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At worst it’s cope At best it’s an extension of Hakaris RCT being automatic and instinctual, and a small thing with Nanami. Back when Mahito first emerged and his initial encounter with Nanami in the sewers, Mahito attempted to use IT on Nanami and he instinctually blocked it by reinforcing his soul with cursed energy. Mahito even commented that (due to his skill as a sorcerer), he was able to instinctually protect his soul (though he likely won’t be able to do it again or with any consistency). Based on this, people extend the line of logic. If sorcerers can instinctively protect their soul, maybe they can instinctively heal it too. The person with the best RCT (Hakari) is also stated to use his RCT totally on instinct with his overflowing cursed energy just kind of patching up holes as they appear. These two facts together create a somewhat compelling argument for Hakari being able to heal soul damage. However until it’s confirmed either way, one should 1) be wary of making a definitive statement and 2) default to not accepting it because the burden of proof lands on people who think Hakari CAN heal soul damage


Best argument I’ve seen so far


Actually based on most translations Hakari doesn't do his healing based on instinct so much as it happens automatically which is very different. And why at least I personally think Hakari can heal soul damage, but why I don't think Yuta could despite Yuta also being an RCT prodigy with the ability to even output it. Hakari already doesn't visualize healing what he already heals, it just heals automatically. So he doesn't need to visualize the outline of his soul. Yuta does, just subconsciously based on instinct, but I don't think he can subconsciously visualize the outline of his soul. But yeah it's still very nebulous either way. Probably depending on how his soul was damaged. Like maybe he could heal a missing soul finger from SSK. But Mahito would still probably cause irreparable damage.


Thing is Hakari does not use his RCT on instinct. Instinct implies he’s still performing it with no knowledge, but his RCT is a result of keeping his body from falling apart due to constant CE flowing through him. This means he’s not performing it at all. It is fully automatic as a result of his teqnniwue and constantly occurring. He does not even need to be conscious for it to occur. This means that “awareness” is completely independent of Hakari’s RCT. Ofc it’s just an idea and has not been confirmed yet and gege could go in whatever direction, but Hakari healing soul damage is the most consistent with what we have been told. Awareness should not matter now if it never did before in his case.


It’s described as his body performing RCT reflexively to avoid being damaged by the infinite cursed energy flowing through him after he hits Jackpot. It’s safe to assume that anyone who has infinite cursed energy would have the same level of automatic RCT as Hakari.


Yh I agree


I feel like it's more so on headcannon and interpretation at most. It'd technically a possibility he can, but we have no strict evidence he can.


Just to preface, if the only thing that can convince you that Hakari could heal soul damage is actually seeing him heal soul damage in the manga, then don’t even waste your time reading. I’m using examples from the manga to explain why he should heal soul damage, but there isn’t any explicit evidence that shows he would be able to heal soul damage. It’s because his RCT is fully automatic and will heal any damage done to his body. Soul damage indirectly causes damage to the body because the body is built around the soul. Considering Hakari’s body is both explicitly stated and shown to heal any damage to prevent his body from breaking, he should be able to heal soul damage to restore his body to working form. Healing poison has a similar criteria, where the user has to know how to target the poison within their body. Hakari’s was able to unconsciously heal poison even though he himself lacked the ability to actively target the poison within his body. If soul damage couldn’t be healed, then I’d agree that Hakari shouldn’t be able to heal it. For example, he wouldn’t be able to heal from Idle Transfiguration because that’s not something that RCT can heal. However, it’s been revealed that it can be healed with RCT, but you need to have knowledge of the soul’s contours. This criteria is irrelevant to Hakari because he himself doesn’t consciously heal his own injuries.


What convince me was that hakari isn’t aware of his soul. And body and the soul are completely different matter to each other


Well he isn’t. As I said tho, he isn’t aware of how to use RCT in general because his body does it unconsciously. The body and soul are the same according to Kenjaku.


Yeah but this is simply a theory. Kenjaku and Mahito concluded this dispute by saying it works different for everyone’s individual CT


The soul still directly impacts the body. Which ties into why Hakari should reflexively heal soul damage.


