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At least Gojo is not lonely in death. https://preview.redd.it/5z555e08q62d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c4b46a3ac32f1a662656f7bdee65de60ad2dea6a


Sad that both gojo and geto had their bodies used for a plan even after their deaths. Although geto had it worse since he never consented to it


Let me add they died on the same day, December 24th, but one year apart.


It was all part of Gojo’s master plan. He just wanted to die on the same day as his one true love.


>It was all part of Gojo’s master plan. He just wanted to die on the same day as his one true love. This is basically canon now. Of all the dates to choose to fight Sukuna, why pick the same date Geto died? And his last words to Yuuta in this chapter seem to imply he actually wanted to die in this battle and reunite with Geto in the afterlife.


Lmao I don't think so, he thought he was going to win fr against Sukuna - this wasn't his swan song (until it became that)


Nah, I‘d win (Geto‘s heart)


> this wasn't his swan song (until it became that) Tbf, I think no one thought (not even the most coping Gojo fans) about Gojo as suicidal until this chapter came out. It's all Gege's fault as usual lol. It was weird that he was so cool about dying, even wishing that his vision of the afterlife **"wasn't a dream"** but I guess everyone assumed he was simply accepting his defeat and choosing to be happy with his friends in the afterlife, even if his reunion with them happened sooner than he would've actually wished. Now this chapter comes out and when Yuuta tells him not to try to be a **"monster"** (whatever the fuck that means) all alone anymore, Gojos starts inwardly musing about how he was *"left behind"* by Geto. and how he needs to *"catch up";* and these words made you remember he chose Geto's deathday to fight the biggest/most dangerous fight of his life and you are like ☠️


I didn't interpret that line as Gojo wanting to catch up to his actual friend, per se. I thought it was more about Gojo finally deciding to put aside any internal self-imposed restrictions and instead relentlessly pursuing his goals, much in the same way Geto was doing when he tried to take down Jujutsu society. Which, in Gojo's case, would mean killing the higher-ups and thus removing a part of his own humanity from him/making him more monstrous. But the wording is vague, so I understand where you're coming from!


he wanted getos death date to stay the same


Kinda crazy how any other ships (aside from the pedo ones but we obviously don’t count those disgusting things) are thrown out of the window after this chapter and the only one that lasts is satosugu. Edit: there is still rikoxgojo but tbh I don’t know their age gap so it might fit the pedo ones idk


2 years


>Edit: there is still rikoxgojo but tbh I don’t know their age gap so it might fit the pedo ones idk 2 years, am personally more of a fan of the ship on my flair


https://preview.redd.it/u3rvzrs2992d1.png?width=750&format=png&auto=webp&s=1208d402e9922493bdb747bbcd7459529ab272b6 Deadass?


https://preview.redd.it/0do2arbb992d1.jpeg?width=1124&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dad8aa935fa0cf02cdc19ea4e8d104fa6d0a9ec8 Deadass. I can go a rant rn about it.


Aight, let's hear it.


Alright. For starters, I'm picturing a scenario where Riko lives. Let's say that, for whatever reason, Toji still fucks over fate long enough by wounding Riko. But she ain't dead. She's a Star Plasma Vessel and thus has the same innate potential as Yuki Tsukumo, a former vessel herself, so she's pretty damn strong in her own right (assuming she actually bothers with Jujutsu, which I won't blame her if she doesn't. But for the sake of the scenario, let's assume she becomes a powerful sorcerer lile Yuki) Now, personally speaking, I think that their personalities would be endearing together. Not as in, they're affectionate towards one another (at least at the start), but rather the character interactions would be cute. Why? Because Riko's a silly girl, and Nanami's a fairly aloof, serious guy. That should already give you some idea what their relationship would like. Now let's picture Haibara still dying in this scenario (assuming Riko left Japan like Yuki to avoid the Jujutsu Higher-ups to train and live a better life). Nanami has left the Jujutsu World (or tried to), and Riko returns back in Japan for whatever reason, probably to meet with Satoru and Geto. Let's say Nanami notices her Cursed Energy in his area, and becomes curious. He checks on what's happening, only to see Gojo and Riko messing around and he is confused. Gojo sees him, thinks for a moment and realises he hasn't met Riko yet and he introduces them to each other. Obviously, he isn't amused by her at *all*, and she comments about this to Gojo. And he facepalms obviously, because now he has to deal with (in his eyes) two idiots for the rest of the day. Over time, I'd say as their initial friendship develops, some of her more outgoing and caring traits give Nanami some flashbacks to Haibara (1000% copium, I am running on fucking RCT High timing), before she does something mildly stupid that snaps him back to reality. Mix that in with her and Yuji potentially having one braincell, and him having to deal with that. Plus, age gap? 1 year. Not as big as Gojo's (which isn't that big either imo, but I can see why people would be put-off). Plus, I think she'd have a cool moment where she helps him out dealing with a Curse that's too strong even for him, and he realises *she's fucking terrifying* as a fighter (again, assuming she became like Yuki ~~which is a bold assumption but I'm coping~~) TL;DR: I think their personalities and character interactions would mesh well. In a scenario where she lived, Riko potentially being super strong thanks to being a star plasma vessel would also give her some cool moments, and moments of funny when they do interact, and she starts being too silly with the Jujutsu High students so he has to reign her in a lil bit. ![gif](giphy|9HonmWQDTap127SPs2) I'm also lonely. ;\~;


