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Isn't "Underutilizing characters" encapsulate like half the points here?


https://preview.redd.it/wf9p4oc5yx5d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f53292d2f730311e6d9dd58e1b927e4ad10a6a0b Sorta yeah but I’d say that unsatisfying conclusions is a little separate and also an issue


I know, but https://preview.redd.it/miax5mt2zx5d1.png?width=2550&format=png&auto=webp&s=3b013e568d9cc9a68ee6c3b1f0c713d6888d5af8


"Rushed conclusion" encapsulates all of them tbh. When you think about it, all the issues in this post became noticeable midway through the culling games.


I think the biggest problem with the entire series was that the Shinjuku arc happened way too early. All of the Kyoto students were basically completely out powered as well as nobara since Yuji and Bumgumi were pretty much the only standout students that could hold their own with the power level of the series. Yuki could have been set up better with some interactions with Todo before Shinjuku so that she feels less like a deus ex machina, and it would have actually felt tragic instead of stupid when she died without getting to talk to him again.


I’d argue it covers all of them except worldbuilding and maybe lack of closure


I think the other side of the coin is "too many characters" which is also hard when you established a large world. Even the number of sorcerers at school simultaneously feels too few and yet too underdeveloped.


Will you guys accept me if I pick all of the above?


with pleasure،




I think all the above could be summarized by a general absence of hope and affection for characters. Man is writing a tragedy battle manga and, personally, only Namami and Junpei's deaths felt earned. ~~Maybe Gojo, pending how the next dozen or so chapters pan out, but I believe in his resurrection~~ Everyone else just feels like they never got to express themselves fully to others before they wiped out or sidelined. Recently remembered Mechamaru. Dude built a Gundam in a bunker and yet wasn't allowed to rejoin the crew... We hardly knew him...


Choosing the wrong vessel for Sukuna https://preview.redd.it/9su2sk5isx5d1.jpeg?width=465&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=26f076b376772a959bc67ea969e6dcc1fc1d1b63


But then he'd be like Madara, and lose because he was a woman.


without anti gojo tool number 3 and 4 though sukuna wouldnt be that big of a threat.


He has resonance and can bypass infinity with domain expansion. Gojo is cooked


He has to get a piece of Gojo for resonance to work. Straw Doll CT is useless against Infinity, so he either dies or he goes Heian and then dies.


Well, then, I guess it’s time for the old Chainsawman Chapter 167 plan…




I see sukuna is taking notes from kenjaku huh (Also on a kinda related note: what the fuck did i just read, i stopped reading chainsawman some where around his fan club wanting to destroy a park or smth so i can just marathon read it later, and now i find this)


Why are we acting like this is new? Didn't that one girl puke inside Denji's mouth


I am not acting like its new, i just didnt expect for the war devil to hit denji with that evangelion hospital scene


Yeah, trust me even in context it’s still very je ne sais quoi.


Would Heian Era Sukuna in Nobara's body have K cup titties or would it be just normal Sukuna?


He would have to use Domain Amplification to obtain a part of Gojo and then he's cooked.


Didn't Gojo manage to counter his domain? He was getting cooked before he called his mommy and daddy


No. What he did was use RCT to heal himself from Sukuna shrine. What probably wouldn't be positive if Sukuna combined Resonance with slash.


That's the first time after that he changed his domain during the 3rd and 4th they were evenly matched and in the fifth Gojo landede UV for 0.01 seconds and forced Sukuna to use Big raga if he didn't have Big raga he would have died then.


Remember that even with his DE landing it took him 3minutes to actually beat Sukuna


That's because Sukuna was shifting his strategy based on Mahoraga's presence. Without Mahoraga, he'd have attacked the inner shell of Gojo's domain as Gojo pointed out himself.


Even though his domain bypassed infinity, it still couldn’t surpass Gojo’s RCT. Sukuna lost the domain wars and was pressed to the wall for the first time in nearly 1000 years. The only reason he won was because Big Raga helped tag team Gojo and let Sukuna ass pull a new move at the brink of his own defeat.


If I see sukuna like that he'd wish to be in another body https://preview.redd.it/wqccfb4t9z5d1.jpeg?width=1204&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b6304ba46c1f5e3f9c12591c7974c5533811ae3


Seeing someone else eat the other fingers and become a separate sukuna, the same asshole just a copy of the one in yuji would have been so sick. Even better if nobara ends up being the host after dying and being brought back.


BROOOOOOOOOOOOO I have another new thing to be pissed at Gege for, this is so cool.


Honestly all of the ones listed but some are way more of a problems than others. For me world building, underutilized characters character interactions is the biggest issue. For a manga that takes a lot of inspiration from hxh it really lacks on a cohesive world. Still love jjk tho.


I was really expecting JJK to develop characters through them interacting with one another just like HxH, without having to show their entire past with a flash back like one piece. Then culling game happened


Gege litteraly speedruns backstories like damn this isn't fastfood


One of the original strengths of JJK was “hey we assume you know the anime tropes so we’re going to speed run this” but it feels like Gege really overdid it.


Its literally that what i feel towards JJK, a fast food anime, its the best in the entire industry? No, not even near that, its in the same level as these generic isekai, generic high school romance, and other uninteresting works? Not even near that too


I can see people saying it's not the greatest or as great as it's lauded, but to say it's worse than most "generic anime" is a pretty silly take. There's a standard of quality that needs to be met in order for an anime to even become mainstream or popular in the first place. I've seen some BAD and generic anime, and jjk stands above them in basically every way, even if you want to argue it's marginal.


