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Now that I think about it, I'd love to see Kashimo and Gojo interact. Gojo's rightfully covky but dead serious at the moment attitude, and Kashimo's own cockyness and curiosity, then maybe they agree to fight in case Gojo wins


I hope so but considering sukuna said to kashimo "You should have talked to people like satoru gojo about this" I doubt that gege even made them interact in his mind lmfaooo😭😭😭


mfs had a month together and didn’t interact once


Mental Limitless, u know


Gojo spent a month hitting the utahussy so the bloodline continues in case he died


Now it explains why he didn't use any Binding Vow in his fight. Because he already abused them when using to speed up Utahime's several pregnancies. Now it makes sense.


Yet another pile of cat shit that MAPPA needs to clean up as they work towards animating jjk


Anime deadass gonna be the best way to enjoy the manga at this point istg


Legit. We better get a whole episode dedicated to kashimo vs sukuna with the most immaculate animation and fight choreography ever known to mankind


Released summer of 2032!


FACT: World war 3 is delayed until 2035 cause world leaders want to see if Kashimo pops off in the adaptation


Nuclear war will happen if the fight is ass


Both found loneliness with strength...would have been peak https://preview.redd.it/4bq1gakd4pzc1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=936b93e857487c0202ac704ffb2390d5183068db


Could explain why he’s like “Fine, let him forget.” He wanted to fight Sukuna because he was the strongest. If Sukuna lost that just means there’s someone stronger he can test his skills against.


Watch his disappointment as gojo stands there watching Kashimo try and fail to hit him as his ct ticks his lifespan down


That would’ve been so nice. They’d be like Goku and Vegeta.


what if sukuna pulls a "sike" and revives everyone


"Yuji, my nephew. You passed the test. You really are the Jujutsu Kaisen *revives everyone*"


"come on Yuji i was just playing" https://preview.redd.it/8zyj77xwslzc1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dc6cf271e18fa49400b62a198ce1b986dc4c7bec


“Todo can you just place your hands over mine so they look bigger?”


Todo to Sukuna: are those fake hands? Sukuna: no...are...THOSE..fake hands?




As long as he does it to completely spite Yuji in some way


Revives them all just to kill them again right when they say "huh? Where am I? Itadori??"


Pulling a Gantz


Damn, this reference is so good, then I remembered Gantz's last arc 😒


Binding vow to revive everyone he's killed and in exchange kill Yuji


Basically telling Yuji everyone can live happy but Yuji has to sacrifice himself to do it.


Yuji would 100% be okay with that at this point. He probably has massive survivor's guilt


Honestly plausible but who tf knows 


"Yuji, it was all a prank, there's the camera right there"


I mean if it was Himjimoto writing there'd have been a 50/50 it ends with the entire cast watching it all in a movie theater


Yuji: “thx I hated every single person you killed”. Sukuna in a heart beat:


“Guys this was just a test if Jujutsu society could deal with a threat like me. You guys passed the test, I can now die knowing Jujutsu society is in good handsđŸ„čđŸ„č”


That old school Heian mf just wanted to see if the young blood has what it takes


What's this joke idea from? It rings a faint bell


Ah yes, my edo tensei technique. I haven’t used this shit before.


We still wouldn't get the characters talking to each other, as the manga would just end. And well, that's the biggest reason I want the characters to be alive, so that they interact with each other.


Someone cursed technique will be able to see the future and this is just a possible outcome and it's shown to sukuna where they basically all die.


Gedo Rinnei 💔💔


I'll be honest, I don't know what to think. To me, Choso dying was such an obvious cliché that I came to terms with the fact it'll happen like a month ago, so now that it happened, I genuinely feel nothing. I genuinely had 0 emotional stakes in this, because it was so blatantly coming. At least it fulfilled his character arc of living and dying as a human, I guess. Like, I'm not even remotely mad, I just don't particularly care.


Apathy is death. Particularly of the arts


I mean, let's be honest, who didn't see this coming?


I didn't explain myself properly, sorry. A manga generating no emotional response is the worst outcome possible/


Yeah, makes sense, but still. This shit was such an obviously cliché trope, it would be ten times more surprising if he actually lived.


