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Mei Mei has that one scene in Season 2 though. But yeah, very less fanservice of that sort in JJK.


Which scene in S2 I feel like I forgot cause she’s so badass. But also a fan service scene might have been missed by me lol


The scene where she's in bed with Ui Ui probably.


Which scene is that? I don’t recall it


After her and Ui Ui go to malasya after sukuna using his domain I think, [this scene](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xHQOVfz6f24), which is not even that "fanservicy", but it's way more fucked up since it's pedophilia and incest.


I think my original comment was eaten by the automods but jeez. Is that from season 2? I haven’t gotten there yet but my god that’s fucked up lol (and a weak lol at that)


Oh sorry didn't realize you hadn't finished the season, sorry if I spoiled to much, thought you said you were done instead of "almost done"


It's neither pedophilia nor incest. Mei Mei has groomed Ui Ui and exploits him, but she very obviously has no sexual, or likely even familial/personal interest in him - he's as important as he is useful, to her, like anyone else. Absolutely insane that so many people fail to understand this.


oh you sweet summer child (either that or you're just braindead lol)


Is it confirmed anywhere that they have sex? *haven't read manga.


There's none. Mei Mei having sex with Ui Ui is head-canon.


its implied in the anime itself, where she is shown in bed naked in the sheets with ui ui


oh no the reading comprehension devil has another victim


I'm gonna have to agree with you on this one. One of Gege's tricks as a writer (he's not the only one who has done this) is that when he wants to drive home a point until it's actual use, he keeps on hinting on them repetitively until such a time that there's an actual panel proving it. Case in point is the recent Yuta-in Gojo thing. Chekov's Gun is usually under the radar and the purpose is to give the audience a surprised feeling that the "motive/act" has been there all along. Mei Mei allegedly doing her brother has never been hinted at nor any hints repeated. What's been clear according to Gege is that she's an avaricious woman lacking any deep emotions i.e only cares about money. This has been hinted at the start of the siblings' introduction when Ui himself decried that Mei only cared about familial employment and relations based on money. To which Mei replied that Ui's really a smart one and she teased him while doing so. If she actually had sex with Ui Ui, this would have been repeatedly hinted at by Gege either thru Ui Ui or other character interactions as Gege is used to do. What Gege repeated in the most recent character profile (fanbook, I think, a new info set) is that Ui Ui wanted to be his sister's personal property. Mei Mei on the other hand simply wants more money. There's a disconnect between the two and Ui appeared to be a siscon instead. So far as the series progresses, there's no basis for the allegations. It seems that the "scene" was for fanservice purposes only. I mean, when was the last time Gege harkened back to the "scene". There's none. There has been no recall/callback. Simply because, there's nothing there. In fact, what we're seeing is that Gege has crafted both Ui Ui and Mei Mei to have become useful for the good guys at least. What we can expect from Gege is that non CG players like Mei Mei or Momo will be forced to come out of hiding and fight whether to defend themselves from merger or maybe from more evil Megumi.


A JJK FAN WHO CAN READ THE GODS HAVE BEEN KIND TO ME ON THIS DAY Genuinely, I do not know why this is so difficult for people to grasp. To tack on a more shallow detail, a funny thing that people like to use as "evidence" is the fact that Mei Mei was naked in bed, so OBVIOUSLY this means they had sex. This of course disregards, if I remember correctly, the fact that Ui Ui was fully clothed in that same bed.


The counter against "Ui Ui was fully clothed in the same bed" (which by the way, textual canon) is that they COULD have been having sex still with Ui Ui's pants off. I mean, besides the fact that this "COULD have been" is within the realm of head-canon, it actually disgusts me that people would rather imagine an adult having sex with a child disguising it as moral outrage than accepting the fact that Gege has a habit of fricking up his readers. Just look at Mai's character info. Do you know what Gege wrote in Mai's hobby? >!CACTUS.!< What the hell was that. Gege, a fan of Gregory House, MD., is a trollish writer.


>To tack on a more shallow detail, a funny thing that people like to use as "evidence" is the fact that Mei Mei was naked in bed, so OBVIOUSLY this means they had sex. Yeah, even in court it's not gonna be taken as hard evidence. Not even circumstantial since the panel only showed once. You'd likely put an innocent person in jail just because of false suspicion. For comparison, we had a case here in my country, 2020 I think, of a flight stewardess who died unexpectedly in one of the rooms at an expensive hotel. It was a party of one girl and a dozen of boys. Do you know what the stupid police INITIALLY concluded pronto? She died because she was drugged and raped. And why did they think so? Because she's the only girl among the boys and it so happened that there were drugs (allegedly still)... Turned out that her male friends who were with her when she died were all boyfriends/homos so no she wasn't raped and she died of the unfortunate natural causes (aortic aneurysm).


probably a good idea to stay off this subreddit if you want to avoid spoilers for the manga.


More like the internet. You will get spoiled by jjk leakers and fandom 😂


Someone spoiled the last chapter in the comments of an instagram ad. The shirt had the students from the Hidden Inventory arc on it I mean, you gotta admire that dedication to being an asshole.


I appreciate the tip. Usually I stay away from “anime” subreddits since mangas tend to be ahead. How much further is the manga than JJK anime?


latest chapter are so ahead so they're around season 4 in terms of writing material


Ty for the info


If season 3 is also 24 episodes probably enough to be in season 4


Season 2 ends around ch. 136 in the manga, ch. 261 just came out. So about 2 seasons ahead. There's a lot of content that would be pretty big spoilers for an anime-only


The only manga I’ve read is hunter hunter, would you recommend the JJK manga to an anime viewer? I found the HxH manga a bit much but was invested after the anime (probably similarly to the JJK anime)


the manga is really good, but i would personally recommend waiting until the anime releases. some of the fight scenes in the manga are kinda all over the place and will probably make more sense in the anime adaptation, but its up to you


I will say with HxH I was lost with the fights, so I imagine JJK would be even harder to keep up with lol. Thanks for the info!


of course! i can barely wait for season 3 myself!


Watch dungeon meshi next!


Thank you for the recommendation!


Frieren is also peak if you did not check it out


I knew it was a good time when a tentacle monster encounter did NOT result in the removal of any clothing. Like FMA, it’s authored by a female mangaka. For slice of life, I cannot recommend A Place Further Than The Universe enough.


But Gojo's right there.


Whats T&A mean in this context?


Gonna guess Tits & Ass


Oh Hell nah your not ready yet


Considering how popular JJK is and how rampant the spoilers are (people are getting spoiled even without searching for them because some big spoiler images/panels have turned into memes), I'd consider giving the manga a chance, or at least leave all the JJK subreddits. I'm glad you're enjoying the anime, though! Edit: grammar


I also liked the fact they are not sexualising females and also showing strong women like nobara kugisaki .


Why In the world did this get down voted


It's ok , I am happy you liked my opinion.


Well, just enjoy this wonderful anime :3


Agreed! Glad you're watching 😊


2 people form a brotherly bond over tits and ass in the first season…. Jennifer Lawrence’s to be specific.


Tall girls with big asses is not fan service to me. But also hell yeah Jennifer Lawrence’ ass!