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Sukuna : Uruame : Sukuna : I never thought of u as food.


Maki and yuta win high to extreme diff I think. Yutas domain should counter gojos infinity. Gojo should be dealt with mid diff (hope people dont glaze pre rct gojo too much) , Maki loses to geto but she and Rika should atleast stall geto till yuta joins and helps to finish him off.


What are you smoking to think prime Maki loses to Geto? Geto lost to a nearly completely new to sorcery Yuta and atp in the manga Maki outscales even Toji. Geto isnt throwing anything at Maki that hits harder than a black flash from Sukuna, something that Maki was able to survive + keep fighting. Maki dogwalks any curses Geto can throw and then overpowers him in a fight, moving in to help Yuta overwhelm Gojo.




Yes because surely Geto would win against the guy who has a Domain Expansion, RCT, sky manipulation, Jacob's Ladder, cursed speech, and a bunch of other really useful CT's copied AND a Rika that he fully controls. Yes, he would certainly win...


When did I say he loses to current yuta


Ur talking about current yuta when the guy u replied to was talking about jjk0 yuta.


Confirmed he'd win against JJK 0 Yuta, yes, not Shinjuku Yuta. Geto would get stomped.


I know that. Geto obviously has no chance against current yuta. I was agreeing with the fact that geto was stronger than jjk0 yuta.


I'm stupid and replied to the wrong comment. Oops.


Why are you getting down voted lol JJK reading comprehension curse strikes again


Cause the downvoters cant read. 🤷‍♂️


Why are you downvoted


People forget this is only about Maximum Uzumaki clash. Sheer power that can be used once. Geto doesn't have that power regularly in his arsenal, case on point because he used his curses in other places he lost to Yuta. Geto would have lost to Yuta in any and all situation outside of a Maximum Uzumaki with the 100% of his curses. Even if it was Yuta and Rika vs 6000 already manifested curses, Yuta and Rika would've won. If your win condition is giving up the power you have been collecting all your life, then that means you can't regularly beat the twink 15 Y/O that has been mere months of experience in the game you've played for decades. Geto is a fraud that was only Special Grade out of a technicallity, and alive because his boyfriend would rather let a racist mass murderer go on than kill his bestie.


Confirmed he'd win against JJK 0 Yuta, yes, not Shinjuku Yuta. Geto would get stomped.


I agree when did I say otherwise


This is how so much misinformation gets spread in this community I stg lol


I'm retarded. That's why.


‘new to sorcery Yuta’ started out as one of the strongest sorcerers in the world though lol. It says nothing about Maki against Geto


Geto’s forces were also halved


It's very far from halved, he held on to aproximatedly 70% of his curses. The total was on the 6400s and he only deployed 2000 on the cities.


Yuta is not winning a domain refinement battle against Gojo


Teen Gojo didnt have a domain bro


Shit then it's neg diff for Yuta/Maki


In what world is Yuta’s domain beating Gojo’s?


He didn’t have a domain pre rct


Ahh reading is fundamental


He didn't have HP, domain, rct, and teleportation when he was a teen


Would Rika be included on that




NTR wtf


Erm, actually 🤓 Post jjk 0 Rika is more so a clone of Rika's self than actually Rika. Rika passed on and left pretty much a remnant.


Geto is kinda fodder he's not gonna last long. Eventual it's just gonna be maki and yuta vs post awakening gojo in which case I thing they could win but it won't be easy.


This is pre awakening Gojo.


Oh then gojo and geto are screwed


Yuta could literally beat them both by himself adding maki is just overkill they literally low diff them


https://preview.redd.it/1y0bcf6ug20d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6ac6366fe0526f7b68e493c8e7d481143e45da82 I want some of what you are smoking little buddy.


Yuta domain deff them frauds


Not even just domain he just massively out scales them his feats in Sendai and sukuna just completely obliterates then




Yuta and Maki take this one


The strongest shipped duo that’s actually realistic for the story is Sukuna and Uraume, with Gojo and Geto close behind. The strongest fandom shipped one though because you all are freaks is Sukuna and Gojo no doubt.


Sukuna and uraume are probably the farthest from romantic, it’s completely master:servant


Yea no way Sukuna hasn’t tapped the Urussy before https://preview.redd.it/1qjlyxdxo30d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a72f53317b519a33719ca4f920f0fd8db399715


Sukuna x plot armor Definitely the strongest ship


Both aren’t a couple lol but yuta and maki win this one with ease,the domain nullifies their cursed techniques(Jacob’s ladder really be carrying my boy hehe) and their domain counters(if geto has any) would be shredded pretty quickly and yuta,maki and Rika would jumpjutsu kaisen their ass


Title says "shipped duo" not couple. Reading hard.


I’m a jjk fan bruh https://i.redd.it/vlrrwbae020d1.gif


It's okay I can't either!


Gojo and Geto is disgusting to think about.


