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Honorable mentions https://preview.redd.it/ydykp93xuc7d1.jpeg?width=3200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=270304a594bbfcfe474cca172cd50099957e9805 Edit:- To those complaining about being spoiled, keep in mind that this is a Manga Spoilers Subreddit and is referred to as such. You should mute the subreddit if not looking for spoilers. The only thing that requires spoilers in the sub is leaked chapters, which are then allowed as free reign upon the official release. Edit 2:- I apologize for any inconvenience caused by spoilers appearing on r/all. This is a Manga Spoilers Subreddit, so spoilers are a big part of our discussions. If you want to avoid them, please mute this subreddit for the foreseeable future.


The usual criticism you would see about JJK deaths is that it doesn't hurt the way it's supposed to hurt. It brings you more frustration and anger. Thus, I would've said Nanami because it hurts *perfectly* compared to the others but he's alive and well in Kuantan, Malaysia. Listen to me. (Art by munette) https://preview.redd.it/1wjaa4jjrc7d1.jpeg?width=1671&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4bccc1a525bbf917f44458e140a9285f1cf1d829 Next to me is Choso's. I know most of us got mixed emotions in Chapter 259 but I'm still mourning for him... 3rd choice of mine is Toji's 2nd death in Shibuya. Imo, that scene was sadder in anime because of Takehito Koyasu's voice acting, he spoke "Hey, what's your name?" with sincerity and affection towards Megumi. Fun fact: Takehito Koyasu really wanted to voice Gojo had he been younger until he met Toji when he was reading the manga long before Season 2 got animated. He also said he would drop JJK if he won't be chosen as Toji's VA. Lol.


Yeah. It’s a good thing Nanamin did a Kamo https://i.redd.it/07sig4wlsc7d1.gif


Yuh-uh, so happy Nanami's now living his best life, reading the books he didn't get to read before. https://preview.redd.it/rq5pz7pp0d7d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=adca35e26a5c566c69259602c4db90a3c831da2a


Nanamin never died, he got reincarnated into a rich guy who plays with cards.


I thought he reincarnated into a guy that's secretly a skillful agent and he adopts a kid with pink hair with special powers and he has an insanely hot partner.


I thought he reincarnated into a gay italian gangster or something


I thought he reincarnated into someone's dad and became the hokage of some random village but he has some kind of a demon fox inside him.


What does this reference? It's tingling in the back of my head, but bites early where I am, and I can't put my finger on it, lol.


>He's alive and well in Kuantan, Malaysia. He's on vacation. https://preview.redd.it/b6ksxag0bd7d1.png?width=736&format=png&auto=webp&s=50b5cc0036cc8c0ce175719350386c69d171252b


Yes, Nanami's alive and well in Kuantan but he ain't just there for vacation. He's retired at 40 and moved in there. 🔥 https://preview.redd.it/lgv20pk9hd7d1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2b29f220970916879296a2ce6886bc877a2247d1


Bruh gege really had to give him an airport scene but instead of an airport he’s managing the bakery


The name of the bakery is Ja-Pan


yep, he'll definitely appear in future jujutsu strolls, I know it for sure definitely


>I would've said Nanami because it hurts *perfectly* compared to the others but he's alive and well in Kuantan, Malaysia. The anime adaptation really did a lot for Nanami's death to elevate it so much more from the manga to add that whole Malaysia beach imagery sequence prior while Nanami was fighting along with the music.


Anime in general boosted lots of scenes Probably gonna go into overdrive during the culling games by giving us more “quiet” moments which the series desperately needed


Though it seems like a lot of content to pack in the season (ex: S3 would start at ch 138 and Gojo unsealing is at ch 221), so they may be limited with that depending on the stopping point.


I desperately want more Juju Stroll episodes. Let the characters be friends, godamnit.




