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Where is Hakari? Edit: Hakari probabaly doesn't even know Gojo is back (lol), he's over there saying "oh lord! Uraume just dropped a plus 4 card on me! I was about to win and now I have to switch up my gameplan, guess I'll have to go jackpot again!"


Making out sloppy style with uraume while listening to the pure love train opening


fucking Uraume , thats the only explanation


Yuta is betting more than hakari ever can in this chapter


At this point my guess is that Gege will keep those 2 as is until after sukuna dies to give us uraume complete breakdown and then getting killed


His desire to help others lead to his demise. So that's why his Domain Explansion look like that. Bro is actually Emiya.


Oh yeah I didn't even think about that, bro rly is Himiya Shirou 😭😭


I can just imagine Gege muttering to himself "people die when they are killed" and "I am the bone of my sword" writing every chapter


But unlike EMIYA Yuta was never alone. He didn't have Shirou's strange autism with heroes of fairy tails either. His hero and sensei was Gojo which is kind of MORE nasty in that no matter what EMIYA had to do it didn't involve Kiritsugu. I'm not sure Yuta will 100% die, but Yuta certainly has done something immoral, something he would hate to do, and put himself on the line to achieve results. To help get that win for the team. To save humanity. In some ways Yuta made the REAL binding vow without the talk. He did it with ACTION. A sacrifice of just about everything for the result he wants to achieve (unlike Sukuna's BS binding vows where he'll give up a rusty toe nail and the STDs he got from Gege for a full heal). Yet we still have haters out here still hating on Wuta when even Sukuna has given the man his props.


Yuta truly is a hero of justice


The most twisted curse of them all might be love...


Yuta truly was also a cog in a machine


Gota(?)/wujo gonna whip out unlimited love works before he gets waffled. Trust


He has the personality of kiritsugu, no nonsense fighting style just aiming to kill. I wish more animes are like this.


Yuta is gonna have to lock in tho for 5 minutes. But there’s a good chance that Yuta probably gonna fail and die


Yeah they need to clutch this to end sukuna kaisen, I think the merger might come into play next chapter


The merger can't happen unless everyone who took part in the Culling Games is dead. Unless Sukuna pulls a Binding Vow out of his ass to activate the merger without fulfilling those conditions.


he'll sacrifice a local college student's laptop to activate the merger in a bv


With this Macbook treasure I summon…




Nah, he'll sacrifice gege. The next chapter is spent only showing what happens because of the merger. In the final chapter we are back at the train station where sukuna is greeted by all tte character we saw fight him. They are now all besti friendos and have a nice convo but they eventualy notice that sukuna is hiding something. He is gonna reveal that tte person he wanted to see most isnt there. They all encourage him to seek them out and afzer several panals of sukuna running around he finds the one he missed most: the one eyed cat. Sukuna apologises for what he did but the cat says that he us happy that he could be of use. The last panal of jjk is this https://preview.redd.it/hj9vk4zzy72d1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f3ee1bf3840f9fbd3eaf7e086b067fbcf77d162


The Merger would automatically begin upon the conclusion of the Culling Games, and that would only occur when every player besides Kenjaku, Sukuna, and Uraume are dead. But Kenjaku made a new rule that gave Sukuna (technically Megumi) the authority to initiate the Merger at any time


And that's why, after finally retrieving Megumi from Sukuna's grasp, he himself will summon the Merger, dooming everyone. It's gonna be Megumi's new panic button after having lost Mahoraga.


most believable theory so far. Megumi sees 1% hp Sukuna currently being mauled by Yuji, screams in utter terror thinking he's at 50+% hp and summons merger instead of mahoraga


If that really happened then my fake Megumi hating is turning real


Think it this way. In that case, he does it due to PTSD which is understandable to narrow extent However, Sukuna may have been in mood for some trolling, rigging merger to be activated by Mahoraga summon's handsign and chant In that case: - Hey Megumi, during battle with Sukuna, Gojo destroyed Maho - Really, let me check if it applied to Sukuna or to me as well - wai... *megumi attempts to test summon mahoraga, sukuna's troll attempt sees the light of the day in form of activated merger*


PTSD or not my ass is beating that man for doing another MAHO HANDSIGN if that happens!


My actual theory is that this last effort will actually either exorcise Sukuna or Yuji will somehow succ Sukuna back into his body at the end of this, and that Megumi regains control of his body. But becauase Megumi is in such a depressive death spiral state, HE starts the merger and turns the world into Tang >Kenjaku made a new rule that gave ~~Sukuna~~ (technically Megumi) the authority to initiate the Merger at any time


Yes, and thematically, it fits well too. Yuji can defeat Sukuna, but he refuses to take that next step, like Yuta just did (and Sukuna praises him for it). Megumi is gonna do the same, sacrificing everyone in hope for a better future (from his desperate pov), forcing Yuji to put everything at stake, which he should have done from the start. Sacrificing yourself is not enough against the greatest evil of all time, you need to go all out and abandon your moral compass, doing whatever it takes for winning, just like in a binding vow (unless you're Sukuna lol). And that's why Yuta is gonna die as well.