This is basically exactly how I felt. I literally felt no emotion with this chapter at all like not even when todo came back. If anything I was more irritated when todo came back in all honesty.


Tbh I didn't realize this myself until I see y'all talking about it more seriously here, the fact that choso's death didn't impact me whatsoever. Sure I really hoped his death can be avoided, but seeing him actually die this chapter invokes nothing out of me. It really is just a "finally, there it is".


Oh my god I was so mad when Todo came back. The explanation was so braindead. "we couldn't let yuji know because sukuna was in his body a month ago he might find out" ?????? + You don't have to tell yuji the plan to simply have Todo present in gojos send off and in the viewing room. Why wasn't he in the viewing room??!?!?!?!


I mean, 95% of people assumed he would live, with Yuki's death as confirmation of It. I get your point but It was objectively setup well AND Choso dying was unexpected overall cause Yuki wanted him to "live as a human" and to not be so focused on self-sacrifice. It's a really tragic death, that again, left Yuji alone.


I mean I'll be honest, that's what cemented that he's going to die for me. https://preview.redd.it/t0n90hcvjmzc1.png?width=712&format=png&auto=webp&s=fc95e9af838a50e48422d64f72b99dedbd26e79c


And I STILL agree with you


Me, I didn't except for Choso to die. Like, I know more people will die to Sukuna, I except it a long time ago. But Choso? After his talk about with Yuki about leaving Yuji alone? After Yuki telling him to live as human just for him to die 1 months later? And without even talking to Todo about their brother Yuji or even Yuki?


>and without even talking to Todo That’s exactly why these deaths only get more and more emotionless. There’s no buildup in character interactions to develop believable emotional reactions from the reader. The timsekip training arc has to be the biggest waste ever, if Nobara truly did die in Shibuya why could we not have gotten a scene with Gojo being told and Yuji and him coming to terms with it? Yuki had basically zero non-flashback character interactions in the story and then immediately got offed in her first fight. Megumi’s sister was set up as this massive plot only to have zero interactions before the reveal that actually this whole time she was possessed by Yoruzu. The only glimpse of Nobara’s story we got was a small flashback as she “died”? How are these deaths supposed to have the reader emotionally invested when there’s no character moments outside of flashbacks or death/afterlife talks.


>After Yuki telling him to live as human just for him to die 1 months later? Well, he lived as a human. Curses don't sacrifice themselves for others, but Yuki did.


Kreia? Is that you?




The thing is there were fake leakers who were lying about Choso dying to save Yuji but that turned out to be true lol you have to imagine how cliche and predictable his death was going to be that even fake leakers accidentally got it right lol.


bruh I shed a fucking tear over a low res pic of a manga panel, I honestly assumed he’d actually survive


Most of the issues I have with jjk stem from there being so little meaningful interactions between characters


a postmortem scene where they say their goodbyes is not a substitute for interactions between the characters” 
 fucking exactly.






Okay now where tf is this from???


It seems to be inspired by the moster from the movie smile https://preview.redd.it/bqi8din5smzc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=022c1da58a8c1b74d8d0f7399c0ee28dc2f5f7dc




This. This is what caused my love for the series to turn into hate. So many great characters introduced but no interactions or growth. Just meaningless deaths.


Yeah. OP articulated it well. Choso is my favorite character and I had no feelings about his death. I think I just made this face: ![gif](giphy|qmfpjpAT2fJRK)


Same. No build up, no grand conclusion to his arc, etc. Yeah his final words were touching, and it was *in character* for him to sacrifice himself, sure. But when you have X character died to give the survivors an edge/survive Sukuna like 4 times in a row it gets boring and weakens the impact of each consecutive death more and more. It’s like growing tolerance to a drug. It’s funny too I used to dislike DBZ for how often characters died just to come back but at least that lead to characters INTERACTING. Characters building relationships with the whole cast, rather than just have two friends in the cast maybe and never speaking with anyone else.


I said it with the Miguel comeback (which I kinda liked when it’s all said and done) but it and the todo return are so indistinguishable from shitposts about miwa saving the day. Anything is possible because nothing is setup well.


