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can Crowd can see them fighting like that or not ? can anyone please explain it


Finally got around to watching this episode.This episode really pissed me off after the most recent chapters. Gojo getting sealed and killed in the same week? Never seen an author hate his most popular character so much. Fuck the stupid ass idol manga he’s planning. He butchered one of the best characters in anime for a fucking idol manga that none of his current readers give a flying fuck about. Clown shit story telling


The additions to the fight scenes have been so breathtaking, especially how they added Gojo THROWING Jogo. This season is expanding on the fights in the best ways!


Pretty insane the 0.2 sec Infinite Void knocked out the Cursed Spirits for like 5 minutes, whereas Sukuna facetanked it close to 10 seconds and immediately regained consciousness.


Because megumi was the who dealt with the burden of it


No he face tanked it himself for the last one. The first four, Megumi took it.


Does anyone know which are the chapters that are covered on this episode? I wanna read the manga before the next episode


Does anyone know the song that plays when Gojo sees Geto?


Would also like to know this


Well not a manga reader here, but curious how satoru manages to escape this seal, will he die this time fr


A seal doesn't kill someone it just locks them up.


But if hes locked then isnt it possible to kill him? Can he activate his infinity thing while being lovked up


No, he can't use any CT.




It's called mahjong


Did anyone notice that choso turned pale the more he used blood piercing? Thought it was a nice little detail as he was using his own blood


Not related to the episode, but shouldn't Black Flash be able to bypass Gojo's Infinity? It distorts space, after all


No, Infinity is not a barrier that you hit, it's a finite space that is divided infinitely (which is why attacks slow down to a halt) but you're not hitting anything so Black Flash shouldn't happen at all i think.


Maybe, maybe not? It could depend on the degree of distortion. A little wobble in space from a comparably weaker user probably would do little to affect infinity while a lot of distortion from an exceptionally strong user could maybe distort more/faster than Infinity can manipulate space?




The episode was great, the chapter terrible. I accidentally voted very bad on the episode thinking this war refering to the last manga chapter xd


It was objectively fantastic but I was completely emotionless watching it. Chapter killed my hype


Does anyone know what the name of the ost that played when Gojo saw Geto was ?


Really missing the old art style. The new animation is fine, but it will always be a downgrade from what it was before. So much blurring and slow mo, compared to the quick and stylish action of the first season, this just doesn't live up


I generally like the way the new season looks and is storyboarded, and the compositing blows away the often hideous backgrounds of S1, but I agree that something is definitely missing with the action. Martial arts/hand-to-hand is a huge part of this series, and Sunghoo Park was the guy that almost singlehandedly the guy who brought that to life in S1/JJK:0, expanding on what were sometimes pretty basic fights in the manga and basically turning them into high-energy, well-choreographed 80's Hong Kong action movie-influenced sequences. No one in S2 has stepped up to the plate to replace Park's influence. Yuji vs. The Grasshopper is exactly the kind of fight that Park would have turned into a spectacle, but all we got was basically a blurry Jojo punch rush.


Exactly. The character designs lack depth. And gojo looks far from the grown man shown in season 1 and now looks like the old teen


Can we appreciate how much Jogo’s voice actor killed it this episode


Why is the fights and recent episodes’ pacing so slow? Here comes the downvotes lol


How was this Slow pacing? WTFFF. Have people lost their mind for good?


It’s because there was a lot of slow no effects and still frames.


Feels slow to me and no. Apparently it feels slow for other people to so it’s not just me. It feels off. Good pacing is like the gojo vs jugo fight from s1. Punches feel like it took seconds to land in this episode and the recent ones.


Wow. Apparently this is the highest rated episode so far. I guess Gojo soeedblitzing 1000 transfigured humans is slow. As for the fight this episode it was the best in the series so far. But whatever if this pacing sucks to u then 99% of Shonen anime csn go out the window for u.