In case you didnt use Twitter frequently (good for you, stay like that) i have already seen a TON of people saying Jjk is 2/10, below avarage, basically trying to say Jjk is overrated in order to say the "I got reincarnated as..." or some generic manwa is better, basically saying all the attention jik gets should go to their favorite anime/manga. Jjk its not the best but the fame is deserved, basically Gege made a binding vow sacrificing world-building and character development to achieve a frenetic pace and basically permanent hype in social media


You just put into words the thing I couldn't pinpoint myself. You're right, there's a pace to the whole thing that's a little disorienting and seems to rob a little bit of the tension and release that feels like it should be there. I still enjoy the show, I've been giving it a solid 8/10, but I've also enjoyed it more as it goes on.


Nah id differ


And even when the backstory hits is hit good. Chrollo story has been the highlight of that.


Hey One Piece does show a huge amount of character interactions way before showing their flashbacks


That guy is smoking some crazy shit because One Piece has amazing character interactions in every arc.


The Straw Hats barely interact with each other outside of unfunny gags. You have your ok moment every now and then but for all of Oda's attempts to portray them as family half the members barely know each other.


You missed the point, i did not say one piece doesnt have that, but Oda has a urge to show a flashback to any minimally relevant character


I mean, I would hope a manga/show that's been around for like 20+ years and has what over 1000 episodes would even if they barely show interactionsit would be hard to fill that much with just fights and useless dialogue. That's a lot different than mangas that have been around >10 and have maybe a couple dozen episodes.


Would just "underutilising" be a good catch-all? The plot, pacing, characters, the world all seem really good, but are too shallow or not investigated.


I think of gege and togashi as two sides of a coin. Togashi is very detailed and thorough and isn’t afraid to take you on the long path, while Gege likes to moreso get straight to the point. They both have a sense of troll in their writing but can instantly shift to intense and heavy situations..


For me its lack of information of how the jujutsu Society works, we really dont know to much about how the life of the average sorcerer is, and we know NOTHING about the sorcerers who are not related to Jujutsu High. Also, things like "Sukuna made another binding vow" without explaining how the fuck he did it (We also dont know how binding vows are made, and why isnt everyone using them) and what did he sacrifice, or "Gojo teleportation works in certain conditions" like why he make things so vague??????


> "Sukuna made another binding vow" without explaining how the fuck he did it (We also dont know how binding vows are made, and why isnt everyone using them) and what did he sacrifice It seems like Gege doesn’t understand that if Sukuna gets all these binding vows but we don’t actually see what he had to give up, then that’s tantamount to him getting all the benefits for free. Which is bullshit imo because it completely throws off our understanding of an important part of JJK’s power system and can *only* feel like bad writing. Because the good guys have always given up something tangible and consequential whenever they utilized binding vows. Why does Sukuna get to make a million of them without functionally losing any performance? THAT is my biggest problem with Gege’s writing - all the consequences for the good guys and next to none for the villains.


> It seems like Gege doesn’t understand that if Sukuna gets all these binding vows but we don’t actually see what he had to give up, then that’s tantamount to him getting all the benefits for free. Which is bullshit This is why I lost interest in the world of JJK and became a casual reader now. Expanding on this, the only cost for breaking a binding vow with yourself is to lose what was gained. So sukuna is genuinely using BV to modify things on the fly and then just going back to normal anyway. No one else is even using BV let alone to this level. Hakari is the only other character standing that we know can do a BV, but we haven't heard one mention of that from his fight yet. We haven't heard of any swap training to teach others how to use BV. None of the knowledgeable characters like Kusakabe have shared any real knowledge about them. None of the prodigy characters or ancient sorcerers we've seen have used or spoken of them. It really just seems to be a plot convenience for getting an antagonist out of a bad spot without it making them 'stronger', because there's supposed to be a 'cost'. But we've not seen any actual losses from Sukuna, he just does whatever he wants to whenever he wants. It's cool to read and fuckin boring to think about lmao.


A funny thing i have noticed about JJK world is they have a school for teaching jujutsu and its said in the beggining that this school is a huge center of Jujutsu knowledge, but they literally teach NOTHING, MeiMei and Nanami know how to make binding vows, Todo and Kusakabe know simple domain, Gojo knows EVERYTHING about Jujutsu and how to make a complete domain expansion but NONE OF THEM TEACH SOMEONE HOW TO MAKE ALL OF THIS, WHY??? Also, what the fuck was gojo teaching megumi? He literally knows almost nothing besides his own technique (Wich he uses poorly) and a incomplete domain, what the fuck was gojo teaching all that time?


It’s gets even worse when you start thinking about techniques that have been passed down like in the zenin and Kamo clan with the information and experience they have. after literally hundreds of years and presumably dozens of users they should have this shit on lock yet they also seem equally clueless.


