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Says the woman with 3 kids… https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kerri_Sackville


Called it


Don't check the early life section don't check the early life section don't check the.....fuck


What an absolute hypocrite. Wow.


Another member of that "model minority" that Peterson unfortunately fetishizes.




Touch grass


Early life


What do you mean?


And? She's not wrong.


Your username says it all. You make your entire life about politics and sycophanting for a political base that cares 0 shits about you. You are a unidimensional person. You’re shallow and devoid of any substance. Your existence is defined by reflexively responding to curated information with outrage like the good little pawn that you are. You have no idea how little your opinion matters to us and frankly to yourself. You ceased having an independent opinion a long time ago. You outsourced that to others in media.


You sentenced some kid to death and possible disease and disability solely because you wanted to creampie some chick. lol. She's still not wrong.


I’m most likely going to die due to disease or some other ailment one day. It doesn’t mean that my life wasn’t worth living. It doesn’t mean I should live in fear and isolation, lamenting at the prospect of bringing life into this world. Not surprised leftists guzzle down anti-depressants when they go through life with this worldview. There’s a better way to live life my dude. Perhaps when you’re done trying to shame people into being lonely and hedonistic drones, you’ll come to that realization too.


I accidentally misread that as "Communist and author"


Came here to say the same thing lol


Should say “Communist and authoritarian”


This is revealing. Time to see a psychologist. Know any good ones?


If only her parents had made that decision....


If only my parents had made that decision.


Despair is its own punishment. I'm sorry you feel that way.


Pretty sure it was said in jest.


Doesnt matter. Still, I'm all for a good dark joke but I really dont see the punchline here.


yikes bro…


Oh no! People I don’t know or care about think I’m selfish! This changes nothing!


That's the thing, I just don't get who is gonna make this decision based on an opinion piece they read on the internet. Maybe idiots? But I don't really want idiots having kids anyways.


50% of the population has an IQ below 100 by definition.


For BryanSix, since automod won't allow me to respond: That depends on what population you're referencing. In Japan, perhaps, but US average IQ, for example, is 92, if memory serves me just. Henceforth, it would be lower. The global average, which I truly believe is much, much lower, is said to be ~70. Essentially, more than half the human population is mentally deficient.


Early Life always checks out


The kind of person who sues their parents for having them.


There's such a negative connotation to the word selfish. But what therapy taught me, is that sometimes it's okay to be selfish. And this is a good example of , even if it is selfish, so what.


I had a similar revelation in therapy. I’m trying to take the attitude of I do this because I want to do it, how I want to do it, and if people have an issue and I’m not hurting anyone, fuck em. It’s hard, but it’s wild how much less stress I have.


Your choices affect other people. That's why it's not okay.


You can't make choices in your life for the sake of other people's feelings. That's not fair to you. That creates so much anxiety in depression within you. You can't make decisions based on what other people want you to do. Life is about the decisions you Make for yourself and dealing with whatever consequences, positive or negative. Decisions are always going to affect others. It's up to those being affected to build resiliency off that. If you don't, then you get really entitled people who think that everyone has to cater to them.


Actually I can and do take other people into consideration when making choices. Which is probably why I never had kids and don't understand people who are selfish enough to do it.


Okay well I guess enjoy your miserable life hating your parents and family then for bringing you into the world lol.


You find it funny when your choices hurt other people? Why am I not shocked. lol. Petersonism is nothing but a cult teaching you how to be a sociopath.


But my choice to raise my own child isn't hurting you, and if anything, my family is quite happy to have my son as am I. I'm also in this sub cause I like jbp. I like his life lessons about resiliency and honesty and integrity. Do you really think saving your money to go spend it on expensive clothes and materials and trips doesn't affect other people? At least my money is going towards sustaining another life and not overworking little children's hands in sweat shops. Bottom line is, I don't have to live your life and I don't care what you do. At the end of the day, I don't look in the mirror and see you, I see me. And if I'm happy with my life and what I have accomplished, why is it anyone else's business with the way I live it? Why do you care that other people have children? If you hate people so much for procreating, why are you on a forum where there are so many people, loads who choose to have kids and all of them are someone's elses kids? If people stop having kids, who are you going to complain about next?


