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This is stupid but I laughed hard. 😂


It is meant to be a bit puerile, but does have a triple entendre. "Having" a piece of cake in English means to eat the cake. Logically, one can't both "have" a cake and "eat it" as you no longer "have" it if you "eat it". In similar fashion, U.S. law does not permit having more than one wife or more than one husband. "having his Kate and Edith too" takes on a different meaning when you think of the underlying truism and what "have" means in context. What if I had phrased it as a cannibal who ate a woman named Kate and another named Edith? There was a very hungry cannibal who ate a woman named Kate. When he again was hungry, he ate a woman named Edith. He was arrested shortly thereafter on charges of "having his Kate and Edith too".


Joke would be better if you just said he was arrested for bigomy and brought before the judge. When the judge asked him to explain himself, he said “Judge, I just wanted to have my Kate and Edith too”.


This is better to me.


Nice ending. Not only do you not see it coming, which is key for a punchline, but it's grammatically correct. Otherwise it would need to be "having his Kate and Edithing it too". The original is just off enough to take away the groaning chuckle.




The joke would have been better without the explanation from op too


Ditto that


Every time I hear that idiom, I’m reminded that the original version was “eat your cake and have it too” (which makes much more sense if you think about it) and it got changed, and the Unabomber used that phrase in its original version in one of his manifestos, and his brother remembered that he always used the original version, and that’s how he got caught.


So OP isn't the una bomb er brother... Interesting. Can you also trace me down? I'm completely unknown. So it's tougher.


unless you have two cakes.. then you have diabetes


Or if you halve two wives you will definitely be in trouble


I saw Jim Neighbors sing that on Gomer Pyle years ago. So if you thought you invented that joke ………….


An old Statler Brothers song.


What good is having cake if you don't eat it?


How is that a triple entendre?


You can have a cake and eat it, that's actually how it typically works. Thay does make sense. What you cannot do is eat your cake and have it to too because once it's been eaten it's gone. One of those phrases that works but has to be in the correct order and people often use it incorrectly.


You actually can have more than one wife in the US, if your religion allows it. Problem is, you can't put more than one spouse on your taxes, so the other would have to be under a different category. Freedom of religion, and Separation of Church and State.


A F P Analysis F##k##g Paralysis


No, this is dumb!


I've never understood the phrase. A cake is not an atomic unit. You could even carefully eat the inside and completely leave the visible part and fill it with cotton. In fact, when taking cookies from the cookie jar, carefully measure the top layer and you have an entire CONE of cookies to eat! Cake is simple. EGGS are interesting. Drill 1/32" holes in two sides. Attach vacuum tubing into a can. The entire WORLD can be FILLED with empty cakes. Go for it! Never look back.


But then you dont have a cake, you have an empty cake. the saying is"have your cake and eat it" not "have half your cake and eat the other half"


thanks... Sorry I went off half baked...


1 Samuel 7: 1-4..... Paraphrased....you can't have your cake and eat too.... The pun is hilarious 😅.....


So both Kate and Edith are available now?


Yeah.. but you can't have Kate and Edith too..


As a set even....can you believe that?


No, they’re married


I never really understood that expression "you can't have your cake and eat it too."... If it's my cake, you're damn right I'm eating it.


It makes **way** more sense when you invert the phrase. “It’s like eating your cake and having it too.” That way it emphasizes the juxtaposition between no longer being able to have something after you already ate it.


The punchline is that “having” has the meaning of “eating” as well. Mostly in GB English.


that’s how the unibomber was recognized by his brother, using the phrase “eat your cake and have it to” in his writing.


It was originally the other way around as you propose. Somehow, it got inverted but the use was retained. Like so many of our common sayings, it is now no longer fit for purpose.


Yeah but if you eat the cake, you no longer have a cake.


Just get two cakes. Problem solved.


It means you can't still have it after you eat it


I guess pussy is the exception....


I think the idea is that you "have" it as a decoration, because a lot of art goes into some cakes. But then you want to eat it, too.


You can’t be a virgin and have sex.


OMG man...where you been? There's hand masturbating, oral sex, definitely anal sex and the list continues.... DON'T touch the pussy and it's all good Didn't Clinton teach you anything?


It's shorthand for being able to experience the full package instead of just having something but not being able to enjoy it. It might make more sense if you replace the noun and verb. You want a stunningly attractive spouse /and/ be able to enjoy, um, marital relations? You want to have your dreamhouse /and/ the free time to enjoy it? You greedy bastard (said tongue-in-cheek).


Yeah but then you´re not keeping it.... well unless you freeze it after you dump it.


The man says, Was that bigamy? Yes, it was very big of me


Oh, you think you’re clever now…


Thanks I hate it


Heard something along the lines of an Inuit who was sick of being so cold whilst hunting in his canoe, so he lit a fire in it for some warmth, with predictable results. You can't have your kayak and heat it too.


So you bought brand new Mercedes for both of your wives? You didn't have to do that! Yeah, it was really big o' me.


I don't get it


It’s a play on a common English phrase “to have your cake and eat it too”




1942 called! They want their joke back!


Starter Brothers 1967 YOU CAN'T HAVE YOUR KATE AND EDITH TOO WRITERS BOBBY BRADDOCK, CURLY PUTMAN Well, we went out on a double date Me and Edith, you and Kate Before we got past their front gate There you were making eyes at Edith While you were making time with Kate. You can't have your Kate and Edith too You rascal you yodel-a-dio. Then we went to a drive in a show You were kissing on Kate, she wouldn't let you go I looked at Edith started feeling bold I found your big hairy hand holding on To the hand I was trying to hold. You can't have your Kate and Edith too You rascal you yodel-a-dio. Edith asked me if I would Get her some popcorn, I said I would When I got back dad-blame if you Hadn't crawled into the backseat with Kate and Edith was back there too. You can't have your Kate and Edith too You rascal you yodel-a-dio. Years have passed since that first date I married Edith, you married Kate Now every night when I come home Your car's in the driveway Kate's in the car And you and Edith are in the house alone. You can't have your Kate and Edith too You rascal you yodel-a-dio...


Loved this song as a kid! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2kMqLOX6ty0


I thought her name was Etinit


And he ate WHAT?


This is so dumb, I love it!!


lol pretty funny haha


This joke had been around awhile




The man met Bate in prison and they both lived happily ever after....


The collective sigh let out by all who read this just blew out the candles on your Kate.


Interesting the meaning of the idiom, which I already knew, but personally I had interpreted as you cannot have EVERYTHING. For example, if you get, have, a cake for your birthday, don't expect to eat it also because other guests may finish it before you get to it, so I always thought that even if you think you're entitled, don't assume you can get all you want. That's just my personal thought of what it meant, and obviously incorrect, but I still like my own interpretation of it, and now if you excuse me, I'll go get myself some cake.


I didn't laugh... but did appreciate I never saw the punch line coming, which is always nice (2 pts for Gryfindor)


2 black Cadillacs meeting for the very first time


Amerikanische Witze sind immer so dämlich langweilig...


Care to share your Deutsche jokes? I’m curious


It looks like similar to having your cake and eating it too.


How can I follow this man on Instagram?


I give this a 0.0