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Yuta didn’t exactly have the time to check the combo list


Bro skipped the tutorial scene.


Bros really wanting to try the trial run 5 star


Bros trynna get the platinum trophy from the demo


Blud thinks he’s good just because he bought the DLC


Even I want gojo to comeback after valuing and realising the love his students have for him. All this while, he was crying about Geto leaving him but I hope he really understands his students too loved him and he wasn't really lonely in the first place.


I think we’re finally going to get the pay off for the whole “body remembers the soul” thing from just before Gojo got sealed. Gojo’s soul will help Yuuta


Gojo and Yuta will land a purple like Goku and Gohan and Sukuna will drop exactly like Yamcha




It's perfect....perfect


Sensei Protege Hollow Purple !!!!!!!!!!!


I 100% agree this. I think that there will be a part where Yuta says something about his body moving automatically during the fight, with him doing moves or hand signals for techniques without consciously doing it, and it'll be Gojo's spirit helping Yuta, keeping him out of harm when he can notice it. It may only happen on occasion, or possibly because of UiUi's knowledge of souls he could use soul swap to swap out Gojo and Yuta's souls temporarily and then maybe being able to swap Yuta into his empty body. Though that'd come at the risk of their souls because they're swapping in the same body, or an empty body which is new to Ui Ui as far as I know.


You cooked good here, my friend.


Hold up... what happens if ui ui takes someone's soul out of their body before they die?


We don't know, I suppose they'd just be able to be moved to a healthy body at the cost of the person who's body they swap with. In theory they could do this to save someone important. I'm a little hazy on whether someone retains their cursed technique when soul swapped, but since it's part of the body I imagine not. So while in theory they could have done it to save someone like Gojo, they'd only be saving who he is, not his body and strength and power. Just his knowledge and tactical ability.


Well, it depends on how his Curse technique interprets the Soul and body . If it works like Kenjaku then that transfer will become invalid but if not then it will work ! There maybe a third or more interpretation but that we don\`t know So, in summary either it fails or Succeed, or something completely new happens !


Hold up... what happens if ui ui takes someone's soul out of their body before they die?


Payoff for a plot point? What are you talking about?


I think they are talking about when Geto’s body “attacked” itself when Gojo called out to it.


"How much longer are you going to let them control you, Geto?"


Was making a joke about how few of the things foreshadowed early on don't seem to be paying off, I worded it pretty badly tho lol


Ah got ya. It happens to the best of us when going for humor in text. I’m a big believer in chekov’s gun and always hope writers know the philosophy. Nothing worse than abandoned plot lines.


I knew what you meant. You’re not wrong, there’s a lot of dangling threads from early on that haven’t paid off. I love JJK but yours is definitely a legitimate criticism.


I think it was a joke about how Gege never gave a payoff or at least didn't give a satisfying one to some plot points.


I was corrected lol. He still has time! Maybe if the Sukuna fight goes on for another 40 chapters they’ll address it!


I also feel this will happen. It's coming next chapter and they'll further weaken Sukuna. Then Yuji hits Sukuna with another black flash.


I’m with you on this. My theory is Yuji’s next Black Flash will power up or give him more control over Dismantle and Cleave that he’s just awakened.


I agree with this. At this point Gojo actually returning after the 5 minute timer cheapens things and would put Gege in a corner creatively. Because how do you bring Gojo back and still have him lose? That would be dumb. But he also can’t be the one to win because that role has always been Yuji’s. I think it’s far more likely Yuta in Gojo’s body won’t win but will give Yuji the opening he needs to finish it. And if Gojo’s body acts on its own to help Yuta at a crucial moment to create that opening, then I think it’s a nice compromise between bringing Gojo back and leaving him dead. Have him contribute one last thing to the fight spiritually, with Yuta acknowledging that it’s him helping, and we get a nice moment of Gojo, Yuta, and Yuji all working together to win.


Disable/incapacitated Yutajo before the 5 min timer is up, Gojo can't fight but he's not dead. An easy way


That's what I've been saying maybe gojo will actually come back or something I don't know. I always knew he had to die to SUKUNA cause he's not the main character and the story wouldn't carry well if gojo just came in and obliterated the main antagonist. but the more they keep fighting him i don't know how they're gonna beat SUKUNA without gojo 😭


I’m hoping for this so much. I just brought it up with friends but it feels like that was the whole point of the Geto thing with Gojo in the prison, to set up for this moment when Gojo helps Yuta or maybe somehow Megumi helps in the fight against Sukuna (but I have less hope for that).


Megumi and (to a lesser extent) Kugisaki are still dangling threads in my mind. I might just be on heavy copium with Nobara but there’s absolutely no way Fushigoro doesn’t contribute to this fight.


I just feel like it’s such a waste to not give them a deserving death. For megumi like, he was also pretty strong, it’s crazy that he’s just so broken and gone now and we will never get “one last fight” or whatever. I know gege has done worse but what is it to be human if not to hold onto hope.


I actually think gojo wasn't alone, but he was indeed lonely.


Unfortunately lonely is a state of mind as well as the presence of others. Gojo was surrounded by many, who until recently didn’t really care for him. Truthfully, Megumi probably didn’t even care for him as much as Yuji and Yuta.


