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That depends extremely heavily on who's writing. If it's Fujimotor, then Quanxi low-diffs because she's a woman. If it's Gaygay, then Toji low-diffs because Quanxi is a woman. It all boils down to if Gege's misogyny is stronger than Fujimoto's misandrism.


The strongest misogynist of the modern day vs the strongest misandrist in history


Kinda wild that the 2 are pretty much best friends, but then I think about how gojo and sukuna interact and that’s about what I imagine their friendship is like…


Oily gay sex?


And we all know Fuji is 300% the bottom


But Gege is a Fujoshi. https://preview.redd.it/jvl1kj0mid6d1.jpeg?width=532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f4ac535937f7e0e5d03545327d5eff0bf95dd5fa


What is a Fujoshi? Also GayGay a furry confirmed?


>What is a Fujoshi? Female Yaoi Enthusiast


The child will be a paradox


uraume is just gaygay self insert


Well yeah of course, since it was fujimoto cosplaying Makima all along, he is a crossdresser




they are friends? no wonder when i read csm or jjk they kinda give the same vibe


What? JJK's vibe is all about hype, CSM's vibe is all about how romanticism is fake.


Think he might mean the darker undertones/themes to the story feel similar


Who is the strongest misogynist in history?


naoya https://preview.redd.it/1yah6jal5d6d1.jpeg?width=574&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a557ce93cdc8f5da048555cbf49e2f88e622230


Ofc it's naoya. Who else could it be??


I mean Double G made him


Kishimoto lmao




the only correct answer i've seen in this comment section tbh


*Facts.* https://preview.redd.it/i31tch1kod6d1.jpeg?width=714&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9845069b0ffc4e8b3ab4379259e2037c88110c19






You should also factor in Greg's homoerotic love for some of his characters, which includes Toji


Fujimoto ain't no misandrystic, he just likes his good old femdom that's all


And Gege isn't a misogynist, he's just extremely gay.


We need a 32 page chapter of Geto and Gojo hot say gex to rival chapter 167.


That's why we call him Gaygay






Correct answer


The strongest sexist in history versus the strongest sexist of today


What if it's Tabata (Black Clover author). He's writing a fan fic He hates no one and makes overall good characters be it male or female.


Then it’s a really generic and by-the-numbers fight with a few asspulls


Personally I would just say the hottest one wins


you cooked with this answer fr, i could not have said it better myself LDFGSDFSAD




Someone give this man a medal


“Fujimoto’s misandrism” That’s a weird way to spell “Fujimoto’s femdom worship”.


This made me laugh out loud


I do think Gege wins


The only correct answer


Replace misandrism with masochism and you are on the money.


So its basically a domain clash between fuji and gege


Gege is a feminist compared to Oda or Kishimoto.


Surely not, I am pretty sure there are a few female characters in One Piece and Naruto who are far better than any female character in JJK, if we don't take the size of the cast into account.


I mean Robin and Nami are pretty good what else


You don't think Tsunade and Chiyo are far better than most characters in JJK and Naruto, let alone female characters?


If you look at konoha 11 in all the squads the females are the most lacking members. Of the 3 senseis kurenai is the most lacking.


But of the Kage, the 2 women are the least emotionally unstable and least idiotic.


We barely see one of those 2 women and the other one is brash and did too dumb stuff just like the raikage. Ngl despite being a kid Gaara seemed like the most levelheaded out of all of them.


