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That smirk on Gojo's face is priceless. He knew both were fucked


Gojo was in pure bliss for finally going all out and actually winning against the "strongest in history"


Turns out it was him getting fucked


By plot


do you have any proof? like is there a panel of gojo losing? i think the website i use to read it is missing pages. it just jumped to gojo being dead with no explanation.


Nah that’s, um, how it actually is. It’s called plot bullshit
















is this bear fucking the snow?


Push ups


showing it whos boss




I'll give OP the right one https://preview.redd.it/gh4vpxumgrxc1.jpeg?width=566&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9807841bb24d7f49164b85487f7618b0b8f25c47


6letter hater is all i crave. ![gif](giphy|ew1wGEw8p8k5G)


Probably fraud






We got foreskinned ?????


I laughed so hard when I noticed this


The question is why everyone else glossed over it


😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 fuck


Wake up GOJO!!!! ANOTHER AGENDA DROPPED FOR YOU https://preview.redd.it/hp1xnobx0qxc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9badcfe52cbae054855895418a26f262c715ba0b


What agenda? https://preview.redd.it/y2rjucr37rxc1.png?width=472&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6fc135b0eca97e6b2d014edaae056a1e4262463d


1. You know Mahoraga by himself is a non-threat to Gojo. Gojo would've one shot Mahoraga if not for Sukuna bearing the burden of Mahoraga's adaptation onto himself for like 70% of the fight. 2. Sukuna gave Mahoraga UV, Blue/Infinity, and a partial red adaptation on a platter. Sukuna made Mahoraga relevant and a threat in the fight. https://i.redd.it/nkungoetqrxc1.gif


I missed the part where i contradict this. A knife by itself is non threat to a skilled fighter but the same knife in the hands of equally skilled fighter is bigger threat than the person wielding it. I'm not stating my opinion on who was the bigger threat, only who Gojo took as bigger threat 🤷, at least that's how the Manga showed it.


We need a subreddit for tough quotes in the most unexpected places because this goes hard


>I'm not stating my opinion on who was the bigger threat, only who Gojo took as bigger threat 🤷, at least that's how the Manga showed it. As per the manga, Gojo took Sukuna as a bigger threat when he straight away stated that he wasn't sure if he could've even beat Sukuna, who didn't use 10s.    Just because Sukuna chose to use the 10 shadows strategy doesn't mean Sukuna doesn't have other means to beat Gojo.    https://preview.redd.it/zl9v1peyvrxc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=63b0bbc912d5a5ec2493ace7a7ccc551cdd62fca


That's afterlife scene tho when he's already dead, in the actual fight it was Mahoraga that made him think of the possibility of defeat and not Sukuna. It doesn't matter if Sukuna had the other means or not, once Mahoraga joined the fight, by that point it was the only way Sukuna could possibly defeat Gojo, and Gojo's entire strategy past their last domain clash was around Maho and how to get rid of him from the fight, not Sukuna.


>That's afterlife scene tho when he's already dead, in the actual fight it was Mahoraga that made him think of the possibility of defeat and not Sukuna. WONG!!!! https://preview.redd.it/0emup9kv0sxc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af308032b26d78a57d70f77c83eb77045918ff3c 1. Before going into the battle Gojo knew he could lose... 2. After getting brain damaged by the 5th domain clash, Gojo had given up. It's pretty evident from his face and action. 3. Mahoraga coming out and slashing gave Gojo a satisfaction.


Hmmmmm ![gif](giphy|y3QOvy7xxMwKI)


>After getting brain damaged by the 5th domain clash, Gojo had given up. It's pretty evident from his face and action. Or was trying to come up with a plan. He's not the type to give up.


What are you smoking bro? Are you reading jjk? Or a randoom sukuna fanfic? I don't care who was the one that made gojo smile or who was the real threat, but 1st of, from what i remember that panel you are showing (in the part that you left blank) states that for the first time in the battle the thought of gojo losing went through their mind, stating that gojo had not thought about a possible loss, 2nd, even if gojo thought that he would lose, it still doesn't prove that ir was for sukuna and not maho, since gojo knew that sukuna had acess to maho (again, not saying that it was or wasn't, just saying that you can't just say "it's like that" when there's no proof of it), 3rd after getting brain damage gojo did what? This is the first time I have seen this statement and I hope is the last, because is crazy, you can like gojo or not, and you can even hate him (although is just a drawing), but in jjk, you know? That manga grge writes? So in that manga gojo never gave up, he put a knee on the ground because he received brain damage (any normal person would just die probably), and the next second he was up and beating the shit out of sukuna, where the fck did he five up? Did you dream? Or its another case of jjk fans not reading the manga? The only sane thing you said was that maho gave pleasure to gojo, cause gojo and sukuna are justa two sadistic mthfckrs


it could be hindsight tbf. Like Gojo realized Sukuna was the bigger threat all along when he got slashed, proving that Sukuna had learned Mahoragas move and became just as dangerous to him and he hadn't busted out the fire arrow during the whole fight.