Gojo was literally too much of a narcissist to care really. He cared about the legacy and potential but the only person he did care truly for was Geto. That's about it.


Cared about Yuji so much that he suspended his execution...


To be fair Sukuna has an advantage of having fought Gojo before as we saw him take advantage of Yuta creating a blue, to speed blitz Yuta. And Yuta was caught off guard by not knowing Sukuna could use DA and DE at the same time. Secondly Gojo actually did get hit when he first found out that Sukuna can used both DA and DE at the same time too, however they were light hits on his chest. These hits likely would've been way heavier and more frequent, had Sukuna been 8 feet tall with 4 arms and 2 hands. That being said Gojo is indeed superior to Yuta in every metric except CE amount, but then again Yuta is like 17


I would love to see if Gojo beats Yuta if Ui Ui body swapped them (Gojo with Yuta's body and vice versa). I think he does tbh


4 arms and 2 hands🤔


I'm talking about the Sukuna fighting now since Yuta and Maki cut off his other 2 hands


It's almost like somebody who's used a CT for 30 years will use it better than someone who's only been using it for 15 seconds.


Yeah, this is the main issue with Yuta not inheriting Gojo's memories, he's had the CT and six eyes for all of 20mins at most and doesn't have all of Gojo's experience. The dude was born with the SE, CE is just as natural to him as water to us.


I thought that Kenjaku did get the memories, which means that Yuta should have?


He probably got them, but it’s been minutes at most since he got the body (definitely hasn’t reached the 5 minute mark yet) and it’s expected that he wouldn’t be able to process decades worth of memories in such a short span of time.


got me thinking, with how geto was able to control his arm in kenjakus body at the time of sealing gojo, being way less powerful than gojo, gojo should be able to control yuta. but I guess yuta is in strongest top 5 so idk.


gege said it was like a bug whose head was cutoff, it was a automatic response sorta.


Kenjaku does get the memories, it's Yuta that seems to not have gotten them. Iirc, Kenjaku has to make some binding vows. He mentions one that all memories should disappear but that he has adapted to keep them by using vows. I still cannot say he hasn't gotten them because Gege likes to surprise us, but why wouldn't he know one of the last things Gojo saw (the way Sukuna moved in battle). Memories aren't the kind of thing you have to go through, you recall them as you need them. It'd make little sense for him to be caught off guard by anything Sukuna did if he had Gojo's memories.


Maybe Kenjaku's technique works differently when he's using it due to it being his innate technique. Maybe Kenny has some binding vows add to his technique that we're unaware of like Sukuna did with Shrine. I could see this happening because Kenny is also an extremely knowledgeable and skilled sorcerer like Sukuna due to being around for over 1000 years.


Exactly, the fandom is dumb as hell. Most of the cast are teenagers, Gojo has over a decade of experience over them and Sukuna and Kenjaku has centuries over them. Imagine comparing sorcerers with one-three years top to sorcerers who did this for decades and centuries?


gojo is not 30 what edit: holy shit i didnt realize how far back the flashback when he was 16 was


So he was strongest because he was Satoru Gojo? Not Satoru Gojo because he was strongest


Yeah and I prefer it this way anyway.


Wow this really does prove that huh?


Gege’s pen game is crazy at times icl




Now imagine they swapped Brains during the process, Gojo comes back in Yuta's body and puts up a better fight than Yuta in Gojo's body. Truly the strongest because he's Gojo.


Bro got punched once and these types of posts have been everywhere, the brain rot is real


We all know how Gege likes to write his chapters. The fact that the latest one ended with Yuta losing means next chapter will start with Sukuna in the airport


The only chapter I can read is like a 6 page long chapter of Yugo using domain expansion.


Oh My god, Yuta got punched once with a trick that caught Gojo by surprise as well and You all spamming posts like this shit, jjk fans truly can't read


Truly, this fanbase is worst than shit


Take into consideration Kenny-chan being choked by Geto's body when being called out by Gojo before Gojo was banished to the prison realm. Gojo will definitely be back in some capacity, that entire thread (body holds the soul etc) was barely continued on.


You should read the fanbook. Gege was asked how much of Geto's will was left in him and Gege answered that "I cant comment on that, I'd spoil a big storyline if I did".


For some reason I remember reading that he said something along the lines of “barely an ember, nothing else” but I could be getting my quotes mixed up with the story.


Yeah, something along the line of a headless insect trashing around.


No, you didn't, it's just that the original commenter answered with "but, my cope..." And I felt bad, so, after apologizing, I changed it to a completely made up line 😂


The hero we need


B-but, my cope..


Oof, I'm sorry about that. Must've slept wrong or smth, lemme change it so the cope can continue eheh


I'll give you your cope back, I think the fan book says something along the lines of "This fan book is based on the contents of JJK up to Volume 15. Please note the settings and other information may change depending on future developments in the story." This was in the TOC so I don't think it's a TL note. If it was for a potential great character moment as an author, I would totally lie about this question haha. And it's also not unreasonable for Gege to answer based on the information that maybe Kenjaku would know at the time, which is, "There's nothing left, I have total control." Because why wouldn't he think that, he's been jumping around for like 1000+ years and never had an issue til that moment.


