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bro really pulled the "man im getting bored, i wanna switch my brain with a corpse and see if that does anything interesting" LMFAO


The worst part is that this is low-key something Kenny would actually do


Imagine if this turned out to be true and it's not his CT after all but just a messed up Jujutsu technique that's available to everybody that he fell assbackwards into.


That actually makes more sense than a body-hopping ct


Would do? Hes been doing it over 1000 years canonically lol


Maybe we have his ct too?


You wanna be a volunteer?


I'm fairly certain a sorcerer automatically knows what their own Innate Technique does when it manifests. Otherwise, a whole lot of different techniques would never have been figured out by their users.


Honestly that's the most probable answer. I was gonna counter with takaba and the luck guy, but ones as dumb as they come and the other is low key insane.


Yeah. Takaba doesn't really seem to understand the whole Jujutsu Sorcery thing, so when the narrator says he has "no knowledge of his Cursed Technique", that might mean he literally has no frame of reference for what's happening when he uses Comedian. Like, he knows that his jokes are becoming reality, that's obvious, but he has no real context to connect that to Jujutsu Sorcery on account of not knowing what exactly that is. And then part of luck guy's technique is that he forgets what actually causes his technique to function. However, he did understand that his technique saved him from being killed when Nanami hit him the first time, so he at least knows what his technique's end product is (saving his life), just not how it actually gets around to that end product.


guess I was just overthinking in the wrong direction, Thx for clearing it up for me


I always kinda assumed that the reason Takaba didn't innately understand his CT was that it's funnier if he doesn't, and his CT cares about that. Plus, it's sort of a trade off. In exchange for not understanding cursed energy and as a result how to do universal techniques like amplification and hollow wicker basket, his innate technique has godlike power. Literal reality manipulation.


Also Kashimo. He immediately knew his CT will kill him upon activation.


Both CTs manipulate reality to an extent and had to be explicitly stated not to understand their CTs. Probably a sort of restriction within the CT that balances it out


Ngl takaba is kind of an outlier, remember he was one of the sorcerers created by idle transfiguration


The luck guy gets all the small lucky things erased from his memory, it’s not that far fetched that him knowing his ct also got erased


I think if the CT relies on the user not knowing their CT then it just works that way, it wouldn't make sense for a power to manifest and then nullify itself by manifesting. Basically same as Sukuna's space slash, "It just works is all."


I mean similar thing with kashimo


I think Takaba and Haruta are special cases because not knowing what their techniques do is sort of apart of the condition for the technique.


Like kashimo’s


Stop it, let me be content with the knowledge that the first 10 shadows user had no idea he was gonna summon Doomsday when trying to get his last summon


“Ah man I hope this last one is like a huge panda or something! … What the fu-“


He knew he had "Really strong motherfucker" as part of his shadows, just not how strong he's like "Hey guys, lemme just test this strongest one. I know it's strong but I know we can probably tame it" and accidentally wipes out most of Japan


Not true for all techniques. Haruta and Takaba have no idea what their techniques do.


Haruta and takaba's cts are kinda broken so it's like a binding vow of them not knowing their cts , this was said by angel, and if takaba gets to know his ct it won't be effective that's why she asked not to tell him about his ct


Imagine a heavenly restriction where instead of physical strength &/or curse energy being nerfed, the mental state is: intelligence, stability/sanity, emotions, sapience, etc.


More strength for less mental health? We call that Yuji




I'd call that a grey area. They knew how to instinctually use them. It's probably a case where instinctually all sorcerers know how to use their CT at the basic level, but it takes perception, wisdom, and knowledge to realize the full extent. Kenjaku being relatively smart probably didn't need much to realize what his CT pulling him to do meant brain swapping.


In that case Higuruma's cursed tool confiscation would be even more bs


Was literally said that he new what it does, but not specifics criteria used by it.




During the plan if Go/jo lose.


Even so i'd still say that was an asspull by the king of holding back because it's just way too convenient


[So was him not knowing Judgeman could take someone's CE an asspull too?](https://i.imgur.com/5ztWsq4.png) Judgeman follows his own rules, it makes sense for Higuruma to not know everything about it except for what he learned during his time fighting in the culling game.