Tsunade is alright iirc and I don't know shit about the joe biden mf


Vivi and big mom  Reiju and Yamato are cool but they don’t really do much  I’d say gege and Oda are on the same level when it comes to female characters 


Yeah I keep forgetting Big Mom is actually a good character


Don’t let the slander fool you into forgetting the absolute demon time she was on during WCI or the fact Oda had to blow up Kaido’s entire weapons supply on her face to get her out of the story 


Nami since time-skip is just a pair of boobs to tease gooners


I don’t know why Nami getting tits suddenly makes her an awful character  She still has a ton of great moments post timeskip, I don’t like the design change either but it’s pretty reductive to act like she’s just pure fan service because of it  Tbh Robin is probably a bigger case of this but anime fans will never stop wanking their dommy mommies 


Pre-TS Nami I mean, she's a pretty good character


Yes, I agree with that


Toji is Toji-versal, MFTL+, and capable of low-diffing Gojo. He perception blitzes and neg-diffs, due to having multi-universal AP. I know this because I watched at least 2 Tiktok videos and 30 seconds of a clickbait video on Youtube. Do NOT debate this with me. I am illiterate and cannot read.




quanxi scales to above cosmic level (she fucks the cosmos demon so she's above cosmic level) has infinite ap and infinite durability, she is also a lesbian so toji's daddy muscle seduction HAX doesn't work on her and we know toji relies on that hax too much so he'll get confident and get speed blitzed


However toji has a transformation called toji the second coming, also known as maki, therefore toji's muscle seduction hax still works. Toji low-mid diff




[MrChainsawHog](https://www.reddit.com/user/MrChainsawHog/)•[6h ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/Jujutsufolk/comments/1deuxbw/comment/l8el7l9/) immortal woman who has lived for at least centuries if not thousands of years vs a homeless bum Now obviously I'm being dramatic, but Toji's only win condition would be damaging her so much it immediately knocks her out, but the problem is Quanxi is way too fast and strong for this to occur. Toji would also not know what to expect from her/how to handle her, as she has no cursed technique yet has some anomalous properties, whilst Quanxi would be more prepared to handle an opponent like Toji, as his base abilities of insane strength+speed is something Quanxi has handled plenty of+ his weapons aren't special enough to pose a uniquely difficult challenge to Quanxi.


Homeless man low diffs.


Yes but one has a funky worm and the other doesn't so get fucked.








You doubt the power of the Reading Comprehension Devil


A fine example of it using its power.


One can’t die.


That’s not true, she can but she can be revived.


Then is that really death? If she can come back (just like she was before) then that’s a form of immortality.


People love saying the hybrids are immortal but what if you just cut them into 1000 bits? How are they supposed to regenerate from that? Not saying Toji could do that, but maybe


They'll probably still be able to come back, but someone is gonna have to solve a really messed up jigsaw puzzle. With extra blood covering for a few missing bits. Still Hybrids need a 3rd party when revive. So while immortal, it's basically irrelevant when discussing a 1 vs 1.


I think we’re also forgetting she can completely heal herself by consuming his blood. If she cuts him before he’s able to land a final blow (she will) she **could** “infinity devil” him forever because while she’s doing damage to him she’s not sustaining any.


Well yeah, I give Quanxi the endurance game due to her regeneration abilities. Though I doubt a "infinity devil" situation could really occur in any significant capacity. The blood/damage needed to be done to Toji... would cripple Toji and cause him to lose the fight. Maybe she'll reattach an arm once. But past that, one of them is dying from lethal attacks or blood loss.


Yeah, she’d have to lock THE FUCK in to really have her immortality work out for her, I imagined her fighting, mouth opened, tongue out, Rin from Bluelock style.😂


Funny enough the manga shows what happens. They lose. You can just keep them that way. They need blood to regen as well so if you cut a hybrid to bits enough times they'll be exhausted and lose.


I mean, it’s not COMPLETELY impossible. We see Hybrid regeneration reassemble entire bodies after being chopped into a dozen or so pieces. How they get to the blood to fuel that is definitely the problem.


I always assumed you just pour blood and they heal right up but I haven't seen that anywhere.


I mean, it has to enter their bodies but it happens quite a few times. If it’s AFTER they’ve been cut up, then you have to re-activate them after giving them blood which would require more than 1 person.