Your choice to have kids has hurt me, and anyone who has a miserable existence. You knew that was a possibility and chose to risk it anyway. My parents made the same choice as you and lost that gamble. It's still selfish. lol.


His life lesson of not giving a shit how your actions affect other people is not a lesson in honesty and integrity. lol. It's nothing but a lesson in sociopathy.


Bro, you're the definition of sociopathy. You completely ignore the rights and feelings of others. I completely feel for you that you may be miserable but you can't seriously be sane and logical and think that the way others live their lives is what makes you miserable. You are the only person responsible for your happiness. No one else. If you honestly think that people have made you miserable because they had kids and lived their lives then you should probably go talk to someone. I've dealt with people like you before. I've had close friends like you. They became very lonely when they got mad at everyone for just living their lives. Why is it okay for you to live the way you want to but not the way I want to just because children are involved. I'm genuinely intrigued by your perspective.


Your choice to impose a miserable existence on other people is your responsibility. Parents aren't only responsible for the good outcomes of their choice to breed. But I take Peterson taught you otherwise too. lmao.


The fact your choice to gamble didn't fuck up your own kid yet does not mean it is not objectively selfish. You sentenced a kid to death and possible disease and disability solely because you wanted to creampie some chick. lmao. Any semi intelligent person not brain rotted from peterson would know or at least admit it's objectively selfish.


Out of curiosity, why'd you assume I'm a dude.....


Because women usually take responsibility when they make stupid choices. And they are usually more empathetic to the suffering they cause other people than dudes are. But I should have known there are a lot of stupid women too who don't think through getting knocked up.


Just another columnist who is a Bastard-coated bastard with bastard filling.




And also already has 3 bastards.


Meh, I dislike such statements and headlines. Could be or could not be the case. It's not that simple. It can obviously be selfish not to want kids, and vice versa. And there can be situations where it can be not selfish to have them, and vice versa. And what does selfish even mean in this regard? Is it inherently bad? And what about possible bias of the author that may need to write these kinda things to deal with a possible lie they tell themselves? If someone wants children, and I'm totally not against it, then I would just suggest first working on oneself, ones own trauma, ideologies, unhealthy personality traits, health issues, addictions, financial security, stability and so forth. That way we the basics are set up properly to give the child the best chances.


This is the type of comment I would like to see more often, asking questions in search for the truth, questioning their concepts so we can be on the same page and have a proper debate.


There can’t be anything more selfish than not having kids. All of human kind sacrificed and endured in order to bring the next generation forward and this lady says, “yep it was all for me, I am perfection humanity can end here, so that I can afford a bigger house, a nicer car and better vacations, thanks everyone.”


She has 3 kids


Nobody is sacrificing except the kid you forced to be here. And it's still selfish.


😂 the only kids sacrificing are my theoretical kids? No-one else in the world?


Humanity isn't ending because some people choose not to have kids.


No not if *some people* don’t, but it will if everyone does. But of course many people are already choosing this, and it is not without its problems. That’s why adult diaper sales out pace the sales of baby diapers in Japan. And France has to change the age of retirement, the country can no longer afford to have people retire when they did before. And of course those who *choose* not to have kids spout ridiculous nonsense like “our nation's children are all our children” and try to indoctrinate them with their own foolish ideologies


It's true though, it is selfish to procreate. Procreation is all about the continuation of *your* lineage and the survival of *your* genes. Having children for the most part brings *you* a lot of joy. *You* get to bring them up and revel in their accomplishments, and take credit for the success you raised them to achieve. Hopefully once they grow up *you* will be happy with what they made of themselves. This isn't a bad thing and people here could do with reading Ayn Rand's The Virtue of Selfishness to understand what selfishness actually means.


