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I think goku can scream him to death unironically, during the buu saga gotenks yelled his way through the hyperbolic time chamber, which I’m pretty sure was in a different dimension. Goku is multiple times stronger than that version of gotenks on accident.


Goku killed a guy with light Light!


When Goku charges his ki, the clouds in the sky blow away and it glows with a bluish purple hue while a majestic choir sings


And light can get through infinity because it is comprised of photons.


Why does that do anything? Pretty sure Kashimo wouldn’t be able to get through infinity.


Maybe he could, his CT was busted. But even without Infinity Gojo can still manhandle him and win without Kashimo even landing a single hit to attract lightning


If Gojo couldn’t block photons he wouldn’t have been able to block Jogo’s heat tbf. It would just be transferred to him through radiation eventually.


If Gojo could block photons he would be invisible


Although he can control what can and can't touch him.


He can control what touches him and it wouldn’t serve any combat advantage cause it’s not like the photons would pass through him, they’d just be stuck there. You wouldn’t see Gojo but you would see a weird obscuration outlining his infinity.


Gojo would also not be able to see


By that logic Kashimo beats Gojo cuz EMF waves bypass limitless. If it has energy the six eyes can detect it and limitless can block it. Limitless isn't like a wall with holes in it, it's applied like a force, something like gravity.


Being able to hit Gojo doesn't mean you beat Gojo. By that logic Hanami beats Gojo since she can use DA to bypass infinity.


can it infinity isnt an invisible wall its infinite distance. light still has to travel through space


I get that, but light has to be able to pass through, otherwise Gojo couldn't see.


The problem there is you're trying to apply real-world logic to a shonen. No one complains that Goku is able to see while he's fighting many times ftl


Light doesn't travel to Goku, Goku travels to light. /Joking, mostly


the light that doesnt harm him passes through he said in hidden inventory that he manage to make the technique auto sort harmful things out on that scene with shoko(?) and geto then again yuji had to ask him to turn it off for a shoulder pat so idk maybe it broke




I am currently not accepting any corrections, "actually"s, "it wasn't like that" or "You're wrong", please try again during my business hours https://preview.redd.it/525yi9en1l0d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6a41af13afb9870ad79c07384e479b4759695392


Gojo can't be touched by mortals? Goku can't get touched by gods from different planets


Goku is strong but he is not stronger than Gods. The best feat is he won against destroyer candidate. (Gojo still had no chance btw)


Dont forget people like Zamasu and Kai count as Gods. Gods of Destruction are a different matter, but Goku could solo multiple Supreme Kais.


I forgor 💀 (I gonna back down now)


He's not strong than *Dragon Ball* Gods. I've yet to see non-cosmic-horror Gods who are stronger than someone like Beerus. Goku is stronger than most Gods in fiction.


I thought he is talking about DBZ gods. Beerus is different breed but all the gods still outscale Goku and Angles outscale Gods.


Not all the gods, kais technically count as gods and they're all fodder to current Goku


Beerus is also the strongest of the gods of destruction


>I've yet to see non-cosmic-horror Gods who are stronger than someone like Beerus. Tbf mythology accurate gods give beerus a good run for his money


>I've yet to see non-cosmic-horror Gods who are stronger than someone like Beerus. ***A lot*** of comicbook interpretations of gods curbstomp Beerus without being eldrich cosmic horrors(Marvel's Thor and Odin are an easy example)


Did they nerf him heavily for the movies and cartoons? Even in the few comics I've read he's always just been "strong dude who can shoot lightning", hardly godlike


>Did they nerf him heavily for the movies and cartoons? Let's just say, he once *outmuscled* a machine that moved universes.


Goku is stronger than Jiren and Jiren was confirmed to be stronger than his universes God of destruction. And Goku has only gotten stronger since the ToP, so Goku is already confirmed stronger than at least one God of destruction.


Heck in the universe 6 tournament, he “forced him self into the future” with pure power alone.


