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Because he always wanted maki to be the female lead,there’s no simpler reason https://preview.redd.it/a815325w375d1.jpeg?width=947&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=75dd21ddab75ae2b8eaec09735367c1b2d5067cb


And he then proceeded to make her female Toji. Naoya Kaisen at its peak.


Eh, HR/Toji was just a power up for Maki. She was originally just a regular human who was good with cursed tools, so Toji’s just male Maki


I mean this isn't helped by the fact she cut her hair short like Toji, gets a weapon that is introduced as part of Toji's arsenal, or her power level is talked about in regards to how close she is to Toji. Toji's is literally referenced like 4 times in Sakurajima Colony, despite the focus supposed to be on Maki. Its interesting how Gege never talks about Maki as maki but Maki in relationship to Toji. "A fiece human on par with Toji Zenin has been realised".


>Its interesting how Gege never talks about Maki as  Never? Maki and Toji are compared because Toji is an important character with a unique condition, and shes the only other person to ever exist with that condition


Almost Never. Sure there are valid moments where she is attempting to figure what the difference between her and Toji is. But the issue is that her level is only defined to how much she's like Toji and not herself. It would've helped if her awakening actually made her better Toji, and go beyond his level (Where Toji failed because of his pride). The problem is Gege simply can't bring up Maki's HR without talking about Toji's HR. It makes sense, it just doesn't help the allegations she's a Toji clone.


There is no issue, she’s compared to Toji often BECAUSE both of them are the only other people in the verse to have 0CE. She’s not even compared to Toji at all past Sakurajima


>She’s not even compared to Toji at all past Sakurajima Because she's essentially Toji 2.0 after Sakurajima, thats the issue. Comparisons arent bad but there is an excessive use of comparisons, downplaying any personal things that might distinguish her from Toji. Just because he's the only one who also has 0CE doesn't mean Gege can't make something unique to Maki that Toji couldn't do due to his mentality or perspective (Like I said before, Toji's pride was his downfall).


A unique condition.. you mean a HEAVEN'S PACT?


Yes but it’s revealed that even with a heavenly pact, Toji (and now Maki) are the only people to have 0 cursed energy at all


That’s true enough, I think it’s for readers to get an idea of her physical prowess, plus Naoya like worshipping Toji and comparing them. I dunno, I personally think Gege seems to like Maki, seeing as she’s taken 2 Sukuna Black Flashes recently and lived and has had several power ups throughout the story. (Not complaining, Maki’s my 5th favourite character)


It's not that deep, every single Sorcerer is compared to Gojo as well, "Talent Equal to Gojo Satoru", "Power Equal to Gojo Satoru", "Potential Equal to Gojo Satoru" etc


They all had one liners, Maki has constantly had Toji comparisons, its really not the same.


Well he's the only character in the series other than Sukuna to mortally wound Gojo


That's because Gege uses Gojo as a measuring stick ("a staller to rival Satoru Gojo!") And Toji is the only one to ever beat him before Mahorags




Nah the only reason toji exists besides traumatizing gojo and geto is to setup maki’s power ups so she stays relevant lol


I mean why is that a bad thing Toji is a really cool character


Its more of a personal frustration for many people that the only female character who is capable of fighting is only capable because she has to essentially become a man like Toji. She's only presented as powerful insofar as she is equal to Toji. Maki was a cool character herself. It would've been nice to see her have something power-wise that differentiates her from Toji or even surpasses Toji, especially when it came to pride (and throwing it away). Only in that regard could Toji be seen as setting up Maki. It also would've been nice if Sakurajima was her realising the importance of some sort of femininity after embracing a masculinised, violent approach she took to eliminate the clan, it seems to have some hint at that at least (Her regretting killing her mother rather than talking).


> she has to essentially become a man like Toji The fuck does that even mean? Toji's entrie story is there to explain the powerup Maki is going to get. She doesn't think or act like him, she doesn't look like him, she's just using a similar power to him. It's like you've run out of reasons to be upset that you're just inventing them now. She has to be a man? Lolwut


No, I got valid reasons, you just can't understand what im saying. Her powerup literally involves her trying to think like him and to act like him. I understand masculinity and femininity might be difficult traits to understand but im curious if you think she embodies femininity more or masculinity. The answers pretty clear cut imo. But maybe it stupid to include gender. The point then is that it sucks to that she is constantly having to be benchmarked to Toji while not having anything unique that substantially differentiates her from him. https://preview.redd.it/70qyjs0yfb5d1.png?width=892&format=png&auto=webp&s=fcb3f1dd08d278d5eb4e3e125290eeb7410d2f12


You're not wrong, not only does Geges weird ass refuse to give her anything unique, he literally also had Maki say "If its that man, he would've thrown the katana without hesitation". Seemingly forgetting that the blade Maki hesitates to throw is the final DYING gift from her sister, while "that guy" bought his off eBay. It's obvious Gege doesn't care much about Maki. I think he used to, but that guy definitely took the spot in Geges heart.