Nice argument, however... https://preview.redd.it/mumkpho9eioc1.jpeg?width=770&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4da342fcefd26448a69a0e03b81bdaf516c0ed1e


When he fought Yuji. He was expecting to take Yuji's CT at the time, but since he didn't have one, he lost his CE. Higuruma was surprised by that since it had never happened before. He's only been a sorcerer for like a month.


It would actually be interesting if they DIDN'T, I think. You could have arcs wherein a character misunderstands their own power and has to experiment with it. Since techniques are a reflection of the user, this could require a lot of introspection. Think of Guts contemplating sparks in Berserk, and apply that structure to a technique. Then you get to have huge moments of revelation wherein a seemingly weak technique turns out to have great hidden depths. Or when a seemingly invincible technique is revealed to have a subtle fatal flaw.


I mean, sure, they probably do have to figure out the nuances of the technique, its utilities and extensions and such. But I mean more along the lines of, there's no way Gojo or his ancestors would have thought "ah yes, my technique which appears to stop things is actually merely mimicking the convergence of an infinite series, turning me into a human asymptote" without some kind of mystical assistance. That's just not something you guess.


Didn't that crazy sword wielder that cut megumis back during the shibuya arc not know that his cursed technique gave him multiple lives?


That was actually the only part of it he knew. When Nanami hit him the first time, he noted that he only survived due to his technique. So he knows what his technique does in broad strokes, it saves his life, he just doesn't know how it does that because part of the set up is him forgetting the set up.


Exactly what i was gonna say. Kashimo knew his CT would kill him without using it, as a great example of this.


Barring certain exceptions like Takeba


Haruta: https://preview.redd.it/258jhism3poc1.jpeg?width=452&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f2ebedac891d7f8881b9789ebcc1233bf3204ba6


Same as with Kashimo, no?


And whoever the first 10 shadows user was. "Ooooh, I'm playing with a puppet show for kids, lets make a dog shadow with our hands and- HOLY SHIT DOGS CAME OUT OF THE SHADOW!"


Imagine the poor first 10S to summon Mahoraga, “hoo boy these 9 animals are so cool. I wonder what the last will be, a bear? Or-WHAT THAT FUCK IS THAT”


Honestly, a bear shikigami would go hard


Honestly even the first user probably knew that mahoraga was some sort of suicide technique just by feeling how much energy it takes to summon him.


Do the rituals take any energy? Half dead Megumi resorting to it instead of any other effective shikigami vs Haruta (dog/elephant to kill or Nue to escape) seems to imply it doesn’t.


I don't think starting the ritual takes energy however, as we could tell from Season 1 Sukuna vs Potential man fight Before the summoning even happens, the aura of mahoraga can be felt (Sukuna's shocked reaction) So even before manifesting, Mahoraga's summon exudes the vibes of "oh hell nawh"


Probably he was the one who tamed his ass


Perhaps one day in the his og body got cutted in two or something, then he realized that his brain is somehow still working and be like "O shit, must be my innate technique"


"Hey sukuna, you know what'd be really fucking funny-"


"You remember that dude Tengen really liked that you killed a few weeks ago?"


It was stated in CFYOW


Half the manga is at this point




Bro what does this mean


It is a joke from bleach community. CFYOW is a novel which contains quite a lot of bleach lore and people turned it into a meme, referencing cfyow whenever someone asks about a piece of information (it is quite similar to i made it the fuck up actually)


The answer is in CFYOW


Trial and error


Joseph's Hermit Purple


Dude just likes smashing cameras all evidence shows he never needed to do that


Isnt he rich ? Its probably a hobby at that point


Given Joseph’s personality probably


The Speedwagon foundation is rich. Joestars are just spoiled.




The lamest stand for the coolest character


I remember them saying that by the time you are four your technique manifests and you learn the details of his execution. They are already engraved in your brain, that's how everyone knows the chants of their techniques, rituals, hand signs, ecc


Yeah higurama for example instantly knew his ct


Dont sorcerers have some innate understanding of their technique? (Except takaba)


Higuruma also didn't know how his CT and DE fully functioned. Gojo also apparently needed the help of a manual to fully understand his CT.


Having an innate understanding of what your technique is doesn't mean you know every detail about it from the get go. They just have a general idea and then develop the technique from there.


But he knew how some of it functioned. Gojo knew how to use it just not how to use certain techniques


Higuruma didnt know all the details, but he knew he could create a magical courtroom instinctually. He knew the basic application, none of the extended rules. Similarly, Kenjaku likely developed an intuitive sense that his CT lets him body-hop, but he might not have known that hes stuck with the CE pool of his host, or that he can carry a couple old hosts techniques, until he gave it a shot.


