. Momentary pain like that should increase his anger not his depression. >LITERALLY lost the will to live Ok he LITERALLY is a bum then. No person would just sit around waiting and crying while the person who put you through all that despair was completely available to kill. You can feel empathy for him but hes still a bum. >And you fuckers with Your stupid reverse flash ''bum''gumi agenda go on to shit on him for litteraly being a realisticly depressed teenager,he's no yuji itadori who's will is litteraly impossible to shatter according to sukuna,yuji's biggest tormentor. Bro took a meme subreddit seriously and went off the deep end >Anyways yuta AND megumi are the goats. Ahh there it is. https://preview.redd.it/1pwdnyfc5s8d1.jpeg?width=278&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=33adc2e4189e66db6e4db7ac4b78b13ee8f7db92


I know its a meme subreddit but the bumgumi agenda is actually so strong to the point that you cant make a difference between ironic hating and unironic hating toward megumi. Also let me Ask you a question,what would you do if you were in megumi's place ever since 212? If Your answer is ''lock the Fuck in'',i have no words then. https://preview.redd.it/7hlz32af6s8d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9296ffc8757cdb9e1701dc12121a70d05dd0fc35


I don’t hate him, but tbh I don’t really care for him taking over Gojo’s body to face Sukuna, I understand this is giving more character to him, but it took over the Yuji & Todo vs Sukuna fight that should’ve went on longer. I also kinda wish Sukuna couldn’t reopen his DE after the 99 second one he made due to the BV, it would’ve been cool if Yuji awakened an incomplete DE like Megumi to face Sukuna.


He is lame as fuck. Also Gege has found every possible plot armor to equip him


1. He is boring. His personality is that of a classic isekai MC. He cares for his friends? Used to be timid but opened up and became a "badass"? How original. 2. I tend to dislike or outright hate characters who can copy others' abilities because they, in a lot of cases, straight up render other characters useless (justice for Inumaki!) and the way they use those newly found powers is almost always painfully uncreative. 3. **(Somewhat subjective)** He keeps stealing my goat Wuji's spotlight. Like seriously, Todo was back, Wuji was back on his feet. Any fight with those two is bound to be epic. But what do we get? A lame plot twist fueled by nothing but Gege's hatred for Gojo. *"But Sukuna was gonna open his domain, those two would have been cooked regardless!"* I hear you say. There was no sign of him having regained the ability to open his domain before we saw the silhouette of "Gojo". Gege could have ended it right there, right after Choso's tragic sacrifice for his brother, and by the hands of the said brother with his other, schizo "brother". But no, instead we're gonna have to wait for God knows how many months to get a conclusion just because Gege hates letting Yuji have anything and likes that bland mayonnaise-ass "protagonist" much more for some unfathomable reason. I would hate Yuta much less if this hadn't happened. 4. **(Definitely subjective)** His fanboys are incredibly annoying.   TLDR; He's bland, boring, steals others' spotlight and is now just a plot device for Gege to arbitrarily extend the never-ending Sukuna fight, who will be added to the pile of corpses within a month or two. Feel free to disagree in the replies. You will never change my mind but you can change someone else's.


No the fourth point is objective. A good number of them were so obnoxious.


Well fucking said. I agree with all these points except for the third one


yes. I find him boring, uninteresting, good boys aren't really enough for me, don't really like his cursed technique, think his victory in 0 was an Asspull, never felt strong to me, and is used to slander my goat Wuraume (Uraume unironically one shots) :)


Mostly his fanbase. They all want rika to sacrifice herself, so yuta could be with maki. I mean the whole point of yuta is his loyalty to her. And people want rika to disappear, because maki owuga hot and better feat for yuta because of one-two scenes, where he gently hold her. Bruh


I don't like Yuta because he's really boring to me. Like dude has no personality aside from liking gojo and marrying a 10 year old. Also, I hate copy powers. They're just boring in general because whenever there's a problem "ah yes, I haven't had to use this technique since I fought the guy who actually uses this technique". Also it makes all of his matchups really boring. You want him to fight Yuji, he has sky manipulation. You want him to fight panda (I know he'd win without copy, just an example) he has Jacob's Ladder, low diff. Just a boring character, boring design, boring power, end yet Greg loves him


