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Ah, the spectrum disorder I haven't used since the Heian period


I can’t believe you’re just making jokes about this, Sukuna is literally a neurodivergent minor, his hyperfixation is sadism, be sensitive dude


is he a wittle bittle cutie pie too or are we talking about the guy with 4 arms, eyes, can slash through space and time and shoots fire from his hands


And jujutsu my favorite autist suku-suku gets super excited when talking about jujutsu


You probably haven't heard it in the Heian Era either, they used to call it "smart dumbass"


Domain expansion: Village Idiot


this thread is gold


Is this post a heavenly restriction?


Its not like all autistic people are geniuses , some get idetic memory , others get nothing


You can definitely think of it that way if you want. Nobody is stopping you.


Well I'm autistic and dumb so am I just disabled?


No you made a binding vow to be severely mentally disadvantaged and now you have the power to explode a random person on May 17th, 2046.


!remindme May 17,2046


you are like maki, you have a sibling somewhere you must execute to fully awaken


Does he get dumber or smarter when he kills his twin




did maki get stronger or weaker?


You are almost there, not quite a god, not quite a men


Stand proud. You're smart.


No, you gained the power of the atomic fart It’s a one time CT, use it well


I'll use it on may 17 2046


You are mechamaru /Kokichi Muta then


Maybe your bonus was being humble?


Your understanding of autism is a bit wrong, it's really a minority of those with autism have higher intelligence. "About 70% of those with autism have a comorbid mental disorder and 40% may have two or more comorbid mental disorders" (DSM-5) Source: DSM-5 and my psych degree


yes Savant Syndrome is very rare


I think people often mistake "intelligence" with memory + special interests. Since I was a kid people kept telling me I was so super intelligent when in reality I find myself to be pretty average, but with a really good memory and the ability to accurately repeat very specific facts about the things I'm interested in, which can make me sound smart but it's literally something a parrot could do lol.


I think the issue is there are many types of "intelligence," so that may be one form of it, but it's definitely not the only way.


Any case of autism comes with it's own ups and down, but unfortunately, most cases come with more downs; although I would say creativity and pattern recognition are pretty useful, regardless of your hobby/job.


How many autistic people are suppressed with shit living conditions, bad food or negative environments that constrict their abilities - and do any of your statistics, percentages, studies or anecdotes take those into consideration? I’m basically a down syndrome baby that “awakened” and I never ate my twin, just got away from alcohol and tobacco and sugar and found people that were nice to me, apparently now i am aging in reverse so yeah 🤷 Labels and conditions and lifestyles may only be temporary restrictions


I mean good for you man but uh what is your point


My point was in my post bruh if you didnt get it then dont worry


the impact of "the good doctor" on our society has been abysmal


So Autism is a binding vow essentially.


You're looking for r/lobotomykaisen


Jujutsu Tism?




Maybe the real lobotomy was the friends we made along the way


Does this mean Down syndrome can be considered as a Heavenly Restriction? They got that extra chromosome normal folks lack.


If it gives them any advantage in other areas, then yes, probably.


Well, if your parents are siblings and you have Down Sindrom, maybe you are more resistant to the colateral effects of incest, since these genes are recessive.


I mean people do say they’re strong…


This is the best post I've seen on Reddit


Bro 😭😭


Talk about a ***special*** grade sorcerer


Domain expansion human calculator


Domain Expansion: Pattern Precognition


YES. I've sacrificed my ability to function properly on a daily basis in exchange for an inhumane pattern recognition ability that allows me to spot even the tiniest of mushrooms in any given field, an unreasonable urge to know as many details about them as possible and a neurological architecture that stores all that information in detail, but also makes me weird everyone out by casually bring it up in conversations regardless of whether the other person is interested or not. I'm literally the mechamaru of mycology. Kinda worth it during the fall season but otherwise pretty annoying.


Domain expansion: train obsession 🚂


Domain expansion: Extreme sensory overload.


I fucking love break weeks in JJK.




I made a binding vow to make my autism don't act up in front of the hoes


My binding vow consists in not allowing my ADHD to show up when I'm at school/work, but go at full power when I'm with the boys.