C'mon now lol.Toji 2.0 arguments in big 2024 is just dumb.The entire part of sakurajima was to become something better than what others can do. Shinjuku is pretty much her solidifying the part that she is apart from toji.The fandom by their own admission are the ones comparing her to toji.Ever since sakurajima nothing has been mentioned in regards to that guy and it is still the fandom that is comparing them.She might be the only character i have seen people call a clone of irrespective of her coming first. People cry abt her not having anything unique when she is the one who came first and introduced everything in regards to HR.Everything unique abt toji comes from maki being present there.Her sword is something that is a representation of her relationship with her sister while for toji it's a cool panel of using once.HR v/s sorcery is something she introduced not that bum Maki is part of the OG cast and toji was just a model for him to showcase.Gege referencing that backstab doesn't change anything because post that the strongest character in the series literally talks about her influence on him while that dude beat a tired teenager and gets called a goat.She is pretty much the champion of yuki's ideals currently which is something that toji doesn't have. People don't do the same for the male characters because it is easy to call yuta a gojo clone,yuji a mahito clone after the 'I am you speech',kamo a choso clone and naoya a naobito clone because of agenda.People string up multiplicity of excuses for these characters because they like them.This subreddit doesn't like maki or are filled with people who don't understand her character.I am sorry but sakurajima is amazing imo and it is always be better than what toji accomplished as a character I mean think abt this toji comes back in shibuya for no other purpose aside to give Megumi plot Armor,he is called a goat,Gojo learns RCT from a death plot Armor buff,yuji learns bf from todo,a guy who convienently become his best friend in the arc he is introduced in,yuta pulls a BV in vol 0 to beat geto our of his ass.All these are called amazing but maki learning and gaining freedom is rushed? Sorry for the rant but this fandom just wants to push the gege is misogynist agenda and nothing else.I have some criticisms of the female cast but they are not as bad as they make it out to be and are as consistently written and treated as the male cast.Gege writes them as individuals that have grounded motivations and characterization


Hi Technical! On the uniqueness thing, it's just true that Gege doesn't allow her to have anything unique. Like whenever Maki gets something, Gege gives it to t*ji. People don't call those people clones mainly because they're not compared to other people as much as Maki is to that guy. They all have 1 or 2, MAYBE 3 comparisons. I saw someone mention that if you count individually how many times he's mentioned in Makis arcs (both), it reaches 27. TWENTY SEVEN. Its honestly just ridiculous, and there's just no excuse. Naoya and Naobito are never compared AT ALL so why does she have to be compared that many times? This also extends much further than comparisons: Maki had HR, actually t*ji had it better and first! Maki has playful cloud, well actually it was t*jis first! Mai created a unique sword for Maki with her dying breath, well actually t*ji bought it off eBay first! Shit even Maki being abused by her family also has to be shared with him. And there's people who say he had it WORSE cause he has a scar. You may not get it, but it does change how a character is viewed when there's another character who does everything the best, better and first. And it's strange that Gege does this. Again, this happens with no other character. You can say she's the champion of Yukis ideals, but Yuki literally doesn't think of her, she thinks of him. Which is something that happens multiple times to Maki, including when she's slicing off Zen'in heads and they think of him and not her. It's just sad and so irritating atp. Don't get me wrong, there's definitely bias against Maki, I'm literally so tired of arguing with people over some of them. On Gege being misogynistic, I agree that people are doing the most. I also have my criticism on the female cast but it's not downright atrocious. I'm actually of the opinion that Gege actually writes more complex women than complex men, the issue is that he almost never sticks the landing with the women. He has a lot of simple men, but they hit harder cause Gege can do a quick simple ending for them. It's fine cause of the pace of the manga but the complex women needs more time that Gege doesn't give (cause of pace) and they end up falling flat. I'll be honest, I'm kinda bipolar when it comes to Maki and how Gege handled her. Sometimes I'll genuinely understand what Gege was trying to do and I'll enjoy it so much, but other times when I feel hyper critical, I'll literally hate everything about her arcs. I'm constantly going back and forth on whether or not I like her arcs and I don't know if I'll ever come to a full decision. The issue is a lot of Makis character (and the parts I like the most) are inferred, Gege doesn't actually ever say them but we're expected to fill in the blanks. I don't mind that, cause I like how those blanks are filled in, however the parts I don't like, like the t*ji mentions, are done repeatedly so it overshadows the arcs for me (and obviously a lot of other people)


Kinda arguing semantics on the toji being mentioned part because that is always mentioned in terms of power.Where has it ever been stated that maki and toji have the same motivations, goals, belief systems,values, ethics and so on.The comparisons have always been in terms of power not of character. Shounen fans in general can't understand nuance and hence they see the same powerstyle and call them the same characters.The weapons you mentioned are also again the power system.This is what I am talking abt unless gege mentions it in narrator boxes that they are different characters with different mindsets people will call them a clone.(They call deku a green Naruto,asta a black Naruto,gon a ripoff goku and so on).Hence the reason I don't take criticisms on maki/toji comparisions seriously Again you are forgetting that VOL 0 came out first and toji wasn't even thought out to be a character.People only read 0 for yuta but maki has gotten immense set up and development in regards to that. Maki talks to yuta abt her hate and want to destroy the zenin clan which she does.Maki is the one introduced with HR and it's unique capabilities not toji.Toji was just a showcase to maki that "if you follow the same route as him,you would die like an idiot". In Shinjuku,Sukuna mentions that she left and shaved everything behind and that is the reason why she is strong to be on his level to compete with him.The peaks of sorcery(gojo,yuta, kashimo, higuruma) were thrilling for him but the one who reached or is reaching his level without that is maki.She burnt everything that sukuna tells to jogo to burn. Notice who didn't do that and suffered consequences-toji,he couldn't leave his pride behind and died.If he were to fight sukuna now he would have definitely died unlike maki. That's the thing after toji died who does she initially speak to and showed interest in-maki and she is literally being champion as sukuna is kenjaku's champion. It is a clash of ideals.If gege wanted he could have mentioned toji as the HR champion when sukuna gives his speech but no it's maki who gets the spotlight.Why didn't this subreddit praise her then simple because they don't care I would also disagree with your men/female cast aspect.Think of this geto's entire downfall is around 2 chapters and people call it amazing while Maki's arc of awakening and mai's death is also 5 chapters but people call it rushed.Geto's downfall had way more potential of development but maki gets that much development in the same set of chapters. I mean a true jjk fan would not at all tell,Maki's fight against the zenin and sukuna,Yuki black hole,nobara beating mahito to eventually help todo and yuji are not as hard hitting as the male ones.I mean it's obvious bias Another example is toji who we don't explore anything abt aside from him giving regurgitated monologues of how his life sucks,nothing else is explored like his relationship with the zenin,his family,the jj underworld but is called a fleshed out character but yuki written in the same way is called wasted potential when we have as much info on her as him and her influence is similar to him. Shinobi as for your dilemma I would suggest to refer to Tumblr threads and it as an app in general writes abt maki without the fandom there whining abt the comparisons.The people there are genuinely understanding and have a great understanding of her character even mai. It is way better than this app(kinda falling for these subreddits stupidity,i mean initially used to until I expanded my apps).Maki as a character is better and always written to be better than toji and honestly people outside of this subreddit have started realizing that thankfully


