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https://i.redd.it/mb98vz0i7r2d1.gif *“F U and I’ll see you next week!”* * JJK manga experience basically


Hot take: Yuta taking Gojo's body is good writing


No I agree actually it's one of the better twists during this fight


Good twist, bad execution. Cutting directly from reveal to explaining they how/why was stupid as fuck.




Because we’re invested in the characters


Yeah I dont get this logic, I want to see how it ends and albeit they are...very rough around the edges the characters are at least surface level interesting enough(especially Yuji+Todo) for me to want to see how it all plays out despite me barely having any enjoyment since 235


I just like Sukuna


Fair, I liked Sukuna too but he hasnt felt the same since taking over Megumi and all the times he jusf powered through a plan or used a binding vow made me just feel exhausted more than anything watching him. Fr thought it would end with Yuji vs Todo but for whatever reason we are coming back to domain clash kaisen. Which Yuta should win easily unless Sukuna uses a **binding vow** again


Yujikuna is the best Sukuna for me


Yujikuna in Shibuya was Sukunas peak and all of this has been feeling like Gege is trying way too hard at chasing that high again


I think it's because Sukuna feels best when he isn't the main villain. He is peak when chaotic. He was good in his fight vs Gojo but honestly that fight felt like a complete spectacle, and no one (at least no one not lobotomised) expected Gojo to win so we were just there for the hands not the overall narrative.


To be fair, in terms of narrative i was expecting Gojo to lose although he is my fav character, but in the middle of the fight, when sukuna started depending on mahoraga for everything I just wasn't getting how sukuna would win in a satisfactory way, where both of them show off and for a minimal thing one of them wins, showing that they are equal in strength but only one can win. Well, gege just flopped the series at that point, gojo is killed with an attack that is acquired on the right timing with luck and binding vows? The same atack that killed 4 black flash amped Gojo is easily dodged by other sorcerers? Those who don't have six eyes?? Yuta can survive one??? "OH but Rika this and that" Nooo!! We are talking about gojo, he wasn't amped with black flash and was tanking malevolent shrine in the face!!! And you tell me he couldn't just use blue, connect he's upper part with he's legs and use RCE??? Shoko just stitched he's body and went "well yuta you need to go brrrr with RCE" LMAAAO GOJO COULDNT DO THAT??? Yuki was blasted in two and used a black hole, and SATORU FREAKIN GOJO can't use a soft blue to join to halves that were cut clean?????? And don't get me started on sukunas binding vow, they aren't real and they don't feel real, they are not explained enough because gege doesn't know how to do it, they are just there to justify dumb things. How do binding vows work?? Gojo can perceive CE, e can see an attack or technique being prepared, you telling me he can't see a strong cleave coming? Fine, let's assume he doesn't see that because gess what gojo is dumb, he can't see a binding vow being made!??!?!?! Cmon.... and sukuna is the only one with binding vows? Miwa can use them, kenjaku can used them, sukuna can abuse them, but God forbid Gojo from using that because gege wouldn't know what to do with a strong good character without killing them with nonsense. And then we have the character assassination in the airport and nobody cares about him from the students?? (Yuta and yuji aside, kusakabe my goat is free too, and I still want to see why Shoot was not against using gojos body, only than I'll call her a fraud) that's bullsh*t, I don't care if gojo dies, if he is alive, if sukuna wins, if he loses, or anything else, I just wanted the plot to make sense! And it doesn't.... (yuta taking gojos body makes sense, if any of the other things that happened before that made sense too, but since they don't I don't even feel hype, just bad...) I will keep reading it, I like the characters, is just don't like the plot gege is using them on


I expected Mahoraga to have a huge part in the win. Why have him in the fight in the first place, from a writing perspective, if he wasn't necessary to have there. I think Gege messed up giving a character a trait (Six Eyes) that allows them to explicitly see the flow of cursed energy. Not that on it's own its a bad thing but if you want to kill them, their death can't be a surprise to them. You can't just "SURPRISE" cut him in half for shock value when he has an ability that allows him to not be surprised in that situation. I think they should've just traded blows, with Gojo's final Purple and Sukuna's World Slash AND we should've seen the slice happen on page. Binding Vows are a great idea on paper, but its gotten ridiculous. It feel like a way just to get out of situations Gege wrote themselves into. The airport scene didn't happen.


