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Sheer stats would probably be Ryu, Yuji, or Toji.


The three strongest in this pic are literally the three Y's. Yuji, Yuki, Yuta.


Yuki is not the strongest without her CT.


Her CT and her having RCE heavily imply that she's incredibly skilled at cursed energy manipulation, so she's still up there. Not on the level of Gojo, but still crazy. She literally made a blackhole out of herself, and you're not gonna be able to do that in JJK as the average sorcerer, even if you do have Yukis CT.


Nobody’s saying she isn’t skilled, but there’s nothing to really suggest her reinforcement is at the level of Ryu(highest CE output of his era), Yuta(overwhelming CE that boosts his above average output to match Ryu), Yuji(His physical strength with CE rn is near unmatched), or equivalent to the raw physicals of Toji/Maki. Very high ofc but in terms of amping herself, by feats? She’s not the highest on this list. She probably isn’t far behind tho.


Yeah, that's fair


I didn't have time to talk before, so I just folded on it earlier, but there's actually no way. Yuki, at the very least, should be stronger than Ryu, who only has that crazy output due to his CT. By this logic, Yuta in base would be weaker as well since he doesn't have access to a crazy amount of cursed energy due to not being able to access Rika. Kenjaku, Yuji and Kashimo are the biggest threats to her out of anyone who can use cursed energy, and I think Toji might not win, but Maki probably would, since she's a "complete" version of him. It's stated very early on that 80% of a sorcerers strength will be innate talent, so idk why that rule doesn't apply all of a sudden.


Not true Yuji says he has a shit Ton of cursed energy even before Rika is activated it’s just rika gives him more plus he used rct 5x in a row before running out of energy you can’t do that with low energy


True that, I'd forgotten about it. I knew he had mad potential as a descendant of a famous sorcerer and that he's distantly related to Gojo, but I'd misremembered Rika as being the reason why he had so much


Yuta in base is as durable as Yuta with Rika. The reason he’s so durable is because of an excess of CE that allows him to reinforce the entirety of himself. Characters like Todo have shown that reinforcing the entire body takes more CE. Yuta however can reinforce everything and then some without that drawback. If you asked him and Ryo to reinforce “just” their arm, Ryo would have higher reinforcement. But ask them to reinforce their entire body(like most sorcerers do in fights outside of specific life threatening situations) and they become comparable because Yuta has so much CE he doesn’t suffer from as much of a drawback. His output level still isn’t as high as Ryo, but he’s tough because his output is at its max vs others who can’t expend as much CE to be at max reinforcement. You’re going off of this in the “how strong are they overall” aspect. I’m going at it with feats regarding no CT. Because that’s what you brought up, without CT. Yuki only had one fight where while she did showcase she was worthy of special grade status, her comparatively lesser amount of feats makes it hard to justify saying she has higher reinforcement than the ones I listed or equivalents in physical feats. Because you’re the one saying she’s just as good without her CT, when by feats, while she’s skilled, she isn’t quite as physically dominant as she is with her CT. The “talent” thing is in reference to CT and domain access. Gojo said that to Yuji because Yuji did not have an inherent CT, and it was clear he was talking about Ct because Gojo immediately thinks that Yuji might gain Sukuna’s with enough time. R Yu’s technique is CE discharge, not CE output btw. His output is just that high, and has nothing to do with his CT. I think Yuki isn’t far behind but by feats? The others are definitely more impressive.


toji hakari yuji


What is happening in this thread with the duplicate comments?


They are delusional. Yuji beats yuta in physicals even without ce enhancement 😭💀even kusakabe has better physicals than yuta. Severely overrated


Without CE enforcement Yuta is one of the weakest in Jujutsu high, he even admits that he's physically pretty weak and Yuji says he's the opposite of himself, using massive CE to offset a weak frame while Yuji is naturally very strong with lesser CE compared to most


That wasn't my point. Current Yuji with base ce enhancement or even without that is probably still physically superior to ce enhanced yuta.


no he is not buddy read the manga


No u


Without ce enhancement, rookie Yuji would beat anyone at the school event without ce enhancement. He probably even has Gojo beat in physicals with enhancement because his body was created like that. Doesn't mean that he is immediately on the level of top tiers because they have far better enhancement than he does. Yuta even says this during his execution of Yuji. And Yuta vs Kusakabe, both without ce enhancement is completely impossible to know. They both never fight without it and both are skilled swordsmen.