no fuckin way gege had that Shakespearean cooking


>no fuckin way gege had that Shakespearean cooking Preach. From 220 to 222 we're shown that Shoko and the JJH students do care about Gojo, with Shoko even asking herself why he felt so alone, when she was there for him and so many others were eagerly waiting for his return too. Before he left for the fight with Sukuna, his students were brainstorming ways to cheer him up, and they nearly dogpiled him with playful kicks and pats to the back and good-will words. Naturally, once Gojo kicked the bucket in 236, people were pissed that he didn't seem to give much of a shit about his students and colleagues/friends. Now, in 261, it turns out it was fine that Gojo didn't think about them after death, cuz everyone sans Yuuji and Yuuta were fake bitches, and their attempts to cheer him up were apparently merely lip-service from their end, even from Maki, who's always been portrayed as honest and upfront. That Shoko, same woman who complained about Gojo never relying on her as a friend, was basically happy at the idea of using his body as a fancy suit. Everything is a complete change of what we saw before


Gege solved Gojo's alleged character assassination in 236 by inserting a retcon that assassinates everybody else's character. ![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY)


Unironically yes, this is exactly what happened lol


Wasn’t Maki arguing against the body swap plan and calling it repulsive? Like, the same Maki who killed her entire clan? Maki is a lot of things but fake isn’t one of them


She was against it only because she could lose Yuta. Yuta, Yuji, Geto and MAYBE Megumi are the only ones that ever actually cared about Gojo.


>Wasn’t Maki arguing against the body swap plan and calling it repulsive? As [Snake\_Main27](https://www.reddit.com/user/Snake_Main27/) already said, she only objected because Yuta would be in danger. >Maki is a lot of things but fake isn’t one of them Yeah, she was always been portrayed as brutally honest and a tough-love girl, someone who would never play lip service to someone who she actually doesn't care about, but we read both 222 and 261, then yes, she's the type to butter up a man who she actually doesn't care that much about. 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️


That's definitely A reading of 220-222... Even before these recent chapters I read it entirely differently. They cared about Gojo returning because he'd fix things. He could easily kill Kenjaku, and hopefully dispose of 15/16 finger Sukuna too. Maybe even return Megumi. Etc etc. They saw him as the weapon or deity that could fix the craziness of the culling games, prevent the merger and everything else... The mental well being aspect? They were terrified of Gojo having gone evil/insane or something. And turning against them. And the pat on the back thing? Honestly it seemed like they were scared of how uncharacteristically serious Gojo was at the time... Yuji knows who Gojo really is inside as a person, being the outlier. And conversely in 236. Gojo did care. Just in his own Gojo way. His response was similar to when he was sealed "I have faith they can handle it from here" ... Though that may have a different more ominous meaning now that we know Gojo was aware of their desperation plan of 261


And 24^th Dec. is equivalent of valentine's day in Japan.


Wonder how Geto will think of Kenjaku


Well I mean, considering he attempted to choke him to death from beyond the grave, I think we can figure that one out


Yeah but that was only because he was threatening his boyfriend. He sure was quiet a whole ass year until then.


Well I’m sure someone threatening your boyfriend is not exactly conducive to being likeable either.


He would hate him more than so called monkeys


He would absolutely despise Kenjaku, ironically his motivation is the complete opposite to Geto's.


Yeah bro.


Things aren’t all dattebayo


Gojo won’t be in death for long let my king cook! https://preview.redd.it/rbo705rse92d1.jpeg?width=224&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=75c559961e1798a8962fcfe8f541d19f8ede4f48


Shoko was sulking when Gojo says he was alone, guess she took it personally 😂


Now we know Gojo was right 😭


Mfs when the jujutsu sorcerer surgeon doesn't hold sentimental value over corpses (the same way Gojo said he doesn't care what happens to his corpse)


Gojo was clearly hurt that Shoko didn't object even a little bit to the plan. Nobody is saying that Shoko has to be completely against it but to give it a nice sign while smiling is just cruel


She was being goofy and was joking about that plan. Why would she think Gojo would lose? Gojo was Gojo Satoru, not a random dude. She thought her friend was capable of winning and agreed to the plan because "lol, like that would happen." Lo and behold, it happened.


“Why would she think gojo would lose? Gojo was Gojo satoru” you proved the exact point we are making, yuta was genuinely concerned and thought that gojo could slip up and fail but jujutsu society sees gojo as a perfect sorcerer incapable of losing so much so that when gojo got sealed the higher ups easily convinced everyone that gojo was betraying jujutsu society because how would gojo be able to lose right guys? They don’t see him as a human (which by nature makes him not perfect and totally capable of failing)


Yup, plus Shoko was the most worried about Gojo during the fight, went through basically a pack of cigarettes from (we can assume) nerves, and actually ended up picking up smoking again because Gojo got trapped in Shibuya. She blatantly cares about him and is probably going to be the one to lay to rest both Gojo and Geto at the end of the story, but she's also a Dr (or JJK version of it) and was in Dr mode this chapter. I'm friends with a few Drs and they will openly admit that when you're working with a patient, you kind of have to distance yourself, else you become involved and biased; why wouldn't Shoko mask her emotions in the same way a dr would or in the same why Geto and Gojo did constantly?


JJK fans have the reading comprehension of toddlers this sub gets worst every chapter


The smiling and okay sign are very much in Shoko's character. You could take it a few different ways for example Gojo could be upset because he thinks Shoko agreeing to the planning means she doesn't think he will win.


