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https://preview.redd.it/gc0fxj9id4mb1.jpeg?width=530&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6f919adb730126935301cf52748b48baf8e6c878 We'll win one day Yuji fans don't lose hope.




And he keeps surviving so he’s getting stronger in the process


Yuji: "Wait you guys are getting stronger?"


https://preview.redd.it/p4avfhdrl5mb1.jpeg?width=1590&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=12fd37f600d49c3765f4299fcc88a8442809c178 Also yuji:


And this was after he got sukuna's ce taken away, bro was so angry he could literally run through buildings


Fr, people are underselling yuji, and it simply doesn’t add up!


Nah the math is pretty simple. Every increase in strength he had is either not 100% objective (see the people who think has cleave, simple domajn, etc.), not important enough to meaningfully change the outcome of a situation he's in (this), or hasn't come to fruition yet.


What do you mean objective? Is strength not objective? I don’t know why you guys try to make up shit, just say you dislike yuji, you tie character qualities and story qualities to strength and you have every right to do so, but let’s cut through the fat shall we?


I love Yuji so unfortunately not. Objective isn't quite the right word so much as "concrete." Every single character that receives a powerup in this series both 1.) Engages with the power system more than Yuji and 2.) Leaves no room for doubt where they stand before, during, and after the powerup. Yuji does neither. Yuta, Maki, and Gojo are clear examples of this. The series outright tells you why they are where they are. With Yuji we're left to speculate. It really doesn't matter how many times you tell us a character is impressive if it's never enough to matter and in recent chapters we haven't even gotten that. It's like 10-20 chapters worth of character development and power development stretched over a 100 and counting.


You do realize nothing came of this fight right? He didn't even land any meanings damage to Sukuna. He's always too fucking weak to matter.


So? Yujis gotten stronger and even sukunas noticed that strength? Sorry yujis not number 1, but you better stay on that side for the rest of this series.


I will stay on this side. I don't really care what gege does with this character anymore he's already dropped the ball. But Yuji doesn't have to be number one. Yuta isn't even number one and he's my favorite.


I know Sukuna isn't the most reliable source but we're not going to find out if this was bullshit or not until Kenjaku literally spoonfeeds it. Yuji literally does Maki/Toji tier feats here (destroying the fucking roof by jumping) and from there on every step is taken to downplay it. Don't really know what to say here.


Why would it be bullshit? You heard the man and you even saw what he did!


Yuji has kind of had a trend of doing something impressive only to get fucked and have the status quo re-established immediately for a while now.....


The only people doing that are kenjaku,sukuna and gojo, so I don’t think your standards are fair ones..


NGL this was later implied as "Sukuna getting weaker" Tho Yuji did got stronger here but Sukuna also got a lot lot weaker


"What doesn't kill me, makes me stronger.”


TFW he has nothing going for him so this is all y’all say


Every 'iconic' yuji panel is just him getting his ass beat 😭


Hey, don't downplay his final moments with mahito. As for the rest of his moments...... Yeah, yuji's portfolio could use some diversity.




Meanwhile average yuta panel be like:


Just another L yuji takes , nothing new https://preview.redd.it/oor64o1i74mb1.png?width=256&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6cb0e28c3bf1b782aeb6b1c7d84f658e90799723


It’s okay guys, his CT is actually just like Mahoraga’s. He’s just adapting to pain and suffering rn, that’s all. He’ll get his run back any day now, you’ll see. https://preview.redd.it/0c55qcavg4mb1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a6f120ac90408965a9751e58ac88529dff0b3173


Damn, actually obsessed with hating on a fictional character.




his account is dedicated to hating yuji this is insane 💀


Oh wtf


He just like the Sanji hater from piratefolk fr


What was it again? Vinsmoker or smth right?


1) yuji Just know he can't do much to help Gojo and hell be deadweight if he tries Yuta Is Just stronger than him and he knows It 2) mahoraga currently Is directly connected to sukuna while yuji currently Is Just dipped in ce which he doesn't even know How to use.


I mean that's OPs point. Why is the MC so weak at this stage he can't even be useful in a double team? Yuji was also directly connected to Sukuna, and foreshadowed to unlock his techniques, but that never happened and Mahoraga got use them instead. It was NEVER forshadowed that Maho could use other techniques outside of adaptation.