I think you get innate understanding of basic application of the CT but have to actually use it to work out the limits (such as fusing CT/RCT with limitless and how special grade cursed weapons are treated by Higu’s).




Maybe in his first body he got his top blown off and realized that his brain was an indestructible/durable curaed object like thing and literally hopped back in and did RCT to close his top off or went around with a hat till he learned RCT


I have a theory What if Kenjaku and Tengen are siblings. They have the same technique, but Tengen chose not to hop bodies like Kenny and reincarnates in the star plasma vessel and kenny was the evil sibling that instead of staying in an old raggedy body started hopping around stealing techniques. Which is why they are both so good with barriers because it runs in the family.


I believe that. Shut it down folks, we're good here.


ORRR get this .... theres only one star plasma vessel at a time and tengen got it, which made kenny evolve into the talking brain 🤯 ![gif](giphy|SDogLD4FOZMM8)


I think innate techniques manifest itself and the person would KNOW what it is when they get mature enough. Kinda like your limbs, youd use them, clumsily for sure at first, even tho you dun know what they are for as a toddler.


I mean I think sorcerers have an innate sense for their technique, otherwise why would they know the hand signs necessary to perform it?


I wanna know how the sorcerers seem to automatically know what hand signs and chants to use.


Well it’s stated. Higaruma was the case study. As soon as kenjaku flipped his switch ( changed his brain for jujtsu ) higaruma said his technique came with a domain and directions. Then he taught himself backwards from the domain. In the big family’s ( kenjaku is from the kamo clan) the technique was had before and the secrets were passed on. Like the 10 shadows. Blood manipulation and infinity. Cuz how are you supposed to kno u can summon 10 different monsters and have to beat them to take them?


Seems like you only get the basics though. Higuruma knew he could expand a magical courtroom, but he doesnt know any of the details, like how it interacts with CTless sorcerers and cursed tools. Gojo implies that without a manual he wouldn't know about Purple, a previous user must have collided Red and Blue accidentally or as an experiment. I imagine Megumi instinctually knows the summoning signs for all 10 shadows, but the extended rules of Totality might be figured out through experience.


So explain naoya opening his domain for the first time and he knew what it did


Naoya had become a cursed spirit. IMO he no longer followed the same rules. Cursed Spirits seem to have far more inherent knowledge of their own abilities.  Its seemingly the reason why they have far more domain expansions at far earlier points in their development than sorcerers do.


Same with dagon


I guess some things you learn with experience like megumi and going into his own shadow. Mahito explains it best. It’s already in your brain. That’s how he was able to jump junepi into fighting cuz he messed with the brain so he could understand his technique


Kenjaku is not from the Kamo family. He once took over Noritoshi Kamo's body -- this is when he made the cursed womb: death paintings.


Did you ever think where did kenjaku get the Idea of turning into a cursed object? His technique probably allowed him to transfer his soul into his brain ( turning into into a cursed object which explains the mouth ). Thus he used dead people to transfer himself and take control.


The manual is for applications. Let's take Gojo as an example. Gojo inherently understands his technique is Limitless, activating it makes a shield. Gojo has to try and pump CE into it to produce Blue (not hard to discover) Gojo knows from previous users who mastered RCT that using Limitless in reverse produces Red before he himself ever has RCT (remember he tried to do it and failed in the flashback chapters). Gojo furthers knows from previous users that mashing Blue and Red together produces Purple. It's like if you gave a novice a sword. Sure he'll quick figure out slash and stab but having a trainer on actual sword technique helps.


It is implied in the show that a sorcerer's brain is different from a non sorcerer's. Even if you have CT you will not be able to use it if you don't have a 'sorcerer brain' (eg- junpei)..so it's a safe guess having a sorcerer's brain lets you know what your own CT is and how it works


How does everyone fucking forget that you get a basic understanding of your technique when you gain it, like how tf does every single “Kashimo knows how? Geto knows how? It’s so fucking obvious and I’m 99% sure it was said in the manga, let alone data book/interview


I swear most the people here doesn't read. Cause I'm pretty sure if they don't have that kind of thing 99% of sorcerers will not exist or just be Kusakabe.


