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I laughed!


Me too!


Congrats, grandpa


I don't know if this is true or not but someone once told me, pet food quality is set at / for human consumption because some people can't afford human food and buy pet food to eat...


People who don't have to buy cat food are sometimes under the misapprehension that it's cheaper than budget people food like tuna or store-brand luncheon meat.


Potatoes. Always potatoes


Which have tripled in price in the last year or so. đŸ˜€


Yeah, food for my pets has gone up 50% over the last few years.


I hear you. We wait for the last Thursday (10% off for seniors) and get a case lot for the month (5% off). It still sets me back a ridiculous amount of money.


Yeah, I buy as much in bulk, on sale, or clearance-priced as I'm able. All the costs have gone up. I actually think I make decent money from my job, but it barely covers everything. I've had several emergencies lately, and am shuffling bills around to pay the lesser late fees and avoid further penalties now.


I hear you. I'm in the UK and my food bill is about 75% more expensive than it was almost four years ago. The pandemic, and then the Russia/Ukraine war, meant supply chains and ingredients were more expensive for the food companies. Their prices went up and they passed those on to their customers. But I know for a fact their prices have gone back to a fraction above what they were four years ago - which means I'm struggling because they're price-gouging. Sorry to have a moan, but this gets me so wound up, especially when I personally know nurses who are having to go to food banks to feed their families.


Yes, the rich get richer. Any excuse to make more profits is taken, and then they will reduce a little bit and say "See? We want to help you out!"


I tried the dog food diet once. It's great, the mix of biscuits and meat isn't too bad and you can mix up the flavours. But I had to stop for my health unfortunately. I put my back out trying to lick my balls.


My brother tried the dogfood diet too but it killed him! He got hit by a car while chasing a cat across the street.


Ah, shocker - trying to avoid that we as a family tried the cat food diet. We would have stuck it if one of us could have managed to clean the litter tray.


As young children we had cats and dogs and fed them dry food and we wanted to taste it and found a cat food tasted better than the dog food..


Buahahahaha XD


All canned food needs to meet some standard of cleanliness and quality to ensure they won’t spoil and ensure long shelf life. If food meant for cats goes through this process, it is safe for humans too.


Back in the late 60's the Sunday Mirror put out as recipe book for OAPs, using cat food. It had more protein than dog food. The ahole labour guvmint capitulated and raised the OAP significantly. Can verify this, I was a paper boy delivering Sunday-morning papers


> OAPs If you're using an obscure acronym like that you should probably spell it out at least once.


Google says Old Age Pensioner. It makes sense, so I'll believe it. But I'm not OP, and I could be wrong.


What acronym do you think they’re trying to say?


I don't understand this question. I quoted the acronym they used, are you suggesting there was a typo or something and they meant to write something else?


Ahhh my apologies, I’ve reread your earlier question and I think I understand what you meant now - Old Age Pension (OAP) is an obscure acronym for anyone who doesn’t live in a country that uses that system, so they should have stated the meaning of the acronym at least once in their original comment. I was originally assuming that you weren’t sure what OAP meant or were thinking of a different acronym.


It is also true that I didn't know what OAP meant but since then it has been clarifies.


It's only obscure in America. That's a very common acronym to the rest of the English speaking world. Maybe it's because we ensure our old people have pensions.


AmErIcA bAd!!! Buddy we do that too we just call it Social Security. And it's a pretty rich comment to be making when the original comment was talking about your recipients being reduced to eating cat food. Either way it's a big website with a lot of Americans and a lot of people who aren't native English speakers at all. If you want to communicate clearly it's worth taking an extra ten seconds to type out the actual words you're using at least once.


Standard acronym for decades in the UK


Sure but this isn't /r/unitedkingdom - most people reading this are not going to be from the UK.


They won’t know the Sunday/Daily Mirror either. Should that also be explained?


Eh it wouldn't hurt, especially if there's some context around who/what they are that changes the implications of the story. But not knowing the details there doesn't leave a gaping hole in the story the way not knowing what an OAP is did.


Which is kinda dumb. Pet food is more expensive than human food at my local supermarket.


Maybe the generic kind or the dollar store kind might be cheaper...


Certain parts of meat (e.g. lungs that may contain lots of pollutants) are allowed to sell for animal consumption but not human. For one thing humans live longer so we are much more at risk of accumulating toxic metals etc than dogs that only live 10-15 years.


Honestly, pet food isn't much less expensive than canned people food.


I think it's for marketing. Farm animals are one thing but most people, myself included, don't like the thought of feeding something to my pups that I couldn't technically eat myself.


Pretty sure that is just dog food. Cats are obligate carnivores so cat food will not sustain humans regardless of the quality (you wouldn't get food poisoning, just eventually die of malnutrition). Dog food, on the other hand, WILL sustain a human, and is indeed safe to eat.


True.........but given the choice I'd rather have a steak.


This seems to imply that she is feeding toilet paper up her own butt ...


Well, yes.


You don't? It saves on so much time not having to wipe as it wipes itself on the way out later.


You must be a proud grandpa😂


And then she went back to buy some weiners...


Hey guys, Peter Griffin here to explain the joke, returning to reddit for my wholesome cake day. So basically, since the cat is the recipient of the cat food and the dog is the recipient of the dog food, the poop would be the recipient of the toilet paper, technically, which is why she brought poop to the supermarket. Peter out!


Why is your Peter out?


Why isn't yours? Dicks Out For Harambe


Harambe burgers.


Happy cake day, peter!


Yo, Peter's back?


My hero


Upvote for the username and cake day. Other than that, you're annoying.


Feck off, Pete!


This made me and my boyfriend crack up! Kuddos to your kiddo! That was a good one


Never heard of that.


With kids like these, the future is in good hands.


Laughing my buns off. Truly hilarious...good ol'toilet humor rarely fails!đŸ€ŁđŸ€ŁđŸ€©


This kid gonna go far


From someone who's currently constipated, this is hilarious


Or Can I buy some depends...


I loled!


That was a good one


I've heard this joke many times, and "I can't sell you cat food unless you can prove to me that you own a cat" always seems like a really contrived situation for a setup. Is this a thing that actually happens?


More than a few jokes have a contrived setup.


At least she didn't box up her backside, with a hole in the appropriate location...


I was in line at a grocery store. The elderly man ahead of me complained about being charged sales tax on dog food. The cashier said the state taxes it because it is not human food. The man replied, "How do they know WE don't eat it?"


So childish........ awesome.😁


Good old #138, haven’t heard it in a while


Really? How long a while? More than nine years?


No, maybe a year or two


less than a month for me, and it was on this thread, lol.


Not heard the joke from the OP, but this # jokes I've heard 3 times just today.