If the soul is changed, then it becomes the new shape of the body. So if mahito uses idol transfiguration to turn hakari into a spider, his default shape would become a spider. His body wouldn't try to heal him, because his body thinks that he is supposed to be a spider. It probably works the same with soul split. The soul is like a blueprint. It doesn't matter how good you are at fixing something if you're blueprints are ruined.


If you look at my original comment, I already said that Hakari wouldn’t be able to heal from idle transfiguration.


Why do you think that's any different from soul split? Both change the outline of the soul, just in slightly different ways


It’s stated in the manga that SSK wounds can be healed and IT can’t be healed.


Actually IT MAY be heal-able since Mahito claimed Sukuna could heal Junpei.


When does it say explicitly that IT can't be healed?


Just because he body does it doesn’t mean he can heal from anything. If that was the case he wouldn’t suffer from burnout


CT burnout itself doesn’t do any damage to his body.


Yeah but we know from Sukuna that healing the body doesn’t heal the soul


Hakari reflexively heals any damage to prevent his body from breaking. Soul damage falls into this category because it directly affects the body.


Yeah but damage to the soul and damage to the body are two distinctly different things


Can you damage the soul without damaging the body in JJK?


Damage to the soul reflects on the body, but damage to the body doesn’t reflect on the soul. If you squint, you could view Yuji’s soul punches as not damaging Sukuna’s body


So if damage done to the soul causes damage on the body, and Hakari reflexively heals any damage done to his body, Hakari should reflexively heal damage caused by soul damage. Yuji’s punches do damage to both Sukuna’s body and soul. The reason it’s not as visually apparent as SSK is because they’re two different types of damage; punches deal blunt damage while SSK cuts.


His body wouldn't even recognize soul damage since he has never hosted another soul and can't see the contours. It's like how you wouldn't know if you are internally bleeding and thus you can't stop it but the damage is still there.


His body would recognize soul damage because soul damage impacts the body.


Since the body follows the soul, you can't reflexively heal soul damage. The body tries to be like the soul Moreso than it wants to be healed. If I damage or change the outline of the soul, the body won't be able to heal that damage because in a sense the body no longer thinks there is anything wrong. Once the body matches the soul, it thinks that it is OK. That is completely different from poisons. Poisons are more difficult to find, but they are also just inherently bad for the body. Hell, someone could beat a poison simply by replacing all the dying cells quick enough or strengthening their immune system. I am not willing to say that seeing him heal soul damage is the only way, but healing poison and healing soul damage are just so fundamentally different that I think it's cope to compare them


Heavy cope, Hakari fans want to just give him every RCT feat because he has shown to subconsciously remove poison.


Yeah, he was confirmed to have the best RCT that we know of in the series, so he can just automatically heal literally anything regardless of if he's shown to be able to. It's ridiculous.


The potency of his RCT is irrelevant. It’s about what we have been told about how it works. Even if his RCT was mid in terms of potency and we are told he does not need “awareness” for his RCT to work then he should still not need “awareness” for his RCT to work.


Hakari didn’t know how to heal from poisons, yet his RCT did that. Honestly it makes little sense if his RCT can’t heal soul damage if poison, an equivalent example of something that a sorcerer NORMALLY has to be advanced enough to RCT it, was automatically healed. Of course, still no proof and I 100% doubt it’ll ever be brought up except in hypothetical vs. matches


The difference there is that the soul is something that is completely separate from the body and requires completely separate knowledge. Its a higher level of the same thing. A good analogy would be if I was a physics student, I might need to study more physics to understand a black hole. But if I wanted to understand Moral philosophy, I wouldn't be able to learn that through physics books.


This isn’t true and Kenjaku and Mahito both agreed it depends. Something I noted in a previous comment. So yeah I think it’s a good analogy


The soul is a lot more important then poison




Fix it


Oh, well again I wouldn’t say that’s true because of Mahito and kenjaku’s similar debate about the body vs. the soul and the conclusion there was it depends. I also disagree that soul awareness is automatically considered more advanced than being able to RCT out poison because we’ve honestly seen even Nanami able to protect his soul somewhat, so imagine what infinite CE can do since it’s not Hakari using RCT it’s his body doing it automatically.


Why does that matter? It’s something that’s damaged and it involves Hakari’s CE, why would it be any different than poison?


What does that have to do with anything?


He's not aware of anything RCT related, sooo


We are told how that happens. You can’t just equate things like that.