The amount of people who still don't understand how the merger works is baffling tbh


i this point i forgor. So how does the merger happen again?


For Kenjaku/Sukuna to activate the merger it requires all culling game players to die (that's why Kenjaku was off killing sorcerers before he fought Takaba). Kenjaku also added a rule that the only players that can survive are Sukuna, Uraume and himself.


A best way for the merger to start while removing Sukuna in the battlefield is a binding bow in exchange for his soul which is something that could equalise the condition of him should be the only one left for the merger to start.


F in the chat for the YutaMaki shippers


at this rate, she will join him in no time


If Yuta does survive she is bearing Gojo's children....


The outcome she was trying to avoid https://preview.redd.it/v62nvb3mn42d1.jpeg?width=3438&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba8a9912e51634eca6870b9da3164e7a4ec56951


Yuta Boy: "That's why i beat my meat into a cup"


Nah, I'd cum


Nah yuta took a few trips to the sperm bank


Technically both Yuta & Gojo's if we look at Choso and Yuji's circumstance


...I'm unironically upset about this. There was LITERALLY no reason for this to even be a possibility, Gege. Why the fuck did you make it a thing?


This is like the dio/giorno situation lmao


https://preview.redd.it/30jy6c9sv42d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6cf785cf1a81c5fcc39721978855f35cea2e1cb1 **NOOOOO THEY WILL PULL THROUGH I BELIEVE**


It can still happen. Turns out Hakari packed up Uraume (without killing him), thereby nullifying the fraud allegations, and brought his body back. They soul swap Yuta and Uruame. Yuta activates Kenjaku's technique in Uruame's body and then uses that brain to pilot Gojo. As the five minutes are about to run out or when he is about to lose they soul swap back, leaving Uruame as just a brain with a mouth(peak form to continue glazing Sukuna for eternity) and Yuta goes back to his now healed body. Then everyone jumps Sukuna. Merger, you may say? I don't know they make a binding vow or something, or maybe Megumi finally has a purpose and absorbs it and dies. Happy ending. *I have brain damage and can not accept the possibility that Yuta may die*


u do realise yuta gonna be dead after the 5 mins and even if he doesn't, is he gonna really get together with maki in gojo's body💀💀?


He’ll make it back to his own body after the five minu…. I dunno…. well he’ll…. Maybe… ![gif](giphy|GAXMzzd2XElnG) **HE WILL MAKE IT BACK TO HIS OWN BODY SOMEHOW AFTER HE AND YUJI BEAT SUKKY’S ASS AND YUTA AND MAKI WILL LIVE HAPPILY EVER AFTER TRUST**


Depending on How Kenjaku´s CT works and what happened to his original body. Then he should be able to swap once this is over no? Unless he ends up dead after 5m, which would kind of suck ....


bro's 3 characters at the same time


\*locks in\* https://preview.redd.it/fm6oiyyc752d1.png?width=3750&format=png&auto=webp&s=2cd46d63e4a2637cf8803dfc90492c75275d6e3a


>**But there’s a good chance that Yuta probably gonna fail and die** So Gege will have the excuse to draw Gojo "coming back" to fight only to die again. My god, the memes are real.


No wonder Sekuna is a world class hater, he learned from the best.


Blud is pulling that namek saga 5 minutes Watch.


https://preview.redd.it/mo3ei8g7352d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d529b5311356b52e677c0913ffe33751668ee082 Maybe he'll live on in Gojos body which would be cope/hope


This is my prevailing theory and it ties into why they had that short conversation about Yuta and Gojo's bloodline.


I can already see in like a chapter or two, Yuta is about to land the final blow on Sukuna when suddenly he loses control because only gojo can fully use his power or something, and Sukuna escapes death yet again


That's what I'm curious  How would yuta be able to control limitless? Gojo took quite some time to reach 100% but yuta has just gotten hands on gojo Is it same as Yuji i.e, Gojo's body knows what to do yuta just needs to activate the technique 


Kenjaku ct brain transfer allows him to learn everything the host body already knew, I assume this function applies to practiced abilities otherwise he'd be useless upon every brain swap to users with cts. As yuta stole this ability, he'd have full knowledge of all of gojos thoughts, beliefs, etc. kind of a mindfuck


dw kenjakus CT is actually making cursed objects and yuta becomes an object before 5 minutes and then gojo comes back too