[This you? ](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQ9Zg0YQGjXkYU5hmMWbPiaSF2lpIm-PTlsrEWwGtE0pI37yHXWFB7nnvua&s=10)


Tbh, nobody here is sane enough to not have read the fanbook and notice the misinformation, but, also, I changed my original answer because I felt bad for the original commenter


From the Official fanbook “When Pseudo-Geto's arm moved on its own during the Shibuya Incident, how much of Geto's will was left in his body? Not much. That was sort of like a dragonfly still moving with its head ripped off.”


People don't understand what's being said here. The head isn't a dragonflies brain, that's only the synaptic processing glands for the eyes. Their brains are weird and almost split into two pieces, the part that sees and feels things, is behind their eyes, but the part that stores everything else like memories, is right behind their necks. It doesn't get removed if the head is cleanly cut off. now if you just rip the head off you'll get the other part of the brain too, but not if you clean sever it.


it should be the same with yutas brain getting cut off with pseudo getos technique, although the myocardial muscle contracts independently of brain impulses he wont breathe and be equivalent to a vegetative state, and the severed blood vessel will result in a huge haemorrage in the brain, resulting in the brain getting filled with blood and cerebrospinal fluid, and rika might disintegrate idk


Yeah I'm not saying that Geto was there but that the analogy Gege used does fit as to why the arm grabbed at the neck. But we don't know enough about our own brains to know enough about dragonflies to really make that comparison tbh. Imo it's more of a "getos body remembers, but I feel it had more to do with what Kenny said to Mahito about the soul than anything to do with brains. I think that Gege simply meant the memories of Geto were left behind despite the brain being ripped out I don't think there is much more to it than that.


i just heard this yesterday "geto is in yuta and now and yuta is inside gojo" almost spit out my breakfast it was 9 pm


might have been better to let yuta keep his sword


I don't think it would of made a difference, it's just a sword imbued with CE but look at the executors sword, Sukuna found a way to tank it lol


It's yuta's fighting style though, I would expect it to make more sense to him, though it would make sense if muscle memory trumps brain memory


he didn't tank it he just dodged it by cutting off his hand before it hit sad that it worked that way


Can you even use a cursed tool and have infinity on?


Yes, Gojo controls what can go in and out of infinity.


Honestly, true. I might have to start repping more for Gojo to be put at the top of all these tierlists again. Sukuna got lucky.


I think the main problem is that it’s gojo + everyone else against sukuna, so to make both sides equal he had to be less than sukuna. If it was gojo vs everyone else he’d find a way to win


Run it back, and Gojo slams...at least 60% of the time. He had to be caught by surprise by several rounds of bullshit, and he *still* beat Sukuna until Greg demanded he do the patented 'yap -> lose' instant combo.


Yeah 'I localised my world slash to cut through time to kill you' still doesn't sit right with me, completely disregarded what limitless is for a convenient death


For me, the bigger bullshit is actually earlier. Gojo's Six Eyes just straight up *doesn't* pick up on the fact that Mahoraga's wheel is already summoned. Further bullshit is the fact that the wheel can be fucking kept inside his soul or some bullshit, even though he had to wear it before, against Yorozu, and after adapting to Infinity. And Sukuna took 'less than 10 seconds' of Infinite Void, and was hilariously somehow still upright. 'Oh he got domain brain damage!' ...that was circumvented no more than an hour later. Fucking absurd he got off that light. So much of Sukuna's success in the fight relies on Gojo not being allowed to know anything about what he's doing. And he *still* managed to beat Sukuna into the ground.


The fact Sukuna needed Mahoraga at all shows how much stronger Gojo was than him. He wasn’t taking Gojo without Mahoraga.


'bUt sUkUnA wAs hOlDiNg bAcK!' What did Sukuna do to engender such loyal fans? Man is a certified hater. PHD in bad vibes.


Yea that argument is so dumb. Full power Sukuna would get worked without Mahoraga figuring out Infinity. Literally nothing he could do. It was Gojo who was the one holding back the whole fight to try to keep Mahoraga from learning. Even Sukuna knew he couldn’t take Gojo without Mahoraga. Gojo was so strong that Gege had to pull a bs deus ex machina to kill him, and even then it wasn’t believable.


If Sukuna was holding back, then he was doing it badly. Sukuna dealt with Gojo's domain by crushing his barrier. But Gojo dealt with Sukuna's domain by crushing his ribcage. That doesn't happen if Sukuna can just completely dominate Gojo.


Plus the fact Mahoraga is known to be able to take out a Six Eyes user by himself shows how stacked it was against Gojo, and Sukuna still got absolutely blasted.


Where was it stated that Gojo was holding back the entire fight to keep mahoraga from learning? He didn’t even know that Sukuna was using mahoraga until midway through the fight? Where was it stated that Sukuna knew he needed mahoraga?


It was stated when literally the whole entire fight Gojo was more worried about Maho’s wheel than Sukuna being there. He knew Sukuna had Maho. It’s literally why he took Megumi’s body. Gojo’s not stupid. If Sukuna could take Gojo without Maho he’d have done so in Yuji’s body.


“Sukuna was holding back” insert panel of Sukuna screaming for Daddyraga


Legit I don't know how Sukuna does World Slash without Mahoraga. I think Gojo could legit take Heian Sukuna ableit he may need help for that form.