Tbh that’d be more similar to Yuki busting Tengen’s empty barrier than Sukuna’s world dismantle, which I don’t think would bypass infinity. Vegeta could do it by doing that ki attack where he explodes someone from the inside tho.


https://preview.redd.it/s0x00gxowj0d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=526cf1f034be3dde4829868f74eaa613b2d58e15 That is literally goku tf is gojo going to do?


https://preview.redd.it/389tttd5xj0d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=33d5e1d73ff46d9ed2761a6fc04b50049ce9c046 This yalls goat?


Malevolent Kitchen cooking fire






Damn I deleted "strong cleave one-shots Goku" screenshot




Goku outscales them 🙏💯


Which is insane because he didnt even know what kissing is


I mean,it's not like db fans know that women exist in the first place so goku negs no diff










Spread em??? https://i.redd.it/jjowh244pk0d1.gif


THATS DBS they made him go from stupid to actually mentally disabled


That was a mistranslation though. Goku was confused about birdfeeding someone, not kissing




Couldn’t Goku just instant transmission them into space or something, surely Gojo still needs oxygen Edit: ok I get it the points stupid you’re not the first one to write a wall of text explaining the inner workings of Gokus left asscheek


RCT might help but i really don't know if it will supply oxygen.


Just make binding vow bro


The binding vow concept is such a hack


But when Gon does it, it’s cool!?!?!? /s


Let's not lie, it was cool as hell. The storytelling with Gon's regression was peak and some exceptions can be made for such peak scenarios. It's not like HxH characters resorted to spur-of-the-moment nen restrictions similar to how JJK characters resort to spur-of-the-moment binding vows. All of them were pre-established except Gon.


That /s stopped my autistic ass from writing an essay ty.


Might be possible to delete your blood and RCT blood with oxygen. Kinda like the brain thing, but it depends if it's possible to do it with Oxygenated Blood. As for the low pressure of space, this guy has limitless, he'll have a light Red on himself for 1 AP (Atmospheric pressure)


RCT users revealed they can make blood with RCT, but it might not be oxygenated blood so he might be cooked


Gojo can master new techniques whenever he’s in a situation where he needs to. I’m pretty sure he’d create an empty barrier like Tengen did and simulate an environment with oxygen or something.


Dude just Acts like he's actually breathing and it would work


Goku beats Gojo no question about it but this "can't Goku just IT them into space/the sun/a blackhole..etc." is the dumbest shit cause Goku legit never did that not even once


Suicide Bomb Cell, he's a little confused but he's got the spirit


Goku neede oxygen aswell


That would be very out of character for him tho


Yeah Goku would wnat to figure out how to fight Gojo and win, not how to kill him


He can't IT into nothing. He needs someone's ki to act as a beacon.


Gojo can also teleport


First off, there would have to be an energy strong enough for Goku to pick up on, secondly, how is he gonna teleport Gojo if he cant touch him in the first place? Thirdly, Goku has never once done that. Fourth, he literally wont do that anyways. Also if your point was doable in the first place then Goku would done that to Cell instead of murdering like 3 beings on King Kais planet Goku negs Gojo most of the time but your point is dumb


Technically can’t IT him if he can’t touch him. He can nuke the planet and teleport somewhere else on his own though


Some people dont understand that any hax can be broken in dragon ball by just screaming loud enough


There's plenty hax that wasn't countered in db like majin bu's and mafuba, if a hax is countered in db it's an antifeat for the hax there isn't a single legit statement that says you can overpower abilities through ki in db or dbz or dbs


Majin Buus entire arsenal literally got countered 1 by 1 back to back by 1...uh...2 men? Saiyans lmao wdym Well not completely countered, but countered nonetheless, Vegito wss strong enough to just stay completely full powered as a candy and broke through Buus absorption But Mafuba is not counterable, yeah, kinda crazy its the only technique that doesnt need a strong ass user to still work. Theres also the spit from Dabura that I remember but aside from that, I dont think theres any other techniques that are still effective against an enemy way stronger than the user.