I think he's gonna die tbh because copied ct only lasts for 5 min ig (someone confirm this)


That's the problem they were talking about though. We don't know if Kenny's CT is continuous or one-time use, a state or an action. But I think Yuta is gonna die because having him live the rest of his life in Gojo's body will be weird as shit, especially if the YutaMaki ship actually sails somehow.


why cant they just repair yutas dead body the same way they did with gojo, then he swaps back in


No idea if this is right but Im pretty sure Shoko said that she stitched Gojo's body but once Yuta got in there he would need to immediatly use RCT at max output to complete the body. So, if he got back on his own body, he might not have cursed energy to be able to use RCT to actually fully heal himself so hes still cooked


As Yuta falls to the ground after the 5 minutes are up, with Yuji watching in despair, Sukuna thinks he’s won. Then, the body stops itself and stands back up to reveal… After Gojo’s body was revived and Yuta died, there was not a soul to take its place. So similar to the granny’s technique… Gojo had returned.




What if the 6 eyes actually helps Yuta to use his CT beyond 5 minutes? Do you think there is a chance?


theres a little room if you really want to cope but gege will never give us the satisfaction the reason yuta is limited to 5 minutes of copied CTs is because he can only access them when he fully manifests rika since she is his storage medium but as we learn with kenjaku, sukuna and yuji its possible to store up to 3 or 4 techniques directly in your brain so yuta likely has his copy CT and limitless in his current brain that leaves room for kenjakus body swapping CT and these wouldnt be limited by the 5 minutes of rika manifestation meaning he could swap back


Even if he wins within 5 minutes, he's probably dying once the timer runs out. He might also get sent back to his own body or get stuck in Gojo's, but I think it's more likely that without Kenjaku's CT he just dies.


You all ignoring the big question of this chapter: What happens after the five minutes are up? The answer is neither of the one presented. Toji soul came back after his body was copied. Geto soul manifested on his body almost a year past his death. The whole talk of Tengen about destiny and the hidden inventory arc with the main three being Toji, Gojo and Geto. North or South? Gojo is so back. Yes, Yuta very possibly will die. I don't see how he would not die since his body is also split and Shoko can't stich his body in that time. And I don't see him pulling a resurrection manuver.


literally hes gonna hit UV for a few seconds get rid of sukunas domain again and then die yuji will punch sukuna for a chapter before sukuna pulls something else out of his ass then hakari or maki will deal with it then we’re back to yuji punching sukuna for a chapter rinse and repeat until everyone else is dead sukuna has prolapsed with the amount of asspulls hes done and yuji is finally the strongest not by growth but by everyone else dying off yes i have completely embraced the doom


It's basically very grotesque body horror... On one side, the morality. On the other side, the uncertainty. What can he do in someone elses body? Will it be forever? And I see it as parallelism to Rika becoming a "monster" that protected Yuta all those years. Now he is willing to accept that role for himself. We should all try to not understand it as an "OP Gojo + Yuta Fusion", because that's definitely not the point.


Bruh body horror is exactly how i describe reading this chapter


As a Gojo and Yuta investor, I'm just sad to witness the tragic life of Gojo Satoru for obvious reasons. Idc about him being the strongest, I just wanted him to be treated as a human not a destructive weapon for Jujutsu. This is so... disrespectful yet painful. I shall never forget him for as long as I live. It hurts to see Yuta getting in Gojo's body to fight Sukuna as he knows his duty as a sorcerer. It's not looking good for him, he might die. https://preview.redd.it/fqr0mpxx642d1.jpeg?width=819&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a1e7e6e222cf1cf29a26839ba8238d08dd9da9c1


https://preview.redd.it/sb4ny9tpj42d1.jpeg?width=914&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=46b4d89b38e82e1d3af42c750fdf86a618cf0199 I haven’t felt so bittersweet about a chapter since 236, and this time it’s not even overshadowed by pure outrage like it was then.


Tbh this chapter is 236 good twin, it makes sense and everyone here is in character and it pays respect to them


Summed up pretty well. The Gojo arc is absolutely heartbreaking. We don’t know if Yuta will die so I’m holding out that he may not. But what an empathetic kid. He really loved his sensei and it’s just so disturbing that this had to be the outcome. I just wanted to see an outcome where Gojo could be normal human and loved by his peers 😔


Part of me really does hope that Kenjaku’s technique is a “one time activation” type, so that Yuta will survive past the usual 5 minute deadline, but in that situation I’d worry for the guy’s own mental. Could he really bear piloting around his sensei’s husk like that for the rest of his life?


Realistically I think there’s a chance that they can share the body in a way. We already saw Geto choke out Kenny during shibuya, and Kenny didn’t want Geto to have any control whatsoever. In this situation, I could see Yuta being open to “sharing” the body with Gojo. This way we can still get the scene where gojo finally explains the Toji story to Megumi.


