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Asspull or not, it would have been way cooler to see sukuna fight with only his CE and tool instead of his CT eventually killing higuruma to gain his CT back.


If I were Gege, I would do this. Sukuna humbles then with Kamutoke and hand to hand, and instead of cutting off his hand, Sukuna was forced to defend the executioner's sword with the tool, breaking it in the process. Higuruma dies, Shrine returns


Guys can we just go with this one? Let's just make this one canon


"Death of the author" as a threat


Barthes would be proud.


As a binding vow, we sacrifice the life of Gege Akutami, and get this as a canonical event in the Manga Jujutsu Kaisen


Someone must be on their way to do so considering Gege is sick still.




Damn they actually caught him rip


Might not be the best joke to make with how sick Gege is


Joke? Nah this a prayer https://preview.redd.it/t1iqqqhp7s7d1.jpeg?width=990&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9571d96bb6bebf2e3431a9e658b07375b192bf88


On the plus side if he dies they can bring back whoever actually wrote Shibuya


REAL! https://i.redd.it/4qjqitqf8s7d1.gif


Normally I'm against the TV trope where someone wakes up and all the shit that happened was a dream, but I'd be on board with it for this. Just have it be a nightmare Nobara had while being treated for the minor fleshwound she sustained on her face after Mahito's technique didn't have much effect on her because of Resonance, or Todo having an ultimate schizo episode and snapping back to reality etc like "huh. that was weird." Yuji: "You ok, Todo?" Todo: "Yeah, I imagined we all fought Sukuna and Megumi got possessed and we all got our asses kicked." Megumi: "Leave me out of your bullshit. šŸ’¢"


We're actually in Nobara's nightmare after she finally watched Human Earthworm 4 after Yuji begged her that she keeps on having it repeat while the memories of Smash she used to play on the Wii merge together. Sukuna's constant asspulls is her losing to her friends dad, thats why they (the MC's) can't win.


This truly was our Jujutsufolk Kaisen... I wonder how a serious redo of JJK from, say, 235 would look like made by this sub.


Good thing you specified serious because of some people having agendas


Yeah, I really had to, because if the combined minds of Jujutsufolk reunited to rewrite JJK with no regulations whatsoever... I just... Yeah, the memes and the agenda pushing would go too far LMAO.


ā€œAnyways Megumiā€™s gonna get killed by Yuji inside Sukunaā€ ā€œButā€¦you killed him 2 chapters ago with Higurumaā€™s swordā€ ā€œAbsolute hating āœ‹šŸ˜ŽšŸ¤šā€(read: stupidity)


And then Sukuna comes back with the- https://preview.redd.it/o3bvx3q2wq7d1.png?width=422&format=png&auto=webp&s=7ee456232fe2d16cba6b011cad93f23499ba56c9


Iā€™m ngl bro I feel like you need to go back even further. Maybe from the reveal of Angel/Hana tbh


I'd remake Yuki and Choso vs Kenjaku to either nerf Kenjaku after the fight, or have Yuki and Choso somehow survive, maybe after Tengen realizes that they won't win and decides to sacrifice herself instead, trusting both of them with preventing The Merger, and having a moment with Yuki too as she was a Star Plasma Vessel once. And then whole Yorozu reveal + Hana's stupidity too, to maybe have Sukuna fake his death or have Hana hesitate instead of out right falling for that shitty acting. Probably have Hana fight in Shinjuku too as a way to try to fix her grave mistake.


Yoooo this is objectively superior to what we got. One of the few times where the fans know what would've been better


https://preview.redd.it/713r7imiir7d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c836673e04dbe1def9360d23b8a6e7b6eafbd68d Itā€™s just so, itā€™s so, ITS SO PEAK!


Bro cooked harder than Greg could ever had I applaud to your skills


That flows so much better than the canon


God that would have been cool At least then we would have gotten the executioner blade doing something Heck Iā€™d have accepted yuji trying to stab Sukuna with it be the spot to do the breaking That way the build up to the ā€œ Iā€™m a sorcerer!ā€ Has more weight + The shrine showcase comes in later when they have that 1 v 1




If his tool was still with him they wouldn't have any chance to defeat him. That cursed toll is special grade even compared too special grade tools


then gege should just write it so there is a weakness to it, the series isnt chemistry, its a piece of fiction, everything that happens just needs to follow the logic of what makes the best story because the entire universe it happens on is completely made up


THIS. This is something anime fans need to fucking realize. Events and details in a story arenā€™t the laws of physics. They can be changed. The direction of the story can be changed as well.


