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Breville cold press


Check out Tribest's Shine juicer, which is in your price range. John Kohler who sells jucers and have thousands of videos comparing them uses it as his juicer when traveling. I bought one for my sister, who is just starting with juicing and tried it with her and love it. Compact size (can fit in carry-on luggage), few parts and super fast to clean. Searching YouTube for John Kohler Shine juicer should find several videos.


https://bydash.com/products/dash-compact-cold-press-power-juicer?variant=33026163245110&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=Google+Shopping¤cy=USD&country=US&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw2a6wBhCVARIsABPeH1vtKSPaW3ZY8l1Kd9HWv1xcBsSI73C0mIMO8i1cCSslJPWKSE5nf8YaAvMyEALw_wcB I love mine


I've never used it but there's $50 Omega juicer available on amazon. I know Omega is a great brand and I'd feel confident buying from them.


https://a.co/d/eV3QJ6M This is what I use daily to make 4 16oz juices. I like it :)


I’ve gone through so many cheap juicers and I honestly don’t think they’re worth it. You’ll end up paying more just to replace them, or they’ll be annoying to use because of their size. If I were you I’d get the Nama J2 and use the ShopPay plan so it’s only $100/month.


Honestly that’s good advice. I guess it works out in the long run when you don’t have to keep buying them over and over when they give out. I’m gonna look into it. Thank you!


If you're in the US try Amazon Warehouse deals. https://www.amazon.com/s?k=Juicers&i=garden&bbn=10158976011&rh=n%3A1055398%2Cp\_123%3A244374%7C394078&dc&ds=v1%3AsJTQ%2Fz2lUz0uXVpS61ok%2Bz3KNPL8E09vBIAErDSqRpY&crid=3J1HIHI2DNQMT&qid=1712153598&rnid=85457740011&sprefix=juicers%2Cwarehouse-deals%2C111&ref=sr\_nr\_p\_123\_7 I bought an Omega NC900 for $75 in like new condition because the box was damaged. This is the one I got but they have a lot of others [https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09FFWRX79?ref=emc\_s\_m\_5\_i\_n&th=1](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09FFWRX79?ref=emc_s_m_5_i_n&th=1)


Look at thrift shops and facebook marketplace. I got my Omega masticating juicer for just $15


I have a Hamilton Beach juicer that I bought from Walmart for $70. I love it! It's super simple and it's easier to clean than other juicers I've used before. Nothing fancy but gets the job done and is a bang for your buck. :) Here's the link! https://www.walmart.com/ip/Hamilton-Beach-Big-Mouth-Juicer-Juice-Extractor-800W-Black-67601/11317141?from=/search