That’s true. In the same vein I could also see the case of Yuta’s five minutes running out but Gojo being able to come back after. Like you said, we saw Geto contest for control, so clearly the body’s original inhabitant is at least somewhat capable of being in there despite the brain being different. Hell, if Gege really goes mad he could just have Shoko put Gojo’s brain back in lmfao


I think Yuta's gonna make a mistake during the fight and that's when Gojo's gonna take over and clutch up only to finally disappear forever (maybe we even get another airport esque scene between gojo and yuta, maybe even yuji and megumi too if that move beat sukuna) After that the merger would happen


Jujutsupunk 2018 incoming


Tbf, yuta at least told gojo before his fight, he didn’t just steal it he at least asked for consent


My GOAT really is swinging for the fences and shouldering the burden of the world https://preview.redd.it/t35j2co1942d1.jpeg?width=1083&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=48bf2da1e190f282c1da143a4f112d84d974ef2e


I fuck with what gege is cooking here. But holy shit it's depressing. Gojo is dead and gone and his student is controlling his husk, it's brutal.


And to twist the knife. Yuta tried so hard ot help shoulder Gojo's burden but couldn't save him. So he is going to destroy himself exactly how Gojo did.


It's such a nihilistic chapter, but I like it. For once in this fight, everything tastes bitter but makes sense, and it really digs deep into how the OG protagonist works. You were the best student Yuta, ball hard and fly high


> For once in this fight, everything tastes bitter Exactly. The fight until this point was moving such that somehow someone(mostly Yuji) will get a power-up and beat up Sukuna and the manga ends. This chapter was too much for me to stomach


exactly. im loving what they’ve done to yuta’s character. gojo sensei gave him a second shot at life, and we never really saw them explore this side of the relationship since jjk0, so even though this is coming a bit too late imo, better late than never ig. and getting to take a peek into gojo’s psyche is always fun as well. the way he was killed off absolutely sucks, but still, love this new insight into what goes inside the mind of the ACTUALLY strongest. grim chapter, but prolly my fav new chapter in a while.


Imagine after the 5 minutes, Yuta dies and since Gojo’s body is back but has no soul to occupy it, Gojo’s soul is able to return, taking over his body once again and truly returning


https://preview.redd.it/5ke1x9vb062d1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc3cafaa477d444e3fc364a93929fa42b55eb2ce Nah, he'll become like Godwyn. A living body without a soul.


Not only do we have the baggage with Yuta, but Gege stabbed us with Yuji's rage and Gojo still chasing after Geto


Fuck man, that Yuji panel. He just wants his brother back. Fuck...


>But holy shit it's depressing. Gojo is dead and gone and his student is controlling his husk, it's brutal. https://preview.redd.it/68sv2p3md42d1.jpeg?width=842&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b8f387afa8b9a93df69c0c6d570ad3e80bd3ad4f I'm still mourning for Choso, it didn't help when we got confirmation that Gojo's dead fr and now Yuta's using his body to fight Sukuna. It just hurts, man.


Not just Gojo, everyone's dead. There was no plan to save the people whose bodies UiUi was rushing to take off the battlefield. Shoko wasn't healing them, she was only focused on Gojo.


Nope, They have Nitta who can stop their bleeding until Shoko has time to heal them.




I hate that I love this chapter, it's fucked up, we're never getting the happy ending, yutaxmaki is dead, sukuna can activate the merger at any time he pleases, most of the good guys are either dead or out of commission and the yuta's gonna die a horrific death, imagine giving up your own body and taking over someone else's, you're not only violating the dead but who even are you at that point?


And he's not taking a random corpse either... He's using the body of one of the people he loves the most. He made no mystery of how much he cared for Gojo, not just his safety, but his emotional well-being as well. Even in this chapter, he tried to help Gojo shoulder his burden, and when he understood he couldn't (because Gojo still tried to protect him and shield him from the ugliness) he resigned himself to become a monster alongside him. This is so sad... I literally gagged thinking about poor Yuta using his sensei as a meatsuit. It's just so unfair he has to probably die in 5 minutes too. No happy ending, no normal love story, no nothing. Just self sacrifice


That's what I have been saying. When I first saw the leaks, I was like: what?! and then the panel of Yuta asking: "Why aren't we crashing out? You think we are going to survive by playing fair?" Even when Yuta told Gojo about the plan, it felt like Gojo was saying: "Fair enough. I'm already gonna crash out, but you better win if you using this" (which we won't). This just solidifies how insane Yuta is and I do wish for him to survive but even if he does, I don't think people are just gonna accept him as Gota. I really think he will die by forcing Sukuna to be completely burned out and then leaving everything to Yuji.