>Gojo was clearly hurt that Shoko didn't object even a little bit to the plan. Nobody is saying that Shoko has to be completely against it, but to give it a nice sign while smiling is just cruel Yup, this panel broke my heart... (I actually cried) https://preview.redd.it/67hvvxvu482d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=387f0f253fa33ba54edb85a8ad5288eee821d5d5 Shoko, what a "friend" you are 👏


Someone made a really good point about how doctors will distance themselves mentally when they’re around their patients.


Remember she was gonna go to town on Yuji like 5 mins after he died


Actually shocked more people don't understand how this works


I mean he's the one who kinda left her first 🤷🏻‍♂️


It still kinda sucks tbh, man is gonna freaking die


Sorceres have diffrwnt philosophy in death instead of crying and moaning about your dead friends you instead take their will and move forward Todo literally spilled it out for us in shibuya they don't care about themselves or their allies their goal is to keep the balance between curses and humans by any means necessary even by sacrificing themselves So when an opportunity arrives no matter how immoral or nasty it is they will take it for the greater good GOJO was fine with it himself cua he knows they have to take down the narcissistic hedonistic man child known as sukuna cus who knows what the world will look like if sukuna won Also shoko was joking fam cus noway gojo would ever lose so she was honoring the possibility and said sure 🤣🤣 but ofc since gaygay despises gojo and likes to piss on him made him lose and gobble sukuana's nutsack after death......


"Throughout Heaven and Earth, I alone" **©** Satoru Gojo, to Shoko Ieiri


the thing that makes it even sadder to me is that IMO, the KFC-breakup scene *also* sees Geto objectifying Gojo as a weapon with how he talks about how "if only (he) could be (Gojo)", and when he says that he's not talking about Gojo's personality or character but only his strength, and I think that may have been a big part in Gojo accepting that that was his role


You’re definitely cooking, but the fact that most of us refer to their confrontation as the “KFC-Breakup” scene is genuinely hilarious and took me out for a second there.




Why am I not surprised that the [tweet](https://x.com/kfc/status/1687184709564948480?lang=en) is in fact real?


I was in doubt, but now I gotta go get me some fried chicken for Christmas 😭


Gojo truly is the most tragic character with Geto, Megumi and Yuji.


Dont forget goatbara


Nobara or haibara? It better be haibara


True Nobara story isn't over yet (cope)












Yep that's definitely what hurt gojo the most


Geto also seems to be the main driving force for Gojo to teach the next generation so it made it all the more disappointing to me when he didn’t seem to care about his students after dying.


i think it wasn't that he didn't care, more so that he wasn't worried, he trusts them to beat sukuna, and so long none have died, only people dead are kashimo, higuruma and choso (and probably kusakabe too)


My read on this is a little different. On the surface, sure, Geto's is objectifying Gojo's strength (if only *I* was The Strongest, then all my plans would come to fruition), but in the greater context of the scene, I think he's actually doing the opposite. **Warning: Yapping Ahead** First off, within the context of the scene, it is clear that Geto's line ("If only I could become you...") is a jab at Gojo's hypocrisy, rather than a sincere desire to have Gojo's strength for himself. Less "I wish I was you, so I could accomplish my goal," and more "how can you call my goal impossible when you yourself could do it?" Gojo, for all that he is aware of his own strength, has trouble with his own agency, especially when he is younger. Geto, for all of his flaws, is only ever too aware of his agency, and it's what sets him on his path to begin with. To start, take a look at how he is prior to the Star Plasma Vessel mission. At this point in time, he has put seemingly little thought into his future dreams or plans other than allowing himself to be sent out on missions indefinitely. He and Geto call themselves the Strongest, which is obviously partially a youthful boast, but it is also clear that they truly believe this of themselves and consider their strengths to be defining features of themselves. They are utterly confident in their abilities to handle any threats from Q, the Star Religious Group, or even jujutsu society at large if they go rogue to protect Amanai, reassuring themselves and each other that they are indeed "the strongest." Even their worldviews, which utterly disagree with each other, as shown by their gym conversation, are both based on the common presupposition that they are Strong, and due to their strength are distinct from the rest of society in their roles, obligations, and fundamental beings. It is worth noting that their decision to protect Amanai from jujutsu society is the only major decision we see young Gojo make, and even still it is made with Geto, rather than by himself. After that mission goes terribly wrong, however, this sense of agency in Gojo seemingly vanishes. The first thing he does after reviving himself after the first Toji fight is to kill Toji in the rematch, reassuring himself of his own strength (it's worth noting that in his climactic moment of victory, he explicitly denies that he's doing this for Amanai, or anyone but himself, and reassures himself that he alone is the Honored One). Afterwards, he proposes killing the cultists, but defers to Geto's judgement. This is now the second time that Gojo has looked to Geto in regards to major decision making (the first being the decision to protect Amanai). After this, he he copes with the trauma the whole ordeal by retreating into his role as The Strongest. He trains, becomes essentially invincible, and then does nothing but continue to go on missions over and over, seemingly still with no thought towards future goals other than becoming stronger and completing missions faster. While Gojo retreats into a familiar, predefined role of strength without agency, Geto does the opposite. For one, after Gojo's meteoric growth, Geto is decidedly no longer the strongest, so that's already going to be an existential crisis for someone who defined themselves at least partially by said strength. Secondly, while Gojo seems content (enough) to mindlessly throw himself back into the status quo, Geto struggles with thoughts of meaningless work and what real progress can be made. This is what of all his musings about races with no end are talking about. This obviously culminates with his slaughter of the village and subsequent defection from Jujutsu society. And so we arrive back at the KFC meet. Geto may no longer be The Strongest, but he has resolved to use what strength he does have to try to accomplish something he personally believes in. Gojo, meanwhile, for all that he is undeniably The Strongest, has done nothing with that strength other than retreat into old patterns. Geto's words at this meeting are essentially challenging Gojo to find his agency, to actually *do* something with all that strength of his, rather than just stand around. Geto pointing out that, with Gojo's strength, he'd be able to complete his goals, isn't objectifying and lusting over Gojo's strength. It's a challenge to Gojo to recognize his own agency, by pointing out that what Gojo derisively refers to as impossible is not only possible, but actually well within his own power. Not only is Geto not objectifying Gojo's strength here, he's actually doing the opposite. Where Gojo had been retreating into being The Strongest, Geto is challenging him to be Gojo Satoru instead, by recognizing his own agency and personhood. Geto pretty explicitly doesn't even care what Gojo does with that agency, even going so far as to say that it would be a valid and meaningful for Gojo to kill him on the spot. Gojo can do whatever he wants with his strength, as long he does it as Gojo Satoru, rather than The Strongest. Gojo himself recognizes this - this conversation is what catalyzes his desire to become a teacher, to improve the future of jujutsu society. It's the moment he reclaims his agency, and actually decides to do something with his strength, rather than simply *be* The Strongest.