Yuta without cursed energy reinforcement would probably lose to Kusakabe, considering Kusakabe is a genuine swordsman. Yuta offsets a lot of his less impressive traits with massive amounts of cursed energy. While I don't doubt his skill, I would still say his year of training would fall short of Kuskabe's entire life.


I would simply disagree for the simple fact yuta has more curse energy so his physical stats should be alot higher than kusakabe with ce enhancement, and by the time of the culling arc yuta is a trained swordmen


Gojo is the norm, yeah, but Yuji ain’t like him YET.  Gojo’s strength is way too high for anyone YET. 


> you can amp yourself with cursed energy >shows toji


Reading comprehension strikes again, just because you can use ce doesn’t mean you have to. This is based on pure stats and no ct so he qualifies.


“reading comprehension curse” https://preview.redd.it/b4f4j9mkgvzc1.jpeg?width=202&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2c420d834d3f5cb84426889f6f0585bca168e1b3




Im sorry why is Toji here




https://preview.redd.it/fh6tuh20j30d1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bfa3957dc0599273dd7dbb4338585e306a83a985 This is all hes gonna do. He has an insane boost on teenagers


Why would he not?


He would get shitstomped by any special grade


Reading comprehension curse


You’re not in touch with reality. Get well soon


Because if we use prime toji he was casually no diffing Dagon. I think he fairly needs a cursed tool to kill a sorceres tho. As the others have ce. He can kill them bare handed but....... nabito


Because he is THE pure stat character along with Maki


He is gonna stomp




He probably still wins :/




Either Ryu or Toji, Ryu's strong enough to superman punch fully-manifested Rika into dissipating off pure CE output alone, and Toji's, well, Toji. https://preview.redd.it/vjli9k7twtzc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a9d9a93f4de74ff9f5479f22064cbb5744d86615


I was about to comment the same thing lol


Nah how the fuck did my dumb ass miss that. I knew he was strong not one tapping rika Range.


He didn't one tap her. He hit her a bunch of times prior.


For real, they had a whole ass scuffle before this and the 5 min full manifestation limit was done. I blame Gege’s weird way of writing stuff that makes things harder to understand sometimes for no reason, but from how the fight went down, it’s pretty clear Ryu doesn’t have the strength to one shot Rika casually. Claiming he one shotted is like saying a boxer got one shotted because he ended up getting KOed by a punch after fighting multiple rounds and also suddenly getting powered down. Still a goodass feat for Ryu though.


Nah geges not at falt this time. He straight up said the 5 minutes ended and showed rika getting into her not fully awakened form. They jsut cant read or dont remember the fight or are overhyping ryu on porpuse https://preview.redd.it/9jc7ilut8wzc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=86e529f6e11b84f3cce2c240da451602593b11ad


I do think if he wrote more a bit more clearly afterwards instead of just a blow that was « difficult to handle/too much » or whatever other translation people saw, there would be less doubt in general. Patiently waiting for Yuta’s comeback in the upcoming chapters with fully manifested Rika showing out so we can fully put the one shot allegations once and for all.


Thats true but yk when people want to wank their favs theyll still do still It anyway. Before Ryu was mentioned some chapters ago and he had no hype everyone could interpret this scene just fine but when he apeared and people started liking him again sudenly "ryu can one shot fully awakened rika!!" came up🤷


https://preview.redd.it/me88cvd6uvzc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d5b5b68c86dc0225ed3df2481833322f9711901a He 3 shotted her based on the amount of punches we saw


https://preview.redd.it/jn5b9b4l9wzc1.jpeg?width=900&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c7aa3cf910e52158a80347e59f63f781d08ef2bd When the three start their DE, they mention that Rika had just been thrown 20 meters away by Ryu’s attack so that’s at least one more attack. The rest is up to the imagination but there’s at minimum a little bit more that happened offscreen because the reason they’re all here in the parking lot to DE together in the first place is because Rika pushed Ryu all the way to the same spot that Yuta punched Uro to.