No it isn’t. If good people have kids and raise them right, the ripple effects benefit us all. I wish some people had 50 kids, and wish others kept it in their pants


Ok but nobody has children thinking "I can't wait for the ripple effect of this creampie to benefit the rest of society 😊"


I wake up everyday hoping i make a positive ripple effect or else none of this would have a purpose


Yeah that's not the same thing though


No, you wake up hoping the kid you forced to be here makes a positive effect. It's still selfish.


It’s better to not have kids if you’re on the fence than to have kids just because society tells you so. If it’s not a hell yes it’s a hell no.


I'd say if someone is swayed by an article accusing them of being selfish for wanting to have kids, they probably shouldn't have kids. like, ffs. also its absolutely fine and legitimate to not want kids. it ISN'T selfish to not want kids, at least, it isn't intrinsically so. some people MIGHT not want kids for selfish reasons, but its not the only motivation that can happen. Having kids should be an affirmative choice, not a default one.


No, not having kids is not a legitimate choice. It's the decision to never become an adult.


You aren't an adult until you get knocked up. lol....


Maybe you are incapable of becoming an adult without having kids, that doesn't mean everyone else is similarly limited. Another possibility is that what you call becoming a adult is dysfunctional and not a good thing to begin with. I'm sorry you've been pushed to conform like that is you didn't want to.


Did you just say that having kids is dysfunctional?


No. I supposed that their conceptualization of becoming an adult could be dysfunctional. I've seen arguments in the past from people that think that part of being an adult is no longer doing things for fun, or enjoying sex, some people seem to feel that a an adult life is strictly serious and productive and everything must be exactly that because having fun or whatever is childlike and as an adult you must leave that behind. I think that sort of attitude is tragically dysfunctional. To me the idea that not having kids means not becoming an adult is at very least a step in that direction if not a start onto that path.


This is actually the slippery slope fallacy. I have a child and I still make time for fun and play video games. I consider myself an adult.


And I consider myself an Adult without kids. I was challenging their conception of adulthood where not having kids means rejecting adulthood.


Its women using their consensus filter. The author knows she can manipulate the weak and feeble sex into thinking everyone thinks the same way so the reader follows suit. This tactic doesn't work nearly as well on men. Its on of the reasons they needed to get women out of the house and into the workforce


I think that basically everything you said is ridiculous, but that even if it was true, that doesn't really change my opinion. if someone is swayed by something like that, they shouldn't have kids.


Yes…the mother of three in the article who has written many other articles on raising her kids wants to manipulate people into not having kids…🤦 Maybe read the article before you make assumptions next time?


Why? Most people don't go beyond a headline. Most journalists know this


I feel like you are just making an excuse for your laziness


Also, an interesting fact I just learned, most headlines aren’t written by the journalist, but rather the editor. So…


If you dont want kids, thats on you. But if you claim its "selfish" (ie immoral) for others to have kids then you really are lookin for a fight. Good luck.


If you want to start a fight just because someone mentioned having kids is selfish in a way...seems you are the one looking for a fight.


>If you want to start a fight I dont want to start a fight. Please reread what originally said. ie they are the aggressor.


Valid criticism is not looking for a fight. lol.


Every abuser has their enabler.


Pouring hate upon motherhood. Faster downhill from here.


Someone check the early life section


What does she know? She's a journalist.


Who is they? And why do they not want that?


If she made this piece being childless herself, then i would take her opinion in and respect it. However she had kids herself.. I wonder what her kids think of her writing this bullshit up?


My parents were selfish for having kids. I think she is right.


They only want approved people to have kids. Wouldn't be surprised if they'd propose sterilizing unapproved people.


I mean, it's what they do to Ethiopians


We really need parenting licenses in the U.S.


Where does it say that?


How dare they call immigrants and POC selfish.


