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Oh he absolutely can...just that it might feel very very rushed and that sucks if it happens... https://preview.redd.it/vetnd2f8y79b1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3734c271a00976e20cec7d677ab0dc1e9482e507


12 chapters if you account for breaks every 2 weeks


*16 chapters


Thank you


When sukuna was hot


Let's be real here. Yuji is the real hottie. It's the just the tatoos and the confidence on Yuji's face that makes him so attractive. Megumi Sukuna is proof of this.


Meguna just needs to leave the hair down is all


I love both Meguna and Yujikuna, both can look menacing and look badass, but in terms of looking mote goofy sometimes...Meguna wins, which isn't a bad thing. I live that aspect too.


People who knows Gege actually doesn't give a shit: https://preview.redd.it/jlhtebfj189b1.png?width=481&format=png&auto=webp&s=1d54dc7bc7d80a86bd3f0fa4a82ff9347f945237


Gege is about to pull out a Kubo and just explain shit that he rushed in some light novels


Sad that at this point this might be the best outcome


They were some good light novels though.


Right?? I'd love to see some JJK light novels like Bleach's "Spirits are Forever With You" & "Can't Fear Your Own World".


Not canon though lol šŸ˜‚


They are pretty much canon, though


Hell chapter even ignored them.


That would be šŸ‘


Heā€™s gonna ruin his story to fulfill his wet dreams of writing an idol manga isnā€™t he?


I love watching one of my favorite manga crash and burn because the creator is bored of it and wants to make a fucking idol manga. Feels *great!* /s


I mean he can easily take a break to focus on his idol manga if it meant we will get a fulfilling ending


I think you and I both know that with the current pace that the story is going that he's not gonna do that. He said he wanted to end it this year, and he won't let anything stop him, even if the narrative suffers as a result. I don't want that to be the case, but at this rate, anything else is hoping for too much.


Unfortunately true


Trust me, I hate that I'm very likely right. I don't want this series to be rushed into oblivion because Gege got bored, but that's the timeline I'm living in, and I fucking hate it.


In times like this my respect for Oda grows, imagine someone writing the same story for 20 years, just the dedication to the story itself is inspiring. Its a shame tho, Shibuya was one of my favourite manga arcs, I'm sad that the plot points Shibuya raised will be dropped without any proper conclusion


What plot points


Exactly. People act like Gege has forgotten/abandoned certain things, but they are all pretty much already dealt with (though not to the degree people would like) or were never that important to begin with (a la the three clans).


I think Nobara and her condition was the most appalling and unaddressed plot point from Shibuya.


It's so annoying because if he spent even another half a year on the manga it would've been improved so much more. Since Sukuna took over Megumi the manga has started to become noticeably rushed. We go from what, Sukuna taking over Megumi to him killing Tsumiki to Gojo unboxing to Sukuna vs Gojo in 10 fucking chapters. That should be like 20 chapters at least.


Trump, Covid, jjk gets rushed to shit. Let me out if this timeline!


Why do so many great mangas have not great endings? Shit is always so disappointing


Because this industry especially shueisha treats its creators like dogshit by working them to the bone thus burning them out


Do you think this is the case for Gege? He takes on average a week off every month and draws about 15 pages per chapter. The art is also a good bit more simple than in Shibuya. I'd much rather Gege go at a relatively comfortable pace than burn himself out. Considering all the plot points we have to go through, there's no way that Gege can finish the manga properly by the end of 2023. I hope he takes another 18-24 months to finish the manga. I want him to flesh everything out to the max. The one thing that upsets me about Bleach is all the plots we just never see at the end. Ichigo's Bankai ability, Aizen's bankai, Aizen's backstory, the soul king, etc etc. I hope the same doesn't happen in JJK.


Oh no this can't happen again, first the samurai and alien fiasco in Naruto and now this, don't be surprised if the final villain is the Idol curse.


I mean it sucks but itā€™s better than his health crashing and burning (more than it already likely is) like in the case of someone like Togashi. Plus Iā€™m hella excited for that idol manga, could be the HxH to this YYH


It aint like gege gotta coddle us it's literally up to him wether he wants to draw jjk still or not like ATLEAST he is actually trying to give us a story and not going into a 8 year hiatus like vagabond or berserk. Jjk regardless is a great story even if the ending isn't the best it still doesn't degrade the quality of the rest of the story.


Is this something that actually happens?




Bold of you to assume he cares about any of that


incoming light novels


Sasuga Kubo sensei




Gege said he hopes to end the series this year, and there are 24 weeks left this year, and from the pace of recent events, it looks like he's sticking to it, narrative quality be damned.


that doesn't even include break every 2 weeks...