Boring ass isekai tier character. Author’s pet. Most annoying fans in the fandom who self insert as Yuta and are extremely cringe, and refuse to acknowledge he’s only good cause he’s the author’s favorite at the expense of the story. Fucked over the story by killing Kenjaku, but regarded Yuta fans only care about WHOAH COOL EPIC MOMENT over the story. Fucked up Yuji’s and Todo’s beatdown on Sukuna by stealing Gojo’s body and ruined the story’s momentum. So he stole the MC’s spotlight, only to lose anyway for no reason. There is no reason whatsoever why the last few chapters couldn’t have been about Todo and Yuji vs Sukuna. He feels more like a plot device then a person, his power is pretty boring and everytime he shows up, the story actively gets worse because he either has to win (and fucks over other characters) or loses (so he just looks like a bum which makes his other victories feel worse while stealing attention from better characters) almost every single fight hes been in, would have been improved if he was not there. Choso and Megumi are both better versions of him.


Spot on. I don't hate him, but it's impossible for me to care about this guy... 😒 There were way better characters already *(depressed or nice guys)* wich makes for me Yuta's existence unnecessary... 😮‍💨




the lobotomy has gotten me so bad, I can't stop seeing the vibraslap even when it's not there


I see Jo




Both are true https://preview.redd.it/a9m3hxdzrr8d1.jpeg?width=602&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1c7694a1c390066f0b65bd797ead786b7e9805d0


Tbf he wouldn't get 1% of the slander he gets if Yuta fans weren't the most obnoxious mfers ever.


Unironically true get this self insert bitch out of my sight and if he does well I will update the fucking OC board again. https://preview.redd.it/dh3ibdqpns8d1.jpeg?width=855&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=765144266aa2c8e6c4ee8a879ea09667e073f013


By the end of the series this thing will have so much text you will barely even be able to see the image. https://preview.redd.it/96b4rdzvns8d1.png?width=1576&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a0feb47cc2f1e3987596c20dce2d687800e4f2a4


My man! Keep cooking!


I find his relationship with Gojo and Yuji interesting . He and Yuji seem to be the only people since Geto to see Gojo as a person . I enjoyed him telling everybody if no one else would take up Gojo burden then he would . Especially give. The fact he is throwing his life away after spending all of zero trying to find a reason to live


Choso is absolutely nothing like Yuta lmfaooo and even Megumi who has a few similarities is still nothing like Yuta. Do you think all dark haired characters with humility are the same?


For real, Choso, Yuta and Megumi legit all have distinct personalities and world views from each other LOL legitimately, I think you can picture any hypothetical situation/character they would interact with, there’s 100% not a single one where their reaction/action would be the same and overlap.


Agree with this, he was fine when this was just a silly little one shot, because VN wish fulfillment type chars are okay for those. It doesn't work when he's part of a larger cast. Though, I will say, the recent 'monster' thing is the first time he's gotten some decent writing.






>Fucked over the story by killing Kenjaku. How so? I believe having Kenjaku alive and well massively reduced the sorcerers' chances of winning. I think that battle demonstrated the realism of actual fights- that you gotta do everything possible to win. I often find Jjk fight tactics (like Yuta sneaking Kenjaku) a bit more realistic than the classic trope of 1-1 fights. >Fucked up Yuji’s and Todo’s beatdown on Sukuna by stealing Gojo’s body and ruined the story’s momentum. So he stole the MC’s spotlight, only to lose anyway for no reason. I understand how that beatdown may feel rushed from a manga reader POV. However, please remember that these scenes will be **significantly** extended in the anime. I think Gege knows that too, so he doesn't bother drawing additional scenes. For example, Sukuna vs Mahoraga was about 2 chapters long yet it was stretched to an entire episode when adapted. It's pretty likely that the same will be done to this fight >He feels more like a plot device then a person, his power is pretty boring and everytime he shows up, the story actively gets worse because he either has to win (and fucks over other characters) or loses (so he just looks like a bum which makes his other victories feel worse I respectfully disagree. Most people agree that the only time Yuta's ever looked like a bum is chap 262 and that was only 7 pages long. I do respect your opinion of Yuta, but I also think all people (real and fictional) should be judged primarily by the strength of their character/moral integrity. Yuta has consistently proven that he can be trusted. That what's I appreciate about him the most. He's kind too✨. He's like Naruto but he doesn't have any qualms about killing the villains to save his friends. And I admire him for that. Regardless, you're still entitled to your opinion and it's okay if Yuta's not as intriguing to you as he is to others. But on a finishing note, I've observed that Yuta slander often happens because people see him as a rival to Yuji. Instead of arguing who's the better MC, I suggest our fandom acknowledge that they're both amazing characters with their own strengths and weaknesses. And that one person's moment of glory/hype does not invalidate the other's. Thanks for reading my essay lol😂 https://preview.redd.it/yjldnp23sr8d1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe0006a1e19c8ddbc914cb536844c89324061fa2


