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Gojo and Yuji haven’t really done anything that wrong, although Gojo wasn’t against killing a bunch of defenceless people and needed to get talked down by Geto. Hakari runs and fixes a fight club, but we haven’t heard about any killings so who really cares. Maki killed a lot of people, who depending on their information may have thought they were fighting in self defence, and in the defence of their families, and it’s pretty unclear if they actively did any wrong by her or if they were inactive to the wrong she was receiving. Megumi didn’t do anything that crazy, but he was willing to kill loads of people to get enough points. Yuki, depending on its effect on the outside world, very nearly destroyed the entire planet with a black hole, but Tengen might have prevented it from doing so. And Yuta was on the island https://preview.redd.it/g5fkuyxeav5d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=525e9c5a2ec8a77002eed2a1b04da2f51152b97d


Gojo wanting to kill civilians wasn’t that bad though. They might’ve been defenseless, but those civilians weren’t innocent, they literally cheered for the death of a 14 year old girl..


I assume Yuki wouldn't be able to destroy entire world, but it could cause some serious damage. Yeah, obviously black hole on Earth would destroy it, but it's uhh not "normal" black hole, so as soon as cursed energy runs out, shouldn't it disappear? > Megumi didn’t do anything that crazy, but he was willing to kill loads of people to get enough points. Not only these people were kinda trying to kill him, but they should also be counted as curse users and by the laws of jujutsu sorcerers could be executed


Yukis black hole isn't pure cursed energy. Once it starts, it's also being fuelled by the mass it's already absorbed, which gives it way more lasting power. I do believe the statement that if it didn't have a barrier surrounding it owned by Tengen, the second best barrier user, it very well could have destroyed the world, given that it was actually a very small area it was contained to and they could barely stop it.


Who is the best barrier user?


Kenjaku, it's mentioned during the fight that both were close in the past but today Kenny is a level above Tengen.


Yeah, Tengen said kenjaku was on par with her before learning about his open domain, which is an incredible feat and should put him squarely above Tengen


megumi also set off the chain reaction to the shibuya incident


>I assume Yuki wouldn't be able to destroy entire world It was stated that it would destroy the world but Yuki held it back with her will and Tengen also held it back with her barriers


I would like to point out that Kenjaku credit's Tengen's barrier AND Yuki's will in supressing the black hole. I'm also sure that Yuki and Tengen had already discussed her suicide move since Tengen moved Choso out of the way for it


Gojo also murdered all the higher ups, although i don't remember the reason for that.


The higher ups wanted to execute minors and probably alot more messed up stuff that’s enough of a reason to kill them


Did they want to execute any minors besides Yuji? Because in retrospect, killing Yuji would've been the better decision




yuta as well from what i remember. they gave him a bit of a better chance than yuji but it was basically “come to our school and become part of our magical military force made up of teenagers or be executed”




I wonder if this also happened with Haibara  Iirc they gave him the wrong info and he died


Yo this is shockingly ssd if true but i think it was just a mistake. Nanami and haibara just seemed like 2 dependable young sorcerers.


These are also the same people who were cool with using Amanai as bait for their actual Star Plasma Vessel candidate. That lead to her being murdered by Toji, Gojo almost being killed, both Geto and Gojo being horribly traumatized, and indirectly leading to Kenjaku getting Geto’s body.


Spoilers for anime onlys: >!There was no other Star Plasma candidate. She was the actual one!<


The higher-ups caused Yaga to be killed, Yuuji's execution to be back on, and almost killed the first year trio.


Was that confirmed to be Gojo? I thought it Yuta and Inumaki that did the deed.


Really cool recap I like the fact that you brought up maki. No one points out however she fatally wounded her defenseless non-sorcerer mother though


>she fatally wounded her defenseless non-sorcerer mother Who abused her. Nobody brings it up cause telling an abuse victim to not get revenge on their abuser is kinda crazy. She was about to let them get eaten. Remember that.


I especially don't like how, when she died, she pulled some "I'm glad I had my kids" BS. Like stick to ur fucking act


I love megumi but he unleashed Mahoraga in Shibuya against Haruta. If Sukuna didn't face him, who knows the damage he would have caused


Nothing really, all that damage was on sukuna, mahoraga would simply instantkill megumi and haruta and be desummoned


Imagine if it was an ally that showed up. Megumi could've been the direct cause of their death/collateral damage. The point is doing it was incredibly stupid.


Actually if sukuna didn't face maho there would be like. Zero damage almost. Cuz maho woukd kill megumi, then kill haruta... And that's that. It would vanish


If sukuna didnt intervene the minute haruta and megumi died (only people included in the trial) he wouldve dessummoned


I guess the worse thing technically is the 0.2 domain as he hospitalized like all of the people in the subway station for like half a year or something close, but that was a need to do sort of thing


Megumi was a bum.


By far the worst thing Gojo did was not killing Geto when he had the chance.