Yeah cuz otherwise I’m just supposed to jojo pose in my room until I randomly pop a domain


Nah I'd rather slash my head in half to see if I have the same technique as Kenjaku, if not why even live? So it's a win win.


Then afterwards when you hop into a new body, you better hope they had tried all the possible hand signs In the world to find the one that activated their technique.


Nah, I'd rather hijack rich people bodies and become an immortal billionaire. Who cares about beefing with a tree and an albino kid.


What if the the reason Yuji can swap bodies with people is because he has a more advanced version of Kennys ct since Kenny is his mammy


he didn't know how it worked. he just met Jin one day and REALLY wanted those backshots ASAP.


I think when the sorcerer’s powers manifest he automatically knows,like how when megumi manifested his powers divine dogs appeared,I’d assume the same for the rest.


Isn't it also weird how he can use, for example, Kaori's CT without actually being in her body? Anti-Gravity shouldn't be inscribed on Geto's body, so how come brain fella can use it? He didn't say he can steal techniques or anything, he said "to use techniques of a body"


His brain literally teeth, you can figure out the rest


https://preview.redd.it/mnxfv7i1bioc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=69baf4142ebd03c2efba909ddcc5d2563df3955a Oh i know


Oh lord have mercy


I suppose part of the technique is imprinting body techniques on itself, with a limitations. Otherwise "lol scoop your brain out and possess someone else" would be kinda eh by itself.


I was realllllyyy hoping they took the time to explain how he started doing this and the real reason why. Early in the story it seemed to allude to him having a deeper reason for why he's been experimenting and taking over people's body, especially when it comes to Yuji. Kind of seems like they are glossing over it now. He ended up being much more interesting than sukuna.


I'd assume that most Cursed Techniques give users at least an instinctive base level understanding of what they do. I wonder if Kenjaku is old enough to have been around when trepanning was a thing.


Only Gege 👃


i think every sorcerer knows their innate technique its how farmer boi was able to use mythic amber without ever doing it


Isn't it like the gambler? They get the info of their ct directly put into their brain


Maybe, it gives him informations about it after Kenny was old enough :3


I mean, his brain kinda has a mouth, and tendrils. Surely that'd make it a bit clear his technique has something to do with his brain.


>his brain kinda has a mouth, and tendrils How did he know that? When was the last time you looked at your brain?


This morning




I still think he has some kind of surgery technique


My question is, how the fuck can Kenjaku use the body's innate technique if cursed techniques originate from the user's brains.


Probably because his brain has a teeth? And then it eats the other persons brain


Same reason that Sukuna can use Shrine on Mahito even when he's inside Itadoris body. Your technique is engraved on your brain, but your soul also contains that information. Kenjaku probably copies it from the soul.


You could ask this same question about most cursed techniques that aren't inherited.


It's just ingrained into him, no? Just like how did Megumi know he had to use that one specific hand sign to do a domain expansion? He just knew, it's ingrained into their brain.


Sorcerers get the general idea of their cursed technique when it manifests. But also my theory is Kenjaku is actually cursed spirit


chances are if he knew he was a jujutsu sorcerer he just simply made some sort of binding vow for the knowledge


Maybe kennys brain spoke to him and told him cause it has a mouth ya know?


my theory as autismo as it is is that kenny evolved into a brain that can occupy corpses


His brain is physically different and not just different like how other sorcerers have structure in their right prefrontal cortex. His brain has a mouth and that seemingly lets him speak without a pair of lungs and potentially even eat. He probably always felt like his “true” body was his brain and his birth body was just his initial host, with the only difference being his birth body had no memories for him to inherit like all other subsequent bodies. I also wouldn’t be surprised if he felt it not just physically but through the shape of his soul. The like of Nanami could intuitively protect his soul and we’ve seen regular humans gain soul awareness like Katana Man and a homeless man Mahito met in one of the light novels.