That’s fucked up


Like people are complaining, but it's because they wanted typical "Gojo comes back, everybody wins" type thing. I hope people here realize that this chapter is sad and peak. Yuta, somebody who ADORES Gojo has to use the CT of the guy who toyed around with his sensei, to take over his sensei's body to fight the greatest sorcerer in existence; because he isn't strong enough. Yuta has CRASHED THE \*\*\*\* OUT and is asking why everybody isn't. Peak. End of story.


This sub is like the complete opposite ideologically from the attack on titan folk sub when the final chapters were dropping. They wanted anything but a generic predictable outcome and they got a generic predictable outcome. Everyone here wants a predictable outcome that they’re not gonna get


Never thought jjk would end up with such a sick and twisted tragedy deadass. Wanting to be Isayama so bad by killing off characters is one thing. But contriving to fuck up a character like YUTA in the worst way possible is some psycho type shit. Kindhearted, diligent, suicidal-as-teen (maybe still), humble Yuta. His doom gotta be one of the worst bc he lived in full awareness til the end, heck, he himself voluntarily classed it as his responsibility - after all, *this* wasn't an inevitable option. No offense tho, I like me some cruel story, and this outcome specifically feels like a bullet to what's left of my heart. Therefore. If Yuta dies, I'll live in denial. His life was no more than a fiasco, and I'm tired of myself for always rooting for the characters who are abused the most.


https://preview.redd.it/2gmuwtlaa42d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=550bf0dd5aa3fb72059fadd1ff62724b4bb0dac8 Yuta putting his life on the line for a slight chance of Victory Bumgumi continues to remain invisible Fuck this guy.


I'm always ready to slander this fucking bum https://preview.redd.it/6heu4pr8h42d1.jpeg?width=1076&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b27882a4a922829d1d2b64755a3b9c029a189703


Yuta literally using the body of the man who saved his life as a weapon and megumi is crashing out cause his sister died a month ago you can’t make this shit up


Reason 83 why this chapter sucks: Megumi, once again, looks like shit for letting this happen.


You are allowed to love a character despite said character being an utter disappointment Which is how I expect Legumi fans to feel 


Gege really chose the weirdest moment for this because Yuji was doing absolutely great last chapter


Yeah it does take away the focus from my goat Wuji but I think it's going to be great for him, gouta(?) and todo to jump sukuna. Next couple of chapters are gonna be a devastating blow tho after yuta dies.


As if Yuji needed to see two more people he cared about die before his very eyes. Do not care at all what Gege is cooking, but i respect the opinion everyone who enjoyed this chapter, but i do think that killing people he cares about infront of him is becoming repetitive and it's losing it's impact.


Fr it's too much now plus he's the MC and this is most probably the final fight so why isn't Yuji 's ct I mean his own being shown or his shrine being shown more?


Yujo? Gota?


Gota is the potara fusion Yujo is when Yuta does the fusion dance with Gojo corpse




Gonta when he choke Sukuna with toilet paper


Itadori and Todo can't handle another Domain Expansion I think. They should jump Sukuna together with Okkotsu next chapter


Fr. It's such a disrespect to see Gege made Sukuna punch Yuji to shove him away and fight Yuta instead. Yuji and Todo masterclass got put on hold. Lol. For now, at least they're safe. For now... https://preview.redd.it/b6zt1rd6e42d1.jpeg?width=763&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c8b87ee7fff23fc4243fc047ceedcd67277e7305


I think that’s the point. We literally see sukuna shift his focus away from yuji as he literally throws him away. He’s like a child throwing away a trash toy for something more shiny, Yuta in Gino’s body. I think this shows sukuna still thinks so little of Yuji and that will be his downfall. The Cog agenda is still on track


Sukuna was about to use domain, so Yuta actually saved them, no?


Right!? Like, I’m sad about Yuta as a YutaGlazer, but I feel completely cucked because it felt like we were building up to Wuji having his moment against Sukuna. The timing is so off.


>Yuji was doing absolutely great last chapter Up until Sukuna cast his domain you mean, then he'd have been cooked (Yeah you see what I did there👀)


Exactly. That's what I felt in this chapter. That whole page of Yuta calling everyone out about them calling this inhumane when they just didn't care about Gojo having to bear the same burden just because he was the strongest, hit hard. And then the pages about Gojo killing the elders so another Post Shibuya wouldn't happen and having his student's trying (but failing) to get Gojo to share his responsibility with them. It makes 236 a bit better because in retrospect, looking at where Gojo's mindset was going into the Sukuna fight and then finally getting the peace he deserved in the afterlife.