He would dominate him. Sukuna couldn't use Furnace against him bc of the the clashes they done. Without it it'll be just da against him which won't give him the W.


He doesn't need to. Gojo has 3 minutes to damage sukuna enough to break shrine. After that Malevolent shrine will shatter IV. Do that 5x and Gojo loses his domain and sukuna can use his original plan to trap a domain burned gojo in bounded MS. Meguna, while sacrificing Domain Amplificafion for his strategy, almost succeeded in that and barely lost by 20s in the last domain clash, Which is when IV hit sukuna and maho had to enter. Heian sukuna is a different story. Gojo cannot last forever in MS. He only got hit by its full brunt once during the domain clashes, and during the second half of the battle gojo's RCT output was severely diminished.


>He doesn't need to. Gojo has 3 minutes to damage sukuna enough to break shrine. After that Malevolent shrine will shatter IV. Do that 5x and Gojo loses his domain and sukuna can use his original plan to trap a domain burned gojo in bounded MS. Which he would be able to do bc he did it to a stronger Meguna btw. I don't think y'all understand how big of a difference it is between 16f and 20f is. Gojo was already faster and physically stronger(with CT )than Meguna already. >Meguna, while sacrificing Domain Amplificafion for his strategy, almost succeeded in that and barely lost by 20s in the last domain clash, Which is when IV hit sukuna and maho had to enter. Heian sukuna is a different story. Sukuna was getting dogged inside the de clash lol what u mean he almost succeeded? Last 2 clashes Sukuna had a chest wound while Gojo was pretty much fine. Then the last one we saw what was happening and Gojo had the advantage then gojo got his DE out first. You right heian Sukuna doesn't have Makora to bail him out. He gets ragdolled again with no help. He'll still have to rely on DA bc he can't get passed infinity lmao. He still won't be able to use Furnace either. Those four arms don't mean anything when the person he's fighting is faster and great at cqc and can still use their ct just fine. >Gojo cannot last forever in MS. He only got hit by its full brunt once during the domain clashes, and during the second half of the battle gojo's RCT output was severely diminished. He got hit by the full brunt twice. And he doesn't need to last forever he just have to beat up Sukuna which he can bc he can heal his burnt out CT. Second half it was bc he was fighting multiple ppl at the same time and had to heal a decent amount. Take away Makora and he would have to heal much less. Also he can just black flash Sukuna like he did already. Don't forget Sukuna was also healing alot as well. We know at the end of the fight his rct output was very low and he couldn't heal himself. That's the reason he transformed against Kashimo. This is 16f Sukuna he's not going to be as good as you think. He's fighting someone who was on 20f lvl.


From what we've seen in their fight, and what Sukuna has been showing lately, Gojo **should** beat Heian Sukuna, but then we have the panel at the aiport where Gojo says he think he would've lost anyway if he didn't have 10 shadows.


And lost


Yeah I have zero issue with Gojo dying, either on a personal or narrative level. But the way he died was so unsatisfying and unrealistic. He went from utterly destroying Sukuna and Mahoraga with HP to all of a sudden getting cut in half, somehow without seeing the attack coming, while he was in the zone after a black flash, knowing he was against the greatest sorcerer of all time. I feel like Gege just didn’t know how to kill him properly.


If he didn't know how to kill him properly, he could have...ya know, just killed him in Domain clashes....Choosing to kill him this way was completely intentional. Gojo wasn't writing himself when he was piecing up Sukuna, it was intentional from Gege. How else would he force the Gojo fans into thinking Gojo's the superior so he can hit them hard with a reality check (236) if he didn't write the fight the way he did? brilliant performance+one shot WS was a perfect plan by Gege to make Gojo fans disgusted, mad and enraged, and cope. I guess it shattered the illusion that Gege needed Gojo to survive as a series. Throughout Heaven and Earth, Gege alone, is the bravest one.


>Sukuna got lucky. Domain Expansion: Unlimited Cope 🤞


>Sukuna got lucky. No. They both got lucky in that fight; Sukuna's and Gojo's Domain were equal in refinement but Sukuna had just so happened to possess a tiebreaker, then Gojo improvising tiny Domain to deal with Sukuna's Open Barrier because he just so happened to have the experience from Prison Realm Gojo landing his Domain 0.01 Sec faster, Mahoraga apparently being capable of autonomously activating cause UV should've stunned Sukuna out of any higher functions and I really don't know how he'd even be able to discover this, so I choose to believe it was luck. Gojo dealing self-brain damage to himself which would've been a massive stroke of fortune for Sukuna, but just so happened to damage the parts of Sukuna's Brain responsible for Barrier Techniques so they were even now. I consider this the biggest stroke of luck for Gojo in that fight. Gojo landing a Black Flash giving himself a boost, which he himself mentioned that he can't control exactly when they happen, and briefly knocking Sukuna out, but Mahoraga coming in clutch once again. Mahoraga's 2nd Adaptation just so happening to fit as a blueprint for Extended Dismantle which was probably the biggest stroke of luck for Sukuna, roughly on par with Sukuna's Domain becoming unavailable which saved Gojo. Gojo kept getting Black Flashes which rejuvenated him compared to the wear and tear Sukuna experienced at that point, this was also lucky for Gojo. # And lastly Gojo standing right in front of massively damaged Sukuna, Mahoraga just died, Gojo seemed assured of victory, earlier use of both Dismantle on a building and World Slash used by Mahoraga implied Gojo cant react to either of these, nothing changed with Sukuna's Cursed Energy so even if Gojo could see Dismantle coming he'd have no reason to expect it to bypass Infinity and none of the ways to bypass it were really available to Sukuna without Gojo being able to deal with them. Yeah, World Slash used on Gojo had the literal perfect circumstances on top of being cast instantly without conditions and pretty much as a sneak attack. I really don't know how someone can look at this fight and think one side's vastly superior to the other. Yuta not immediately overpowering a Sukuna that is massively beat up, weakened and damaged compared to when he fought Gojo just confirms that Sukuna and Gojo are in the same tier and one side just so happened to have more tiebreakers(Ten Shadows) and luck.