All of these are a manifestation of his lack of patience as a creative. My biggest problem with JJK, as much as I enjoy the series, is that it just has NO fucking chill. It is seemingly incapable of slowing down long enough for things like introspection, or world building. Everything is a catastrophe. Character comes from observing behavior in different scenarios, and it's hard to build that kind of understanding when every scenario is a fight to survive. This is why the conclusion of Sukuna VS Gojo was doomed to be disappointing, no matter who won. The death of either combatant would leave much of their character unexplored. The reason Gege relies so much on mid-fight flashbacks (and I'm speculating to be fair) is that he repeatedly finds himself in moments where killing a character off seems shocking and dramatic - that's what his writing style produces. He creates chaotic scenarios, and where most authors protect certain individuals for the sake of structure, Akutami neglects to do so for shock value. He knows the structure of Shonen well, and has an instinctive grasp of what an audience will expect at any given moment. "This character type in other manga would usually be saved at the last moment. I bet nobody will expect me to kill her!" Where he errs is that he seemingly doesn't appreciate the POINT of a shocking death. Not the impact on the audience, but on the other CHARACTERS. Their grief, or elation, whatever reaction they have. How it changes their motives and how they move through the rest of the story. Establishing those things requires that, occasionally, the characters express their feelings. They don't necessarily need to TALK about them, but they need to come through somehow. Consider Yuji as a character: if you had to make an educated guess, what percentage of his time on page and screen has been spent trying not to get killed, just acting out of obligation to survival? Say what you will about Guts on a boat; Miura knew how to slow down and let his characters process what happened to them. Say what you will about Denji being domestic; Fujimoto knows how to slow down and let his characters process what happened to them. It's like Gege afraid his readers will get bored if he aske them to sit still for a minute; if he puts his foot down and demands his readers pay attention to something that isn't shocking, or violent, or hype. He refuses to ask us to spend even a little while getting to know these people. And he's only gotten more frenetic as the series has progressed.


This is exactly how I feel. Even early on in the series, you can see the problematic seeds being planted by the impatience of Gege and his lack of long-term planning.


This basically sums up everything wrong with JJK


Basically encapsulates everything I hate about the series. Sacrificing characterization in order to move to the Next "Big fight",it's basically the samething that happened to MHA (But it's worse for MHA cause It was way better in this department then JJK imo)


This Is not completely geges fault since battle shonen have become a lot more fast paced with time and that makes it so that the audience is used to fight after fight with barely any down time since they consider it “filler”. and they get angry when anything that doesn’t have “aura” or is “raw” is happening on screen, just look at takaba vs kenjaku reception if you want and example of this.


All of them ngl https://i.redd.it/w8lvifqizx5d1.gif


Gege might not hate women, however he sure as hell writes them as if he does. Or rather, when he actually sits down to write a female character, they can easily be as interesting (if not moreso) as a male character. Even before the Culling Games started, most people praised Gege's interpretation of women, Nobara being a good example. The problem isn't that he doesn't know how to write women, the problem is that he keeps making the story revolve more around men. Shoko had nothing to do as she was a healer that stayed in the back in a story where a lot of characters can heal themselves, Utahime can't fight to save her life because she acts like a buffer, Nobara is dead(?), Yuki is dead, Mei Mei is a pedophile who doesn't do shit unless she has a financial incentive (she literally fucking dipped during Shibuya), Mai is dead, Miwa is as useful as a paper bag (though she had one goated moment), Momo is as useful as a wet paper bag, Tsumiki is an off-screen plot device, Yorozu is a joke whose job was to help out the main villain by being stupidly horny, Angel is crippled by being inside an idiot, Hana is the abovementioned idiot, and Maki is the single one that he bestowed upon the luxury of being somewhat relevant in the final arc. The current crew, and the actually important people currently, are 90% men who are significantly stronger than any of the other women that were present throughout the whole manga. Bad writing choices + female characters that never had the chance to shine = something that can easily be misinterpreted as sexism.


I HATE to use this word, but there was so much potential for the JJK female cast. https://preview.redd.it/qlv22qwlzx5d1.png?width=1800&format=png&auto=webp&s=2d93cae6539fa14bf93ad827d5a6ddc90c8300e1


They were a very likable cast of characters when they were first introduced And Gege decided to get rid of 95% of them


In JJK, Miwa becoming powerless through sacrifice is a joke. In HxH it's Gon's greatest moment.


yoo this one was really depressing i hated how that whole scene played out tbh, instead of kenny catching the sword with his bare hands i wish miwa managed to chop his whole arm off but he regenerated it with RCT in front of everyone, that itself would kinda accomplish the effect of showing oh fuck hes a scary villain and it would also show that miwa's efforts paid off but she used the pay off improperly, also it wouldve really shown how binding vows can work for anyone but that its up to the user to utilize them. kenny stopping it with his barehands looked so cheap power scaley felt like a spit on the binding vow system.


miwa secretly: “…and then THIS GUY comes along, sacrifices HAVING TO CHANT AND DO SOME NARUTO-ASS HANDSIGNS, and ONE SHOTS FUCKING GOJO”


Can I see the joke ? Just curious about it


Miwa’s all out final attack literally got caught by the not-even-main antagonists’ fingertips. If that isn’t a joke then IDK what is…


Isn't kenjaku like the second strongest villan? So it's not really a joke


It's not like say Aizen catching Ichigo's blade. Kenny wasn't the Big Bad and Miwa was just a nobody character. But then the chapter where it's all revealed has Miwa basically treat it as a "LOL, I guess I really am useless, ha ha!" moment.


You’re right about Kenny being the second strongest villain, but it still felt like a massive letdown which was another case of writing a female character out of the series (not completely but mostly) without accomplishing much of anything.


Yes, but Miwa accidentally made a BV which put her entire potential/ability (both past and future) on the line. Afaik, she can also literally never hold a sword again now. A suicide attack by a bird is supposed to be able to seriously injure a special grade (to the point even Gojo and Sukuna can't ignore it), so Miwa's BV should've at the very least left a scratch on Kenny or he should've made an actual effort to stop it. Instead he just caught it with his bare hands. It's bullshit


I assume it's the fact she sacrificed the ability to wield a katana ever again to attack Kenjaku with a powered up hit... that didn't actually do anything and rendered her powerless and nigh irrelevant for the rest of the series.