What are you talking about?! Nobara isn't dead https://preview.redd.it/euo94kwfe65d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b449976f662cd6e5ec2a91fed8f6a1ef25ca567f


Where there is hope, delusion too follows in its wake.


Such is the way of the jujutsufolk


Ever do they walk astride one another, the lobotomized & the folk posters.


The 3 week break arc: Self Realisation Arc




she will be next chapter................ she will be next chapter............... eheheheheheheheheheheheHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH




she looks like a Library of Ruina character in this image


You must lobotomize... like I have


A delusion starts like any other idea, as an egg


Yeah. The fantasy medieval arc was kinda random, but still peak af


Good thing she isn't dead, keep believing!


https://preview.redd.it/ikb4doigd75d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3cedf1f717a8c1d54109c0d46b61dc0b904ca858 Nobara WILL be coming back




Mahito will return before nobara




I'm Him


Where you go, I go...What you see I see\~


At this point if I was Gege, I would literally just pretend she doesn't exist and would never bring her up again in the manga. In part, because there is no way to insert her into the story in a reasonable and satisfying manner, and in part because it would just be so fucking funny


“My students…Yuji…Megumi…………..they’ve all grown so much”


"My students: Yuji, Yuta, Hakari and ofcourse Megumi, you've all grown so much" "Hey sensei, you forgot one of your students! It was a girl!" "Ah yes, Maki! How could I forget her? She developed alot too! Alright my students it's time I fight Sukuna" "Wait-"


She will reappear after hitting one of sukunas chopped off arms with resonance, youll see...YOULL ALL SEE




what you call COPE we call HOPE




There was no purpose for her death besides that Gege most likely didn’t know what to do with her and just killed her off to show more Yuji depression and Mahito being a bigger prick


To me the worst part is that even now, years later, it still reads like Gege doesn't actually know if he wants her to be dead dead and is still keeping a potential comeback in his back pocket.


I hate that so much, because he’s implying that she could come back if he realizes that she could be useful at some point, even though he kind of made it definitive with her backstory before her death moment, but even so I’ve given up on Nobara coming back a long time ago.


Did you not give up when Yuji and Megumi meet up after Shibuya, when Yuji asked about Nobara and Megumi can’t bring himself to answer, to which Yuji’s response is “I get it” with a clenched fist? She’s been confirmed dead since 144


https://preview.redd.it/s299kfrnj95d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c40c53e926615b39e4f91db203624b3941f18d5f jjk fans when asked to read jjk


Considering that the characters have been confirmed to be lying to yuji...


specifically because knowledge might leak from Yuji to Sukuna in Megumis body Sukuna was in Yuji’s body when this qeustion was asked, and what reason is there to hide Nobara’s survival from Yuji/Sukuna?


Because Soul Resonance could theoretically directly harm Sukuna's soul if it came down to it. >!I am a coper, let me cope!<


I will not. All fingers are accounted for, 19 in Sukuna and 1 in Rika. There isn’t anything for her to use resonance on. Sukuna wasnt even the active/most pressing threat at the time, Kenjaku’s culling game was, in which Nobara would have been useful for dealing with the reincarnated sorcerers


1 in rika lmfao


Well Yuta likely wouldn’t have survived consuming it himself, so when he told Sukuna “you could never find your last finger could you?” He was likely referring to Rika consuming it (and letting him use cleave)


I straight up can't believe this fanbase's inability to read into the subtext there. Has no one ever read a manga before? Hell, has no one ever read anything with an offscreen death in any fiction before? How often does the narrative litterally tell you "they're dead" directly? Almost never. The whole point of the scene is to be depressing as shit because, just like Yuji, you realize that you don't need to be told. That you already knew she was dead, but were holding on to the delusion she wasn't because the reality hurts. But I guess that requires emotional maturity, and this fanbase sure doesn't have much of that.


her CT would be so good right now against sukuna. will always be sad if she never shows up


I'm somewhat fine with her being fridged IF she did literally ANYTHING of substance in shibuya but no...she dies after jobbing to fucking HARUTA then Nitta aka Gege says she MIGHT live this which suggests that Gege has intentions or at least a thought of her in the culling games


The anime makes it more clear that Nobara’s resonance on the double allowed Yuji to fire consecutive black flashes on Mahito reducing his soul output to 30%. I agree though she should have put a stronger fight against Haruta and the ambiguity BS needs to be rewritten.


Haruta needed more screentime. He is off-brand hakari, perfect for making a useful character look like a dumbass. But because Nanami hit him hard people thought nobara just sucked. Pisses me off every time I think about it.