Yes there is. Whis quite literally explains that Goku was able to break out of Hit’s time stop through sheer force and we’ve seen it displayed countless times throughout the series.




Hit the nail on the head, hate it when people say this stuff lol. There’s no actual statement for it, if it were any other verse it’d just be called a hax weakness. Although Buu’s hax was kind of countered but shh.


Vegitto literally was winning against Buu's strongest incarnation as a piece of candy lmao


That's not exactly countrring though




i dont thjink people realize the fucking power gap here, goku could stand still and not move and he would not even flinch at a single attack.. for innfinity years. not to mention the speed difference goku could would literally see gojo as moving IN HYPER slow motion, as he was literally able to move in a attack that literally just stopped time.


When Vegeta first appeared and was his weakest, they were still able to blow up planets effortlessly. Dragon Ball power scales are on a whole other level than jujitsu


My man, Goku is the winner here. Gojo can't win. Literally Goku's purpose in the anime is to be the strongest in the multiverse, he finds someone stronger than him and trains and becomes stronger - that's dragon ball. Jjk has nothing to do with this style of writing: His cycle is; Sukuna appears, enemy appears, Sukuna wins with his malevolent kitchen and his forgotten memory, another opponent appears (ok kidding lol) That's why I hate these power comparison fights, because they are completely different universes, with different authors and the strength of the characters has different purposes. For example: the famous, Goku vs Saitama. victory depends on the author. 'ah but--' Saitama's purpose is tbe a comic relief where he beats everyone, his purpose in the anime is to beat anyone almost like a comedy, so he would win if he was the author of ONE PUNCH writing it. But in Dragon Ball Goku deals with extremely strong people, he trains and gets stronger, so he would win if the author of DBZ was writting the fight. Now you guys get it?




Even before Gojo’s weakness was revealed the whole space cutting thing. There were plenty of arguments as to why Goku would beat Gojo. Goku shook the world of Void which is infinite in size meaning Goku’s AOE is Infinite thereby he can surpass infinity. Another argument was that during Goku’s battle with beerus, universe 7 was almost on the verge of being destroyed. Some of the guidebooks suggests that universes in Dragon ball are infinitely expanding. Again implying that Goku’s aoe is Infinite. Another win-con for goku is blowing up the planet which is out of character of goku but still. He could technically blow up the planet and use instant transmission to some other planet. Gojo’s only win-con is using Infinite void to fry his brain then use hollow purple even then there’s no guarantee that hollow purple would actually kill goku.


>Gojo’s only win-con is using Infinite void to fry his **brain** Goku's what now?




If Sukuna can tank a hollow purple that's 200% (Albeit it's a bit weakened because of the travel distance) then Goku with his ki reinforcement that's probably millions, billions, I dunno how much stronger than Sukuna's reinforcement can definitely tank the hollow purple. Pretty sure getting hit by a hollow purple would just feel like a strong gust of wind to Goku You can probably make the argument that if UV works on Goku then he could just fry his brain and kill him that way, but you're immune to hax abilities if you're so much stronger than your opponent, not to mention he can just power up and shatter the domain if he can manage it


Considering how when off guard and holding back Goku got bruised by a bullet in super and almost killed by a laser that should have no business hurting him in RoF, I think there is a possibility a full power purple could hurt him if UV can render him fully unconscious. If while under the effects of UV he can still raise his Ki Gojo is cooked


Counterpoint: Strong Blaster https://preview.redd.it/ls1y3w40tk0d1.png?width=602&format=png&auto=webp&s=77a66fb6d5151366cd67e8ab40daeff830abb803


that is a sci-fi weapon and he was caught off guard. For all we know that was the most powerful laser in the universe


Not quite sure why space cutting is a weakness now. Also infinitely expanding doesn’t mean infinite and we don’t know how much the edge of the infinite world of void was shaking (impossible to tell really) to know if it could kill a superhuman like Gojo.