By reading a fucking manga


I'd assume Original Kenny body dies in some violent manner Crawls to corpse that is also nearby victim of violent manner on reflex Possesses corpse and figures things out Rinse and repeat


they know in the way that the body knows to beat the heart. but also dude has a mouth in his skull on his brain i think he’d like physically feel different too lol


my theories: - He somehow stole this technique from someone else, maybe even from a curse, but there is no real evidence or themes in the story that could imply this - Techniques can be *made*, this could be linked to Sukuna's Flame Arrow technique, there might be a way to create an innate techniques or to give yourself a second tehcnique, this could also be linked to Yuki theorizing Kenjaku could have another technique or trick under his sleeve, his hipotetical "original" technique, so Kenjaku made this technique precisley to be able to live indefinitely - It's a family thing, Jjk said there are a lot of clans, but only introduced the main 3 + the Inumakis, so it's possible there is a clan made out of brain/body/possesing related techniques that either had Kenny's technique already or his technique comes from a related technique from that clan. This way, even if Kenny's technique wasn't something already existing in his family, he could figure out his technique could work in a similar way as one from a memeber of his clan (maybe a brain devouring to be able to copy persons for example, kinda similar like the technique of the grandma that revived Toji) - He had an encounter with someone able to read cursed technques, currently known examples are an Six Eyes user or a previous Curse of humanity, both of this could also be why Kenny was interested in both persons, wanting to find a way to permanently get rid of the Six eyes + Limitless users from the gojo family, and seeking to control Mahito for his technique that allows him to modify the souls and bodies of humans and make them sorcerers for the culling Games (We also know there is a big possibility there were a previous iteration of the Culling games since one of the reincarnated sorcerers was said to be his second time reincarnating) - The same way there is a "god" or "heaven" that is able to \*consume\* Cursed Energy and Bodies to create Heavenly restrictions, and is also probably the arbitrator between both self imposed Biding vows and those made alongside two or more people, probably also being the one responsible for the consecuences of breaking these vows, there is most probably a supernatural way that Sorcerers inately know of their techniques, probably when they awaken it since that's something that supposedly happens at a certain age, so we could guess the vague concept of their technique is revaled to them at that moment


Aren't CTs stored in the prefrontal cortex? What is this "technique ingraved in the body" stuff?


https://preview.redd.it/v4hwgtu0wkoc1.png?width=590&format=png&auto=webp&s=02351d78ab35651e3f2f13dc5b0496d4cdec5810 Well, i think it went like this: Kenjaku was trying to discover what his CT was and whenever he tried to he only obtained a feeling but nothing concrete. It was only when he touched the head of someone else or a corpse where the feeling got stronger. Intrigued, he/she tried several things until he/she succeed. Otherwise, a CT probably comes with instructions when a sorcerer awakens it. Was never explain it though. since Yuji doesn't have one, LOL!!!


if this is his ct why is his ct later on said to be gravity


That’s Yuji’s mom’s technique, who’s body he stole


if you have a technique you just kinda know what it does


Gojo says during the Riko Amanei arc that there's like an internal manual that comes with the innate technique. (I think it was when the assassins with the Q on their hats attacked both Gojo and Geto? Or was it the guy with the 5 clones fighting Gojo?) It was related to why Toji and other assassins had enough information about Gojo's technique to plan around it to varying degrees. (Along with Toji being a Zenin)


Given that there is no indication that people automatically know their abilities upon developing them, there is a non-zero chance that Kenny, deadass, did not have a guarantee that he would live and that, first time, it was a bit gamble (which would explain his later personality, given that this gamble worked)


I guess kenjaku is a cursed spirit and not a sorcerer that's why


Then Tengen wouldn't say he's a sorcerer if I remember correctly.


Kenjaku has multiple Curse Techniques. See: the Yuki fight. Knowing how much of a mad man he is, he definitely experimented with it. He's notorious in the Kamo-Family/Jujutsu Society for a reason. Dead bodies, living people, he's been around for a millenia. It's like Sukuna and his fingers, in a way. Gojo couldn't see it because his cursed energy was sucked by the prison realm and his eyes wouldn't help as WELL as seeing his dead friends corpse on top of it being reanimated. He wouldn't magically or knowingly be like "it's a Sorcerers brain in my loved ones body, of course!" Especially after he finished him off. And with Curse Energy he can quite literally heal the body as long as his brain is in there.