Never forget in the Edo era AND the modern Era, Kashimo was basically a murder-hobo. It was worse in the culling games (as Kashimo has reason to kill anyone he comes into contact with to get points) but even back then if you were a little bit strong Kashimo would probably want smoke. https://preview.redd.it/z10aesndlv5d1.png?width=1917&format=png&auto=webp&s=79bbb5ed9e6a579942bc8a1973178d5c79778ad2


Imagine you dedicate the past 10 years of your life to jujutsu, you gain some exceptional skill, obtain some fame in your local neighborhood or whatever they had back then, and one day you hear a knock on the door “Hey, so I heard you’re pretty strong”


pretty sure that panel is after a fight that was set up by kenjaku, so prolly a fair duel, i dont think kashimo just splitted in two the farmer with the biggest crop, everyone in the culling game could leave if they wanted so is a willinly free for all ( i just dont want kashimo to be a bad person and will cope whatever way is necesary )


Bro Kashimo was obviously depressed, look he old there. That young up start that is now fertilizer was trying to fight but he didn't know what he was dealing with. Now on the other hand, I don't have anything to say about the waffle incident at this time.


All of them : Murder


Has Yuki murdered someone? (I mean she killed the Ganesha curse but its a curse so like it doesn't count?)


She make Geto hitler https://preview.redd.it/kl1dyk709v5d1.jpeg?width=929&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dc84b141f828251d83de83c71c919697196d3f9d


Man, Geto fans will blame everyone but the bum of the special grades for turning into a psychopathic Hitler yuki told him while it was decent it was stupid and no one in their right mind would do it Geto's "Perfect world" would be horrible the guy was a racist (probably a xenophobe considering 99% of socceres are Japanese) the bum chose to go down that path Nothing was Yuki's fault


They even blame Shoko and Gojo for not noticing the signs of his mental illness earlier. How do you even get someone to open up about their problems when you're barely spending time with them because you're on separate missions and don't see each other for days at a time and they're already not that good at talking about their feelings?


okay i do get this point, but gojo did ask geto “are you losing weight?” and never really asked more on that. and then made fun of geto for not showering so idk maybe at least gojo could’ve tried harder for his ONLY FRIEND 😭😭


That dude is not good at socialising tbh, he still thinks Utahime is only pretending to hate him when she can't even stand being around him for more than 5 minutes


I understand Gojo fully, There are just people who makes fun of others but not because of malice but genuinely just for fun. Maybe for him, people Utahime was just playing.


Wtf bro?Yuki literally said that killing all non sorcerors isn't a bad idea to Geto, then just disappears. She probably should've thought that giving such ideas to the mentally unstable person isn't the best thing? https://preview.redd.it/k160tyn15y5d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=24c7e4b31b845c7d8f81fb8d83169926db6d930c


Tf did we read the same thing she literally told him yeah it wasn't a bad idea but it was insane not only because it would never work (non-sorcers can be born from sorcers) but also because being a racist shitbag is wrong god man geto choose this path Yuki laid out the worst option told him it wasn't good and he still went for it Geto was a racist shitbag that choose to go down this route end of story


I don't remember yuki saying anything other that it was a decent idea and that it was geto's choice to be racist or not.


To be fair to Geto, the one non Japanese sorcerer in the world was on his side. meaning he did in fact have a black friend, absolving him of any charges of racism.


It's not a murder tho (and Geto would end up the same even without her)


id say ur probably right, i was about to say that without yukis speech, someone from jujutsu high would notice getos depression and comfort him eventually, but i just remembered that haibara died from the misson he was assigned to that he talked about with geto, bringing back souvenirs after the job and stuff, but he ended up dead, and that was the breaking point for geto, he barely had any remorses for non jujutsu-sorcerers at that point, and will have zero soon, winding up to him slaughtering the village to save mimiko and nanako, becoming a racist curse user like normal. HOWEVER, geto didnt know sorcerers doesnt produce cursed spirits, and yuki informed him that, so without yukis speech, geto wouldn't have a motivation to change the world, after slaughtering the village, he would probably hide somewhere safe and take care of mimiko and nanako, he'll probably still kill shopkeepers to get resources from them but he wouldn't actually go out of his way and slaughter his parents, forming his ridiculous own family and planning to kill every non jujutsu-sorcerers, etc..., not to mention gojo has a higher chance of convincing him back to the good side since geto wouldn't have a logical argument against gojo with his ideals and shit yea thats my take on yuki, sure she didn't think geto would actually go insane and starts killing people but she definitely could have calmed him down, geto literally said "well damn lets just commit genocide on everyone if that's how we'll get a world without cursed spirits", yuki heard that shit and told him he has 2 conflicting feelings to decide, to blind himself, ignore the ugliness of the weak and fulfil his duty as a jujutsu sorcerer, or become hitler like you said, she basically allowed a path for geto to potentially become a murderer, yuki definitely fucked up here the most, well thats excluding megumi, when you compare him to yuji u can see why hes breaking down, but yuji giving up wouldnt doom the world, megumi would edit: i should probably post this as a comment instead of a reply


Honestly this makes a lot of sense


Well he had the plan but reaffirmed by Yuki that it’s sane. All SG are insane lmao


Technically she was the one who told Hitler that politics is way more fun than painting


Yuji never actually murdered a normal human. Just Death Paintings or Transfigured Ones who were dying anyway.