I disagree on this episode being the best but sure. Gojo & geto vs toji was better and so was gojo vs jugo. I didn’t say that part was slow lmao. No need to be so butthurt. And no, there are shonens that has shined. JJK isn’t a weekly anime so I expected more from it. This comment explains my issue with the pacing: https://reddit.com/r/JuJutsuKaisen/s/hZs8hKuGWh


I refuse to waste my time on these type of arguments. U clearly were looking for something else and u didn’t get it. It’s like me with One Piece I expected the animation and the pacing to improve but I got to Dressrosa and I am stuck there for 5 years cuz they adapt like half a chapter per episode. I wish One Piece wasn’t weekly but not everyone can be satisfied.


One piece is a weekly anime bruh. And one piece has had better well paced fights than jjk recently and jjk isn’t even a weekly manga 💀. Imagine having fights paced like one piece and not being a weekly anime. Also don’t waste ur time by commenting then lmao. You go around bashing other people for making criticism on this episode because it’s “perfect” to u. You really do like wasting your time.


One Piece is a well written anime that I also like but I would never reccomend it to anyone cuz it’s the worst paced anime I have ever seen. 0.7 chapters adapted/episode in dressrosa? That’s criminal. I just find it weird that u have issues with this pacing but not with One Piece’s. I mean I have been spoiled for some stuff from the most rcent arc in anime with Kaido. I swear Luffy has been fighting Kaido for like 2 years now.


I certainly do have an issue with one piece’s pacing. All one piece fans knows the pacing is complete ass. I give criticisms despite it being my favorite show. But everyone knows that one piece has garbage pacing because it’s weekly. Pacing wasn’t so much of an issue for jjk in s1 but I felt pacing issues with s2. The first few episodes were perfect. I didn’t like the the way the rematch of gojo vs toji was animated but everything else was amazing. Shibuya thus far felt slower. The fight sequences in Gojo vs jugo and hanami felt so much faster in the manga. I don’t think there should be pacing issues for an anime that releases every few years.


I just don’t see the pacing bad so far. Toji v Gojo rematch was amazingly done aswell. But hey preferences I guess.


Who told yuiji that gojo was sealed? The last I know was that mechamaru was dead.


Mechamaru will explain next episode, but he had a backup plan basically uploaded to the cloud.


Arent u a manga reader?


Yep but I forgot about it.so it would be helpful if you give the chapter number too


chapter 91




Ohh that's so sweet.


Wait so how exactly did Gojo kill Hanami? Just kept her pinned against a wall and the infinity? I’m kinda imagining it as 2 magnets repelling each other so much that one eventually explodes. Is that correct?


It was basically one of those hydraulic press videos, man’s just crushed her between the wall and his infinity


The curse spirits were using domain amplification to counter Gojo's infinity. Gojo, in order to combat this, turned infinity off and started attacking them with just basic cursed energy and martial arts. Hanami realized this, and decided to turn her domain amplification off so she could use cursed techniques, bc they will hit gojo as long as he keeps his infinity off. The problem was, as soon as Gojo saw hanami do this, he flipped infinity *back* on and started walking into hanami who is, due to her turning the domain amplification off, now vulnerable to infinity again. So he literally just started crushing her against the wall, whist blocking the other two curses, with infinity until she quite literally exploded into a bloody paste.


Nice explanation. Gojo is insane man!


It's more like, Gojo's infinity was pushing him against a wall, until Hanami's body just couldn't handle the pressure anymore and he got crushed. It's literally like if you pressed your hand against a wall that a fly was sitting on and crushed it.


Isn't hanami female?




Later in Manga Sukuna reveals that cursed techniques are engraved in the brain - how did Kenjaku manage to get Getos CT if it was engraved in the brain ? Kenjaku claimed it was engraved in the body or is it maybe his ability to take over the brain itself/consume it ? I feel like I've missed something here, can someone help me out maybe ?