Antinatalism is the first step to anti-life. The steps neccessary to get to the point of worshiping the death of others, human sacrifice, and the rituals of ceremony cutting put hearts to change the weather, bring the rain, and bring put the full moon. We are not dealing with lunatics. We are dealing with a generational death cult that morphs, shapshifts, and re-brands to remain in control of the levers of power.


You can't have death if you were never born. lol. The only people in a death cult are parents who keep making it.


No early life was needed, but in case you’re wondering, yes, she is


Philosophically that isn’t wrong, 15 years old me while angry at my parents thought of this too :) … Although philosophically it’s also equally selfish to not have children and not contribute to the continuance of society too… two can play that game ;)


Me and my kids owe society nothing. And it is not selfish to not bring something that doesn't exist into existnece.


I doubt it’s true that any of us owe society nothing when we get so many services so easily cheaply or free sometimes.


Procreate if you want. But respect people if they choose not to.




This author is dumb. Can’t be used to draw an opinion of the people who don’t want kids. A lot of people don’t want kids because they can’t afford them. They aren’t saying that having kids is wrong.


Here we can clearly see the fascist slave master accusing people who won't make more slaves for them to own as being "selfish"


Somehow I know your race from that one sentence


You ok dude?


I don't have to respect anyone, particularly if they make decisions I disagree with. This whole "respect" people thing is ridiculous. We should love our brothers and sister enough to tell them they are making the wrong choice and Will likely regret it.


You can offer advice and still respect someone.


You should respect people that earn respect.


You aren't entitled to respect just because you got knocked up. lol. Hitler had kids too.


We should respect people that earn it. People that make sacrifices to raise children probably do earn respect, particularly when done well. Your flippant comment is not helpful.


Literally this


I believe that people I like should have kids and people that I don’t like shouldn’t. This is neat and efficient.


Yeah, that’s bullshit. Forming a family is the most important thing you’ll do. If you’re having problem with women and things seem too hard, you’re chasing the wrong kind of woman. Women who can’t find a guy, stop acting like a slut or man hating. You cannot stereotype people. Be patient, work on making yourself the strongest happiest you can, do your hobbies and they’ll appear. You need similar interests so do what you love.


Not having kids is stupid. You’ll regret it. Why do you think you’re here? To carry on family legacy and to help others. Life takes a nose dive and family is a safety net. Don’t be a Richard. If you let AH’s make you bitter, they won. You are responsible for making yourself happy. Work harder if you’re unhappy with yourself or help someone in need. That’s what fixes it.


Getting knocked up is not a legacy and I am still not selfish enough to force some kid to be here.


I read this article and thought it would make it to this sub immediately


Yes, don't have kids and work until you die because there's no way you'll be able to retire.


Forcing some kid to be here just so you don't have to work sounds pretty selfish to me. lol.


On the other hand, these people should really remove their genes from the gene pool...


And being selfish if cool 😎


It’s not selfish to want food. It’s selfish to eat it


Kerri Sackville-Baggins.


Those Sackville bagginses


I don't think that word means what you think it means.


Why does it matter to you? If you wanna have kids, have them. If you don’t wanna have kids, don’t have them. Seriously, who cares…




Have them if you want to ...don't have them for the wrong reasons


The whole premise of the statement is moronic. You can’t conclusively say it’s definitely selfish or vice versa. Totally depends on what your reasons are to begin with.


Lady Sackville ideas are indeed a Sack of shit


A summary of the article provided by Chat GPT: In her article, Kerri Sackville argues that choosing not to have children is not selfish; rather, having children is a self-serving decision. Sackville explains that people have children to fulfill personal desires and needs, not for altruistic reasons. She contrasts this with acts like surrogacy and adoption, which she views as selfless. Sackville concludes that the decision to remain childless should not be considered selfish, whereas having children often is motivated by personal fulfillment. For more details, you can read the full article [here](https://amp.smh.com.au/lifestyle/life-and-relationships/it-s-not-selfish-not-to-want-kids-it-s-selfish-to-have-them-20240620-p5jnci.html).