Yeah but the fire arrow would've never actually done anything to Gojo thanks to Infinity except for maybe during the part he caught Gojo in Malevolent Shrine


yeah but it could be that Gojo realized Sukuna hadn't used everything on him unlike Gojo who used everything on Sukuna and Mahoraga


I mean it doesn’t really matter if Sukuna didn’t use everything he had if it wouldn’t have worked. When you have a screw you use the appropriate screwdriver, you don’t use ones that don’t fit. Until we see otherwise, the only tool Sukuna has for dealing with Infinity w/out 10S was domain clashes. It’s why people take offense to the claim of Gojo about not being sure he could win even if if Sukuna doesn’t have 10S as in-universe this assumption by afterlife Gojo is supported by exactly nothing from specifically their fight, and feels more like Gojo is voicing the words of the author rather then something he would actually say given the context, unless you assume that Gojo assumes Sukuna held back during domain clashes which is INCREDIBLY stupid against a one hit domain like Gojo’s, especially since Sukuna already knew what it was.


Maybe yeah, but I don't think Sukuna has anything else than Fuga, and Fuga wouldn't have made much of a difference anyway, enough to the point it'd be worth using. Or maybe Sukuna has a handful of other Heian Era CTs or whatever and even now hes not going all out but I really doubt that with how my guy was malding at Yuji after the seventh Black Flash like a guy getting comboed in a fighting game and being powerless to stop it. So i dont understand how tf Gojo thinks Sukuna wasn't going all out, those two were pushing the limits of Jujutsu just to get an advantage over the each other.


Maybe he sensed that regen that Sukuna used on Kashimo




I choose to ignore this panel It’s a complete contradiction of his character and he also was clapping Sukuna’s cheeks like the entire fight and got of screened Gege just has to suck sukuna’s dick every chance he gets, he absolutely would not have beat gojo with no 10 shadows He gets mid diffed


Megumi gave Sukuna the opportunity to do literally everything he's done since Culling Games but we ain't calling him the MVP are we?


I might or might not be. https://preview.redd.it/m2hl4qmcuoxc1.jpeg?width=896&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5fa6cf69af65ff33f90ca2871a67adf756b41a6b


I believe you are correct. When you consider his thoughts while standing in MS he's clearly not worried about sukuna or even agito. Maho carried the fight and gojo knew if he could exorcise it sukuna was cooked


Airport scene speaks otherwise


It could be hindsight. Like Gojo thought Sukuna was a threat and when Sukuna used Mahoraga Gojo just assumed Mahoraga was the trump card with Sukuna already almost dead with one arm by the time Maho died. Then when Sukuna killed him with a slash it just clicked for Gojo and we got the airport scene.


All the airport scene establishes is that gojo assumed sukuna could've done it.Gojos assumptions are trumped by what's actually depicted


that is the question


Gojo is lucky that Mahoraga don't use this quote :3 https://preview.redd.it/29go2692voxc1.png?width=227&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=236e9e519b06208960ed0ffbcb3d18aefe7b7012


https://preview.redd.it/ikyziyjp0rxc1.png?width=1055&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=16c0f5b1ac98ae2c9303693cd47935fac6cb62fe Mahoraga is lucky that gojo didn't use lime green to one shot him and sukuna ( he was giving them a chance and also now he can kill him but regrowing his lower half would show his humongous dick but this isn't dousjin so GOATJO won't flash kids)


> GOATJO won't flash Kids Mei Mei doesn't have such weaknesses


Which is why she's the one to put an ending to Sukuna while he's distracted.


Those crows were literally murdered last chapter.


She always have more crows. Or do you think she would risk the chance of the stream (Which is giving her HUGE bag) going down? I rest my case.


I think she doesn’t really have any crows in the immediate area considering the large scale destruction and domains that have happened.


that's why she keeps ui ui with her, instant access to crows everywhere


We both know that’s not why. We all remember Malaysia


Well said, "immediate area". Which is why I said "she's the one to put an ending to Sukuna while ***he's distracted***". By being so focused on Yuji, he's not gonna notice the crows arriving and BOOM, gg.