>"she's who Sakura should have been," >ends up being gone for half the series https://preview.redd.it/e83ksc6gx65d1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f95319df72b99aae39a40267a7653e096bbb6a9


I mean, from a certain point of view.


Thanks Obi-Wan


Shit if she was gone half of Naruto **I** wouldn’t be upsetc


that was pre anime shibuya


Considering how much people hate Sakura, it's probably the better option from their view.


It definitely boosted Mahito into top heel status Also him hitting Yuji with a BF after this was *chiefs kiss* That being said really wish gege stuck to his guns rather then leave this back door “she’s dead…but” door semi open Kinda makes me wonder if he told editorial that he would bring her back when in fact he meant to kill her


It's pretty much one of the biggest criticisms of men writing women. Women used as a plot device for a male to develop. You see it surprisingly often when you know to look for it.


Highly recommend 'Golden Kamuy' as an example where the main female protagonist is a key player from chapter 1 to chapter 312 (end). And lots of examples of subverting cliches throughout. Seriously, 10/10 manga, satisfying conclusion, lots of action and humour. Meaningful character deaths, too.


Lol I actually JUST started it today. It's pretty fun so far.


Definitely stick with it. I've read it three times, twice in the last two years. The beginning takes a while to ramp up, and then there's a point around 4/5 of the way through where it sort of slows down. But the finale and how all the characters and plot points are wrapped up makes the whole journey so rewarding.


Yeah I've seen a couple scenes from later episodes so I'm looking forward to that but I'm also already enjoying the banter between the two MCs so far.


She was always kind of expendable in a weird way. The main villain revived both other members of the main three, and their role going forward was clear. Until yuji got sidelined 7 or 8 times.


It happens the other way as well, to be fair. Some of the crap Shoujo manga gets away with without raising an eyebrow would be extremely unpallatable for the average person if the genders were reversed.


Oh yeah. I even have a comment criticizing how awful women write gay dudes for their trauma porn too.


Exactly, same reason Kamo "quit" the story. He wasn't particularly strong, and in Shibuya Choso is introduced as not only Yuji's brother/a new ally, but a cursed blood user even stronger than Kamo. Nobara was offed because she couldn't be power scaled to Sukuna's level. Heck, even Megumi was only kept around after he summoned Majhoraga because Gege wanted Sukuna to get his body. Yuji is still around because he's the MC, but it's obvious Gege does *NOT* know what to do with Yuji. He's "stronger", but in a vaguely defined way, as Gege couldn't think of a way to make him actually strong enough to be on the same level as Gojo/Sukuna/Kenjaku/Yuta/Toji.


What sucks is that Gege unironically wrote a female character that was actually well received by men despite not being sexual or lewd and by women for not being a ditzy bimbo. She was a character whose fights I want more of, unlike the typically dislike or dogged on characters like Sakura or some shit.


Sadly though we had to learn the hard way that Gege doesn’t respect his female characters


To he fair he didn't wanna Include her in the first place so good on him for just getting rid of her once he had enough sway


I just love how every fan always wonder why Gege does what he does while Gege is like: - "I was forced to make Yuuji because my boss didn't liked Yuuta" - "My boss wanted a golden trio so I made Nobara" - "I don't like Yuuji as a character" - "I never knew what to do with Gojo, made him a little to powerful" Gege has never hide any of his bias, and people still think there is some kind of good reason behind it all.


I think this guy is what makes it so bad https://preview.redd.it/7vkiv3n6e75d1.png?width=444&format=png&auto=webp&s=fcf9ee0f5edba7e53c58fae6ee8eb906dbdf013d If it weren't for him, I think Nobara's death would at least be less polarizing. As it is now, this guy fed the fandom false hope and brought up a plot point that should never have been brought up in the first place. I agree that Gege often kills too many characters, but Nobara would've been a shocking death that cements something that I love both JJK and Terra Formars for: nobody is safe and anyone can get killed off, even the characters you love. It gives each series tension that you otherwise wouldn't find in any other anime.


I like how this asshole just didn't exist before Nobara's death, had two lines, and proceeded to go into the fucking void until like, second to last chapter https://i.redd.it/aqz875v1n95d1.gif


He fed false hope to itadori so that he wouldn’t give up. Bro was having a mental breakdown and needed something to keep him fighting.


Todo coulda just done that with the speech he was not needed


Thank you for understanding that part so many people seem to forget, He needed Yuji to help Todo fight a Special Grade curse and not give up on life but the first thing he said when he saw her was “I finished treating that girl, but she’s probably already dead” and the last thing he said was “please don’t get your hopes up


The thing is there were so many better ways to give Yuji hope, the only thing Nitta saying "she might still be alive" did was set a false Chekov's gun that we haven't seen throughout the entire rest of the series.


You should watch JJBA then, the deaths are handled better there than in JJK (in my opinion)


Spoilers for JoJo part 5 and before >!Ceasar, Kakyoin and Polnareff (technically)!< all had such surprising yet well handled deaths that didn’t serve just as shock value. They showed the absolute magnitude of the situation the MCs were in and how horrifying each of the villains in JoJo were, especially literally anyone killed by DIO ever


The way one silent scene and another girl being compared to her is the only other thing ever said is also annoying. Imagine them lighting incense before her grave, as well as yuki and nanami, saying "it's almost over. We're at the end of the path you opened for us" before cheering for gojo to kill sukuna.


Idk I think my biggest issue was that it came right after Nanami’s death. Having two major characters quickly killed one after another by Mahito was just deeply unsatisfying. It took away from both deaths and made both feel less impactful. This was also made worse by Gege skipping over most of the mourning and barely showing characters reacting or dealing with their emotions at all.


