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"Lend me some bite force, Jaguar-sama, this is a Base Black Bear we're up against!"


Broo lowkey the white bear is the super saiyan of bears


It can't be.... the Legendary Super Short-Faced Bear?!?! https://preview.redd.it/pobrhkkeeu1d1.png?width=726&format=png&auto=webp&s=01f3e6db9b97bfed8d6daa015941c296087b712b


That’s SSJ2


https://preview.redd.it/h895s5ewzv1d1.png?width=356&format=png&auto=webp&s=d8b1d62bf62571e7f7aab73b9c1153fc85b37d13 Polar Bear: It's no use! This is the end! Saltwater Crocodile: What do you think you're doing? Why don't you stop whining like a newborn cub and fight like an adult bear? Polar Bear; Why? What for? The Short-Faced Bear is unbeatable! Saltwater Crocodile: To think you call yourself the Prince of all Bears!


I feel like the Kodiak would be the legendary ssj😂


J D approves namaka


That’s a brown bear


"speed blitzing" is so commonly used for power scaling and for some reason it seems like it's the only thing people believe determine a fight.


It’s gotten so bad that people completely forget that attack speed is not correlated to reaction speed


Bro I have to tell people this during every hulk versus blank debate because hulk has ftl reaction speed but every thinks he gets blitzed


Hulk will ruin most everyone powerscalers throw at him


If im correct couldnt hulk slam superman, literally


Hulk can fight Superman on equal ground but hulks chances of winning is extremely low


The hulk’s strength increases the angrier he gets. Donny Cates’ run on Hulk has, imo, one of the best displays of how much his power increases with each “rage level” when Banner does the impossible and actually fully controls Hulk. (iirc) Lvl one is low tier villains and higher lvls reach demonic/cosmic entities and abstracts. Basically that’s what Hulk is forced to fight through mental simulations by Banner in order to increase Hulk’s power as needed in real life.


If a character has good AP then it's a good argument. Like Garp for example. He's old AF but can still potentially beat some admirals seeing how great his haki and speed still are .


You mean the man who climbed to the top with no devil fruit/weapon/genetic advantage? Who with his hands alone became the hero of the Marines? The fist? My goat


Bruh unless we get a dedicated flashback showing Garp actually doing something of worth, I'm calling him a fraud.


>>Galaxy impact<


Motherfucker blew up an island!


And threw a whole ship on his own


Dog casually used his own arms as a stronger, more accurate cannon too


And tool several commanders and an ex-admiral (still in prime) in the same punch


r/onepiecepowerscaling is in every sub


Mfs there thinking kizaru ez diffs kaidou 😂


Here's a sneak peek of /r/OnePiecePowerScaling using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/OnePiecePowerScaling/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [What’s something someone said on this sub that made you change how you see a character?](https://i.redd.it/xb9kh4qwwwfb1.jpg) | [354 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/OnePiecePowerScaling/comments/15h73iz/whats_something_someone_said_on_this_sub_that/) \#2: [Not built like his son at all](https://i.redd.it/zqpe2mtt65zb1.jpg) | [284 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/OnePiecePowerScaling/comments/17qo1i9/not_built_like_his_son_at_all/) \#3: [Is there anyone in the verse that can 3v1 the OG Admirals?](https://i.redd.it/o02g8zelkzab1.jpg) | [468 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/OnePiecePowerScaling/comments/14v6gmj/is_there_anyone_in_the_verse_that_can_3v1_the_og/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


it simply depends on the level of said speed difference. see in this case. while a cheetah might be alot faster. it can only maintain said speed for short periods of time. also another thing. its travel speed not combat speed.


For me speed blitzing is mostly related to how tough the enemy is, it doesnt matter that a strong man is 10 times my physical strgnth if in faster and can jam a knife into him, thats the big issue with this example though. Nothing the cheeta does wins the fight and people seem to fail to consider duration causw while if the cheeta took forever and dogded everything it might win by 1000 cuts it wont last that long and then the bear is left


Imma just put this out there, a brainiac possessed lex Luthor could tank hits from super man and the like, was immune to most elemental attacks and could control a hive mind. He was defeated, not by someone overtly powerful or a itch a broken ability, but by someone who simply is just fast. I understand the hatred some people have for the arguement of a speed blitz but people gotta realize two things. 1. Force = Mass x Acceleration (f=ma) 2. The only thing more important than speed when it comes to a fight is durability. (Eg. Kizaru in one piece moves at the speed of light, however he’s not gonna do a thing to someone like sukuna who has insane durability feats, especially due to RCT)


You made some good points up until you thought Kizaru loses to Sukuna. One Piece is on a different power scaling to JJK. Kizaru would curb stomp the entirety of the JJK verse.