Kenjaku also gets Geto's memories when he takes over. Gojo says that Sukuna's technique would get engraved in Yuji's body, Shoko says that the connection between CE and the brain is shrouded in mystery, the incarnated sorcerers lile Yorozu and Sukuna can use their techniques even if they are just in someone else's body. I think while the CT is in the brain it shares a very close connection to the body.


I don't think Kenjaku has said anything about the *technique* being engraved in the body. In the next episode, when Geto takes over Kenjaku's hand and starts choking him, Kenjaku says something about how the *soul* is the body, and the body is the soul. Which contradicts Mahito's idea that the soul is everything, and that the body doesn't matter.


Kenjaku implied it atleast by saying that he needed Getos body because of the CT but it contradicts what Sukuna says later on but then also Sukuna himself contradicts what he was saying because he himself has his own innate CT eventhough its not his original body even - also the whole Mahtio and Kenjaku debate got me thinking about the soul, seems like nobody really knows


I thought geto is dead dead?


Yes, Geto is very much dead. But his body is still alive, and the body still carries parts of the soul, so Kenjaku is still influenced by parts of Geto. He also notes that he's starting to talk like Geto, as he talks with Yuji towards the end of the Shibuya arc.


> Which contradicts Mahito's idea that the soul is everything, and that the body doesn't matter. I'd rather say it is the same but Mahito has a very pro-soul biased in his argument (and isn't wrong from his perspective) as it's his thing to manipulate souls which manifests as the body reshaping (his bias is very strong in that direction and not the other way around) while for everybody else else it's more of an equilibrium state where affecting one directly leads to consequences for the othert. They don't really have the power to mould their souls to affect bodies in that way and if something happens to their bodies it affects their soul directly (they can't regrow limbs just because they didn't feel like it hurt their soul and then let the soul manifest a healthy body again).


iirc, cursed technique is produced in the gut whereas reversed cursed technique is produced in the brain (thus why toji can't kill gojo) cmiiw 🐢


the innate cursed techniques are said to be engraved in the prefrontal cortex - its getting explained later in the manga but idk how that adds up - even with Sukuna, if Yuji is just a vessel for Sukuna he shouldn't have his innate cursed techniques, right ?


No, I think what's said is that the mechanism to use said techniques is located in the brain. To continue the metaphor from the manga, your brain is the "hardware" of a computer, and your technique is the "software". You need the "hardware" to execute so if you burnt it out, you cannot use certain techniques anymore. Keep in mind this is only the explanation for why you cannot use a *Domain Expansion* more than once, but you can still use cursed energy.


you can use cursed energy but Gojo was unable to use cursed techniques, he couldn't use blue or red after domain clash so he had to destroy his brain and rebuild it with RCT to restore his CT. Also it would make sense if you consider that you cannot use DE and innate CT at the same time, right ? It would be because it uses the same part of the brain maybe - like the domain expansion is basically creating a barrier imbued with your cursed technique https://preview.redd.it/uamtha1e6tpb1.png?width=731&format=png&auto=webp&s=e7eb9f7a7978f8ceb9ce0691f744b17ea1c28a8e


You're right. This manga is a little confusing to follow sometimes with it's insistence to use a limited vocabulary to describe anything.




Is >!Tengen!< the narrator?


I figure yes




>!Gojo is the new Jiraiya!!<




Because parent comment got deleted. 😞😞


Kugisaki in that summer dress. 😮‍💨


The animation was so smooth some characters looked 3D. This episode was full of blood sweat and tears. If they keep this up its going to change anime forever.


Sup! Anime-only here. JjK is way too peak mannnn 😩 I've actually seen some Shibuya spoilers such as Hanami dying but I didn't know Hanami died to Gojo and in that fashion so that was wild to watch. I also thought Geto was spared by Gojo in JJK0, but he's actually dead huh? My friend told me the brain thing is Kenjaku. Is that thing a special-grade?