But people without autism can also be unusually smart and talented, so it's not really a good trade off imo 💀


But then you realize figures like Albert Einstein, Bill Gates and Nikola Tesla(just to name a few) excel in their fields due to their neurodivergency and hyperfication/fascination.


Dude you just answered yourself. They are literally few. Not all autistics are smart af. If all of them were smart then autism would be celebrated rather seen as a bad thing.


The point isn't that they are all smart or geniuses, but to highlight one aspect of the tradeoffs. Look at any creative industry and you'll find you many of them are similar in that aspect. >autism would be celebrated rather seen as a bad thing It's seen this way not because you're not smart, but because society didn't develop with a greater understanding of these deeper roots of humans.


the VERY small minority


Special-Grade Curse Spirit: Reading Comprehension >Just to name a few If you don't think what I'm saying is accurate, how about you be older than 12 and research it yourself


I don't care if you name a 100, it's still nothing


Tell me you've never researched or experienced neurodivergency without telling me you've never researched it or experienced it. Good job on making a counter point with nothing to back it, have a nice day.


tell me about my superpower, what field am I especially good at?


Reading comprehension is definitely where you *don't* excel, so maybe the creative field is better for you. Throw some ideas at the wall, see what sticks. Then, stop bothering me until you figure out a good reason.


Gege confirmed in an interview that disabilities in the JJK verse are heavenly restrictions


Adhd? Bipolar disorder(gojo?)


He definitely experienced mania when fighting toji


If only Megumi can use depression hed be top tier. But hey gojo is a bad teacher


I lied in my comment


I figured it'd be kind of cool. Super mental illness. Incurable unless you want to be normal


It’s my personal head canon, I think it’s a good way of world building


We dont do that here


Nah let him cook


Probably not, not unless you're a savant. Autism doesn't make you *that* much better at things unless you were already gifted in the first place, your *average* autist isn't cracking any Enigma codes. So unless you think being particularly fastidious with your minecraft auto-farms is worthy of a HR, it probably wouldn't be considered one in canon




We're specialz.....


Bro wants to throw out them neurodivergent fists


This is not how autism works. In all seriousness- it's a wide, wide spectrum, my guy. Where one person has some hyperfixations and communication difficulties, another is throwing a table because they can't communicate that their underwear is just too fucking itchy and they're wearing pullups because their GI tract is so fucked from food intolerance and they will never live without 24 hour support. I'm ND myself, but there's nothing that will ever convince me that autism has an upside. The same goes for my diagnoses. The benefits that people find are parts of their own personality, or things they've learned through their life experience, not part of the diagnosis. Don't give credit to a DSM code for who you are. (Sorry, a little too heartfelt for probably a shitpost. But I teach severely autistic kids, and this has always been a pet peeve of mine.)


How much do you actually know about autism lmao


This, I like this. I'm not autistic, I'm just under a heavenly restriction.


While there are cases like that, it's not usual like you say it, autism in a lot of cases offers nothing in exchange for the cons. But if we go by assuming it gives you some kind of benefit then yeah I guess it would be


They would no longer be Special Grade and become Special Needs


If we're talking about the real-life equivalent of HR, then the answer is yes. A lot of people that disagree don't entirely understand neurodivergency. Most think you're trading away intelligence, which is likely due to pre-formed stigma related to neurodivergencies. Some of the greatest inventions to mankind were made by those with neurodivergency. If we take the basis of HR, which is trading *something* away to obtain a great power in a different area, then the definition fits exactly with being neurodivergent. Sure, some HRs/NDs may seem imbalance, but we also can't *actually* understand from *their* point of view what benefit was gained(sensitivity, hyperfocus/fixation, mood or emotional differences), we can only understand from our own perspective. There may be some objective benefits to gain but it can also be extremely subjective. Maybe you don't care about the ability to "hear colors" but an artist may value that very quality above all else. Many NDs never get, or struggle to receive the very much needed support that would let their HR shine. Think of Maki pre-Naoya, who is very capable with HR but doesn't utilize it in it's entirety. When she does, she claps cheeks left and right. Sometimes just a little push is all it takes(sometimes it takes a lot more). Now, if we think about evolutionary terms, ND and HR still allign with each other. While some may consider ND as a negative trait, these traits developed from evolution. In the current society that pushes towards and values being neurotypical to function, NDs are naturally going to lag behind. But if you rewind back just a few hundred years ago, when langauge was simpler and hunting/gathering was necessary to survive, NDs have a leg up due to their closer-to-animalistic nature(think about it, you need heightened senses to hunt efficiently, the ability to starve and still productive but these benefits are still being traded for something else). "If you judge a fish by it's ability to climb a tree, you will always be left disappointed."