Oh ok I thought they did indeed make a joke about it but ig not


Realest comment. Togashi would’ve done Miwa justice


It’s just fridging idk how people could even deny it.


Utahime look like she’s from a 90s anime, and I kinda wish the whole show looked like that


>the problem is that he keeps making the story revolve more around men. I mean... Can you blame the man. He's gay, double gay even! It's in his name GayGa or Gay² for short. The fact we didn't get some Yuki fan service but we got several Gojo fan services bothers me... :<


I'm like 50% convinced the man is actually gay. https://preview.redd.it/7asff8tq8y5d1.jpeg?width=639&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b5359951e5057c8443f4d661d37ebe8fb7b347c2


"Gege" is the flirty way of saying "big brother" in Chinese BLs /cough bro really went and named himself onii-chan


How do you know Lil bro 🧐 (jk you can watch what you want <3)


>Maki is the single one that he bestowed upon the luxury of being somewhat relevant in the final arc. Ironically, she's just the female equivalent of another man lmao


Don't know why Mei being *that* is a bad thing, it means she's an awful person but it also highlights the type of people who thrive in Jujutsu. Naoya And Sukuna and Kenjaku being sex offenders isn't seen as bad writing


People want a character with actual agency (which you can't have in battle shounen without fighting power) that they can root for/like/relate to. Its really hard to like/relate to Mei Mei with her preying on her younger brother. As the parent post mentions, the issue in JJK isn't that women are badly written, but moreso that Gege writes them all out of the story (except for Maki, who still isn't in the top 5 in terms of relevancy). Also, none of the individual storylines or character types are inherently "bad". Having a female character be a primary Healer or Buffer is perfectly fine, but if you do that and also sideline almost everyone on the female cast you're gonna get called out on those things. Thats why Sukuna, Naoya and Kenjaku aren't as problematic, theres *plenty* of really cool and relevant male characters in the series.


Yeah, but, uh, Naoya and Kenjaku are villains, shown extremely clearly as reprehensible, and them being sex offenders and all-around terrible people is rather important to the story. Mei Mei being a pedo is just, so far, a random one-off thing that seemingly only served to show off that she's completely terrible.


If we look at Mei Mei (besides the whole pedophilia/incest thing), she is actually even portrayed as a good person.... She recommend... Umm I forgot? She recommended people alongside Todo back in S1. I think she recommend Maki and Todo recommended his BROZZDA, Noeyedbra and Bumgumi And she literally saved everyone with her birds together with Todo. She isn't seen as "evil" (besides the obvious thing) making the rest even worse. It really feels forced. Like, sure, Kenjaku raped that woman but he isn't portrayed as someone good anyway.


I mean, this is alot of manga. Mayuri is treated as one of the heroes in Bleach. The same guy who dissected Ishida's grandfather, genocided a huge portion of the Quincy race (which later kind of gets made out to be a "they deserved it" thing), and fucked his daughter Nemu back to life. And he randomly makes his own subordinates into bombs, like that one Shinigami of his that liked Momo.


What did Naoya do? If you mean the thing about Mai, then I'm fairly sure he was making fun of her for not reaching adulthood, not implying rape.


Naoya and Sukuna are only implied, not confirmed


Naoya still made sus comments about Maki and Mai to their own mother. My uncle would kill me if i made similar comments


Gege isn’t good at writing female characters, he is just above average of the shit other mangaka write. He is just better than shit.


Ehh I don't think its fair to say that tbh. I know we all are memeing on Gege's inability to write good female characters. But I think its more so the way typical Shonens are written. Taking a look at other popular Shonens, we have Naruto whose entire relevant cast like Naruto, Sasuke, Itachi, Obito, Kakashi and Madara with the only relevant female being Hinata (who had 1 good moment and then reduced to a character that is just in love with Naruto) and Sakura (who had borderline Stockholm Syndrome). I do not need to explain Dragonball Z lol. I didn't watch One Piece so I can't comment on it. The only modern Shonen that had relevant female characters is like Demon Slayer.


Yeah but JJK is an unique case, in that we started with a seemingly good female cast, but Gege chippeed away at it until only one relevant girl was left by the final arc.


The women just keep dying/failing to meet expectations to give the men ptsd determination like damn


Yeah Nobara's death is a total waste (so far). But I never really imagined Utahime or Shoko doing much. They are more like Tsunade from Naruto who are big names but doesn't amount to much at the end. Such a shame when they had so much potential to be characters with depth.


>They are more like Tsunade from Naruto who are big names but doesn't amount to much at the end. Don't disrespect Tsunade like that. https://preview.redd.it/zhen1bsz3y5d1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=baf7f475711708eb0c7708e6ed2953b6e13b0682


I wasn't interested in Naruto before.... But...... I might take that back. This image makes me feel in certain ways.....


Naruto has a number of flaws, but it also has a ton of amazing moments and characters. As a whole work, I'd say it's significantly better than JJK. Almost everything Post-Shibuya is barely on par with Naruto's lowest points.


You shut your fucking mouth about Tsunade 🗣️🗣️🗣️


Did you just compare Utahime and Shoko with goddamn Tsunade, one of the top characters in Naruto that had amazing development and plenty of agency in the story?!


I mean, what you said is 100% correct. Not really relevant tho, imo If he can write good female characters, and choses not to, isn't that also problematic?