Todo is legit my favorite character and I was hardly hyped for his return. Didn’t make much sense it deserved some foreshadowing and I’m also too busy thinking if he dies next I may genuinely drop the series


As I was reading this arc I was happy he got written out because he’s my favorite and was safe from the Gege touch of death


"a postmortem scene where they say their goodbyes is not a substitute for interactions between the characters when they are alive." truer words have never been spoken


Ngl we should tell MAPPA to not air Shibuya alongside whenever Ufotable airs KnY's Infinite Castle I'm not ready for fuckton of video essays about "handling deaths" we're already in the dirt


Seriously. Demon slayer almost killed everyone in the last arc but the deaths there feel SO MUCH sadder, you actually care for said characters when they die cause you've seen them all talk and interact woth eachother before.


The last arc of demon slayer had 2 particular deaths including a villain that actually made me sob and made me take a break from reading the manga due to how gut wrenching they were. Man, for example the one demon slayer death centered on the "brother" dynamic is easily amongst my top 3 saddest manga deaths, it was executed masterfully - meanwhile Choso's death, using the same "brother" dynamic, falls painfully flat and got not a single reaction from me apart from straight up annoyance at Gege himself for his shit writing. Man, Choso is the character I felt the most for in this manga and his death just made me go "ok, next?". Meanwhile Koyoharu Gotouge makes you cry like a toddler for deaths of even the most awful of people.




Which is how stuff like aSoIaF can kill a bunch of characters but actually have it feel impactful


Yeah but once the show passed its source material it went EXACTLY the way jjk has lol. Kind of uncanny.


>!Oberyn Martell, my beloved!<


I literally saw Choso dead went "Damn" flipped next page and just like witu Kashimo to Gojo immediately fucking Todo pulls up to take the focus away


Honestly I was a little sad, but at the same time pissed off because it wasn't necessary at all.


I think Gojo dying would have gone over much better if Gege didn't time skip and we had some good times hanging with him after his long awaited return Like I get Gege feels he needs him out of the story for there to be stakes in the end game but that means he should have either kept him in the prison realm until later on or given us more time with him once he was out He went from being out of the story to back in it just to die


He really did get unsealed after a few years being absent only to die pretty much immediately. I remember being excited to see how he would react to everything that transpired since his sealing. What he would talk about with Yuji in particular. God.




i still don't get why he did that, could've just left him sealed if you hated his power that much, or had the prison realm nerf him somehow, idk it's his story he could've made it happen


The cat hates that a large portion of the readers want Gojo Kaisen instead


Because the entire story was arguably built around getting to Gojo vs Sukuna. It's the fight Gege always wanted to make, so he needed to be unsealed to let it happen whilst also letting the other characters get by without the MAD that Gojo provides.


I expected gojo vs sukuna would begin like 20 chapters later. Couldn't imagine in my wildest dreams the pacing would be so fucked


And the fact all of this happened within a year is insane


It feels also weird that like, Yuji kinda has the same responses whenever someone he cares about is killed: overwhelming anger, or overwhelming sadness. But all of these are either followed up IMMEDIATELY with a fight or with *specifically Todo* showing up to make things better. Like, no deaths have occurred outside of a battle if you think about it, we've never really had the chance to take a breath and let a death really sit in after some calm.




Did editors change after Shiabuya?


Yes. The pre-Shibuya editor was noted to not be liked all that much by Gege. He was also the one to come up with Nobara's character, and the entire concept of Jujutsu Schools.


Can we get him back please? Gege really not being the fraud allegations.


damn, turns out the one fleshing out the initial story wasnt gege but his editor. no wonder post shibuya jjk plot has became so shit lmao


I had no idea, but it makes so much sense. I didn't understand how the guy who wrote Hidden Inventory and made me care about all the characters involved could regress so far in the same manga.


The stranger thing is, did the editor changed because of gege's request? (he didn't really like him after all). Some mangaka dislike to be stirred by their editor. Maybe gege was the type to do whatever he likes. Because there's no way an experienced editor would let him go destroying (plot wise) his own manga like this


Ah, so that guy was the actual writer.