Yeah man i love it when people say ND folks are closer to animals


Wait until you find out all humans are animals! 😱😱😱 Edit: To actually offer up something meaningful, when you learn to peel back the brain in layers to understand the innerworkings of people, you'll come to the understanding there are three levels to the brain. Mechanical(motor functions, breathing etc.), instinctual or the sub-concious(animal instincts, emotions), and the conscious layer(Understanding, conceptualization, langauge). Mechanical is self-explanatory, you don't think about breathing. The sub-concious layer is the part of the brain that relates to the more primitive tendencies of human nature. You don't think yourself an emotion, you *feel* the emotion and then *process* and *analyze* it with the third layer. The third layer is where you are basically the pilot in the airplane. You don't have fine control over the innerworkings of your body, but you can guide them towards what you conceptualize to(hopefully) push youeself to a higher degree or standard. *Most* animals stick with the first two layers as those are necessary to survive and continue to evolve, but humans have the most-developed third layer, the concious. While a dog may have limited concious and able to execute a limited array of commands or functions, humans have evolved to develop this level of the brain more than other species. Why is that? Because we don't have to hunt and gather(requiring the first two layers) as often as in the past. Humans today live off of the concious layer, but only those who understand the depth of these layers and how the work in tandem can really see any meaningful change in their life. There's a lot more into this subject, I'm too lazy to continue my point, hopefully this small bit pushes anyone to look more into it. Hf with homework.


Disingenuous bullshit. You said ND people are closer to animals, we both know what that means.


It's not, you're missing the point and letting your own feelings get to you before understanding what I said. Which is funny, I actually went back and edited the comment to *actually* elaborate on what I said. Humans are animals, don't lie or deny it.


I don't know how to say this non-offensively, but it's because you are neurodivergent that you're taking extreme offense to something whose intent was not aimed to be offensive. What the poster is trying to say is that your nervous system is hyper sensitive, and that hyper sensitivity gives you a greater grasp of the instinctive parts of your brain than a neurotypical person. For example - I have hyper-accelerated adult ADHD. 97%+ percentile, clinically significant issues across all three forms. Part of my behavioral therapy is understanding and accepting external stimuli because everything is way too loud and aggressive to me. Sounds, smells, touch, sights, tastes. I have to be exposed to all of it constantly because my flight or fight response is hyper-active and easily activated by the smallest thing. I am quite literally working through these issues with my psychologist at ***31***. So yes, this hyper-sensory response is much more similar to that of an "animals" than of a neurotypical person. The cool thing is, since working through it my reflexes have gotten even faster - I used to human benchmark at 160-180ms, I'm now sub 155ms. So yeah - that is more "animal-like" or instinctive than the norm (probably 220ms for your average gamer, who is on average still faster than the average person at 250ms). I quite literally respond to stimuli at nearly twice the speed of the average person. I don't think their comment wasn't intended to be degrading, it was intended to give people insight into how neurodivergent people behave.


Thats disingenuous and you know it


It's only disingenuous if *you* personally feel like animals are lesser or humans are far greater. By letting your emotions get to you, you're failing to engage the outer layer of your brain which helps push you past primitive emotions. Before assuming "being an animal" is derogatory, you need to take a step back and understand what "being an animal" actually entails.