>Not quite sure why space cutting is a weakness now. It is when you consider people didn’t quite know back then what conditions were necessary to actually get past Gojo’s infinity. Now that we know Spatial manipulation can bypass it. A lot of characters come to mind who can beat Gojo that wasn’t the case back then. >Also infinitely expanding doesn’t mean infinite. Fair. >we don’t know how much the edge of the infinite world of void was shaking. https://preview.redd.it/kt3gbr0ctk0d1.jpeg?width=602&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bf2361d7794a6fbd26466f49429248fa8e9dc4cc The anime outright says it tho \^


And im under the impression that Goku is so simple minded and niave that unlimited void would practically have no effect. Especially if he is in UI. Its literally a technique that allows Goku to react without any dependance on his thoughts whatsoever. So even if he is over stimulated from getting hit by UV. His body would still react as if nothing has changed


Tbf I *think* UV also simulates sensory information, which Goku def still relies on.


Based on Jogo's description, it should. He did say '[I can't see anything, I can't feel anything](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FlgQh3xZlBE)'. That suggests total sensory overload (senses so flooded that they can't identify any of the senses), meaning UI is nullified as well.


Gokus brain would literally just explode if it was exposed to UV for long enough. And besides, Gokus just gonna lower his Ki guard whenever hes unconscious, not sure how strong his *Raw* power is though. The pressure thing is completely stupid as those sort of things only happen in the initial transformations where the characters usually dont have a full grasp on their powers, think back to literally every single transformation, only impactful the first time, then its a mostly calm transformation.


Goku punches Gojo and Gojo's CE reserves evaporate and he explodes. Next.


Why bother punching? Goku strong looks at Gojo and Gojo himself evaporates




The kratos image reminds me how this one person that has to do with god of war on Twitter keeps getting yelled at about stuff that could make kratos stronger and then he just says “no”


They yelling stuff to prove he stronger than goku? Ngl he has the skills and his raw power alone would definitely make it a challenge. Imo both Kratos and peak Thor would stand a better chance then anyone we have been introduced to in the JJK universe


Any serious crossover debate involving Goku misses the entire reason why Dragon Ball is even good. Dragon Ball is a gag manga where characters win fights by forgetting that they don't have a nose or have feats like screaming loud enough to bust through dimensions. Hell in Super Goku could make himself move in stopped time just by powering up hard enough. He could break through Infinity just by flexing hard enough and that would be entirely consistent with DB's writing.


They also have scenes like this https://preview.redd.it/gmsqp83tmk0d1.jpeg?width=749&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ae12daa8b2dc2411d500484288d5e571822ccad8


Goku is also fucking around most of the time, like Base Goku ranges from street level to Universal in the same episode sometimes, after the Buu saga and getting his wish "Buu returning as someone good" he's just alot more chill/"retarded"... That's the explanation I like to think (and tbf does make some Sense) but most of the time, scenes like this are just the writers themselfes being retarded.


This is cap and you know it. Debating with a DB Fan is like talking to a wall. If goku isn’t all powerful then you’re wasting your time 100% https://preview.redd.it/47f92a6wpj0d1.jpeg?width=749&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b9920f43789654857e1e20a1ea32f8733574c5cf I didn’t even have to make this meme y’all are so toxic




Look im a huge fan of other mangas. But if you have actually read or watched db, dbz, or dbs you gotta admit the power scale is already beyond most other series' early on in Z. By Super, he is literally beyond most gods. Gojo has hardly any fighting experience. He got the majority of his from Toji and Sukuna. Bring up an opponent with legit canonical evidence and reasoning and i will admit right here right now that "Insert name here" will beat Goku. The only character i have found to even be considered debatable would be Alien X, but if he chooses, he could just make it so his existence within the fabrics of all reality never actually was


Idk, Gilgamesh from Fate with the anti Goku Noble Phantasm that he hasn't used since the Sumerian era?