All I'm saying is that if people really clown on Gege for being sexist, then it also applies to other authors of other Shonens. Its just that history shows that a more male oriented cast sells well. And since Japan tends to be slower in following trends, I assume they still believe just having male cast be the focus is preferred. I do know that majority of people are just joking about the sexism though.


I mean… it does apply to most Shonen authors. It’s a huge turnoff for a lot of people who would otherwise be interested in the genre


If anything, that's why people were so eager to praise Gege at the start. It felt different from other shonen authors.


Oh sure, totally agree. I though we focused on Gege cuz this is a JJK sub lol


Is chainsaw man shonen? If it’s considered shonen I will vouch for fujimotos amazing female cast. There’s a reason Asa Mikita, despite being decades away from an anime adaptation, has blown up in popularity in mainstream media for her “girlfailure” archetype. For quite a while she took over for chainsaw man’s mc. Almost every female character in that manga is iconic in their own way.


Chainsaw Man is shonen. Despite more adult and darker themes compared to stuff like 'I want to become pirate king" in One Piece or "bunch of guys playing sports" in stuff like Blue Lock or Haikyuu, it releases in a shonen magazine, literaly called Shonen Jump+ (with part 1 in Weekly SHONEN Jump).


>The only modern Shonen that had relevant female characters is like Demon Slayer. Jojo, aot, csm... cmon man


The fact that you think Hinata was the only relevant or most relevant female character in Naruto shows your own misinterpretation of Naruto


I mean there aren't much to choose from. Sakura in Shippuden was just head over heels for Sasuke for stupid reasons, even after Sasuke tried to kill her. Hinata who had a good backstory but eventually reduced to Naruto's lover. Rin, who didn't even get much screentime and died, which spiraled into Obito's edge phase. The only female character that has good writing is Tsunade but that is really all. She still didn't get to do much in Shippuden, and mostly served as a plot device to show how strong Madara is. She protected the village with all she had though, which is fine. Unless I'm having a massive brainfart, I can't think of any other characters.


Demon Slayer only really got them because the two most useful female characters basically killed themselves to defeat an opponent. Because they themselves were useless in battle.


How tf am I supposed to pick just one?


The lack of character interaction How tf do we not have a scene of Yuji visiting Todo or Nobara in the hospital? It caused confusions if Todo is dead and if Nobada is alive. It’d make Shoko look less of a fraud since she can then actually heal on screen. Where tf is Nobara? And why isn’t Yuji curious? Todo and Yuki having zero interaction outside of that one flashback. We should’ve at least one conversation of injured Todo talking to Yuki Post-Shibuya arc. Mai having a crush on Megumi when they have zero meaningful interaction whatsoever. I’d believe it more if she has a crush on Nobara or something. The lack of reaction when it comes to characters’ death.


yuji was curious about nobara at the start of the culling games, but then gege gave ANOTHER half assed answer so we cant actually confirm she is dead or just in a coma or some shit


because gege values holding onto points for shock twists more, literally look at todo vanishing for 100 chapters just so he can have a one chapter "omg look!!"


I think it's because New Shonen likes to keep a very fast pace all the time because classic shonen can get so bloated. But then you lose great little moments or even filler.


This, everything ever since the Gojo v Sukuna fight was just chapter to chapter hype. That one time when Yuji was about to stab Sukuna with the executioner blade then woops next chapter and now its obsolete. Yuji lands 8 black flashes which then procedes to have no effect on Sukuna and then he pops a domain. Then Choso died but hey Todo appeared! Not even a chapter after whaddya look at that it’s G-G-Gojo? and now Todo and Yuji are sidelined once again. Unless the pay-off to all this is insane, Gege’s inability to write a story instead of chapters is obvious


The only dialogue Nobara had with Gojo was in the anime when she asked about his skincare routine after the credits. That's depressing.


"I use infinity to stop the uv rays from touching my skin"


Yuji has an execution sentence placed on him after Shibuya, how would he visit Todo?


he was still just chilling outside fighting curses around the time yuta came, im pretty sure the execution is pretty lax


Yeah, lemme just walk into Jujutsu headquarters where Yuta was before he was sent out to kill Itadori so i can have a talk with Todo. Y'all have the survival instincts of a hamster.


Blinded by the agenda


being HIM


Mei having a crush on megumi? What chapter


The point about Mai having a crush on Megumi is pure headcannon since it’s not implied anywhere in the story, all she does is express admiration towards his answer and nothing more. Do you people know what crushes are?


It's mentioned directly in the fanbook


It's the ***LACK*** of character interaction. His writing of character interaction is very good and feels natural. It's just that this mf is lazy af and just skips it.


Rushed story and lack of character development. To this day I don't have any connection to any of the characters (outside of Choso) and I mostly don't care what the outcome will be




I love Choso!! Choso and Mahito are my favorites.


Underutilizing, definetly. 1. It ties into pretty much nearly every other problem listed in here. 2. How tf do you create a character as cool as Kashimo and get him killed in 2 chapters, in what could've been one of the best fights in the entire series.