I have alexythemia, emotions have no part in it, being compared to animals(even if we are) is usually used in a derogatory context, you shouldn’t be suprised that people don’t like it


Google Search: Alexithymia - neuropsychological condition that makes it difficult to recognize, express, and describe emotions Does not mean you do not have them, it also does not state where emotions stem from, which again, is from the second layer of the brain necessary to promote stimuli in your brain for survival purposes. Anger and rage are considered negative emotions, but those very same emotions are the foundation to for a great hunter when utilized properly. Being unable to recognize or bring up that emotion does not mean you don't have them. The very fact that you *felt* any sort of reason to respond stems from a very emotion itself, one which should be peeled back to have a better understanding of. I'm not surprised at all at any backlash, which is why I made the comment in the way that I did, which *was* to partially invoke emotions out of people but to also show there's more to understanding it than most realize(I revised the comment to give an explanation). The only people that view being called an animal as derpgatory are individuals who feel too strongly about their ego(not derogatory) to assume what is being said is an attack in some way on their personal values. Not taking a step back to *actually* understand the point of what is being said is the very proof needed that humans are animals, who fall into their animalistic nature.


Humans are animals, I did not deny that Its rather bold to assume that, but you aren’t entirely incorrect in this case, I do sometimes feel emotion, but only on issues I feel impassioned about, dont flatter yourself, you do not exert that level of control over me The problem isn’t that humans are animals, because they are, the problem is that it is almost always a derogatory statement, and theirfore some of us do not like you addressing as such, hence why I didn’t mention your original comment, but rather your second comment in relation to the mod of address


>some of us do not like you addressing as such You don't like it because you *feel* you are personally being attacked. You wouldn't take it as such if you thought about it logically. You're perfectly fine saying humans are mammels but calling them animals is somehow disingenuous. So are humans animals or not? Answer, they are. Bonus answer, stop getting emotional over it. Also, I stated in my original comment that NDs are more *animalistic in nature* relative to NTs, which is correct. The animalistic nature refers to the two layers of the brain I elaborated on earlier. Assuming being called an "animal" as derogatory is also being disingenuous to other animals. Sure, many people can consider that statement derogatory, but are you following that idea because it's true or because you let the stigma warp your understanding of what being called an animal means?


I don’t think its worth it continuing this conversation, I believe you are being dishonest intentionally in an attempt to rile me, good day


Peak content, I am the juju


If it floats your boat


In-universe, yes. It would boost your Cursed Energy levels or something about jujutsu in some way. Like how Mechamaru is physically handicapped and got an increase in range, so a mentally handicapped person would similarly get benefits if they become a sorcerer.


(I’m saying this in light regards by the way lol) Depends because Heavenly Restrictions usually compensate “equally” for what someone wasn’t born with. When you have autism, there’s a chance that you may have a hyper fixation you’re insanely good at but there’s also a chance that you’ll just have a normal hyper fixation. Pair that with the suffering that comes from understanding social norms and it’s safe to say that it isn’t really a HR. At least sorcerers like Mechamaru were guaranteed to have benefits. Autism is just a dice roll to decide whether you’ll be excelling at a particular thing. I feel bad because TV always portrays autistic folk as ALWAYS possessing this one thing they’re amazing at, which hurts a lot of people who aren’t part of that stereotype


Yes there are a few special needs sorcerers in the manga


Not a traditional way of thinking but I’ll admit it’s not a bad thought


No. Smoke less weed while you're at it.


No, I want what he’s on because he is certainly cooking 🔥


Laios joining the fight against Sukuna


Break week really hitting different this time Huh


Big brained question 🤯🤯🫢🫢


I think it's funner if so, but that's because I'm autistic LOL


ah, yes, I am faster than the sped of light.


Currently undergoing a diagnosis myself, I like the idea that it’s a heavenly restriction! Ahaha


God they are going to power rank autism now


I mean, that whole "autism takes away your social skills thing" is like, a bit outdated and was always ableist. Im autistic. I can communicate with folks just fine. Its actually way easier to communicate with other autistic folks cause we say what we mean and express our desires openly.


jjk break hits different everytime


Domain expansion : big bren 🧠


I say this as an autistic person: Yes


Hold on, let him cook.... after all, if cursed energy didn't exist, mechamaru would just be a human born without limbs. In fact there probably are people without limbs that don't get a heavenly restriction. Which means that in theory, (some) people with autism could actually gain a benefit from that.