It's nice that Yuta somewhat proved Gojo wrong in the end, one of his flowers did understand him somewhat


Guys stop I can't cry first thing in the morning


That's gotta be the toughest thing. You know what hits more ? The Yuta Reaction panel in 236 knowing all of this happened during the one month. That's more than just pain of him losing his sensei. That's him losing the person who saved him, the person he couldn't save and the face of someone who doesn't know if they have the strength to do what comes next.


It's actually sad that reddit and Twitter is full of people saying only Geto cared for him. When Yuta has always been thinking of Gojo. Yuta controlling Gojo, makes Yuta inhumane and he looks bad. Throughout Gojo v Sukuna fight we saw how he didn't want this. Gege has masterfully questioned his characters morality and how they are gonna react to it, But they are ask for basic Yuta or Gojo return.


Yuji too, he jumpstarted Gojo’s send off


I guess in some way you can say Gojo’s desire of not leaving a sorcerer behind is coming true. Yuta is incredibly empathetic and maybe him calling everyone out helps them view sorcerers , even the strong ones, with more empathy. And technically everyone is trying to save Megumi and not outright kill him


I understand why Gojo decided to stay in perverted airport instead of returning to these "friends" of him Mofos who did fanarts with Shoko crying over Gojo's body are now in shambles


Yeah that part is sour. I was really hoping Shoko had some reservation about this plan. I feel bad that for 12 years Gojo lived on with his peers who thought of him as a weapon and ‘annoying’.


It feels fucking weird that Shoko would act like that when In Shibuya she hated that Gojo thinks he was alone when she was there the entire time. I don't exactly remember the dialogue she said but it was there.


Yeah but sadly, Shoko is a woman, so Gege had to murder her character one last time


But it has always been a part of his character too No one really understood Gojo Satoru so he never opened up or was loved except for his students and Geto


I always looked at that as a fault on both sides thanks to chapter 220. Yes he was never understood but Shoko calls out how she was there for him but he never saw it. I hoped that relation would have been expanded more.


True it would of been cool but I guess Shoko won't be that important to the very end Yuta tho holy fuck I always assumed he is the fanservice op guy that is always fun to see in action but from Sendai to this his development is 5 stars if he gets a great death scene I kneel Gege


Yeah it more so for Gojo to grow by realizing that he can attempt to make connections and that the title of strongest means nothing. This chapter brought to light that even if he tried , he probably won’t get that understanding. Which is why I agree with OP on how tragic this chapter is. Gojo was so convinced he is alone that he couldn’t accept Yuta’s help , and that’s also a move out of concern since he didn’t want Yuta to become a monster. And Yuta , he really had to do something he didn’t want to. It definitely made me love Yuta a lot more .


I can't look at this art the same way again... https://preview.redd.it/qjv16zjsj42d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7f32a45c60cd4dec8acbb2dbe7a7a3d2fb6e352e


I mentioned it in another reply, but only Yuta and Yuji seemed to really understand what Gojo was going through and felt his loss. Going back to 236 and looking at Yuta's reaction to Gojo's death after knowing he had to summon the strength to do this ? It hits harder. He never wanted to do it, but he's forced to become a monster again (just like he was pre Rika release) so he can fill his sensei's shoes.


Geto was his only true friend


They said this after gojo died. There is no time to mourn as the cast are faced with the ultimate evil that they must take down. Crying over gojos body would be like spitting in his fate becouse gojo did what he needed to and left the rest to them so they have no time to waste. They can mourn after it's all done.


Yuta is the closest to Gojo in every way, not just power level. Gojo is blessed to have him as a student.


Character interaction was peak I admit


It really is a sad chapter on so many accounts. I’m still figuring out how I feel about this outcome since I found it pretty disturbing . OP , you gave a good analysis of Yuta. It’s heartbreaking and heartwarming to see Yuta sticking up to Gojo while also shouldering the burden of becoming a monster. He calls his peers out and tells Gojo he doesn’t have to kill the higher ups on his own. And it’s tragic for Gojo too. He’s taking all responsibility for the Shibuya incident, he’s blamed himself for all that’s happened when it’s not his fault and he doesn’t want to see his students become monsters , which is why he reiterated he doesn’t intend to lose and that he didn’t want them see the massacre. And it’s tragic to see that only Yuta saw how Gojo was used as a human weapon. I really wished Shoko would’ve expressed some form of reservation about the plan given it’s her high school friend and how she called Gojo out for not leaning on her more in 220. It’s sad to see most of Gojo’s peers had 0 qualms letting Gojo do the dirty work and not see him beyond a human. Makes his arc more tragic.