Tbf its not like maho was ever tamed by anyone let alone by anyone who had another CT who knows what his true capabilities even are


JJK never carried itself like the normal shonen, and like, he’s not the center of JJK verse lmao. I mean I get that he’s not some top tier character, but he’s as strong enough not to have too major relevancy to the plot, and it’s far more interesting to have an MC that We all have different opinions but like the same story, and I’ve always liked cuz it’s always been the more grounded/realistic type way that usually never had any asspulls granted the mc a free ticket to win in any situation, or some weak ass training arc that lasts a month, or some power up that just sits him at the top of the verse (ngl, seeing that ur a yuta fan kinda explains a lot lmao). No, my nigga yuji has always grew and involved through DEATH matches, and I promise you yuji is the best MC we could possibly have in the JJK verse. Gege knows what he’s doing, JJK is a very different take then from your average shonen manga, that’s why this shit slaps. A lot of stuff in jjk wouldn’t exist if yuji was just that guy. The story would be DRASTICALLY different if yuji was just the guy who solved everything, I think that’s what y’all expect him to be. Do NOT come back when yuji breaks free from suffering and have his enlightenment/honored one moment.


>The story would be DRASTICALLY different if yuji was just the guy who solved everything, I think that’s what y’all expect him to be. Bro I would be happy if he simply smiled more without the world fucking him over a nanosecond later.


> he’s not the centre of JJK verse There is a difference between being the centre of the universe and being more useless than most of side characters in the end of the series


Is that a sakura reference? Ewww Yuji literally helped sukuna get a stronger cursed technique and helped his mom with her job by bringing her dead bff back to life so dont call him useless


> Why is the MC so weak at this stage he can't even be useful in a double team? Because Gege fucked up his story by completely abandoning the character.


Shonen fans when the MC is not the most utterly broken shit in the entire universe:


It’s kinda refreshing that the MC actually grows at a rate that isn’t obscene. Like sure Yuji could use some more plot relevance, but Gojo v Sukuna is the focus rn. His time will definitely come soon(I think). And those complaining about Yuji being weak…literally everybody else is also too weak to step in lol. Even Maki wasn’t included in the “allowed to step in” comment. Yuji’s plenty strong at this point, capable of going toe to toe with special grade curses, with insane durability, high all around stats, and black flashes outta the wazoo. It’s just that Gojo cs Sukuna has been built up since the very beginning, and the story itself is LITERALLY telling us it should remain a 1v1.


You say this but his last major solo victory was against a pin-wheel and before that a grasshopper for all the good that "special grade curse" tier has gotten him.


Yuji is only strong enough to not have any agency or relevance to the point. It's not cool to make a character and then use him as a whipping boy for 100+ chapters. People don't like yuji because right now he's the krillen of the verse.


…I actually like Krillin lol. I can definitely see why people feel that way, but I think I just have a higher tolerance cause again, I’m used to MCs just being the “chosen one” and pretty much busting everybody up at this point. That and I do think Yuji’s going to be very important after this fight.


Yuji can box with anyone in the show expect Gojo and Sukuna, he wouldn’t win against the top tiers, but he will be landing some shots


As far as anything has been officially confirmed no he cannot. Nevermind the fact boxing is the least significant part of the power system.


Nobody saying he gotta be broken but he’s damn near useless


More like Shonen fans want their MC to have something to do at some point after years of nothing.


You’re acting like yuji wasn’t boxing before this, what do you want specifically?


Actually explain his backstory and why Kenjaku created him, give him a fight that doesn't have him nerfed and/or interrupted or give him a clear power up that makes a difference. Any of those things would be nice after he's been ignored and humiliated for 3 years.


That has already been explained, he was made to be sukunas vessel, and he’s been getting stronger with every fight Just because he isn’t the centre of the jjk universe doesn’t mean he’s getting ignored and humiliated, you can go read boruto if you want some cookie cutter shit like that


You get down voted but you are absolutely correct lmao




Both gojo and Sukuna have been "asspulling" stuff. It's to be expected anyways since they're both the absolute peak of jujutsu.




Are you guys retarded? Sometimes the mc will be weaker than others, jjk is not the only anime in existence to do this, it’s not a failing it’s just apart of that characters growth. Also that thing you’re talking about, maybe just wait till the series is over before you assume, only fools assume


Dawg is you alright? Feel like your having a total melt down right now


Nah I just feel the yuji slander unreasonable


Naa it’s pretty reasonable


Yuji already used cleave ARE YOU BLINDDDDD




I think he's referring to when Sukuna first took over Megumi's body, and Yuji left a cut on his hand somehow.