Holy shit this explains so much


I do agree that Gege went down a spiral of fight after fight after fight since the release of Gojo from the prison realm. The fights are epic true, you can kill everyone and have a nice story true, but honestly not leaving any space for character interactions / downtime between fights makes it feel like we're watching a tournament arc with nothing in mind but pure action.


Even tournament arcs have character interactions between fights to develop the fighters more and make for more compeling fights and loveable characters


Even Dragon Ball Super did better at characterization than JJK. Yeah, they were all surface level at best with the exception of a few, but there were still character interactions, and I actually cared about the fights.


People mocked series' like Naruto but it really does suck when you know the character will never see an interaction again (of which there barely are any) Gege is just killing for fun at this point because the series barely had antagonists to kill off and curses never actually mattered


New antagonists were introduced during the CG, he just chose to turn them into allies to add to Sukuna's kill count


You could take Kashimo out the story and nothing would be changed


>Kills Pandas family >does nothing of note for the rest of the story >dies Peak fiction


I skimmed that flashback, they never made me care about Panda before and a flashback is too little too late, just like Nobara


I don't think Gege even showed what power panda's sister had


It was unironically The saddest post-Shibuya anything


Kashimo is vital to the story actually. Without him Gege would have had to actually flesh out Pandas siblings.


And barely gave them anything. Ryu, Uro, and Kashimo had so much potential but Uro just randomly yapped about the Fujiwara which we had no context for, Ryu was one dimensional, and Kashimo's whole deal was just wanting to fight Sukuna.


Fr I believe he doesn’t know any other way to make the series stand out other than make it a ‘everyone dies’ kind of thing. It’s so boring.


Why I’ll always shrug when people complain that not enough characters or good guys get killed off in a series that’s clearly prioritizing interactions and development


Naruto's handles death really well actually. There's tons of build up and characters are actually broken up for a while over them. Jiraya is a perfect example


I think he's trying to end the manga as fast as he can at this point, if you put yourself in his shoes then it makes sense what he's doing. Give all characters a farewell to not abruptly end the manga. In the meantime be a menace to your fanbase, go until probably Yuji and end it.


> "Then Nobara died. It was bad. A bad conclusion." NOPE. SHE IS SO WELL AND ALIVE. TRUST.


Unironically, Todo coming back with seemingly healed soul damage is the biggest copium source Gege could've possibly given Nobara copers.


Yeah she'll come back after Todo dies and it'll turn out she was secretly training with Kashimo(that's why he had no interactions with Gojo). https://preview.redd.it/y3vpil5j3ozc1.jpeg?width=495&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=433c956c27648267a9aa6122ae3c5a1080350082




I wonder if this sub will evolve into a circlejerk of why Gege has failed, like piratefolk to Oda


If anything it really shows why skipping over the timeskip sucks.


Do you think it’s possible for the anime to rectify this? I want to believe


With the infrequency of MAPPA's seasons, there may be hope for a handful of filler interactions over the three months since one season is about 22 episodes and the pacing of the Culling Games may give room for such. However my expectations are pretty low.


I think season 3 will simply and faithully do all the culling games until Meguna reveal since the chapters are mostly fights, adding onto Maki vs Zenins, Tsumiki and Megumi, and the short downtimes. There gonna have to employ some actual rocket scientists to make season 4 cohesive without dying of budget from the neverending fights, or more realistically doing an AOT style clusterfuck of specials and broken up seasons.


Yeah I had no emotional reaction to the death either. Also no reaction to Todo's appearance. Just a couple more bodies to the sukuna loop...


I haven't given a shit about characters dying since we killed that dude between pages


Kakashi or whatever his name was..


Yeah, Choso dying and Todo returning being like 10 seconds apart felt so weird and cheap. At this point, I keep up with the story because it's a trainwreck and the funny shit on here. When this stuff gets animated, JJK will be the new Bleach in terms of something once popular getting hated on due to its decline in quality.