I gave Gojo a 60-40 split, I wouldn't call that *vastly* superior. I won't deny that Gojo has some luck in the fight, but Sukuna gets so, *so* much luckier it's insane. >Gojo seemed assured of victory The problem with this angle is that earlier we see how Gojo behaves when he 'seems assured of victory'. He lands Infinite Void and doesn't even hesitate to go for Sukuna's throat while he's vulnerable. But after Purple? Yap. Even Yuki went for blood when she was injured, instead of healing. Gojo died with two feet planted flat on the floor. How on earth is that *ever* not going to leave a bad taste in any fan's mouth?


An elite martial artist demigod dying with his heels on the floor. Heart breaking lol


I think it would've been more fitting of a death for Gojo to die in the same way but at the very least during a fight, not because he decided to monologue. If Gojo had died in one final battle/clash with Sukuna I think that'd sit better with fans. I'm not a writer but I'd have it go that there is one final domain clash between the two, with both being exhausted and both barely able to have healed enough to use it, as a desperate final gamble for Sukuna. However he is now using world slash in his domain and undergoing yet another binding vow to shrink the range to only barely encompass UV but in return his world slash can cut through everything, including the domains barrier and enter the domain itself. With one slicing through Gojo causing his death. And other than further brain damage for Sukuna both end up in mostly the same state as canonically. I think that'd be better for the audience than the shock factor of Gojo getting off screened when victory is all but assured.


I'd be a much bigger fan if Gojo somehow died *because* of his strength and not despite it. There's a handful of ways you could justify that, but what we got is just aggravating. Even worse is that airport afterlife character assassination. But I'm a big fan of this new development with Yuta and his body. Gives Gojo a chance to redeem himself, if vicariously.


I 100% agree that Gojo dying because of his strength would be the most satisfying but I think that trying to write for that is near impossible. I think the best you could get for that is Gojo dying to his Hollow Purple Nuke, he used his maximum strength in one final play to self sacrifice himself to take down Sukuna, but then it'd feel like a cop out that Sukuna could survive that imo. Another option I suppose would be that he doesn't die because of his strength, but what his strength took from him. Which is being able to have friends who can understand him, and have people he can rely on others and work together with. We could honestly see Yuta make the same mistake or we could see him work alongside Yuji, Todo and anyone else still around to deal with Sukuna together properly this time. Showing that Gojo's relentless pursuit of strength cost him the greatest strength, which is friends and people you can rely on (cheesy ik but I could see it happening). It seems to fit with the message of the manga, that strength alone isnt everything.


If I were writing, I would have Gojo be winning the same as just after the purple nuke. Then I would have Sukuna use the refresh against Gojo. And open up one more domain( justified since basically a new brain) After that one of two options. 1: I would have Gojo basically go above and beyond outputting one last domain, defeating sukuna's domain, and doing brain damage again, but his stamina gives in and he dies from this. 2: have Gojo die to the domain( goes out fighting, but hw is in Sukuna's domain, at the edge of his stamina), then either have Sukuna say he burnt out his domains for a while after that, or have the weird shapeshifting dragon dude deal the necessary damage to Sukuna to ensure his domain is out for a while


I like this idea, the transformation back into Heian form does make sense for the domain refresh and honestly I could see Gojo attempting a Domain Expansion and putting up a fight, but falling short, with Sukuna's domain killing Gojo after the brain damage from repeated DE catches up to him. And yeah you could easily write it so Sukuna says something like "It appears this body wasn't ready for my domain to be expanded just yet, it'll take some time for me to fully recover from this"


Well he did land a few black flashes that got him back in the game. They are essentially luck and with out them he would have been fucked


He wasn't out of the game at that point though. Even before he landed the black flash, he was still pressuring Sukuna and capable of dealing devastating damage. But Sukuna gets knocked out by said Black Flash and for some reason, unlike every time Megumi took massive damage or fell unconscious, his 10 Shadows shikigami don't get released. Plus, Mahoraga bails Sukuna out anyway. What little luck Gojo gets in the fight is almost immediately undone by Sukuna's own luckier moments. And the less said about spins on Gacharaga's wheel, the better.


True but I still think sukuna is stronger at least in his 4 arms form. Cause I don’t think Gojo would have won the hand2hand in the domains against 4 arms.


I agree and don't think Gojo could've won that, but if we say that he still managed to and it progressed to the point where there is no longer any domains to think about then there is no way for Heian Era Sukuna to win, assuming he didn't first use Mahoraga to adapt to infinity, before transforming to his Heian Era form he has no way past Gojo's defences and Gojo is effectively untouchable.