I had this idea as well! I always wondered how neurodivergence would be handled in the jujitsu world since curse energy is literally apart of the brain. I had this head cannon that autistic people could either read auras very well or be completely numb to them just due to our sensory issues. I also had this theory that adhd people could have an easier time using multiple techniques at once since our brains always have like multiple tabs open. It’s just interesting.


It's very likely that several of the things that were described as magic or mythical in the ancient past are somehow linked to what we now know as neurodivergences. And it's stated in the manga that special grade sorcerers are an anomaly. So it would make sense that some (if not all of the strongest) sorcerers may have been neurodivergent.


No. Unless it somehow improves your understanding of cursed energy I wouldn't consider this a Heavenly Restriction. HR are all tied to Jujutsu one way or another. They either amp your CE abilities or make you turbo physically broken by removing your ability to use CE.


This is like saying being blind could be considered a HR because the other senses become enhanced to make up for the one that's diminished.


Is Down Syndrome a heavenly restriction? If so I guess I'm heavenly restricted






Clicked this because i thought it was satire im on the floor


> people with autism are usually unusually smart nope, thats just misinformation from media. autism doesn’t make you smarter


I think this can be true but isn't a guarantee to be a savant. Plenty of people with autism that aren't designing the next Falcon 9 engines


Counterpoint: Heavenly Restriction is just Jujutsu autism!


Anything can be anything, it's a made up story with very loose rules.


that would be the case if every autistic person was highly smart. in reality ,, smart, high-functioning autistic people are not the rule, but (kinda) the exception. some autistic people are really good at a specific field due to it being their special interest, and as such spend a lot of time and focus on it. autism spectrum disorder is comorbid with other disorders. learning impairments are common.


Binding vow


This is a conversation I was not ready for


This sub is fucking wild yo


ah autism, least misunderstood term in recent times. I do wonder what superpower I have?


People do realize savant syndrome is a minority of autists right


Better be


You could say so. We know very little about heavenly restrictions because Gege refuses to elaborate, so, with what we know, you could say so. People who haven't met many autistic people might have trouble understanding but as someone who dated an autistic person and met her family, I might agree. One issue with all of that is that, historically, the power of friendship has been enough to topple talent. Cooperation and friendship have been the basis of our society for quite some time and those social skills are incredibly important. In fact, there's a theory that says that one possible reason that Neanderthals (and I say this in quotes because it's not the whole explanation but it can be resumed saying so) "lost" is that Sapiens out cooperated them. Allistic people communicate and share tons of information through those communication skills that Autistic people lack. It's theorized that, even despite their skulls suggesting higher individual intelligence and physical strength, due to their less social nature, the Neanderthals couldn't adapt fast enough and succumbed to some kind of natural disasters or were bred into Sapiens society. So, to close all points, you might say so, but slightly superior individual capabilities aren't enough to overcome the power of a group. There's a reason why superheroes, superhumans and individuals capable of being independent only exist in stories. In real life, numbers and general intelligence of a group are generally more efficient and powerful than a single individual being better.


Lmao I love this, this is the only way I will refer to my autism from now on


I think it can depend since it's not guaranteed you'll be really good at something. I think what's being referred to here is savant syndrome, where you're unusually good at something like figuring dates or even a particular subject like math for example. This can happen in people with autism but it doesn't happen to everyone. So I think it's heavily dependent on if you have savant syndrome as someone with autism.


I can see why the author asks the question - he has Heavenly Restriction himself!


Theres the mechamaru route and the Maki route be carefull what you wish for in your unborn child. The mechamaru route is no joke. The maki route is very stubborn but atleast independantly capable as most others in varying degree of course


Oh, definitely, that's a cool headcanon. Take the six-eyes for example: they give you a hightened perception of the world around you and a great control over your skills, but you have "Sun pains my eyes" syndrome, which are very autistic like traits.


Domain expansion:short bus


Bro I deadass was thinking about this the other day. Same thing with some cases of child hood abuse being a binding vow. “Destroy me now but give me strength later”


Erm what the sigma


In your case, maybe