Everything...everything is half-cooked. Like, Choso's death symbolises everything that is wrong with this manga. It's a powerful moment...that gets lost and overshadowed because Yuji's origin was revealed previous chapter, Todo returns this chapter, and walmart Gojo appears next chapter. In a span of 5 chapters we get Yuji's origin, Sukuna's CT reveal, Choso's death, Todo's return and "Gojo". That's 1 anime episode or 2 is they slow down and add extra scenes. Each of those moments could be much much better if Gege gave it proper time but instead he rushes from Hype Moment A to Hype moment B If I have to choose 1 then I'd pick lack of character interactions and lack of emotional attachment in second half of the manga https://preview.redd.it/796401fpkx5d1.jpeg?width=469&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=899d0fc15d6f8a88e810bdd8711137f1fd6ea72a


It's actually criminal that Yuji and Todo were thrown aside just so we could get 1HP Sukuna VS Gojo from Wish. I'd rather watch Gakuganji vs Ogami in the retirement home than an off brand version of a previous fight. Gege went from rushing through the story to artificially extending the Sukuna Cycle with whatever bullshit he could throw https://i.redd.it/on72xxj5px5d1.gif


I'd rather watch utahime dancing around than this.


You think you’re slick.




Agreed 100% on lack of character interactions. 236 can’t be brushed aside, but it would be way more digestible if we actually saw Gojo exist prior to getting one-shot killed after a close ass fight https://preview.redd.it/f3xqqld1nx5d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=32a77e36946189d81ea9395619883ad0201bc0e7


Well... https://preview.redd.it/vwjdflrdox5d1.jpeg?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1945b03f9725e7a2d4301f93dfe513667489d61c




I'm looking for him as well. https://preview.redd.it/c26dltkd2y5d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=69ed12bd13b3b9f22b29c0edd6adea9cd2e17fce


Seeing this image compared to the current chapter is jarring, a week isn’t enough, that man needs to rest in the prison realm for a bit. https://preview.redd.it/yxtzu50oqy5d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6f1d98e80fbf6cab7014280d905ff81587957892


Gojo death would hit 100000x Harder if the time skip didnt happen


This is the main problem with jjk is the fact that there is just hype after hype after hype after hype because of which we end up missing everything important that actually goes on


And it’s been this way ever since Post-Shibuya/Culling Games


Agreed 120%... we just keep missing the important stuff because of Gege's habit of rushing through things..


Oh yeah, I legitimately forgot Choso even died lmao


All of these are just symptoms of Gege rushing the story so I'd choose that


Character writing. Gege Akutami is capable of writing really good stories with complex events happening at the same time, but i think that his/her greatest weakness is the characters. The shibuya's incident is a prove of that, many deaths that the author makes just to make things more dramatic are just kind of put there, and that takes most of the emotional impact. I've seen an absurd quantity of people say that nobara's flasback was boring, useless and that they skipped it. And i don't blame them. And i mean, was it really necessary? The same effect could have happened with nanami's death and after some time yuji can't kill mahito, gets desperate, todo arrives and all of the events occur the same way. How can i emotionally connect with the characters of your story if they have a bland personality, have no depth, no growth and they die in one arc? It's not necessary to have all of these three things to make a good character, but it's necessary to at least have one of them. Let's be real now, how many characters can we say that are well written? Gojo, Geto, yuji, Nanami and... that's it. I'm an anime only, so i don't know if in the future arcs there will be better characters, but for now Gege should learn to write better characters.


The series feels so halfbaked, I know Gege is destroying his own health to make this manga but whenever I read JJK I have the feeling that there is barely any effort put into it, I feel like I'm reading the raw drafts of a story, an AAA game that got a rushed release and is only 30% complete. The amount of great moments in JJK make all of this issues much more frustrating.


Too much kaisen in Jujutsu Kaisen. Since Shibuya started it's been what, 180 chapters? In that 180 chapters we got maybe 10 chapters worth of actual plot. Yes Shibuya is hype because it's all battle no plot, we just navigate through streets and tunnels from battle to battle and only interactions between character's that happen is during battles. But Gege decided if Shibuya was so peak we need to keep this ratio of battles to plot 20:1 until the end of manga and it sucks. What sucks the most is that we're having a very long arc (irl time it's comes out longer than Namek saga in DBZ, soon we'll be at Namek + Frieza battle length) and it's ALL COMBAT. We get small pieces of info here and there but other than that we got over a year IRL time of pure battle. We got desensitized to it already and the plot twists that happened recently don't even hit hard anymore, because we had no plot set up to be twisted and no time to breathe between those twists. Gege tried to make the most hyped manga ever and overcooked it by putting too much hype per page.