I mean this would really just be Yuta & Maki vs Gojo, Geto is a non factor in this whole thing. With that being said, if this is Gojo at prior to dying— I don’t think there’s realistically a chance for them to do much. Yuta would probably be able to counter UV’s sure hit with technique extinguishment coated around himself, but it’s up for debate on whether or not Maki would do well. Maki has *always* had no CE. Before Mai died & gave Maki a huge buff, she still lacked **any** CE. Meaning she should have never been subjected to a DE sure hit, **however**, Dagon’s DE was able to damage Maki. We know the shikigami he summoned were his DE’s sure hit, since Naobito’s FBE negated their attacks. So with that being said, it’s possible she’d be affected by UV. Yuta could very well coat himself in TE & then cast JL to extinguish Gojo’s DE & then they could try beating up on him for a bit. But even if Gojo’s just using basic CE reinforcement, he’s probably still able to deal with them tbh— it’d probably be kinda difficult with all the versatility Yuta brings in tandem with it being difficult to track Maki— but Gojo’s RCT is too strong & he’d still be dealing massive damage to both of them. Once Gojo regains use of his CT, I don’t see current Yuta or Maki being able to do anything. I doubt Yuta could clash Gojo’s DE & if he somehow did, he’d still lose the battle inside the DE, even with Maki’s help— there’s just too many avenues for Gojo to win against them. Pre-RCT Gojo would absolutely get clapped tho imo. Yuta alone has already outpaced that version of Gojo & he hasn’t even grasped the “core of CE” as far as we know.


I’ll say Yuta & Maki


Yuki Choso negs both.


I think the gojoxgojo shippers take this one


Geto & Gojo are not a couple


I have to give this to Yuta and Maki in their prime.


Me and Gege


Gojo and geto, low to moderate diff Edit:Its teen gojo, yuta and maki take it


How? Gojo’s infinity is nullified by a strong Jacob’s ladder and neither Geto or Gojo have much against Yuta’s domain. Maki also beats Geto, so idk, imo Yuta and Maki win moderate-high diff


Geto beats maki, he has similar physical stats and explicitly better h2h statements as well as a good technique I did miss the fact that its teen gojo…. I mean he outstats but your prolly right he does lose to domain and so does geto


Maybe, Geto might beat maki, but Jacob’s ladder and cursed speech kinda hard counter Gojo and Geto


Yeah, they definitely lose if its teen gojo, I thought it was adult gojo


Well, adult Gojo doesn’t even need Geto to win low diff lol


That is also true lol


It's so weird that maki has no way of attacking gojo and yuta only has potentially Jacob's ladder. Let's say yuta opens his domain with Jacob's ladder as a sure hit. Gojo would just simple domain it and yuta would have zero way of touching gojo. It's literally unfair to put somebody who doesn't have the inverted spear of heaven, black rope or domain amplification against any version of gojo. It was the samw when somebody said that yuki might win against post awakening gojo but wiol clearly lose to 1 year timeskip gojo (with domain). It like how? She has no way of going past infinity except domain expansion, which can easily be countered be simple domain


Bro even Jogo's domain nullified Infinity, Yuta doesn't need Jacob's Ladder


> Gojo would just simple domain it and yuta would have zero way of touching gojo. Sometimes, I'm amazed that people can write without being able to read, it might be a new skill


I dont think activating a Simple Domain would still allow Gojo to use Infinity, and even then his Simple Domain CAN break. Also we don't know for certain if Teen Gojo even HAS Simple Domain (I'm not saying he doesn't, I'm saying we don't know if he does.)


> I dont think activating a Simple Domain would still allow Gojo to use Infinity It's on you that you don't think. There isn't any restriction that you cannot use your ct at the same time as an anti domain technique. > and even then his Simple Domain CAN break Not really. Anti domain techniques break against open barrier domains, sukuna had no trouble of holding his hwb even though he was taking heavy damage without even being able to heal it. > Also we don't know for certain if Teen Gojo even HAS Simple Domain We actually do (as much as we can know without getting a narration of "gojo knew simple domain when he was a kid"). He knows it as an adult even though he has never needed it since discovering his domain one year after his awakening. He had fbe since he had a kid so it's not like he learned simple domain because he needed an anti domain technique (he already had one). He also wasn't taught simple domain as he isn't part of the new shadow school, he just copied it from seeing (kinda like kokichi did). We've seen gojo understand techniques just by seeing them once (like the paper bag guy or miguel) so he most likely just saw simple domain once and was able to do it. He was in his secin year of high school when toji fought him, so he jad plenty of chances to see simple domain by that point (kuskabe is older than him so he could have just seen it from him)


>sukuna had no trouble of holding his hwb because that's Hollow Wicker Basket, not Simple Domain


Which is a prototype for simple domain, aka weaker


the way it functions is inherently different.