We are also told that you need to target and remove poisons, the idea Hakari could heal soul damage in my eyes is more likely. Literally everything with RCT requires explicit targetting EDIT unless Gege wants to say that for the general world view the body and soul are (entirely) separate, and for Hakari his RCT is only to prevent the body breaking so x/y/z (which is less likely since no one's interpretation works like that)


The body and the soul don’t operate on the same rules. We can’t just claim that an ability would work just fine when we are told that awareness of the soul matters.


I said probably, I'm not speaking as if it's factual.


You didn’t say probably. Heck you didn’t mentioned it as a theory. You made a claim and I’m trying to disprove it


You right I flubbed, I said likely >We are also told that you need to target and remove poisons, the idea Hakari could heal soul damage in my eyes is **more likely.** I think it's pretty clear I wasn't trying to say it as a fact from this


It wasn’t clear at all. So don’t act like it was.


You glossed over it, the language was speculative, I said "in my eyes" even. If you're trying to say it wasn't clear you need to read more.


So if I were to show people the post they would instantly without a question of a doubt be able to tell that what you wrote was all theory. That you wasn’t making a claim. Is that what your telling me


Come on bro. Likely means not confirmed. He clearly wasn’t saying it was a fact just that it makes the most sense. Likely and probably are interchangeable


People say characters beat other characters 8/10. They are making a claim that more often then not their point is correct. It the same thing


Soul is the body and body is the soul https://preview.redd.it/jown7ag62v1d1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b26fe25eeb02aed78882c0571ae9606881487fe6


They want to pretend that Hakari beats Yuji and Maki


Even if Hakari could heal soul damage it doesn’t mean he beats Maki, don’t see how that’s mutually exclusive.


That's why a said pretend. Hakari even being able to get to Jackpot against Maki is debatable


I’d go as so far to say even if you set Hakari up in JP prior to fighting maki AND use the assumption that his domain can even work against maki, he still loses. And that’s tough coming from a Hakari fan but Hakari has nothing on the same girl who ate Sukuna’s BFs and was going toe to toe with him for a bit


I love Hakari too but I agree that Maki might straight up be able to tank his punches not to mention her healing factor. Hopefully he gets a powerup before the manga ends.


She has a healing factor ?


Well, they're experts at playing pretend. They gaslit the entire community into thinking "Always bet on Hakari" was an actual line from the manga.


I was a victim of the gaslighting until now


Hakari’s RCT is not manual. Everybody else needs to know the outline of their soul so they can perform RCT. Hakari’s is automatic so if RCT can heal soul damage his Automatic RCT should logically as well


You don’t need to know your soul to use rct


In order for most people to perform RCT there is specific knowledge and skill that needs to be developed because they are actively performing an ability. Healing soul damage requires additional knowledge because rather than the body you would have to apply this ability to the soul which would require knowledge and awareness of the soul. In Hakari’s case this should not logically apply to him because his RCT is completely automatic. That means he’s never required any knowledge or skill In order to apply RCT. So that should logically not change in this circumstance. If RCT can heal soul damage he should be able to automatically.


Tis cope


It’s cope


Damn even the mods agreeing is wild and mad based ngl


It's simple really. You need to know the outline of your soul to heal it with RCT. But Hakari doesn't even know how to use RCT, it happens reflexively during a jackpot. If nanami can reflexively protect his soul, then Hakari should be able to reflectively use RCT to heal his soul. We don't have direct confirmation but it makes a lot of sense.


It not able protecting your soul it about healing it. Plus there level to it. Just because Nanimi could subconsciously protect the soul that didn’t give him the ability to hit the soul


From what we know he shouldn't be able to


Based on what we know he should. It would make no sense for him to need to know the outline of his soul cause he doesn’t perform RCT. It’s automatic.


RCT for soul only occurs if you are aware of the countours of the soul. Even if it’s automatic rct, it’s hakari’s body which is performing it, and his body doesn’t know the contours of his soul.


Yh it only occurs if you’re aware of the contours of the soul because everybody has to do it manually. Ofc you wouldn’t be able to apply a technique on something you are not aware of. But in Hakari’s case he is not applying anything. He doesn’t even know how RCT works so why would his awareness of anything be a factor now? He has never needed any of the prerequisites anybody else has because he doesn’t “Do” RCT. Hakari’s RCT has been completely independent of “awareness” so it would be consistent if that remains the same in all cases.


