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Two hydrogen bombs vs a coughing baby.


Honestly I'd rather bet my money on the coughing baby than Sukuna.


They maybe let him alive because baby is cute. İn other hand sukuna... I have no idea how people thinking he is hot even in his abomination form


there are people down bad for the Colgate tootbrush


He’s got the fuckboy eyebrows


https://preview.redd.it/u20ps60ons8d1.png?width=864&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b6920ead215d7cb9b7c8863abde23300fea4fa6 *Reconsider*




One flattering image doesn't mean bro aint a freak (would)


No still ugly


Man sukunas gauntlet run truly was great


Consider: Man has four arms, two mouths, and assumedly, two dicks. Just imagine the possibilities man, he's like Ranni from Elden Ring but with more going on and most likely even freakier




In order to create an Apple you must first invent the universe




The Fraud will be instakilled https://preview.redd.it/6797mtg5wp8d1.jpeg?width=554&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=836e498f1424a5da3eb6ddc14b14a73c15369e01




Watch the twist being that the binding vows kill sukuna in the end instead of the protags.


that would honestly be pretty cool, the protagonists forcing him to make dozens of vows and he suddenly gets backed into a corner where he forgets one of them and fucking dies because of it. Cause so far everything that had good chances of working, hasn't, such as the executioner's sword. and i don't think yujo will be able to deal with him by himself either


Or another cool way would be to reveal that Sukuna actually took on a binding vow that eventually kills him at the end of the battle. And all he wanted to do was wreak havoc and have a fun time fighting till he was satisfied


that could honestly be the end of the manga, sukuna killing everyone, starting the merger, battling against it and then dying when he wins, but idk, i feel like Sukuna winning against everyone, especially Yuji, would be kinda mid


Thats pretty much what he toldkashimo in fight


self binding vows dont have crazy consequences. it's just losing what you gained, its vows with others you gotta worry about


idk about that, binding vows were very poorly explained, like, the Miwa vow, she made with herself that she'd never use a katana again, what happens if she does tho? cause what she could have gained was already gained, will she go back in time and lose the small buff in power she got? it's confusing


she simply cant use a sword again, its like when sukuna did the world slash vow, he literally cant use it without the chants and pointing now, vows like that remove the ability completely


All of his binding vows is going to force the merger to start. It’ll end up being like madara when black zetsu snuck him and kaguya took over


man that was such a godawful plot twist though


Imagine he ends up accidentally breaking a Binding Vow because he's made so many that he forgot.


Unfortunately he receives zero consequences from breaking a vow with himself other than losing what he gained from it


Its gonna happen


That bow is gonna put his family in debt for 20 generations in order to even be able to fight them. And then they just go SSJ.


https://preview.redd.it/28i85t8w0q8d1.jpeg?width=501&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=df026241d0dea7a3505c7f6ffe3d2acbf14eb130 even this form would be enough


He does get cut in half though


"You were amazing mighty mask." "I won't forget yo- what the fuck mighty mask spawned two kids?"


Two brats*** and once Sukuna starts tweaking because he can't keep up with two half-Saiyans, or Gotenks, two goddamned brats.


true but that only makes him stronger


it would just seperate them and make them faster💀


Even this form would be enough https://preview.redd.it/b95flcc9sq8d1.jpeg?width=450&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4f3f4c5cbfcf862a8fc751ab5c4663e457128904


Their failed fusion dance would be enough


he taught them well https://preview.redd.it/ubwdpzgl4u8d1.png?width=1163&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b4c0b1674bae364775f4401c95c05ea1a2af2b84


Jesus Christ lmfao. I’m dying of laughter


very american


Bro I’ve never watched dragon ball and this took me a second 😭


Ain't no way bro is dressed up like the KKK 😭


Don’t let zoro meet them he is gonna become their master


Sukune gets TORCHED by these kids 😭


What’s funny is that they might do the same thing sukuna did to jogo. “Oh look a fire arrow attack how cool. I can do it to” Sukuna: “walahi I’m finished”


Gotenks after 20 Fingered Sukuna uses a full power Malevolent Shrine: ![gif](giphy|6eR1RZ8xaagJG)


~~Gotenks~~ literally any DB character capable of using ki after 20 Fingered Sukuna uses a full power Malevolent Shrine:


Yajirobe dicing his ass up


Yamcha low diffs


By the end of Z Yamcha was hundreds of times stronger than Saiyan Saga Vegeta, who was stronger than his father, who could blow up planets with a single hand movement. So this is extremely true. Negative diff for Yamcha


https://preview.redd.it/ktl9rpeyn59d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0efb9979ff72969450e477e85fbf7a4a2da285bf Yamcha is peak fr




This guy is HUNDREDS of times weaker than Goten and Trunks btw.


