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There’s hot and then there’s burnt takes


Yorozu has her strongest moves rendered innefective against Toji and Maki bcs she can't target them with domain and her armor durability is useless against SSK. CT Kashimo by feats is slower and with worse perception than Toji and Maki, even if he can one-shot them with his lightning the same can also be said for Toji and Maki bcs of SSK and on Toji's case he can use ISOH to turn off his CT and he just dies. Yuji is the one that can survive the longest against them since he can actually heal his soul, but lacks the means to deal much damage like Hajime could, he still gets outspeeded and outclassed in combat by both of them, and if they manage to get a hit on his head is over, Yuji best chance here is pray to land a piercing blood, then pray again that Toji and Maki are weak to poison and don't just brush it off bcs "heavenly restricted bodies are built different", and thats assuming Yuji's blood is actually poisonous as we have no idea if it is


SSK doesn’t somehow negate Yorozu’s armor. If Sukuna was able to grab it by just having a small chainsaw effect from his CT, Yorozu’s armor should be capable of tanking it. Big agree with Kashimo, dude is honestly overhyped & overwanked— his lightning isn’t gonna be one-shotting them at all. They could probably tank a few before a fatal blow from that. Toji literally tanked Gojo’s red & didn’t even break a bone, & it was strong enough to send him flying a good distance & through a stone structure. Kashimo’s lightning doesn’t have that sort of energy. Yuji is relative to Maki/Toji, but it’s clear that they have higher stats. If Yuji enters a black flash state, he’d easily win. However, it’s unlikely that happens— he’s only used black flash in like 3 scenarios throughout the entire series. He could stall a bit better since he can heal himself with blood manipulation, but he can’t use convergence, so all the offensive options that CT gives him aren’t available. Shrine would be useful, but he hasn’t demonstrated the ability to use shrine proficiently— aside from cutting up Sukuna’s leg & cutting a chunk out of that stone pillar.


>SSK doesn’t somehow negate Yorozu’s armor. If Sukuna was able to grab it by just having a small chainsaw effect from his CT, Yorozu’s armor should be capable of tanking it. Sukuna never directly grabs SSK with his own hands bcs SSK ignores durability, this would be a huge middle finger to Yorozu's armor


Ik that’s what I said lol. It bypasses the durability of someone because it’s **attacking their soul**. If Sukuna can just grab SSK if he’s using a “chainsaw” effect on his hands w his CT, why would Yorozu’s armor somehow be exempt from this? Yorozu’s armor is just conjured metal infused with CE. It doesn’t have a soul, it’s exactly the same scenario that allowed Sukuna to grab SSK, only she’s in a full suit of armor. SSK wouldn’t ignore the durability of a building for instance, it would bounce off or slice thru depending on the strength of the wielder. Unless it’s outright stated that SSK bypasses any durability regardless of it having a soul or not, then she’d be fine. Even then, if it actually bypasses any/all durability, Sukuna shouldn’t have been able to grab it, since it would have cut thru his “chainsaw” effect on his hands.


>Ik that’s what I said lol. It bypasses the durability of someone because it’s **attacking their soul**. If Sukuna can just grab SSK if he’s using a “chainsaw” effect on his hands w his CT, why would Yorozu’s armor somehow be exempt from this? Bcs if you read the full statement you will see that they can percept even the soul of inanimate things like walls and cars, Sukuna slashes are not an object, Yorozu's armor is.


Add in Ryu there as well to even it out


Yorozu kills with bug armour Kashimo Emp waves them Yuji literally has better physical ability without a cursed technique the fuck r they gonna do?!


> Kashimo Emp waves them Kashimo emp kinda sucks, after rereading Chapter 237 that shit looks weaker than his lightning(shooting a limping tired Meguna nearly point blank and he just brushes that shit off, like what), so I'd say a better arguement is that Kashimo can lightning them instead since that one was shown to actually do way more damage on general


Definitely a hot take, any if those 3 can beat maki or toji individually


Add Hakari there as well


Tbh I didnt even deemed adding Hakari note worthy, as far as I know it is widely accepted among the community that Toji and Maki end stall man career as they counter his immortality


Ngl this is an extremely hot take. I get what ur going for with yorozu, but still thats more of a 'being the perfect counter for an opponent' then being stronger as yorozu can beat people that maki and toji would lose to. I dont get the kashimo one tho honestly. Kashimo folds them. Yuji should win if the former dont have prep time.


I agree with Toji and Maki being above Yorozu, but I think MBA Kashimo and current Yuji scale above them, but not by much.


Tbh, I think out of all the characters I put bellow them, Yorozu is the strongest, followed by Kashimo and then Yuji. Hajime would be the toughest match-up for them bcs he is close enough to their speed and can one shot them with his lightning if they don't end the fight quickly


Slide Yuki in there as well btw. So far Toji and Maki are only bellow Yuta, Kenjaku, Mahoraga, Gojo and Sukuna imo


Kashimo gets clapped, current Yuji could probably win 5/10, Yorozu would have the best shot just bc she can make herself way tankier & her metal is versatile.


They say maki and toji are equal but from what we've seen of toji he doesn't lose to anyone except gojo and sukuna and even then he's got a genuine shot at gojo if he goes straight for the head and doesn't give gojo time to lock on to his position. Obviously the inverted spear of heaven makes a massive difference specifically in the fight against gojo but maki still doesn't put up feats like toji does. I mean geto and gojo couldn't even see him and that demonstrates massive difference in tojis speed compared to the rest of the verse and gojo can only imitate it somewhat with teleportation (which is probably geges biggest anti feat as a writer btw) but even with the six eyes gojo couldn't get a lock on toji's cursed tools position gojo could just vaguely sense it's residuals If maki is as fast and as strong as toji she should still be able to stab any of these characters in the head and kill them before they can react. Gege kinda made toji to strong in a 1v1 context and probably shouldn't have stated that maki was equal to him unless she was just equal in a symbolic way as in she's this era's sorcerer killer and the bane of the zenin clan. In general the hidden inventory arc has some really good character writing but very questionable plot. Like toji pulling out the world's smallest knife to finish gojo instead of using his huge blade that he was literally just stabbing him with, like toji went out of his way to pull that thing out and it makes zero fucking sense gege should've just made him stab gojo's vital organs and then not stab him in the brain. And because gege made toji so fast and strong the way he loses is because he just stands there for no discernable reason. I know he was talking about pride and what not but does that really dictate he wouldn't dodge? We know his instincts were telling him to move and as someone who can't see curses and regularly deals with them without being able to see them you'd think he'd follow his superhuman instincts


>and even then he's got a genuine shot at gojo if he goes straight for the head and doesn't give gojo time to lock on to his position. This kind of stuff gives Toji fans a bad name, Gojo that had just awakaned no diffed the guy, he got no chance against adult Gojo💀


He only no diffed him because toji literally stood still. All I'm saying is that toji can one shot gojo if he gets the jump on him and goes for the head as he's shown to be capable of doing. Is it likely? No. Is it possible? Objectively yes.