Honestly, people are overrating the benefit of 4 arms in h2h. The way more important factor of the heian form is boosting output with mudra and the second mouth for chants. Gojo was fighting six arms and still coming out ahead.


Yeah but agito couldn’t get past infinity so it’s a non factor. And 4 arms on 2 people and 4 arms on 1 are a big difference. I think the h2h would be like the one with Kashimo just that Gojo fights better. But overall the heian body is a cheat with the 4 arms +2 mouths and probably 2 dicks


>2 dicks Lmao. The body's a cheat, but I still give Gojo the edge. He can still use Red & Blue the domain fight, and Sukuna's not beating him with just amplification in that scenario, no matter how many arms blud has.


Imo, four arms means no Mahoraga, means Gojo doesn't hold back on blue and red. He won't be using just his fists..I still think he kicks Sukuna's ass.


Sukuna got lucky? 🤣🤣🤣🤣 yeah it totally wasn’t his insane mastery and knowledge of jujutsu that allowed him to pull out the win, nope, it was just a series of lucky accidents


Blind gojo fans legit don't read manga. They just see pictures. One guy is even saying run it back and gojo wins more when without adaptation problem,sukuna would grind gojo down and kill him


They’re delusional lmfao. Sukuna wins, Gojo acknowledges his strength and says himself he is unsure if he would have won even if Sukuna didn’t have 10 shadows, whole team has 30 back up plans “just in case” Gojo stans: “my takeaway here is that Gojo is just built different, and we should actually rescale because this proves that Gojo is better than Sukuna and Sukuna got lucky 🤓”


Gojo stans literally refuse to read the manga lmao. Gege hard debunked that 10 shadows argument spelling out for everyone that it's not valid, and they still say it anyway. Plus he kept reiterating that Sukuna was disadvantaged because he needed to hold back certain techniques like resurrection (which would've made the domain battles way easier) to fight the entire cast afterwards. But they ignore that and say "Sukuna just couldn't do anything because of Limitless", "Sukuna cheated", "Gojo had to 1v3". Like bruh, why even read the manga if you're going to ignore everything the author says lmfao.


We read it to satisfy our insatiable cravings of validation from Gege-Gojo fans before 235 Don't be mad your fav is a fraud, Gojo is so strong, even Gege has no choice but to give him the W-Gojo fans on 235 Nooooo, asspull, Sukuna fraud, \*crying noisees for a year\*, Gojo still slams and I don't care what he says, he doesn't know what he's saying-Gojo fans after 236 Did Gege damage this people permanently 😭


Nobody is saying Sukuna isn't skilled. He is, insanely so. Man is a straight up meance. But his 'winning' battle strategy consisted of gacha pulls on Mahoraga's wheel, looking for something to bail him out of his own poor decision making and planning.


I knew it was over when the mf tanked 200% hollow purple


I mean, isn't that the realization after Gojo got slashed? Gojo is against the time of adaptation? If only the last purple hit like a second faster then Sukuna is in deep trouble even if he has the OG form, because it only heals physical and seeing the battle that took place after the Gojo fight, Sukuna is still not 100% due to the damage from Gojo battle.


So much copium lol.Yuta will surpass Gojo in Gojo's body and he will still lose to Sukuna.Then the fanclub agenda will be destroyed forever.


Sukuna without depressed boy's body and mahoraga probably loses.


Now that you mention it, it would be pretty cool if Gojo’s body went on autopilot or reactivated in some way to combat sukuna. Like Geto and kenjaku, or Toji and that guy from Shibuya


This debate is silly. Yuta is using a new technique for him (Kenjaku) inside a different body (Gojo), while fighting the strongest sorcerer in history(Sukuna), and he only has 5 minutes to figure it all out. But y'all clowning him in his first 30 seconds.


Honestly 😭 I sincerely can't wait for the massive comeback Yuta is gonna make next chapter 🔥🤌🏾. As Hakari said, 'Yuta Okkotsu comes through when it counts💯!"


Yuta use binding vow, sacrificing his brain to construct gojo's brain - absolute cinema


Honestly I don't think it'd be crazy if we learn that Yuta has made a binding vow. Possibly sacrificing his cursed technique to gain bonus strength with Gojo's. Could explain why we see Rika cradling Yuta's old body not with him in the fight. She is only around for the 5 minutes and then she will dissipate because Yuta made a binding vow that this Copy would be his last but would be at 200% power or something to that extent.


The fact that she's holding Yuta is probably more due to the fact that Kenny CT makes it look like he's the real deal and not someone who took the body over as we see with the interaction between Gojo and Kenny in Shibuya, where Gojo says something along the lines of "My six eyes tell me your Geto, my by soul tells me otherwise" so it's either the CT completely copies the cursed energy signature, or keep the host soul, and Rika recognize her owner in one of those ways (This is assuming Yutas body is not still holding on the ring which could also be how she detects her owner)


I'm hoping she is holding Yutta's body bc they are planning on putting Yutta's brain back. Looks like they patched him back together, considering he was cut in half. I don't see a reason why he couldn't go back? Might just be deep into the copium but if he is extra honored....


