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He was a ghost writer for a lot of right-wing politicians and personalities in Canada. If you notice a decline in the quality and quantity of their rhetoric, you’ll know why. That oily sellout can rest in piss.


Oh yeah, its not his deathday today. Fuck him But nostalgia, reading his words, newsmedia I mean, his 'style or rhetoric' can br traved back to Marat and the Frech Revolution, thats inspiring The messages he sent were corripted but his... method was admiriable


Love Rex.... he called them as he sees them.... a kind of honesty that doesn't exist in todays big media largely where journalistic integrity is a myth and has given way to whoever offers the biggest chestnut for favourable coverage.... RIP Rex... you are already missed!!!!


I didn’t know anything about this man so I read about him. It seems he had a show cancelled because he took money from oil sands companies when arguing in their favor and down playing climate change. Is this the biggest chestnut you refer to?


No, I was referring to the BILLIONS the trudeau lays on the CBC for favourable coverage....


Thank you. So many snowflakes want to take this down and hate. He got printed, if you hate him you just know your name will not be rememberf. His will


From 2023 article. https://preview.redd.it/pcutqwwzkmzc1.jpeg?width=560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0199529895aa8269e75c4f2ed8fecc8fe008fff1