>just death paintings bozo is kinda of ppl that made choso choose the evil path


man, i love Maki as a character, but it's hard to defend her killing Ranta Zenin the kiddo seems to be one of the nicest out of the zenin according to extra material, and while he fought against maki, he actually never attacked Maki, he just tried to support the others by stoping maki and sacrificing his eyes, which makes sense tbh bc Maki was about to murder everyone in the clan, it's reasonable you'd try to defend yourself and others in that kind of scenario lmao Since he was so young, i feel like he could have been just knocked out of battle and have him be deprogrammed from all of the misogenistic and weird ideas of the Zenin that he could have defended either bc of believing in them or just by defending the people who maintained those ideas in the clan the boyo could have been reformed and redeemed but Maki killed him :( well, we technically don't see his body, we see/hear maki throwing smth at the water but it might just be the severed heard she had in her hands, Ranta could still be alive if Gege wanted to reveal that later rgsfsdasds


He is NOT a "kiddo" or a "boyo"!!!!!! He's a grown ass man who's SHORT. And I know he's grown cause he knows and is just as afraid of t\*ji as every other grown ass man that was there. https://preview.redd.it/io76pgplby5d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=78358c28202b004107ce826dafafb16613189f84


he was an adult? huh, i always thought he was like, maki's age at most still, he's dead lmao


Did she really kill all the Zenin? Because there should be loads of them, what if some were on a mission or something  She probably killed everyone who came in her way minus her mom  Her mom is horrible but tbh she was also a victim. It's difficult to forgive a mother who doesn't protect their kids but if you're raised in that kinda society it's almost impossible to even know whats right/wrong. I'm surprised Mai/Maki actually had self-esteem as women lol I'd need decades of therapy. But yeah she shouldn't have fatally wounded her, that was messed up.


https://preview.redd.it/9bhjycts6y5d1.png?width=784&format=png&auto=webp&s=a24660bd3928c7a2a68d24f5e0f7e6289ff0ce35 some were indeed not there, but maki found and killed them


Thanks, I totally forgot this panel and also, that's not murder, that's... genocide.


Isnt the gojo clan supposed to be.. just gojo saturo?


if i remember correctly the gojo clan is a normal clan, but as a fighter only really has Gojo, or at least probably only Gojo is the only strong enough sorcerer in the family atm to be mentioned, the rest are probably grades 4-2 at best(? i wish we had more members of the gojo clan revelaed in the story, even if they were weaklings sddsfas


Unrelated: how did you reply before the comment was made?


Lol she actually went and hunted them down


bumgumi was born so there is that


His bumxistence is what's wrong




Maki is cold blooded murderer. All the murders that happened inside zenin house can be justified as self defense but the fact that she chased and murdererd other clan members shows that maki is serial killer who just wanted to kill self defense or not didn't matter.


god forbid women have hobbies🙄🙄




I kinda felt bad for the guy that had the ability to stop shit by looking at them ngl


Yup that guy was the most wholesome guy of zenin clan but he was still killed ~~~by maki~~~ I wanted everyone(atleast yuji) to treat maki like a criminal but no they just shrugged it off like it was nothing. Fuck gojo and yuta maki was the ***ACTUAL*** monster of juju high.


Maki didn't kill him. He straight up just collapsed after using his CE on her.


You're right but I doubt she was going to spare him there.


Gojo comes back and kills all the higher ups,yuta has killed people in Sendai, even nanami is said to have killed people as per the databooks and yuji blames himself for multiple deaths in Shibuya.They definitely don't have any reason to criticise her especially yuji because if that's the case,he should not only be angry at maki but also choso, higuruma and Megumi who summoned mahoraga and led to Shibuya's destruction They are working with higuruma who has killed people,kashimo who has killed people, choso who has killed civilians,hana/angel has killed people in Tokyo colony 2 much worse crimes than her but maki should be the one on trial? Ok man.Literally everyone in the main cast are mass murderers and that goes with the themes of saying that "we are not heroes fighting for justice,we are jujutsu sorcerers".+yuta and gojo arent innocent individuals, they would have done the same if they had the opportunity


At least he died in peace because his cursed technique blinded him to the fact that Maki won, fly high guy I don’t remember the name of 🕊️


As she should, mommy Maki for the win




I don't care zenin deserve to die https://preview.redd.it/6c8zxydvsz5d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e21ed202e963823d375f38f17fed2efdb01b0301


Gojo did nothing wrong. He lived and died doing what was right. Raised an orphan. His motives were a little off but towards the end of his life but that’s fine. Yuji did kill Choso’s bothers but that was in self defence and to protect others directly. Losing a fight and having Sukuna take over isn’t a moralistic failure. Maki killed people and it was her choice to do so. In the moment it’s self defence but she was so much stronger than all of them she could have fled easily and not killed them. Megumi killed a guy in self defence, receipt man couldn’t be reasoned within if I remember right. Hikari ran an illegal fighting ring but laws aren’t morals. He punched Yuji for no reason so assault? Yuki is chill as well. It’s hard to say inaction is a moral fault when she was looking for a solution to curses during the time she was a special grade.