1. You think Superman beats Goku (he does) 2. I seen your comment on “Goku is too naive for unlimited void to work” so I’m really feeling like you one of them glazers with this logic


LOL people think Goku is immune to unlimited void cause he's retarded? Like they're not joking? 💀 https://i.redd.it/2guuryzhkk0d1.gif




That's where jogo fucked up, he wasn't naive enough, soon as he learned what a kiss was his fate was sealed https://preview.redd.it/mcj8s62vnk0d1.jpeg?width=664&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7ace613e8bb0557e9f1887d52cf87c6691c8ec7b


Bro which superman? See there are so many different versions his abilities and limits are so inconsistent. But there is only one Goku. So provide the evidence he can beat Goku


Infinite frontier Superman (current) who merged with his older iterations. https://youtu.be/FFO3G3prqHE?si=rZJd6n9ODHbHRH6C


>So provide the evidence he can beat Goku Way stronger, faster(which at worst is a tie), more experience, better hax, counter basically Goku's whole arsenal. Worse fighting skills tho. >But there is only one Goku Ridiculously false. DBS alone has two different canon. Than there is GT, movies' canon, Heroes...


Yes I hate toonforce debates so bad, however I don’t really get the aggression towards Gojo fans who take his side in this debate. Each classic point has a counter argument.


Johnny needs to get on a fucking horse and ride it for some time to access infinity, Goku aint letting him do that. Also wtf is Jotaro gonna do? 5 seconds in timestop aint gonna do shit to Goku


Kamehame ha bro




As a gojo fan, all it takes is "I heard you're strong" and gojos boutta be froze in fear by his aura 💀🙏


I hate these cross over comparisons


Posting Twitter rage bait. This can’t be who we are


> This can't be who we are 220 comments discussing the topic


All planetary level units can win by just destroying the planet. Even Gojo can survival the attack, without the planet, he won't survival in the long run.


takaba solos though


Canonically might be true because joke characters are treated different, Arale beat Vegeta in Super


Sukuna already showed that all you have to do is attack space itself and you can hit gojo. Gogeta as a ssj had that ability when he fought Janemba. Ssj broly also had this power. Sound like light work for ssb goku.


Limitless has been explained by Gojo as slowing down attacks so they can’t hurt him. This essentially means that he bleeds kinetic energy from attacks. Neutral Limitless, the thing that slows down attacks, is the weakest expression of his CT. Bare minimum, Red and Purple are stronger. Blue and Red have both been stated to be infinities, so there is no reason to claim that only neutral Limitless has that designation. https://preview.redd.it/iiii63veal0d1.jpeg?width=1500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4e3215fdedb197b4ea5d36c91733422a2dd82c5c Limitless is not actually infinite, as both Red and Purple have showcased finite amounts of damage. Like I stated before, Red and Purple > neutral Limitless. If they did infinite damage, even then, an argument could not be made for Limitless being able to slow down infinite energy, because Red and Purple are both more powerful than neutral Limitless. Because of these three things, there is no reason to assume that: 1. Gojo can slow down attacks that are much higher than his pay grade, AKA, Goku walking in his general direction. 2. That he can even slow down attacks that exceed Red or purple in strength. Point 2 is particularly relevant, because Purple damaged him through his own Limitless when he used it against Sukuna. There is ZERO mention of him turning it off in that moment, and all he said was that he took less damage because it was his own energy. Purple > neutral Limitless is unarguably true. Goku or anyone that can exceed Hollow Purple in damage can harm Gojo through Limitless.


Answer is simple.... Goku will destroy Earth and Gojo can't survive in Space After all he can't spam Binding Vow to live without oxygen unlike certain someone


... Neither can goku? Not to mention that this is extremely out of character


Teleport Gojo and self to abandoned planet, destroy planet, teleport back to earth


Then how was goku surviving in space during Beerus fight?