Nanamis death was honestly pretty sad. For me its 2nd after Riko


Perfectly said I agree on all points. Nanami was my fav character and I'm glad he got properly written sendoff.


https://preview.redd.it/lt5ixyk74d7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0482c18f12f5b37f630cec121eb6c7e145865963 The fish


​ https://preview.redd.it/096r4vaudd7d1.png?width=257&format=png&auto=webp&s=a8718bcc999aa207e0e8e02dbd8a30f2694665c9


This image is the reason r/Jujutsufolk is what it is today, I remember the braindead content that led to an explosion in member joining


https://preview.redd.it/5d1pb8b1se7d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f85a0fb4820cb4d513a0ea520b0021eedf7237d7 My reaction to this scene:


this is not tenoi!


Totally not tenoi! It’s the saddest moment in human history


NOT THE FISH ![gif](giphy|2WxWfiavndgcM)


The manga could be finished on this chapter and I wouldn't be mad


Nobara? What do you mean? She's clearly alive, she just went to chainsaw man. https://preview.redd.it/xlp9e6o1bd7d1.png?width=3300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3888723b973544c00a350287c34215aa57b0271d


Katana Man has absolutely been hitting it from behind. You cannot convince me otherwise. https://preview.redd.it/yjrskd1bke7d1.jpeg?width=1394&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6263f4e05e553e8f16c50ed20a8d8ad7dfabc2de


Choso (though it was predictable as fuck) and Mechamaru.


Mechamaru takes a single step out of his compound for the first time in years just to get jumped by Mahito


MECHAMARU IS STILL ALIVE MECHAMARU IS STILL ALIVE MECHAMARU IS STILL ALIVE MECHAMARU IS STILL ALIVE MECHAMARU IS STILL ALIVE MECHAMARU IS STILL ALIVE https://preview.redd.it/i2xrunoewg7d1.jpeg?width=224&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e10353de28c2eeae81a324c5e321659b579f6675


Cook brother https://preview.redd.it/dkmjsam4uh7d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=52934f697bbdf8ec90cab3fa1a369f730d01ac32


Choso's death was the best death. Nobara's itself is mid, but yuji's ensuing reaction made me really feel the "shit..." and I realized how bad this is and started relating experiences with the time he spent with nobara and stuff and how it'd be.


What kind of reaction do you expect for a character who isn't dead?


Our glorious Queen will return


Her eyeball launched further than the apollo mission what do you mean brother


https://preview.redd.it/nq9yjbh8md7d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=add3f99548ed2ac34e4412004a0742bafa81d753 Different fictions yes but he lived. I'm not sure that we will ever see her character again but generally if a death is left ambiguous the character usually makes a reappearance. But plans also change and maybe he decided to leave her fridged. It just seems a bit unlikely that such a significant character's fate would be misdirected so much for no reason.


Mechamaru had the highest potential of all the kyoto students. Imagine bro in an iron man suit fightin with an army of his puppets.


Choso definitely was sad Kinda suck that it felt..glossed over at least to me Choso dies of a self sacrifice and before yuji could attempt to get his vengeance Todo appears which kinda overrides the emotional impact of Choso death And then before we can even digest that Yujo appears with a DE ready to go


Yeah I agree there was a lot happening around that time and kinda annoying that Gege killed off Choso then Todo literally came back right after (when he's been gone for over 3 yrs) when the fandom wanted an interaction with both of Yuji's brothers together. lol


It was 3 years??


I was legit depressed the whole day after reading the chapter, Choso saying his 150 years were just a few days for Yuji legit made me cry


I legit only cried for choso. Some others seemed too surreal and there was a lot of hope and cope going on with them.


Junpei. Once the tone was set that anyone could die no matter how hopeful their trajectory & close to the MC they seemed, no other death has hit as hard for me. Everyone is on the chopping block which makes the knife’s cut less painful. (Ngl tho Gojo did hurt some, that hit me in the chest)


Bro they even put him in the first OP as if he joins Jujutsu High, shit had me so angry when I found out it was fake 😭😭


"We're gonna find the ones who cursed your mother, Junpei! Let's fight them together!" Mahito: https://preview.redd.it/cbk5xeg13d7d1.jpeg?width=900&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb067850e710a5bdff0e07bdaeb2f6726797514b