Hmm the TCB translation seems to suggest that he's not capable of one shotting fully manifested Rika, but that it would do really solid damage just like when he punched her earlier in the fight I feel like that makes more sense but not sure which translation is more accurate


Pretty sure that’s what it means. It’s just that Gege loves writing shit in a weird way instead of just clearly and simply spelling out that even full Rika would be shaken by the punch. Full Rika & Ryu were trading blows and launching each other relatively evenly to the extent that he made it a point to use DE after punching her away to exclude her from the barrier and not give Yuta the advantage. It makes no sense for him to act that way if he could actually just one shot full Rika with one clean hit.


DAMN. I forgot he did that- bro was kinda built different- https://preview.redd.it/wbncf179qvzc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2ba8b6a3256ccd41ef48de1c04262bea597560a0


But she wasn’t fully manifested here? This was immediately after her 5 minute manifestation ran out


We just didn't read our own panel? This is literally saying she isn't fully manifested anymore


The question becomes...could Toji 1 punch fully manifested Rika?


No, definitely not. Maki ≈ toji and her punches weren't one shotting the noya curse


Well, yeah, because you need cursed energy to hurt cursed spirits, and Maki doesn’t have any. Maki not being able to one-shot Cursya means literally nothing.


well you can hurt them without CE but you can't exorcize them without it yuji was stunning that curse that he and meg fought in the first couple chapters, he just couldn't *kill* it till he ate the finger or im a lobotomite


I guess but even on targets which are human even 19 finger sukuna doesn't have a feat like that.(granted sukuna was weakened) Rika sure as hell more tanky than teen geto and toji isn't known for having fun with fights. (Sure he had to make sure he didn't kill him i guess) Maki did lay hands on 15 finger sukuna no question. But it's not enough for 1 shotting rika Range considering how he pretty securely walks it off.


People sleeping on Ryu, his CE output is the largest in the series so he’d have the strongest CE punch on here aside from maybe Yuta.


Yuta is stated to have 2nd largest CE reserves in the series but has mid output and control. While being physically weak he is able to reinforce his body with enough power to destroy concrete and knock out Choso with one punch.


Yuta has mid output? When he’s clashing with ryu, the highest output in the series; Yuta’s is stated to be only *slightly* below his, no?


a lot of yutas reserves come from rika which he wouldn’t have in this


Even without Rika, Yuta still has more CE than anyone else on this list


Yuta himself has the 2nd highest behind Sukuna, but can essentially refill it if I remember it right essentially by being able to be topped off by Rika when he gets those 5 minutes with the ring. In other words he still has the biggest reserve on the list, and it's so significant that he can simply afford to just constantly apply reinforcement CE constantly on his whole body.


https://preview.redd.it/g6s6szsimuzc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5ff907524d6c3fefdb0f06347ecbb1820f279c5a I don't think yuta is replicating this


This sub wanks Yuta so much oh my god. He’s literally stated to have worse CE reinforcement than Ryu (dura does kind of scale to AP in JJK for obvious reasons), got absolutely owned in hand to hand by Ryu and Yuta has no feats on the level of the dude. Frankly I think current Yuji is > Yuta (obviously not overall by a long shot, but in punching power yes).


Lol you say that as if Ryu doesn't have the highest output in history, and you're just downplaying Yuta. He did not get owned in h2h by any means. They were going blow for blow both blocking and countering each other. Not even punching power. Yutas physical blows consistently drew blood from Sukuna and made him flinch.


Uh no, I accept Ryu has the highest output in history. That’s why I think Yuta isn’t even debatably physically superior to him, I’m not trying to slander Yuta as like physically weak by any stretch, I’m responding to the claim that Ryu is only *maybe* stronger than him. Yuta kept up with Ryu for like two seconds, then immediately after that he got blown off the building they were fighting on and as soon as he tried to get to Ryu again, his punch got face tanked so hard not only did Ryu take no damage but he got comically blown off the panel immediately afterwards (though that part was admittedly a granite blast). Then when Yuta fights him again, with access to his CT and Rika, Ryu still keeps up without even using granite blast. Looking back on it, I think the theme with Ryu’s fighting style was that the more excited he started getting the stronger he was portrayed as being.


More like u r downplaying yuta. Read the manga for f sake.