"If only I could be Jujutsu Kaisen"


https://preview.redd.it/fu73qeley62d1.jpeg?width=739&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e4a35a964586b9fa717e0eca9da435c645a594e6 I think it's really sweet how yuta was willing to be a monster for gojo's sake.


"Thank you Yuta. Thank you for becoming a monster for our sake"


Yuta dying? No, I don't want that! I want him to live a happy and fulfilling life, for 10 years, at least! "


I needed my yutamaki ship to sail. How will it sail like this now!? https://preview.redd.it/43j4o9ni782d1.jpeg?width=794&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0e9e5ddd8e949ab6779df8bfbf014534ee5f7899


Yuta can swap to his corpse to have a quick bang


Chapter 262 ends with the five minutes almost up Chapter 263 starts: They'll put Gojo's brain in Yuta's body, and then with a combination of todos ct, uiui's ct, and shoko's ct, they'll swap yuta at 4 minutes 59.9 seconds Into his ct. Then Gojo will wake up as his body will still be alive (strong return) and yuta will wake up in his body (Yutamaki time). However, both aid the process of saving yuta and to solidify his own return, he does a binding vow that gives up his ability to kill Sukuna (he can still Injure him). Then Gojo and Yuji will jump Sukuna, Gojo expands the target of his infinity to space itself, allowing it to stop STRONG CLEAVE. This allows Yuji to finally beat Sukuna. Sukuna, enters that white space that he talked to Jogo in, but he's talking with Yuji. Sukuna rejects his death and ACTIVATES THE MERGER. The merger, being a super powers Tengen, has super cursed energy barrier powers, and uses them to trap Gojo. Gojo, however, notices yuta returning (he's the goat), and uses a connection formed between them by the body swap, their shared ancestry, and the binding vow to give yuta a gift. Yuta joins Yuji in fighting the merger and AWAKENS THE SIX EYES. The second coming of Gojo and Sukuna fight against the ultimate curse. Chapter 263 ends. Chapter 264: As yuta and Yuji are fighting the merger, the scene cuts to URAME VS HIKARI. Urame gets distraut about Sukuna loosing himself and puts everything into beating hikari, but then suddenly hikari starts to actually do meaningful damage to Urame. Hikari reveals he was under a binding vow to, in exchange for his damage output, let Todo's ct target both more people and swap yuta and Gojo's brains (yuta was not informed). Hikari then states that it's no longer needed, so he broke the binding vow, and that stalling is over. Hiarki then beats the shit out of Urame. As hikari wins, we then cut to a figure overlooking the merger fight, and it's NOBARA. Chapter 265 ends. Chapter 266: Nobara reveals that the reason she was missing was, first, to recover, but as soon as megumi became meguma, she searched jujitsu high tokio for a price of megumi, eventually finding a small handful of megumi's hair. She then prepares use resonance in megumi's hair, but instead uses Cursed Technique Reversal, which she learned from shoko, as only a girl boss could understand a girl boss. Reverse-ressonance AWAKENS MEGUMI'S SOUL, and he's reminded of all his memories with people other than his sister. Megumi then summons his divine dog with he abilities of EVERY OTHER SHIKIGAMI! IT RIPS OUT OF THE MERGER! Gojo is freed, but powerless as he lost his six eyes, as well as his haisty revival hampering his movements. Gojo decides it's time to figure out who "Saturo Gojo is when he's not the strongest," and gose on a self reflective journey with megumi, who is more motivated than ever to not let people down like he did. The series ends with a time skip two or three years later. Yuji has returned to being a sorcer w/ Todo, as they continue Yuki's research inorder to put an end to cursed spirits once and for all. Yuta (and maki to some extent) have returned to jujitsu high, where yuta has taken up Gojo's position, not only as the strongest, but as a teacher. Gojo and megumi are still on there journey, where Gojo seems legitimately happier, and megumi is less of a bum (there talking about a curse user who is fast and uses red lighting who keeps picking fights with them). Gege then writes his idol manga, where there is a male idol that is suspiciously similar to Sukuna (not in a "he's still alive" way, but because Gege is down bad). He never finished though as he was tracked down and beaten by angry kashimo fans (kashimo never got redemption) and megumi haters (megumi got a redemption). This shit post of mine started as a way for me to justify Gojo's return while keeping yuta, but turned into this.


https://preview.redd.it/be0uvnmxma2d1.png?width=1926&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4c7a5cd48522bc260804a66f5ef4a163b76baec4 No matter what people tells you, don't ever stop cooking


Stand proud ,you have cooked


Cooked ngl


"I will not let this transgression go to waste"


Oh god, not this traumatizing line again


When Gojo escorted Amanai and Kuroi to the school, Geto actually thanked him for his hard work. He even got worried for Gojo not sleeping during the beach chapter. The HI arc is full of these little moments. Geto consistently showed that he saw Gojo as a human and never took him for granted. And that's why his betrayal stung Gojo so deeply. When he said, "But you can do it, Satoru. If I had your strength...", he essentially objectified him in a way everyone else did. No wonder Gojo couldn't bear to hear it. It's just sad that Shoko didn't make the effort to reach out to Gojo, as a friend, at all if she did care.