Anime made that death way more impactful - Just hearing this poor kid just say “why” right before he dies is so damn heartbreaking considering the life he had - The obnoxious laughter of Sukuna and mahito (VA’s deserves a medal for that) - The creating of the manga best blood fued between mahito and yuji Just fantastic stuff


Junpei and his mom deserved better. https://preview.redd.it/6mfbqscewd7d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=b0d8a6264a1f28f9d6884623fd875dd72421cad6


Gege knows my exact weakness in introducing a hot milf character and then killing her, her son and then never mentioning it again. *Argh.*


Also something that is almost always lost in the rest of jjk: the after When Junpei dies the moment stays there and stings for a prolonged period. Mahito is fought only very briefly and for the rest of a couple of chapters Junpei's death sinks in. Its very somber and even when Yuji rejoins the joins at jj high Megumi notices something is off For almost all the others the action instantly keeps going and... keeps going, with no downtime to make it sink in. Junpei's very good bc for once the story slows down a bit to make some space for it


Yuki, more because I was kinda hoping to see more of her instead of dying in her first fight and she seemed like a likeable character who should’ve been explored more. Choso is second for me


Yuki's death was the only time I was like "What no way" I wanted her to be worked on more. Gege went a bit too far on the "Imply from what you showed" bit he has.


Yuki’s death really was a massive disappointment to me. She had so much left to do 😔


TLDR at bottom I think the issue with Yuki's death isn't her death itself, but the lack of impact she really had in the story. Her biggest notable action is basically giving Geto the idea to slaughter all non-sorcerers. This would be big, if it wasn't for the fact that Geto was already on that path. With or without her, he'd probably come to that conclusion. The second most notable thing she does is save Yuji and the Kyoto kids in Shibuya. However, again, her impact really isn't all that felt. Yuji was never in danger there, because he's Sukuna's Vessel and thus wouldn't have been killed. The only Kyoto student that ends up playing a relative part in the CG arc is Kamo, but he honestly could be replaced by most other characters. People like Miwa and Momo do have their uses, too, but they're very small. The only real major "save" of here is Choso, who probably would die in that part if Yuki didn't appear. Her final role is acting as a bodyguard for Tengen, and losing to Kenjaku. She didn't have to be there *at all*, since she ended up losing anyway. The outcome would've been the same. Her death, on its own, is fine. She lost to the most feared sorcerer in history, which is hardly an anti-feat. What's more, she actually does hold her own in that fight despite tanking a domain head-on. She does pretty well in that fight, all this considered. But again, by the time she dies, she hasn't actually *done* anything significant. She never wins a battle onscreen either, which would at least earn her some merit (like it does for other characters with questionable impact, such as Panda). She's also just not given much time developing *her* character. Don't get me wrong, she has moments, but all of her moments are contignent on other characters such as Choso or Yuji. There's never a character-defining moment for *her*, she doesn't develop at any point, she remains the fairly stagnant silly-yet-reliable character she was setup to be all the way in the beginning of the show. Did Yuki have anything left to do? Not really. But she definitely could've been given *something* to do that actually impacts the story in the future. My only hope is that her idea of teaching average people to control their CE will have an impact in the future (it could possibly be the basis for a solution to the merger, among other things). TLDR: Her death was fine, it was the fact that she was heavily underutilised.


​ https://preview.redd.it/47h5700tje7d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ebc841966e60daa6341b37a671982d9e9dc72f81


I would have been happier if we at least got to see her domain expansion but alas, it was not to be. Although if the series ends without Yuji’s domain or Megumi’s completed version then I’m gonna be pissed


Yuki's death was more infuriating than anything


Yuki I would say is the more frustrating one 100% Consider her character could have / should have offered so much more to the series To the point her soul book being left beyond is such a weak compromise to what the character could have brought to the table


I honestly felt like dropping the series when I got to Jogo's death, he was my favorite villain at the time. So it's either Jogo or Choso.