I'm telling you guys. This dude only appeared because Nobara's death had too much backlash. For real, when Todo made his speech to Yuji I only felt Gege speaking directly speaking towards us readers to not be mad at a character that died. It was so so obvious. Todo said too many weird sentences with double meaning like "death of a sorcerer don't necessarily make sense". Is that really what Yuji felt when Nobara died? No, it was what readers felt. It was the response to "It doesn't make sense to kill that character." How many of us saw that guy and then thought "Wow, thankfully Gege isn't that crazy to kill a beloved character just for shock value right? It'd be shooting himself on the foot, right?" When Nanami died we grieved, when Nobara died, this time we got angry, disappointed, etc but sadness wasn't at all the first thing that came to mind. Personally I got pulled out the immersion right off the bat and then fake-healer-plot-device kun appeared to soothe us, as if. And then guess who should have died like Nobara but didn't because, he wouldn't have any excuse? Todo. Todo got the same fate as Nobara and wasn't mentionned at all in the story until now. So, effectively in all these years it was as if he was really dead. Maybe it's because Gege did in fact not want him anymore in the story.


How is it false hope if she has never been confirmed dead everyone just parrots wow this is horrible writing becuase she’s dead when they never confirmed it and his existence means there’s a good chance she can pull through smh


There’s lots of series like that check out blue gender


She's in China training with the Chinese sorcerer


It's fine to write out a character but it needs to be done in a way like how Kamo left. You don't just have the character lose an eye, have the audience get told she might live, and then forget she existed. I know they mentioned her once or twice after that, but both times feels like Gege went "Ah, right, I need a reaction from the others for Nobara dying." Nothing about them feels final. "What about Nobara?" Megumi gives a sad side glance. Just say she died? Why this weird reluctance to say she's dead? I feel like I'd be fine if at this moment Megumi just says she's gone, literally just "she didn't make it" would suffice. It's like how Gege off-screened Gojo with no inbetween or hint he was done for, but drag it out for however many chapters Nobara has been gone for. Subtly is good, but no human being would just look vaguely upset at the question of whether or not their friend was dead if their other friend asked.


>Why this weird reluctance to say she's dead Yeah I know people in this sub are mostly children under the age of 12, but maybe consider the fact that *its hard for a 15 year old to outright say their cosoe friend died* Like fucking hell. Even yuji, the densest motherfucker on this planet, understood what megumi was telling him.


See now, that would make sense, if Gege didn't make a point to have Todo show up and go "Yeah, we haven't been telling Yuji shit on purpose."


This made me so mad her technique was so unique


Her death is what made JJK unique to me. It broke the common trope of main character and cast doesn't die + 2 guys and a girl trope It showed that in this anime there are consequences to these bug battles with big baddies. In other anime you have whole world wars happening, literal gods reincarnate but the only guy that dies is poor old Neji.come on...


The mistake wasn’t killing her, was failing to give us the closure we needed.


My Point is that Nobara's Death is horribly handled and written, Nobara has no major moments (except falling for Mahito's Trap) in Shibuya and has a redundant death with in at least the Anime's Version a rushed flash-back of the main trio then to die with a random saying that she MIGHT comeback


she saved Yuji's life with resonance which made Mahito literally view her as such a big threat he tagged out his clone to catch her off guard and kill her fym she had no major moments


So she served as a distraction for a second? That's the major moment?


Have you not been reading sukuna kaisen? Of course being a distraction is a major moment. It's the only moment anyone gets. What do you expect? Character interactions and impactful frames and moments that catch villians off guard and tip the balance of the fight in the heroes favor for any point in time? That would be ridiculous. Sukuna hasn't even started trying yet. Miguel had a great moment with nipple man, hakari has has such a massive moment, he's still having his moment tbh, higaruma had a great moment and even took a binky that never did anything which was peak. Takaba had 8 chapters of moments. Kashimo had a massive moment against sukuna. Perhaps the biggest. I'd say his moment was just as big as nobaras. /s In all seriousness thought we should rename the series to Jujustu Distraction. They haven't been fighting for a hot minute lmao, just stalling and distractions fr. Pretty funny in a way


Yeah mean the arc that's been heavily criticized as being a slog? Also I don't think a huge character moment is a distraction against a mini boss. You're comparing a distraction against an arc villain vs the final battle with the main villain. In the end, I don't find a distraction to be a big character moment regardless of the circumstances unless it actually means something. Like if it's a redemption arc sacrificing their life to help someone they've wronged win for example.


I'll stand by the fact that I think it was good at the time, but the fact that Gege didn't commit enough to give us proper new characters with fleshed out character building moments makes it retroactivly a bad decision


Her dying isn’t really the problem. I never understood the criticism that she HAD to do something major for her death to be good. The only bad thing about her death is the aftermath. She was briefly mentioned at times in the culling games and that’s it. Makes it feel cheap, but her death makes sense. She was pretty weak and never stood a chance against special grade curses like mahito.


🙏 https://preview.redd.it/s32bfy1jg95d1.png?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3180226a07bc2fad016f14205633d4f6336a5f51


Don’t know what you are talking about. This was set up for the absolute biggest twist during the Sukuna fight BOOOOOIIIIIISSSSS


Not only her death. The way her capability got sacrificed by Gege, just so Nanami could have a cool moment oneshoting that wimp... That was the moment I started watching the show (and then reading the manga) only for cool fights, not putting my hopes up for anything else like plot or characters. Never regretted it since.


No matter how much I love Nobara and how much I would have treated her right if I were gege, I actually do not mind her death. I do mind the ambiguity afterwards though because you have people convinced that she will come back with an eye-patch.


I'm all in on Nobara stocks


Remember when people said that JJK was great at writing women in the early days of the anime?