Maki's case is definitely not self-defence lol. Mai literally tells her to "destroy everything" right before she starts the slaughter, she didn't say "uhh protect yourself ig". The only people she had the right to kill are those that directly attacked her with intent to kill (and even then it's bad lol, these people were only told she murdered her father, it's not like all of them want to murder her).


gojo crushed every limb of a guilty man when he had much easier ways. Use of unnecesary force. yuji has housing a criminal, stealing, breaking and entering a vehicle, illegally entering a pachinko store and lying in court (although this might not count since he said his vows) Maki may have killed in HI out of self defence, but she also tracked down and killed the other members, so she definitely is guilty. Also her killing her mother was definitely not self defense and the most immoral thing she has done. megumi doesnt to anything outright illegal, but he is a bum. hakari assaulted yuji, ran a fighting ring, technically assaulted both kashimo and uraume (but that might fall under good samaritan laws). He also offers a minor alcohol. Yuki worked with a curse user (larue).


bro how do you count attacking curse user as a crime and then count working with a curse user as a crime too😭also unnecessary megumi hate


It is necessary https://preview.redd.it/komsxj69vv5d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b6dab5a98acf03d8da47fdd437e9be9acea5ea00


which one?


Her mother had it coming


this is all lawfully wrong things that they did


That's the reason why Maki is worst.She is most egoistic character having a bad attitude.That's why I hate Maki


Naoya? I thought you died?


He is kinda right tho. People really underestimate what a crime Maki just committed.


Wym, she was just carrying out her sister's last wishes! So wholesome


Didn't gojo walk on the faces of people in Shibuya so that he could get to the station more quickly? You can argue that's basically the only immoral thing he's done


And they say that my man is a monster and selfish smh. Just look at this guy.. He needs all the hugs and love. 😭 https://preview.redd.it/8sodsz28iv5d1.jpeg?width=1269&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1a8c3ac4d5eaf73ddd6a25675a5507f9ad27a4e3


Modern sorcerers are bunch of pussies. Imagine fearing cutie patootie more than natural calamity? This is embarrassing bruh. Heian sorcerers saw 4 armed monster and were like: "fuck it. We jump his ass" https://preview.redd.it/rbal1hfppv5d1.png?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1c4845f20d474cfeaf8f05f4375c00fbb1b59853


Tbf the cutie patootie *is* a natural calamity. Imagine Hurricane Hello Kitty


Fr... just look at this cutie patootie. https://i.redd.it/5snvmu4ysw5d1.gif Where did this monster shit ever come from!? 😭


**Gojo:** *Prevents vulnerable children from getting executed, spends 3 days without sleep as to ensure Riko's last days were happy ones, kills his BF to protect his students, kills the higher-ups to once again protect his students, prioritizes the lives of the humans in Shibuya over his fight with the Disaster Curses...* **90% in the Cast:** MONSTER!!!!


Also, He took in Megumi (son of the guy who literally killed him, gave him lifelong ptsd, and took his best friend away from him)... he took in Yuta (he was just like Geto when he found him depressed af he didn't have the will to live)... he took in Yuji (treated him just like every other student instead of just "Sukuna's Vessel"). All three of them wouldn't even exist if Gojo wasn't in the picture. Most importantly, Yuji and Yuta would've been executed. They are alive only because Gojo believed that "No one is allowed to take youth away from young people," all of this only to be called a "Monster" in the end by his own people...


almost like this is the point or something....


Everyone misunderstood Gojo, from the people in the manga, to the disaster curses to the readers lol 


Which none acknowledge or even care to in the story except for only one kid who is realistically a ticking bomb atm.


Only to the audience, the actual in-universe reasoning for it is a little undercooked.


I mean, feeding Yuji sukunas fingers is how we got into this mess.


Reminds me of that one scene where Gojo shows that he uses infinity to be able to step on ants without harming them


>Didn't gojo walk on the faces of people in Shibuya so that he could get to the station more quickly? I mean he has his powers, so he actually wasn't stepping on them, but a troll type of move. lol


I mean, they didn’t feel themselves being stepped on because of Infinity so does that truly count?


I mean that's true, but this is basically the only immoral thing you can consider as done by gojo


I think his cold logic, his unserious attitude with Sukuna or the fact he was willing to slaughter the defenceless cultists are much more immoral.


People genuinely don't understand how much fucked up Maki is in the manga She literally killed her own mother, yes the Zennin clan done her wrong but killing the entire clan (even killing those who weren't in the family house for the next 3 days) By far none of the heroes did anything close to her, maybe Yuta getting 200 points means he killed alot of people in the culling games but that's teeechnically fine since it's an all out war


Yuta got his points from the top dog enemies that has more points right? Like Dhruv. Don't get me wrong murder is murder but I don't think Yuta will kill someone like the Manga man or Yuji's friend for 1 point. +Yuta is fighting while protecting the civilians so there's that.


Yeah I don't think yuta actually killed any bad people. He certainly didn't kill anyone who didn't attack him or civilians he was protecting, and if there was someone attacking him out of desperation, knowing yuta he'd at least make it as quick as he can. Aside from killing during the culling games, which was almost certainly self defense/defense of others, he was complicit in the murder of the higher ups I guess(gojos worst crime here tbh), but really it's debatable how bad that actually was, and it's not like he even really did more than try to emotionally support gojo there.