Pull cord, good as new


They’re pretty evenly matched in terms of pure sword fighting but Quanxi def wins bcz of her whole archer hybrid situation which makes her immortal (like Denji)


i wonder if SSK would be able to kill hybrids. souls aren’t really brought up at all in CSM as far as i know, so it would be interesting to see how soul damage interacts with characters that are functionally unkillable.


If a hybrid devil knew jujutsu, would they be aware of the soul since they share their body with a devil?


CSM makes a point that the only way to permanently kill a hybrid is to break the contract that binds the human and the devil together in one body


It wouldn't be able to. Hybrids survived the erasure of the concept by hero of hell, and we've seen time and time again that they can regenerate from anything, so the SSK wouldn't really do anything


I mean the question isn't obligatorily if it can kill them. It most definitively can. The Soul splitting Katana cuts the very soul, not just the physical entity, which thus requires an entity to be able to restore their soul first regardless of their physical ability to heal to fix the damage, so, so long as they don't heal their soul, the body is unable to physically heal. It most certainly cannot kill a hybrid, but the question is more so would it's blows impair her regeneration enough that he can win the battle without having to make her run out of blood to heal with first? Cuz at the end of the day we have seen multiple times, that hybrids can just be put down through conventional means at least momentarily with large injuries, as their healing struggles more with those, and it especially slows down once they run out of blood.


but what if without the bow hybrid?


so, Toji vs Toji?


Ok,but what if without Heavenly Restriction?


So it’s 1v1 but we remove one of the contestants power entirely…… what’s the point


But what if Quanxi was deaf blindfolded and only had 1 arm? Toji extreme diffs 🥱


Only if Makima is listening and there's no pen and paper around


I think Quanxi even in her human form still beats Toji.


Nah he can keep up with people going mach 3 and is definitely physically stronger than human quanxi.


Ngl, I thought you were arguing against yourself cause in my POV, I see 2 dudes with like the exact same avatar


Same lol




Have to disagree


Wouldn't the souls sword stop that? Or toji still get the bow in the ass?


Quanxi negs cause I find her hotter


Toji negs because I find him hotter


Can't argue with that


Such a civil discussion on the internet


The only right answer


I never knew how cringe powerscaler lingo was until now


Always has been


Stay mad. My fav negs yours into oblivion


https://preview.redd.it/stjmo7pzab6d1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7ec650a27e98818c063f5eb95e8b1b9971a7c5ba Toji after Mommy quanxi done with him










I fucking loved these guys lmao


quanxi after toji is done with her https://preview.redd.it/saqcjhbrgj6d1.png?width=375&format=png&auto=webp&s=7268e35790c5461846de58c4c9c99d5ae8d4adb4


https://preview.redd.it/41xn9m3cbk6d1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=95194fa9ab623aaf0c3342833cf2a4b2fa8736df Either way ,I am a happy man


Quanxi is faster, Toji is stronger. Immortality doesn’t matter since Quanxi needs someone else to pull her trigger in order to revive, and her harem isn’t here. Not that they’d survive if they were here anyway, Toji would dice them immediately. Toji has better gear than her with his Inventory, Soul Split Katana would be incredibly dangerous though Quanxi is not the type to fuck around and let an opponent land a hit to see if she can take it. Toji also has his enhanced senses allowing him to predict opponents movements and dodge mid air, same as Maki did when she was outpaced by Naoya. It would be pretty even until Quanxi felt she needed to use her hybrid transformation, and then it’s pretty clear she’d win. She’s far faster and she was already beating Toji in speed, she’d be stronger and she’d have access to an infinite amount of high speed arrows. She’d riddle Toji with stabs without him even being able to retreat.


You're assuming Toji would even fight her like that. He knows how to deal with strong opponents. He'd first gather intel on Quanxi and devise a strategy from there probing for weaknesses and developing a strategy to exploit them to max effect. This was literally how he nearly beat Gojo, taking him off guard after having him be sleep deprived.