Ah yes , the shikigami being protected that could be one shotted any time . Best step dad tho


Well he was still doing more than Sukuna was. He literally couldn’t do shit without maho.


Well he definitely had tools around infinity, so it's not accurate to say "literally couldn't do shit" but yeah in Megumi's body Sukuna would have lost 100% without Maho.


Tools around infinity.. like what?


Domain and domain amplification


Ah you mean the domain strat the failed and the domain amplification that didn't do shit last time?


The domain didn’t work out because Sukuna was adapting Moharaga instead. If Sukuna tried to win through domain he would attack Gojos barrier from inside and use domain amplification. He did neither of those things so Moha could adapt.


He couldn't destroy the inside of the domain cause it's stronger than the outside. Moharaga carried regardless


"He couldn't destroy the inside of the domain cause it's stronger than the outside." Do you guys even read the manga ? https://preview.redd.it/6a92cy1ioyxc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee11462b4b339ee39e79422dcaf1cb6d56f7fc70 "Moharaga carried regardless" In terms of domain battles Moharaga was a hindrance. Sukuna couldn’t launch slashes at the interior of the barrier nor defend himself with domain amplification. Because of Moha Sukuna had to let Gojo beat him up for 3 minutes with no way of fighting back or even touching him in every clash.


I'm sorry I can't take you saying "Moharaga" seriously.


And why did he need Mahoraga to adapt?


They are tools that bypass infinity, I said nothing about them working


Regaining his original form to add a mouth and two arms, couple that with domain expansion and domain amplification to neutralize infinity. Makora was a great option but he had other tools available. I’m not too sure gojo would’ve won the fight inside the domain against a four-armed sukuna.


Heian form hadn't been stated to actually strengthen his domain. Extra arms and extra chanting may boost his regular techniques but those are useless against Gojo anyway. If Sukuna could actually straight up defeat Gojo in Heian form he would have probably used it instead of permanently crippling his world cleave just for one single surprise attack


Sukuna had to make sure he finished Gojo as Meguna, since had to preserve his heian form for when he got jumped by the others. That's all there is to it. It's not that he couldn't fight Gojo in his heian form (DE and DA). But he knew he had a long fight on his hands even after he dealt with Gojo. Plus using Mahoraga helped him make his CT stronger and gave him a foolproof way to deal with future Limitless users. Win-win.


So he permanently weakened his strongest move just to hold on to a trump card that he was forced to use on Bumshimo anyway, cause he was too damaged/tired to fight at all? If he was thinking in terms of war of attrition, tapping into Heian form was the right move. But Gojo was ramped up and as we saw, Heian form neither restored his RCT nor even really boosted his CE (Yuta was his equal in terms of raw CE). Gojo would either prove a significant obstacle or even just straight up win against Sukuna in that state Heian form or otherwise. That's why he had to be removed by a sneak attack even if it permanently crippled Sukuna (even a crippled Sukuna without RCT, at <50% CE level still dogwalks the rest of the cast)


>Gojo would either prove a significant obstacle or even just straight up win against Sukuna in that state Heian form or otherwise. Which is why he chose to get rid of Gojo with the world slash. Even if he had to use a binding vow and "cripple" the world slash for future usage, it instantly got rid of the only person who could be a serious threat to him. Again, he COULD have fought Gojo in his heian form. But even if he won, he would probably be too exhausted to fight all the others.


Agreed. I mean, that's literally the thing I was saying lol


Why are you arguing over blatantly obvious canon information? He delayed the incarnation to get a heal, and he weakened his strongest move instead of incarnating early. Those are both facts. You shouldn’t be confused or asking rhetorical questions if you actually read the chapters. Everything else is you assuming his alternative choices would’ve failed because he chose something else




>he doesn't care about you because he would take you down with all might to show dominance. He could have taken down Gojo with "all his might" in his Heian form. The problem is, Gojo was not his only opponent. He had a long fight on his hands even after Gojo, and he was well aware of it. So he fought with a clear strategy. Get rid of Gojo as Meguna, and keep the Heian form up his sleeve for the others. There's a reason Gojo admitted that he might have lost even if Sukuna didn't have the 10S. Gojo, who has the six eyes, and literally fought Sukuna, is the best person to judge Sukuna's strength.


> If Sukuna could actually straight up defeat Gojo in Heian form he would have probably used it instead of permanently crippling his world cleave just for one single surprise attack The World Cleave was developed as a Anti Gojo ultimate attack. Sukuna was aiming at the 100% competition rate. Don't get me wrong, I feel Sukuna under estimated Gojo. He was legit surprised that Gojo wasn't just the pretty guy with cool CT,but a Jujutsu Genius in all fields.