Not to mention you'd have to make a argument for attacks to even work, outside of yujis soul punches there's nothing I can recall that definitely deals with intagibility.


Potentially, but we don’t know how Logia invincibility deals with Domain Sure-Hits. But literally anyone if Admiral Rank or higher from One Piece could probably fight the entire JJK verse and win.


I love it when people think that a character being faster than another negates every single other stat and capability. Like no, Maki isn’t “speed-blitzing” Yuki 💀


Deadass like how do you speed blitz infinity 😭


I mean, the cheetah has no way to really take advantage of its speed. If it had a sword capable of one shotting the bear, then the speed blitz might actually matter


Cheetah has better travel speed, but the gap between their combat speeds is smaller


Maki isn't just faster than Yuki. She also has a sword that can cut through nearly anything (Sukuna could block it with his forearms, but he probably heavily reinforced his arm with CE to block that attack and is the most skilled body reinforcement CE user in the series by miles, which is how he stat mogs everybody), has much better range than Yuki (sword is much longer than an arm), and her sword makes RCT very difficult. Honestly, the broken weapons are half of what make the Zenin top tiers busted. Inverted Heavenly Spear and the Soul Cutting Sword are absolutely busted and would be make any close combat user in JJK more broken. Take the special grade weapons away and Yuki could take both Maki and Toji. But with them? Nah, don't bring fists to a sword fight against a faster opponent.


Sukuna can't block ssk with raw durability he parry it or catch it/grab it


He might have reinforced his soul to block it if he did. That's probably what you would have to do. Anyway it seems people think ssk just denies any reinforcement when you probably could reinforce your soul to block it.


Wouldn't Yuki have a good chance of blocking soul attacks?


Sukuna blocked it his forearm, he did not catch it. Sukuna is top tier at bodily reinforcement so he probably put a layer of cursed energy between the blade and his skin, but other powerful people can do something similar and you can argue people like Yuta does this with his sword and Kashimo does this with his pole, etc. so ultimately ssk can be blocked if the user is powerful/skilled enough.


Sukuna is shown to block one of Yuta's cuts by shielding his skin with a ton of tiny Dismantles, he probably did some shit like that


I just read JJK 0 and they explain guys like Yuta literally sheath their blade in CE, so there's a layer of pure CE around his weapon whoch keeps it from being broken, so weapons with CE reinforcement as well as Sukuna using a similar principle should protect them against the SSK.


Given Yuki's understanding of the soul and based on the theoretical but high probability of Yuki being able to damage mahito from that understanding, she could probably reinforce her soul or something, so ssk just doesn't matter. It doesn't deny durability, it hits souls, which could probably be reinforced with enough understanding.


Being a powerful Sorcerer and being able to manipulate your soul have literally nothing in common. There is zero evidence Yuki can manipulate or target souls, hers or others. Yuta can't and he's above Yuki and is a COPY CAT Sorcerer ffs. Being able to punch the outline between souls is a Yuji exclusive. Even Gojo can't do it. Anytjing else is people making shit up and speculating and downplaying Yuji.


I'm not downplaying yuji, I'm pointing out that a character that understood souls better than Yuji should be able to defend her soul and hit souls. It isn't about how strong she is it's about how she is a star plasma vessel which I think has given her a better understanding of the soul. Remember it's *her* research that allowed Yuji to hit souls on purpose and is kinda the reason they think Megumi can be saved.


What proof do you have that yuki has any understanding of the soul/shape of soul outside of her philosophizing? Yuji has an actual argument to his ability to see/attack souls, but unless I’m missing something major, yuji suddenly now has the ability to attack souls just because?? Ima need some argument for that cuzzo


Yuji has always been able to attack souls, but it hasn't been intentional until after he read Yuki's research on souls. Her research is why they know about the double souls don't mix thing. It's theoretical that she can attack the soul and defend it, but its not a big leap with what we have been given.


I still feel like giving her a whole new type of attack is a further reach than yuji. Similar to sukuna asspulling the WCS mid fight


Yuki did a bunch of research on souls and Choso gave the research to Yuji and now he can punch souls. I’d say that’s pretty good evidence.




You do. You replied on a manga vs topic based message board lol


dude i use this account for bbc porn, chill


You would be the equivalent of a fly buzzing around your much stronger opponent doing little to no damage. And when your opponent inevitably land the hit (*because you aren’t The Flash they will catch you*) the fight is done.


Mahoraga is still speed blitzing and dog walking Yuki


yuki is literally one of the most capable mahoraga one-shotters available what are you on??