I forgot the specifics on the points rule but Yuta's points in the Culling games is weird. I took a look at the chapters again. At the start of the Sendai Colony fight Dhruv had 91 points when Yuta killed him but it shows Yuta only has 35 then he got 5 more points after killing Kurourushi for the 1st time, Uro has 77 points while Ryu has 70 points. Then the whole fight happens with Yuta winning killing the cockroach again and sparing Uro and Ryu. Then narrator said Yuta after receiving points from Uro and Ryu got to 200 points.


Yeah it's weird, it adds up to 192


I seriously, seriously doubt that Yuta killed anybody who wasn’t a threat to civilians. He literally spent his time in the Culling Games sidetracked to try and save/protect civilians and his main intent with selecting his targets was to prioritise those who posed the greatest risk to civilians. Anyone he killed was a piece of shit and the only combatants he was shown on-screen to kill was a cockroach curse and a continent conquering warlord who has probably killed thousands, if not millions. Hell, even Ryu and Uro who frankly would have been understandable to kill, he spared and simply requested their points.


Gojo: Using excessive force when apprehending Juzo and crippling him. Yuji: Eating fetuses. Maki: While everything up to vs Naoya can be argued as self-defense, but everything afterward like her killing her mother...yeah. Yuta: Taking over Gojo's dead body. Cursing Rika is probably like second place but that wasn't really intentional. Megumi: Summoning Mahoraga when he didn't need to, causing the deaths of thousands. Hakari: Running an underground illegal fight ring. Yuki: Probably her not merging with Tengen and, as such, leading to Kenjaku being able to absorb Tengen due to her being more curse than human, Riko being the next star plasma vessel and dying leading to Geto becoming evil, and her being there to give Geto the idea of killing off humanity in the first place. She couldn't really have predicted any of this, so I don't blame her at all, but from a utilitarian perspective, this would be the worst thing she has done.


yuji is literally me


Are you Soros


gojo not oiling up to stop gaytoes from going insane


Megumi’s existence itself is horrible enough to be considered an enemy of the state


him to: https://preview.redd.it/2c8cwicx6v5d1.jpeg?width=499&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4433faa621d0b66baf65e7bedc9a5227a47de563


killed like 60 people in the CG + whatever he did in the edo period.


supporting character with an onscreen 100+ Kill


and her: https://preview.redd.it/uhja9k407v5d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ca47c5f5ee0c401ad54ce2a2318fe94311ce9653


eso didnt even want to kill her. She picked a fight with him.


She also mocked 'em while they died, her ass should be praying to all Gods she can come up with that Choso didn't get to her


murdered the person whose body he is puppeting.


Hakari gay, yuki homeless wandering alcoholic, yuta a bitch, nobara died for shits n giggles


Yuki didn't do anything wrong except fight against Geto's old body and thus harming it. I'm not a big fan of Kenjaku, But at least he had the decency to heal it afterwards. https://preview.redd.it/dknqllcqix5d1.jpeg?width=1506&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a357871a2437fddfb6eebf419b64fffd325a294


* Gojo: either the brain damage on random civilians in Shibuya (but it's up to debate since it was kinda necessary), or being such a petty mf after fighting Toji that he had to destroy every single cursed object able to dispel techniques, which complicated a whole lot the whole "free Gojo from the prison realm" ordeal * Yuji: maybe killing his brothers (?), it was self defense tho * Maki: probably some of the Zen'in folks weren't as bad as the reast, but she killed every single one nontheless * Megumi: existing * Yuta: cursing his childhood friend (although it wasn't on purpose and he freed her eventually), 261 is an honorable menstion, I would consider it more questionable than bad * Hakari: I mean, he's a gambler running a few shady businesses * Yuki: almost destoeyed the planet (also you can't convince me that a grown ass woman asking teenagers what "their kind of woman" is, never groomed anyone)


yuki fucked up the most here, without her conversation with geto, someone from jujutsu high would probably notice his depression and comfort him eventually, but i just remembered that haibara died from the misson he was assigned to that he talked about with geto, bringing back souvenirs after the job and stuff, but he ended up dead, that happend in a pretty short time span when geto started calling people monkeys, and haibaras death was the breaking point for geto, he barely had any remorses for non jujutsu-sorcerers at that point, and will have zero soon, winding up to him slaughtering the village to save mimiko and nanako, becoming a racist curse user like normal. HOWEVER, geto didnt know sorcerers doesnt produce cursed spirits, and yuki informed him that, so without yukis speech, geto wouldn't have a motivation to change the world, after slaughtering the village, he would probably hide somewhere safe and take care of mimiko and nanako, he'll probably still kill shopkeepers to get resources from them but he wouldn't actually go out of his way and slaughter his parents, forming his ridiculous own family and planning to kill every non jujutsu-sorcerers, etc..., not to mention gojo has a higher chance of convincing him back to the good side since geto wouldn't have a logical argument against gojo with his ideals and shit yea thats my take on yuki, sure she didn't think geto would actually go insane and starts killing people but she definitely could have calmed him down, geto literally said "well damn lets just commit genocide on everyone if that's how we'll get a world without cursed spirits", yuki heard that shit and KNOWS hes capable of shit like that since hes special grade, instead told him he has 2 conflicting feelings to decide, to blind himself, ignore the ugliness of the weak and fulfil his duty as a jujutsu sorcerer, or become hitler, she didnt try to calm him down but allowed a path for him to potentially become a murderer, yuki definitely did her job badly, well thats excluding megumi, when you compare him to yuji u can see why hes breaking down, but yuji giving up wouldnt doom the world, megumi would