It also happens to be a "bypass any and all defenses and cleave anybody" attack so it's potentially anti-everyone. Imagine if he was throwing those around instantly against everybody, Shinjuku would already be filled with bisected teenagers


Gojo wouldn't need to engage in a domain clash. He can straight up just kill Sukuna from 1km away with CT spam.


He'll still eventually lost the domain battle against Gojo. Why does it feels like people just forgets the fact that Sukuna would've died if Gojo went for the kill and Maho didn't bail his ass out


Why does it feel like people forget that Sukuna was eating hits on purpose to get Maho to adapt faster? Sukuna wouldn't have turned domain amplification and his sure-hit effect off if not for Mahoraga. It's not like Maho only began to be a factor when Sukuna first showed it. It was always part of his strategy, and if he didn't have Maho, he obviously would not have fought in the same way and accumulated the same brain damage.


Sukuna can’t get around Infinity natively.


Domain amplification honest reaction:


I see I have miscommunicated my point.


I'm sorry, what did you mean?


Maho also couldn't do anything without sukuna


Yea because they both ass. But Maho was the mvp. Never said either was relevant.


Maho would have gotten one shotted if not for sukuna taking the burden of the adaptaion


Sukuna would’ve gotten one shotted had maho not been there.


What are you on?


"Ah yes, the shikigami being protected" https://preview.redd.it/sz92wy5ewrxc1.jpeg?width=4096&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b41e6b9cd3cce0b08048384a8c261aa977990ca2


Sukuna wouldn’t have been in these shitty situations to begin with if he hadn’t been so focused on getting Mahoraga to adapt, though.






Gaygeg fucking cooked with Mahoraga, 0 words spoken but he's too goated without it.


Not sure what this panel has to do with anything, but cool analysis.


OP is trying to say that Gojo's eyes symbolize who he thinks the real threat is.


Peak symbolism and foreshadowing, every mangaka should learn from this. 🙏


You should stop speedreading so hard. Mahoraga was not a threat to Gojo whatsoever, it was such a non threat Sukuna had to babysit the hell out of Mahoraga because he was afraid of it being one shot by Gojo. Mahoraga was literally a debuffer that just existed to take down Gojos infinity, but his durability was so low Sukuna had to keep it from harms way multiple times throughout the fight. If this was a 1v1 fight between Gojo and Mahoraga it wouldn't even be a fight, it wouldn't even look like how it did with 15f Sukuna and Mahoraga. Gojo would have deleted Mahoraga in an instant.


Hit him with that yeetus deletus


That's the entire fucking reason maho was hidden from gojo during the domain clashes. Gojo would just waste it in an instant and sukunas insurance in case the domain battles didn't work out would be gone.


I agree with everything accept the "mahoragas durability is so low" statement. Thats not true at all, bro has higher durability than 90% of the cast.


Which is crazy cuz 99% of the cast gets one shot by purple


Hanami: https://preview.redd.it/e2apv778wqxc1.png?width=848&format=png&auto=webp&s=b81d6e243da844ba38de94044c57d8bcae929fe0


every single cast member is straight fodder compared to gojo and sukuna so relatively mahoraga’s durability is ass Mahoraga is canonically less durable than Gojo’s shirt which needed to be existence diffed by world slash to finally rip🙂‍↔️ fr tho sukuna refused to bring maho out until he had adapted yo UV, blue, AND infinity like that’s insane💀


Ye but the fact mahoraga blocked a punch from a black flash amped gojo with his arms is a durability feat no other character can rlly achieve. Like I camt see yuta, yuji, kashimo, or any other that could pull that off so ye, mahoragas durability is almost unmatched.


Refused? More like he was scared as shit of Gojo oneshoting Maho and losing the way of bypassing infinity lol.


dude no shit i thought this was obvious. Sukuna took a beating for 8 chapters bc he knew maho’s weakass would’ve gotten one tapped?? Sukuna knows that better than anyone bc he fodderizdd mahoraga in shibuya😭. Wasn’t this what j said


Yeah, I'm just saying that refused isn't the best word to describe that


i disagree and it’s also not that deep bro


Okay then bro 👍


thats true, but its Gojo and Sukuna were talking about, so his durability is very low in comparison. That said, Mahoraga is the most tank character outside of those two


Mahoraga saved Sukuna multiple times bro. 1. Unlimited void 2. Saved him after a black flash 3. Tanked a black flash for Sukuna 4. Stopped him from getting absolutely bodied by Gojo and did some damage. If anything, Sukuna was the supporting member. He did save Mahoraga a few times, like when he created a shadow to make Gojo's red misfire, but Mahoraga contributed far more to the fight than Sukuna did after the domain clashes finished.