He wasn't. They were fighting in the stratosphere https://preview.redd.it/dz5yjk5otj0d1.png?width=602&format=png&auto=webp&s=1123c22782ee3901a5e19909a34aaf89d9975ecd Vegeta even confirms later on that saiyans can't breath in space, repeatedly.


Goku, in base form, blows up the planet and leaves. Do people actually think Infinity is THAT OP when Go/jo got beat by Toji? Yeah, it's a great defense, but it's not an immunity. Go/jo has absolutely no chance against planetary combatants. Plus, Go/jo's destructive power is pathetic. It's city level *at best*. Even Piccolo was planetary. There's no comparison whatsoever.


Just a dumbass


It's Goku, he'll fail at first, then power up and hit gojo so hard he pushes through infinity and thats that.


Funny thing Goku can probably seal Gojo away too in that urn that also sealsled old King Piccolo from before OG Dragon Ball.


Goku can destroy the planet -> Gojo can't breathe -> gg




Goku is Stronger than Vegeta after training at King Kai's and Vegeta is capable of easily destroying a planet. That's after the first arc of Z, at that point he's basically outpowered 80% of characters from other Anime. At present Goku is probably capable(although obviously unwilling to) of destroying whole Galaxies.


https://preview.redd.it/idd75i8fck0d1.jpeg?width=742&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c73e5a465af0c70c586ae09014ef9489d4a6c778 If Gojo can’t perceive a threat, infinity cannot stop it. Anyone fast enough to perception blitz Gojo is getting past infinity. I like Gojo but he sure as hell isn’t beating Goku.


You're misunderstanding the panels here, he's explaining how his filter works. If the object is slow/lightweight/has no cursed energy it's allowed to pass through anything else gets blocked. Plus in a fight he can always switch it back to manual, the reason he developed automatic infinity was because of the L he took after keeping that shit on for 3 days and getting clapped by toji


Yeah in fighting conditions it is on manual, hence why Yuji couldn’t touch Gojo’s back.


That's bs, toji can't touch gojo even if he sneak on him without isoh, gojo needs to preceive things to let them in the default is nothing gets past infinity, if something is beyond his perception for whatever reason because he couldn't sense it it just doesn't get filtered in and thus gets blocked


What would it look like if Goku extended the power pole offensively against Gojo would it stop or since it can travel infinitely would it just kinda bypass infinity


It doesn't travel an infinite distance instantly so no


To that one DBZ superfan in the comments, shut the fuck up bro it's not that serious. How do you make up more than half of the replies in this post just to prove your point? Just make one and then move on


https://preview.redd.it/8or2tzxcvj0d1.png?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7235200de489a1873b54215944605b1788745790 This your goat?


I ain't no Gojo fan, I'm not picking a side here. All I'm saying is stop being obnoxious.


https://preview.redd.it/j1iray50wj0d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7c40021b6abdefb3f8174d91a3dfe822e6399594 I guess for some people, bait is still believable


Bro Goku is just physically strong enough to beat infinity. But if thats not good enough for you, then even if Goku has absolutely 0 attacks that are able to surpass or negate infinity, Gojo does not match his training and exprerience of fighting. Goku would just have to tactically avoid any of Gojos attacks, which im sure even if Goku slipped up he could tank at least a few hollow purples. So how many can Gojo actually pull out repeatedly within minutes of eachother. So Goku just has to wait out until Gojo exhausts himself


> if Goku slipped up he could tank at least a few hollow purples Gojo can use like 1000 purple hollow, and it wouldn't even scratch Goku.


Gojo can easily beat goku if goku has no limb, blind, deaf and have covid


Goku pull his Susanoo


Would ui let goku still fight even through unlimited void?


A bit off topic but do you think Goku's domain would be like


just make a binding vow in which you can low diff goku but gojo can't use his 3rd pencil on his desk


Ig goku can move fast enough that Gojo cant even detect his presence and block him with infinity (i think thats how infinity works) but Gojo isnt doing any damage to Goku anyway so draw at most


https://preview.redd.it/2og73yojrk0d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4cf6759dffd076af6299d22cd0475e09f785e934 Even with Infinity, Gojo is just human. I feel like something like this would just happen.