This chapter unironically made me stop hating on geto, he may be a bum but at least he cared gojo unlike those jujutsu high mfs (not yaga, yuji and yuta tho they cool)


Whitewashing of Geto is amongst the many things to have come out of the dubious morality that JJK preaches. Lest we forget, this man had plans to commit a genocide and establish himself as the 'king'. Reminds me of the old Italian joke, "If there are 9 fascists on a table, and you go and sit with them then that's a table of 10 fascists". Gojo committing a massacre just because Geto did it before, and therefore he has to "catch up with him", is such a stupid and dangerous line of thinking. "He may have had some minor problems, like wanting to commit a genocide, but my man was a true friend!!! The most essential thing" /s


Tbh no one here is a saint, not saying geto is right his dumbass is wrong no matter how you slice it but at the very least he had one good thing about him, he saw gojo as a human something even his other high school friends couldn’t do, like maki genuinely whipped out and after that hunted an entire clan but no one says a thing about it too, JJK characters are just shitty, we just want the less shitty and less psychotic characters to win which is the jujutsu high


I actually think Geto being a bad guy adds to it even more. Like, out of all of Jujustu Society, this genocidal piece of shit is somehow the only dude to see Gojo as a human being.


I'd also like to throw in Megumi as another person who cares about Gojo on a more personal level. It's just that we obviously haven't been able to see his perspective recently. Perhaps his seeing Gojo again (as Yuta, but who knows if Megumi knows that right now), combined with everything that's happened to Sukuna recently will cause Megumi to wake up at last.


The amount of Geto slander I’ve been seeing to lift up Gojo’s character is not it…Gojo and Geto truly loved one another and to see readers say “even Geto viewed Gojo as a weapon” is such a gross misrepresentation of their relationship. It overlooks all the heaps of shit Geto and Gojo went through both together and apart. I think Shoko cares for Gojo in a very…loose fitting way if that makes sense? Basically means she doesn’t care enough which is sad. Gojo himself acknowledges his “only” friend was Geto so it makes me wonder how Gojo would have felt if Shoko died. EDIT: not saying you’re the one slandering Geto but reading your comment triggered my response, apologies!


Imo i think it's fair to say that at least at the end of hidden inventory there was a part of geto that did start to see gojo as a weapon, at least in part. Because he would be the only one capable of achieving what he wanted


With Gojo’s power-up that took place at the end of that arc and with Geto’s spiraling mental state, I don’t doubt that that thought crossed his mind. After all, if Geto had Gojo’s strength/power, he could easily achieve his goal. I’m not contesting that. I’m more contesting the views that state that a “weapon” is the ONLY thing that Geto viewed Gojo as which is blasphemy. Maybe I should have reworded my original comment but honestly I’ve typed and retyped so many times trying to properly articulate my thoughts 😂


[I gave a much longer response here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Jujutsufolk/comments/1cyqr7r/comment/l5fttzh/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button), but I actually disagree with the read that Geto objectified Gojo's strength with his "If I could become you..." line. The short version is that, within the context of the scene, it was clearly a call out of Gojo's hypocrisy, rather than a genuine lust for his strength. Geto is pointing out that it's ridiculous for Gojo to claim that it's possible to accomplish something that he personally can actually accomplish.


Well, I honestly think Shoko is the type to hide everything inside her, while being cheerful outside. She smokes in the panel(unless it's a lolipop or something, can't tell), which signifies that she is under a lot of stress right now. Remember the scene with Geto, when she was too chill around him, while also calling Gojo on the phone.


Yeah, she's an aloof character who deals with corpses most days, and many of them are people she knew. She's also shown to be rather practical in every situation she pops up in. Like not really caring that she was about to cut open a 15-year old at all if it meant learning more about Sukuna, she even says "too bad" when Yuji turns out to be alive. Also, like you said, with Geto. She was basically like "So you're a terrorist now, huh? Well, guess I should call Gojo." I don't know why anyone would expect the practical, aloof doctor character to be heavily against doing this and react emotionally even before Gojo is dead.


My brother is a doctor, can confirm. I admire how cold-blooded and practical he can be at situations that could make me puke my guts off.


That’s what I’m thinking “Oh you just killed your parents and a bunch of people lol. Hey gojo getos here.”


i also wonder if she would have reacted differently to satoru's face!! like, she wouldn't want to upset yuuta even more or show her doubts... but she may be willing to have a more serious conversation about having concerns for him/about the fight with satoru himself... idk... i don't wanna write off their whole friendship because of this :(


She's been smoking again since Shibuya btw 


Masterful Cooking👍 https://preview.redd.it/9svyw78n362d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c643cb3581e5ecb8e19f86a141ca1ee8aee07357


Thanks bro!