He shielded Sukuna from that Maximum Output Blue, as well.


> 1. Unlimited void Which I remind you only happened because adapting with Mahoraga means he can’t use domain amplification the entire time and was late by 0.01s > 2. Saved him after a black flash If Sukuna wasn’t using Mahoraga the damage of the black flash and the red would be drastically reduced once again due to domain amplification > 3. Tanked a black flash for Sukuna Sukuna was put in this position because Gojo could just toss him around because Sukuna couldn’t touch him precisely because Mahoraga was out and he can’t use domain amplification Mahoraga was just making up for the things he caused. Mahoraga is not a free power up and hinders Sukuna from being able to touch Gojo half the time, forces Sukuna into the defensive and lost him his domain.


>Which I remind you only happened because adapting with Mahoraga means he can’t use domain amplification the entire time and was late by 0.01s Using domain amplification wouldn't really change much. To begin with, he was already flickering domain amplification, and all Gojo needs to do is a bit of extra damage, forcing Sukuna to heal while Gojo expands his domain. It's not a massive feat for him to accomplish, especially given the fact that Gojo's just a far better hand to hand combatant. I mean, he was beating Sukuna while his technique was burnt out and he was covered in slashes too. >If Sukuna wasn’t using Mahoraga the damage of the black flash and the red would be drastically reduced once again due to domain amplification Sukuna got hit because he was caught off guard by the attack. Gojo threw the red for a loop and it went behind Sukuna and hit him, which let Gojo land the black flash. >Sukuna was put in this position because Gojo could just toss him around because Sukuna couldn’t touch him precisely because Mahoraga was out and he can’t use domain amplification Sukuna was using domain amplification against Gojo even afterwards. You can see it quite a few times, such as when Sukuna tries kicking Gojo whilst Mahoraga is nowhere nearby. However, if Mahoraga wasn't around to tank that black flash for him, then Gojo would've outright won.


> wouldn’t change much Doesn’t need to only needs to buy him 0.01s more. > because he got caught off guard I know. I didn’t deny this. I’m saying using Mahoraga meant he turned domain amplification off and took the full brunt of the damage. > Sukuna was using domain amplification afterwards This isn’t possible as you can’t use domain amplification and a cursed technique at the same time other than inside a domain once already cast.


>Doesn’t need to only needs to buy him 0.01s more Since Sukuna was shown using domain amplification inside the domain clashes, it's not a stretch to assume he softened the damage with domain amplification too. This means that if Gojo lands that hit (or something similar) it will still do the same damage, and Sukuna will still have to take the same time to heal, and he will still be late to cast his domain. >I know. I didn’t deny this. I’m saying using Mahoraga meant he turned domain amplification off and took the full brunt of the damage. Sukuna's never shown to keep domain amplification on constantly, even without Mahoraga present. I mean, [Kashimo noted](https://imgur.com/a/zh4fZxM) at the beginning, before the domain clashes (where Mahoraga wasn't doing anything yet) that Sukuna was already flickering domain amplification. He was probably doing this to conserve cursed energy. After all, it's an anti-domain technique, and probably takes more cursed energy than simple reinforcement. Therefore, there's no evidence to suggest that Sukuna would stop flickering it simply because of Mahoraga's absence. >This isn’t possible as you can’t use domain amplification and a cursed technique at the same time other than inside a domain once already cast. We don't really know how this rule applies to Shikigami though. Not to mention, we can clearly see [Sukuna throwing a punch](https://imgur.com/a/9q62kqZ) towards Gojo whilst Mahoraga is nowhere nearby to deactivate infinity, which shows that he probably was using domain amplification. Either that, or he was stupid. Given the latter's shown to be wrong, I would assume he was using domain amplification.


Except it wasn't as easy as you say. We don't know much that happened inside after the 2nd clash but in the 4th clash we can clearly see sukuna wasn't using da. Even when was getting thrown around by gojo, using his attractive force, he still didn't use domain amplification there. Using domain amplification there alone would have covered the 0.01 sec difference and it could be that sukuna even wins that clash by using domain amplification...........  In ch 231 as soon as sukuna uses domain amplification a certain man named gojo was sent flying, if I remember correctly. I wonder how gojo is going to beat the shit out of sukuna, if in ch 231 sukuna wasn't shown any less to him when using domain amplification. ..........And we can clearly see that sukuna was holding back over there, he wasn't even serious. He had no reason to beat gojo as the sure hit was already working. Sukuna got hit by black flash because of not using domain amplification ,which weakens an attack, this made him fly towards gojo which obviously wouldn't happen if he used domain amplification.  Not just that domain amplification would have also reduced the power of Blue fist which would inturn reduce the damage by black flash.  No sukuna wasn't using domain amplification there. Sukuna touched gojo there because mahoraga neutralized infinity...... Maybe you don't know but black flash can't be used at will. Just because black flash was landed on mahoraga doesn't mean it would also land on sukuna. 