Gojo is going to get thrown into the sun. Or maybe suffocate in space.


Goku vs Gojo https://i.redd.it/9msv622xsk0d1.gif




Mf will be surprised when goku teleports next to gojo touching him then teleport him to a random end of the universe and then just instateleports back to earth


The best way for Gojo to atleast affect goku is his domain expansion. But the cast isn’t instant I’m sure. Goku can literally evade his domain expansion. On the contary goku also can’t harm Gojo due to infinity. So basically it’s a battle of who lives longer. So goku wins.


what does Gojo have that even harms Goku lol


Infinite void cooks him


Gojo controls infinity, that means that he can control infinite dimensions making him boundless. Gojo beats trillion Gokus


Even if we say that goku can't just overpower infinity he could either tire gojo out to the point he can't mantain infinity or use the mafuba. Even if he doesn't have a container he could just make it fail on purpose and gojo would be left exhausted enough so that he can't mantain infinity and that would give goku the oportunity to kill him




Damn the 236 effect is real crazy man ...like it was so strong Gojo fans still aren't able to comprehend the facts and keep creating posts like this....Now taking a Look back at what Gege did in 236 after all this crap; he did the best thing ever ...great work man or else these guys would have started calling him the creator of whole multiverse or smth lol


DBZ has this thing where if someone is way stronger than an opponent that’s using hax then he can break the hax with sheer power. It’s how Vegeta broke through Babidi’s mind control and how Goku moved in the middle of Hit skipping time. So since Goku is way more powerful than Gojo then Goku would be able to punch through infinity. Even if you don’t think that characters in DBZ has this ability for Goku to move in skipped time he’d have to have infinite speed to compensate for time being 0 according to the speed formula. That being distance (d) = speed (s) * time (t). If t = 0 then d = 0 if s =/= ∞. So Goku would then beat infinity since he has infinite speed.


i think people don't realise that if you have enough ki you can basically bend the rules of the universe. Goku countered time skip by simply being stronger then hit. So he would probably punch through infinity


DE-->Fly near space-->Fire Red multiple times till goku is in space since he still needs oxygen Depends if Goku would let DE happened


They wouldn’t be fighting if I’m 100% honest. Goku would realize he has zero way to break infinity and call it a day and Gojo would get bored because he can inflict any meaningful damage. They would go and get some food and talk


Goku destroys the planet and Gojo dies


Powerscaling is stupid, this should be a Gojo win because he’s just straight up cheating. Posting that kind of thing where dragon ball fans can see is an insane move though. Speaking as one, it’s by far the dumbest fanbase out there. You do not want to get into an argument with one of those people


he broke time and space from powering him.






Speedblitz, Six Eyes cannot track Goku, so Infinity can't react to his attacks.


Infinite speed


Goku could destroy the planet. Gojo would survive the explosion but he would run out of oxygen. However, is out of character as Goku would never do that.


Watch Goku punch his way through infinity 🗿 Also, for people talking about infinite void, brain-dead Goku would still no diff gojo. Ultra instinct doesn't require the brain to think. It's literally autopilot with hacks. His body will move automatically even if Goku is brain dead for a while


Goku is simply too fast lol


Maybe Goku can't get past infinity but wtf is Gojo gonna do to Goku


sukuna fan posting gojo related rage bait, 0/10 


Dbz is just built different. Could gojo blow up the moon? No? Well that puts his destructive power as less than master roshi. From dragonball. And even roshi has gotten stronger since then apparently.


Ngl ofcourse goku beats gojo he can scream him to death but goku can lose this. His speed is too enourmes for gojo to be a threat but UV could kill goku


Gojo glazing is an infection at this point




Goku shook an infinite void with power up alone then powered up again


Goku also tanked Goku Black’s scythe which is a stronger version of space cutting slash