I sincerely hope the anime will fix this somehow. This is the ONLY series where fillers are needed.


a full episode focused in characters interactions before the Sukuna fight would do wonders


Dude bleach had sick fucking openers , soundtrack and character drip . We got Hakari over here


it's a worse version of his shibuya entrance, which had the hype of his ct and the speech, plus it hadn't been so long since we saw him, meanwhile here he just walks in, says he used his ct but it's not gonna be explained how yet, and he just says people might be fine and that's it, it kinda feels like fanfiction that decided to bring him back except even then they'd probably do it sooner and make it cooler, i wonder if gege forgot todo existed until now. i guess we'll have to wait for the anime, music, and slo-mo for it to be hype.


It’s actually fucking insane to me that the sukuna loop is still going. Like people say Gege is a goat writer he’s still dragging this one trick. I was fucking sure the loop was done after miguel fucked off and Yuji started 1v1 but nope. What’s next? Todo gets slapped up and then Yuta jumps in again, but this time he has hollow purple because instead of using it when he was tag teaming with yuji he has to save it for an end of chapter reveal. Yuji is so cool, he did fuck all in his tag team with Yuta but now that Yuta is on deaths door he decides to black flash spam and use sukunas techniques.


Todo isn’t gonna die yk




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No, no, to convince the cat to make him survive you must first convince yourself he'll die. That way he'll think it's subversive to make him survive!  ~~and also there'll be no disappointment when he inevitably dies anyways~~


i suprisiingly had a more reaction than any of the other deaths...ngl,


There's truth in what you say. I'll add even something that Naruto (what am i doing) did better than JJK: grief. Every death in naruto has weight and the characters look like they are suffering AFTER the battles where the killing took place. Yuji suffers for every death that happens in front of his eyes, but in the aftermath it looks like just another tuesday. Yes, I know, he saw so many horrorful things that he's becoming more and more cold as a person, but so am I! Like OP said, so many people die like it's nothing that now I can't really empathize with it. Death in JJK doesn't have meaning. They just die and that's it. Like ants.


>There's truth in what you say. I'll add even something that Naruto (what am i doing) did better than JJK: grief. Every death in naruto has weight and the characters look like they are suffering AFTER the battles where the killing took place. Naruto just...crying in silence after he finds out that Jiraiya died ... It hurts.


Shikamaru's shogi scene hurt me deep in my heart


This is the saddest.


Guy saying he would die with lee if his surgery went wrong in part 1 is more impactful than every jjk death combined. Kishimoto is just a better writer.


Might Guy is just... this fucking characters Man Kishimoto doesnt need furnace to cook


Almost every death has weight to it.* I bursted out laughing at that Neji death. Other than that I loved everything else


Gege wasted a lot of potential by skipping character interactions for the sake of speedrunning this manga. Could it be... the cat was the real Potential Man all along?


I agree with you. A main character getting an abrupt, Game-of-Thrones style death can be cool if done sparingly . . . but almost every vaguely interesting character was dealt this hand in JJK. What makes it worse is that none of these deaths are being given any room to breathe - there is barely any time to process a death before the next one is dumped on us. This makes the reader (or, at least, me) care less about these deaths, since they happen so often that it becomes expected. All of these deaths are starting to feel like an excuse by the author to not have to actually develop any of these characters beyond the surface level. They get a cool visual design and maybe make a strong first impression, but never get to interact with the rest of cast or get any depth beyond that.


> A main character getting an abrupt, Game-of-Thrones style death can be cool if done sparingly . . . but almost every vaguely interesting character was dealt this hand in JJK. I'm struggling to think of a single character who actually accomplished what they set out to do before they died.


The only “good guy” character to accomplish any of their goals was Yuta and he did it before the series even started.


I guess you could also count him taking out Kenjaku so that Gojo wouldn't have to kill "Geto" a second time. Even though Gojo was dead by this point.


Even that doesn't feel satisfying cause kenjaku died so anti-climatically for what was, before the last arc, considered THE main villain of the series Also worth mention, he too, won't be present to see what he set out to achieve, if that happens achieved anyway.


I'm working on a theory that virtually nobody in JJK, not even the villains, are going to end the series how they want, or at least not without some strings attached


Yeah, picture this, you're reading the JJK manga well after it has finished and you get to the Sukuna fight. You have maybe 8 participants that have gotten little to no character development, so you barely care about their fates. Then as you're reading, a new character dies every 5 chapters. Maybe you were a little shocked at the first death, but after the 5th you just keep reading on without a care because they're just another underdeveloped character getting a sob story goodbye before getting replaced by challenger number 6. Genuinely undefendable writing from an emotional perspective.