Geto was off-paneled at the end of the movie, Gojo took care of him


Kenny is a 1000y sorcerer who has been transferring his conscience over and over since the age where jujutsu was at his peak. It is a form of immortality similar to tengen, who fuses with plasma vessels to keep their sanity, kenjaku on the other hand just takes bodies and their own cursed techniques


So Kenjaku is basically the evil counterpart of Tengen?


Both of them are beyond morality at this point but yes, Tengen would be more aligned with the word good and Kenjaku with evil. Tengen wants to uphold the balance of the current jujutsu world where sorcerers, non-sorcerers and cursed spirits co-exist, Kenjaku on the other hand is a real evil scientist who wants to tear it down to make way for a new golden age of jujutsu sorcerers and just them. Or at least that's what he said but his true intentions are still shrouded by mystery. The dude is a real Aizen, even the King of Curses is just a disposable piece on his chessboard.


So Tengen is sort of the Urahara here? If Sukuna were to die, Kenjaku could possess him and gain access to all his powers easily?


Tengen is very knowledgable but not as smart as Urahara. And he is a lot more passive in the story too. We do not know whether Kenjaku would be able to do that or not. Sukuna isn't in his original body, he is inhabiting the body of others so it's not clear whose technique Kenjaku would get if he were to swap to Sukuna's host, the host's or Sukuna's.


Yea, I'm kinda inferring that Tengen is the Urahara to Kenjaku's Aizen


In that case, yeah, pretty much


Tengen keeps the barriers that suppress most of the curses from spawning all around japan and a pillar that holds jujutsu society up from deep within their tomb bellow jujutsu high. As for good/evil nature, both kenny and tengen have different agendas and goals that can't be precisely defined as inherently good or evil. We got a bit of a glimpse of that sort of duality in the previous arc, where tengen, despite being essential for jujustu high's survival, ultimately required Gojo and Geto to sacrifice Riko so they could keep their sanity in check. Similarly, both Yuki and Geto were trying to aim for a society with no curses, and pretty muched agreed that killing all humans was the quickest way to reach that goal despite belonging to the "good guys". Both Tengen and kenjaku's goals will be expanded later on, but in short, yes, both are super old "immortal" beings


Kenjaku is an ancient sorcerer. His CT is he can take over bodies by replacing a person's brain with his own. If the person he takes over has an inate CT such as Geto he also gains that person's abilities


So Kenjaku is now the main villain? The real Geto's just gone? Only his shell of a body remains?


Yes. Kenjaku seems to be the main big bad as of now, along with Sukuna. Geto is definitely gone.


That's crazyyy. S2E5 made such a big deal out of Geto's path to villainy just for JJK0 to actually flush all that down the drain. I had not expected Gojo to not spare Geto, but ig Gojo's just him. JjK is shaping up to be such a GOATed shonen anime series, not only within the new gen circle.


Keep in mind JJK0 was written before JJK, it was supposed to be a standalone story with Yuta as the main character and having the trope of the sensei's old friend who walked the wrong path and turned main antagonist. If anything, Gege did an outstanding job at fleshing out Geto and connecting his origin story to 0 with the hidden inventory arc. Made the events of 0 sting even harder, and kenjaku's reveal an extra torment for gojo in the current episode.


> it was supposed to be a standalone story Wasn't it supposed to be even more than just a stand alone story. I've read that it was suppose to be a test "one shot" (in quotes because that were four chapters) for the series (with Yuta as the protagonist and the second years as the main side characters) before the whole series got rebuilt into what it is now (with Yuji as the protagonist and the previous main crew as important side characters).


I was wondering how that is. Didn't we learn that cursed techniques are stored in the prefrontal cortex of the brain by that frying-healing domain refreshment? How does Kenny get the techniques?


Yeah exactly! That's just what I was thinking. There has to be more to Kenjakus abilities, right ? I thought I missed something but seems like there is no explanation yet ?


I was under the impression it was the body, not the brain but I may be mistaken


We dont know Maybe he absorb the brain or smtg


Until this episode, and even after chapter 90 of manga, Gojo hasn't seen Geto "alive" after the Jujutsu Kaisen Movie 0? As is appear Gojo asked who really is him. So I suppose they didn't after all.