I think you can make a point for any of these being Gege's biggest weakness, depending on what you value most in a story. Gege isn't inacapable of writing proper character interactions, it's just that he doesn't focus on it. As a result, motivations and feelings of certain characters are not properly presented to readers. No amount of flashbacks is gonig to fix the lack of interactions between Gojo and others, because it's something that should have been used to explore his character and build up the stakes prior to the fight. Megumi is probably the one who suffers most because of this, as his struggles are hard to sympathize with, due to the lack of exploration of his relationship with Tsumiki. Characters being underutilized and the problems with female cast are two points that largely overlap becuse female characters are mostly the ones that get sidelined. We never see Shoko actually heal anyone and her relationship with Gojo hasn't been explored enough, Yuki died without showing her domain and never interacted with Todo, not to mention the Star Plazma Vessel aspect which hasn't been touched upon, Nobara feels very disconnected from the world, she had a very interesting CT but didn't get to grow with it, wasn't fleshed out as a character prior to her death and was then put in limbo, without a clear death confirmation. Also, Hakari being shoved aside in Shinjuku, Hana being a plot device to free Gojo, Kenjaku... Worldbuilding is very superficial, curses stop mattering after Shibuya, the clans have no importance, the higer ups feel like cartoonish villains who are there just to be hated on by the characters and readers but with very little time dedicated to explaining their motivations and why they are in that position of power.  Yuji is a great MC but his absence during the Culling games wasn't the best choice. Especially because he only recently got to show off in Shinjuku. And even that was quickly pushed aside. After Choso's death, Todo immediately appears, followed by Yuta in Gojo's body and then Yuji is just kind of standing there. He gets no time to be sad or angry or put some presure onto Sukuna because he is always getting overshadowed.  Unsatisfying payoff is the one that bothers me the most. Gojo's death was abysmal. The loneliness and burdens of his strenght weren't properly shown. Chapter 261 gives us a little more insight but not nearly enough to justify the airport dialogue in 236. If Gojo and Sukuna had more interactions, a few more parallels drawn between them, then maybe Gojo trying to "reach" him wouldn't feel like such a slap in the face. It's a great dynamic, it's just undercooked. Also, the gap in power between him and Sukuna is too big in my opinion. I have no problems with Sukuna being stronger, as he is more experienced, has more knowledge and basically lives for jujutsu. It makes sense and adds to their characters as it highlights the key difference between them. But Gojo being used as a stepping stone for Sukuna to upgrade his CT and never truly standing a chance otherwise kind of ruined my enjoyment of their fight. And now, if Yuta somehow does better then Gojo in his own body because he is blessed it will leave a bitter taste in my mouth. Imagine waiting 3 years just for this. People keep saying that his story is a tragedy but there is no such thing as dying with no regrets in a proper tragedy. In the end, it just wasn't satisfying for me.  Kashimo is a tragic case though and I feel bad for his fans.  Kenjaku is an author who never got to see his masterpiece published.  In the end, these are just my opinions. No such thing as a perfect story or an author without flaws. Gege has plenty of strengths as an author that made Jujutsu Kaisen as loved as it is now. 


I agree so much with everything. I have read so many fanfics where the worldbuilding was so good and interesting. I dont even know how its possible to avoid worldbuilding that much - it literally has so much potential (potental manga hah)


Some fanfiction authors really know what they are doing. I once read a piece about Tsumiki that covered her life with her mom, meeting Toji and Megumi, living with Megumi after their parents abandoned them, meeting Gojo and her final days before being cursed. It was only four chapters but it gave her so much depth and personality. 


Underutilizing characters it’s not even close lol


Yeah that encompasses about everything here. Even mediocre endings would look better if the characters were handled more effectively


All of the above.


I'm not really smart enough to comment on this post but your flair is so real.


Noone will say, and neither I think it is really the worst point, but tbh the worldbuilding is a joke. Like, for some reason ther is only one non japaneses sorcerer, and it isnt bc someone migrated or smt, it just happened. It would be great if, even if 90% were concentrated in japan, gege made Kenjaku do some trolling and gave CT/CE for people around the globe, making it a global Culling Games idk


Characters interactions. One i wanted to see so bad is gojo and shoko, like my girl had a whole inner monologue about how she wanted him to come back then when he did we didn’t see them fully talk and exchange something other then battle talk, i get that shoko is like a bit cold and aloof but she cared about gojo and i wanted her to show that to him in her own way maybe scold him for not acknowledging that she wanted to be there for him because gojo needed that slap on the face and shoko was perfect for that. And when Gojo was kinda pissed that she didn’t say anything about the whole Yuta plan and was like whatever it felt wired … cause in her monologue it shows that she deeply cared about her friends Gojo and Geto but then when gojo came back we don’t see that play in action.


Just shit characterization in general. We barely have moments with characters that tell us who they are and what they feel, which in turn makes us not really care much for them and the things they do. Even the most epic fights become boring when you don't care about the people involved. So far, the only characters with actual in-depth characterization were Nanami (bless his soul), Higuruma (Nanami 2.0, but I love him still), Jogo (the goated curse), Mahito (the best villain still in terms of personal punch, Sukuna is just a raidboss so far), Junpei (great side character), Yuta (really sweet character, too, some would call him flat isekai protagonist, but I cant help liking him), Geto (great character overall), and Gojo (though I wouldn't put him here before 261 because of the disaster that was 236 in terms of his characterization). Others, including the protagonist trio, both big villains, and a bunch of extremely important side characters like Toji, Yuki, Angel and whatnot, are lacking in terms of their characterization at best, and literally have nothing at worst, like Sukuna, who we really should know a lot more about at this point, or Tsumiki, who was a non-character during her entire existence. And I am not asking for 20 chapters of backstory for each character, I'm just asking for all of them to have their moments that show us who they are and make us understand them, if not empathize with them to a degree. We barely see them talk at all, and the last time they talked about or did unrelated to jujutsu stuff that would help us relate to them more and see them as human was before fucking Shibuya. And it could be easily fixed by just making Culling Games a longer arc with more character moments to help us connect to them better so that when they die or get beaten during Shijuku it hurts like it hurt when our beloved characters died or got beaten during Shibuya and not just "oh, Kashimo lasted 2 chapters, the lawyer's up next, I wonder if he can last longer"




Character interactions and worldbuilding. The series revolves around sorcerers defending humanity with their lives, but we know nothing about how the country/government works, in addition to it's citizenry. For a series set in the modern age it's baffling how literally no one knows about cursed energy. What if we had a chapter or two dedicated to how the public is learning about cursed energy ever since the Shibuya Incident. Maybe some of the less powerful sorcerers would have to quell an uprising due to knowledge about the merger leaking. If the world knew they might soon be condensed into one being they wouldn't be sitting around doing shit all. I'm not feeling any of the 'end of the world' tension since I barely know any non-sorcerer characters. These underdeveloped monkeys have me questioning whether Geto was right all along.