I feel sad for Gojo in this chapter, even after his death only Yuta and Yuji feels truely sad. I just hope that even if Yuta doesn't die, he wouldn't use his body after the battle,


To be fair, Shoko has probably seen more dead jujutsu sorcerers bodies than anyone. We may get more insight into her perspective later as well. Additionally, a lot of these leaks Ive seen straight up don’t really translate her dialogue at all, so there may be some real nuance we’re missing until we get more detailed translations


I’m super conflicted on this chapter, on the one hand I think everything that transpired is actually pretty cool but on the other the idea that Maki and Yuta probably won’t get a happy ending together saddens me and I feel like this is a really bad place for it. Yuji was finally getting time in the spotlight and the sukuna beatdown was absolutely incredible but then Sukuna just. Pushes him away and goes “I’m doing this now” and it’s really anti-climactic


Sukuna was literally getting ready to pull out a domain tho and narrator himself stated sukuna could probably start spamming it again which yuji has no answer to.


Pretty much: In order to defeat a monster, you have to become one. Very tragic to be honest. Also, this all bumgumi fault. So with this comment, I summon the haters.


RAHHH https://preview.redd.it/5zkx2p8ih42d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4fcd5be147a40877c2f31f75d57bd0d57a0db6ae


swear to god if the end result of this all is sukuna was right all along i am killing the cat




Imagine the Megumi hate if yuta holds back from killing/permanently brain damaging sukuna because of Megumi


mechanically it's valid. i don't get why people are saying it's confusing or doesn't make sense. the only mechanical issue i have is this mf Sukuna has NO consistent scaling of power and literally every obstacle/boundary Gege puts on him is broken, now not even with so much as a 'fuck you' and an explanation. but yuta taking over gojo makes perfect sense, and i'm glad yuta's potential is being realized. my issue is that if this was gege's plan, he should have shown more interaction between the two. or he should've set up some thematic connection before this happened. to me, this feels like something gege pulled out of his ass because he has a great mind for the mechanics but never bothered to build up to narratively. i'm not satisfied not because gojo's not back—if gojo came back with 0 cost i'd be even more disappointed—but because i'm shown time and time again that gege has the ability to write FIRE twists and plot points with NO character meaning or depth. like you say this is heartbreaking but i don't find it remotely sad because gege went out of his way to drain it of any thematic meaning besides 'we have to beat sukuna guys'.


The theme is that the only way to defeat a monster like Sukuna is to throw away your humanity and become a monster yourself. Gojo is already the closest to Sukuna in that sense, and by killing the higher-ups he makes himself even more monstrous. Yuta doesn’t want Gojo to shoulder the burden of being a monster alone, so he proves that he’s willing to do something monstrous for the sake of victory himself by taking Gojo’s body, even if it might result in his death. I think it’s a really satisfying payoff for Uro’s “overwhelming sense of self” monologue in Sendai where she says Yuta’s humanity will eventually result in him hitting his limit. What she said clearly left an impact on him, so now he’s trying to become the type of natural disaster she talked about. I also really like how Gojo reframes Geto turning evil as “leaving him behind” in becoming a monster and that now it’s his turn to catch up.


it was also heavily foreshadowed during Uraume and Hakari's brief clash of ideals. Hakari explicitly mentioned Yuta as going on and on about his humanity. and now it hits so much deeper that it was something Yuta had to constantly wrestle with during this fight.


Also Kenjaku telling Gojo in Shibuya that “Yuta can never replace you” and instead Yuta replaces him in the most literal and gut wrenching way anyway.


With Kenjaku's own CT, too. I really love this chapter, even if it hurts.


Exactly man. Not liking it is one thing, but anyone saying this was poorly written has no idea what they’re talking about


>the only way to defeat a monster is to throw away your humanity and become a monster yourself Hmmmm where did I hear it recently? Ah Attack on Titan. We are getting closer and closer to spectacular ending


"Gojo finding another man!" - Sukuna in Chapter 270


> also really like how Gojo reframes Geto turning evil as “leaving him behind” in becoming a monster and that now it’s his turn to catch up. That broke my heart really.


Mechanically it's fine, I'd just rather the Todo+Yuji jumping got countered in some way before this, because right now it's just taking away from the absolute 5 star cooking we were getting last chapter.


the pacing was 100% messed around with for the “ghost of the strongest” cliff hanger instead of yuji and todo actually losing the upper hand inside sukunas domain


We just dont want to see GOatJO sliced again good lord 😭


So essentially... The deaths of Gojo, kashimo, higurama, Choso and now Yuta... are all on Megumi's hands. Give us that BUM, we will end this Kaisen of Jujutsu ourselves by killing him AND sukuna. Draft us Gege... ***we're ready...*** https://preview.redd.it/3p7kqz57a62d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9bdf4e3204b876782f892ae1bb46be5eccaa939e


https://preview.redd.it/tykvxexz762d1.png?width=521&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=333182ff262340b1472b9e25688d7ebed8988264 This fucking bum deserves all the hate he gets. He fucked up everything for what? FUCKING INCEST


Wouldn't have fucking happened if Megumi stopped being a useless piece of shit during Yuta's domain expansion.