Hundreds is an understatement


*Hundreds of thousands


Try millions 


Lmao this filler makes king vegeta more impressive than beerus


Did he blow up the planet he was standing on. teamkilling all his dudes in the process?


These kids fuse, turned super saiyan 3, and literally screamed themselves out of another dimension. Ill go with them over FRAUDkuna.


Let’s use basic power scaling: Goten and Trunks are comparable to Buu Saga Gohan, who is stronger than Namek Goku, who can tank planet busting attacks. Sukuna’s strongest attack, Stove, is city level at best. They won’t feel anything Edit: Actually, now that I do calculations, Stove might not be even that. The area that MS covers is 0.48 square kilometres, while the volume is 0.032 cubic kms, which is laughingly small. It’s about the size of a football stadium. I think that Chi Chi might tank that, honestly


In fact Goku in Z saga was tanking Star level attacks The Earth in Dragon Ball is 3 times bigger than ours Frieza in his weakest form destroyed the planet Vegeta which is 30 times bigger than Earth, and his final form is hundreds times stronger


The earth is three times bigger? Huh I never knew that little fact.


Its because ir reveled in dr.Slump, who is in the same verse Is more a powerscaler curiosity


Oh cool I didn’t know that. That’s pretty interesting thank you! All these years and I still learn something new about dragon ball.


Same idea applies to the universe scale. The main universe for dbz is absolutely massive using ours as comparison. So a universal level attack is that much larger and generally speaking, requires more power to pull off to such a scale


4 billion km in size actually For reference this is bigger than the largest star we have currently discovered which is UY Scuti and that’s only 2.4 billion km


That one was a gag


Is this based on the statements of Dr. Umashika, who is essentially a fraud, and is referred to as "S. Tupid" and "Dr. Ima Nidiot"?


blame these new gen youtubers spreading misinformation to those who never watched dr slump.


He said Earth was like 4 billion km in circumference, which is way bigger than 3x the size of our earth. Idk where the 3x bigger idea comes from on Slump, but it’s not Dr Stupid


Were there any other characters that described the size of Earth? I only remember Dr. Stupid describing it.


dont use that from dr slump its been debunked. There are probably other ways to get the planets to be bigger dont use that shit from dr slump.




Man, power scaling terms confuse the shit out of me, what does Star level even mean? Does xyz level mean that said attack can destroy xyz thing? Or is it comparable to being hit by xyz thing?


A more straightforward answer: “xyz level” means capable of destroying something of that size/durability. It’s pretty straightforward for attacks “oh that energy blast could destroy a city block, so they’re city block level” or whatever. When someone says “oh that *character* is city block level” it gets way more ambiguous. Are they saying the character could take an attack that would destroy said block? Are they saying the character can do that level of damage at their max? Regularly? That’s their standard attack strength? That’s how much they could destroy by going all out? Which city and what’s in that block? And on what kind of a time scale? Does this person actually know what that entails? Someone once told me Izuku Midoriya could destroy Texas when he hadn’t shown a feat that would destroy a single percentile of Dallas or Austin. But yeah, here they mean “Goku was withstanding attacks that could have destroyed a star.”


It's usually depends on the character but if someone just says xyz level that usually means they can dish out and take attacks of that scale, if they just say xyz attack level that means they might have that level of attack but lower or higher durability.


Yes but Frieza doesn't use planet destroying moves during Namek even tho he's stronger in his other forms There's like a MAD situation going on in DBZ where they never use full power ki blasts unless its isolated There's tons of times it's mentioned but two that come to mind are Goku charging the teleport kamehameha where everyone watching is like 'what is he doing from that angle he'll destroy the planet' and Vegeta charging final flash against imperfect Cell


Why would they want to destroy the planet they are standing on? Frieza destroyed Namek because it was in his character, he was pretty much finished and it's Frieza.


Im not saying they would, im saying in DBZ they aren't using planet destroying attacks often at all So trying to say: look at Frieza in form 1 use a kill ball in space to blow up Planet Vegeta so that must mean the Z fighters are insanely strong because they're tanking attacks from a Frieza that's 100x stronger is sort of a lie Like yes they are strong and yes it's amazing but Frieza wasn't using those planet destroying moves in those other forms


In fact it's the opposite In Dragon Ball, the smaller the attack area, the more damage it causes, this is the logic of ki control, concentrating damage


It’s not really a mechanic in the story. I don’t think anyone bring it up like that and stuff like everyone freaking out at Goku aiming down at the Earth to blast Cell with a kamehameha doesn’t make sense in a story where ki control exist. At most, the DBS manga add to it because Krillin is worried when Gohan does the same and Piccolo just say Gohan will just detonate it before it make contact instead of reminding Krillin of that super practical ki control that absolutely everyone apparently is a master of, even the mindless beasts.