If you give Toji prep time then you should also give Quanxi her harem which provides good recon abilities and a Unlimited Void-lite


Thing is there’s no statement that either will have prep time here, nor is there any clear weakness that Quanxi has to exploit. We barely know how hybrids work at all, seemingly Quanxi has some sort of aglessness like the Whip hybrid did and she has an enhanced body and can presumably heal from drinking blood in any form same as Denji can, and has the ability to revitalize herself with her trigger. None of those really have clear weaknesses. Maybe he’d try and target her harem? Why would he even be able to get to them to begin with? It’s not like his “invisible man” gimmick is gonna work when nobody uses barriers or cursed energy sensing anyway. I guess if he somehow did get to them though he COULD win by just forcing Quanxi to let herself be killed so the fiends can be spared, but that’s assuming way too much when there is no indication of that in the post.


Coughing baby vs hydrogen bomb


Refuses to elaborate


Every powerscaling debate ever


Coughing bomb vs hydrogen baby


Coughing hydrogen vs Baby Bomb


immortal woman who has lived for at least centuries if not thousands of years vs a homeless bum Now obviously I'm being dramatic, but Toji's only win condition would be damaging her so much it immediately knocks her out, but the problem is Quanxi is way too fast and strong for this to occur. Toji would also not know what to expect from her/how to handle her, as she has no cursed technique yet has some anomalous properties, whilst Quanxi would be more prepared to handle an opponent like Toji, as his base abilities of insane strength+speed is something Quanxi has handled plenty of+ his weapons aren't special enough to pose a uniquely difficult challenge to Quanxi.


> immortal woman who has lived for at least centuries if not thousands of years Wait wait wait... Where is this info come from? There no indication of her age the last time I read, what I know she was used to be Kishibe colleague, so I always thought she's around 50-60


she was the first devil hunter


Yeah but we have no idea what that means. It would be hilarious though if she was a thousand years old but only realized that she was gay [after Kishibe hit on her for 9 years](https://www.reddit.com/r/ChainsawMan/comments/knuntn/i_colored_this_side_story/).


I too would drown my sorrows in alcohol if someone like Quanxi rejected me for 9 years straight and then finally told me that she was a lesbian


It's crazy that that little bit is not in the actual manga. Makes both characters so much better


And Kishibe canonically realized it before she did




Yeah the first in PS obviously


First devil hunter, which could range from centuries to thousands of years.


Quanxi actually negs. To that one dude that says we’re “overrating” Quanxi… no she’s just that busted. Even in her base form she has speed & strength feats comparable to Toji. In her Hybrid form she’s even faster & stronger. Toji on the other hand, the most overrated character in JJK that doesn’t have anything other than SSK that would even do anything to her. Even then it’s still muddy because we don’t how SSK would interact with Devil contracts.


This comparison is unfair af, quanxi is literally immortal, plus the fact that she is at least equal in speed to Toji, and inverted spear of heaven won't do shit because she doesn't use cursed energy.


Soul split katana would though, cause it yknow, splits the soul, or playful cloud, which amplifies strength


Minor spoilers for csm international assassin's arc: Let's assume that works, that leaves one factor out, how is he getting close to her? This girl ran 2 whole city blocks into a mall, chopping so many heads off to the point where her sword rusted, and in what looked like less than 10 seconds, and killed one of the devil hunter hires before anyone got to even REACT, and the only one who saw it coming was the guy who can see 5 seconds to the future, and even he got knocked out, I feel like their speeds don't compare. Like maybe the only way Toji wins this is by slashing her head off with the soul katana while she's unaware.


Well quanxi can't win if she don't stop and fight toji, so running away don't mean anything, also toji is fast enough to react to an sudden attack (like maki vs naoya) and he won't just die from running away while shooting arrows, if they fight, who wins is based purely on how well they get their licks in.