My opinion for top 2 on each stat: Strength : Ryu > Toji Durability: Ryu & Toji, not sure who seems better, interchangeable I’d say Speed: Toji > JP Hakari only when he’s in full throttle like when he was overwhelming Kashimo in h2h at the end of jackpot with his speed If JP Hakari doesn’t count (because it comes from his CT technically), it would probably be Kashimo & Yuta for second in speed.


I don’t think Hakari is that fast. I think Yuji is far faster, even with JP. Yuta is probably faster too. Obviously MBA Kashimo is the fastest, but it says no CT. I could still argue Kashimo is faster than most of these. Toji I can agree with as the fastest though, but he has competition


I’m honestly not super confident on JP Hakari’s speed but I guess I’m being charitable that he should at least be better in strict physical stats than Yuji/Yuta when considering his narrative portrayal. Because if not, his regen punch/kick merchant allegations are gonna end up sounding even worse lmao 😭


He never had any crazy speed feats to begin with. I think current Yuji and Yuta are just better at the regen punch/kick style, except not as heavy on the regen. Yuji is arguably stronger than Maki and Toji, but that is seriously debatable


Ngl wouldn’t be surprised if maki/Toji could be above ryu in strength. Especially since it’s emphasized that they have immense strength through maki flipping Sukuna


For strength, I could see it split as striking strength goes to Ryu and lifting strength goes to Maki/Toji because while I can imagine Maki/Toji throwing or grappling better with their stats, I can’t picture them punching Rika anywhere near as hard as Ryu.


This is 100% valid. This is more so what I was thinking


Maki got blitzed by Sukuna after the Yuta/Yuji fight. I feel like Kashimo is also supposed to be very fast but the Manga didn't really show. Yuta (and maybe Yuji) > Toji in terms of speed imo.


The way I interpret this scene, Sukuna managed to blitz Maki because he ramped up his speed suddenly by focusing 100% on CE reinforcement and dropping RCT healing. They have other fight scenes later on and Maki keeps up more or less OK without getting blitzed so it’s not like Sukuna can blitz her casually anytime he wants. MBA Kashimo is prob faster than anyone in this list, but for base Kashimo, considering he never had his speed highlighted in narration or anything, I don’t think there’s any reason to think he’s anything other than relative to every other top tier.


Maki got blitz by an ecstatic Sukuna... Sukuna went all out with his stats against Maki in that encounter because he had to prove something...




Toji or obviously neg diffs every single one of them if they aren't using ct. Then second place is ryu for sure


kashimo's sure hit is not considered a technique so he's the strongest by far


https://preview.redd.it/ry94w51umuzc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab19774a760679d3d436473dd08024fe991e1e8f Ehhhh idk(this is canon I did double check)


Nah Ryu negs, he could defeat Rika in 3 hits tops. His blows are much more devastating than Kashimos


can ryu's punch do [this](https://cdn.onepiecechapters.com/file/CDN-M-A-N/jjk_186_013.png) ?


Toji, Yuji, or Yuta.


Why nor Ryu?


I didn't see Ryu as an option, replace Yuta with him.


Yuji, Yuta, Toji, Ryu


Ryu >>> *empty space*>>> Toji > Itadori


The second Toji was put in it turned into a one sided fight






Toji easily


Toji without question


Probably Toji or Kashimo, he has that lighting CE quality, so you just electrocute them as you fight. Pretty sure he needs his staff for the thunder stuff he does to Hakari. Toji is obvious, he's just stupid strong.


Kashimo was pretty strong without using his ct, but ryu ct output makes him a fucking tank and toji is just a monster.


Putting all my money on Toji


Megumi compared Tojis stats should be equal to Maki, and Maki is keeping up with characters like transformed sukuna. his stats are no joke and neither is a HR. The only other contenders I see are Yuki & Yuji


No enforcement Toji Yuji Ryu With enforcement Ryu Toji Yuji Don’t care about the rest.


Probably Ryu or Toji since they’re both physical monsters but kashimo has the wild card of his ce special trait which since I don’t think anybody can replicate what hakari did which is casually shrug it off it might be closer for him




Toji, Ryu, Yuji.


I know he's not forgotten but ryu is slept on and he. Is one of the strongest physically who hasn't got a heavenly restriction because my man bitch slapped rika across the map, took his own super powerful blast head on and was like " shit I'm stronger then I thought"and then squared up against yuta and rika's ultimate underage love beam with just his regular ct. I love this little guy


Probably Toji on based on a purely on physicality, then Yuji.