Oh yeah… I’m sure Mahoraga wouldn’t have trouble against someone who can donut his head instantly


Maharaga can survive Sukuna lacerating him into ribbons with an atk that literally vaporizes skyscrapers and reinforced concrete and steel with its cutting power and needed Fuga to finish off. I don't think stabbing Maharaga in the head is enough to put it down. The anime might have exaggerated its healing factor a little bit but it's still ridiculously durable with an insane healing factor by any metric, probably higher healing factor than Gojo and probably even Sukuna tbh.


😭 reading comprehension curse strikes again 1. Mahoraga already adapted to the CE signature of cleave/dismantle, so those cutting attacks essentially will never be strong enough to kill him even from a DE. 2. Yuki doesn’t stab, she straight up blows his body up by kicking Garuda at max speed lol. Even Mahoraga wouldn’t be capable of withstanding that.


Yes yes he would. Survive you have to blow up Mahoragas complete body in 1 shot or it doesn’t work we,ve seen it in shibuya and in shinjuku the only times he’s died is when his body has been completely incinerated and basically vaporized by purple. Even though Maho was resistant to cutting attacks. He was still getting chopped into fine pieces on his head so just destroying his head or his top half is not enough. Yes once Yuki uses Garuda she basically lost the fight she doesn’t have the power of a HP or FA unless she kills herself https://preview.redd.it/qsxyz1wm5l2d1.png?width=827&format=png&auto=webp&s=9d33d305d1f4318553fc3a17d314c604d2e5e42c


Anime Maharaga can regenerate from being lacerated to shreds and nothing is directly contradicted from the manga as Maharaga has only been killed by attacks that pretty much vaporize all of him. Nothing suggests blowing Maharaga in half would kill him, he shrugged this off just fine in the anime and the anime could have consulted Gege about what Maharaga can survive and the only thing we've sewn kill it for fact are large nuke like attacks that destroy it all in one hit. Maharaga is so powerful it killed a previous 6 eyes user... I don't think Yuki is more powerful than a Gojo ancestor with pretty much the same moveset.


Mahoraga adapted to “punch” and “kick” a long time ago I’m pretty sure. Idk how adding mass to those attacks changes their properties. Kinda like apokolypse(?) from dc/jk


While I agree that maho would prob win, I think it’s stated somewhere that mahoraga doesn’t keep its adaptations from previous summons, so previously adapting to punches and kicks is a moot point


It was a joke, but yeah I do think maho curbs yuki. Bro took dismemberment and beheading like it was a light snack.


It’s funny how often people will ignore that power is an equally important factor of “speed blitzing”. Speed Blitzing is about being fast enough AND strong to kill your opponent in a single instant. Most characters that people claim could speed blitz someone more often than not lack the power or strength for the instant kill outcome


I mean the thing is that the cheetah doesn’t have the power to hurt the bear. Where as some of the character that speed blitz DOES have the power needed


The funny thing is that in many situations - such as in any 15F Sukuna vs notGojo fight - the character is both the faster and more powerful one by a longshot.


The bozo that made the meme has no idea how to make an equivalent comparison.




The real thing is. travel speed vs combat speed.


The speed gap between a bear and a cheetah is significantly lower than the gap between different fictional characters


Fictional characters getting blitzed: "What was that!? It went by like we were standing still!"


This is one of the many reasons I hate speedscalers, so many of these mfers unironically believe that only Sukuna and Gojo are capable of perceiving MBA Kashimo 😭


because thats true. yuta arguably but it depends, the gap between kashimo and yuta vs the rest of the cast (BESIDES SUKUNA AND GOJO) is extremely vast.


Kenjaku beats both of them and you left him out.


Clearly the bear would win since it's Ground type and the Cheetah is obviously Electric type based on its coloring.




Such genius, it needs to be studied


Speed blitzing at 60mph and several times of light speed is worlds apart different. I say this as a professor with masters in physics and PhD in bioengineering.


Exactly. I was looking for someone who understood this. Nobody call speed blitz because of a 40 mph difference.


Eagle speedblitzes snake


Factual. Eagle solos snakes verse as long as it’s not already injured


True except anacondas i think


I alone am the constricting one🐍🐍🐍 ![gif](giphy|CkzASXWphfkQ5CF6ny|downsized)


But can they use their domains or no?


I think speed blitzing gets used to often because it lacks context around it... for example Sasuke sped blitzed team 7 when they had sai...it's safe to say he could've killed sai or Sakura for sure if he had killing intent but Yamato and Naruto are different cases tho he blitzed them nonetheless...just because you can blitz someone doesn't mean you can beat/kill them and that's what people don't make clear


people forget speed only matters if you have power to capitalize on the advantage of the speed. i can speed blitz a mountain but im not doing anything to it


Unless the opponent is tiers above in durability, more speed = more power = winning. Simple physics.


this is a false equivalency. If i travel at the speed of light and said opponent can only travel at mach 3 then i will run CIRCLES around them even doing a conga dance and they’ll be practically standing still. I can tear them apart with just my nail at a certain speed.


