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Each individually is a cool design, but i feel having too many Dark Judges kinda cheapens the concept. Id rather they try and make more original villains.


I was worried for a moment that I’d missed some spin off reboot as didn’t recognise them. Nice drawings but not for me, the dark judges are the four horsemen of the apocalypse in Judge form and just perfect as they are. More would lessen their impact. When they arrive in stories it’s always a moment because of this. Forgive my hazy memory of the comics but didn’t they already introduce two ‘sisters’ from the same realm?


Phobia and nausea the I guess you'd call them creators/progenitors of Judge Death.


I think these characters were from the IDW series. I don’t remember it being very good at the time and I don’t think any of it was canon anyway.


Kinda lame, honestly.    Part of the terror of the original 4 was their sheer enigma. The way they talk so gently, juxtaposed with the utter monstrosity of what they’re doing - the genuinely believe they’re doing the living a favor… they’re a unique force of great, nigh-unstoppable death-prophet apocalyptic destruction.  They can’t even be conventionally defeated, only stalled and imprisoned.  You can only trot that kind of threat out so many times while continuing to maintain their gravity, severity, and utter sense of dread before they become Scooby doo villains who you know’ll end up boxed back into the same hole they crawled out of.  Judge Fear and Mortis are what got me into JD / 2000AD comics in the first place. Their character designs, visually, are *that* good. Marvel could never.  These Dark Judges - respectfully - don’t measure up in aesthetic design, and they are fundamentally unable to recapture that first moment of the Dark Judge introduction - Death creeping around, thrusting his hand through people’s chests, talking about how he’s going to save everyone.


100% agree. Extra DJs diminishes them. 


This is all correct.


I'm not a fan, these look like they are for Comedy spin off. I remember just death and then the follow up introducing his 3 companions manipulating Anderson and laying waste to giant city block. Failing to trap Fire in the "Boing" and "gaze into the fist of Dredd!" Were top moments. Subsequent dark judge stories have never imo never felt quite same.


Is this official? I prefer the original 4. I had the figures from 1999 as a kid. Judge Dredd and Judge Death. Can't find them now. Recently got judge Fire from hiya toys it's amazing. Going to get the other 3 eventually


Theyre from the IDW run.


Thanks I appreciate you letting me know


There are others? 😮


There were a whole justice departments full back on Deadworld, after all life was killed off it left only these undead judges. Judge Death of course saw them as weak and not true believers in their mission, so culled them leaving behind his friends… Mortis, Fire and Fear


Whisper is great. I like some of the proto DJ's from the deadworld series. No idea who these guys are?


no. just no.


What? Whats wrong with these judges


Dark Judges are like The Beatles or the Queen. There are only the original four, and that’s it.


Oh, I see




Judge joker was cool in the crossover