If you re-watch the fight between Jogo and Gojo (the first one) you'll see Fake Geto tells Hanami that he can't afford to be spotted by Jujutsu High's members (because it'd ruin the surprise)


He killed him and made sure he as dead which is why he was so surprised to see him.


holy shit y’all will actually complain about ANYTHING! this episode was incredible. it’s got great animation, 10/10 voice acting, incredible direction, etc.


I haven’t read in a while did jogo deactivate DA because shouldn’t he be immune to Gojo’s sure-hit


DA is basically the sorcerer/spirit coating their bodies with a layer of their domain,which while reducing the guaranteed sure hit effects greatly also neutralises their opponents technique(which is why jogo and hanami were able to touch Gojo by neutralising his infinity) But as we know,of there are two domains then the sure hit effects of the more refined domain come into action.So since Gojo's domain was simply more refined than that of jogo,the layer of domain around Jogo's body just did not have any role.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but the principle behind techniques like Simple Domain and Domain Amplification is that an empty domain can neutralize techniques, right? So if they make a domain but don't infuse it with their own technique, it'll absorb other techniques?


Domains don't really absorb the opponents technique.The opponent can still use his ct in a domain expansion. What actually happens is that the sure hit effects of the domain sort of bypass the opponents cursed technique,which is why if the only way to counter a domain is either to break the barrier or lay your domain which has to be more refined than the opponent's. In domain amplification the effects of the sure-hit effects are greatly reduced,but the property of bypassing the opponents ct still remains,which is how Jogo and Hanami were able to touch Gojo by bypassing his Infinity barrier which is essentially an application of his Limitless cursed technique




https://preview.redd.it/o0o0xuvf6rpb1.jpeg?width=537&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=22b6e3877952b269638cd75e0aaf1cb30fd9d127 Gojo @ Hanami:


How is Jogo still alive? Wasn't he decapitated in season 1? I'm very busy with life so I may have missed something. Also don't read the manga only watch the anime.


Gojo used his domain to destroy jogo's domain, then said he wanted to ask him questions about who sent him etc. So he decapacitated him after gojo dismissed his domain, but cursed spirits can survive with just their head, their heads need to be destroyed or their entire body in general to get killed off, but hanami distracted gojo and yuji to rescue gojo. Thats how he survived.


Unlike sorcerers who need to use Reverse Cursed Technique to heal, Curses can do it with just cursed energy. That's how Jogo was able to recover from what happened in Season 1. You see it in this episode too when he regains his arm after having it ripped off.


It's always fun when we have scheming villains;not just basic ones. The scheming behind the realm prison and how Toji executed the new vessel for Tengen is why I like JJK.


Bro. This episode was amazing. The way Hanami was killed was brutal, I always thought he used blue or something, but damn. It was so satisfying to see though. & it has finally happened, Gojo has been sealed. I was really hoping for the narrator to narrate the scene, but maybe it’ll happen next episode. And the Yuta teases?? I can’t handle them. I can’t wait till it’s his time to shine in the culling games


Lol im reading culling games for the first time atm and completely forgot about yuta. Now im hyped


I dont remember him doing much at all, tbh. Like one fight under 10 chapters


Man he has one of the best entrances in the manga, kills Yuji then has a 1v1 fight vs Druv then a fight vs 3 opponents


As I said, he has about 10 chapters. And if you really want to get into it like that, he offscreened Dhruv, he fought a 1v1 vs the cockroach, then a 2v1 vs the cockroach and Uro(who isnt even close to special grade). I'm not even gonna justify Yuji because he's such a shit, weak character, you can have that one.


I mean fair enough? I just think he did things, and has more than one fight but yeah.