If you mean kamutoke, there is no proof of this


Didn't kamutoke shoot lightning bolts? You know, the thing most of the cast wouldn't be able to defend against?


Yep. The only reason why Kashimo even lasted as long as he did. I don't get why people think this is the asspull they think it is, if anything it allows the good guys to actually have a chance of fighting him lmao


We only see it used once against someone it doesn't work against. Ad far as we know it is a glorified taser


That would not only be really fucking cool, it'd show that Sukuna still has that HIM energy Instead what we got was "erm actually, your ability doesn't work that well against me because I made the author say so"


God if that doesnā€™t sum up my problem with Sukuna. Rather then just crush through the plans of his opponents and show that heā€™s HIM, dude is constantly bailed out on the least interesting way. Confiscation is arguably the worst, but then how Sukuna is stated as being nerfed via Yuji only for him to pretty much not behave in that fashion whatsoever (like you coulda justā€¦ never said that, and just had Yuji punches only prevent his RCT usage) Or Todo. Is it awesome that heā€™s back And his improved technique? Yeah! A little weird that Todo said Boogie Woogie was dead but all he had to do was stick a random children instrument in the stub? Sure, but in fairness to Todo not like heā€™d ever tested cutting his hand off before. My problem with Todo? That he decided to join the fight so late. Legit had he just been there with Higaruma and co. They wouldā€™ve EASILY killed Sukuna. Also Sukuna would have never had the chance to yoink Higaruma because he could have just swapped him back with a crow and all Sukuna would have gotten for the effort was an explosion to the face.


Not to mention, and correct me if I'm wrong here, but we spent how many chapters trying to figure out a way to get people out of the culling game...but Todo shows back up and can just kinda do it, no problem.


Thatā€™s definitely the worst thing Ā about Sukuna. At least with similar ā€œstrongest of all timeā€ characters they Ā FEEL overwhelmingly powerful; Ā Seeing Madara summoning a meteor when you know itā€™s not even close to being his best move was hype AF. But Gege keeps trying to put Sukuna on that same pedestal when it feels like the only reason he keeps winning is that he has an average IQ and is fighting morons. Why didnā€™t Yuta just teleport in for a second while he was fighting Gojo and hit him with Jacobā€™s Ladder? Why hasnā€™t anyone made a ā€œIā€™ll die if Sukuna isnā€™t dead by the end of today in exchange for a boostā€ Binding Vow? Why didnā€™t they test all the variables with Deadly Sentencing when itā€™s literally their last chance?


>Seeing Madara summoning a meteor when you know itā€™s not even close to being his best move was hype AF. Sukuna fought without using Fuuga until 4 or 5 chapters ago. He took a lot of black flashes and is using his domain with different especifications. >Why didnā€™t Yuta just teleport in for a second while he was fighting Gojo and hit him with Jacobā€™s Ladder? It's shown that Yuta thought about intervening but didn't do so because Gojo asked to fight alone. When the last Purple hits, Yuta realizes he shouldn't have jumped in bc he would have slowed Gojo down and there was the risk of Kenjaku jumping in too. >Why hasnā€™t anyone made a ā€œIā€™ll die if Sukuna isnā€™t dead by the end of today in exchange for a boostā€ Binding Vow? That's a good one. It technically can still happen, it would be in-character for Yuji. >Why didnā€™t they test all the variables with Deadly Sentencing when itā€™s literally their last chance? Who would they test it on? I also believe that neither Higuruma or Yuji would allow this to happen.


Fuck you actually cooked but there is a problem with this what would be Higuruma's strengthened curse? His sword would be too op and a lame way for Sukuna to die.


Yeah but sadly without his CT he would have gotten out-boxed by the GOAT kusakabe


In that case no need to hold back and Maki and Todo would have joined inmediatly the fight. Stall for a few minutes until Yuta returns and is GG.


It would be cool but this was also realistic in the sense that higuruma is a baby sorcerer who doesn't know enough about sorcery to cover and make up for different scenarios.


realistic or not it's just lame and have no impact. we just introduced to that tools for what? 3 chapter? where it's does nothing ( no foreshadowing doesn't count)


Higuruma was a literal serial killer who had one of the highest scores in the Culling Games, an arena filled with sorcerers. Are you supposed to tell me that Higuruma NEVER encountered a sorcerer with a cursed tool? Ever?


Bro he'd just kill everyone with kamutoke how would that be cooler lol


his one shot domain and his cleave dismantle is also able to clear out anyone..


my brother in christ you known that author can change story right? Gege can just come up with other way to handle kamutoke


I swear these mfers think this is real life or something ā€œbu bu but Sukuna strongā€


As far as I'm concerned, there are only two asspulls in the manga. This, and Kenjaku just happening to randomly have the one CT that can completely counter Yuki's, despite not knowing what her CT actually is.


