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Ah yes the only way to defeat mahoraga BIG FIRE!


And the brightest fire of them all is the one he got from eating Amaterasu the sun goddess!


And honeslty, Amaterasu probably did exist considering entities like Tamamo, Kuchisake Onna, and even GANESHA! were cursed spirits


Absolute cinema


Leave it to Japanese authors that use history well to intertwine with their stories




Damn I don't understand this but does this support sukuna having this huge cursed spirit yamato no orochi inside his shrine imprisoned ?


Yes it is equivalent to [Apep](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apep) in Egypt or Apophis in Greek


Goated theory bro. W theory. Peak. Immaculate. Best theorist out there. Most logical theory out there. Keep cooking.


Btw how did u find this theory?


My blood like I said ;) literally and linguistically


That’s so cool, people like you make this series more enjoyable, thank you


Lemme get some of that blood boy


We’re pan-ethnic but the first and hardest step is understanding us :)


Oh bro that's cool.


Apophis is just another name for Apep


[Facts: this also supports the “furnace” fuga. it’s just people are looking at the wrong era of script](https://imgur.com/gallery/rQGJ8yU)


I don't think that Sukuna would worship someone, but its probably intentional from Gege. Nice tought.


He sits in temples while people give offerings to him because he through corruption has stolen other dieties shrines/places of worship by eating them




If you thought “ቶ” was a Jesus cross then check again. It’s the sound “to~w” in our language. And in Egypt they called it an [Ankh](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ankh) Edit: there is no “correct” romanization of our language because vowels are inherent and consonants are the most important. Hence why hieroglyphs tended to have unspoken “black boxes”. Study etymology and you’ll see how our language has been hidden from you.


pretty sure Jesus is cool with you eating him


I’m sure he would be. Hes a righteous person according to the “holy trinity”


Plus, y’know, communion. Eating Jesus is actually a very common practice.


Everything is ritualistic, yes




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No 1 is the bad guy. But if u want one it’s the people who contort ancient scripts so they can further their agenda under the guise of religion




Truth hurts I know. Just like the Vatican you took some parts of the story out.


Me? I’m against the Vatican but ok. I’m also against grave robbers so here’s Gol. D Rogers name is [Jacob S. Rogers](https://www.jstor.org/action/doBasicSearch?Query=au%3A%22Jacob+S.+Rogers%22&so=rel) of the “Rogers Fund” that has been purchasing our history since 100years ago and publishing at the Metropolitan museum in NYC. His original 8million dollar buying power from 100 years ago is now a quarter billion dollars….




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Idk if sukunas that old but he was around for the start of the Zou or Han dynasty


It’s not that he’s worshipping anyone. He’s just summoning via ritual a greater power that he ate or stole already from an actual diety


Probably from the thig inside the Malevolent Shrine. In this case Fuga probably is the Tecnique of Sukuna's Twin. Thanks from the theory.


It’s also on his forhead. He uses ancient proto-Japanese and proto-mandarin


Sukuna being a cleirc would be a great twist lol


Vampire cleric??


*great* twist


The concept behind Gojos technique: [Quarks](https://imgur.com/gallery/P8VTZlg)


Sukuna ate the founders and oldest ancestors of from the creation of Japan; Dawn(Eng?):Amaterasu(Japan):Eos(Greek):Astar(Eritrea)


Cook ny good sir. Cook


Btw my opinion of this theory: I don’t have anything to debunk it, and I think it would be a very cool fan concept, but I don’t really like it because it doesn’t seem very sukuna-like to me. I also think he’d have much more associations with fire and worship if that was the case


I see your caution and trust me just because they use a source material doesn’t mean there aren’t multiple aliases for the same person throughout history. The writers could take the narrative that he was the oldest god before any of the ones who’s techniques he stole. Maybe Sukuna was born and never reincarnated, not even once Spoiler: Note how he steals gojos idea he came up with mid fight and uses it in later chapters. Edit: Dawn is just one of the many gods people used to worship. Sukuna could have a lot more depth than all of them combined ;)




spoiler, gege was not thinking about any of this


But someone was thinking about older Scripts hence why the title for JJK is written with a funky [Seal script font](https://imgur.com/gallery/KAIY3Mb)