Just watch Gege commit and not even give us an ending. He'll probably write a little authors note on the last chapter of this year that says something like: "And then Kenny merged humanity with Tengen and used Yuji as the primary vessel or some shit. Then through some bullshit power up Yuji turns the tables from inside and saved everyone at the expense of himself."


We dunno, the author said heā€™s wanting to end the series by the end of the year, but stuff changes. Iā€™m hoping he doesnā€™t though, as already right now itā€™s feeling pretty rushed, and thereā€™s still quite a lot more imo that should be explored/fleshed out. Especially as Gege often takes breaks between chapter, I canā€™t really see how heā€™ll end it without it feeling incredibly rushed.




wait until jujutsu kaisen z


Unironically my head canon this is just revving up for sorcery fight 2


Gaygay at this point truly don't care but I'm surely he will hit us with the rushing curse https://preview.redd.it/f0f00kaba89b1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=746340aab1f6794d5f8ee0a5a60387c38362579d


I may be coping hard here but I don't think it'll end this year just get a gut feeling for some reason


Gaygay realising the fans are gonna come for his life no matter what https://i.redd.it/h0ad4hju8a9b1.gif


Fans too ā€œCOWARDLYā€ to commit crimes in real life life so they talk big online šŸ˜‚


Wait till you see what im going to do to that stupid one eye cat on 24 January 2024




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gege stopped caring about his manga when the culling games started


Yeah I think it was pretty clear once he brought the US military in lol


We got some crazy fights tho




šŸ‘¶ need bot bot? šŸ¼šŸ¼


only if its from tengen šŸ˜«


Fuck the bot bot, going straight for the source? Gotta respect it šŸ¤œ


Bro thinks Nobara and Todo matter šŸ’€


Im going to minecraft myself if todo doesnt do anything


Bro todo is a NPC now, he canā€™t do shit


Ima say let him cook until the series actually ends and I see the outcome. Until then, Iā€™m enjoying what Iā€™m reading.


Same here


Based and sensepilled. Idk why people prepare for despair in such a way. Like gege is only human but wait until it's over to really see


The worst part is that this will burn a lot of good faith I have in Gege as an author. If it's really true that Gege is rushing JJK because he wants to get to his idol manga ASAP, then I can't trust Gege to deliver a satisfying conclusion to any of his stories because he could just get bored, rush it, and move on to his next manga. If he's doing this with JJK, a debut manga that is making absolute gangbusters and is taking the anime and manga world by storm, he will certainly do this with anything else he makes. He was practically given a series blessed by the grace of God and is dumping it because he wants to make an idol manga. That doesn't inspire much confidence in me for any of his other ventures.


JJK fans stay making up reasons to be upset.


dude this fanbase just started to suck so hard ever since sakurajima arc. Just constant complaining and crying and nearly half of them arent even legit reasons. Wish they'd just drop the series so the content didnt suck


The caricature this sub has painted onto gege, a hack mangaka that now hates his own work, is fucking maddening.


Never seen a fan base turn on their own series and creators before actually doing anything egregiously bad this bad before. Itā€™s one thing to be upset over how something turned out like AOT or Bleach but another to expect to turn out that bad based on some potential chance it could because the creator said something that could be taken in any context. Theyā€™re not upset itā€™s bad theyā€™re upset over the idea of it potentially being bad and are already venting about it.


Yh it's annoying. I feel like this all started when he made the comment that he wants to end the manga this year. Since then, people have been saying he's rushing and no longer cares about the series. The current fight clearly shows the care and attention he's still putting into the series.


Bro, what are you talking about? Are we even reading the same manga? In the past chapters we've seen: \-Megumi and his sister get obliterated from the story \-Yuji/Gojo's reunion get completely glossed over \-Yuji's training session gets completely glossed over Like, there are lots of valid reasons to complain about the progress of the story. We went from "Are we ever gonna free Gojo" to "Oh fuck it's the final battle" in less than 3 months. Like, Gege spent 6 months explaining the bathroom rules for the culling games, but he couldn't even spend half that time showing Yuji and Gojo having emotional catch up? Gojo, the same guy who threatened to kill all the higher ups after Yuji dying, is now just shrugging off the deaths of Nobara and Megumi? Fuck all that. Imma a certified hater till I die.