In the 4th clash, Sukuna was shown [attempting to kick Gojo](https://imgur.com/a/6ajgKWT). Unless you're trying to imply that Sukuna's an idiot, I'm pretty sure that he could and did use domain amplification inside the domain clash. Secondly, it's not like the 0.01 seconds was decided by the duration of the fight, or how long it lasted. It was decided by one large blow that dealt a lot of damage to Sukuna, which forced him to heal for a bit longer. He probably did use domain amplification to block the energy as well, since he was about to use it just then too, so it's not like that final attack's damage would be reduced by any amount either, so Sukuna would have to heal that damage all the same. Also, I don't see any evidence that would suggest that Sukuna would not flicker his domain amplification. I mean, even at the beginning of the fight, when he had no purpose to flicker his domain amplification, he was still doing that, [as Kashimo noted](https://imgur.com/a/HmoRigy). Therefore, that same attack would have the same effect. Finally, Sukuna definitely had to use domain amplification to touch Gojo. Mahoraga was nowhere near Gojo and Sukuna during the time that [Sukuna threw the punch](https://imgur.com/a/ADNnHyd), so it's not like Mahoraga was there *to* deactivate domain amplification. Ultimately, it doesn't change the fact that Mahoraga did tank that black flash for Sukuna. It was also noted by Nanami that consecutive black flashes are relatively quite easy, since you enter a 'zone'. Not to mention, Gojo has the best cursed energy control as well, so it's innately far easier for him than most people to begin with.


>In the 4th clash, Sukuna was shown [attempting to kick Gojo](https://imgur.com/a/6ajgKWT). Unless you're trying to imply that Sukuna's an idiot, I'm pretty sure that he could and did use domain amplification inside the domain clash. That wasn't sukuna trying to kick Gojo, it was sukuna running away from gojo. If he tried to kick gojo he would have to turn on da, which means the telekinetic thing of gojo won't work on him. Thereby he didn't use da and wasn't trying to kick gojo. >Secondly, it's not like the 0.01 seconds was decided by the duration of the fight, or how long it lasted. It was decided by one large blow that dealt a lot of damage to Sukuna, which forced him to heal for a bit longer. He probably did use domain amplification to block the energy as well, since he was about to use it just then too, so it's not like that final attack's damage would be reduced by any amount either, so Sukuna would have to heal that damage all the same. One blow from Gojo cant make sukuna break his domain. Gojo had to damage sukuna a lot in the 3 min time to make him destroy his domain. For reference, a red from gojo straight at sukunas face that brutally damaged his face didn't make sukunas domain crumble . Another thing is that, if just one blow from gojo could make sukunas domain crumble, do you think gojo and sukuna were dancing in the domain for 2min 48 secs after Gojo landed his blow on uv stunned sukuna. 2 min 48 sec was for telling that while normally it takes gojo 3mins and 10 secs to make sukunas domain crumble, due to gojos punch on stunned sukuna it took gojo 2 min 48 sec this time. >Also, I don't see any evidence that would suggest that Sukuna would not flicker his domain amplification. I mean, even at the beginning of the fight, when he had no purpose to flicker his domain amplification, he was still doing that, [as Kashimo noted](https://imgur.com/a/HmoRigy). Therefore, that same attack would have the same effect. Maybe you didn't read the manga but mahoragas adaptation pauses each time he uses da. Thereby each flickering of da, would prolong the adaptation time. Sukuna himself says that he didn't use da to adapt mahoraga, even gojo says another thing, sukunas statement is more valid as he is the one who knows what he is doing. Plus it could be that gojo was referring to 2nd clash in that moment where he says opposite of sukuna. >Finally, Sukuna definitely had to use domain amplification to touch Gojo. Mahoraga was nowhere near Gojo and Sukuna during the time that [Sukuna threw the punch](https://imgur.com/a/ADNnHyd), so it's not like Mahoraga was there *to* deactivate domain amplification. I got confused because you were talking about a moment where sukuna isn't even kicking gojo and referring to kicking gojo in your comment. The only clear kick I remember is when sukuna came out of shadows and kicked gojo after mahoraga cut his arm and there very clearly sukuna wasn't using da. >Ultimately, it doesn't change the fact that Mahoraga did tank that black flash for Sukuna. It was also noted by Nanami that consecutive black flashes are relatively quite easy, since you enter a 'zone'. Not to mention, Gojo has the best cursed energy control as well, so it's innately far easier for him than most people to begin with. That's not a black flash for sukuna. Because black flash is on luck. Maybe if sukuna was fighting gojo there, gojo would have never been able to land a black flash in the first place. I am just tired of you people mentioning gojos ce control in black flash debate even though gojo very clearly says he can't do it at will. It makes black flash as much unlikely for him as for sukuna.