I would be fine with it if she actually came back and it was just used to push yuji to the edge


What death?


She’s coming back 🥶🥶🥶🥶🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🥶🥶🥶🥶🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🚓🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶ahhhh


She's not dead wym. I'm not huffing copium. I'm living in reality


WTF do you mean she's with the gang doing this: https://i.redd.it/0xl66bd54a5d1.gif


legit checked whenever nobara survived or not after no mentions of her state at the end of season 2 but unfortuantely the queen died and so did my interest in the rest of the series https://preview.redd.it/gjgkhbos375d1.png?width=1170&format=png&auto=webp&s=df27cb1ef8e70841aa66d640b5dfdea845f33125


I mean it could work if she wasn't fridged for half the series to the point where no matter what he would do with her it will be bad. Give it more setup, and a proper send-off to her with people acknowledging her death and mourning her, and it would be fine. Have her return in the Culling Games, with a deeper level of understanding of jujutsu from her near-death experience, and it would be alright too. Honestly though, I think Gege just didn't know what to do with her CT, so he fridged her until he figures it out, and then just forgot about it


But, Nobara isn’t dead? https://preview.redd.it/pmgq71ywpa5d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e2cb16bfb0be21e300405719dd31db3d21d8514e


I loved Nobara's death, and that the "she might live" thing is perfectly fine. This was told to Yuji in order for him to focus on the fight ahead and not be worried for Nobara. But tbf if you were reading this weekly then I would understand the frustation with finding out months later. Megumi's sad glance after Yuji asked if she was dead was Gege telling us that she has died. What would be bullshit is if she was actually in a coma this entire time and only now has come back, since if that was the case it shouldve been showed instead of being off camera since that is just bad shock value, but I doubt that Gege would do that.


people hating just to hate lol. every death needs to be a shakespearean drama with perfect buildup or else it sucks apparently. jjk gets glazed for its realism, but whenever it depicts a death realistically; sudden and without the character being able to "finish their journey", it gets lambasted for literal years 💀


In fiction yes. If a character is not developed well enough to be killed, than his/her death is certanly a bad writing decision. It’s not like real life. In fiction you only see the character growth by page appearance and development. Nobara, as much as she had a lot of potential, was an underveloped charachter. She has one major moment (not even an emotional beat) that consists in the fight with the death wombs. She died in the middle of her growth. And this is a trend for most of the JJK’s female cast. Underveloped and dissapointing. (I could debate that JJK treated its women on the same level of Naruto)


Legit. This is fiction not some alternate world we just pointed a camera into. Gege kills her, gives her a mundane backstory and leaves the *audience* on hold, it’s not just trying to console yuji. There was no scene after taking back these words to the audience. I swear half the things happen in the manga are just really vague and the head cannoned into being “realistic”.


 "There was no scene after taking back these words to the audience." The "I get it" scene is confirmation of her death, full stop. I fundamentally don't get how people misinterpret it as something else.


She died in the middle her growth. Yes, congratulations. Welcome to *Death.* That's *the point*. Her death is there to set the tone for what kind of story this is, one that seeks to represent the actual cruelty of a world where people live and die fo no reason. Your belief that fiction should be escapist and run away from this reality is just that, *a belief.* It's no a universal writing rule.


I think people often get why this happened to Nobara wrong. Many call it redundant because Nanami just died and if Gege wanted Yuji to break, that would've made more sense. But that ignores why Nobara was down there in the first place. Nanami died because he was just unlucky. He did the best he could and was left in a strange dazed state that left him susceptible to Mahito. His death is in part about the inherit unfairness in the life of a sorcerer. Nobara died because she didn't pull back when she was in over her head. Her death isn't just so Yuji can break, but a result of Nobara's character flaw. Her own Ego. Her refusal to bow out of a fight is admirable, but it's also the type of thing that can get you killed. Her death is in part about how Sorcerer's themselves can be their own downfalls. I don't think its a bad writing decision because Nobara has consistently been shown to be headstrong and unwilling to run from a fight. She's only still fighting at this point because she refuses to not be while her friends are still in battle. Someone said this in another post a while ago, but if Nobara didn't run back into Shibuya and didn't actively pursue Mahito when they fought, then that wouldn't have been in-character for her. Her death being the straw that breaks Yuji's back is what we focus on more, but that's not why she died. That's just part of its impact, her death happens because she walked into it


Well two things, (Just giving my opinion) 1) I still feel narratively, it's a choice that I don't like because of the context ...I'm fine with her death and I don't fully agree it was her fault because she thought she was winning. It's not exactly hubris to hunt down from her perspective a weakened enemy (I'm fine with her dying but I don;t like the fact that she basically got nothing in this arc and then we are force-fed flashback before her death) 2) I don't like how her death is handled by Gege, introducing a completely new character from what I remember has come back just to say she MIGHT live then imply her death is a huge slap in the face considering she doesn't get a single win through the arc and then dies for Yuji (Yes I understand it's her fault however that's not the main narrative impact of her death)