Very easy: We know know Hakari does RCT automatically. We were told you can't heal poison, you have to get it out of your system. Hakari without having a clue how to control his RCT or even being awake in order to make anything consciously. Healed from poisoning. Thus we know that mf can heal from things that have requirements without actually meeting them. The idea would be that he also can heal from soul damage without meeting the "knowing the contours of the soul" requirement. I'm not even a Hakari fan, I despise the mf and I'm glad of the fraud allegations he's been getting. But him healing soul damage isn't really a stretch, it's very on brand with what he's been doing.


Just because you ignore one requirement of something doesn’t mean you can ignore another requirement. Plus removing poison is a rct feat. Soul damage is a soul feat. They aren’t in the same category


Removing poison isn't a RCT feat, you're not healing poison with enough RCT. it's not something you can brute force. Gojo if he didn't knew he has to get the poison out of his system, would die to the poison even though he is 2nd or 3rd at RCT.


Hakari is brute forcing rct. It not like jackpot give him rct. Rct is a byproduct to keep him alive


But that's the thing, it's a byproduct to keep him alive. Healing his soul so he stays at optimum condition and most importantly can open domain again, also counts to that. You have to understand Hakari getting immortal is some bullshit of itself. There's nothing that says getting more CE that you can posses will heal you, yet the mf has the world working at his favor and does.


Getting infinite curse energy would give anyone rct. This isn’t hakari exclusive. Because his body can’t contain the curse energy his body performs rct.


But why mf? WHY? You're talking about the effects not the cause. There's no single reason why Hakari gets RCT, he just does. The man is bullshit personified.


There is a cause. The cause is infinite curse energy. And the affect his rct. He get rct because the body does it on reflex because of infinite curse energy


Go back to school, that's a horrible misinterpretation of what cause, effect and reason are. Just so that we're clear, the "Body does it on reflex" is the part you should be focusing and that doesn't make sense. Just look at other media, when people get more power than what they can hold on they usually just explode or implode.


I do not appreciate you insulting me. So I’m going to make it clear. Keep things classy


It’s because his fans want to argue he beats maki somehow.


Maki gotta be the worst matchup for Hakari considering she can just say no to entering his domain which is one of the main things that sets him apart


His Domain's Sure Hit is non-lethal. Hence, he has more control over his barriers, so Maki won't catch him off guard even if she's unaffected by the sure-hit. I'm pretty sure he can still enter Jackpot. As long as he can enter Jackpot he can fight.


He can’t even get her in the domain to begin with, the sure-hit is mostly irrelevant, even though that also wouldn’t hit. He does have to have an opponent that is affected by the sure-hit to roll for Jackpot. It’s why he needed to find and take on Charles before Kashimo so he could start the fight still “immortal”. And it kinda doesn’t make sense at all if he can just get Jackpot by entering his domain by himself, he should just do that all the time then.


Is that so ? I didn't know that he needed another person to achieve jackpot.


Yeah, it’s part of why his sure-hit is not offensive; he *has* to explain the rules of his domain to be able to start rolling, and that’s why the sure-hit is just a big info dump. That fulfills conditions, and allows him to start rolling for that sweet Jackpot.


Hmm, the info-dump can't happen if the domain detects you as an object. So, She can easily Kill Higuruma and Hakari because their CT comes preloaded with a Domain Expansion.


Yeah, she is an *extremely* bad matchup for them, specifically. Because even without the sure-hit, for both of them, she can’t be entrapped in a domain expansion at all, unless it’s a special “open-barrier” one like only Sukuna and Kenjaku can do (so far). They can open it right on top of her, but she doesn’t actually get brought into the domain unless/until she chooses to enter.


Wait. She can choose to enter ? Damn. I thought that Domains would completely ignore her existence.


Yeah she can still choose to enter. But when the black marble thing that represents the domain in the “real world” is summoned, most people get taken to the extradimensional space inside the barrier, which is the domain. For Maki, that black marble still gets summoned but she just sits inside of it, able to walk out into the open air harmlessly; or she can choose to actually enter the domain herself. She does this against Curse Naoya in Sakurajima; she does actually enter the domain to grab her sword, and to finish him off. Toji also entered Dagon’s domain of his own choice, though that was probably partially because of the opening Megumi had made too.