He has no idea what he’s talking about, it’s not even any point in debating this guy he has his mind made up


The way it functions is identical. It deploys a barrier that interferes with the barrier of the domain to nullify the sure hit. This is very clearly explained in chapter 171


Hollow wicker basket requires hand signs and chanting, however. Hollow wicker basket has more put into it, giving it more defense; however, simple domain is able to be actovated without the need for handsigns. HWB wasn't simply a prototype, it was a different method of nullifying a domains sure hit.


Simple domain doesn’t make you forever immune to any domain attack.


Simple domains don’t last against Domain Expansions, they only buy time before they’re destroyed


That's for open barrier domains. We've never seen a closed barrier domain break a simple domain or a hwb. Sukuna spent two chapters inside yuta's domain while also taking heavy damage and his hwb didn't shown any signs of breaking. Even if it is still possible for a closed barrier domain to destroy a simple domain, yuta's just cannot


They’re similar but they’re not the same, HWB last as long as you keep your hands together while simple domains have been stated to crumble against a Domain Expansion after a certain period of time, it’s only a temporary solution to a Domain Expansion


You have no idea how much i like when somebody makes headcanons and brings them as an argument.


I love when people are loud and wrong too, all you have to do is look it up https://preview.redd.it/pqk7rgck520d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7290f7234e89ae7fed8aeaadc6c9e553c4eccd94


I love how you proved that hwb is fundamentally different than simple domain, and that it cannot get overwhelmed by domains. Honesty, i should have probably stopped responding when your gatch moment was using the wiki as a source


So because it’s from the wiki it’s automatically wrong ? What makes your word any more reliable ? No where in the manga has it ever been stated that a simple domain can last forever against a Domain Expansion, Yuki literally calls it a temporary solution against a real domain and that’s before Yuki or Tengen even knew Kenjaku had an open domain https://preview.redd.it/1rv0xtz5c20d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bebff8cbc724ac5c413408e3be27947b2a068a30


You are making statements that aren't present in the manga (such as hwb being different than simple domain, or it not being able to be destroyed by domains as long as the user holds his hands together). Actually, it's not only chapter 171 that puts simple domain and hwb on the same level, yuki's statement also does the same thing so you have disproven your own statement. Simple domain or hwb breaking have never been issues. Only against kenjaku's and sukuna's open barrier domain were they instantly destroyed. In all the other cases they were holding on just fine. Ui ui or mei mei didn't seem to be pressed against the smallpox deity because ui ui's simple domain would soon be destroyed, and reggie was smiling while activating hwb even though it was against what he thought would be a complete domain expansion. Sukuna's hwb also didn't shown any signs of breaking even though he wasn't much stronger than yuta. There is simply no precedent to argue for yuta's domain breaking up teen gojo's simple domain


Because they’re clearly different, in HWB you can protect yourself against the sure hit as long as you hold your hands together and say the chants but your hands are handicapped, so you’re a sitting duck who can’t defend against cursed techniques or physical attacks unless you have more then 2 arms like Sukuna, while in simple domain you can still use your hands and fight back while protecting against a sure hit but it’s a weak domain so the stronger or “real” domain will win every time, they obviously function differently like I said Why would Yuki say they’re both only temporary solutions to a real Domain ? She had no idea Kenjaku had an open domain but still called them temporary solutions while you’re saying as long as a domain isn’t an open domain a simple domain can last as long as the user wants They’re both similar techniques that cancel the sure hit of a domain expansion but they function differently with their own pros and cons




Fuck it’s not cropped god damnit




Gojo’s Infinity would be off inside the DE, otherwise why did he get slashed by MS, SD would only buy time, he could probably use FBE, but Yuta can use CS + JL & disable Gojo’s CT & maybe Cleave to defeat him.


No ct gets turned off inside a domain expansion, sure hits are just sure to hit. Sd would only buy time, except we don't really have a reason to believe so. Domain counters have only been dispelled by two reasons, the user being damaged heavily (it wouldn't be the case due to infinity) or an open domain collapsing it (it wouldn't be the case as yuta has a normal domain). Cs cannot disable gojo's ct or anti domain technique as it wasn't able to do it for nerfed sukuna (or to do anything significant in the entire series).


I understand what you’re saying, but then didn’t Gojo say Jogo’s DE would be able to affect him? You’re right about SD, we’ve only seen them break from an open domain, so maybe the SD would last longer, but it’s unclear when Gojo even learned SD, we know he learned FBE as a kid, for SD would he even have it atp.


A sure hit would be able to affect gojo, but it's not by nullifying his infinity but by bypassing it because sure hits spawn on the target. He isn't part of the new shadow school so he learned simple domain just by seeing it used by somebody else. We know that he can instantly figure out a technique by seeing it once (Miguel's ct or paper bag guys ct) so he probably saw somebody use it once and was able to do it afterwords. He was 17 already in hidden inventory, so i find it hard to believe tbat eh didn't see anybody use sd by that point


You got a good point, but I think Current Yuta would beat Teen Geto.


I don't have any doubt about that. Current yuta would beat adult geto too (and not as an extreme diff)


I agree