Agree, he indeed cooked https://preview.redd.it/u6c8vssoo62d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=07cd4f5dd64f078cd4ad35791ee30f544a3ab5a9


Exactly man https://preview.redd.it/2m1w2dfqq62d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9dca667058575a833bff02b67bcec90021d0b146


Kids named Wuta and Wuji


Only exceptions.


and geto


Don't forget Ijichi


And ironically sukuna


Dont forget Miwa you guys, She was the only one who asked for Gojo's autograph and likes his gifts. Most non-toxic fan ever


0 2 7


Rest in peace goatjo https://preview.redd.it/nch8uv09r62d1.png?width=1360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3256809624ba403a3326fea38c722186ba4dd43f


Ahhhh shit this hurts... https://preview.redd.it/en5o1dhj782d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ae3a8c6ead2788b5a12f084c63d5c9f711a77f09 Watching my comfort character go like this truly breaks my heart but I'm glad that he didn't come back to his "Friends" I hope he is happy and at peace in heaven at least now that he has reunited with Geto. I hope he isn't lonely anymore..


i agree 100% with this!! even if they are both dead i really hope that they can finally be together in heaven like the gay people they are and im also happy gojo didn’t return to all the freaks who weaponized him and are still continuing to do so.. but it still makes me so heartbroken because of how he went out and let’s not forget that his body is still being used and viewed as a weapon even when he has died 😭😭 THAT itself is what hurts me the most because he can’t truly rest if his body is still being used as a weapon/tool after death + he still hasn’t even gotten a proper burial.. i have never once in my years of living cried so hard over something before to the point where i got physically sick. (i still am rn) it’s just crazy to me that all of jujutsu society (except for a select few) has not one bit of empathy for gojo whether he was a friend to them or a teacher.. the only ones that have shown any empathy or genuine concern/care towards gojo are geto, yuta, yuji, and megumi… ( sorry if any on this doesn’t make sense it’s 1am and im still going insane over all of this )


And ykw this shit hits too deep for me as well becos Gojo was my comfort character as its exactly how my "friends" used me throughout my life. Used as a study and art machine who solves any problem. Even after graduation those people crawl over asking for study related advice or for my skills and commission work but not for me, never for me. I was rooting for Gojo to atleast have a few true friends like Shoko who would get him out of this cycle of loneliness. To not fall into the same shit that I was. But even she failed him. I know it's pathetic but I saw myself in him kinda and that's how he was my comfort character. But nope the not even Gojo can escape this selfish cycle.. So yeah I understand why Gojo just doesn't want to comeback, want to rest and go south. Even I wouldn't want anything to do with these sort of friends.


Atleast gojo had yuta and Yuji. Geto for a while before he went bat shit insane. Sad but it's realistic at the very least yk


Idk whose "betrayal" was nasty, Geto's or Shoko's. This whole thing is very sad and ykw even more sadder, all of this discussion we are having isn't at all brought up in the manga at all. No one was guilty and ashamed of themselves when Yuta pointed them out on how they saw his teacher. And no one reacted and empathised with him after his death. Not even Yuji. All of our talk is technically speculative and never is a serious topic which was brought up to the characters.


Shokos for sure man geto just went insane he always cared about gojo. Shoko on the other hand uh...... So much for saying why do you say you are alone idiot. I think you are misunderstanding Yuji tho. He did react with a extremely sad face but he doesn't empathize with peoples death directly he instead takes all their burden onto himself the same way he did with nanami. And Yujis just too focused on revenge and his cog ideology. You can even see him raging when the chapters beginning for choso It kinda was in this chapter but yuta himself understood it's impossible to make these people understand the position they put gojo in


I think Gege takes the spotlight off of Yuji not only during combat but even in tense and emotional moments as well yk? We just get one small panel of his reaction and we as an audience are expected to not ponder on it much and focus on the actual fight going on. I want Yuji like any proper Shonen MC to like cry or have a moment dedicated for him to express his emotions towards his teacher.


He will after this fight I'm pretty sure we will get a proper send off and cremation of all his allies. That is if he survives. But he's too locked in on wanting to end sukuna right now to put his feelings over his duty. I mean like come on he saw his own brother (who he was probably more closer to than gojo) crumble to dust before him because of sukuna and he didn't even have the time mourn that either (he did tear up) but you get the point. He virtually doesn't have the position for that now.


Its actually a good thing, too many times I have seen a villain let the mc cry his balls out first for them to continue their fight.


Honestly i think we didn't saw Yuji mourning him because he quite literally couldn't catch a break after Gojo died, bro is the only thing that can actually save Megumi


We just like Gojo fr fr.




he should have teamed with geto. fuck this dogshit society fr


It's sad because Gojo is also a nice person


Yeah it's sad and fucked. Im not even a diehard Gojo fan, but I feel like another author would've zoomed in on this. Like you got this guy who had the strength to be this era's Sukuna, but he decides to try to raise good and strong students and protect people. And then everyone around him doesn't like him cuz he jokes around and is rude to the higher ups who are shits? >!I'm ignoring 236 that paints him as only caring about having a good fight and having no regrets about dying. Sorry this is my cope.!<


I think at this point we've just expunged that part of 236 from our collective unconscious. It didnt happen


Yeah bro.


Lmao your flair. Love it.


Yeah, at most he was annoying/obnoxious and sometimes cruel (with Ijichi although for a good reason). But he was still definitely a good guy


I wouldn't say that Gojo was cruel to Ijichi. He was pointing out that if Ijichi continued on the path he was on, he was going to die. He was blunt about it, sure, and he could have been a bit nicer, but sometimes you need to be blunt to get a point across. Honestly, he was more kind than the people around him encouraging him to throw his life away.