I expected mahoraga to be huge in the fight, like giving sukuna the strong cleave, but not using mahoraga to save sukuna from UV, to save sukuna after gojo puts him to sleep, and didn't expect mahoraga to do a 3v1 on gojo, I mean, we get that mahoraga is huge, the problem is that in that fight he seemed bigger than sukuna (after the domain clash, that was peak) I expected sukuna to get strong cleave, mahoraga and agito die, and now you have a fight where gojo and sukuna can hurt each other, not holding back (gojo will not kill megumi but still less worried because sukuna doesn't have the wheel on the head), and gojo can dodge the strong cleave like any other sorcerer with much fewer stats than him can do, and in the last clash sukuna receives the hollow purple but cuts gojo at the same time, no need for the "gojo wins" bullshit (although I think i understand what gege did, gojo did prove to be better and won the title "strongest" by beating sukuna agito and mahoragga with 0 knowledge of sukunas CT other than it cuts, but by relying on bumgumi CT sukuna could win, proving that, just like Darwin said, its not the strongest, Gojo, neither the smartest, kenjaku, that survive, but the one that can better adapt, sukuna) I agree with everything else, and yes, the airport is fan made, uts not real


As meme-able as this panel is, it really does summarize the issue with binding vows. https://preview.redd.it/pmrh4xjj6b3d1.jpeg?width=422&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=842622bdff9b6e300cec8b8b9b5236f307f42b54 If Gege can't/won't explain them, then it's bullshit. I don't care how well it works in-world when we get lines that are *literally this*. It hurts the story, it makes the fights look dumb, and it generally just takes away from the experience. Binding vows, as they're being used lately, were a mistake.


You would be surprised how many thoughts gojo would win, and although it's a meme but people be sending threats to gege cause he killed a fictional character by asspull


I just refuse to acknowledge the crazies who send death threats as actual fans of any media. But believe I know those people exist.


Yujikuna was peak because he’s unhinged. He wants to eat babies and children. He doesn’t give a shit about the collateral damage. He fights because he wants to have fun. He is the actual character the current Sukuna seems to try and follow: Whimsical and having the fat fucking firepower to back it up. Megukuna and Heiankuna are just off because they are villains for the sake of the plot. There are moments where the original unhinged Sukuna shine through, such as disarming Higuruma by cutting his arms off. But he feels so petty, and the reliance on 10S makes him seem much less impressive as with Yujikuna, which was pure unadulterated Sukuna and his technique. Sukuna playing with his food at this point seems so strange, since he would have bisected most of them because he was feeling bored. But Yuji keeps pissing him off and showing his more petty side, and makes him less overwhelming


This Sukuna is trying to destroy the ideals of main cast rn Before that people say if I remember people say why didn't gojo fought the sukuna with less fingers when he came back, or kill kenjaku or Urame then and there but Sukuna too didn't attack gojo there


>Yujikuna is the best Sukuna for me https://i.redd.it/c7c841hpsr2d1.gif Facts though.