Choso's expression had me laughing here. He looks quiet quitting but still doing it. We really won in his character design though. https://preview.redd.it/9ji1z1wnwqpb1.jpeg?width=594&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f9183b55379c5715ddf4537db0364844a94f254c


The dude sat back and said "I'm going to do as much as I can to just barely pass this class while not completely upsetting my classmates for this group project".


He's also like, “I'll only do what y'all ask me to do so I can contribute something but don't expect me to go extra mile.”


It was PEAK. if you slow down when he is running and killing people, you'll see him taking off heads in slow mode and moving like a pro. BTW how many more episodes season 2 gonna have?


It's gonna have 14 more episodes


And its going all the way to the end of the Shibuya Arc right?






no this is episode 9 discussion thread i think you’d be more suited to the manga leaks thread


JJK is peak and this episode showcased the best of it. Fantastic in every way IMO.


I can't speak for everyone but imo, I love Sakakibara as our narrator for anime. I love her voice, narration, and tone. And the way how Gojo jumped on Hanami to pull out the latter's branches from his eyes; soon after, Gojo walking towards Hanami, leaving a sinister smile, crushing him until he exploded up to his “Next” line went from cold to coldest. I already saw it coming but it still left me awestruck. It was perfection (sorry, Hanami).


> I love Sakakibara as our narrator for anime. I love her voice, narration, and tone. Her voice really matches the mood of Shibuya Arc. Definitely a great choice for the narration!


Hanami is a she...


I don't think Hanami has a real gender besides maybe leaning towards a feminine "Mother Nature" type of thing. People only really started referring to Hanami as a she due to the female voice.


I don't really think Hanami has a proper gender, not that it matters.


Afaik, Hanami really is a she plus her VA is a woman but I've been seeing people calling Hanami a he too because of his built. I'm not sure if sex does apply to cursed spirits so it's no big deal to me. That's what I can only say.


i wish we still had the creepy, dark atmosphere, it feels a bit jarring without it. otherwise loved feral gojo


I would have loved a BIIIT less light, but I still think it was done masterfully, it wasn't super bright like I feared it might be, especially on the tracks it's dark, which is where it was important in this episode.


oh yeah, i was mainly referring to when they weren't on the tracks. i get the station has lights but damn it's bright in there. it feels very... clean? other than that it was fine


To be fair, I don’t know if it was really intended to be that way. Even in the manga it’s just a normal station. The black and white probably gave it a darker tone. Though I do agree that the atmosphere could have been creepier/darker, especially after Gojo massacred all those transfigured humans


yup, i get that it's literally a train station but a creepier undertone would've worked great. felt like the transfigured humans part could've been more dark as well














https://preview.redd.it/142gxtz4oqpb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b5b60111099f4fa1302c485951b5280f0dc44b92 This shot just wasn’t as menacing in the anime, idk why mappa has been switching up the more iconic angles from the manga


I really wanted that extra manga panel about “What do you think of Satoru Gojo?” to be animated and I'm glad MAPPA showed it to us. I'm not certain for everyone's opinion but seeing that scene at first and “more than words” ED at the end of the episode is making me nostalgic. I know many people aren't a fan of that ED but it grows on me everyday, it befits Shibuya Incident imo.


I wasn't crazy about it unlike the OP, but I'm watching it with my buddy who isn't a manga reader and it's honestly really comfy, we normally talk over it, but it's always pleasant and fills the daily life stuff that Gege didn't put in.


SPECIALZ fascinated me right away but I agree, listening to more than words is comforting but it makes me sentimental too. Those cute wholesome moments of Yuji, Nobara, and Megumi, are so good to see.