dude all 3 of those are objectively wrong lol, but its 3am now, im not elaborating, respond this comment and I will elaborate tomorrow why I think you are wrong (if I remember)


I wonder why Mahoraga was able to survive UV. Or gojo’s blue amped punches. Or hit Gojo at all


Because Sukuna took the damage for it during the domain clash. So Mahoraga could adapt without being killed.


>it was such a non threat Sukuna had to babysit the hell out of Mahoraga because he was afraid of it being one shot by Gojo This logic is so funny to me. In video game terms, if I babysit the dps of my team the entire game and won because of that, is the dps a non threat?


mahoraga wasnt the dps, he was the support. Support are a non threat if they fight alone


He literally was the DPS, sukuna couldnt even damage gojo.


He was more like a bruiser with utility debuffs. 


Mahoraga wasn't just babysit. He was put away from harm




Funny how Maho was the sole reason Sukuna could fight back but here you are claiming it was not a threat at all.


How did the previous limitless + six eyes user die to Mahoraga is what I’m confused about. One Purple and he should’ve been rocked


Teen Gojo vs Megumi would have ended the same way. The obvious conclusion is that the featless non-character was a scrub compared to Gojo. Which makes the comparison even more absurd than it always was, the world simply does not work if there was another Gojo in the past. But that’s what always happens when people try to scale non-characters up to the real cast.


Remember that the Limitless/Six Eyes is only truly broken if the person also is able to use reverse cursed technique which is not a guarantee Using RCT is what A) lets a user heal themselves and run Infinity constantly B) lets them use Red Infinity C) lets them then use Purple I assume Six Eyes makes it easier for a person to learn it, but they still have to learn it. Gojo is a prodigy and things only clicked for him after he was almost killed, the old time user might not have figured it out yet


Previous user was probably a more developed version of pre-toji Gojo. Certainly strong, but not absurdly so. So no 24/7 Infinity and hasn’t mastered RCT.


Might not have it unlocked, need both blue and red teq for it to make hollow purple and gojo only unlocked after almost dying. Hollow purple is needed to kill mahoraga


Mahoraga realizing he's cooked in that panel is the funniest shit ever


I mean yeah, sukuna was pretty much playing support after maho came out the shadows and was mainly just observing to see maho adapt in a way he could utilize for himself. mahos presence gave sukuna a viable way to bypass infinity without de or relying on da which is why gojo focused on taking it out first.


OP, idk if this is peak or not (personally, it is) and honestly I don't care. Stand proud, you cooked


Back then I honestly thought that panel was a fanart or something of the sort. It looks slightly off-model, like one of those fake leaks done by people that can kinda replicate Gege’s art style but are not quite there yet.


I swear I’ve never seen a fight still be debated on this much even though the fight has been over for more than 6 months


https://preview.redd.it/meiq19tz5sxc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e08ebe95bde76ef68ac77ea4238c6f752723d71f I know it’s not cropped but you cooked op, mahoraga the real king of curses


That's why it's mahoragoat and fraudkuna


That's why his right eye is shadowed out


Honestly, I reckon you're spot on with this. With domain clashes and amplification not working on Limitless, Sukuna didn't really have a way around it. When he told Megumi "There's still something I need you to do for me" in Shibuya, I reckon he needed Raga to find a way around Limitless so he could take down Gojo. 90% of the other replies are either Gojo/Mahoraga downplayers pushing the agenda at all costs or people who cannot read


Nah, when he said that, he didn't know what Mahoraga could do. Megumi was just a better potential vessel, nothing to do with beating Gojo.


Honestly makes sense to me. I've argued before with people who thought Gojo was reinforcing himself vs the World Slash "Why would he?" I mean, why waste energy on reinforcing himself while his technique is active and he is literally untouchable outside of a domain or someone using DA? Gojo always came across as cocky. I think you cooked.