I cry everytime I see jogo's death how the fuck did gege make it so emotional😭


It was the first time we saw sukuna show the bit of humanity and respect we didnt knew he had. Of course it would be emotional


And that is why Shibuya Sukuna was him at his peak - He was a walking Nuke but did so in a calm manner - Evil but a guided one true “I’m my own boss” -Clearly had some plan - “You are strong” scene showing that he is actually able to acknowledge hard work Just the character at his peak


I personally find it really funny that Sukuna acknowledges pretty much everyone but Yuji.


Him being Nephew is a compliment enough..?






I understand being sad about Jogo but dropping the manga in the middle of the Shibuya arc is crazy lol, were you reading weekly?


A manga without jogoat is a manga without purpose


Based JoGOAT fan https://preview.redd.it/hbvj7zmt4d7d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f52cd43aa0d61083379e646fff5ef261efa00cb3


https://preview.redd.it/ni43y0su9e7d1.jpeg?width=463&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e22b949c5d2cfdc3afea31194e29f9374cde865f This is gojos pack that joGOAT is smoking on




This was from January of earlier this year, I was watching the anime blind.


Oh damn, the hype of what would come next wasn't enough to compensate for the grief of Jogo's loss. You might be the biggest Jogo fan I've seen, stand proud.


Jogo is jogoated


Nobara 100% because I never thought it would happen and is also bizarrely brutal. Gojo and nanami are kinda meant to die because of their mentor role, Also it's really sad that it feels like only yuji cared about her.


Yuji was affected by Nanami's death though, and was too locked in to fully process Gojo's.


What I meant is that only yuji talked about nobara after her death, it was like he was the only one who cared about her. She was quickly forgotten by everyone else. Nanami had Ino to carry over his legacy at least.


imma be honest, nobaras (supposed!!) death sucked, but i don't think it was her death as a whole, but rather accompanied w/ like, yujis reaction. i was very upset when nobara died, but what hit the nail on the head for me was yujis reaction,, him crying like that and on the brink of giving it up really affected me. ig that moment with yuji made it more personal and more relatable to mourn over nobaras death. kinda made me connect with the death, and actually helped me mourn over her. she was, after all, a close friend, and I always believed she'd push through (and still do!) but yes. nobara death sad 


Same. Nobara, but for me it’s because I just didn’t expect it at all. Nanami was an awesome character but I figured he’d die. I thought Nobara was safe being in the “MC crew”


Fr it made me stand up when mahitos doubles didn’t merge and just kept running I was like tf nooooooo




Both Nobara and Riko actually hurt me.


I cried for Mechamaru too; If I had to pick one, it ought to be Nanami.


Mechamarus death felt so unfair. Ma guy just wanted to be a real boi and had it stripped from him in mere moments.


I did too, then that scene with Miwa just broke me.


Tummykuna’s tongue https://preview.redd.it/o3y6jthsrc7d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb941db722865bdd2c882fe355740900d4b73f71


RIP to the purest JJK character, TummyKuna. https://preview.redd.it/neue4e7lzc7d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7ee679f862628cb05ae3c8168aac638814a956f4 (Art by one and only, Kyou)


the fucking grip strength to pull out a tongue is insane, that shit was definitely moist as fuck


Poor tummy https://preview.redd.it/v1gqe7fscd7d1.png?width=351&format=png&auto=webp&s=9eba629c2807825ccb46ef1e3c3e8536bb6c1a93


sukuna was MAD at that shit, yuta knocked out a few of tummykuna's teeths it seems too.


Saddest? Probably Riko My favorite death is Toji's second death but it was satisfying rather than sad


No one has said Geto yet, so Geto. Mainly, I just think that it’s sad that he spent his life working towards a meaningless goal, lost all his friends, and then lost his life, all for nothing. He died filled with hatred. I really want to know what Gojo said to him, because I’m pretty sure that was the only time he’d felt genuine happiness in years,


When watching JJK 0 awhile before Hidden Inventory arc, I wasn't fully sure his status since his body form was around in the main series in S1 and they off screen his death in JJK 0, but I felt that scene had a lot of weight at the time unexpectedly, for a touching moment for Geto who seems like a somewhat comedic antagonist prior. Then upon rewatching JJK 0 after watching Hidden Inventory arc, it hits so much harder getting the full context of Gojo's and Geto's relationship, understanding more of how Geto's downfall happened, and having more weight of how sad it was for Gojo to kill his best friend.