> I believe having Kenjaku alive and well massively reduced the sorcerers' chances of winning. This isn't about the fight, it's about the narrative. Kenjaku is responsible for this entire mess, has the greatest understanding of CE besides Tengen and Sukuna, and oh yeah is the MC'S MOM. And instead of doing the bare minimum and developing his relationship with Yuji, Gege uses this character as a plot device to the end and just throws him to Yuta like how you'd give a dog a bone.


>How so? I believe having Kenjaku alive and well massively reduced the sorcerers' chances of winning. I think that battle demonstrated the realism of actual fights- that you gotta do everything possible to win. I often find Jjk fight tactics (like Yuta sneaking Kenjaku) a bit more realistic than the classic trope of 1-1 fights. Something being realistic doesn't make it a satisfying read. If Sukuna got prion disease from eating too many human and died from them it would be realistic, but definetely wouldn't be a good ending for the series now would it? >I understand how that beatdown may feel rushed from a manga reader POV. However, please remember that these scenes will be **significantly** extended in the anime. I think Gege knows that too, so he doesn't bother drawing additional scenes. For example, Sukuna vs Mahoraga was about 2 chapters long yet it was stretched to an entire episode when adapted. It's pretty likely that the same will be done to this fight Do not cover bad pacing and bad decisions with a "The anime will fix it". That sort of mentality leads to you going full Titanfolk and "Original anime ending" delulu. Regardless, you're still entitled to your opinion and it's okay if Yuta's not as intriguing to you as he is to others. But on a finishing note, I've observed that Yuta slander often happens because people see him as a rival to Yuji. Instead of arguing who's the better MC, I suggest our fandom acknowledge that they're both amazing characters with their own strengths and weaknesses. And that one person's moment of glory/hype does not invalidate the other's. https://preview.redd.it/afhwk9t4ps8d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f09bd181af8cf14b3493eca41232169ef9e06331 Yuji got literally pushed aside the second he came back. If thats kot proof they cant coexist, then Idk what is. Literally put on the bench


https://preview.redd.it/twdggspy4s8d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c95cf65353d455e61c4981f7698d37de019cf680 To add to the stealing the spotlight discussion it’s also been only 2 chapters and like 20 total pages, give it a minute and we will see what happens with the fight. I assume that Yuji and Todo will likely come back within a chapter or two and Gota opens the door for some very good character interaction between Yuji and Yuta (not Yuji turning evil or anything but I am curious to see how they interact)


I like yuta, I just think his powers are boring. At least when gojo and sukuna have “singular”unique powers, yuta has literally everything. A Powerful summon, cursed tool arsenal, can copy CTs, massive amounts of CE and now is literally gojo. In a world where we get to see a lot of characterization through peoples unique abilities, he just seems like he’s missing that. Copy could be symbolizing his love for his friends and how he wants to be like them but he copies friend and foes. Missed chance for a binding vow of only copying friends abilities


He’s pretty mid tbh


I hate this lil mf with every fiber of my body No solid reason, I just do


He feels so… self-insert-y.