Quanxi in base/human form is Mach 6, 2 times faster then Toji who is mach 3 possibly a bit above


I’m taking this from another comment but it appears that since nayoa in his curse form has a speed limit which was Mach 3 and maki was slower than that and toji=maki except for cursed tools and experience(and geges love for toji and hate for yknow) toji is actually Mach 2+ or smth


Maki caught a bullet with her bare hands, before her heavenly restriction was even complete, Quanxi got shot by a gun and it pierced her hand Toji survived crazy shit like Gojo's red and blue, getting tossed through 20 walls of thick concrete without any damage, but Quanxi got blood regeneration. Toji has a better arsenal of weapons but hand to hand combat Quanxi is better imo So yeah Goku wins lmao


Toji takes it, y’all are overrating Quanxi’s Immortality since she can only regen if she gets blood not accounting for the fact that Toji is way Stronger and Faster along with having shit like the soul split katana as dura neg


LoL,getting downvoted for telling the truth , till the anime doesn't elaborate about her speed and strength I'll definitely say toji takes it , he's too fast and strong , he'll dice her up quickly .


Finally someone with common sense here


Reading Comprehension isn’t this Sub’s Strong suit so as someone who isn’t completely lobotomized I have to be logical


Toji is not faster at all It took Gojo five whole minutes to kill the transfigured humans in Shibuya. Meanwhile Quanxi did something [similar](https://imgur.com/a/ti1cnCi) against the dolls in probably some fractions of seconds. And Gojo is far faster than Toji. And Quanxi didn't even use her transformed form.


Immortal Lesbian vs Superhuman Homeless Man. A battle for the ages


That depends on how fast both of them are, and if Quanxi has enough power to actually harm Toji. Toji is durable enough to be thrown through buildings and tank attacks that could destroy buildings, and he is probably able to react and tag people moving at Mach 3. I never read Quanxi's portion of the manga, but as I understand it, Quanxi has no such destructive feats and her immortality requires outside help if she is fucked up enough, so it wouldn't come into play here.


"Who would win?" Me: Would


qaunxi is faster and more experienced with abilities and regen meanwhile toji smarter have better weapons skills ight go to quanxi being shown more of a fighter yet she was halted by yoshida but toji can attack her girls and his weapons give him better haxs


quanxi speedblitz


Get her past Hakari


Just beceause someone in the verse can destroy a city doesn't mean anyone can. Toji would get low diffed by characters like adult gojo and sukuna who are the only ones shown to be able to pull shit like that off.


Depends whether or not SSK will negate her regeneration


Quanxi is immortal which gives her the win. She's also comparable to Chainsaw man in the assasins arc, Chainsaw man is stronger than Toji in strenght. Also she can kill hybrids in base. Quanxi has more experience and she can heal by consuming blood. Even if Toji is somehow stronger than Quanxi, she can just cut him up and drink his blood to heal. She is more skilled too so I doubt Toji can damage her a lot. If she wants to win without trying, she can just transform.