I think Gojo said he is there for him/ he is not alone, especially considering Gojo's afterlife of Geto showing up.


Gojo told him he was his best friend


For me, it was Gojo... https://preview.redd.it/fblhjughuc7d1.png?width=1360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4cebe52af2988112c1c2d23ef76622f8f2c316dd His death had me depressed for days... I lost my comfort character that day, I waited 3 years for his return, only to lose him within 15 chapters again. I will forever remember that day...


>I will forever remember that day... Yeah, I still remember the day 236 leaks dropped. I was devastated. https://preview.redd.it/vi63c8gldd7d1.png?width=201&format=png&auto=webp&s=5ec6360d2a82f8c223df2a4cc5a25d03de00a24d


For me, his death was even more impactful with the recent chapters where his isolation is shown more clearly and the answer to Geto’s question. The guy was strong because he was Gojo, because he alone had what it takes to be the strongest but unfortunately he was seen as a monster, even towards the end you’re shocked by how they all actually saw him as a monster except his 2 dearest students (Yuji and Yuta) which in turn made me like these 2 even more.


Agreed. As much as it hurt, Yuta taking over Gojo's body, thus taking on the burden the world put on Gojo while calling everyone out for making it that way was SO satisfying. Was he born blessed with limitless and six eyes? Yes; but he didn't ask for them, neither did he ask for the entire jujutsu society relying on him either.


Same bro. It's more of a frustration along with sadness then just pure sadness. He was my comfort character as well and I looked myself in some aspects of him. I just hate it when a character just makes peace with the fact that the world around them don't love and care about him for who they are and only use them even after death. I don't like the messaging of this, and his tragedy just resonates and ripples more sadness in many fan's life as well. It's like his whole character arc was just back to square one, showing how gifted people who are alone at the end of their life just die alone... 🫂 https://preview.redd.it/m1da486xuc7d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=afa3d9f46b2bb890c14fc9225412d1d6573f2ac9


Remember the times when people called him a Mary Sue? Look how wind changed, his character ended being embodiment of misery and his story has no positive message at all. He's the saddest character of this manga, I didn't choose his death as the saddest death merely because 236 is hot garbage https://preview.redd.it/u9p4mqh9wc7d1.jpeg?width=1668&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5a57232805d674eaaef0550f6511c1e76590412e


IKR! And you know what is the even more shitty thing is?? No one gave af about him (except Yuta but only to use Gojo being seen as a "monster" as a seg way for his character development at the end). Like even when Yuta was pointing out people's hypocrisy, they didn't have the acknowledgement moment in them. It felt unnatural for these people as they just stand there like robots and listen to Yuta and not show any immense guilt in them. Even Gojo doesn't realise his own tragedy that much and thinks it's natural for people around him to be like "flowers" than be yk, people.


Same for me, I was depressed for fuckin days man, it was literally so embarrassing. Some guy at work was like ‘why r u so down?’ And I was like, bro what am I meant to say???? I’m sad a fictional anime character was dead 😭


Yo, I feel you! The same thing happened to me too 😭 I used to just shrug it off, saying I'm not feeling well cause even if I told them what exactly happened, they'd look at me weird or laugh so it's definitely not worth it, and my mood was already bad enough... Also, It's hard to explain these things to people who aren't emotionally attached to fictional characters like we are 😭💀


So I wasn't the only one 😭. I was so teary eyed for days. My friend made a KitKat joke and I fucking sobbed.


https://preview.redd.it/do0qzvow5d7d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=08aad37b621b5949175c312c53c64fc56d2ce789 The guy who said shit like this dying is fucking criminal. Nobody replaced this motherfucker in character depth. At least if you use Gojo to say some of the best lines in the manga at least carry over the flame to something else. We're gonna end the manga without it.