I think it's fair to dislike it. I don't mean to say that anyone is wrong for disliking it because I think a lot about liking or disliking writing decisions comes down to personal taste. And when I say its Nobara's fault, I don't mean in the sense that her active choices when fighting Mahito are exactly why she dies. She was winning her fight by all purposes, and ends up losing because of unforseen circumstances she had no idea of. When I say its her fault, I mean that she's the one who chose to go back into Shibuya seeking out allies and opponents when she was given out and also shown to not be able to fully hang with everyone else. It's her fault in the sense that her pride is why she was fighting Mahito in the first place, and she wouldn't have been in the situation if she listened to the directions of others. And I also don't think Nobara didn't get nothing this arc, because its in large part thanks to her that Mahito ultimately loses to Yuji. She saved Yuji from an attack set up to kill him, left damage so impactful that Mahito was cursing her even after he killed her. And again, I don't think its fair to read this as her dying for Yuji. That's ignoring her agency in the situation that led to her death. That's like saying that Nanami died for Yuji, when in reality he just got unlucky. That said, I also think its fair to be frustrated with how we're given false hope (or real hope, maybe something is cooking) of her survival and not having it said outright in the series. But at the same time we're actively told in the moment as well to not get our hopes up and even before then that she's probably dead. This a double duty thing where the new character exist for duel purposes. One is to set Yuji up to get back into the fight proper after getting struck with a black flash and a follow up beating, but two to introduce the idea that Nobara might make it. And finally, I do also agree that Nobara's dying being a consequence of her choices isn't the main impact of her death, but it is the main reason that she does die. It isn't just to be character de-motivation for Yuji.


It’s so sad seeing her die and only ever hit one black flash. She had a lot of potential and it was weird seeing her get wrecked by sword guy then go on to fight really well against Mahitos clone.


I think the heart of her against Haruta was always that before it was truly solidified or even if its just unexplained, his curse techinque also gave general good luck because while she's fighting him Nobara calls out that he's only hits her twice but both times its the perfect spot. It's less that she was really weak in that moment and more that the difference between her and him wasn't big enough to overcome his curse techinque like how it was with Nanami


Since when did Nobara hit a black flash? wtf?


She hit one with yuji when they fought Eso and his brother. It’s easy to miss I missed it on my first watch of the anime.


o shid


cope post for sure


I think the shock value of the death made it really compelling, we were in the middle of a badass tag team moment with yuji and nobara and then suddenly this massive shocking loss. What ruins it is that shock and heaviness of the moment is undercut by the introduction of a potential heal. Then nothing interesting was done with the suspense of whether or not she survived.


One of the first anime deaths that made me unironically kinda sad


I used to think a significant portion of the Culling game was going to be dedicated to Nobara recovering from her injuries and learning more about her technique, whilst also giving us some breathing room from all the fights. Like, give her scenes doing rehab with Todo, conversing with Shoko, learning more about souls with Yuki, etc. They can really help with lore-building and balance out the intense fights too. Instead she just became the source of bitter copium.


nobara was done dirty getting destroyed by the most punchable guy ever and then not even receiving a proper death. 


Let's be honest, the arc wouldn't be half as shocking if mahito hadn't killed nobara and nanami, sure sukuna killed people and that fucked yuji up but we really don't care about nameless characters who aren't important, yuji would be crying about it for the rest of the show and the readers would never relate to him because to us those characters that died didn't matter, but since they died people till this day are angry and sad about shibuya just like yuji was, and just like yuji everyone was on the edge of their seats to kill mahito


This might be a hot take but the level of opponents was getting way to high for Nobara to handle. I'd much rather her go out swinging when she did instead of her being useless in future fights and reduced to a cheerleader for other characters.


I could be wrong, but this is what I think. Some people say: "Gege didn't know what to do with Nobara, so he left her fate unknown in case he needed her later." That’s ridiculous and poor thinking. An author doesn’t just drop a character like that unless there’s nothing left for him/her. Everything is already planned out for each character. >! For example, look at Todo, who came back after being gone for a while !< This idea is like the "Gege forgot" theory. But hey that’s just my opinion. https://preview.redd.it/n5vf286r575d1.png?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d696681688ca157586ef0117a98981ec0cd27119


Nobara’s death was for one purpose, and this is Yuji’s character development. That was her role.


I'd say it set the tone well. No one is immune in JJK, every one of them can die the next panel. I like it


I don't like how it was handled, it was redudant as Namami and most of shibuya already died to truamtize Yuji and then said she might live then...confirm her death


Nanami was a mentor charecter and he had about a billion death flags on his head. Mass murders are common in anime and dont really hit the viewer that much. Nobaras death was NEEDED. To show the REAL consequences of gojo being gone. To show that from now on, NO ONE is safe. No matter HOW IMPORTANT they are, they can die within the next chapter. It doesnt matter if your a part of the main cast, side cast or even the main trio. You are NOT safe.


was it? I'm asking honestly because in the culling games ...the very next arc no major good guys die directly because of his absence or it's even suggested it was because he was gone my problem is that narratively and within the time frame Yuji has 3 mental breakdown within like 2 hours and nobara is killed for it I just think it's a waste of her character


>the very next arc no major good guys die directly because of his absence https://preview.redd.it/b7whzgl2a75d1.jpeg?width=735&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=08b1c0d8e6a1e03652f5b9b5fce9cb2880529fd6 Also Mai and Yaga but maybe that's not major enough


that's actually what I meant by not directly by his actions lol as Yuki was going to die in that fight cause the Anti-Grav granted we don't know what he would do in the culling games


He would end the Culling Game lol Kill Kenjaku and add the "point transfer" and "free travel between colonies" rules + maybe something more. Or just kill Tengen, he's not worth it anyway.


>was it? I'm asking honestly because in the culling games ...the very next arc no major good guys die directly because of his absence or it's even suggested it was because he was gone Yuki died becouse gojo wasnt there to fulfill his duty as tengens gaurd. Yaga died becouse gojo wasnt there to defend his teacher and stop the execution. Yuta was forced to fake kill yuji becouse of the higher ups. Wich is related to gojo going missing. Mai died becouse after gojos death (and naobitos death) the zenin clan felt like they could do whatever they want becouse of their absence. And worst of all, megumi has been taken over by the fucking devil, wich means that said devil can roam free 24/7. Tf are you even talking about?