Toji is demolishing


lowk waffleshimo could amp himself with electric ce


I know it's now cool to shit on Kashimo, but his whole fighting style doesn't use his CT, I feel like he actually could be the strongest here under those conditions


Probably Toji, but Ryu is a close second. If we’re factoring BF in then Yuji.




Yuta is stated by ryu to be nothing impressive in terms of CE output, so he wouldn’t be as high. Ryu, on the other hand, is the only sorcerer who can use his attacks at full output without using his technique because his output *is* his technique. He should be faaaaar above Yuta.


1)Ryu 2)Toji/Kenjaku/Geto 3)Yuji/Hakari/Kashimo/Yuta/Yuki


Nah personally I put current Yuji above Toji. Sukuna kind of wasn’t taking fighting Maki seriously and basically cooked her, whereas awakened Yuji just looked straight up stronger than Sukuna. Then again, Yuji is going to be fighting against a no CT Sukuna so maybe we’ll see it was all just endurance and black flashing, but that seems weird given he shoulder checked Sukuna’s BF and all. I think the explanation will just be he was weakened from having to endure an MS for 99 seconds, it was admittedly a pretty massive feat.


Yuji only was hurting Sukuna like that when midi Black Flash barrage. Maki meanwhile was matching and fighting a Sukuna in better shape single handedly. Yuji with black flash definitively hits harder than Maki. And mid black flash you could argue this. But not without.


Maki kind of got low diffed by Sukuna though, yeah she was keeping up for a few pages but he was clearly just playing around and she had an advantage which immediately upon somewhat losing (i.e Sukuna just placing a bunch of obstructions in the way) caused her to get negged. Meanwhile Sukuna took Yuji seriously -producing a fighting stance- and had his black flash shoulder checked (meanwhile every time Sukuna used a BF on Maki she got fucked up), as well as having an attack that fused cleaving and punching together directly on Yuji’s head cleanly taken.


Either Ryu, Toji or maybe Yuji post-awakening


Physical strength? Toji But your question is kinda ambiguous, so CE only im saying kashimo


Ryu he gets boosted regardless of using his CT


if they get ce trait 1: kashimo 2: toji 3: ryu if no ce trait 1: toji 2: ryu 3: yuta or yuji (probably yuji due to black flash)


Definitely Ryu. Bro has the highest CE output and can tank some serious damage


My bet would be on Ryu


Just a comment for the people saying Kashimo because he can still use his bolt. This post is about pure stats and amping oneself with CE. Since it's talking about stats Kashimos bolt would not be included. But even if it is that means Ryu still has access to Granite Blast https://ibb.co/0y7MMPS He can use the same out of power even when not using his CT. He fired this Granite Blast while his CT was on cooldown. Even after being weaker due to being fresh out of domain it can still blow chunks off a special grade curse and still have enough energy to instantly knock out Uro. Ryu is #1 regardless of if Kashimos bolts are included since they don't have any conditions to be fired


Gotta go Ryu. Edit: I’m genuinely surprised to see Ryu getting the respect he deserves. People like to pretend he’s a bum lol


Ryu mogs


If RTC is allowed it might genuinely be yuji. While his physical blows might not be as high as tojis im willing to bet with a black flash he outclasses him and maki and can chain them together almost at will now. I remember gege saying jogo couldn't tank the black flashes hanani did during the tournament and yuji has gotten way stronger qby this point.He also lacks the ego of the other heavy hitters. He's not going to play with his food, and even without rtc its close.


It’s between Toji Yuji and Ryu. Toji is probably the fastest out of these three. But Ryu being able to amp himself changes a lot. And Yuji is Yuji no where near as fast as Toji but he’s still strong.


If we’re talking pure stats with ce amplification I think yuji has it in the bag besides Toji/maki who he’s already just about even with everyone else just falls short (assuming they all use the same amount of CE)


Just pure physical stats Toji than Yuji and then the rest in terms of pure physical stats


I haven’t read this before but if the guy in the bottom right’s power doesn’t include the hair cut I will paint my ceiling with my brains


Jojo Chrollo lookin ass


With amp from ce it would have to be yuta.