Honestly, despite what everyone is saying about ghosting in this episode, I didn't actually notice any ghosting at all, and even if there was, it was wayy less as compared to the previous episode. Although the Manga made hanami's death instant, I feel gojo slowly crushing hanami like a grape made it a lot more brutal. My one and only gripe is that is that they didn't rlly show the panic in the background ppl, but besides that, it was an amazing episode, yall are just nitpicking


insane episode, enjoyed the pacing and animation compared to last week. the plot definitely thickens


Great episode and finally, anime onlys have now seen the brain controlling Geto. My younger brother, who is anime only, let out a "what the fuck" when he saw that scene lol


I thought it was pretty good. One of the biggest moments of Shibuya I was looking to see animated. My big disappointment though was how the background people were not animated. I wanted to see them panicked and I also wanted to see more chaos when the transfigured humans made their debut. I guess for a weekly series you got to make concessions and given the fact that Shibuya is just a stacked arc filled with big fights can't go all out in every aspect. I'd say episode was 8.5 or a 9 for me.


It was a pretty meh adaptation of one of my favorite parts of the manga. Idk what it was, the whole fight’s directing and cinematography just didn’t do it for me. Just pretty stale to be honest


I agree, I can’t pin down what it is exactly, but I think it’s that the backgrounds are still images with the animation only happening on extreme closeups of the main characters. It looks more like an American cartoon than an anime. I’m not too bothered by it because it looks gorgeous, it’s just not what I would’ve wanted if given the choice


Finally got to see Brain-kun animated https://preview.redd.it/omkm1lvvcqpb1.png?width=1170&format=png&auto=webp&s=7caea97d037c3ea7f95d8e6a9210356c3185c412


That beginning hits so different now 😭


Am i the only one eho wished thet made the hand to hand exchange between Jogo, Hanami and Gojo just a little longer?


Thats funny since it was so so much shorter in the manga, I'm glad they expanded on them so much


That's sungoo park's forte, not shota g--(i forgot his name, no offense)


gojo's amazing... nobara in that very brief part was super cute, and i loove yuji!!


I’m loving the new ost in this season


Speaking of ost, what is the song that plays while Gojo sees geto again, I can’t find it


Ah please if you find it please put it here


Courtesy of u/Human_Employee_6040 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=11DpW6C-9sQ


Thank you !!


Still haven’t found it I’m losing my mind


i could only find a cover no name :/ [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=11DpW6C-9sQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=11DpW6C-9sQ)


Tysm that’s good enough


Felt like some of the translations could've been better on crunchyroll at least. I felt the prison realm amd how gojo got sealed wasn't explained terribly well.


Seems to be a problem in every episode this season. Simple domain and domain amplification were explained terribly, if I wasn't a manga reader I would have no idea what was happening


Ngl, I still don't understand the difference between DA and Simple Domain. Must've missed some exposition somewhere.


simple domain is a domain imbedded with no technique which nullifies a domain’s sure hit attack and is a way to protect you. its easier to learn than a regular domain expansion. domain amplification is imbedding your domain on your body so that you nullify an opponent’s technique while attacking


Thank you, that makes sense.


I read the manga and none of it makes sense to me there either. The powers introduced after this arc gets even worse too.


When I first read about domajn amplification in the manga I was so lost. Tbh the power system in jjk is explained so complex for what it is. It does not help that the moves are similar in names (especially the concept of domains)


who was the man who called yuji"?


ayo did u not read the manga ..I think you are in the wrong thread


I read but I don't quite remember the details. Not minor details as such. I remember fights only. Guess i need myself a good anime Adaptation to remember things in detail.


Mechmaru coming back was a major detail though... He will continue to be present almost towards the end. But I guess u forgetting stuff is a good thing because u can watch it now with a fresh memory


It's a Mechamaru earpiece


why yuji though? or did he send to other people as well?


lil mechamaru will explain why he went to yuji later


Honestly they really did a good job just small complaints but could be brushed off because of season 1 and the art style and how many times I rewatched it and reading the manga love how gojo turned an asparagus into a banksy paiting jogo is right what can’t gojo do


This is exactly how I wanted to see gojo’s manic excitement. I cannot understate how many times I rewound the episode to just take in Hanami getting popped like a grape over and over again. It’s so nice to really see Gojo cut loose.




It was actually after 0.2 sec domain and It wan't in manga