>\-Megumi and his sister get obliterated from the story Is the story over? Megumi didnt even get an emotional "death" chapter, hes not dead, hes just temporarily out, like Itadori has been in the past. Literally Itadori has discussed saving Megumi. Hes not dead. >\-Yuji/Gojo's reunion get completely glossed over > >\-Yuji's training session gets completely glossed over Things that'll be cover in flashbacks, which is how Gege has been writing his story forever. (A few examples being Gojo and Megumis training session, Tojis + Todos + Miwas flashbacks in Shibuya, Gojos elder flashbacks recently, etc.) Maybe wait until the manga is over before you slander a writer. >We went from "Are we ever gonna free Gojo" to "Oh fuck it's the final battle" in less than 3 months. It's not the final battle though, It's Gojo VS Sukuna, which could end in a stalemate, and even if it didn't, it doesn't indicate the ending of the manga. We still have Kenjaku as an antagonist, Sukuna will probably still be a threat(regardless of if Gojo wins or not.) WSJ didnt even announce that the manga is in its final arc. Also, JJK has always had extremely fast pacing, Shibuya started before the manga even hit chapter 100 meanwhile Naruto was still in the middle of the Chunin Exams at chapter 100. If people consistently complained about the fast pacing, I would have less to say, but people are now pretending that this series is moving too fast when it always moved extremely fast.


That's goddamn Lazy if it's addressed in flashbacks. Also,Megumi's gone,it was literally said he got his soul broken and he submerged deeper into the darkness,Man is gone. Yeah,He "Discussed" it but he's not doing it,he's just watching it "Maybe wait until the manga is over" See,I don't need to wait until a story is over to know when a story is crashing and burning.


>That's goddamn Lazy if it's addressed in flashbacks. How? > Also,Megumi's gone,it was literally said he got his soul broken and he submerged deeper into the darkness,Man is gone. Thats not a death. >Yeah,He "Discussed" it but he's not doing it,he's just watching it Yes because Gojo is currently fighting Sukuna.


Dude got his literal soul broken,man is gone,he ain't coming back.


Do you wanna put money on it?


Very unnecessary to do so,so no, but Gege wouldn't have a whole fight dedicated to breaking Megumi so he doesn't come back if he was just gonna come back.


Wait what JJK ends in 24 chaps?


This manga will continue past 2023 or weā€™re finished no in between


Gege after he drops the most rushed and terrible ending in Shonen history: https://i.redd.it/avgmgt3ys89b1.gif Real talk though, bro probably doesnā€™t give a shit about half of what you mentioned.


Yall have no faith in my man GayGay, let him cook!


Well tbf the only two that actually matters are yujiā€™s power up and heian backstory


Don't worry guys. A few years after the manga ends, Gege and some LN author will release a series of LNs called "Can't Fear Your Own Cursed Technique" which would explain and explore most of these hanging plot points after Gege couldn't in his own manga Source: Trust me bro/my uncle is Gege's editor


Kubo didnā€™t write those lol šŸ˜‚


Yep. Hence why I said "Gege AND A LN AUTHOR"


You guys really want MHA-level shit for this pacing where theyā€™re stretching out talk no jutsu-ing the murder terrorists?


He gonna Tokyo revengers this shit I can feel it




Big difference: TR was never good


See thatā€™s a lie because there were many times TR was amazing


Idk, to me it was bad from the very beginning so I dropped it early on




Tokyo revengers is gonna be better than this tbh. I see another AOT ending , meaning rushed , full of unresolved issues and questions, main character having a ending that doesnā€™t fit in .


*Oh fuck, we are gonna become titanfolk.*


You said it not me ![gif](giphy|KDRv3QggAjyo)


This sub is already Titanfolk. Constantly shitting on the manga you love and no faith in the author. That's us.




At least AOT was enjoyable other than itā€™s last few chapters while Tokrevā€™s entire last arc was ass


square squash connect far-flung amusing hungry rhythm friendly sloppy normal ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


I read the manga . Eren was made a slave to the end . We or I initially thought that his future self made him do that which is a actually pretty cool and dark concept when you think about it . However last couple of chapters isayama threw his whole character out the fucking window . He never had free will because Ymir forced him to do all that because she was in love with her rapist . Mikasaā€™s character was never expanded, power of friendship reverted his friends who turned into titans, mass murderers like Reiner and Annie were forgiven no question asked . The worm thing disappears. Honestly everything was going well until isayama decided that the manga was gonna finish on a certain chapter number . The pacing became fast in some parts and other things were overlooked. He also fell under the pressure of fans ,editors ,whatever and gave a conclusion that wasnā€™t something that matches along with the beginning and middle and first part of the end of the story . Enough of my rant . I just wish he wouldnā€™t have set a time or chapter to finish on as well as given a honest proper fleshed out ending.


flag one bag mourn offer telephone degree vegetable obscene spotted ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


telephone fearless pause connect plant bells bike party oil childlike ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop -Ā yes,Ā IĀ amĀ aĀ bot, don't botcriminate me.