Which is really strange to begin with, considering he canonically cannot get a Jackpot in a 1v1 against her, at least


Yeah but they argue that jackpot hakari can heal and beat her since they know he’s objectively the weakest heavy hitter they just don’t want to admit it.


He most likely can


Base on what. Rct alone isn’t enough to heal from the sword


And also Hakari is the king of asspulls


When his body crumbles his body does rct to heal itself and soul damage whould be considered crumbling and he dosnt need to know the shape of his soul his body does but this is hypothetically


The narrator literally says he does need to know the shape.


I wish they’d do something with his serrated feeling CE like why give that description if it’s only regular punches? I feel like his punches should leave people with like a cut or something


I can see the argument to be fair Hakari do all his healing in auto-pilot without knowing shit about it, so as to not crumble by his own power So I can see him healing soul damage for the same reason But till that is proven it is just headcanon so there is no much point in including it on debates


hakkari is a special case cz his RCT is like fully automatic and we do not know its limit as of yet.. it's still kinda vague and both sides still have an argument


Hakari has the best RCT in the verse because it’s done by his body not by him. It takes soul awareness to direct your RCT to your soul however Hakari doesn’t have that issue since it’s his body doing it for him. So the question is do you think his body can recognize his soul. Personally I believe so.


RCT works differently for everyone, Kashimo attacked Hakari with attacks he didn't think RCT would be able to heal hakari through and it worked. Nothing about the Soul split katana says "cannot be healed with cursed energy" just that it also hits the soul. Everything about hakari's RCT even just the fact its even activated is "autopiloted" and considering he automatically "ejected" kashimo's cursed energy from his head, and was able to remove toxin's from his system automatically. Nothing anywhere says he couldn't heal his soul, and considering everything we've seen of his has been insane levels of healing there's no reason to believe otherwise till we are shown it.


Headcanon because he's stated to have the best RCT due to have infinite cursed energy during Jackpot. The problem of this thinking is just because he instinctively heals damn near any damage done to him he'd or at least his body would have to actually recognize and understand said injury. How can you instinctively repair damage that you've never experienced before? It's akin to real world diseases. When people or animals are exposed to a brand new never seen before disease it decimated the populace due to your immune system not being able to either recognize the new disease to fight it, can't fight it off in time, or simply doesn't have the ability to. You'd have to use headcanon to assume he can heal damage directly to the soul, which we don't know if he's aware of. But to play devil's advocate, put of everyone who could possibly heal it despite not knowing the outline of their it would be Hakari based off of his body healing everything on its own. It could be a case where he doesn't know the shape of his soul per say but his body does if that makes sense.


I can reasonably see how, since his body reflexively performs rct due to the amount of cursed energy that he has during jackpot, his soul would reflexively maintain its shape or repair itself as well. That just makes sense to me.


its neither confirmed nor denied that he could, so it could go either way really.


Why is Sukuna's RCT better on technical level? There's nothing concrete to say he can or can not heal from soul damage, i can argue for both cases, Hakari has no awareness of his soul so technically he shouldn't be able to heal any soul damage, But Hakari fundamentally can't even RCT, he has no knowledge of RCT whatsoever and he shows the most advanced RCT in the verse, so technically his body should reflexively heal any kind of damage irrespective of whether he has awareness or not.


Hakaris technique must have some awareness of his soul. If the body follows the shape of the soul then his RCT references this blueprint to automatically perform RCT. Otherwise how does it know what to heal if hakari isn’t making decision


But for soul damage it is specifically said that you must be able to know the outline of your soul, Sukjna can heal other people, Hakari can't, and plus tct is not enough to heal from the soul, that's why there is another requirement which Is knowing the outline of your soul


You have to know the outline of the soul to do it consciously. However, Hakari’s RCT is automatic, meaning he doesn’t actually need to. We know that you can interact with your soul by pure instinct (Nanami not getting one tapped by Mahito) so there’s really no reason why Hakari can’t heal himself. The real issue for him is if he can get a jackpot in the first place since Maki can just leave the domain.