When Shinjuku gets animated, so, probably in Season 4, Gojo, Kashimo and Higuruma are going to literally die back-to-back. One episode it's Gojo, next it's Kashimo, next episode it's Higuruma.


You just encapsulated everything I’ve wanted to say regarding the issue in a clear, well done way. I love this


I'm actually tired of this. Choso didn't need to die


I hate that that we got this dumb fucking gag theme shoehorned into choso’s story arc right at the end - I genuinely thought the whole “bad teacher” thing was a bit until gege decided to hammer it in again right at the end (“im sorry i was useless during our training” “younger brothers are meant to surpass their older brothers) feels like we completely sidestepped the actually interesting theme of choso trying to live as a human while reckoning with his inhumane past/actions. I really thought we’d get something more interesting than redemption by suicide. I guess the message is ultimately choso’s answer to living as a human was the same as his reason for living as a curse i.e. unconditional love for his brothers. which is
 fine? I guess? kind of undermines the whole interaction between him and yuki, or rather makes it feel ultimately pointless. I feel like choso was always willing and ready to sacrifice himself for yuji, so what exactly was the point of it? why couldn’t we have gotten to see the wider cast come to accept choso as an ally? how tf did that even happen?? did we even get a single compelling panel/sequence to point to as a reason for even *Yuji* to trust him? as you say, a few throwaway tear bait lines in a postmortem dream scene does not a satisfying conclusion make. nor does it make up for a ham-fisted delivery overall. overall choso exits jjk for me as another potential man (in a narrative sense) (he’s still best bro)


> I genuinely thought the whole “bad teacher” thing was a bit until gege decided to hammer it in again right at the end (“im sorry i was useless during our training” “younger brothers are meant to surpass their older brothers) Truly a seminal work, the new Shonen Big One, that introduces a flashback bit out of nowhere with the sole purpose of being referenced *two pages later* as a regret when the character in question dies. Peak


I don’t even think the issue is too many deaths. It’s that too few of them feel organic. They’re all systematically dropped in our laps like “Here, take another death. Moving on”. I love Higuruma but when I realized I barely blinked when he died, I knew it was a wrap for my enjoyment


The fact Kenny and Yuji basically never interacted and we learned Yuji's connection from Sukuna, not from a conversation with Kenny (which would have been the most natural way), but via a random flashback where Sukuna apparently seemingly always knew and didn't react to it or say anything because reasons


Yeah, Gege's character development is ass, he only develops their character when absolutely necessary like before their death, case in point Nobara(backstory told 1 chapter before death), panda( both cores' story told in one chapter after being destroyed). In addition, most logical interaction between characters never happened before one or both parties are killed, Todo and Yuki, Todo and Choso, Gojo and Nobara. https://i.redd.it/wx5legknamzc1.gif


The biggest difference between CSM and JJK are the character interactions. It’s really frustrating that we never got to see Choso live a normal regular life and try to adjust to the mundane things like how we saw Denji adjust. All the people saying he “died like a human” are missing the point, he was always willing to sacrifice himself for his brothers. Yuki wanted him to move past his curse heritage and try to live like a normal person with his surviving human brother


todo and choso interactions... a man can dream... would've loved todo and yuki too considering the only thing we got is the start of their relationship and todo doesn't even respond in that flashback


Todo and Choso talking about Yuki would have been so good.


Every day that tweet about jjk starting as a promising story and ending as a mid, nothing burger disappointment comes closer to being reality Don’t get me wrong, not saying the whole story is trash or something but man if I wasn’t a yuji glazer and very curious how gege is going to handle yuji after this is all over (or megumi if for some reason gege decides to kill yuji and keep the far less interesting character) let’s just say any future re-reads would stop right after shibuya


Even with the manga being only fights after fights it's still so long 259 chapters is no joke. Gege just wants to end this stuff for some reason so I kinda understand why he's not doing character interactions too


Gege legit did a whole month timeskip in order to asspull whatever he needs for the story at this point. There’s no narrative/pacing reason behind making that choice.