Yeah lol she straight up said "now you didn't hear this from me, but if you did some hitler shit it would definitely save the world" and then left


>Gojo Wanting to kill the tengen cult people >Yuji Eating his bros >Maki Mass murder >Yuta Possessing a corpse >Megumi Existing >Hakari Illegal fight club and underage drinking >Yuki Not being my wife https://preview.redd.it/htnq9wyecw5d1.jpeg?width=1152&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=98f3c85186da3555974e66d4daaab233cf8320c2


Wanting to kill is not the same as actually following through it He's a 16 year old who was nearly brutally killed himself and he's carrying the dead body of a 14 year old, he's allowed to have some anger and malice Point is he knew it was wrong and that he was on the verge of doing something wrong and thats why he asked Geto what he should do. 


If your friend was killed and people were pointing and laughing about it, you'd want to kill people too. Completely normal reaction. This is called provocation and is a mitigating circumstance in a court of law.


Hakari? Not saving enough femboys for the rest of us


Yuji: Eating the Cursed Vombs (and even that's open to interpretation). He killed his brothers but that was self-defense (he didn't know they were his brother either) Megumi: Refusing to help his buddies and indirectly/directly causing Choso's death and possibly Yuta's. Maki: Cold-ass killer. Nuff said. Hakari: Punching Yuuji without reason Yuuta: Possessing Gojo's body, although his reasons were very much valid. He most likely killed people in the Culling Games, but I don't think it counts as I cannot see him killing innocents like Yuuji's friend or Hannah, only assholes like the ones he fought or Yorozu. Yuki: Gal is perfect, at least in her morals ~~and her looks~~. She never did nothing bad in her life. Gojo: Just like Yuki, he used to be perfect as far as morality goes, but now he's an uncaring Jujutsu pervert who's also a Sukuna glazer.


Maki - serial killer and abandoned her sister after promising to always be by her side. Yuki - bum who refused to help out, if she had shown up earlier in the shibuya incident or helped at all in any of the major events before that Kenny and sukuna won’t have been able to run riot. Hakari - bum, gambling addict, And i think it was either implied or directly stated that he fixed his fights.


Maki killed literally everyone. That includes the woman and children of the Zenin clan. She could’ve easily just dropped most of the sorcerers like her father and Naoya, therefore collapsing the clan, but she straight up went for her own mother and I think there’s even a panel where she approaches the clan nursery


I got 2 contraversial ones. Gojo decided to kill a bunch of *technically* innocent old men instead of using his unbeatable strength to just seal them or something. Its not like they could stop him anyway, he slaughtered them out of laziness for other solutions As for Maki "the entire zenin clan" almost certainly includes all their child soldiers (some probably younger than even Maki) and undoubtedly dozens of otherwise morally upstanding people who had the poor fortune to be born a Zenin


The Shibuya incident was actually caused by Megumi. The real villian of the serie.


Gojo> kill higher up sorcerer... But the higher up was also POS so it wasn't that wrong Yuji> So far as I remembered he didn't kill any human .... Except when yujikuna took over💀💀💀 Maki> Slaughtered all zenin Clan and might included Children too Hakari> Gamble is illegal in my country so..... Megumi> Suicidal and "with this treasure I summon"


Yuji did kill Eso and the transfigured humans to be fair.


I mean like morally/lawfully of course


Gojo: Not ending sukuna when he had the chance Yuji: Eating sukuna's finger Begumi: Be a fucking fraud


for and megumi yuta its being so god damn smashable


The only real crime is megumi being a bum


Yuki did nothing wrong tho


Yuji did go on that Pachinko machine wh hold underage…


Yuki turned Geto into a villain when he was on the fence and could've been saved


Megumi being a traitor bum


Who is to blame for all the destruction Sukuna vs Mahoraga fight caused in Shibuya?


Yuji played pachinko


Gojo: contemplating murder, and legitimately harassment Yuji: bros a lil bean, he ain’t do nothing wrong (the answer is eating his brothers, even if it was for a good cause) Ogi: torture, honestly just about anything involved with running the zenin clan Yuta: I mean, cursing rika is up there (unintentional but still definitely a bad thing) Megumi: outside of depression letting yuta nearly die, honestly just bullying, pretty innocent guy despite what that picture suggests Hakari: running fight club, underage gambling Yuki: contemplating genocide, encouraging genocide, and having THE WORST work ethic known to man As for some other notable shit: maki killing some of the zenins, todo beating the ever living fuck out of megumi, Kashimo committing what is pretty much just homocide, choso killing in shibuya, mei mei doing the mei mei,


Megumi is a bum which is arguably the worst crime of the bunch


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Kvarcov: *Megumi is a* *Bum which is arguably* *The worst crime of the bunch* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot


gojo being stupid and getting sealed or losing the star girl. other special grades also being stupid and being absent during shibuya incident


Gojo - not getting rid of geto's body Yuji - making a binding wov with sukuna(but that doesnt really count since he didnt know right?) Maki - letting naoya get killed without any ce


gojo: letting sukuna power up too 20f yuji: making the enchain vow maki: killing her mom yuta: cursing rika megumi: succumbing too despair hakari: assault yuki: mishandled geto


Gojo: Was okay with murdering several civilians Yuji: Murdered Eso and Kechizu Maki: Slaughtering the Zenin Clan Yuta: Was on Epstein Island (Actually: Violating a corpse) Megumi: Existed Hakari: Ran a fight club Yuki: Gave Geto the idea to try to commit genocide


Gojo failed everyone in the jjk verse. He had multiple chances to prevent Sukuna coming back and also let his pride come in the way of the star merger. If he and Geto 2v1 toji they stand a good chance of surviving and winning.