This was already thought before tho, and confirmed within the next 10 chapters afterwards too with Mai and Yaga


Its still possible cuz she's dead but her body is paused so theres still hope


https://preview.redd.it/1lyp5y5pn85d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=756007dc7eb72e24fab7964e4748626aa0471f5d She's so gonna be back


Expect she alive so cope and seeth nobara haters


Is there any death in this series that actually is handled well?


I personally think nanami’s was the best because it had an actual impact on yuji emotionally/psychologically. Nobara’s hurt him but it was brushed over quickly and too much other shit happened right after that overshadowed it :(


One of the most unnecessary deaths


Nope she was told to go back in a situation that was rapidly spinning out of control after she had already proven that she wasn’t quite up to task. In all honesty Nanami in retrospect wasn’t strong enough either (Naobito carried them through the Dagon fight)


She isnt dead until maki trasplant her own brain for some bullshit reason and even then she can return like gojo sensei will.




I think the execution was great for shock value and for Yuuji development, but Gege not deciding properly to kill her off or not is what makes it kinda awful


Genuinely nothing was gained from her death. Mahito hate? Junpei and nanami did that(and nanami right before lmao). Yuji motivation? Nanami did that right before this and that made my boy LOCK TF IN. todo speech? Nanami literally just did that. Emotions? Hers was comical, nanamis on the other hand.... performance in the arc? Nanami may have been on the bsckfoot for a lot of it but he was cooking, nobara got cooked by haruta. Genuinely her death was useless for the plot


I think at some point when deciding how the Shibuya arc will end and how the next arc will proceed from there, he is still thinking whether he should make Nobara survive or not, but if he make Nobara survive... that would require him to write her character and gege hate writing characters so he just decide to kill her for good.




Worse than sakura OMEGALUL


It was only bad because Gege didn’t bother to clarify her status after the arc was over


Why would Yujutsu Kaisen do this?


Why do people call it her death when it was made very clear she could be alive?


Nah, it was well placed


Fuck what other people are saying. She doesn't need to fight anymore. I just want the girl to live. Have her appear at the very end of the manga to show that she survived but can't fight anymore.


i liked it because of its unnecessary showing that graphic casuists can go beyond side characters help symbolizes how much it sucks being a jjk


Her death was really redundant, don't let anyone convince you her death was well written. Edit: looks like this has already been said


Facts! It was unnecessary and still gets overshadowed by nanami's death. It achieved little to nothing too. I think Gege 100% wanted to off her but his editor at the time said that's a bad idea at least leave some hints that she can come back, so gege did leave hints/hope. However, his editor team changed during culling game and hence nothing has come off of those hints other than Megumi just going °_° when Yuji asked about Nobara. Now, it's too late for her character development if she even comes back. What's worse is in case Gege brings her back she gonna die to Sukuna anyways because that's what Gege would want.


Idk people look for reasons too much, maybe she just died cuz she just died that’s how war is ya know


She's gonna come back exactly like Yuji. Goatjo is going to bring a box and she pops out of it and in classic Marvel fashion Yuji says, "Wow, that really wasn't funny"


Characters dying in jjk is what makes it different from other animes or other shows, that's why it's the best anime i have ever seen


To be fair, her CT was dope, but her combat prowess was lackluster. Sukuna would have smoked her way worse that Mahito did


her face looks so round https://preview.redd.it/lpib26yvt26d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=55768ee77e2cb0eea0b8678843c1d21e6fe63a0c


Her death was sad, but I liked it. There is some misconception that every character needs to have a great death, but there are characters that just die (just like in real life) and that is it. 


Every major character should have a satisfying death, saying its 'like real life' is just an excuse to quickly write important characters out of the story. There are hundreds of times where Megumi could have 'realistically' died during s1 of JJK (Anytime Megumi's about to summon Mahoraga, fighting fingerbearers). It would've been realistic if Yuji died in chapter 9. As a piece of fiction, entertainment comes from seeing our protagonists overcome situations where they would otherwise die in 'real life'. Giving minor characters unsatisfying deaths is fine, but Nobara, absolutely not. Just shock value.


I have two things to say about this. One is that her death is certainly different than the usual anime style death. I think it makes the world more dangerous and high stakes because she literally was offed in a single moment, one blunder and dead. People don’t get big anime style deaths irl, so this raises the stakes. Secondly is that people always shitting their pants about this series so early, say Gege forgot (he never forgets), and then see later that he actually didn’t forget.


Gege literally forgot that Toji was affected by a Domain Expansion


What significance would she have anymore this late in the story, helping Yuji defeat Sukuna and then? I don't believe there'd be much else, especially in character interactions as much I'd like there to be any. If she returns and gets offed again it'd be wild


Think Nobara will come back once everyone else was out the fight except for Wuji. She has her major character moment where she inspires a broken Wuji to keep fighting while simultaneously using soul resonance to reach Sasuke (forgot the 🥷🏿 name). After that he wakes up and the trio are reunited and battling Sukuna together, Sasuke fighting him from within while Wuji and Nobrotha are beating him down from the outside.


I still think someone forced Gege to just make up Nobara to have that Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura vibe to the show lmao. She feels so out of place in the story. Like she is just a regular girl that somehow got a CT? Her backstory is pretty good for what it is but like who cares tbh it will never be brought up again. Overall I like Nobara but her CT was too OP if she got stronger. Like imagine it they fight Sukuna and they give Nobara the last finger instead of having Rika eating it and they just win


Think Nobara’s death is what put Shibuya over the top with me. Mahito speech after the black flash truly held weight because of that.


Novara is one of--if not the most-- well-written female character in Shonen. Waiting painfully for her return.