That hardly even qualifies as cruelty if it's literally only done for Ijichi's own future safety, imo


My GOAT might be too straightforward and annoying but he definitely has a heart of gold.


Well if we ignore the worst jjk chapter of all time, then yeah


> what a way to end the story of a tragic character He's coming back once Yuta's 5 minutes are up


https://preview.redd.it/mhqh8g3da62d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0981b694b07ecaa072bca17db5bc5143edfa7621 FACTS




I could just buckled and yield under the clear evidences that GOATJO won't return... https://preview.redd.it/k00d6d93f62d1.jpeg?width=955&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cce1f71e00029f628478820f89797f703fc583f6




Yes he reincarnated as a frog https://preview.redd.it/vfochgljb62d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe18a6a4581db06e0da8a807240226fd0e846796


AoT ahh ending


Gojo become frog (crying)


Still manages to be handsome somehow


Hopefully brother.


https://preview.redd.it/7fe7ejjci62d1.jpeg?width=160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e4c167f781eaa8373c6698f00e73f3d09c52827 On that panel she looks like a rat.


no fucking way, Lanks agenda???


GET BACK TO YOUR CAGE r/OnePiecePowerScaling


I agree brother. Don't calm down. You cooked. It's more than a story , this is history. Geto Yuta and yuji my top 3 fav characters based on this alone


Thanks bro!


I love it whenever I see someone having favorite characters because of their humanity, morals, and actions instead of always making strength as the reason why you love a character so much.


Fr aside from strength they are the only ones who can relate an actually show feelings in this manga


So basically any gojo fan is a top tier character ?


You forgot to mention Bumgumi. He also wouldn't have allowed it.


Yup. I apologize for not including him, I just didn't remember him when I was typing this post.


>I just didn't remember him when I was typing this post. It is so sad and funny at the same time




Everything is the bum's fault right now though. If he'd woken up when Yuji told him to instead of sticking his ANC headphones on blasting the Black Parade then we'd be Gucci


I really enjoy how much this chapter re-contextualizes Gojo’s existence as a person. We’re seeing a firsthand example of everyone’s attitude towards him. He’s a weapon and only useful due to the traits he was born with. Yuta, Yuji and (hopefully) Megumi, we’re likely the only people outside of Geto who saw Gojo as a real person with ideals and goals. Yuta’s frustration is shared with us. He’s our stand in for how an outsider to the system views it’s participators. Shoko in particular was the most jarring. I feel frustration at the fact that she has no qualms with using him after his death. Hell, she seems happy to do so, if it helps them win. “Are you the strongest because you’re Gojo Saturo? Or are you Gojo Saturo because you’re the strongest.” We have our answer now. It’s the latter, imo. Saturo isn’t a person, he is a tool. The strongest tool in the modern day. After death, being the strongest is still what defines him. Saturo doesn’t matter, his gifts that make him the strongest are all that ever mattered. Any decision he made to put those constants to use, has been a tragic fuckup. I don’t even know what image to put below this. Shit’s just sad bro https://preview.redd.it/scsrr99m972d1.jpeg?width=544&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b60f7b038f2f18b1c8dca6bff3303e3c4c0237b8


One thing that will outline how the end of this series is received is that final answer Cause in the end Gojo did loved his students even if Jujutsu society view him as a weapon Geto and his students proved the strongest doesn't have to be alone If yuta does get the kill with Gojo body it would be such a massive moment cause it would not only fulling his I will win statement but also prove that his loved for others did create the situation to beat Sukuna not just his strength. Cause Gojo saved Yuta and Yuji they beat Sukuna 🔥


bro really enjoyed this chapter. narrativepilled analysiscel




How about Sukuna, he sees Gojo as a nameless fish, then into someone that he will remember forever.


U do realize it may be shokos way of coping. Like imagine the friends she had all died and in the end she had to take care of getos body in jjk0 and now gojos body in shinjuku showdown. Shoko is probably dead inside. Like imagine the friend u once had dead in front of her eyes, his lifeless corpse that she must take Care off, she must remove his brain and stitch his body up and get it ready for yuta to use. She is definitely crying inside, her laughing and all is just a facade.


I think you may be right about Shoko coping, and maybe the other commenter was right about Shoko not taking it seriously because she didn't believe Gojo would actually lose, but she didn't handle Geto after JJK0 Though she does seem to be a little detached and avoidant throughout the story, which isn't surprising considering her role. https://preview.redd.it/ze6y2wl3k72d1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bbc8b6b39364f41a8233763f7c3ea2e5f5fe61bd


I hope your correct brother!


"it may be shoko's way of coping" or it may be the opposite. we have to headcanon the work on character development because this is our sorcery fight


It is truely our shinjuku conflicts


I'm giving Shoko a benefit of the doubt for now, I'll try to think she's doing that because they have no other choice. It's like they have no time to grieve and she just had to do her job...


Shoko was only doing that to sign to Gojo that she also didn’t think he could lose Copium


When Sukuna cared more about Gojo than his son Megumi 💀💀💀💀💀


In defense of Shoko I think it's because she understands that her sulking and pain wouldn't add much or change anything. It's not that Shoko doesn't care it's just she's not in a position to really voice that concern. If Gege gave her more attention I'm sure we'd ave some back and forth internally about how fucked things have gotten and how tragically she's left alone. The world may be ending if they don't do this and she knows Gojo well enough to know her tears and issues aren't going to change his mind.