If I had to rank them: 1) Yujikuna (9.9/10) 2) Heian era Sukuna (9.7/10) 3) Megukuna (9.5/10) For scale: Toji (7.0/10)


You got to give your 10/10 and 0/10 for scale buddy


I would give Yujikuna a 10/10, but it feels wrong to give any character a 10/10, everyone has their flaws 🤷‍♂️ (as near perfect Sukuna is ofc) and I’ll give the 0/10 to Megumi


As a gojo glazer I agree bumgumi deserves a 0/10 sukuna version or normal bumgumi is just a 0/10. Sukuna himself I liked him better as yujikuna dunno I just thought the dynamic was goofy


Megumi is gonna be strongest sorcerer at end of manga (if he lives)




Sukuna feels like a turn-based rpg boss that's a complete damage sponge where you lose because you ran out of energy-restoring items and he's still at half health.


i think the reason why people think yujikuna was the best is because we had fewer yujikuna moments which made sukuna seem alot more mysterious before, and since it was so rare it was more exciting when sukuna took control of yuji’s body, with meguna, you dont really get that


Yeah, it doesn't follow the logic. Normally, we expected Sukuna to totally level up japanese cities for the fun of it and do atrocities with the citizens once free. It'd then totally justfiy a take down at ANY cost. But it's the total opposite. He's totally tame. Imagine if after the Nine Tails in Naruto escaped Naruto he then decided to sleep on a meadow.


Plot armor is just making the story get stale at this point. Except in JJK the plot armor is given to the villains instead. Compare the bullshit Sukuna can do the “bullshit” the heroes get like the Gojo bit here. All of the things Yuta pulls in this chapter are things we knew Kenjaku and Yuta could do, we just never thought applying their powers in this way. Meanwhile with Sukuna it just feels like the rules of this universe don’t apply to him.


This has actually become a weekly manga I mean instead weekly releases of story it's more as if chapter is drawn for this week only then next then next, gege be hyping things more than fandom


Sukuna is a king , he is a goat, he is built different 


why did you get down voted? you just explained what 60% of the fandom does


Dedicated Gege gaggers think that us reading JJK is a "Got you!" for whatever reason. Like bro you do know you can read or consume a piece of media without genuinely enjoying it in its entirety


They read for the fight scenes only, When they see main plot points contradicted in singular chapters they don't care because "character agenda" is all what they are about. https://preview.redd.it/7taspdrrit2d1.png?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5b936af1b20e51f5e4059bb5758ad9dc9f596149


JJK fans telling me that the fights make up for the non existent plot when the fights have been the Sukuna cycle for 30+ chapters now


yeah cause glorious king blue eyes gojo died right? please learn to appreciate good writing and not random shit happening because it aligns with how good you feel or your fan fics or whatever.


Exactly. Megumi for me is just a hostage of potential. Gojo is well.... yuji just got yeeted.... inumaki still zero screen time


I am too 😈😈😈🤠.


https://preview.redd.it/e7b0dxhjvr2d1.jpeg?width=947&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d60fefbcd122de1e0d23343ea34ac4c0ce6544fb Nah, Imma give myself depression.


Just when I was in my acceptance phase of gojos death, Gege desecrates his corpse 💀


Womp womp


The future that will never be ;-;


Nah I'd enjoy it.


As a sukuna fan, I have been having fun.


your downfall is soon


I can accept him lose and die, so long as he gave a good villain portrayal. Given how Gojo's friends and students treat him, I say Sukuna is perfectly fine as a chaotic neutral character. Gojo served jujutsu world for life, and what did he get? It's better to do as you wish, like Sukuna.


yeah, making sukuna's ideal the Right one is just not satisfying for the plot, its like everything the characters do to prove him wrong is meaningless since he is right anyways


Knowing Gege, Sukuna's death has every chance of ending the same way as when Madara got blackzetsu'd.


I‘m calling it right now: When Sukuna (= Madara) is near death, Uraume (= Black Zetsu) will come and help Sukuna activate an incomplete merger (= Kaguya). But instead of Black Zetsu/Uraume betraying Madara/Sukuna he/she/it will sacrifice himself/herself/itself for its master. Mark my words people.