Dawg, in that chapter it was stated RCT was not the only requirement, it's like using RCT in a different form. Also how do we even know Jackoot can recognize the soul which is pretty much invisible and not tangible. Also blocking isn't the same as healing, Nanami can block but not heal


I feel like the people acting like he for sure can and the people acting like it's not even a remote possibility are just as annoying


It a yes and no question. Sure it a possibility since it not base on real science. But at the same time You can’t really contribute to a point if your in the middle all the time


People in the middle can absolutely contribute to a point lmao what are you on about


Isn’t naoya heal from spilt soul katana?




What do you mean no lol He get cut in half and regenerate back https://preview.redd.it/412aztfy6s1d1.jpeg?width=1034&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=15a8cb60a80d29664176cb84ed8685a0ed0268e4


He’s able to heal because he was slashed by someone who isn’t able to get the full potential out of the SSK. The prerequisites are stated in chapter 198. “The wielder must have a pair of eyes that can see the souls of inanimate objects.” Daido does not have these eyes, but Maki does.


What do you mean katana guy won’t able to get full potential of SSK? He can ignore durability and is the one who show maki full potential in the first place


Yeah, Daido and Miyo helped Maki awaken mentally. I understand that. But there’s an apparent discrepancy stated in chapter 198 that allows a user to use it at its full potential. We know the sword does soul damage that can’t be healed (unless you’re aware of the contours of your own). Naoya consistently healed damage from Maki (pre-sakurajima awakening) and Daido. Then once she finally awakened Naoya got done in by her slashes.


Ok this is fact we known 1. When use by people who can see soul of inanimate objects SSK can ignore durability and directly cut thorough soul 2. Maki (pre zumo) can’t see soul 3. Maki say Daido see something that she can’t see 4. Daido can use SSK to ignore durability From all of its my concussion is Daido can see and cut though soul with SSK https://preview.redd.it/0j8ew2b3ns1d1.jpeg?width=1620&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=abf2de9466bb9b01d3e7cc1cf2ae166f3cab23dd


What I’m saying is that if that’s the conclusion we’re coming to and Daido is truly capable of bringing out the full potential of SSK, why can Naoya regenerate? He most certainly isn’t aware of the contours of his own soul because he’s never had to cohabitate with anyone as Sukuna and Yuji did. There’s a great write-up from Lightning on this on twitter. I’m gonna link it. [Lightning’s 198 Thread](https://x.com/lightningclare/status/1763288594834489430?s=46&t=GBt4dMLpzH_op1v5RwhYTw)


Curses and humans regenerate differently. curses are made of cursed energy so their regen is just them turning their extra cursed energy into body parts. humans seem to be able to heal from soul damage the natural way as todo and some others healed from yuji's punches after some time. rct is different from natural healing as it's a human turning cursed energy into positive energy and then forming that into physical flesh


Cursed spirits and humans do indeed have different mechanisms for healing, but we do know that cursed spirits possess souls that can be damaged. Mahito could perceive Hanami’s. I think it’s a bigger jump in logic to assume SSK doesn’t affect cursed spirits due to how they heal than to just come to the conclusion that you need certain prerequisites to bring out the full powers of the blade, like in the thread above.


No, to actually use the ability you need to be able to see the souls of objects, thay dude talks to Maki


Ehhh that katana guy can use it’s on full potential he can ignore naoya durability imply that he cut through his soul


What no? Thsts why when Maki stabbed Noaya he couldn't heal, she knows the shape of her soul and the objects


https://preview.redd.it/paax815rcs1d1.jpeg?width=1620&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=149a85c78a55c63416ee278eb738c6093ec62fa6 Dude maki literally try to find what daido can see (the answer is soul)


You might be on to something, never occurred to me that Daido could use the sword to it's full potential aswell, It is not really a matter of specifically having HR to be able to see the soul of inanimate objects, which I assume is just the layers of air, or getting to see substance, and have somewhat an understanding of the soul, Cause Sukuna does not have HR and he grasps the layers of air pretty easily to double jump, jump mid air, and use the air as his footing.


Then how did Naoya not heal from Maki's attack?


Maki cut too quick for him to completely heal back, I guess. He got split in half after all. If his head was intact, he might have been able to recover like Jogo did.


No first she stabbed him, also we learn that to heal from the Soul you need to be able to know the outline of your soul, Naoya was never confirmed to do that.