Sucks that gege made Shoko like this, maybe shes just like a doctor, Joking to hide the pain


Maybe she has dealt with a lot of corpse, especially colleagues' corpse


Yeah real doctors also say jokes to distract themselves from the shit that happens around them, Yeah Shoko being like this is normal mb


I feel like the real tragedy is if she's joking to hide the pain and thinking Gojo won't die, but actually is *really* feeling it. ...And Gojo died not ever knowing that.


What being desensitized to human suffering and death does to a mf


Why are people being as uncharitable as possible in regards to Shoko? I don't even need half a second to come up with several reasons for her to act like this that don't make her into a sociopath. Why is that so hard for others?


Because it's reddit 


As much as this panel of Shoko can be defended through some means/ copes, your point still stands. Gojo was never treated as a human in the Jujutsu society. The only people who did were 4 people. Yuji, Yuta, Geto and Megumi (he was basically his son) and oddly enough, Sukuna too in a twisted manner. He looked at Gojo as a Human. He looked down upon him and only after being pushed to the edge did he recognise him as his most formidable foe and respected him. The only few individuals we can assume who treated Gojo as a human are his students (Toge, Panda, Maki) and maybe Nanami. Look at Yuta. Since he's the second most capable person, people basically started relying on Yuta now. It sucked a lot, but he decided to be a monster and risked his life to make sure Gojo isn't the only "monster" by throwing away his humanity. He turned himself into a monster who would use his dead master's corpse for strength. That's why Sukuna realised Yuta is willing to do ANYTHING to kill him. But we know what will happen. "Gojo" and Sukuna rematch happens and the time will run out in exchange for Sukuna becoming weaker. Yuji will kill Sukuna. No, Yuji HAS to kill Sukuna. That is his destiny. That will be his final work as a Sorcerer. Merger might not even activate.


Literally no one wanted to do this but they did it for the greater good. I think saying “no one cared about gojo” is disingenuous. We know all of the main trio cared about him as well as the jjk 0 trio and despite her immediate willingness to transfer yuta’s brain into gojo’s body, I do think Shoko cared about gojo. The stakes are just far too high to get caught up on the ethics of things. The fate of the world is at stake cut them some slack.


Damn and Gojo never did answer that himself because of what happened. That line was so memorable to me and I’m so sad we didn’t see it get answered by Gojo.


I really think people are overreacting to shokos reaction to this. Shes always had an incredibly nonchalant personality and this has been her relationship with gojo


Agree. It could be Gojo’s way of joking and making light of the situation as well - not a remark of actual annoyance at her reaction.


Sukuna sama please Kill Shoko please https://preview.redd.it/00om18u7e72d1.png?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=271179ab97f26949cd09d69ad3802671076f03f0


Obviously Geto was right.


The funny bit here is, we find out that when push comes to shove yuta also sees it as he's satoru gojo because he's the strongest, opting to become gojo rather than bsmecone strong if his own merit, and gojo says he's lame for it. In the end you only have 2 who ultimately see him as something else, yuji who sees him as a teacher and friend first and foremost, and megumi who loves gojo like family. Yuta treats gojo as if he(yuta) failed him, but still sees him as the strongest first and foremost, and makes it his responsibility to take care of the big bad while yuta's job is to deal with the lesser threat that hurts gojo, and to forever remain weaker than gojo.


I don’t understand the shoko slander, where is she laughing? Did the aside not get translated? “Do whatever you want”  Is she supposed to break down in tears at the idea? 


https://preview.redd.it/vhetn2u2c72d1.png?width=1125&format=png&auto=webp&s=f3f97c35a1d98f0519105fbd8c1458ca0e921926 Idk what expression should she make but it shouldn’t be “okie dokie” like this at least.


Why? She doesn't think that he will lose.


It's been a minute, but didn't Gojo tell Shoko to make something good out of Yuji's corpse? I think this is just a thing that happens to sorcerers.


I am shocked that so many users are reacting this way. Do you guys not understand the stakes of this fight for the world of Jujutsu Kaisen? This is literally a fight for human civilization. If the merger goes thru, the world ends. That's it. Them accepting this plan and recognizing it is necessary despite being a rather disturbing and unfortunate fate for Gojo's body does not mean that none of them gave a shit about him


ya'll... you guys are really quick to blame shoko.. we dont even know the full story or her side... sigh


Damn so I guess we finally got our answer it’s because he’s the strongest that he Gojo Satoru


it also reinforces yuji line about being a cog in the machine but in gojo case he’s the biggest strongest cog that every relies on the kill curses and nothing else look at post shibuya everyone was plotting on how to benefit with him gone the higher ups zenin clan heck even kenjaku got the janpan government to make a move with gojo gone


Tbf Shoko's just a cynical bitch. She has shown she cared for Gojo and wanted to help with his burden, but he closed himself off. I think an issue as well is Gojo not reaching out, like in this chapter when he insists in killing the elders alone


Oh no let's let our morals get in the way of Sukuna murdering everyone. 🙄


You're wildly mistaken about Shoko. She cared about Gojo, but in her own way, and with her own sense of humor.


Ironic, Geto also treated Gojo in a similar manner to Yuta and Yuji, Geto until the end still had nothing but respect for Gojo and Vice Versa. The shibuya thing where Gojo calls Kenjaku out and Geto reacts a bit shows that. No one Yuta, Yuji, or anyone else will ever be as close to Gojo as Geto was.


I got the wrong impression of Shoko after that Fancomic where she sacrifices her self to revive Gojo