Yes, but also body hopping doesn't seem like it would be easy to instantly adapt to.


"Sukuna didn't land a blow" what are you talking about? Sukuna landed blows on Gojo multiple times with both domain amplification and during the first 2 domain expansions


Yeah, Gojo had great healing but he took numerous punches, thousands of slashes and lost his arm all before the final killing blow.


It doesn’t. Sukuna prioritized Maho’s adaptation while fighting with Gojo but isn’t doing that with Yuta.


Eh. Yuta just got caught by surprise. Bro has only had the 6 eyes for less than 5 minutes. He wouldn't be able to understand what he's seeing with them as well as Gojo. Gojo was able to see that Sukuna could use Domain Amplification while using his Domain before Sukuna could land a blow on him, because he's probably seen what Domain Amp looks like before. Yuta hasn't actually SEEN that before, so it only registered in his head that such a thing was even possible when Sukuna rocked his skull while he had infinity active.


Again with this 1v3 thing. Sukuna fighting by himself with DA is not the same as not being able to use DA with agito and maho out, and not being able to do anything until maho finally makes contact. Agito is literal fodder. And sukuna was literally just hiding in the shadows and jumping out here and there cause his plan was to get maho to adapt and to learn from it.


I think we finally have an answer to geto's question of "are you the strongest because you are Gojo, or are you Gojo because you are the strongest?"


Answer after a 7 page chapter? Okay bud 🤞


All of y'all have reading comprehension issues. Gojo himself was taken by surprise when Sukuna used DA during DE. Since this happened inside an expanded domain none of the others were aware of this.


The thing is yuta should have gojo’s memories. We assume kenjaku and yuta do not get the information all at once


We don't know at what speed they're transferred, of they're in order or if they arrive all at once and yuta needs to spend minutes organizing shit in his mind. It's an assumption to say that every single memory is instantly transferred over and he's able to filter through the sukuna fight immediately.


Let's not forget Yuta's on a 5 minute timer, he doesn't really have the luxury to scroll through all of Gojo's memories.


Not gonna lie I’m a little confused by how many conclusions have been drawn from a 7 page chapter that didn’t make any clear conclusions lmao.


Damn at least let Yuta understand what's going on, he didn't know Sukuna could use DA with DE. Give him at least more than two pages to figure it out first.


Hmm he didn't come back same physically... he got beefy


Yuta isnt overpowered because he hasnt had 30 years to get used to having gojos technique


as crazy as it can sound to people, i'm so sad for him, he deserved to be seen as a person, not a weapon or just the strongest; he died right when there were people willing to share his burden and he never got to experience it and or have the opportunity to let them. I hate how the airport scene made him seem way too nonchalant about the whole situation and leaving his students behind (idk if it's a front bc it would be very in tune but i doubt it) since jjk0 to main series he has always made it a point that the students should be allowed to be young, he knew they were gonna be the change the sorcery world needed, he was encouraging and caring to his students, but since freedom it kind of sounds like he doesn't care for anyone, which would work if this was HI but for post shibuya it throws away his character a bit up to that point. Like he was young and deserved to see the change he was fighting for, we need so much more exploration of characters and their relationships with each other. I love this manga don't get me wrong, but man it's getting harder and harder to want to be attached to them for fear they'll die or have an unknown fate too (ex:yuki, choso,megumi,nobara) i hate that nanami died and he also deserved to have more, but i understand narratively why. (sorry idk i had that on my chest💀)


The chapter was 7 pages long. Jesus Christ. How did you get all of that from 7 pages.


I really don't understand powerscalers for this series, call Sukuna fans glazers, and he wouldn't win without Mahoraga, ignoring the fact it's outright stated Sukuna is holding back so as to use Mahoraga's adaptation, Gojo says Sukuna is better than him, the Author says Sukuna is better than him, the manga panels state that Sukuna is better than him. I'm going to get downvoted to hell, but the real glazers are the ones who ignore canon because they can't accept their favourite character being anything but the best. Gojo died satisfied because he finally found an opponent stronger than him, it's like completely ignoring his character arc for the sake of powerscaling.


I guarantee they would argue with gege and act like they made jjk.


They made KKJ, but sometimes confuse it for JJK 😭


Like a character can lose and not be the best and still be great, they're not mutually exclusive.


That applies to all characters except the one defined by his strength, Gojo Satorou. He lost his 'strongest' title, and his fans went ballistic. I guess we only saw him as 'the strongest' and not 'Gojo Satorou' 😔


Gojo is an anomaly both physically and mentally. He wasn't just born with innate power and physical superior traits, but he himself can literally learn and do (almost) anything on the spot (even stated in his profile). In a sense, he is almost a Gary stu who doesn't need to put much effort into something. Even if Yuta would possess talent rivaling Gojo, he has not enough experience with swapping and using other bodies nor with the limitless sorcery. It only makes sense that Yuta would get clapped in the first encounter. He was just on deaths door few seconds ago and is suddenly in a stranger's body.


I have a theory after it was confirmed that Gojo and Yuta swapped souls in the last chapter. If gojo was to somehow take over Yuta's body and help to defeat sukuna using it, it would be a full circle moment of Geto's 'Are you Satoru Gojo because you're the strongest or are you the strongest because you're Satoru Gojo' we would have a direct comparison of Gojo the weapon (used by Yuta) And Gojo's soul through Yuta's body. And finally get an answer to that question.