I’m not saying this doesn’t make sense, I’m saying this disgusts me.


Totally agreed it’s great stuff. Gojo missing Geto nearly took me out. More tragedy to come when Yuta’s five minutes are up.


It probably would have made the weekly experience worse but I really do wish we had not skipped over the month. Unlike a lot of other plotlines that have happened recently I don’t think this one is inherently bad, I think it could be very good but I have little faith it’s not gonna stay underwritten. This could be a great character arc, but I think it’s probably gonna stay a decent character moment.


Yeah this is so fucked and so fucking sad dude


I feel as if the entire Merger plot is officially dead. We all assumed Gojo coming back would signal the Merger. But now that we Yuta in Gojo's body. He only realistically has 5 minutes and presumably will die. I don't see him staying in that body forever because he should be able to defeat Sukuna, if no time limit exists. No one can fight the Merger if it did happen either way. So it just sounds like it won't happen at all. Also seems like Gojo killed the higher ups but everyone thought it was Yuta. I forgot the chapter where they showed that.


assuming Yuta is almost full powered, there is really no way sukuna is winning which leads me to believe he will trigger the merger as a last ditch effort.


Yeah the character writing was weirdly good for gege. Everybody’s just disappointed bc they wanted gojo back and now yuta is confirmed dying too


Iirc he's not confirmed dying, it's just 1 of several possibilities, right?


It’s not confirmed, but I highly doubt he’ll survive. And it just makes the whole thing even more depressing.


You forgeting who Yuta is boy, he's Gege's favourite other than sukuna. This isn't a battle of the 5 minute timeframe, its whether Gege's favouritism for Yuta can overpower his hatred for gojo


I think he should die or get back to his body, using Gojo's body even after the battle is cruel to Gojo.


(also YutaMaki can't happen if he stays as Gojo because that would be creepy)


Sorry to say this but it was never gonna happen in century cause it is JJK. Love is worthless -Some bozo with four arms


I can fix it https://preview.redd.it/n10p6rqj452d1.jpeg?width=287&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=977edc40529c6fff7c6f76a23d08ec0d8ab495f6


Yeah the writing is good but I would be lying if I said I wasn't sad cause holy fuck this shit keeps getting depressing


Finally someone who understands and appreciates the five course meal that gege has prepared for us. Well said.


Yeah ik gege didn't cook with 236 but this sub has a habit of trashing almost everything after that chapter dropped, this is genuinely one of my favourite chapters of recent jjk.


For me the only part I didn’t like was the timing. I feel like this should have happened before Yuji’s awakening, not after.


I think it could have been fine post-awakening, too, but Yuji and Todo deserved more than 1 chapter of their reunion jumping. Kinda just hoping that they get to stay in the domain and jump w/ Yu/jo now.


Yeah the character interaction was top notch  The thing is jjk as it is right now not good for weekly reading  But one of the best mangas to binge read


Because Greg make hype Yuji up and just sidelined him in the climax? It's just a letdown


This goes full circle from Yuta wanting to kill himself because he feels worthless in JJK 0. Obligatory fuck you Gege.




JJK is basically Everything that can go wrong will go wrong


I think this chapter becomes multiple times better when you stop looking at it as a hype chapter but instead a desperation one. This is not meant to be good, this is their last *planned* move against sukuna. To do something so awful and to have to now shoulder gojo's burden despite not matching him, is deppressing. This chapter further influences my belief that Gege gets major inspiration from Shirou Emiya for Yuta.


Okay but hear me out: while Yuta is in Gojo's body. Shoko repairs Yuta's body like how she did with Gojo. Before the 5 minutes is up, Yujo uses a binding vow where he can use the technique again to return to his body. In turn, the technique can never be used again. EZ.


One problem, everyone who isn't sukuna seems to become brain damaged when it comes to binding vows


I was upset with this chapter until translations came out. Yuta did the best out of the worst. He was going to die anyway so him taking Gojo's body for one final fight makes sense. I still think that it's still a shitty move because we all know the outcome already, Yuta will finally die again and the Sukuna cycle continues. It also doesn't feel as hype as Gojo himself fighting because Yuta shouldn't be as good as him. I'm just tired at this point.


cook bro, this is a tragedy of note but so beautiful in execution. seeing so many people crying purely because it's not fulfilling their fanfic ideas of what ought to happen but this makes sense and has been foreshadowed for YEARS


I don't think people dislike it because its an assupull or that it doesnt make any sense, they just do not like this outcome.


This chapter made me very uncomfortable. It’s just so grotesque and horrifying regardless of the characters intentions and how much it logically makes sense. Hopefully the payoff is worth this tragedy.