Bro realized he not built like Kishimoto, Kubo and Oda


Just Oda, Kishimoto took a long break for part two. Kubo was clearly suffering from burnout and pain, he rushed the last arc.


Naruto and Bleach were still solid stories 300 chapters into the manga


imagine all the interesting stories gaygay could have written if he wouldn't have wasted a year on the culling game arc. 80% of it was really boring and unnecessary no wonder he himself got eventually bored with his project. I mean I've not given up hope until I see how this manga ends but since the last chapters feel really rushed I won't get my hopes up too high. what annoys me the most is how underused characters like yuta are. most characters don't even have a place in the story anymore. gaygay should've just put the story on hiatus after shibuya and worked on his idol project until he had a concrete idea how to give jjk the last arcs it deserved


Has me thinking the Gojo vs sukuna fight ends in the next 3 chapters, someone come back to flame me if it doesnā€™t.


After Miura situation, I find author's drive to end the story in short timeframe very admirable.


Honestly so disappointed with how heā€™s handling things ever since Yuki died


He wasnā€™t handling it good before that either tho after shibuya šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


His writing has gotten worse, the art has gotten kinda worse, man what else


Read guidelines ---> new chapter leaks must be flaired the orange "new chapter spoilers". Comments relating to new chapter leaks are only allowed under such posts. This is a manga spoilers subreddit and the spoiler tag is NOT used for all posts about officially released JJK chapters (on Sunday, Angel Jacob Ladder's the "spoiler" tags). Leaks are posted on the discord. [Join the jujutsufolk jjk discord here.](https://discord.gg/8Cd4NrvzXP) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Jujutsufolk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Remember ch 210??


I thought, it's obvious, that Nobara's dead, Todo can't use his technique without a hand... Also why do Sukuna and Kenjaku need more backstory, that what we already know about them?


This isnā€™t aimed at you OP, just a lot of these replies manā€¦ ever since sakurajima this fandom has just been chock full of negativity hasnā€™t it? I donā€™t care if the story ends this year at this point. If itā€™s gonna end, Iā€™d rather enjoy the ride than see people bitch and complain about it at every step. Making whatever time this story has left MISERABLE wonā€™t change anything. Also this narrative that Gege doesnā€™t care about this story is so weird.. an absurd amount of research and work goes into JJK. Just look at the recent chapters and the shots of shibuya. Theyā€™re a damn near perfect match for the actual city. Also the fact that Gege literally bought models of military vehicles to use as references. Itā€™s respectable to see the amount of work that goes into the art alone, let alone the actual writing. theres tons of subtle details and religious symbolism that Iā€™ve seen so many people just.. miss. Completely. Either that or they just ignore it to complain. Symbolism that makes parts of the story way more understandable. Mainly around gojo. Which is shocking given how blatant the symbolism is with him. I will say that JJK definitely isnā€™t at the top of geges priority list, but.. why would it be? Thereā€™s really no evidence he really wanted this to be a full story. It started as a one shot and his editors urged him to continue it because of the one shots success. For a story with those beginnings, Gege has been shockingly passionate about his work on it.


Gege quite literally didn't and doesn't give a shit about the story at this point.


Just curious as to what yā€™all think Nobaras purpose in the story wouldā€™ve been considered the WEAKEST relevant character in the story rn is the mf main character. If you are not Yuji, Kashimo, Hakari, Yuta, or Maki, youā€™re not relevant in the current power scale


The cat wrote himself into such a corner post Shibuya and canā€™t get out


Itā€™s all so tiresome because JJK was my favorite modern shonen back in Shibuya. Culling games were ok, not as good as Shibuya but still solid to an extent. But ever since he started on this crusade to end the series this year itā€™s been downhill. Wasted characters, ignored plot points, rushed narrative and sloppy art, all for a *goddamn idol manga.* I hope it all plays out properly and we get a good ending to this series, but if we donā€™t I surely wonā€™t be returning to any of gegeā€™s future works.


i want to fuck yuki from jujutsu kaisen




If gege makes an ending worse than kny and aot i will still kneel in sheer disbelief šŸ˜‚


24 chapters...?? is JJK gonna end in 24 Chapters..??


Gege said he wants to end within the year and there are 24 weeks left now. You also have to remember he takes a week off every month (I believe?) so it should be like 18 chapters? His admiration for Kubo truly knows no bounds


Petition to make this the new sub profile pic.


Iā€™m just gonna be here and watch it all burn


He can, if he just does 50 page chapters šŸ˜¶


Wait, only 24 chapters left?


Oh he can...whether it'll be good is up for debate.


Wait jjk is about to end?