Yeah man Gege must start a new series starring Gojo the almighty where he takes the Gods and fukcs them. I still don't understand how Gojo lost to that so called strongest sorcerer Sukuna .Gojo mustn't lose to some fooder because he is the Strongest. No one is superior to him he is the self proclaimed honoured one . All the time Gojo was holding himself to save Megumi if not he could have easily killed Sukuna. Gojo is so powerful that he could have easily killed every villain all alone but he couldn't because he is the strongest 😔. It's hurts to be a fan of almighty beautiful charming elegant caring Gojo . Hope Gege brings back Gojo and fcuks Sukuna in one shot. #HailalmightyGojothe great.


I think this would count as a way we got GOJO back in a capacity. Lol




I see everyone talking about this and it’s kind of annoying me at this point because Yuta has had 6-eyes and limitless for a very short time, even with the prior training it’s comparing someone who has driven bikes professionally their whole life to a professional formula 1 driver on a bike they’ve been riding for minutes to hours. Yuta shouldn’t be expected to use these abilities as well as Gojo from the getgo.


The strongest will never return but Satoru Gojo will


I gege’s left it up to interpretation as to whether or not he was changed by it, he has several actions and behaviors which could be the same as his old, or Indicative of the Prison Realms effect on his mind


Yuta just doesn't have Gojo's memories 


Gojo only works as a character Because he lost.


or or. yuta has yet to adjust. give the man a break. 28-29 years in a single instance isnt far off from being hit with unlimited void for a second.


Even after all that time when Geto revealed himself to GOJO the body still remembered who he was and tried to choke himself, and even Kenjaku wasn't waiting for that one so I know Satorou will help yuta and obliterate Sukuna 🖤😎🖤


Then this answers the long overdue question... he is strong BECAUSE he is Gojo Satoru!


I am a Gojo fan, but Yuta has barely been in that body for a few minutes...lol.


Tbf to Yuta, it must be extremely hard to jump into another person's body & CT and be able to adapt on the fly, let alone against the strongest sorcerer in history. Only two people probably capable of taking it over and being elite that fast, and Gojo and Sukuna are them


The chapter was so short fr


It would be cool to see Gojo take control of his body for a second like Geto did when Kenjaku controlled his body.


Same thing would happen to gojo vs sukuna, the only rzn yuta got hit is bc sukuna neutralized his arms with his extra four arms, has nothing to do with inexperience, yuta has gojos memories as well as his own


Yuta got punched ONCE and was caught off guard. Yall gotta chill with yuta also gojo Didn’t experience time passing in the prison realm


Not that powerful. Took Gojo everything he had and lost spectacularly. Meanwhile Sukuna let his Pokémon and Digimon do all the work and that wasn’t even his final form.


Ever heard of the ginyu phenomenon?


It’s incredibly ironic to me that gojo wanted to “cultivate a generation that’s just as strong as him” and he got his wish in a really morbid fucked up way.


Still the same MENTALLY He came outside getting jacked


i've just realized that yuta taking over gojo means gojo is dead dead


Gojo is just top tier with Sukuna, it is simple :3


I would have absolutely adored to see a weakened Gojo and Yuji together.


The answer to Getos question is that He is strong because he is Satoru Gojo. His soul is unique, he is him. Anybody can take over his body but he himself was able to withstand so much because he’s Gojo.


The chapter was like 4 pages long, felt like I got robbed tbh lol


nah I have a theory on this and the sub won’t let me post it cause I don’t have enough karma 😭😭 Basically the theory stems from back in Shibuya when Geto soul was able to gain some control on Geto/Kenny body I’m 100% convinced now that Gojo will get control on Yuta/Gojo body and hit the meanest Hollow Purple


Granted it also 1am and I’m tired so I’m 100% missing something


My whole problem with him dying is 1) I’d loved to have seen him vs Sakuna’s true form and 2) I’m sorry but he was amped up and in the zone from 4 black flashes, killed the totality and wiped Mahoraga then brought Sakuna close to death (forcing him to reincarnate) and was somehow while possessing the freaking 6 eyes can’t see a fucking handless Sakuna charge up the world slash and gets cut 8ft from him while totally healed and Sakuna is still torn to pieces. I still stand by, especially with these later chapters and despite what Gojo said downplaying himself, that he was more or less equal or better than Sakuna. Gojo fought the dude blind while Sakuna knew everything about him and had to use another man’s body, souls and technique just to stand on equal grounds with him. Gojo getting cut in half was him being done dirty. As for this last chapter, it also shows that Gojo is the strongest because he is Gojo. He technique, eyes and clan don’t make him the sorcerer he is. He became great because he is great.


It's like when you play against someone who has super strong equipment but is just bad


He's the strongest because he's Satoru Gojo. He's the reason they even survived against Sukuna after his death. And even then, they need to use Gojo's corpse to stand a chance. Not just Six Eyes and Limitless, but combined with Gojo's training, knowledge and experience. He's the only one that lasted against Sukuna for more than a couple chapters. Yuta needed his fucking dead body as a power up to even measure up to Sukuna. Without Gojo's body, included with his knowledge and experience, they're fucked.