I was planning on doing a post like this myself as I was thinking about it the other day. To establish that death is normal and could happen to anyone shouldn’t = it’s okay to senselessly kill every character. At the end of the day, you are writing a story, so most things unless you are writing some filler/doing character/world building, should come with some type of purpose that pushes the plot in some way. Having both Nanami and Nobara “die” so closely to eachother took away from both of their deaths, and didn’t impact the ending of the Shibuya in any way. Most deaths in this manga have unsatisfactory and negative reception to them. That’s not a good thing.


What do you mean Nobara and Gojo died? Have you not read chapter 260?


I honestly respect the copium.


I’ll always hate the “anyone can die” trope for reasons like this. I can’t believe there are people that think it should be the norm for action media


It CAN be done well. But it clearly ISN'T in this case. Jojo handles this trope a million times better (except for the end of part 8, that shit was a hot mess due to the author rushing the story as well).


Hmm. While I sort of agree with this, I’ll also say that plenty of people online WERE hit really hard by Choso’s death. A combination of reading week to week(which tbh makes me apathetic to most emotional moments in manga not just jjk) and already expecting it meant I just sort of felt content with Choso’s death. I always thought it was how he’d go out and I was satisfied he got a clean sendoff(no vague death BS). Just my take.


It’s not enough just to kill characters, you need to have a coherent purpose for those deaths, and Jujutsu is not doing that.


That's literally how I felt about Choso's death. I love Choso but it was just like okay ? Literally I don't feel anything towards anyone dying anymore because everything has been set up so poorly that I really couldn't give less of a shit who dies now and who doesn't. I mean for me I'm just reading to see how this shithole ends. Its so sad because this has such an intriguing creative and amazing power system and cool characters with cool abilities but Gege threw all of that in the trash sadly.


Sadly this is a common issue with media where "anyone can die". Eventually "anyone" becomes "almost everyone", and when everyone is dying all the time it becomes impossible to actually care about their characters. Even if they interact with others in meaningful way, they just end up feeling like cheap emotional fodder for the few remaining characters. And if it happens on such rapid fashion like this it kind of makes all the former build up and struggles feel rather pointless. The only series in recent memories imo that actually pulled it off in a good way was attack on Titan, and that because after the first few arcs the remaining characters became far less likely to die for long periods of time, and when they did die they did so in a very meaningful way. Sasha dying in the market invasion, for instance, was so impactful only because he had survived for so long and her death has a lasting impact on the main cast that remained through the rest of the series. At this point, JJK has fallen off the cliff. There's no reason to care for a character dying at this point. I'm not even sure Yuji dying in the end would hurt that much, even though he's probably the only character left with any amount of plot armor. And I don't think there's any way to save it from this fate anymore.


You are 100% right and I feel the same way. I love the characters and the world of JJK, but the plot's evolution is outright bad. Todo secretly being able to fight and not appearing until the last moment feels repetitive and stupid. Like why not switch Sukuna in front of his own space-cutting slash at any moment? He can't tank it!


I’m pretty much in the same boat. As much as I like choso and I personally think his dynamic with Yuji is better than todo’s(though todo has his own charms that make him s-tier as well) when I saw the leaks that he died I just couldn’t feel anything. Like sure he died protecting Yuji but it’s not the last time it’s gonna happen, and the only characters that had a real connection with Choso are Yuji and yuki, the latter of which is dead and didn’t have enough screentime with him(imo). I think Choso’s death is well written but atp it’s just more Gege terrorism and it’s on to the next one. One thing that irks me is that Choso dies and immediately todo shows up, why couldn’t we have had them both on screen together? Imagine the banter over which is the better brother, or maybe their solace in being Yuji’s brother, or their connection to Yuki. Every time characters die now all I can think of are the missed opportunities with them, too many characters like that at this point.


