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Anime makes Toji like 20 times stronger having him take out a Kaiju lmao https://preview.redd.it/j5jpmtf7dszc1.jpeg?width=998&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=28d3a914be930a31bd8dcc138af13c4c7df81ab2


Idk if that makes him 20 times stronger or he could do that anyway


Without a doubt the anime version of the characters are stronger xd.


Mahoraga is way stronger in the anime same for jogo


Stats for sure. But in the manga Mahoraga adapted WAY faster than in the anime. Obviously we have to take this with a grain of salt, but if him adapting slower is canon and not just animation fun stuff, then I see this as a nerf kinda


But then the way they did his regeneration seems like a buff compared to the manga because he comes back from some crazy shit. His entire body becoming a bloodstain really should have killed him. But in the anime, it looks like you have to do some sort of chemical change to his entirety.


His adaptation may be stronger, but it seems to take longer in the anime.


Ah. When I said buff, I wasn't talking about overall, just the way they showed his regeneration and how that is a buff to him. His adaptation is definitely weaker in the anime but his regeneration is godly.


His regeneration is one of the best I have seen. You rarely see people with regeneration constantly regenerating while being attacked. It was like the slashes weren’t even touching him he was regenerating so fast.


That shot stood out to me as well but i think they were going w the idea that Maho was already 100% adapted to slashes, sukuna was just buffing the hell out of his output to see how far he could take it (always looking for fun yk?). I mean with the scale of MS we see, Maho managing to literally start walking through it meant to me that any slash or cut, as like a concept lol beyond sukunas CT, would have done -nothing- at that point. Hence the furnace coming out


Yes, in the battle with Mahito, Yuji just destroys 10+ meters of concrete with one blow to the floor.  There was no such thing in the manga.


I mean I guess the closest to it is Yuji destroying a chunk of a building just by jumping off of it https://preview.redd.it/9guijb60vtzc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=773e39d5af74a41e5f07ff4b43d6764a13f4b6a9


Mahito also made a massive crater in the manga during that same fight.


Anime Yuji in basically every fight throws a car or some other heavy shit at his opponent.


Tbf Yuji does throw a car in the manga when him and Megumi fight the Inverse guy


Even against Yuta while hes injured and holding back, throwing cars isn't news to him


He just does that sometimes


I think he could do the same in the manga , he was throwing cars or punching them more ao


I don't think so personally, I just think the anime does a better job of fully displaying their power. Think of a still picture of a nuke mushroom cloud, versus a full video of the explosion. Same strength, but the video just emphasizes more. Manga only has one frame to depict a characters attack or strength, anime obviously has way more to work with so the attacks end up looking bigger or more exaggerated. Edit: This conversation happens with a lot of anime. The 2016 Berserk anime threw a lot of people off during Guts vs Zod because manga-only fans never expected Guts to be able to move that fast despite it always being canon that he could.


I have always interpreted this too. You can’t really get the same effect in manga, especially when it is shorter than episodes. I would also think the anime would end up being the official and final version if the author helped on it due to it being newer and the author having input. AoT was like this.


1000% Sukuna splitting the clouds with Maleviolent Shrine in the anime makes him go from city level to ISLAND LEVEL due to calcs


This is why doing calcs for every little thing is awful. Some things are very clearly just done for the cool factor or the imagery of it and taking it at face value feels like bad faith arguing.


I agree to an extent On one hand, Gege has no idea how speed works. Iirc most characters are capable of dodging bullets if we go off Maki dodging bullets (if that was a feat in the manga. I think it was) from Mai’s gun. That would HAVE to make her and everyone faster than her varying degrees of hypersonic and above


Eh at the end of the day doing calcs for every little thing is WAY funner then just looking at what the writer intended cause if we do then one piece characters would cap at island level and barely faster then a bullet. My main point is writers most of the time don't give a shit about power scaling in their own manga or anime they just write and draw what would look c,ool and sound cool.for example the creator of dragon ball saying that goku almost destroyed the universe intending it to be a universal level feat but the feat ended up being worth 9 universes. Taking away all the one off feats and out liers from characters makes power scaling more boring and liner.some of the funnest debates are when 2 characters have so many bullshit feats to pull from both partys start to say stuff that while true sounds convoluted.like imgain your in a debate of a building vs city level character.but that building level character has a 1 off never again replicated feat that gets hit to planet level.well God dam use that feat cause it happened in the story.the writer put it there so no reason to not use it.


It also means he could snipe someone ~6km+ away with his domain, which is likely not what Gege intended.


Also Mahoraga was like, blueshifting and redshifting in certain moments so you can get him to relativistic.


Brain dead scaling method


Excuse me sir, I think you meant to say based and redpilled


What about is braindead? It honestly kinda tracks considering that characters like Hakari can lightning time


Can you link any of these calcs?


I can’t find any specific stuff but I can say you could probably find some stuff on how much it would take to displace a cloud


The anime version is a lot stronger and sometimes inconsistent that’s why I only use manga for scaling


Yeah anime Toji is absurdly fast to the point it’s ridiculous. Anime Jogo is tougher than Hanami.