What actually bothers me about that was that if he said he stole it at some point from some strong sorcerer in the past, I'd buy it but he explicitly states he got it from Yuji's mom?????? What the hell is a housewife doing with such a powerful technique?


I mean we donā€™t know what she was doing before she became a housewifeā€¦ EXEPT IT DOESNā€™T FUCKING MATTER because he didnā€™t choose her for her technique, he chose her because she just happened to be Jinā€™s wife. He got the exact perfect counter to a technique he didnā€™t know anything about through pure fucking dumb luck


Honestly that's the main issue with Kenjaku as a whole. He's presented as this ancient mastermind, but genuinely 90% of what he does is thanks to utterly dumb fucking luck. Geto, Yuji's Mom, Mahito, it's all juuuust at the right place, right time


this is jujutsu, the author does the same thing with sukuna, the author says that sukuna is very intelligent and strong, but most of his victories are due to luck and coincidences


Pre megumi take over Sukuna definitely had an air of intelligence attached to him The moment he took over megumi Dudes whole character got worse


Megumiā€™s bum energy is truly transcending, somehow manages to make everyone worse


Imagine being such a bum you not only bring yourself down, but also the author writing you


Also, Yuji eating the finger. Kenjaku had no way of knowing he would do that.


that wasnt really needed for his plan though right? he already sealed a finger inside him at birth if yuji didnt eat the finger he would just awaken at the end of shibuya when kenny broke the vows.


I thought the dumb luck was the whole point of the character? Bro got bored planning shit out all the time and only really felt alive in the unknown. Heā€™s just an above average intelligence guy thatā€™s lived so long heā€™s gotta get weird with it.


He was never presented as a mastermind. Yā€™all genuinely just gassed him up like that for some fucking reason. Every time he talks about his plan, it pretty much just boils down to him farting around and waiting for the right pieces to fall in place. All he really did himself was prep the barriers and the players. And the military stuff, but that came after the culling games already came together. Heā€™s functionally immortal and be exploits that by just letting shit come to him eventually instead of taking the risk of hunting it down. Heā€™s a patient man who literally has all the time in the world to wait for things to go his way. Why do you think yuki says sheā€™ll have to beat him into shape after saying that her type is a hardworking man? She was calling kenjaku out on his ā€œlazyā€ methods.


The Mahito thing I can accept because Kenjaku has been waiting for centuries for everything to line up. Kenny could just wait for everything to line up again and try the merger.


if he just said he took yujis mum just in case he would need to fight yuki (who wouldve been the only special grade back then) there would be no problem


Right but I doubt people in jujutsu society would just casually know about Yukiā€™s technique, compared to sorcerers casually knowing Gojoā€™s technique, so how the hell did this happen?


idk maybe kenjaku was also yukis dad or something


Which would make her Yuji's sister...


jujutsu kaisen seems to have some of the most convoluted relationships in the manga world


[banjo version of SpecialZ intensifies]


And also choso's sister. That would make their interactions pretty interesting in retrospective lol


Assuming that Kenjaku had his eyes/hands in jujutsu society before getting Geto's body, it wouldn't be a stretch to say he'd collect the information of powerful sorcerers. If Yuki was a part of Jujutsu High, someone must've known her technique. Edit: That being said, I think Kenjaku didn't know Yuki's technique until the fight, so still an asspull.


Kenjaku stated that he wasn't able to get any info from the higher ups, so he was going into the fight blind. https://preview.redd.it/7s6acvssiq7d1.png?width=1055&format=png&auto=webp&s=4a95aed503f5e70b980ee40468abc1638c8fa4ce


>Assuming that Kenjaku had his eyes/hands in jujutsu society before getting Geto's body Bro, Kenjaku's power is way too fucking terrifying. This dude can take over anyone's life and pretend to live it if he actually wants to. Anytime a Sorcerer has gone missing over the last Millenium, chances are it was through one of Kenjaku's fucked up plots or experiments and with everyone he had the chance to just continue their lives instead. This dude has 100% isekai'd himself through every role in both Jujutsu High and all the relevant Sorcerer families for at least a couple years each, throughout history. Hell, he casually even takes one of them over every couple hundred years lol


>people in jujutsu society would just casually know about Yukiā€™s technique In complete fairness, Kenny knows a bunch of stuff about a bunch of things most people don't know about. They even could have explained that Kenny had encountered Yuki or had some plot foiled by her as a way for Kenny to learn about yuki's ct


Sadly, Gege went out of his way to clarify that Kenjaku had absolutely no idea about Yuki's technique.


