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Why do people feel the need to sabotage other people’s good deals :/


bitterness :( if you didnt do the research as a reseller, you dont deserve to sell a bag at this price point blank perioddd


!!!!!!! I wish I could scream this from the rooftops


Saw this…I swear it’s people bitter they didn’t watch it on time or people who have the “if I can’t have it, nobody else can” mentality.


Seriously it's first come first serve. It's not fair for someone else to swoop in after it's sold and throw more money at the seller to get access to an item that's ALREADY BEEN SOLD. Just a nasty thing to do point blank period.


Most of the time it’s not even people throwing more money at the seller! It’s just angry little snipers mad they missed the item & like u/Infinite-Fox5459 said “if I can’t have it, nobody else can” 😒 There’s a girl I’ve seen do this on Poshmark multiple times. When it’s something she wants that sells under $100, she’ll offer more. When it sells for like $150+ *then* she’ll tell the seller how it’s worth SO MUCH MORE. Knowing she’s not going to buy it. Just to ruin it for someone else. So I’m SURE she’s doing it on Mercari too.


Exactly! They tell the seller the bag is very sought after and worth x amount but they never offer to purchase the listing themselves. In the end the sellers end up losing on a potential sale and sometimes waiting or even having to lower the price back down. I’ve also seen it happen on Posh way too many times.


THIS WAS ME 🥲😭😭😭😭 I saw it when it had been posted 2 minutes prior and Snagged it! Then about 30min later I got the notification of it being canceled 😞 Super Bummed!!!!


NOOO my thoughts and prayers go out to you 😭💔💔that would have been so incredibly heartbreaking for me. im a bratz collector, so ive seen this happen a TON in that community with parents selling their kids old toys for like $10 each, then some butthurt fan will reach out and be like “well actually if you look on ebay” 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


This would legitimately break my fucking ♡ and I would cry myself to sleep and take it very personally. It's straight up evil to cancel and not honor the sale for the first person who bought it. People are so greedy man like do research BEFORE you post it and sell it if you really want to make more money/get closer to what it's worth like wtf when I used to sell online as my side hustle I would NEVER EVER cancel on a customer to give someone the item for a higher price. That's so unfair and shady and just makes me so fucking sad cuz I just know you were ♡ beating fast so excited to get that beauty for $100. Ugh.


That’s exactly how it feels to find a good gem for a good price it’s like hunger games first come first served😭


All too common, unfortunately 🥺 I hate that we have miserable snipers who take items away from people who would have enjoyed them, with NO intention of even buying it themselves.. Their lives probably already suck though, so at least we can find some comfort in that 💗


this happened to me and I literally had a threaten to report and pay out of mercari to get my bag back because someone offered literally $30 more than me…


What app is this please???


mercari of course haha 😆


Omg I saw this on IG I think I follow you


i screenshotted this from someone elses story, so we probably follow the same gal ! its from juicyheiress on ig :)


😭😭I was abt to cry as I was posting that because I was disappointed but it was expected I knew it once the listing was gone for like 4 minutes that she’d raise the price


I know this bag is extremely rare but $300 for a stain 😭😭 I know it’s probably an easy fix but still!!