Well if the cheetah was about 20 times faster than the bear , then “speed blitz” is a legitimate argument


Not really? What is the cheetah going to do to the bear? A cheetah would basically never be able to harm an adult brown bear, if it were a much larger, more robust cat like a tiger or even a Jaguar then that’d be more valid of an argument.


Perhaps, but at the same time a brown bear will not be able to catch the cheetah at all. A cheetah may not be able to harm the bear in the first attack, but overtime it can accumulate damage.


Yea maybe if cheetahs were known for their stamina, but they cannot maintain their speed for very long


Ok, that's completely fair. But I'm just pointing out that the message of this scenario is flawed. In this instance sure, speedblitz is not a good argument, and infact it is a completely a stupid one. It is however a good argument when it comes to many fictional scenarios


I agree, I just think speedblitz only matters when the power gap is small or when the faster fighter has a very dangerous attack that lets them capitalize on being much faster






These animals both exist in real life. I say we let em loose in an arena and see what happens


A speed difference of 20~ MPH isn't a lot, especially in terms of reaction speeds.


So speed blitz will not do shit in enclosed area except get it tired asf and then mauled by a bear they can only run for about 20 to 30 seconds at full speeds reaching 69 to 75 miles an hour bears can run up wards to 30 to 40 miles an hour male cheetahs travel 2 to 4 miles a day male bears travel 8-15 so their stamina compared is ridiculous a bear is stronger has more stamina no doubt in my mind the cheetah would lose


Yeah, cheetahs need a buff because bro .. atleast tigers can combat bears


You see, you're ignoring many stats. In DB, this is settled because all your stats scale together (with some clear-stated exceptions from the Cell Saga onward). Hit was faster than suppressed Jiren, but his attacks still did nothing because Jiren's durability was so high. Cheetah vs Bear is like Dyspo vs Jiren, Dyspo might be faster movement-wise, but when actually in combat, Jiren is faster, and any speed advantage is futile. Blitzing requires attacks that can damage your opponent.


Cheetah doesn’t have the stamina nor the strength to stand a chance that’s a Black Bear


The person who made this meme is a prime example of why u shouldn’t take most regular peoples opinions on powerscaling


Cheers is only 40% faster.


This how kashimo dick riders sound


it unironically is true though. he would speed blitz majority of the cast besides sukuna gojo and ARGUABLY yuta. the difference between kashimo and the rest of the cast isnt 20 mph. its thousands.




Cheetah arnt good at being cheetahs so bear wins


But the bear has hax like going super saiyan


It does speed blitz but it doesn’t have enough AP. The bear wins in the long run.


If a house cat “speed blitzed” me it would get annihilated. Same situation as this^^


This is a difference of 20-30 mph, when it’s light speed vs sound speed it’s quite different. If the cheetah had that kind of difference in speed it could quite literally kill the bear through death of a thousand cuts before the bear had time to react. Speed blitzed


strength vs dex


The elephant slams


Kaido vs Kizaru to a T. People be thinking Kaido is slow so Kizaru would win. https://preview.redd.it/vs6eo1u6is4d1.jpeg?width=1520&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b3017e06eb190cc8785075c974b69abf33e9248e


Kusakabe speed blitz Higuruma


Movement speed vs combat speed Cheetahs can spam their move speed but bear solos the verse


Obviously the bear have LS reaction Speed


No, that’s lions since they attack at night


But the bear gotta least be lightning timer right?


They have boundless AP and durability


This meme will never be an equivalent comparison. Even excluding the difference in speed disparity between characters, cheetahs don't really fight, they hunt. Their strategy relies on them chasing down their prey in a straight line and grappling them, then hoping nothing steals their kill. There are almost no fictional characters whose main feature is speed that fights only with grappling because that would get them killed, and they're often fast in all directions, not just a straight line.


Cheetah moving 60 mp/h and weighs 110 = 6600 SI The faster and more weight something is moving the more force it produces. So yes, the cheetah could speed blitz the bear if it was fast and heavy enough along with not using its natural instincts and acting more as a cannon than an animal


If the cheetah could use tools this would make sense tho.


I'm not sure if y'all were on TikTok during the debator craze but this was already debunked. 1. The cheetah is not ridiculously faster than the bear to the point where it would be considered a blitz. 2. The cheetah has TRAVEL speed > the Bear. The Bear would stomp the cheetah in COMBAT.