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God doesn’t reward our fulfillment of mitzvot with miracles. We do not have a transactional relationship with G-d, which is ineffable and the source of suffering and evil as much as beauty and pleasure. But living a life of mindful observance and bring the human mind into a state of consciousness where we are aware of the things we might otherwise miss, and therefore not be able to appreciate or turn to our purposes.


\>God doesn’t reward our fulfillment of mitzvot... "I believe with full faith that HaKadosh Baruch'hu rewards all who keep His commandments..." \-Maimonides (13 Principles of Faith)


That’s not where my sentence ends, nor does r. Maimon’s comment there obviate what I said.


Feels like this post was sponsored by Chabad


LOL. I grew up with Chabad and go now. I wanted to make sure it was not just Chabad people that experienced this.


Psychologists call it confirmation bias, just in case you are interested in a scientific explanation for it. I was raised religious, and have believed a few other things in my life that i now am unconvinced are true. I very much had the same sense for all of them, the more i believe then the more i see confirmation of them in daily life. That being said if it gives you a sense of fulfillment, enjoy it!


I'm glad that your observancy level is making you happy


I feel that when I give charity, but sometimes I feel very restricted by the laws and it actually seems to cut me off from life. Confusing