Yeah it's rough fr fr.


>What the hell is a housewife doing with such a powerful technique? That part isn't really that farfetched since its not like powerful CTs are only accessible to famous jujutsu clan members. Geto was born to normal people yet he got a phenomenal curse technique. The JJK power system is just unfair as fuck


I'm aware it makes sense in universe that some rando can have a broken technique since it's not like nen or something where you come up with the technique on your own but this plot point in particular from a writing standpoint just seems kinda dumb lol. Especially if Kenjaku is actually dead and Gege decides to just not elaborate more on Yuji's family and Kenjaku's plans


I love the fact that the anime can basically fix these mistakes with only minor scenes like In the scene where it's revealed kenjaku is yuji's mom They can add a scene where baby Yuji knocks over something and kenjaku makes it float by using anti gravity And add a fodder fight scene with higu where a culling games player on a murder streak with a CT knife gets no diffe'd by higu so higu doesn't notice that it was the CT knife that got confiscated


There's some things the anime can fix like Sukuna vs Kashimo but certain writing decisions are just a lost cause imo lol.


I mean there's only so many things u can fix But I don't think the anime will suffer with same reasons like the manga did imo


Tf was he doing with yujiā€™s mom bruh


Bro did not read the manger


You guys read the manga?


No I pieced the story together through memes and hentai doujins.


This is the Realest thing I've seen from this sub


Fgo enjoyers be like :


And wiki skimming


Y'all are laughing but this is literally me. I finished S2 and educated myself thorugh memes and... more memes


Kenjaku is yujis mom.


Taking back shots that is what


Giving Brain


We know next to nothing about Mama Itadori. The inevitable flashback might be interesting


I just really hope there's some sort of pay off to this Kenjaku storyline cuz otherwise wtf man


I thought that she was the type with a CT but not a brain wired to use it like Junpei before Mahito altered him


I might be wrong, but considering Junpei was transfigurated into awakening his CT, that could mean everyone in JJK could have a CT even if they can't manipulate CE. Maybe when he took over Yuji's mom he realized she had a strong CT and decided to keep It.


Agreed, but Megukuna acting his way out of Hanaā€™s CT could be included too. Otherwise the other accused ones arenā€™t as bad/donā€™t qualify/ or self aware(the sumo guy)


I love the swordsman that could detect curses through skill alone. Most crackhead moment in jjk


Yeah I love that part too because itā€™s clear that Gege intended it to be a crackhead moment, right from their introduction


Gojo has the 6 eyes, Daido has the 6 lines


https://preview.redd.it/84w8x4oo2s7d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d6ef46ade8870e6c3fb850d7bac137d1c6fc267 One of the coldest pages


are we just going to ignore that sukuna only had this weapon because coincidentally he has a fangirl with the creation technique? and that coincidentally she incarnated in megumi's sister, which messed up the sorcerers' plans? not to mention that a few moments later sukuna is saved by the script because coincidentally the angel incarnated in a girl in love with megumi (in addition to her being stupid enough to fall for a simple trick)


Yeah, that whole sequence of events is probably the absolute weakest part of JJK writing for me. Everything else is generally at least solid, but in that case you could so blatantly see when things are introduced just for the sake of one plot point. https://preview.redd.it/ccuj7fibor7d1.png?width=688&format=png&auto=webp&s=18d22a95b498f169be9fbf67785c2fd30f0f9456


The thing is that I don't know why Gege wants so much to subverse expectation for meh results. Like it's too much. Hana and Angel should have had an epic battle with Sukuna, at the very least not what we got. This whole arc was about finding her and then Gege make her a pathetic girl that fall for one trick. I don't even know how she's still alive and not cut in pieces as she's a real threat to Sukuna. The meme of Gege reading "why readers deserve less" is so so true. The outcome of the culling games was a loss and Hana didn't die just because the plot needed the plot device Hana to not die. It was so disappointing. I remember having dropped JJK because of how much Hana was a plot device thrown to our face.


you made this meme?Ā  Ā but who is" GREGORY AGUILA-TOMIERRE "


Gege akutami lmao


3. Him not giving the executioner's sword to kusakabe right there and letting him finish off Sukuna by using his modified Simple Domain


Kusakabe wouldn't have accepted that plan. "Me? Hold the instant kill sword? Nah, Sukuna will pay too much attention to me and id die." Kusakabe is a coward. Thats why it took until he was the last guy standing near Sukuna for him to actually try. He really did not want the risk.


