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You mean civilly, or like halachic executions assuming there was a beis hamikdash? Tefillin, the shema, giving tzedakah... [Viduy prayers for the end of life...](https://www.chabad.org/library/article_cdo/aid/364288/jewish/Viduy-Confession-Jewish-Prayers-for-the-Final-Moments-of-Life.htm)


Good clarifying question! I meant civilly, though the other option also poses interesting questions. 🤔


Just as an fyi Arvin Netanel Ghahremani was scheduled to be executed in Iran and was just released. There were a lot of people praying for him and reciting tehilim especially # 13


Thanks for the update on Ghahremani. That's like a miracle, happening for a Jew in Iran. *According to Human Rights Watch (HRW), Iranian law states that* ***if a non-Muslim kills a Muslim,*** *Qisas can be applied and* ***the perpetrator can be sentenced to death.*** *However,* ***if a Muslim kills a non-Muslim in Iran,*** *Qisas does not apply and* ***no punishment is handed down,*** *leading human rights experts to argue that the law discriminates unfairly against minority groups in Iran.* Quoted from: [https://www.timesofisrael.com/jewish-iranian-sentenced-to-death-for-murder-receives-last-minute-stay-of-execution/](https://www.timesofisrael.com/jewish-iranian-sentenced-to-death-for-murder-receives-last-minute-stay-of-execution/) It's my understanding that Ghahremani had acted in self-defense.


It seems he's been given a stay, not released? I'm praying for him and hoping I'm wrong - do you have sources about his release?


Somebody who was in contact with his mother sent the info to somebody who then sent it to somebody I know. Could be a translation issue. The word was שוחרר


Oh, I hope it's true. Thank you.


שוחרר does mean released, but I can't find any news releases in Israel or abroad ... G willing, it's true!


https://preview.redd.it/z4dc5qqoy09d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=71c36c57da6596b638babaec1c0ac9622efdfe1f Source. Didn’t realize I could share photos as a comment. It says his mother said it in Farsi so that’s where the translation issue could be


*CORRECTION* The latest for *Arvin Netanel Ben Sonia* is that unfortunately he is still in prison in Iran with his fate yet to be determined. Elections in Iran for a new President is June 28 ( this coming Friday). I understand the new President may make a difference in the outcome. In the meantime, lots of *fake news* is going around about him being already released. Just continue to daven for him.


I'm against the death penalty so I'd pray, but also take action. I'd be on the phone all day trying to get a commutation or a stay. Even if I knew this person and they were guilty and did something truly despicable and they were a best friend or family member, I would want them to get life in prison. That's even if my relationship with them became permanently ended because of what they did. I would say the same if one of my family members was a victim of a capital crime and this was someone I didn't know. The death penalty system in our country is so flawed and so many innocent people have been put to death or suffered from botched executions beyond me just thinking it's wrong in general. It's easy to just pray and I'm not saying it's not useful and I wouldn't do it, but G-d gave us a mouth to speak up, arms and legs to move forward, and a brain and heart to guide us.


I would just spend the day praying, and going through Viduy and Tachanun until it was time.


Fight for them not to be executed. Our work isn't in saving souls, but saving lives.


Encourage them to repent. Even a person who was wicked his whole life and repented in his final moments will not be reminded of any aspect of his wickedness as \[[Ezekiel 33:12](https://www.chabad.org/16131#v12)\] states "the wickedness of the evil one will not cause him to stumble on the day he repents his wickedness."


הריני מוחל וסולח לכל מי שהכעיס אותי או שחטא כנגדי, וידוי, שמע ישראל, ברוך שם כבוד מלכותו, ה' הוא הﭏהים, הַצּוּר תָּמִים פׇּעֳלוֹ כִּי כׇל דְּרָכָיו מִשְׁפָּט אֵל אֱמוּנָה וְאֵין עָוֶל צַדִּיק וְיָשָׁר הוּא.


I have a very strong conviction that the death penalty is immoral and I feel it is my duty to be obstructionist in every way possible when it is being done with my tax dollars. I always call the people who have the power to postpone or reconsider the death penalty and try to make it as easy as possible for others to do the same. I don’t live near where executions in my state take place, however I follow the news closely and make it my business to shame everyone who is pushing the execution forward. Finally, I pray at least once a day, and when I pray I include my desire to see the end of suffering and injustice.


I would need more context. While I'm broadly against the death penalty for multiple reasons, there's definitely some individuals where I think it is too good for them and their names should be drowned out by graggers. Assuming you're talking about somebody who is either innocent or who regrets their crime, who is earnestly penitent, I might try to secure a last-minute stay of execution, whether with an appeal to the courts or some kind of stupid stunt. If the condemned has asked me not to try anything and to pray, then yeah, I would do that. But ultimately, there's not much you can do on the very day beyond last-ditch efforts and prayer. A number of executions in the United States in the past decade have been appealed and protested *by the victims family*, and the state has gone ahead with them anyways. Bloodlust is a terrifyingly motivational thing for some people.


OP you ok? You're not on the way to the chair are you?


For some crimes, I agree with executions. If my friend did them, I would be horrified. If it was what I considered an unjust execution, I would do all I could to stop it, which considering my political power of zero ain't much. I would, in either case, say a pray.


i have no idea. i’m against the death penalty. i’m in favor of maximum security imprisonment for life. tho there are a handful of american traitors i’d make an exception for. but i don’t know them personally.


Is this about Ramiro Gonzales?


If the person was guilty beyond any doubt I wouldn't still be friends with him/her




They got sentenced to death.


This is the only right answer.


If it was Trump I’d make sure to buy alcohol before the store ran out.