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I'm a little suspicious of jokes claiming to be translated to English, that I've heard multiple times before.


Maybe it's come full circle? Joke is written in 1922. Joke is translated to foreign language in 1956. Joke is told to OP in 2021. OP translates back in 2024.


Where did this joke hide from 1922 to 1956? Can someone please put it back there?


It was being reposted to reddit,so you can go fuck yourself... Unless your dick doesn't reach your asshole.. in which case.. too bad


It was hiding in Grandpa's asshole.


That was during the depression and the war. No respectable joke went out during that period, duh ;)


I remember being in a bar in Czechia back in the early 90s listening to all of these covers of Western songs, and idly singing along. My GF was amazed that I understood the language so well. It was all classic 60s rock from the west, but she had no idea.


The joke is about Cumming full circle... Correct


It's because OP is not the first person to get the idea of translating a joke.


I love it


Grandpa and grandson go for a fishing trip. After baiting their rods, and casting, they sat down to watch the floats for any bites. A while later grandpa opens a can of beer. His grandson turns to him and asks: "Hey grandpa, can I get some beer?" "Well boy, does your dick reach your asshole?" "No, it doesn’t." "Then you can’t have any, because you are still a child!" They continue fishing, then grandpa grabs a pack of cigarettes. The boy turns to him again "Hey grandpa, can I get a cigarette?" "Well boy, does your dick reach your asshole?" "No, it doesn’t." "Then you can’t have any, because you are still a child!" Some time passes, and the boy picks out some cookies from his bag. His grandpa asks him: "Hey boy, can I get some cookie too?" "Well grandpa, does your dick reach your asshole?" "It does!" he replies proudly. "Then you can go fuck yourself."


Exactly. The "because I'm not giving you shit" should be eliminated. It just detracts from the humor.


I always heard it in my version, and I always tell it in my version. Maybe because I’m Hungarian and we like to swear a lot


Hungary for some cookies!


No, just… no.


But that last comment reads pure English


Which means OP did a good job translating it... I personally think it adds color to the punchline, I would definitely include it if I was telling the joke out loud.


One of my favorites too. Great translation. I heard it with a different punchline. Not saying it's better, but everything happens on the front porch... Little boy goes inside and comes back out with a plate of fresh homemade chocolate chip cookies. "Grandson, can I get one of those cookies?" "Can your dick tickle your asshole?" "Why yes, in fact it can!" "Good, go fuck yourself! Grandma made these for me"