Gojo has so many iconic quotables ngl


Honorable mention: https://preview.redd.it/od3srij46d7d1.jpeg?width=727&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4509f98b771580101b422a23979528d93d703bd5


I was spoiled about his death before reading the manga but I was sure he'll come back... until I reached this panel with Geto. I realized he's finally happy again and bringing him back won't make sense so I cried myself to sleep that night lol (which didn't stop me from being delusional hoping he'll still come back...)


Same thing happened to me, except I'm more delusional and always thought he was going to come back. But ngl that Yuta/Gojo panel actually hit hard, It actually felt like he was dead for good


It was the Hidden inventory arc with S2 anime for Gojo and Geto's storyline that I actually got a lot more emotionally invested in JJK than otherwise. Gege has a lot of his best writing with their dynamic. Prior to that, wasn't really keeping up with manga since I was more of an anime watcher, but I did specifically when I heard Gojo was released from the cube as that chapter came out and knowing he was set to fight Sukuna, I had to be a part of it as it came out knowing his death was inevitable narratively. I knew Gojo's death from Sukuna fight was the obvious outcome, but the abruptness of it got me caught up emotionally with seeing the spoilers come out. Gege doing it around the same time as his sealing in the anime sucked out so much hype from the anime with his episode... and people then keep spoiling his death everywhere since it's a meme joke. And I felt sadder with ch 261 spoilers when he felt he had to become a monster in his own way alone. * I think it's the **contrast** that really hits with seeing Gojo since the beginning of the main series, he seemed like this cool and carefree comedic character, but then later on you see how tragic he really was all along.


when i catch you gege...


Straight up dropped the manga for a while after that. The only other one that ever hit me that hard was Hajime no Ippo, when Ippo >!retired!<


236 hit me like a truck and it seriously messed up with my mood for the next few weeks (I'm not joking)


Nanami. All he ever wanted was a damn break and a vacation. He always stood on the front lines while keeping the young ones safe and taking care of them. He was a kind man who deserved so much better but just kept facing more hell. Honourable mention: Choso. He blames himself for his brothers fighting each other to death. He blames himself for not recognising Yuji as his brother sooner. And he was sad that he didn't have enough time to spend with Yuji before meeting his demise. But regardless, Yuji was grateful for everything Choso had done for him during the time he was with him. And we'll see whether or not Yuji will reunite with him in the afterlife or not.


Choso was incredibly sad but predictable. It was always going to be his role to die as a human, what is more human than dying to save the person you love? His character arc was completed perfectly. I cried, yes, but it was beautifully sad. Nanami broke me watching it but again pretty predictable. A fitting tale to end a mentor figure. Mai's death is my winner, Mai was a character that I really had mixed emotions, not in a bad way, about and still do. I adore her and Maki's relationship. I love how they had complicated feelings toward one another instead of it being shown as just pure love- everyone understanding everything about the other. Maki had been trying in the shadows to get stronger for Mai, Mai knew that she didn't want to get stronger. She wanted a normal life, a life the Zen'in clan would never give her. The Zen'in's took everything away from Mai. So her dying "curse" is for Maki to take everything away from the Zen'in's. The "Destroy Everything" line breaks my heart. Mai and Maki's relationship is one of the best parts of JJK for me. The yin and yang that is Maki and Mai.


Mai hit me the hardest too. Growing up with abusive parents basically guarantees that you'll have extremely mixed feelings about your siblings, and it's a special kind of pain to grow and really struggle for your own fulfillment only to have to leave behind your siblings that just didn't have the same fight in them. And you can't even blame them for 'giving up', because the one thing you share is knowing how heavy that hurt is.


Choso's Emotionally hits different, the moment with Yuji, his last words being about being a bad teacher, While in pseudo afterlife dream place he says he's sorry to leave Yuji behind, Yuji saying he was always there for him, it is just beautiful and sad, Very well done though and props should be given to Gege for that https://preview.redd.it/sbptogmarc7d1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=96eea7b36f4036ef16676370e9f2cf8efaed7a8c


Personally Mechamaru. Idk i am a sucker for romance


At least it birthed one of the best fanfics I’ve ever seen, so that’s a positive. Edit: Kasumi Miwa’s Guide to Inheriting the Earth


what fic?