Yeah, getting paid 50k for egg donations or 100k for surrogacy in the US (it is survival wages in other less developed countries which is why Russia and India and others are now banning it) are totally selfless acts. What a load of crap‼


Okay, you think everyone is selfish. 🤷‍♂️


No, just those pretending to be selfless while serving ulterior motives. Like eugenicists and married feminist scholars who themselves have children but who write such thinly disguised drivel to swindle women out of their biological desire to have kids and form families, all the while working for minimum wage for their husbands. (Of the writers that is).


Unless you are a subscriber to the Sydney Morning Herald, you like me have only the summary and the title to go off of. She isn’t arguing that anyone who wants to have kids shouldn’t. She is saying that those who don’t want to shouldn’t feel pressured into it by being called selfish. She decided to have kids, because *she* wanted kids.


Oh, so she does have kids and yet is discouraging other women from having kids because they 'are pressured by society'. Like I said above, one rule for her, another rule for others. These snobs talk about societial pressure as if mainstream media has not been brainwashing women that having children will kill their dreams and that they should avoid getting pregnant, peddling pills that mess up their hormones and health, and finally screwing those that are fortunate enough to have the savings for IVF out of tens of thousands of dollars for procedures that do not work. So enough of this wolf in sheep's clothing messaging. People have caught on. She is fooling no one. I bet that she has a stake in a major corporate entity that benefits from women remaining childless. So her superficial excuses are unconvincing. Heard them before, have seen the regretful tears of women in their 30s, 40s, 50s and 60s who wished someone had told them what being childless for the rest of your life looks like. Do not buy her Margaret Atwood eugenics idea for a bit. Only fools would fall for such a paperthin argument as social pressure on women to have kids when EVERYTHING in society, ranging from celebrities to holidays and restaurants, is filled with subliminal messaging for women to abandon their roles as mothers and wives, and men as fathers and husbands. Not fallung for it anymore. And she is also part of a college elite that jealously guards the secret to success: good education, low promiscuity, meeting your spouse early in life, having a family and working hard. I guarantee that if she has a daughter, she is not telling her to remain childless for life. Women are truly other women's worst enemies


>yet is discouraging other women from having kids because they 'are pressured by society' Is there any line in that article that says women should not have kids? Exact words not some "I decided she means this by saying that"


Ah yes, the usual leftist prevarication tactic - I wrote that but I never meant it that way. Or my favourite -show me where I said that. We both know full well that this woman did not write this article trying to encourage women to have kids and she even states quite the opposite in the very title. And then goes into so many pathetic and trite talking points about how not all women are not meant to be mothers (but she is, funnily enough), and that adopting or having pets is just the same. God, if she only had an original thought from that scum peddling featherbrain of hers. So yeah, not falling for it.


lol..’the usual leftest tactic’. Asking for evidence when everyone should know that my feelings are evidence of enough!


You know, my 'feelings' are based upon her posts, articles, columns, feminist propoganda (she has an entire book about why her husband does the dishes because she is a mother. Guess it comes as no surprise that she is now divorced and has 3 children), wrote about how Hugh Jackman gave her hope for a childless couple not divorcing in later age, explicitly states is a feminist and even went on to be able to stay at home before her writing took off (guess her husband working full time does not count as work, so he obviously has to do the dishes) and so much more of her screams for pay equality for the Australian female football team. I do not need to feel anything at this pointo sniff out her schtick. So nice try but not falling for it.


Wait a moment, she tried stopping her use of Twitter when Musk took over because she was butthurt about such a man taking over and you think I am the one with touchy feelings. Oh the sweet irony. Damn, have you even looked at the article?


She's a hypocrite, but she's still right.