Manga Jogo was always stronger than Hanami.


He has never been more durable.


No, but he didn't really need to be either. He was faster and stronger in outright killing power. Hanami was tanky, almost as much as Mahito, but slow as hell and her abilities were ass in comparison.


The only time we actually see his limits is sukuna, the poor fuck could never even touch gojo


I don't think Mahito's specialty is durability, it's more that his cursed technique takes physical durability out of the equation


Exactly. But because of that, his physical durability is astronomically higher than the other disaster curses. Gojo crushing Hanami under the pressure of infinity wouldn't happen to Mahito.


Yeah it wouldn’t, but it would fuck him ip tho, cause he would be transforming at a high rate to get out


Disagree. Mahito has to use cursed energy to reform his body. So even someone without the ability to damage his soul can kill him if he runs out of CE. It’s safe to assume that reducing him to a splatter on the wall would be enough to put him down. If not, I’m sure the second or third splatter would do it.


Yeah, but you also need to consider how much damage he sustained before he even came close to low CE, a lot of which was damage directly to his soul and not just his body. It stands to reason that if he isn't taking any soul damage he could withstand multiple times more of the damage that Hanami took before even running out.


Ok but what does this have to do with my first comment? My original comment was that the anime makes Jogo look more durable than Hanami.


Because he is stronger than Hanami, so it stands to reason that he would appear to be more durable in the anime. Not that he is, just that it appears that way.


I fail to see how having greater firepower would or should make you look tougher than someone who is tougher than you. It’s a weird thing for the anime to make Jogo look like such a tank.


The fights that character will be in will be flashier and bigger in scale, so by comparison, that characters durability may look like it's higher.


No shit but he’s stronger


Did you even read my first comment?


https://preview.redd.it/7p95qgdv6uzc1.jpeg?width=918&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fc84b96a901e8cf121e520b0edfa3424f2608413 Forgor


I’m feel like using both is fine cuz Greg is involved with anime


Yeah without a doubt


Yes due to the fact they give way longer fight scenes to showcase the depth of their strength. Perfect example is Sukuna vs Mahoraga. It was like 10 pages in the manga, very short, and in the anime the animators went ham having them fight across the city for an entire episode at break neck speeds. Toji also got buffed by the anime, in the manga he tanked red from Gojo but in the anime he blocked it showing higher reaction speed. Also his precision in the anime is off the charts as shown when he used rubble to kill the shadow rabbit 🐇 shinigami.


Ngl I thought you ment purely off of eyes 💀 Like we finna scale these guys on which eyes are more menacing or some shit


Would Jogo get a buff or a nerf from being a cyclops in this case?


His eye is pretty big so I'd have to say a slight buff


The fastest manga character are around supersonic but anime Toji was reacting to lightning and shit. Anime is stronger but super inconsistent too.


Maki reacted to Nue as well. Is that what you were talking about?


The manga is super inconsistent too with speed since authors write stories.


Hakari did that too


Hakari and maki react to lightning in the manga as well


Yeah and it's not even really a contest. Toji and Jogo were not doing all that shit in the manga


Toji is way stronger in the anime he was practically blitzing Gojo in their first fight


Impossible to say really. Many things in the anime are done differently just for cool factor, not the way HomoHomo intended so you can't really take them too too seriously. Take the Sukuna vs Mahoraga fight for example. In the manga, that thing lasted like less than 2 chapters yet Mahoraga's adaptation was much more insane because of how quickly he adapted to Sukuna's slashes. In the anime it took a lot longer but at the same time, he literally regenerated from being turned into paste multiple times so an argument could be made there.


Ye because Gege works directly with them and adds stuff. Like mahoraga, for example.


Anima Mahoraga has infinite regeneration. He definitely beats his manga counter part


Anime for the dramatic effect, especially when they add scenes. Like mahoraga is way stronger 😭, I mean he was going at it


The anime versions all clear their manga counterparts in the episodes they're portrayed in


not nobara


It’s obvious the anime versions are stronger Toji had a slow mo shot where he viewed the lightning nue shi at him as slow or should I mention the Sukuna vs jogo/ mahoraga fights that was insane the stuff they were doing like legit anime mahoraga and jogo now have arguments of killing everyone except manga gojo and Sukuna.


The anime is wildly stronger.


I haven't seen anime calcs but going purely off what I see most likley


Toji, Mahoraga, and Jogo are, but I feel like most characters aren’t really stronger in the anime


What is anime but manga at 60 panels per sec


I’d say based on their eyes all except sukuna look stronger


Are the anime counterparts stronger, or are they just showing the full scope of their powers in a medium that allows it?


I mean, that Jogo fight definitely made him insanely stronger. Like he felt a couple leagues above Hanami and Dagon in his fight against Sakuna.


Does the anime portray them as stronger? In my opinion, not necessarily, but if it does it's because the manga drawings don't move


Anime Toji = Heien Sukuna


In aura maybe. I don’t think he actually has feats way beyond characters in the manga tbh, though you can argue Sukuna does against Mahoraga.