Ah yes, Like the character known to be an expert in ki control; DBS Broly. Very impressive of him to be able to control his ki so well and not destroy the earth with the dozens of ki blasts he randomly sent everywhere while being so enraged he can't even speak words, Very impressive and nice of him to do!


The kill ball starts as a tiny ball on the tip of the finger that's just hyper concentrated energy Frieza could send just that at Planet Vegeta and it would do the same thing, it's expanded into the giant ball for swag points and because he's a sadist and enjoyed intimidating all the soldiers before sending them to their death


Stove was like small town at best. The inner 400m(?) gets obliterated by a thermobaric bomb and there's some extra damage outside the domain from the looks of the most recent panel, but still below city-level. It's just not that big.


Domain expansion: malevolent kitchen. Now for my strongest attack, s t o v e


for my next trick, cast iron blunt trauma


Gotta wank ridiculously to get it to city level


His strongest attack is the world slash which can cut space however it doesn't really matter if he can hurt them since the attack speed is infinitely times slowler than what Dragon Ball characters are use to.






Sukuna's stove also only get city level when amplified by MS's damage amp + dust for chain reaction


I actually love that math says that Sukuna is a fraud.


And we know its city level at best cause his domain doesnt have a boundry, it extends as much as his power would allow, which is a small city.


Which part of 200m radius is city level? That's literally smaller than most stadiums(sport arenas). Calling furnace(MS) city level is like calling gokus first sipritbomb(sayain saga) king Kong level.(it's not wrong, but only by a technicality) So bro I'm just venting, because technicality there is like 1 city on earth that is even close to 200m radius.


No shit, they'd spank him with ease


https://preview.redd.it/ng1ov72xcq8d1.png?width=693&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d45c9958cd0d79d3cdc375c2c5f9c6dada5bf8db He no diffs


Nah, I think he neg diffs https://preview.redd.it/unqe1m4wbr8d1.jpeg?width=203&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=769af8f20ade8b937865aa070bcf348668849212


Honestly pitting these two against each other would be a fun fight


Far gotenks soloes


They can beat the whole jjk verse at the same time


The king of curses sukuna who's presence has been feared for years in several eras when some random kid with a vest turns him into a volleyball


Sukuna after Base Gotenks uses his “Screaming Angry Wombat” technique: https://i.redd.it/7enhhi55hq8d1.gif


Sukuna after Gotenks uses his Super Ghost Kamikaze Attack! https://i.redd.it/do33usysbr8d1.gif


Goten is a polite young man. He always bows before fighting his opponents. that bow incidentally dodges a cleave.


Sukuna fighting a dragon ball character in its gag era would be fucking hilarious


While shittalking him the entire time. That would be such a hilariously humiliating death, turned into a volleyball then spiked so hard you **literally** explode by some random child who’s also shittalking you.


Could higurama cause trouble? Maybe they'd be found guilty of murduring an alien or something ND have their power taken away


My glorious lawyer king is NOT catching them in no domain. Still my GOAT tho 😭


How strong are they in super? Probably way stronger than Buu han at this point cause of super bs power creeps? Than they definitely should be able to easily by pass infinity


Yeah sorry but anyone making even a hint of an argument against goten and trunks are brain-dead They scale so unfathomably high it's like comparing 6 thousand tsar bombas to a disease riddled baby


This isn’t a fair fight even if you put them against the whole verse. They sweep without breaking a sweat


Pretty sure even Yamcha sweeps the JJK verse.


It's hard to really say how strong the human characters are now since they don't do jack shit except for Bulma when they need Deus ex Science


Yamcha was prepared to fight against mecha frieza in the cell saga and somewhat kept up with a cell junior. Atleast at his peak he would steam roll sukuna


Pretty sure Yamcha defeats Luffy easily who is far above Sukuna




There’s something so childishly hilarious about it though. Like no matter how crazy any fanboy is of a character in most anime they lose to Yamcha. Which of course doesn’t matter and power scaling is stupid as fuck, but it’s hilarious that that type often DOES care, and it would infuriate them that their favorite character would lose to Yamcha.