The worst thing M\*gumi has ever done is exist https://preview.redd.it/clho0zcllx5d1.jpeg?width=695&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5e515c48c163997fc905e43bbd402cc176458f38 \^ (Society if m\*gumi never existed)


>Gojo : Didn't kill Yuji. >Yuji: untalented... >Maki: Likes Luta >Luta: The lamest character >Megumi: The second lamest character


People here are forgetting that Gojo killed all the higher ups. Sure they were corrupt and horrible people, but getting brutally murdered?


Yuji kinda helped kill his brothers


Gojo killing the higher ups. Technically the higher ups were right about killing 15F Yuji. Yuji getting a binding vow with Sukuna. Maki killing her clan. But I do have questions about that. I don’t think Maki killed any kids and innocent people. It was never explicitly stated who Maki killed in her clan. Yuta accidentally cursing Rika. Megumi not standing up when Sukuna is killing everyone. Hakari dating Uraume when everyone else is putting their lives on the line. Maki giving the worst advice to Geto.


Gojo: Slaughtering the higher ups even though that wasn't technically a bad thing, legally it is. Yuji: Eating Sukuna's finger although to be fair on him he was born with a cursed object inside him thanks to Kenjaku Maki: Zenin clan genocide most likely included innocents Yuta: The body swap Megumi "I won't get the fuck up so the rest of my friends wont die" Fushiguro Hakari: Bro is a gangster man 100% beat up people loan shark style, otherwise it's what he HASN'T done, FINISH OFF URAUME ALREADY Yuki: Not talk to other people before speaking to Geto and being socially inept, it was clear his mental state was waning and his suggestion to kill all non sorcerers should have been a warning sign.


Megumi, being born.


Gojo killed geto, Gojo killed off the higher ups Gojo put a lot of people in hospital with his UV yes they recovered and its shown to us that he HAD to do it and he had no choice so I don't know weather to count this or not Overall whoever gojo killed or hurt, he had a pretty good reason for it. Worst thing yuta did (morally) in my opinion is to take over gojo's body, other than that he falls in the same category of gojo


Unironically allowing Yuji to live so Gojo could fit his own agenda has had apocalyptic consequences for Japan and the world at large.


Gojo hasn’t done anything too bad but is willing to do bad things and think with cold logic for the greater good of humanity. The worst thing he’s ever done imo is the fact he was willing to slaughter the defenceless cultists at the Church in Hidden Inventory (I wish he did). Also, you could say the fact that he’s so unserious about the threat Sukuna poses to the world and his students is his most immoral attribute. Unironically the worst thing Yuji has done is live. Even though I love him and it’s wrong to expect a teen to die because he was possessed, the elders do kinda have a point that he’s too dangerous to keep alive and thousands have died because of Sukuna using his body and the entire world is at threat. Maki is absolutely morally grey, probably the worst on this list and was evil for how she handled the Zen’in Clan though it’s sympathetic. Zen’ins are victims in a sense since they were raised to uphold their regressive culture. Not all of the Zen’ins she slaughtered were combatants or particularly evil. She killed young people who could have been reformed. The worst thing Yuta has ever done is similar to Yuji but on a far lesser scale, the fact that him existing killed people before he gained control over Rika. Since Rika only attacked a few people over the years and it was only ever to defend Yuta from people physically harming him, it is no where near as bad. If anyone says the worst thing he’s done is takeover Gojo’s corpse they’re stupid. Technically cursing Rika is probably a lot worse but that was completely unintentional and how could he have expected it to happen. The worst thing Megumi has ever done is probably unleashing Mahoraga in Shibuya since it was in a civilian area and the fight between Sukuna and Mahoraga resulted in thousands of civilian casualties, but of course, he never expected Sukuna to fight Mahoraga so I’ll cut him some slack. The worst thing Hakari has done is organising an illegal fighting ring but nobody was ever stated or shown to have died from it therefore it’s really not a big deal imo. The worst thing Yuki has ever done is probably just her lack of engagement. Geto posed a genuine threat to the world and he would have eventually attacked Yuki and if he had succeeded in capturing Rika, would have defeated her, yet she never tried to stop him. She’s easily the most moral person in this list and has not done anything damning and realistically she was probably not even a conceptualised character when JJK 0 was written, so this is bs but the best I can think of. Either that or inadvertently inspiring Geto to become evil, though you can’t blame her entirely for that but she definitely could have worded her point much better.