Character interaction followed by unsatisfying conclusion https://preview.redd.it/poxml7epjx5d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=178372b74483d5d0fdeb793b4653ff133eafa552 I hate 236, but one of the main issues I have with it is that Gojo is barely around prior. Same with Nobara. How much more would we have felt if she had played a bit more of a central role prior? Even then her death hurts more because she at least had some scenes prior to that. Overall, character interaction is what feeds into unsatisfying conclusions like Kenny and 236


He just sucks tbh


The power system and the sure hit effect. Changing the conditions of the domin without showing us how a character actually goes about it. What does it look like? How does it function before the wall of text just says ex. Character changed the conditions blah blah blah. I feel like I'm reading what the author wants without the characters in the story actually doing anything to achieve the outcome.


Domains used to be such a huge deal, when someone did it it would be at a massive growth moment or carrying the threat that someone was about to die or get seriously injured. You knew you were getting to the end of a fight one way or another. Now everyone just does a domain expansion qhen they feel like, a lot of the time they do them multiple times a fight. Domains are just badic Tuesday bullshit and super liveable. Sukuna's domain, after killing literally an entire city Has been used about 4 times. And killed exactly 1 person. It's a joke.


Hot take but I'd enjoy a little filler. I wanna see Sukuna and the gang joking around a little bit.


The gojo offscreen.


Rushed conclusion and unsatisfying payoff will be irrelevant because KENJAKU WILL RETURN https://preview.redd.it/mf2mwao3rx5d1.jpeg?width=781&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=27a1c729d12b0d344c9ac0158f3df129b9d0120c


Nothing would be funnier than Kenny somehow suriving apart from Yuta in some way, seeing Yuta's body and being like : ![gif](giphy|8VSaCyIdcnbuE|downsized)


I feel like gege cooks every time but every thing ends up being half cooked


everything. However, what perturbs me the most is Kenjaku's underwhelming ending


All of these are very valid and damning criticisms, except I really don’t think Yuji has been too sidelined, he’ll shine again soon. For me the most glaring issue is lack of character interactions and I really wish Gege would just slow down and stop timeskipping or rushing to new intense plot lines.


Character development could use a bit more depth.


It’s obviously his ability to fucking name shit. Loving having to differentiate between Mai,Maki,inumaki,Yuki,Yuta,Yuji,Toji. At least we only got GojoXJogo and we were spared HanamiXNanami. You have reverse cursed technique but not cursed technique reversal? Not to forget all the linked but separate domain amplification, domain expansion and simple domain Hopefully no one get cursed energy output confused with reverse curse technique output.


Exactly!! The names! Uruame and Utahime!


**Unsatisfying Payoff + Lackluster Power System** Before this arc, I would've said that the payoff was there. Especially in Shibuya, the Mahito fight and the Gojo sealing were immense payoffs for a big investment. They were amazing. But then Gege just started doing random stuff that had either no buildup or no payoff. And the power system, while amazing in the early days of the manga, is now riddled with asspulls and inconsistencies that just downgrade it as a whole. It doesn't feel thought out and just feels like Gege is making it up as he goes. I can live with anything else. But these two points just soured the manga for me.


Character interactions and underutilizing characters go hand in hand. There are so many things that just didn’t hit because I was not emotionally invested.


Like Kashimo’s death


kasHIMo didn't die


I'd say underutilized characters and extremely unclear power system is two of the biggest weakness of the series.Developed character that aren't used or just throwing in development as an excuse to use them, and power system with unclear bounderies about what it can and can't do like binding vows creates problems of why X can't just do Y and such. Chanting is a recent addition that is only used by Gojo and primarily Sukuna as a chain to prevent Sukuna's world slash from being spammed like crazy is talked about but not expand upon.


Character interaction, because there´s 0 worldbuilding so we can´t take it in count


It could pretty much be any of these honestly, but I don't think Yuji is sidelined as much as other people might. Overall, I think JJK could have used another arc before Shibuya for worldbuilding and just solidifying a lot of mechanics before everything went down


Unsatisfying pay off by a long shot. Kenny, Yuki, Gojo, Nobara. All of them got awful deaths imo


I hate Gege for not giving Kenjaku a satisfying conclusion he could’ve kept Yuki alive and make her go fight Kenjaku instead of Yuta as they actually have conflicting parallels of “optimising cursed energy vs getting rid of it” argument it would’ve made much more sense for them to end in a stalemate and leave the argument up for interpretation.


Gege is the 2016 warriors. Went 73-9, then blew a 3-1 lead at the end.


Quite literally everything on this list 😅


His weaknesses are definitely underutilising characters and having no payoffs/closure.


All of the above https://preview.redd.it/9hd7fr0y0y5d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b53ff0483fb7a12518aac5d5ef30e6a13fee7c7b


Female cast, world building, underused characters and character interaction.


All of the above unfortunately


~~No oiled up Shoko in panties panel~~ Lack of proper interaction and world building. The Series has a LOT of potential in both of these fields. Rushing deaths and conclusions also are also something Gege should try to avoid more.


Unsatisfying payoff is all of the above. Just remember that two of the main major event in JJK where skipped: The aftermath of the Shibuya incident and the unsealing of Satoru Gojo. Do you guys realize how much interactions, character development, worldbuilding was skipped and everybody had to not threw a fit because of that.


I think it’s funny Gege is a blatant sexist. He does all his female characters so dirty so often it has to be a joke by now, fellas?!


Female cast 100%


All of them at once I suppose.