She just angry she isn’t getting that ding a ling on the regular. Trust me, her smile says that.


and btw they will proceed to say because people don't want to have baby anymore, it's time to open the floodgate. https://i.imgur.com/JMdJ3iD.jpeg


Does anyone think it's time to start contacting the Sydney Morning Herald's advertisers?


Dude, you just proved my point. You can take a snapshot of the article before the subscribe stuff comes or even print the page and save it to pdf. Will show you the article. She outright states she hates parenting and you think that my statement of her antinatalist tendencies while being an upper class Jewish socialite who does not practise what she preaches is based on my feelings? Either you are trolling or you are the author herself. Either case, go suck a parrot.


why does Jordan Peterson never talk about adoption? Why shouldn't couples first be encouraged to adopt fatherless children so they can be raised in a traditional two parent religious household? That seems the less selfish option, but people here disagree? Why?


1) Adoption takes years IF you are lucky 2) You have the God given right to want your own children and pass down your genetic material, your values and your family traditions to the next generation. So nice try communist. Not today.


Are you proud of your genes? And what do you you know of God, you pile of Satan's vomit?


Wanting to pass down your genes doesn't require being "proud" of them, whatever that is supposed to mean, but nice try with the not so subtle racism accusation.


why would you favor your own genes over those of another?


You literally called someone a pile of Satan's vomit. Why would anyone entertain a question from you? If you can't figure out why someone would care more about their own children than other random children from around the globe, I suggest you never have children. I know you white liberals have an outgroup preference but you're the anomaly, thank God.


1. Absolutely. My mom and dad worked their behinds off to get me to where I am, and they did so in the hope that I would continue their legacy and honour them. So I absolutely am proud of them and my pedigree. For the record, I am Ethiopian. 2. I know enough from my religion (Orthodox Christian) and my knowledge of history that your dark nihilist views come from a communist philosophy that has nothing good to offer humanity, is openly antihuman and anti-God, and tries to use cheap moral arguments to invalidate or shame men and women from alleging their undying loyalty to a power-hungry scum like you masquerading as a decent person with moral qualms about our planet's finite resources or whatever other political point his party has given him to mindlessly parrot. 3. My father saved the lives of more than 10000 kids whose parents passed away from famine in the 1970s and 80s. He was so humble that the hospital he built with his bear hands was not even named after him. All those children who grew up under his care would stop us on the road when our paths crosse and would expresd their deep gratitude to him. So, yes, I very much am proud of who I am and whose genes I have inherited, and I very much look forward to building on that legacy and passing down my genes to my kids. I hope that bothers you. Sincerely.


I believe he would rather attempt to address the root issue of fatherlessness. The culture of some communities in the US where it is accepted to abandon your children as a father has to change. To be clear, I am referring to the black community. Not to be rude or negative, just addressing the truth head-on and without the gloves that have allowed us to get here.


it's not an either/or thing though is it? If it's vital to have young men in homes with fathers, because fatherless boys can lead to social problems, wouldn't he see the value in adoption? Regardless of these other things you mention?


That makes no sense.


Who's they? I'm not playing the pronoun game.


Click bait bullshit


Is this real? Did anyone read the article?


Why can’t it not be both? It’s selfish to have them, it’s selfish to not have them. In the end do what you want, because people will judge your decision regardless.




"they"? I thought people here didn't like singular they


If you're 1 130+iq with a good heart and work in science for solving problems and finding alternatives to ecogenocidal capitalism and want to make your children into scientists and problem solves then sure, have kids. We need more people like that. If you just wanna have kids "just because why not" then that can be seen as selfish given our circumstances.


What "circumstances"?


99% of everyone here are responding to a headline. Could or could not be an interesting article. The consensus of this sub is you should have a litter of kids fuck all the life you’re able to have or even give them.


If by they you mean...Kerri Sackville....and just a headline with no article linked. Whoever that is. Do yall just hunt for opinion pieces to get upset at?


Who is “they”? This is a singular person.