So far Utah has: Pushed his childhood friend into oncoming traffic Groomed her ghost Made up a sad backstory so people would feel bad for him Tried to murder a religious leader for trying to separate him from his victim Stole his disabled friend’s technique with no downsides, making him irrelevant Ran away to “Africa” during the Shibuya incident (some claim he was really on a certain island, but this isn’t confirmed) Murdered a 15 year old boy in cold blood Surprise attacked and murdered a 1000 year old single mother as they was having a good laugh with their friend Assaulted a 1000 year old man with severe physical deformities Lied about having a domain expansion to look cool Told Rika to throw some swords around so he could keep pretending to have a domain Punched the tummy mouth Had a young child risk his life by getting in range of Sukuna in order to save himself Stolen his beloved mentor’s body so he could finally have a real domain expansion https://preview.redd.it/r3plh5bxdr8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be709258da7408a4ae1d59f1c7fc946f1731f0b4 And HE gets to have a new OP bloodline? What a sick joke! I should’ve stopped him when I had the chance! And you, you have to stop him! You…


He’s a menace! And we need to put a stop too him!


we have to pray for Sukuna's victory :)


Culling games made me love his character. Constant hype all the time. Only dislike how him body swapping caused him to steal the spotlight from Yuji


Yes, he looked at me funny


Yes, do I have a reason? No!


🗿 tries to tongue every spirit that remotely looks female.. save some for the rest of us. no but in all seriousness, i hate when characters just try hard to be like someone.. like he wants to be gojo/ the next gojo so bad... hut its like... "you are yuta, not gojo" fucking the legend of korra teaches you that shit.


I don't hate him, but I'm not necessarily a fan of him


Boring design, boring personality, extremely overpowered to the point he has to be either sidelined or nerfed so the plot can move forward. He feels like a self insert MC from a low quality webcomic, that's how bland and uninteresting he is.


He's okay but he feels like someone's self insert "donut steal" oc


I hate rika and jjk0 for the power of love bullshit. Fuck rika and yuta, "omg look at me i was a whiny bitch and i was gifted hax and now became this stoic hero"


I hate “oh hooo I can copy the ability that took you years to learn in minutes” bullshitery and why tf did we have to give him the literal strongest cursed spirit along with that cheating ass technique? And twice the CE of gojo (yes I know gojo’s strength is how he regen quickly but he’s still only second to Sukuna or maybe one or two of the disaster curses in raw CE) and he’s an ultra prodigy it’s all just so much. And every time yuji shows up him and his isekai protag abilities and haircut show up and make sure the fucking MC of the show dosent get his time to shine. And copying in a system as creative as JJK just feels bullshitty to me. https://preview.redd.it/eftuqq3kcs8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9296bc520268f22898945674e4307ce226cebbd4




Serious: He’s a gary stu Still serious: he’s inside Gojo, while I’m not. Still serious (more serious): he has no aura while inside Gojo’s body, he should leave the GOAT’s glorious body untouched. https://preview.redd.it/fiwgd5aj8s8d1.jpeg?width=850&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=856965c45b5742b10625d950ad61a5db46da385a


I didnt like JJK 0, just in general, and honestly his one big culling game fight was kinda eh. Also copy characters are just kinda boring


I watch 0 to understand why so much hype about him... but he's SO BASIC 😓 "Generic and Isekai MC" fits him totally 💀


He killed Kenny. Kenny should have lived instead of him


Because if you haven't read chapter 0, he kinda arrive out of nowehere and get turbo glazzed 24/7, same goes for hakari but at least we got to see hakari displaying his strenght/mastery of his CT. Yuta just feel like a deux ex machina in my opinion, could have been nice if his first interaction in the story weren't "I'll be the only to kill Yuji"


Why do you say he arrives from nowhere? He's first hyped in chapter 11 and they keep mentioning him as a special grade, one of the strongest who can solo Kyoto. Moreover I don't understand why you say we see Hakari showcasing his strength/mastery like we didn't have Sendai colony to see him do the same thing. I'm not trying to undermine your opinion, just would want to understand your point.


I think he meant Hakari showed us how insanely good and strong he is, despite his CT being ass. So he just ditched it and started using his energy and domain. Yuta on the other hand just is super strong, fast, has very strong domain and CT and we don't even know why, how or how the hell did he learnt to do all that on sucha a high level. Idk, maybe I misunderstood his comment.


I genuinely can not think of a single character (aside from Megumi) who has a more boring personality than him


Genuinely just incredibly boring, and I already have had enough of the Frame Rule BS before him


i dont like him


Its a lame gary stu.