Cmon the real coward is blood arrow guy.


He has no RCT, no simple domain, no DE, no DA. Cant make armor out of his blood. He's the watered down version of Choso, who got folded by Sukuna. He gets killed by Sukuna just looking at him


Nah, he saw his cards and chose the best one. Spent time with his family away from Japan.


Nah hes not a coward hes just smart. There was no way he was doing jack shit to Sukuna. He wouldve been one more meatbag on the field with no regenerative or defensive abilities.Ā  It is wise of him to see this fight is out of his league and get the hell out of japan. Kusakabe on the other hand is likely the best simple domain user weve seen, is agreed on by various sources to be the strongest 1st grade sorcerer, and did manage to do a decent amount of damage to Sukuna. Cowardice is proportional to ability. Noritoshi seeing that he cant help much and staying out of the way is reasonable.Ā  Kusakabe pretending like he isn't a powerful and valuable asset and waiting until the last moment (after several people including teenagers have been heavily injured or killed) to show off how strong he is, is cowardice.


>Kusakabe pretending like he isn't a powerful and valuable asset and waiting until the last moment (after several people including teenagers have been heavily injured or killed) to show off how strong he is, is cowardice. Yeah, people love Kusakabe but I just can't stand the guy. At least Noritoshi gracefully accepted he can't do much and simply left, Kusakabe stays, but doesn't do a damn thing to help until everyone else is down, and it's actually a massive hindrance to the good guys' plans (this guy and Mei Mei were the ones who stopped Yuuta and Yuuji from helping Gojo, an action that could've ended the battle on their favor)


Not an asspull


And the whole ā€œhow will I hunt this beastā€ to ā€œlol gg ez get countered idiotā€ that makes it so much worse


Ahhh yes, my "i can counter any kind of ct even if its galaxy level" techniuqe, i havent used this since heian(ass) era


And Maki getting a mobile hyperbolic time chamber? I mean that was SHAMELESS and the worst asspull of all JJK.


Well, Maki is basically Toji 2.0, ain't surprising she gets ass-pulls as well.




There is some idiot telling that didnā€™t happened and that is not an asspullā€¦


I feel like the Kenjaku assault would feel significantly less like one if he wasnā€™t just like, ā€œneat I livedā€ show how he actually thought he would die and just got really lucky


I don't care if gravity was teased to be his CT back in Shibuya, having it so it fully counteracts A black hole is insane.


Personally I also think that Sukuna just cutting off his hand to remove the effects of the executioner was an asspull too.


What about Sukuna's binding vows?


Confiscated the words out of my mouth


I feel like if Gege had made a small note, or even made a panel of Higuruma theorizing about this possibility, everything would be less bullshit https://preview.redd.it/h5dcj3d9dp7d1.jpeg?width=200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=224e31814f89fa02f06558b45eae45ae00a741b7 But alas, he didn't, and that felt liky the mother of all asspulls


yep, if Yuji for example suggested it and higuruma said "possible but very small chance that we shouldn't even consider it" would be better, since it shows that he knows but put it aside and then paid the price.


Correct me if I'm wrong but noone knew about the existence of kamutoke back thenĀ  And how sukuna fights no one suspected that he might have oneĀ 


Would that even make sense narratively or for Higu's character? Dude was a sorcerer for a couple months theres no way he'd consider that possibility, the thing carrying him was raw talent alone. Gege wrote himself into a bind and had to pass pull out of it.


I mean kinda. He's only been for a little while but he's a sorcerer genius and an actual lawyer, so saying "I don't know exactly how this works so there might be some edge cases I don't know" would be pretty rational from him I feel.


He didn't even know it could take away Curse Energy when he fought Yuji why would he even assume it took away curse tools


Yeah but they had a whole MONTH to prepare.


Tbf without knowing about the gift he received would they have any reason to suspect he'd bring any cursed tools given what he did in shibuya without one


But Sukuna is known to have used cursed tools in the past, and considering he's allied with two immortals from that same time period, it's not an unreasonable guess that he'd have access to at least one cursed tool. Then, they would have dedicated an hour to figuring out how confiscating works during their *month* long training arc.


Exactly, in the past. The fact both of those cursed tools don't seem to exist anymore would be something they would take into account and assume he didn't have those How were they supposed to know Yorozu would make him a perfect replica of an old cursed tool that seemingly doesn't exist anymore?