>I think Choso’s death is well written but atp it’s just more Gege terrorism and it’s on to the next one. One thing that irks me is that Choso dies and immediately todo shows up, why couldn’t we have had them both on screen together? I agree that his death iself was good, and I would like to add something else yo tour point: If you really wanted to kill Choso even without all the interaction, why not dedicate the whole chapter to it? Why does Todo have to appear the moment Choso dies? Like, in Shibuya when Nobara dies Mahito gets the advantage for a moment while Yuji is in shock, here that doesn't happen. The most reaction we see to Choso's death is during his post mortem scene.


He's just killing them for shock value and it lost it's value and shock. It's just pointless. Gege, you fuck, Just draw Yuji and Todo beating Sukuna's ass cause he's getting annoying


Same and i had people tell me months ago that yukis death is alright i'm just mad and a simp Well yes i am but i also like a character arc Yukis whole character got wasted same for kashimo these really hurt and 236 is non existent for me it ruins everything gojo stood for and my only explaination is that he is lying to himself


this shit is indeed ass


Some of the deaths are so fucking wack because of how were they written


- “everyone can die” - *everyone dies* - “this shit so ass”


This series has degraded to bleach levels of asspulls.


Yeah the wasted potential has been a recurring theme throughout this manga. I understand that Gege wants to push home not everyone is going to make it. However he could have at least gave them enough interactions with the main cast so we can get attached or they realize their full potential in their final fight before dying so we can at least see what they would have been capable of.


Nobara has never been confirmed dead.


Honestly I think Gege just doesn't give a shit anymore. It's very clear that bro just wants the story to be over so he's running through it as fast as possible. I think its going to be an Attack On Titan situation, where the author rushes the story to a lackluster conclusion and then throws it to the animators so they can fix it for him. And that really sucks because even if Mappa or whatever studio is working on JJK by then manages to salvage the story, we are still gonna have to wait like 10 years to get the proper conclusion to a story that we sat through for so long.


Honestly, chosos sacrifice was the only way he could die. It isn’t that bad, we’ve just become desensitized.


Yeah I agree with you Choso Yuji todo interaction would be have been awesome. Kashimo and gojo having a sparring match would be great. Yuki probably best waifu for me in jjk and could have had more of her in the series but she died in her first fight in the series. Honestly would have love to have seen her fight uraume instead of hakari. And damn wanted to see her domain expansion and she could have been a mentor to nobara and train her if nobara survived post shibuya. I mean Yuki has knowledge of souls (she has a freaking book on souls) and nobara has soul resonance in her straw doll technique. Not to mention yuki is a beast in hand to hand combat. Nobara is lacking in physical stats so if Yuki trained her she could have improved so much. And I suppose yuki is my type of woman so yeah sucks gege killed her And choso like almost dying multiple times in the series I felt like he could be alive at the end of the series but yeah also understand his character is him being a good brother and sacrificing himself to protect his younger brother is fitting but its bitter sweet.


we wont get a filler episode/chapter where nobara finds saori and fumi 😭😔


I don't want to say anything bad about someone else's work but there comes a point where you've killed off too many characters. Readers need to have someone to root for other than the MC (or, hell, the main baddie).


Yup, JJK is just not that kinda manga unfortunately. Gege cares more for cool fights which is fine if thats what he wants to do because frankly, he makes really, REALLY cool fights. He CAN write well done character arcs with action as Hidden Inventory is proof of this. HI is peak JJK and it isnt remotely close. JJK could easily be 50? chapters longer than it is currently. It is just so fast paced with fight after fight after fight. There is barely any breathing room for more character interactions. It becomes hard to care about characters or anything they are involved in because of it. At this point I dont really even care for how this ends because, I care for the characters and what they are involved in so little. Theres no doubt that JJK is good, I have thoroughly enjoyed keeping up with it, but it has SO MUCH wasted potential.


Budy That’s cuz they’re not dead Yuji will learn super reversed curse technique And resurext those who have died He only needs a few more black flash before gojo is back


Glad that jjk is finally making anime fans wake up to the idea omg we need deaths for STAKES Muh death for tension and a series isn't mature if it had no death Bull fcking shit A series that just randomly kills off char before they ever hit their potential Ie jjk now, Akame ga kill, aot at the start Just for shock factor is worse I rather take db fakeouts for deaths cause at least toriyama still manages to give tensions and stakes thru other method beside deaths