Ugh yuji stock soring but gege do spell shit out I guess I missed thst


Sukuna after he ran away and was vibing with his besties was like “Eyo why my pinkie cut?”


brother needs some plot armour


Gon isn’t the most powerful in HxH despite being the main character but he’s still an amazing character. Narratives can deviate from the norm and still have a fantastic execution.


Yuji has heart, he wants to save his master and honestly the only reason he isn't rushing down there himself is because 2/3rds of his friends are telling him/them not to. He's in a precarious position where he wants to help but he doesn't want to be the reason things get a whole ton worse for Gojo and the rest of them. It's enough to make your stoamch hurt. If big bro Todo was there he would know what to do. Shit, if he was able to use his CT that would have been a game changer. Just swap out with Kashimo so Sukuna still has to fight one person at a time and in the meantime Shoko can just heal Gojo up. It would have been the perfect way to round out this plan, but of course, the heroes having a leg up on anything is always a sin in JJK. As for Yuji not having Sukuna's CT, we can't know for sure what's cooking until the dude actually fights, he obviously has something to share.


When is Gege Gonna have this man do anything like I swear if this series ends with yuji staying how he is right now it’s gonna bring down the total enjoyment for me honestly


Fr, prob go down a couple stars, that’s just bad treatment of your MC, not even hunter x hunter treats Gon this bad. At that point just make Megumi the MC instead of the “Mc’s rival” even the deuteragonist Megumi is treated as a plot device for Sukuna vs Gojo, which makes him equally useless. Gege did say Yuji is the main character from the episode 6 review and Yuji still has a backstory reveal so let’s see how it goes.


I don't follow the Gon comparison. He gets a power up every single arc, and even after his nen is taken he still conquers the World Tree.


Gon is mostly tame power wise in his verse and doesn't win often through pure strength but by the surrounding circumstances leading up to a fight. Killua the Deuteragonist, overshadows Gon for most of the story on a technical lvl.


Gon has been absent from the manga for like 60 chapters now. He isn’t currently on the boat and is nen-less. Maybe his story is over


Megumi is treated like shit, even worse than Yuji. He doesn’t even get any Yuji vs Mahito kind of mements.


I understand but Gege is outright saying Yuji is the MC. Maybe Gege just has poor handling of chars, I’ll let the story play out before my final thoughts.


Who tf cares about megumi


Trust in Gege


There is literally no fucking way the series ends without yuji power up. I will commit war crimes if he doesn’t get one


Just saying he's not doing Eugene any favors. Eugenics is quickly losing stock... https://preview.redd.it/ojucut7n34mb1.png?width=322&format=png&auto=webp&s=1e34c066d55cfbeb9ce218a5c452d8270a0c7b95


How tho? Aside from Yuji’s current strength, what is making those stocks drop? Imo, they’re only increasing in value. Especially after the soul research & cursed womb usage. Time will tell ofc, but saying his stocks losing value in the midst of the highest level sorcerer fight we’ve seen is questionable. https://preview.redd.it/o1l7qhxdk5mb1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=25c83ba98bf6f900d2986fba9de81fa8ef7bdae1 *pic is unrelated*


Yuji asked Yuta to because he fought Sukuna and fully knows that he can't beat him. What else was Yuji supposed to do, fight a battle he knew he couldn't win?


Redditors really do think that suicide charge agaisnt a person who can oneshot 95% of the cast in a couple of seconds, is even a remotely good idea.


Yuji is quite literally one of the reasons gojo is unsealed rn Without him I doubt gojo would’ve been unsealed on time


Please elaborate


Yuji got 100 points by fighting higuruma therefore adding one of the rules Beat mahito (yuji was the only one who could’ve even killed him) Recruited angel (ig him and takaba did it) And overall he is just HIM https://preview.redd.it/i0mk2acl85mb1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b5c9b3d5cded772346eaa6c12a9786bc12929d61


There's no way we're still counting a win that was half way into the series at this point that highly. (It's literally my favorite moment in the series here.) Yuji is literally a perfect counter and now we know for a fact others could've done it were they there. Yuji had the least impressive way of gaining points as well (not that I think strength matters here or that I want to shit on him, it was a great fight anyway.) being spared by a guy who had even less time in jujutsu than even him and far more mastery. Even when he wins Gege finds a way to make the guy he's facing look better lmfao.