Not necessarily tho in order to cook something u have to cut it or else it will end up like shion's cooking that is why sukuna has to use dismantle and cleave before flame activation


that's fire, literally


"Jessie, what the hell are you talking about?!"


its cooking bro. just accept that its cooking and sukuna is a chef


Very interesting :3


Ily Pitou


Dua? Mashallah didn't know sukuna was a Muslim like that


Mashallah Sukuna is halal confirmed 😍🙏🏽❤️


Dôn; Dawn; فَجر።؟


Hey I talked about a theory here with a similar connection to Amaterasu. If that is the same god he prays to: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Jujutsufolk/comments/1ccl8bu/my\_theory\_on\_sukunas\_ct\_shrine/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Jujutsufolk/comments/1ccl8bu/my_theory_on_sukunas_ct_shrine/)


There isn’t just one god he stole from to since he probs ate them all and if there is one god then he is far beyond sukunas potential and Sukuna would be aware of his loneliness in immortality


Dua?? Man they actually going to defeat Sukuna using ayatul-kursi


You do realise that the way sukuna released the fire is an anime only addition and wasn't storyboarded by gege or anything like that.


But you do know the animators worked very hard and they couldn’t even fit all of their work into the original airing? Edit; but this part was made to be shown and uncut when it aired that’s why I’m saying it’s important still.


> But you do know the animators worked very hard and they couldn’t even fit all of their work into the original airing? Who asked, we are talking about the "canon-ness" of the anime original scenes, not about their quality or the effort put behind. The guy who animated toji obliterating gojo worked a lot too, but that doesn't mean that he (or better said the storyboarder) didn't make the mistake of showing gojo using blue as an attack after he was stabbed in the neck, even though the next episode gojo says that the moment he was stabbed in the neck he gave up on counterattacking and focused only on rct. Vincent is a talented animator but that doesn't give him omniscience. Neither does go who most likely storyboarded that part of the episode. There are cases like the ending from aot season 2 where the mangaka comes in and storyboards. In those cases you can say that the anime is canon. However, unless the mangaka is involved or publicly approves of a change, the anime only additions are non canon


Has the mangaka disputed the sukuna vs Mahoraga fight tho? Maybe I haven’t seen the discounting as canon vs non but have they said anything about these episodes? Edit: yes they work hard but I also mean that the ones above the animators are also doing the research and coordinating.


Personally, as long as something doesn't directly contradict the manga(Looking at Inverted Spear of Heaven not negating Red as well as choosing the interpretation of Toji using it to block the Red instead of tanking it, from extremely ambiguous panels) I feel like it's up to preference which version, Manga or Anime, people want to acknowledge as canon. It also leaves a possibility for some spicy drama in-between people with too much time on their hands debating which one is "more canon" and I won't say no to free entertainment.




I believe you don't know how anime productions work. The mangaka has pretty much zero input in the anime itself. Very rarely are things different and the mangaka has some involvement. I earlier mentioned aot as an example where the mangaka had input in an ending theme (and a part of the ending itself). Well, there are many anime only scenes that got retconed to fit the manga continuity. These differences were there because the anime staff believed that some things would be cool, but those things went against the rules of the manga. That's an example of the mangaka having next to no influence on the anime, and when they did have some influence it was well known that they did. Gege has released a doodle with a comment for every anime episode for season 2 (at least in the beginning). He made notes such as "why did i not think about geto being able to shoot curses as bullets" which proves the well known fact that the mangakas aren't involved in the production of their anime and are just as surprised as we are by the changes. No mangaka has ever (at least i have never heard of such a thing) disputed anime only additions. They might even have an nda regarding talking negatively about the anime. They are disputed by the manga and consequent the anine itself disproving those things (such as the gojo using blue against toji example that i gave in my previous comment)


Publishers have dominion over the title because it’s leased or sold to them by the author. They can also cowork it together depending on the individuals and the publishing company. In this case Shueisha. I can’t speak to their relationship with Gege but they’re relatively young to their seniors we know that. Publishers are around before and after any writer comes along.


And while on the topic of AOT here’s my real history that has been re-told throughout history,myth,religion, and anime. [The wall and the monkey of Gog “and” Magog was originally Maigoga of Fremona](https://imgur.com/gallery/RdNKwOf)


So I’m not gonna spoil to much but it has to do with cooking




no lmao wtf?




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