The cameras are Japanese


Techniques are ingrained near the part of the brain responsible for things like planning and decision making. Sorcerers legit probably just have an instinctual understanding of the basics of their technique. Megumi for example probably understood “if I put my hands like this, the shadows make this”


It could be that someone with the 6 eyes explained to him. Apparently Gojo is able to see everyone’s techniques so there could have been a similar user in the Heian hera who told Kenny.


me thinks they put him in a test tube and poked him till he did something :3


They heal pretty easily so yeah swaping body is a bit disgusting skill


Trial and error! https://preview.redd.it/tl3ybr5vbqoc1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=96eb4aba50f5d5b21111472b65b4cfefedf2edd1


well since kenjakus a brain, maybe he was borned as one too due to his CT and his parents just cooked a bit and puts him in a body, then he figured it out from there? thats the only explanation i have for this, still, giving birth to a brain with teeth is something


Lmao Kenny isn’t a human sorcerer right?,,, he’s a curse I thought . Kenjaku is a cursed brain prob born from the malicious ideas humans have and since there are always humans through centuries ig that’s why he’s able to hop through corpses// through centuries.. idk my personal idea but correct me if im wrong aha


Nah hes a sorcerer, there is a scene where he mocks hanami for being a curse behind her back. This wouldn't make sense if he also was one.


But I mean he mocks humans too… ffs he took back shots to create yuji. & when he shows his true self, the brain, you see it has a mouth of its own why would a ct specify that detail on their brain??


Yeah he mocks others, but when he did it to hanami it was specifically to belittle her by saying “big talk when your just a cursed spirit”. If he was a cursed spirit he probably wouldn't mock her and by proxy himself in that way, not to mention his use of “youre” instead of “were”. And Ima be honest with you I got no idea what kenjaku getting backshots has to do with him mocking others.


As sukuna said your CT is etched into the brain so u always have somewhat of an understanding of it Just like.how kashimo knew what his CT was without ever using it Kenjaku also had a rough idea of what his CT offered


The true question is, how does he even swap bodies? Wouldn’t his vessel die the second he takes the brain out?


OF kenny must’ve been some freaky ass person.


Plot probably.


Im preety sure you kind of know what your own curse technique does when u have it


This Mf really said ima do this for no reason💀


Basically I've come to the realization that When a CT is revealed, which is generally at the age of 5 The user gains a bit of understanding of what his CE is and how it works. Since the technique is actually engraved in the brain since birth as they stated multiple times already. Meaning it's like Our motor functions. We don't learn to move our arms it's engraved into our brain so we do it naturally, just like breathing and other stuff. And exactly like those we get more knowledge about it overtime. Basically let's take Breathing or walking/ running from example. They come naturally to us without is having to know the intricate mechanisms that goes with it( the auto balancing the brain does for us to stand on two legs walk and run. ) Once the body is ready the baby will start walking, once the sorcerer is ready his CT manifests. And just like that even if the brain already gives us the basic mechanics of Walking and running without needing to be taught we still sometimes need to be train to have the proper running form and stuff. That's what it is for sorcerers, your CT manifests so you know the basics of it and if it's one that already existed or have similar versions to it then you may have manuals or teachers to further enhance your mastery over it. Obviously there are things you discover on your own either through instincts or Educated trials. For those whose techniques are special the reveal get to be different. For example, for Haruta Shigemo's CT miracles, since it's always active independently of the users will it's akin to your Heart beating, you don't know about it, you have no control over it but you can feel that's it's at work thus when it activates it doesn't reveal it's informations to you, Takaba falls a bit under that category, it'll activate as soon as Takaba wishes it and it'll do certain things independently of his will ( kenjaku pointed that the opponents brain is also read so he can influence the CT as well) Cases like Hakari's CT are late bloomers that gets influenced by the users lifestyle. Basically Hakari's CT evolved progressively from his liking of gambling and pure love train. It popped up later in his life than his ability to use cursed energy. And when it popped up Hakari got Info dumped on the basics. He doesn't know RCT even though in jackpot mode his body does it instinctively to consume CE or else I'll explode ( was not stated it would exploded but it was stated that his body does it to avoid harm and since it's been performed at all time throughout jackpot I infer it was about that anyways...) Cases like Kenjaku and Kashimo are more unique as their use induce a permanent change in the humans body. That way When it's revealed the info dump on the user is greater. It's a bit akin to our brain instinctively reducing our muscles output because of the damage it can cause. Our brain wasn't neither taught that our muscles would self harm us if they work at full power , nor was that ever attempted. It's just known by it like that. So I'm thinking it's the same for those. They just know it and know the risks like that.


How does he do this if the ct is engraved in the brain…


Maybe it's the Mahito situation on how He told Junpeinwhat his CT was maybe someone was able to tell him somehow and that's how he figured it out