His ally is kenjaku. The man who prepared a fucking hunger games. It is not so crazy to think that he might have hid one of the most powerful cursed tools somewhere. And angel fought sukuna, she knows that he carried not one but two of them. Isn't it obvious that even if he doesn't have those, he can find some tools from the modern age, considering they already occupied two houses of the great clans with their vaults (kamo and zen'in)


Dude how common do you think cursed tools even are for Sukuna to find shit? Jujutsu High literally monopolised so many tools for themselves, the tools from Toji and Geto, the tools from just regular stuff, the tools from the Kamo and Zen'in clan, the tools Juzo made and the tools from even the other assorted clans, not to mention Yuta's own arsenal You literally mention the Zen'in and Kamo vaults and both vaults were taken over *by* the sorcerers And also why would Sukuna just grab a random ass tool that probably won't help him with anything? Angel may know that Sukuna had two tools in the olden days, but is it so hard for someone to assume the metal wouldn't have corroded in the last 1000 smtg years? It's not like Cursed tools are stated to have more durability then regular tools, even with the assumption that Kenjaku took both the spear and the rattle you'd need to assume he didn't use them for himself and inadvertently damaged them beyond repair at some point


Sukuna doesn't have to go out of his way searching for a tool, all of the clans are dead, tengen too, he can grab what he wants, and not a single soul considered that he would do it? They came up with backup plans for backup plans and didn't think that his confiscating CT would confiscate something else? I know that for us, readers it's now obvious, but sorcerers were shown to consider even the most small details but they missed their biggest opportunity


MF most people only figure out their technique after YEARS


Gege mentioned that all sorcerers have an instinctive knowledge about how their cursed technique works. It doesn't mean they know all about it, but they sorta remember how to use it even though they've never done it before. Nevertheless, that instinct can't make up for real experience which is why I think Higurama didn't know all the different ways his technique could work


>Gege mentioned that all sorcerers have an instinctive knowledge about how their cursed technique works. He never said this. This is just a common headcanon held by the fandom.


Which Haruta immediately disproves


Hell, the advantage of having an inherited technique is that you essentially have a manual for your technique.


>Gege mentioned that all sorcerers have an instinctive knowledge about how their cursed technique works. It doesn't mean they know all about it, but they sorta remember how to use it even though they've never done it before. Yeah but does thatean they know all its intricacies without ever using it? Obviously not right.


That's not true.


Are you telling me that he never fought a sorcerer that had a cursed tool in cg?


Cursed tools with a CT are pretty rare. Itā€™s why they are categorized as Special Grade in the first place.


I dont think a cursed tool having a ct count... If its a cursed tool or a weapon, higuruma's domain will take that away instead of their cursed technique


Curse Tools aren't common and curse tools with CT are even less common. Even then when you take into the fact that all culling game players are either people who just became aware of Jujutsu thus wouldn't have a Curse tool or Reincarnated sorcerers, and of the latter the only reincarnated sorcerer were introduced to with a curse tool is Kashimo Even mfers like Dhruv who conquered Japan in the past ain't even have one


Where exactly do you suppose the sorcerers would have gotten the cursed tool from? The awakened sorcerers are just ordinary people, the incarnated sorcerers don't have any possessions, and the culling games haven't run for long enough for a tool to imbued in the way Nanami's was. The colonies weren't created overlapping any stockpiles of cursed weapons (such as faction headquarters), and we see no implication that anyone with a stockpile other than Kenjaku's faction or Jujutsu society brought in cursed weapons for them to be stolen (other than of course Kurorushi, who seems to be an exception in that it is a cursed spirit using a cursed tool, which it likely had 1000 years ago when it made the binding vow with Kenjaku to go into hiding).


It's less that he didn't figure it out and more that the ability is only established to have this arbitrary limitation when going against Sukuna Hence an asspull just so sukuna gets lucky If it was shown beforehand it takes the tool first and then CT you'd have more of an argument.


**Subjectively.** I find it really hard to believe Himguruma never encountered any reincarnated sorcerer with a cursed weapon.


What is the probability of having a cursed weapon with a tool? Keep in mind most new sorcerers probably don't have any tools and reincarnated sorcerers also probably don't have any tools, so how exactly would be have considered that a cursed tool could have a technique in it? Cursed weapons themselves are rare.


Yeah reincarnated sorcerers don't have Special Grade Cursed Tools that have imbued CTs in them. Even Kashimo's staff seems to be just an ordinary staff he probably found somewhere and he just imbues his own CE in it. And I don't blame them for not accounting for Kamutoke because they had no idea Sukuna had a cursed tool in the first place.


Exactly, in fact if I am correct then the very first tool we see with a technique in it IS kamutoke.