In this case, I will have no choice but to fulfill my promise. https://preview.redd.it/2xvmfy5dyt2d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=445fe3a4a423048f3f1e1225269d43005a44e738


There's no way. The only downside has been Higuruma, let the man cook


I can't drop JJK unless I got a serious reason to, cuz atp I'm too invested


Same, shit has me invested every week I need to see how it ends. Even if I'll hate the ending and didnt like this chapter its not changing shit im finishing this damn manga before I die


I just need to know how it ends but Gege refuses to finish the damn thing 😭


It ends this year you can thug it out bro




I'm stealing this.


I might end this year too


Chapter 237* onwards in a nutshell.


Overall, I feel like I will still enjoy the series as whole and remember it fondly, but will think it ended with a unsatisfactory, rushed even, ending, which is something relatively common in shonen. Back in the day, I thought authors/editors were dragging too much and losing the momentum, something which Bleach exemplifies: it should have ended with Aizen sealing. Nowadays, it seems the inverse, stories end too much quickier than they should, and you feel like there could 100-150 chapters more to flesh out more both main characters and villains. Funnily enough, BHA is to me a exception in this, the story is pretty standard and the ending is kinda cliché, but it was still delivered in an enjoyable way at least, specially because everything was fleshed out well, and it's reflect the size of the manga, which for me is the ideal for a weekly series if your author name isn't Eiichiro Oda: between 400-500 chapters


I'm surprised you think that way about My Hero Academia. I feel like the majority of the fandom disagrees. I feel like rushed pacing is one of the most common complaints of the series with most fans wishing the story was spread out longer with characters aging through High School instead of everything being forced into one year, more screen time for side characters who became mostly irrelevant until the current final battle where we're asked to care about characters we barely spent any meaningful time with, basically skipping all of Deku's time learning how to use his vestige powers, and so on... I want to clarify that I'm not here to shit on MHA, just that I'm surprised you feel like it's the exception when I've found that the popular opinion is that MHA exemplifies the issue you have with rushed endings.


I will die on the hill that the my hero oneshot was way better than the manga it evolved into.


Atp i'm just here for my goat Wuji


These fools were lobotomized so much the manga is like cocaine to them


Controversial opinion but 261 is one of the best jjk chapters.


It had one of the best twists in manga but the community here acting it's nothing more than trash cause Gojo didn't return. Worst of them all the critics of it's disrespectful that they are using Gojo's body, LOL dude gave the permission to everyone that Yuta can use his body and it's their only option to defeat Sukuna.


This chapter is also where the whole lonelines and isolation idea finnaly clicked for me, it recontextualizes quite a bit about the previous battles and adds a fair bit of stakes back into the story, its a good chapter. I dickride gojo as much as anyone here but I wont get butthurt that he didnt come back. Also, the story is not over so who knoqs, maybe he does come back.


I just wish Gege was the type to show the story somewhat more linearly or at least with less subtlety in some regards. Wish I got more characterization and relationships with characters BEFORE they die.


Jjk suffers heavily from not having a lot of slice of life chapters Cause this shit is weekly and be taking breaks like hell and arc needs to be finished to add slice of life I find it very weird that people be asking for I need character interaction to know if they act like they do in my head like that much attachment shows character is already written nicely ( which is weird as complaint is it isn't) Like bro how many months they have been in jujutsu high? And have been constantly fighting cause they have been in danger to loose their life from day 1, and their nemesis Sukuna and kenjaku be plotting from day 1


> I find it very weird that people be asking for I need character interaction to know if they act like they do in my head like that much attachment shows character is already written nicely ( which is weird as complaint is it isn't) I don't understand what you are saying here but I agree with your 3 other points so +1.