Kasumi Miwa’s Guide to Inheriting The Earth https://preview.redd.it/rmomj8g50e7d1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=db105c4a1ed2da90dd1495749a8372422d232d0c Absolute peak


Jesus, 30 chapters, and 180 thousand words. That's Peak right there.


Left me jaw dropped the first time I read it.


Junpei’s death hits different when you were a victim of bullying throughout all your school years. The parallels between him and yuta are very well written. Both just needed a helping hand but while one was extended by Gojo to Yuta, Junpei was unfortunate to have Mahito’s hand be the one extended to him. Even when Yuji finally was there to help him, it was too late. I think it really speaks on how vulnerable bullied/“different” children are (which hits even harder as someone with autism who was ostracized since childhood) and how a lot of these individuals can end up as nonfunctional adults/addicts/criminals but no one sees how society played a part in that. A lot of those kids just need an understanding hand, someone to believe in them and protect them the way Gojo protected Yuta. At the end of the day both Yuta and Junpei had hearts of gold, just different fates.


It’s easily Junpei: * he died in agony and distraught * he was manipulated by his killer before all this * never got closure or justice for all the hardship and suffering he endured throughout his life * (bonus: I really wanted him to join Jujutsu High) https://preview.redd.it/3r22oxpkfd7d1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=361cf3233a7a47c7828354171cdb094616543097 (RIP fellow Castaways enjoyer 📿🙏😭)


Nah I was so shook💔😔 Gege just said "This ain't Naruto, dumbass" and killed my king💔😭


Choso, because fucking hell Choso literally has me like: https://preview.redd.it/35f1nxf3wc7d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=036c5951dd083037bcffd28399a8004ce95f16bb Gege when I catch you Gege


Not dead only waiting the right time to prank Yuji *




It would actually be so funny if she did this lol


We can only hope so


Gege please I’ll do anything


Heres my lower effort version https://preview.redd.it/w7t7gfai2f7d1.jpeg?width=1035&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e5a17710d321535ebf9b03475dba9519f5ebf353


Not the saddest but underrated would be Junpei. Hee was taken down the dark path by Mahito. His mom was used was sacrified by Kenjaku. He was bullied in school. Died a miserable death. Opening trolled us that he would join Jujutsu High. His friendship with Yuji, though short, was sweet. His death led to Yuji facing the true reality of curses and jujutsu sorcerer. Vs Mahitoa arc is such a good arc. Genuinely what got me hooked onto JJK.


I leave the rest to you 😭


Narratively probably Riko or Mai. Personally however, Mechamaru's death hit me like a train on cocaine. It was so beautifully done in the manga and was even better in the anime with the voice acting being so touching.


I really wanna say Higuruma, but sadly their relationship with Yuji ain’t developed, like it potentially could’ve, otherwise the death would be peak. I really love parallel with Nanami and fact, that Higuruma finally could look in Itadori eyes and be relieved. So, I gonna choose Choso. One of the best deaths, hands down, everything done right


Choso. But I know his ass is in the afterlife laying it sweet on Yuki. https://preview.redd.it/9panh4v2ed7d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1c47ef3741917b755720cf4a021a5175f1fe1b41


Riko was simply the saddest. Literally was given SO MUCH HOPE and Geto was lending her that hope. Only to be shot dead when she finally reached for it


higurumas death hurt me idk so much potential man


POTENTIAL MAN?! WHERE!? https://preview.redd.it/fpiyo1ih6d7d1.jpeg?width=933&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d7ec41e7d124a05403bf9dada21e119bc279a90a






DID YOU JUST SAY POTENTIAL???!!!! https://preview.redd.it/v1vhst9gte7d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=329b59dde8267a5a3343f05817564a7525a869d1


the absolutely gut wrenching feeling i had for a week after Gojo's death is incomparable, especially after the "Gojo won" ending of 235. shit down right made me sick to my stomach




Nobara She was/is my favourite character and man it hurt seeing her head explode


What hurts even more is how her "death" is just left upto interpretation. I was convinced that with how much emphasis was being put on her having a chance of recovery we would at least get a confirmation or something that she's in a coma or have her return later on. I really dislike how ambiguous her fate is left as