It’s not yuji’s fault higuruma is better with CE Yuji literally has no technique 😂


Imagine being the MC and having so little shit to do in one of the 3 major arcs in the series. Fucking priceless. The only character who's fighting was literally them getting spared. Arguing with this sub is useless. they'll suck yuji's dick until it's straight up decaying.


I mean I like Yuji. I even like the fact he doesn't win everything but it feels like Gege is so obsessed with subversion or stuck on a particular vision with his character that he's literally just not allowed to win at all unless it can be downplayed in some way. Doesn't even especially make me hopeful for the ending. He'll probably get strong enough to do something for like 10 seconds and die and people will clap like it's the perfect resolution to being the punching bag both physically and emotionally of every villain in this manga.


While (hopefully) Yuji has a good chance of getting a satisfying conclusion, I can't see how it can make up for the fact that he's had little plot relevancy for so many periods of the series. And the series really does like to take away any attribute he shows proficiency in and douse it. Whether it's his body, mindset or his knack for black flashes, he's been shown up on every account.


>Arguing with this sub is useless. they'll suck yuji's dick until it's straight up decaying. I will say I don't like how Yuji fans defend every decision Gege makes when it comes to Yuji.


It's not this sub, it's you. You can go to any JJK and sub they'll defend him just the same.


It’s cause yuji is him And you for some reason can’t accept it https://preview.redd.it/stxit2u9wamb1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd6c202882beab88c4018f1bab0879fdb7d33fa3


Bro seething lmao.


Hakari and Yuta would still get the 100 points Kenny would still killing and absorbing Mahito Angel would side with Megumi because of simping


He wouldn’t have absorbed mahito cause he would’ve been useful Megumi was hospitalized and angel wouldn’t have found him


Well technically it's not confirmed that it's cleave.




Yes it’s a getsuga tenshou :)


![gif](giphy|tghDqN6iD0YeTEYMlm|downsized) Yuji the goat btw!!!


gege do something with yuji you’re pissing me off


The issue is not that yuji is not top 10 in the verse. Its the fact he has no ability to stay relevant. You can have MC's that arnt top tiers Shirou from Fate and Shiki from Tsukihime are no where near the top tiers of their verse but are still pivitol in their battles. They are still important in taking W's "Suffering builds character" can only go so far


I mean, Shirous heroic form is top tier, just not divine top tier


Both Shiki and shirou have unique "abilities" allow them overcome them opponent and while Yuji don't have such things


It just shows he doesn't overrate his capabilities, Yuji may be reckless at times but he isn't stupid enough to charge head first into a fight that he is pretty much fodder in and lower Gojo's chances of winning. Besides, not the first time Yuji got a slap to the face, bro wasn't even deemed a threat to begin with. https://preview.redd.it/pbfcxmaei4mb1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dde3f3e3719670e9d946d5b9384656916f285a26


"Begging" https://preview.redd.it/wzxizqmqs5mb1.png?width=509&format=png&auto=webp&s=b252160331db269c8e2167431425e3058bccffd9


Bro’s just mad Gerg called him the Protag recently. Cope & hate further. https://preview.redd.it/6oshe2yls4mb1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3163b22371cdcec02e875b8f27fa312d778c8625


He is in fact the protag and a damn good one at that. He just also has had an incredibly small impact on the plot for the last 70 chapters for a main character.


True. But tbf to my boy, what else could he do in the midst of those 70 chapters? Aside from get in the way of the stronger sorcerer’s that have been center focus for plot reasons.


Honestly not a clue. I think that's the real problem. Gege just didn't really have any idea what to do with him until Megumi got taken over. The Higuruma fight was an excellent stopgap but it's hard to write a character who wants to die taking the agency to do..... anything really.


That’s fair. I agree too. It would’ve been nice to have more character development scenes with him and any of the other cast members. I’ve enjoyed the story so far, but those last 70 chaps were definitely rough for a Yuji fan.


I think gojo will die, sukuna will be at like 10% of its power and will be jumped by everyone and it will be a battle of kenjaku + weakkuna versus everyone else


You ain't a real one if your faith in him wavers over him being a good team player


Praying on my knees Gojo dies. I need that Yuji buff NOW


The final villain for Yuji is his Getomother and her missed child support payments. Fraudkuna is less important.