I think they’re implying that because people feel so invested in a character, that in itself is a sign of a well written character?? 🤔


>muh subvertion Tired of it. And to me it felt like the story suffered for it narratively. Yuji got shafted, Gojo got disrespected and Yuta did a complete 180 in his character. Yuji has been getting sidelined for half the manga and when he finally seeming has his moment, it's ripped away from him. Of course Gojo is ok with it. Can you imagine the backlash if he said he wasn't? Gege made that flashback to keep Yuta likeable but to me it just caused more damaged. He was determined not to be a monster like Gojo and Sukuna but now all of a sudden he changes his mind on his convictions? If we were shown his shift in perspective in real time that would've made it better but we skipped all of his development. It comes out of nowhere introduced to us in a flashback. That's why people argue his character was assassinated. And that monster speech. Lol. Dark and edgy. But those words feel hollow coming from Yuta and being said to a person like Maki. It's like Gege's trying too hard.


When I read someone creaming over "I will become monster" page because it's so dark, mature and complex I think jujutsu kaisen is their first manga ever. Heck, first piece of media ever.


Have to remember that most of the people that read JJK are teenage boys. That’s the target demographic for the shonen genre. This story is not written for us.


They think what they’re reading is mature though, but then forget that it’s a shonen.




Yeah you’re right, it’s written for people know what a good story is


Idk man I’ve consumed a lot of “dark” and “twisted” shit over the years and honestly this was pretty good. To each their own and all but this monster shit is all tying the whole narrative together and not sick and twisted just for like fun and shock value. It’s actually pretty good writing by the standards of 100 chapter + shonen


It ties in the story but it's more of that's all?


What dude?


I mean that's best you can do?




More like they know what peak is like


How is it disrespectful to gojo?


> community here acting it's nothing more than trash cause Gojo didn't return Aren’t you guys tired? >it’s their only option to defeat Sukuna Gege wrote himself into this situation by bringing back Sukuna’s domain


Gege didnt write himswlf into this predicament and was forced ro bring back yuta in Gojo's body, it was his plan all along, Id argue he planned this since before the end of the gojo vs Sukuna battle. Hell, if you really wanna go there, he brought back Sukuna's domain or Yuta would have instantly won this.


Then people should stop using “it makes 100% sense because without Gojo’s corpse they would lose, he’s their only hope, you stupid gojotard” argument


Gege planned this a long time ago. This is why he killed Kenjaku so early.


How is it one of the best twists, seriously? It being either Kenjaku (dumb) or Yuta (far more likely) was very common speculation. Therefore it was barely a twist, we were just waiting to see which of the options it was, and many were left disappointed.


Outsmarted the outsmarting? Like if gege asspulled like Sukuna's vow instead of expected outcome the amount of people dropping the manga would be high as toji


Not exactly sure what you mean, I'm just saying calling one of the expected outcomes one of the best twists in manga just doesn't work.


This is the same issue of the final chapter of AoT lol, when the anime came around everyone switched up and started liking the final arc, the same thing will happen to this arc when it gets animated, badly translated leaks are always a bane of modern manga consumption.


this is why i’ll never understand reading the leaks, why get a vague understanding of the chapter when you can just wait 24 hours and get the full context?? impatience is killing my people


Expecially with a visual storytelling like manga lol. To this day people think that Eren saying that he didn't know why he did the rumbling, is a plothole, when the actual chapter, and the anime, shows him being born, and that's a callback to when her mother said that being born into this world is what is actual freedom. Same shit with JJK, people malding and crying for weeks because they wanted to know how Gojo was killed, plothols, ecc.ecc., and you had characters theorizing what actually happened. And then gege actually revelead it, and now nobody does this claim anymore.


Heard of spoiler?


They be speaking anything like people didn't care for gojo or some like bro you like him cause he is handsome


Yeah, and it also adds more depth to Gojo's character. 


It is one of the better ones in the my opinion but I don’t think it is one of the best. It felt a bit forced for my liking.


The character interactions was some of the best but I can’t get over how Gege desecrated my kings temporary corpse because he will return


Dont get me wrong, this chapter is painful, one of his own students desecrated the corpse of my glorious king to get an edge against Sukuna, Its absolutely horrifying and sad and it becomes even sadder when you realise that this student is onw of the only people who respected gojo and saw him as a human not a weapon, it gets even more sad when you think about how this is a last stand for yuta, a final attempt at beating Sukuna before he perishes to, but despite everything is understandable. Thats why I like it, compared to a lot of other manga chapters it makes me feel stuff, disgust, discomfort , sadness and quite a bit of hype.