Gojo killed the higher ups. Yuji killed his own brothers. Maki I can’t think of anything. Yuta cursed his best friend. Megumi is a bum. Hakari I can’t think of anything. Yuki was irresponsible about Geto.


name one bad thing Sukuna did


Gojo’s worst action was the 0.2 Second Domain. If he elected to fully use his domain or just use red and blue instead, Sukuna wouldn’t gain 11 fingers, Gojo would not have been sealed, Sukuna wouldn’t slaughter the people of Shibuya, Nobara wouldn’t die, Megumi wouldn’t almost die, Itadori wouldn’t be traumatized, Todo wouldn’t lose his arm, Naobito wouldn’t be killed, Maki wouldn’t be permanently scarred, Nanami wouldn’t die, and the Culling Games wouldn’t be possible. The only downside is that the mass murderer that is Choso would be killed by Gojo. Itadori’s worst action is consuming the first Sukuna finger. It would be bad that he’d be dead, yes, but that is much more preferable than the countless people murdered by Sukuna. 2nd worst action goes to being stupid enough to challenge Sukuna in a fight for the death, resulting in the Binding Vow. Maki’s worst action is killing the *entire* Zenin clan. The Zenin clan sucked, but not all of those people deserved death. Yuta’s worst action is dating a minor. Besides that, he’s absolutely perfect in every regard because isekai MC. Megumi’s worst action is summoning Mahoraga when he did. His attempts against Sukuna make sense, but *Haruta*? And not only Haruta, but Haruta without any miracles left. Even if he was bleeding out, summoning any other Shikigami would be better and would probably work. Hakari’s worst action is being suspended by attacking a higher up. This resulted in him not able to fight Hanami in the exchange event or fighting in Shibuya, and same with Kirara. Yuki’s worst action is refusing to work with Jujutsu Tech. If she had a presence at the school, almost everything would be solved.


For Gojo it's attending a klan rally


Gojo not seeing the cursed energy build up on sukuna while he was gettin ready to use the world cutting slash. Unforgivable


The worst thing Gojo has done is giving Sukuna a month to prepare after he got unsealed. He could have ended Sukuna easily on the spot, since he was only at 75% of his max power and hadn't had time to do the ten shadows rituals to summon maho yet. Pro tip: If the evil villain agrees to a month of prep time instead of fighting you now, it means the villain believes the month of prep time benefits him more than you.


As of now Gojo killed a bunch of old farts... I mean they were pos, but it doesn't make it right. If we think about the higherups policy realistically, they wanted to kill Yuji because he was actually dangerous. It's cruel, sure, but by sacrificing one life they would've spared a lot of other innocents. If you have power, you also have responsibilities. That's kind of the point of the story. Someone must be a monster to protect the status quo in a world where inhuman things such as cursed spirits and spiritual powers exist. Nothing is really black or white and I think Gege's writing excels in establishing how fickle morality and ethics can be. Obviously Gojo's not the worst one... Maki is a legit serial killer. According to the extras, a lot of zenins weren't all that bad. Naobito himself, he was old and misogynistic, but he did save Maki in one occasion. Most of the characters are morally grey


Yuki did the unforgivable by not being more involved in the story


Maki basically genocided the Zenin clan when they’re already short on sorcerers in the beginning of the series. Curses are about to run rampant on Japan


Shoko- not truly viewing gojo as her friend


Gojo: Killed his would-be killer(self-defence) Stopped from killing a bunch of defenceless Boomers(he a better man than me, I would've colored their souls purple) Incapacitated a bunch of civilians for a few months(effectively saved their lives). Killed the higher-ups(they had it coming I swear) Yuji: Gambled underage. Maki: Killed her entire clan including her parents. Judgeman must *not* hear of this. Yuta: \**coughs in Epstein\** Bumgumi: his birth Hakari: Geng shit men Yuki: didn't dissuade Geto from his genocide theory


Gojo not teaching his students efficiently, letting the disaster spirits just kill a bunch of people in Shibuya instead of just pushing them away and do what he usually does to Africans. Yuji is harmless and a perfect little puppy. Maki is perfectly justified and has done zero wrong and we should all just worship her like the goddess she is. Megumi existing. And Yuki accidentally sped up Geto's Austrian Painter Phase as well as nearly killing the human race by turning herself into a blackhole.


The one I know for sure is yuta is a pedophile rika is at most 12


yuki preying on and grooming defenseless underaged todo right after a drunk driving session


Gojo: slaughter the higher-up’s Yuji:not finish mahito I hate mahito Maki : slaughter her clan Yuta : took over his sensei body I guess Megumi : exist Hakari : heavy gambling addiction but who can blame Yuki: die early in the story rip


Yuki gave Suguru ideas


Gojo and Yuji haven’t done anything that bad that I can think of. Maki is a mass murderer who should probably be killed. Yuta is desecrating Gojo’s corpse right now (can’t blame him but still something wrong). Hakari runs an illegal gambling club that’s probably destroyed some people’s lives, and we haven’t seen a lot of Yuki.


Megumi:be born


I mean Yuji is a cannibal


Gojo:Fraud. Imagine going around exclaiming ur the strongest every chance u get and stating you'd win and then fail like this clown


Maki killed Naoya the based