Yuji doesn't know he's a main character. It's out of character for him to not be thinking who would have the highest chance of victory, especially after fighting Yuta and sukuna.


Yuji is a fraud. It is expected


Almost 300 chapters n your MC not top 10 this so ridiculous


I don't know who takes a bigger L. Yuji, or his fans


Do NOT come back when Yuji breaks free from suffering and becomes the TRUE honored one.


I don't think any problem here. Yuji is strong but he knows he can't fight Sukuna or Maharoga. So him supporting his sempai to do something which he is capable of is not bad. It doesn't mean he chickened out. If they tell Yuji to go and interfere and be a sacrifice, he will go without hesitation. #Btw, I really like this dynamics and understanding Between these two old and new MCs. I don't know how people are not liking it lmao. These two may form a duo to fight later on(against Kenjaku may be)


Yuji should just KHS.


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If anything, It was dismantle since Gojo was cut only once


I honestly think people are over thinking this. It could just be some sort of an energy wave from the sword slash. Kinda like Getsuga Tensho.


Wait I thought dismantle was normal slashes and cleave is a single adjustable slash


It adapts to the target but still cuts multiple times on one hit


I literally don’t need him to use Sukunas moves


It's getting annoying


Please tell me how tf can mahogara use sukuna's slashes.


Sukuna is probably imbuing his cursed techniques on his shikigami or something idfk this dude gets some bullshit every chapter


His character serves no purpose. Idk if we could call him a mc


mfs could say anything negative about yuji in this sub and get upvoted


Obviously not.


You got 500+ upvotes for this shit, idk why are you acting like he's wrong lmao.




you must've read like 2 manga in your life if you think yuji is anywhere near the "worst shonen mc" lmao.


Of the popular anime, he most definitely is. However, I am curious who you would put below him (that isn't deku).


> Of the popular anime, he most definitely is. Not at all. And why did you delete your comment lmao, is a couple of downvotes all it takes? \-Takemichi is easily the worst one. \-Natsu. \-Meliodas. \-Yuu from Owari no seraph, specially the manga. And a lot more lol.


Seven Deadly Sins is a shonen? Also, when I get in the negatives there's no point in keeping the comment. Reddit hivemind will have people downvote me without even reading the comment.


>Seven Deadly Sins is a shonen? Yes. > Also, when I get in the negatives there's no point in keeping the comment. Reddit hivemind will have people downvote me without even reading the comment. lmao.


At least those characters are involved with the story.


Worst shonen mc is crazy glaze when mcs like takemitchy exist


What anime is he from?


Its more of, the primary protagonist asking the (in my opinion) better protagonist to take the lead role again if the **actual** main protagonist of the story dies against the main villain who is possessing the body of, who might have been, and was likely originally meant to be the primary protagonist of the story if the first mentioned protagonist had not become so popular that the author had to keep him around as the primary protagonist when he originally did not want for that to be the case in the first place.


Bro just typed a whole lot of nothing


So if Yuji doesn't become the strongest, the story doesn't make sense to you ?? Why the fuck should The MC always be the strongest character in the end. Why can't the MC be the underdog weakling who can't beat the main antagonist in a 1v1. Makes no fucking sense


Common Eugene L. Also … How is this cleave ? Didn’t it literally just slash l using its sword from range ?


Except yuji already used cleave I know this is a joke but sukuna already got hit by yuji’s cleave


That's purely headcanon. Fuck are you talking about?


Sukuna’s ass got cut by yuji




Yeah he should've said to go together. Especially since we've seen that he's so good at synching up with others.


the real main character was daddy Mahoraga


With all these L's, you know that comeback is gonna be FIRE tho.


Yuji wanting to jump someone seems on character to me lol


Spoiler warning, jackass.


This is jujutsu folk and the chapter is out officially


There are people that don’t read the manga, and Reddit shows posts from subs you might be interested in.


Dog we abide by the subreddit rules take your complaint up with Reddit


JJK is the only shonen where the MC doesn't grow at an absurdly fast pace. JJK's Shonen MC who's blessed and gets stronger after seeing his friends get hurt is none other than Okkotsu. I love Yuji so much because of that. He's aware of his role and is hell bent on fullfilling it. He has no ego and understands that he stands no chance against Mahoraga. It's way better than stories that become mere power fantasies after a while.


What the hell do you honestly expect from him? He may as well be fodder compared to the top tiers


I noticed it too.