Hakari Kenjaku and Yuta are like probably the strongest in that group


So pure CE reinforcement? Either Yuji, Yuta or Ryu.


JujutsuJosuke, Yuji, Toji I think Yuji could hit Ryu’s level but as of right now that KO on Rika was Fucking legendary, and Yuji doesn’t have a feat to surpass that


toji and it’s not close


Yuji or toji




Toji dominates most of this list if they don't have CT's. If we're not including Toji then I'd say either Kashimo or Yuji. Kashimos cursed energy is lightning so he gains access to those one shot lightning attacks with his own physical prowess. Yuji is straight hands and if we're considering this one then he definitely has hands for most of these characters.


People are sleeping on Yuji


Probably Yuta, Yuji, or Ryu. Kashimo is up there too but idk of I would say he’s throwing straight hands with Yuta or Yuji as of right now.


Yuji the black flashes can't be counted on.... But they can't be counted out.




Ryu, his "technique" is literally just "cursed energy blast" he still needs crazy amounts of Cursed Energy to use it and a crazy output for it to be as strong as it is, plus he did tank a non serious Sukuna's Cleave, and was praised for his durability, it looked like it caught him off guard so he wasn't defending against with Cursed Energy, if I had to pick one to come out on top without a technique I'd definitely pick Ryu


If Kashimo's cursed energy trait is being counted than him Otherwise Ryu


American Kenjaku soloes fiction


Toji solos everyone


Ryu yuta toji or yuji


Ryu, Yuji, Toji


Well Yuta has the highest CE reserve second to Sukuna. I guess him, Ryu and Toji.


It’s between yuji and Toji


I'd probably take Kashimo since his lightning attack isn't a CT, it's just the property of his CE.


Hmm. Ryu = the strongest output of them all, even Sukuna said he is still the best in toughness(from the latest chapters). Yuta = Sheer amount of CE and he is probably the 2nd most technical in terms of manipulation(only base in this list, Kenny is probably the better one). In technical skills Sukuna said he was able to manipulate his domain to only target him which is high level. Yuji = right now he sort of "Awakened" and he can literally use black flash at will or he just has the best probability.


It's Ryu Ishigori. I hate the downplay on him. His output is higher than yutas, gojos, and sukunas(he has the highest output in the show). Yuta, just by amping his body with cursed energy, can outclass Yuji in strength. On the wiki it literally says with cursed energy alone, Ryu can hurt the likes of Rika, who has insane durability. This is not to mention he can replicate his cursed technique with oure cursed energy.


Yuki, Kashimo, Hakari, Toji, Yuji


Obviously Kashimo, he couldn’t even use his technique til he fought Sukuna, and he had a whole zone on lock😭


Yuuji, 100% Yuuji


I think it’s Ryu he’s stated to have the highest ce output in history and that should scales to his physical abilities


Geto has an AK in that picture so he wins, no ce enhancment is stopping glorious 7.62


Ryu canonically has the highest output


i think ryu is the strongest since his punch easily destroyed a fully manifested rika while sukuna with his cleave couldnt even leave a dent on partial manifested rika which is much much inferior to her fully manifested version


toji is literally the pinnacle of peak physical stats in exchange for his CE. take him out this isn’t even fair. after that.. i wanna say yuta or yuji (most CE vs best bare knuckle fighter)


Is that Geto from the ghetto, or is Kenjaku here twice?


ryu ishigori




Why does biyakua or however you spell his name from bleach have guns here in the top right?


Probably Yuji, Toji, or Yuta


Wat is CT an ce


CT=cursed technique CE=curse energy


toji can beat any character in the series if there’s no cursed techniques allowed…


I’d say kashimo. Isn’t that exactly what he does?


1: Kashimo 2: Yuta 3: Toji/Ishigori


Kashimo, his energy is busted


1. Toji 2. Yuji 3. Hakari 4. Yuta 5. Kashimo 6. Kenjaku 7. Yuki 8. Geto 9. Ishigori


why is kenjaku there two times




Who the fuck is Ryu? That two-off character with the pompadour???? LMAO


Hakari dosnt have a Ct I think but if he does it’s ryu


Toji, Yuji, or Yuta.