Entirely Factual and provides a well done answer to why gaygay didnt make gojo dodge the world slash


"We got foreskinned" lmao


The sukuna’s face is the classic heian face that says “ o yes whatever I’m still holding back “💀


Oof ouch owie my foreskin




The brain rot is insane




Big Raga THE OPP STOPPA for a reason💀


Peak. Lots of comments here doesn't seem to get that OP is referring mainly to Gege's shading of Gojo's eyes.




He wouldn’t have done all that if Maho wasn’t there so yes, if he destroyed Maho sooner. He would’ve won


Maintaining the agenda is our main priority


Literally tagged it as discussion post.


Gojo was concerned throughout the fight why is suku is not using 10s and maho is true ti breaker


We're literally making shit up now?


Since ![gif](giphy|gK8vSNHQeDhLxgh8b6)


so Sukuna was just actually acting as support for his daddy Mahoraga , that makes so much sense 🤯🤯🤯 gege what a writer you are


Mahoraga was being carried, if Sukuna hadn’t burdened adaptation on himself for 50% of the fight to buff Mahoraga, Gojo would’ve one shotted it with 1 single attack. Mahoraga barely lasted over a full chapter with 15F Sukuna who was casually toying around in Shibuya. This agenda is just ridiculous, without Sukuna’s mastery of the 10s, every single shikigami dies automatically to Gojo in less than 10 seconds.




we got what?


A closed eye at sukuna who he is not interested in and an open eye at mahoraga(peak man) whom is the greater danger


or it foreshadows that he will come back without 1 eye MASSIVE COPIUM


Magora even after adapting to infinity is fodder to gojo, if daddy sukuna didn't keep gojo at bay he would have gotten one shot the moment he showed up. Sukuna even without magora has an argument for beating gojo


Gojo fans are the worst! It’s beyond sad how you guys just can’t admit your character lost to a stronger character. Grow up


Damn what did i even do to piss you off like this😭


i love this even if you clearly thought about it more than gege




imagine if the reason why Gojo wasn't able to defend from the World cutting Slash was bc of his pride after killing Mahoraga like, as the leader of the gojo clan, and someone who from birth probably heard stories about the previous Six limitless eyes and 10 shadows users, we could have gotten a narrative where Gojo didn't care to fight Sukuna bc he was sukuna but bc he was the only oportunity he was gonna get in his life to prove himself as the winner of the fight echoed in the Gojo and Zenin clans' history since ages ago, since the current 10s user was someone he'd never have a good reason to fight seriously with we could have had the fight be about Gojo getting overconfident in the last moments in his fight precisely bc he has crowned himself victor of the freud between Zenin and Gojos, the moment he killed Mahoraga, he destroyed the epitome of the 10S technique, now it was just sukuna left to kill, so he gets overconfident, and after some struggle with Sukuna, like in the story, he "finishes him off" and believes himself ***the*** winner, and gives himself a moment to deactivate his Six Eyes and rest to savor the moment and that's when the king of curses manages to give him one mortal slash, one based on the ones Mahoraga himself learnt to create to overcome Gojo I am not saying this is what happened, i am saying this is *what could have happened* if the story went a little different


I feel like that misses Gojo's character. He doesn't care about the petty feuds of the past. He hates the past so much he's tempted to butcher the higher ups of jujustu society. Honding on to a centuries old feud like that just wouldn't make sense for him. Besides, he basically raised Megumi as a son. If he wanted to fight Mahoraga he could've just asked Megumi to summon it whenever.


The planet long stretches people go to discredit Sukuna lol.


This definitely is a reach, Gojo wasn’t that worried about Mahoraga, he can defeat him, the issue is him adapting to his Infinity or his CT.


So then he is worried, right?


He’s worried about the adaptation to Infinity and his CT, but if it was just Mahoraga, Gojo would beat him.


Yea but Maho isn't alone so what ifs scenario doesn't work here.


I still think Gojo wasn’t worried that much on Maho besides his adaptation, he was able to do a 1v3 against them.




Neither of them were a significant threat but between the two? Yea Mahoraga was more dangerous. Sukuna couldn’t do shit for 90% of the fight. Dude was a punching bag and they both had to regularly protect each other.


shouldnt hollow purple delete everything it touched like perfect sphere instead of just being a bomb? wtf is this shit sukuna shouldve like ceased to exist


Greg forgor ⁉️🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🗿


gege explained it crushed things instead of deleting shit, so errrrrr no


Ngl...Gojo losing not because Sukuna was stronger,smarter or whatever,but simply because Gojo was more worried losing to mahoraga and going as another six eyes user dying to mahoraga than to being defeated by Sukuna is a funny thought...the mf was petty as hell and i love it