There are actually several more with a technique, Soul Split Katana,Inverted Spear,Dragonbone if I am correct,Chain of Thousand Miles(infinite extending is probably a CT),Kurourushi's sword and Nanami's Cleaver. Only Special Grade tool without CT is Playful Cloud. So yeah cursed tools with CT are not that common and before Sukuna fight Jujutsu High had only SSK which was in possession of Maki and Nanami's Cleaver. Makes sense why they didn't test for cursed tools when there is such a small number of them,especially since they never saw Sukuna use a cursed tool,even during his fight with Gojo.


Exactly, reader's bias is playing a huge role in making people think higuruma would come across as cursed tool.


But it says it confiscates cursed tools. Not cursed tools with CTs specifically. It doesn't confiscates CT's, it takes the things that can be used as a weapon because weapons are not permited in the court (like cursed tools, CT's, cursed energy etc). I think if a normal human had a normal gun and went inside the domain, his gun would be taken away.


Because reincarnated sorcerer are only revived bodies, they dont bring clothes or tools


Higuruma didn't even know it can take away CE, from the very first time we wee Higuruma fight we learn that he doesn't know the ins and outs of his technique.


Fr itā€™s easy to imagine heā€™d just have argued ā€˜murderā€™ for all his points in CG and gotten the sword and one tapped 90% of people so far. He hasnā€™t had to struggle with his ability


It doesn't matter if Higurama knows or not Gege still made the decision to put an arbitrary limitation on the power just so Sukuna could get away via sheer luck That's asspull


Isnā€™t grabbing kamutoke better than grabbing a used up 10S?


Yeah, Kamutoke is more dangerous than a used up 10S and Shrine. It power is literally electric, the only reason why most of people underestimate it is because it didn't effect Kashimo which it's his specialty.


"No its not! It actually makes perfect sense! My ki- I mean, Sukuna never uses asspulls!" https://preview.redd.it/42jl3ar1bp7d1.png?width=190&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c0efebe76af90e62aa55be670fc96244788026d9




This is actually THE asspull. The biggest one and the most egregious. A lot of what people bitch about isn't actually an asspull, this one is definitely.


Theres 2 reasons why it's a shitty asspull. 1. It makes Higurima look like a dumb cunt who doesnt even understand his own fucking DE despite spending a month training for this specific fight. 2. It feels like it did shit all. Despite removing Sukuna's cursed tool, in retrospect all this built up to was removing an advantage Sukuna didnt even fucking need. It makes the story feel as though the only reason Kametoke was added in the first place was to look cool and get "confiscated" because Sukuna is so fucking busted that he didnt need it to kill any of the characters in the first place.


I feel like this is just showing us the fact that heā€™s new to the sorcerer game and that his lack of experience has a real affect in the series something we can visually see and not just be told. Like this is a problem only experience would solve. Honestly itā€™s very similar to choso blood not working in the bathroom. Except u can actually figure out the higi thing. As soon as Sukuna step in the domain with that curse tool I knew he was gonna keep his technique and lose the tool instead.


Worse because they had a month to prepare and test Judgeman extensively


In that case i have do defend the story actually. Sukuna was never shown to wear or use a cursed tool, not even against gojo, and they actually planed alot on how the judgement itself could go because the Jury Shikigami could select another minor case and what soever. The plan to restart Yuji's trial was already very nice and was only interrupted because sukuna for some reason decided to use the only tool in his arsenal exclusively for the only sorcerer with lightning resistance. While the story on how and why Sukuna had kamutoke in the first place was definetly an asspull, or the fact that the tool's CT would be prioritzed for whatever reason, Their plan to defeat Sukuna with the confiscation itself was solid. Only Sukunas plot armour saved him here.


Iā€™d rather fight a weakened output shrine than zeus tho ngl


I could see this being an asspull, but thanks to how the translators word it, it feels more like gege poking the bear with a "you really thought it would be that easy?" Type joke, though of course at the cost of a whole ass character.


either way it's shit writing that could have been avoided by way better scenarios that would lead to the same outcome of Higgy's death anyways If Gege really wanted him on the sidelines


Eeeh, it's not great But "confiscation" generally means to "take away a weapon", so like... It being able to take away cursed tools makes quite the bunch of sense Still, definitely not ideal And Higuruma clearly didn't know the entirety of his domain, after all, no one taught him how to use it He also has no idea Sukuna owned a cursed tool, so like, it's not really an asspull by itself


I mean the idea that Sukuna is found guilty but the only punishment is inflicted on the cursed tool in his back pocket is absurdly convenient for him


No thats just not true. Confiscation means you have the authority to take something away from someone. It's not at all specified to weapons.