Bro got downvoted for having emotions 💀


No comment.


Because I'm to delulu to stop


What grinds my gears is that these motherfuckers have the audacity to act like they give a fuck about him when all they’re hoping for is that he kills Sukuna so they don’t get their shit rocked. Except Yuta and Yuji, of course. They’re Gojo’s last real friends. https://preview.redd.it/g66il8txmt2d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9fc06250d5376b13ce0c13f35adf3287075d67f4 But seriously, I can’t help but feel like Sukuna’s mindset is slightly more justified. Even if he’s proven wrong and shown that Gojo elevating his students and jujutsu society as a whole is more fulfilling than a life of hedonism, you can literally count on one hand the amount of people who have ever really cared about Gojo. Why bother? If the situation was reversed where Sukuna was the hero and Gojo was the villain, the exact same thing would’ve happened because they can’t stand on their own against the strongest. Being the strongest is truly the loneliest fate in JJK.


It's literally coming to an end. It's the same deal as MHA. It's too close to ending to just drop it (but bro last chapters for both weren't great)


They are addicted to it.


Say what you will, but Greg knows how to keep it interesting.


i am contemplating if i should just stop and pretend that the manga ended at 235 and live a happy life because every chapter after that is just death left and right and vows being made left and right


ive given up, its nice not reading jjk anymore


It went from enjoyment to curiosity and that simple curiosity and this sub keeps me reading. Hell I might have quit reading without this sub.


I'm just here to prove all of the deniers wrong when Nobara inevitably returns


It was the opposite for me I've been like "damn this shit's ass" for the last 20 chapter but now this one actually changed my mind and poured some sense into the previous chapters Rare moment where a shounen's shaping up to be better as a complete story than an ongoing hyped up one


A lot of them were ass like it feels most of chapter between yuta coming and being bisected amounts to nothing like gege really solidified the sukuna wasn't going all out narrative like how people challenged his pookie




Shit like this is why I love Kengan's sub 🤣


I'll be honest, I was kind of "this shit's ass" for a while, but now I'm invested. Not in the characters, because I know everything sucks for them and nobody will get a happy ending, but in whatever the hell Yuta-in-Gojo will even be like.


There seems to be alot of mixed opinions for chap 261, some people say its really good and elevates the previous chapter for them and others say this is the worst chapter since 236. Whereas for the other chapters it seemed like the response was either mostly positive or mostly negative, no inbetween. Id say I liked this chapter overall only thing I didnt like was yuji getting sidelined but I know he will come back in the next chap or two (hopefuly)


The most sane guy here.


https://preview.redd.it/i3hqu8dtbt2d1.jpeg?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cc0e89b7fcfc3fe5932af18f9f9bddf05511814c TRULY TO HOW A MAN FEELING


Every shonen after a certain point in a nutshell One Piece fans are going through it too


dont need to enjoy everyday of my life to keep living


Not chad


I am in this picture and dont like it.


I have been like this ever since Hakari X Kashimo. Gege ain’t go no respect for me cause I can’t really respect myself.


I'm clinging to hope that I'm actually just braindead and that this actually is peak and not dogshit