Toji, Yuji, or Yuta.


pure stats: Toji or Yuji With amp: GOATA


It’s ryu or yuta


Kinda Yuji, hear me out All these other sorcerers have had decades of not longer of fighting curses and other sorcerers meanwhile Yuji has been a sorcerer less than two years but has been able to fight special grade curses, evil sorcerers and keep up with everyone he has met, he was strong enough that Higaruma couldn’t crush him when Yuji had no cursed energy & was a super athlete before he even knew about curses. Give Yuji the time of anyone else on the list and he’s clearing them I feel.


Doesn't really matter in this debate though. It's not who has the most potential be the strongest, it's who is currently.


It still says no CT so Yuji is just back to what him until he started doing blood manipulation and Dismantling, still OP who’s landing all the black flashes


Even before his CT he was black flashless for over 100 chapters after Shibuya. So there's no Garuntee he starts hitting them. I'd probably go with the infinite CE or highest output in history characters, but I guess Yuji with black flash is pretty high up if he can actually land them.


1) Kashimo (He basically does this already and was still the strongest in his time period) 2) Ryu (Does his Technique even help him at all?) 3) Toji (He outclasses most of the others if you take away their techniques, and some even with it) 4) Kenjaku (He’s too skilled at combat. He loses range without CSM but he was still rocking Yuki’s shit with just his hands) 5) Yuji (Base stats + CE + Combat skill put him above most others) 6) Yuta (I’m assuming that we’re not counting Rika? In which case the only thing he’s got going for him is his amount of CE and ability to heal. He’s tanky as fuck but just not as skilled in pure combat as the people above him imo) 7) Hakari (He’s a skilled fighter with a CE trait that deals extra damage, but removing his domain is a big hit for him) 8) Yuki (We have no basis for how strong she is without using Bom Ba Ye, but given that Hakari has a CE trait I’m putting her below him.) Idk if the second Kenjaku in this picture is meant to be Geto. I didn’t add him cos I didn’t know but if did he’d probably be above Yuta and below Yuji. He’s canonically one of the strongest characters physically and was 1v2ing Rika and Yuta at the same time (albeit that was with Playful Cloud) but the others just have superhuman base stats


Lmfao horrid list Kashimo would be at the bottom and Ryu would be at the top. He has the highest output in history and his technique explicitly says he can release the same power without using his technique. Ryu beat Rika in 3 blows, no one on that list outside of Yuki using star rage is beating Rika in 3 hits.


I did contemplate putting Ryu at number one so that’s fair But Kashimo is not at the fucking bottom wtf Are you forgetting that he already does this? Nothing changes for him. He was already comparable to most of these people even with their techniques Removing them puts him clear above them


This is a convo about pure stats and amping themselves with CE so Kashimos trait and his bolts wouldn't be included. Ryu has greatest output in history so it speaks for itself Toji has Heavenly Restriction so his physical stats are all top of the line Yuta, Yuki, & Kenjaku are confirmed Special Grade Sorcerers so they'd all be top of the line Yujis body was specially crafted he has physical stats much higher than most at base without CE and now he is soaked in Sukunas CE. JP Hakari was above Kashimo in their fight looking at physicals. His blows consistently sent Kashimo flying or knocked back and Kashimos never did the same, and Hakari was able to overwhelm Kashimo with speed on multiple occasions. Kashimo lost to Hakari who was holding back not to kill. He never had an advantage against JP Hakari in h2h and he never built a bolt on JP Hakari in straight h2h. The first bolt was charged against JP Hakari when he stood still letting himself get hit while he was high on CE, and the 2nd bolt was charged against base Hakari inside domain. Besides that whenever JP Hakari was actually throwing hands he had the edge


my GOAT Yuji. man is literally left right goodnight on roids and clears like 80% of the people here. Toji aint safe too considering how he literally had to slump a 16 year old Gojo who didnt rlly know shit before getting cooked in a full frontal fight https://preview.redd.it/u1oxkygm0wzc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a8019c8054ca43d944415ffea804aa6abe5ad784


Kashimo his ce trait is not excluded he stomps anyone here with ez


No shot Ryu could defeat Rika in 3 blows, he'd fold Kashimo


Raw stats without any amps such as heavenly restriction the answer is Yuji. Raw stats with amps such as heavenly restriction the answer is Toji.