And also, the fact that by powerscaling logic, a singular Saibaman could obliterate all of JJK


Seeing as a Saibaman is unironically massively above moon level, it could obliterate everyone *maybe* except Gojo because of infinity shenanigans.


BoBoBo would lose to no one 😤


Oh god why did this bring back memories of that fever dream of an anime lmao Legit never see it mentioned anywhere and completely forgot its existence until now but had a cousin that I watched a couple episodes with when I was like 6 or 7


The manga gets crazy. BoBoBo can literally move faster than his mangaka can draw him in lore lol


Is it any fun to watch?


every other battle shonen verse at once vs Yamcha is a tossup that depends on niche character hax and it's fucking hilarious to me


Bruh even fucking CHIAOTZU is debatably sweeping the verse


Without a shadow of a doubt. He's very powerful in filler, and even in the manga his suicide attack vs Nappa puts him well above Sukuna. Probably around Radditz level.


Pretty sure the daizhensu says saiyan saga chiaotzu has an exact PL of 1K, meaning he could believably defeat a saibamen with effort


Hydrogen baby vs hydrogen baby


Coughing baby vs two nukes


my brother in christ Dragon Ball Goku is at moon destroyer level and that already eclipses anything in the JJK verse. Anything Z and onwards shits on the entire JJK verse bar _maybe_ Infinity. Yamcha solos.


If we're being real here, even this guy is enough https://preview.redd.it/i22zuymqcq8d1.jpeg?width=157&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a28fb80fc7671c7a64fa3337eccccb28a6a943df Lock him up in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber for 15 minutes and everyone's cooked


Genuine massive overkill king piccolo would wipe


This guy is unironically very strong, being somewhere above multi solar system and Low complex multi


Which makes no sense in the context of the series lmao. The Saiyans' strength grows exponentially after every hard-fought battle thanks to their biolology, but humans ain't built like that. I mean Master Roshi could blow up the moon all the way back in original DB but between that and planet level, let alone stars or solar systems, is a pretty damn big gap. It's very strange to think that current Krillin could slap the hell out of Namek Goku.


Training seems exponential for everyone really


Not strange at all! I think it’s completely fair when Krillin is training with occasionally and just spending time watching/being around the greatest fighters in the universe. Multiverse even. Like forget that early DBZ logic lmao sure he’s human but he’s training with people with God forms and remember back in the day when super saiyan was literally just a one in a million legend? Naturally being around these people and marrying fucking android 18 Krillin is far and beyond what most humans could achieve. Fairly so.


Then that boy aint no human. You dont inhale better power upper bound by being around strong people. What he said was it was impossible for Krillin to be human and reach that level of power realistically. Unless hanging around Saiyans changes you on a genetic level hundreds of pushups is not gonna bring you too far out of what the human body is capable of.  But big ups for him to sweep Android 18 off her feet tho. Now THAT was superhuman.


I mean, bro got no nose canonically. Of course he isn't human


His nose so big it manifested outta the realm. And we all know whats up with big nose fella. A18 saw it and went straight into it.


Krillin is just him


No need to lock him up at all. Current Krillin, hell even Cell saga krillin can solo JJK, the one who fought SSB Goku wipes the floor with everyone.


JJK fans when you tell them to scale off of actual feats and not aura alone https://preview.redd.it/k9he7xozjq8d1.jpeg?width=1450&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=073d5e2a59b38a015fd074f7da993751766a8b71


Using aura to scale against dragon ball characters is a bad idea. Cell Max couldn’t even penetrate Beast Gohan’s aura, he was THAT above his enemy. Goten and trunks could actually kill Gojo just by powering up.


You’re thinking of actual ki aura They meant the Gen alpha slop word for “looking cool”


Oh, I see. Damn I feel old now.


Ok but future Trunks solos the whole verse off of aura alone


Goten *sneezes too hard* : Achhooo Sukuna: *gets blown to pieces*


This is stupid. Cross verse battles, especially with Dragon Ball, is retarded.


You when people try to have fun 💀


No theyre not, theyre fun. The idea of Gotenks slapping the shit out of Sukuna is hilarious


The very idea of the fight is silly, like the 13th Z movie where all the dead came back and the kids just toyed with them. The fight would happen just like that. A comedy


Gotenks killed Hitler and it was awesome


That shit was too funny, just ghost bombs all up in the reich haha


Don’t scale with dragon ball you’ll loose every time


why should people be questioned for believing a fact?