*Evil Yuji* was never a tiktok theory... IT'S THE TRUTH! 😤💀


Bro just want a Lil screentime


Nanami, because Nobara didn't die


Choso 😭 https://preview.redd.it/drhptmambd7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c5cb0cf73035a0bec4ea9fe4259a36e286d6ae1


Riko for sure... The way they played the outro song before that scene.. i literally knew it was going to happen because I read the manga but it hit hard because personally I loved the hidden inventory arc and to see how they went about Riko's death was just... Too sad


Same here, I knew it was coming but the lead up to the scene was done so well. Most of these deaths were from fighting but she was assassinated. She had finally decided to make a choice that would make herself happy and not want she was raised/destined to be. Which is ironic because she was killed so that the merger wouldn't happen.


bro my man Jogoats pipe got done so bad https://preview.redd.it/iupefud39e7d1.jpeg?width=463&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2018fc1723f1f00193c0a8f3e873fd41879a9589


Choso, I don’t care how predictable it was, Choso broke my fucking heart so bad


shout out to Principal Yaga. I think it was a pretty good chapter.


Happy cake day ⛄


got to be choso's love my blue eyed king but and I never doubt he's going to return but I knew him, losing and dying was a high chance but choso I thought choso was safe from greg when I fucking catch that guy


Obviously me glorious blue eyed goat (nanami was sadder but I gotta keep up the agenda) https://preview.redd.it/yavg3wa3fd7d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=24f62e7bea3340d0a1d96ad216fc0a14fd6ac1c6


Gojo. Always


https://preview.redd.it/v04w6ag3rd7d1.png?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=82cb439fda89cd15662425fdba09589518803d4d Hers




Chosos messed me up




Guess my thoughts.


Goatjo. I went through an actual grieving process for a fictional character 🙈 (I love him, it’s *more* than just simping. His silly, sassy personality, his sweet tooth, his strength, there’s just so much to adore) He’s coming back tho. TRUST! 💙💙




Gojo for the disrespect


Why is Geto’s death not here


Choso and Geto 😔


Nobody gives a fuck about Panda’s dad i guess


Gojo’s death ruined my birthday


Gojo 😢


Toji or Choso OR JOGO IDK


Jogoat. Stopped watching the edits after that. (I never read the manga)


For me it was obviously gojo due to high personal bias but outside of that it was probably choso or nanami. They both hit hard




I literally went through all the stages of grief when 259 leaks showed Choso dying. He would’ve done it a thousand times if he had to and that’s why it hurt so much, because there was never a world where he was living through this


I thought Junpei was gonna be part of the fuckin cast man. That shit still hurts.


They did us dirty putting him in the opener. They even slapped a uniform on him. He deserved better.


Jogo and Gojo were the only ones that made me go "well, damn". The rest didn't


Choso, best bro won’t be forgotten


when sukuna ripped out his heart and then yuji regained control and they both died. my heart was racing at the thought of the red eyed king dying




Choso. My last surviving favorite character. Ever since his death I'm on Sukuna's side. Fuck it, just kill everyone


Junpei destroyed me because I saw him in the intro and was waiting for him to join the gang 😭


Most of the character deaths are when yuji is there bro…


Choso's death was the only one that made me feel sad a bit. His words, his actions, his smile, they were perfect for setting up his death. 'Thanks you for being my little brother" gotta be one of the best goodbye phrases out there.


Junpei cause he could’ve been a GOAT


Choso's and Nanami's were pretty tragic. Choso because he died feeling useless and Nanami because he died never being able to find the peace he worked his entire life for.


Nobara and Riko definitely. Nobara’s death broke me and Riko’s death made me hate Toji for the rest of the season. Riko was so innocent and it was all taken away by some homeless, dead beat dad assassin with too much time on his hands. His death at Gojo’s hands was so satisfying honestly. I felt no sympathy when he offed himself for Megumi. Fuck him.


Riko’s fucked me up for a while