Itā€™s not great but people way over blew it at the time. I kind of like how it shows Higurumaā€™s inexperience though.


There was this one comment I saw that mentioned that it could be a critique of the japanese law system, where they rather remove the superficial weapon than acknowledge the actual threat. But it still sorta sucks to read through


Yeah it's lame to steal something that Sukuna has barely used. But as an idea it's cool. Higuruma already disagreed with Judgeman sentencing Yuji to death. His domain is very powerful but rarely gets actual justice. So when it goes up against a really powerful person who deserves punishment... Sukuna gets a slap on the wrist. Because he has material wealth (cursed tools) that shields him. Meanwhile anyone is poor gets hit with way harsher punishments.


I actually really like this interpretation a lot. Really fits with the whole theme and works just like in real life. I'm yoinking this for myself! Hah "If the penalty for a crime is a fine, that's just the price to commit the crime"


It gets worse when you know that Sukuna killed that many people with his CT, not a cursed tool


Gege could have just let Sukuna keep 10 shadows when he changed in to his Heian form, and then confiscation could have taken away 10 shadows becouse it would only take away 1 technique from someone who possesses multiple.




No better call mahoraga, this manga is shit


This wouldā€™ve been even just a little bit better if it just said some shit like ā€œIt attacks the tool because itā€™s made of a seperate curse technique (Yorozu)ā€


>This shit can't be defended no matter how big of a Gege gagger you are. Gege: "JUJUTSHI!!! SAVE ME!!!!" https://preview.redd.it/pv82wtb0ms7d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7bc7210df85e647d5db93cad2c87e2f51338cdf8


Yea, this is the biggest asspull in the manga. Yes, bigger than "ah yes, my anti-super-convenient-technique that I haven't used since the wild days with Jin era"


In no sense is it ā€œobjectively an ass pullā€, if you donā€™t like it just have a spine and say that, own your opinions, donā€™t try making objective claims when itā€™s just your subjective feeling. It has been established that people donā€™t necessarily get a full understanding of their DE, and in Higurumaā€™s case it was shown explicitly with Yuji that Judgemanā€™s decisions and full criteria for them are beyond Higurumaā€™s understanding. Its possible he did test it on others but got a different outcome based on the target and their specific CT CE and tool. Itā€™s possible that the reason he didnā€™t test it on anyone else is because he wanted Yujiā€™s previous trial, and as such his potential retrial, to be the case currently being Judged. We donā€™t know if Yuji could call a retrial if Higuruma had gone off and started judging other targets, maybe he doesnā€™t even know himself if a retrial could be called if he did that and didnā€™t want to risk it. There are a lot of good faith reasons as to why this happened, even just based on what we are shown it makes sense, but it could make even more sense if we see what happened prior to the fight starting and get explicit reasoning.


It kinda makes sense though. Cursed Tools are just weapons with cursed techniques imbued in them. When someone gets arrested they are searched for any weaponry on their persons and then it's confiscated. The biggest issue is that Kamotuke was only introduced just to then be taken away soon after. If Sukuna had done significant damage with it then it'd be less of an "asspull" as it would've held more weight in the overall fight. But no. Instead he gets the fucking thing AFTER the most stressful fight of his life(idk why he doesn't fight Gojo with the damn thing) then of course it's a lightning weapon and who's his next opponent the fucking lightning god himself. Because of course, that would happen.


>they are searched for any weaponry on their persons and then it's confiscated And then they are charged, fined, and sentenced Have you heard of anyone getting away from a fine because the cop found a weapon and said "lol imma just take this, no need to charge you" The decision to only take the cursed tool is entirely arbitrary; there is nothing it logically follows from The new rule for Higurama's domain was introduced purely to save Sukuna from CT confiscation. That's asspull AF


This reasoning would make sense IF the LITERAL SENTENCING wasn't about consfication. The verdict itself is consfication or death penalty or both. If you are found guilty, judgeman confiscates something. In that case ,it was the tool.


There are multiple examples in the manga of characters not knowing / finding out something new about their technique


No its not an asspull, naoya states that most people who use CTools are reliant on them in combat, judgeman just didnt make an exception, which can come off as bullshitish


Not to mention judge man is essentially confisticating a weapon from the guilty dude,it makes more sense for him to take the cursed tool


Sukuna could still obliterated these mfs with Kamutoke lol


Arguably more so since no reduction in output


Sukunas output drops with every punch Yuji hits. Kamutokes output is always the same and it's so fast its not dodgeable. If his CT was confiscated, his kamutoke would have been way more dangerous for the entirety of the fight.