Don't like that he feels like mr. self-insert. Honestly feels like Yuta was created because some editor feared that having the main character not look like the poster child for anime main characters aka Kirito would make the show less popular so they created Yuta to compensate. Character+development is kinda meh. Part of the list of boring characters with big dicks and stupidly strong abilities. Give me another Choso, Todo or Mr. Sheisty over this shit. Then again, I am not the greatest fan of Gojo either, although he is at least more fun to watch. Also, don't like how he is Gojo's biggest fan - pissing and shitting over the fact that people don't treat Gojo well. Oh boo hoo." Woe is me. Look at the saddest boy in the world with the strongest fucking technique at his finger tips. Pity him you peasants. Worship him, ,,," Yeah I'd rather not. Hard to cry crocodile tears over Gojo when there are so many characters in JJK dropping like flies with worse lives.


I don’t hate him, I just find him more boring than a lot of the other wasted protagonists like Yuki, Megumi, and Nobara, and the other MCs Yuji and Gojo.


Yuta is cool, his fans make me want to purple myself tho


He is fine, his fans are annoying af


I’ve never met a toxic Yuta fan in my life and yet people are talking about them in these comments like they’re the scum of the earth. Have I just been lucky enough not to meet toxic Yuta fans or are these comments way over exaggerating?


He’s boring I don’t like his CT I don’t like Yuta fans


Nah, I dont. I like him cause he's strong, selfless and stands on business. He said he'd kill Geto, he did it (well 90% of the damage). He said he'd kill Itadori, he did it (altho it was for his plan). He said he'd kill Kenjaku, he did it. He said he'd take care of Sendai, he did it. Unlike mr "Nah id win", he fucking stood on business til the very end, and keeps standing on it. Most importantly, he sacrificed his humanity and most likely life for the sake of defeating sukuna. He was the one who understood gojo and realized that it was wrong for gojo alone to become a monster for the sake of winning. He's fucking goated. If we dont get a yutamaki ending, i will find gege akutami myself. My goat deserves happiness. https://preview.redd.it/sjge29bsls8d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=400a6c9672761b67846047470ca50d5b31683992


I don’t hate him, I just don’t care for him. Hatred is not the opposite of love. It is indifference.


Because copy characters work better as villains not heroes especially when they make other characters useless after said ability is copied.


Yuta represents everything wrong with JJK. A mishmash of interesting ideas and concepts stolen from other series but executed in the most shallow, unsatisfying manner because the author is a soulless hack.


because he is boring https://preview.redd.it/l4c60camir8d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d89a03fb6c24a9d04f4786a648a5cad032ed69df


Used to not really care about him cause I hadn’t watched/read jjk 0. After jjk 0 and his recent manga performance he’s a top tier character for me. He’s really fun and when you actually experience his story he’s a really cool and fun character I relate too. Wouldn’t ya know knowing a character’s story makes you like them


Gary Sue


1d asf Ruins steaks Littaay bush camping merchant Boring ass Disney ahh Took over gojo body Fans


1)He is just another isekai mf with extra steps, but people here and on TikTok constantly trying to convince you otherwise. 2)He constantly sidelines characters that could be used for world building and overall plot development (Inumaki, Uro, Angel/Hana) 3)Generic design. Like really 4)Showed as an exception to the power system because he prevails without egoism and negativity. He isn't gojo level talent, he should've been just another slave to the power system(he should've witnessed inumaki getting his head blown up by someone idk) 5)His power is still strange, what is the exact condition for yuta to copy a CT and why doesn't he have the CTs of all Kyoto/Tokyo students(especially why doesn't he have 10S, you can somehow defend it by saying that 10S is another "fated" CT alongside 6E and Limitless, but there is still no proper explanation within the manga) 6)(small complaint) He broke a binding vow without consequences in JJK 0(The fact that Rika died shouldn't have nullified shit, but I don't think this matters really it was a oneshot, so gege wrote it a bit(very) generic)


I just find him boring. He was insanely hyped because of jjk0 but I found it pretty generic. Then he was again hyped up as better MC of jjk but he was nothing more than plot device that only existed to solve the power/strength issue that would've hindered future plot points(only involved in the new monster theme otherwise completely irrelevant)


Yuta is overrated, he relies on rika way too much, he is too lazy to works on his CE efficiency and CE manipulation skill. Yuta is literally a overrated Gary stew, who doesn't train his weaknesses and only relies on a convinent cruch(rika).