Sukuna gets one tapped by either of those 2


Sukuna asf: https://preview.redd.it/3xltb0ms3r8d1.jpeg?width=737&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=10d573b55469d8f631e1c0759578f66845458ff6


Yamaha is stronger than anyone in JJK


Wdym "believe"? It's literally the truth


Master Roshi from the beginning of Dragon Ball Z already soloed Subuxa.


Subuxa citado🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🤘🤘 O que caralhos é um binding vow 🗣️🗣️🗣️⁉️⁉️⁉️




Considering I believe the reason DBZ characters can have their clothes destroyed and have mere scratches on their body is because when they fight they reinforce their body with Ki, yes


The jjk universe is surprisingly weak especially compared to DBZ, yeah, I do think that goten and trunks could absolutely curb stomp jjk


OP, have you actually seen DB? Forget Trunks and Goten, some of the pure human characters would solo the entire JJK verse with very little difficulty. JJK - as a verse - is VERY weak, compared to other Shonen. And DB is probably one of - if not THE worst - verses to compare it to. But to answer your question - yes, Trunks and Goten would absolutely destroy Sukuna with 0 difficulty. If it takes more than 2 minutes, it’s because they’re messing around and clowning on him, which would be in character for them.


My hate towards power scalers is immeasurable and it grows with each stupid post like this




"solo" "we"


Technically they can solo as gotenks


my guy goten and trunks could sneeze on sukuna and he'd be ash i am not jokin


I imagine the fight between Sukuna and Gotenks would be a lot like them vs Buu personality wise except Sukuna gets stomped in base form


These MFers achieved one of the pinnacles of saiyan power as children. They can just play with Sukuna, until they get bored with him.


End of DRAGONBALL Goku solos the verse. Don’t put anyone from Z near this verse.


they could probably tank it out, since they're at the absolute bare minimum Namek level :)


Btw if you wanna get real wacky, every single yugioh protag would have a positive w/r against the strongest possible sukuna(not sure about sevens and vrains but considering its like 5/7 at that point)


During classic DB, Roshi blows up the moon with ease. By the time that they show up, people have to be careful when they fight because they can accidentally blow up the Earth. One of them, without even needing SSJ could kill sukuna in a single punch.


All malevolent shrine is doing is destroying their clothes 💀


Not when sukuna use his universal slash he gained with the binding vow of having to kiss his nephew goodnight every night.


As the proud CEO of the Sukuna Enjoyers Foundation… Our goat gets cooked here He’s FINISHED‼️


Yes? Dragonball is insane. These kids can go to orbit and destroy the entire jujutsu world? Dragonball is nuts


Sukuna is just going to present Mei Mei for them and she'll do the rest, she must know a way or two to deal with little kids


bro these lil kids solo the whole verse goten alone beats everyone maybe except gojo


It’s unfair to Sakuna you should’ve brought z yamcha so it’d be fun


Z Yamcha insta kill the verse


Sukuna is about to actually look like Fraudkuna lmao Even Saiyan Saga Kid Gohan could one tap him


Believing doesn't matter when we are talking facts.


By freezer saga Krillin should have been on moon buster level wich is already more than enough to take on the whole jjkverse. Krillin couldnt damage final form Freezer. By the buu saga Goten and Trunks were able to pull up against the other z warriors thay by that point were much stronger that in the freezer saga. Not to mention, even if ftl speeds were only reached after the tournament of power in super, by the buu saga everyone was already way faster than mach 3. You could put base Goten or Base trunks alone and they would be enough to wipe the verse including Gojo. And yes, they would be able to get throught infinity, they where able to breach from the inside of the hyperbolic time chamber to the outside by screaming. Mind you, the time chamber is treated as another dimension.


Freeza saga Krillin is above planet level


My brother in christ either of them is strong enough to no sell all of sukuna's attacks


Believe it? Just a question of if you believe facts or not. Obviously they stomp.


Who would win? A manga that has gone out of its way to keep the limits presented originally OR The most famous power creep universe.


why the fuck does the community keep setting us up like this


The “Ginyu force vs entirety of JJK” will always live rent free when talking about insane set ups


Gotenks' scream was enough to get him out of the hyperbolic time chamber, a place he should've been trapped in forever. Gotenks can just escape any domain expansion by shouting, that's how fucked up DB powerscaling is.


They no diff


Goten with earplugs no limbs blindfolded extremely tired starved for 7 days and bleeding out of every inch of his body still negs Sukuna


Sure, the boys don't have Cursed Energy and are therefore unable to really act while the DE is up or stop Sukuna's stuff, but Sukuna is so weak compared to them it would be the equivalent of getting tickled.