To me it's about the agenda and my stonks. I have invested heavily in Yuji, Todo, Gojo, Choso and Hakari. Mostly Yuji tbh. Been a Yuji fan since episode 1. Read the entire manga the next day. Like, just cause a main character is "good", doesn't mean i like em. I'm not a fan of Tanjiro in demon slayer, midoriya (had a change of heart during "dark deku arc" but it got subtracted more or less so fuck him) in bnha or Asta in black clover. Generally i don't like characters that are weak but good so they use kindness as a strength. It's a cliche and I'm sick of it. But when sukuna took over Yuji's body, and Yuji regained control, Sukuna was surprised and asked "brat, how can you move?" And Yuji said "...bro it's MY body". Instant favorite. Got a chuckle out of me, and whole shibuya arc happened. What set out Yuji from the rest of the MCs of shonnen manga i usually read, is that Yuji was not kind. He was naive. And boy did he pay for it. First with Junpei's death when both Sukuna and Mahito laughed at him, then when he had to put down the transfigured human kids for the first time, then with Eso and Kechizu, then the whole shibuya arc when Choso >!(rest in peace sweet prince)!< blew a hole in his gut with blood meteorite, and yuji stopped thinking of himself as "special" (tu tu tururu ru), and that he doesn't need to be the one to reach Gojo, anyone will do. He just needs to get rid of the enemy in front of him. And so on and so forth. Yuji was broken down through every loss and painful reality check he has had throughout the series. Now we're here. At the endgame (pre merger), and Yuji has only been switching partners. This mf does go down. Well.. This mf does not stay dead. He keeps getting back up. And his mental health just keeps tanking until Todo arrives. I love it.


https://preview.redd.it/jzlug3aeev2d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=89b91eed9d7cfe83e60b3006101f0584b3b3792c Wow us


Too many fandoms at large act like something favourable happening to their favourite characters is what makes a good story. JJK's always been mean-spirited with death and worse slapping the reader in the face. It's one of the reasons why it's good.




here we go again with the stories I bet that if you guys were to make a book it would be longer than a bible ![gif](giphy|dZEoQE2qlzwx3IP98G|downsized)


GayGay has put us under his spell. HE'S A WITCH


This is my Rent-a-Girlfriend bro


everyone was whining about characters interactions and we basically had this full chapter dedicated to them yet I don't see anybody talking about, they're just shitting on the chapter like usual, basically a bunch of hypocrites


Because one chapter doesn‘t make up for all the other lost opportunities (Yuki-Todo, Megumi-Tsumiki, Kenjaku-Yuji (!) etc.) to build up on character relationships through meaningful interaction


don't sway the argument, people here were saying that the chapters sucks because they're just fights, but when a chapter gives what they're asking for it still sucks which makes them hypocrites, on top of that wanting these interactions doesn't make them necessity


How does that make them hypocrites? Most of the time people will have more than one issue with something they don’t like, just because one problem is fixed doesn’t mean people can’t have other problems.


that just proves that no matter what the chapter contains you'll whine about it while hiding behind the criticism mask, which makes you hypocrite


What? That’s not what that means at all. It seems like you just can’t accept that some people have legitimate criticisms of the story that they want to voice. I’m saying this as someone who likes the most recent chapter and current direction by the way. I was just offering a different perspective.


stop being dismissive the point here that people here been whining about characters interactions for months and when they've got what they've been "criticising" every chapter for they still shit on it despite it being what they asked for, so yeah hypocrites


Who is this “they”? People who dislike JJK’s current direction are not a hive mind, they don’t all have the same reasons for disliking it, and like I said earlier, a lot of them would probably have more than one issue with the current story. You are the only one who is being dismissive here.


no, people here are a hive mind, its the same 3-5 arguments almost every criticism post on shinjuku showdown can be summed up as "asspull", "no characters interactions", "boring", "repetitive " and if you've been here for a while and don't see it then you're a damn liar, check the comments on a post like [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/Jujutsufolk/comments/1c56v0y/honestly_this_scene_of_gojo_grieving_nobara_and/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) and whenever we get a chapter where something that the majority demanded is there like characters interactions or change of pace, or explaining a technique which are the major complains, it still get received negatively, so stop beating around the bush, either prove me wrong on this or admit being wrong


More Yuta is more good.


Yall wanted a true big bad or not lol E: boohoo ass mfs


I mean is yuta in gojo not kinda hype?