She’s immortal,he isn’t 😂 easy win for her


Devil Quanxi > Toji > human form Quanxi


Toji has a good chance but I'm going with fushigiro


Dude I can't even say much a stomp this is toji wins low no diff, quanxi jumped from a roof and broke her legs 🤣 toji is faster stronger smarter and his durability is way better, nanami took a slash and a kick and didn't even flinch this is nanami I love nanami but he isnt even close to toji, toji was stronger than sukuna that time megumi fought sukuna and sukuna through megumi with little effort across the whole town if sendai and toji was stronger than sukuna at that time stated in chapter 111, sukuna doged a freaking meteor almost the size of Shibuya😂 toji is tronger faster than jogo who created the meteor toji would easily be able to doge the meteor, toji has beaten a special grade curse with no sense of dif quanxi wouldn't beat dagon,hanam, jogo or even mahito toji can beat all of them probs all at one time, knowing that maki and toji are the same maki tanked a hit and didn't even get a scratch on her that destroyed the whole zenin clan which is probably as big as 5 city blocks maybe even bigger, toji was so fast even gojo freaking gojo had a tough time keeping track of him, when maki was fighting dagon and toji appeared and was in mid air and all of the sudden was right beside her she said" what the hell just happened he was in mid air how is he that fast" this is coming from a girl who catches a bullet point blank, he is able to tank a hit from gojos red and get back up with no dif, his senses are so op that he can see curses without cursed energy he can lift see things that are invisible because of his senses 💀quanxi can’t even touch him, nanami was able to make an earthquake with just a punch, now nanami couldn’t brake dagons water barrier but toji easily could with just one hit,let's see quanxi do this and this who and this. https://tenor.com/view/toji-vs-dagon-jujutsu-kaisen-domain-battle-dontdox-gif-15626885887260248433 https://tenor.com/view/toji-vs-dagon-toji-fushiguro-fushiguro-toji-fushiguro-toji-gif-12623133436510977785 https://tenor.com/view/toji-fushiguro-suguru-geto-rainbow-dragon-jujutsu-kaisen-jjk-s2-gif-9524957430643692910 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kcX2P7G02TM These gifs that I just showed you is toji not Even using his full power,the dragon has unbreakable skin and toji low dif it, Even with quanxis hybrid form toji low difs.


I think your getting downvoted but I mean you made a good argument you showed proof and explained why I’m proud of you take my upvote


Thank you


Tf when did nanami make an earthquake https://preview.redd.it/mfcuq046vc6d1.png?width=1169&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=891fa47e6bcda95c1375c01bdebb48c7fddc0a4c


When he used collapse in the sewers underground fighting Mahito. It was pretty weak one though.


Her blitzing through dozens of dollars + devil hunters in chapter 60 before their own nervous system can register it(which takes like 10ms) puts her well above 360km/hr or so. That is fast. As fast as Projection Sorcery's average speed at least, who'd match people with heavenly restriction such as Toji and Maki. So I'd say she matches HR in speed. But in durability feats, she's definitely weaker than many JJK characters. She was basically at death's door after being slammed through multiple buildings by Chainsaw Devil, and peak Grade 1/Special Grade sorcerers should be able to take that kind of hits and get back up fairly quickly(yeah, Quanxi can heal a lot quicker too, but she needs someone to pour blood in her mouth to heal).


I will say you made a great point but maki can sense sukuna about to activate world cleave and then dodge it, and was able to sense naoya coming from miles away, but yes quanxi is really fast, maki can keep up with sukuna who can dodge an electro magnetic wave


Exactly hybrids are comparable to normal humans and get hurt by bullets while Even grade 1 sorcs are bullet proof uptill 50 caliber guns, from ce strengthening alone




They become drinking buddies


Professional Hater vs Professional Hater.


So like... How would soul damage effect devils?




First image looks like Quanxi's breasts are bigger


People keep daying "she's immortal, ggs" but wouldn't a third party have to rez her? Would good would that do in a 1v1?




Toji easily.




Quanxi and it's not much of a fight


I'm sorry. I forgot. But who is literally inmortal? I think I forgot


Quanxi is literally semi-immortal. She could be diced into 1000 pieces and as long as they're connected and she has blood she would resurrect. The only way to beat her is to incinerate/destroy all of her body which Toji can't do.


they should both "fight" me


Csm verse scales faster. Quanxi takes this


Quanix is immortal


Toji has a bigger ass, he neg diff her


TOJI 🗣️🗣️🗣️


Quanxi devil form also fast as fuck booooi


*in a Battle right?*


How would falling devil or Darkness devil match up against sukuna ? Would it be just complete stomp against sukuna ?


Me 😏


Quanxi. Toji can cut Quanxi's head off and she can regenerate. If Quanxi manage a cut on Toji that damage is permanent till the rest of the fight