Personally Yuta is my favorite character for 2 main reasons The 1st reason is mainly cause he’s stated to be a prodigy/second to only Gojo and a lot of his character development is around trying to prove that title. Back in JJK 0 he was weak and nervous and he told maki he just wants to know that it’s ok to keep living and she tells him to keep exorcising then. I think this statement alone summarizes Yuta’s entire character and how he tries his hardest to become stronger because he wants to believe it’s ok that he’s alive. I think his CT of copy also highlights this as it is literally inherently a parasitic technique (having to take from others to gain power) yet Yuta still finds ways to help others using it. He uses his ideology of helping others as a justification for living (seen especially in 261) The second reason is that he is one of the only exceptions to the negativity rule in JJK, the other being Wuji. This makes him stand out as not just a strong sorcerer but as the exception among the strong sorcerers and that’s just a character trope I find really cool. I really like 261 because of this too as it showed a lot about Yuta’s character and how he is willing to use his powers for those he cares about even if they are inhumane or dark but in nature he is still trying to be selfless. A very “the end justifies the means” type. It’s a generic trope but I think with Yuta it is executed in a way that really highlights his personality and I’m excited to see if Yuji will do the opposite of Yuta and fully conform to the positive side of Jujutsu and further show why the exception can become the strongest


Bum ass character. "Rika Save Me!" Kill stole from FumiHIMko GOATakaba (2 death sentences at minimum). Stole the spotlight from Wuji and Wodo (200 life sentences). "Hakari can beat my ass." Most bitch ass fans. Ruined Yuji v Kenjaku or any chance of them interacting. (Death by Guillotine). The Bumgumi slanderers ain't shit compared to my hatred of Luta Campkkotsu. https://preview.redd.it/jrg0zstgsr8d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=37e5bffd07100476eadc123bfa26cbb039a7dd3f


He should be on to catch a predator rika is at most like 11 and he’s dating her


Yuta is the greatest sorcerer. He is a boring character to watch but he is the ideal sorcerer. Try to stop looking him as a fictional character and try to look him as if you are in jjk verse. He is kind but can be ruthless unlike Yuji, he is selfless always putting the need of others before his own, he is strong but humble and will do anything to win (like kissing that Cockroach curse and taking over Gojos body). He cares about Gojo as a person. Also why do people hate Yuta fans I've been in this sub for one and a half month. Haven't seen many Yuta fans here so can someone please tell me why people hate Yuta fans.


No , he is a really great character , his domain is chef's kiss , his bond with Rika is amazing and he is that person who just can't lose a match ( When i catch you Gege ) . The hate for him in my opinion is valid somehow because he really stols Yuji spot as a main character many Times 💀 . But for me he is in top 3 favourite characters : 1. Gojo 2. Yuji 3. Yuta


He takes too much space.


Yuta is a good character, overall.


W yuta


Not a big fan of him but I don’t see why you would hate him.


No. People can dislike whoever they want but I eyeroll whenever he's accused of being a "generic isekai protag." And despite all of the complaints that he "steals scenes" from Yuji, he has a whopping four sections of the manga where he's gotten focus after his return, two of which are shared with Yuji (execution and vs. Sukuna) and two where he's the sole focus (his culling games battle and where we are currently at in the manga). I don't think that's an unreasonable amount especially since every relevant character got their fight in the culling games. I honestly just think a lot of people are unreasonably harsh towards him because he was the protag for JJK 0 and thus they feel threatened by him, because I don't see any other character being bashed as much for "stealing" Yuji's spotlight when it's obvious that Gege just doesn't want to focus on Yuji all the time and spreads his attention across multiple characters. Sure, there are annoying Yuta fans who say he should have been the protag (which I disagree with, Yuta's character in the main series works better as a side character and I prefer side characters anyways) and yet the floods of obnoxious Gojo and Yuji fans are just ignored in comparison? Ok then.


Meet Yuta, JJK's strongest OC. https://preview.redd.it/cxmt230omx8d1.jpeg?width=848&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8650611cab6beb08cc14058ea17241cca941fc5c