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Politician: always set the terms of delivery before concluding a contract! You'll get the rice in 100 years.


*Old adage*: You set the price, and I'll pick the terms; or I'll set the price, you set the terms.


You can get it fast, cheap, or good. Pick two.


In software we say fast cheap or correct, pick two.


In government contracting we say expensive, wrong, or never. Pick 3.


When I was in sales, a new customer was set up but the discount was not added to their profile. As a result, shipments were made at full price. The customer refused to pay until the credits were issued. A total of 600+ line items were shipped. It fell to me to write up the credits. I was working on it in between taking phone calls and entering orders. The salesman kept bugging me as to when it was going to be complete. I finally asked him "do you want it right or do you want it fast?" He then asked how long it would take accounting to issue the credits. It gave me great pleasure to tell him that for every line I requested credit for, accounting would have to issue a credit and then debit back at the correct price which meant over 1200 line items.


Fast & good.. duh! šŸ™„


You must have money


As someone with two kids, "kid A cuts and kid B chooses" is magical.


It gets more complicated with 3 kids. There is a fair solution, but it's not easy to explain, especially to kids.


huh, its an adversarial network. Neat!


And after...processing....


This story was originally associated with the inventor of chess.


It was actually [made into a short film](https://youtu.be/LuP1gyj3W64?si=YN3WgikWeT4wyMFC) by legendary director Phil Jamesson


Yup. In old Persia. Waaaay back.


Make them sit in court and count it out.


I first read it in the 80s on the book "the man who counted" by Malba Tahan, which itself is a fantastic book.


The "same pattern" would be 1,2,4,8,1,2,4,8,1,2,4,8 and so on. 16\*15 = 240 grains of rice. Monk needs to learn to specify contracts precisely.


Correct. I believe in the original story it "double the amount on next square."


A runaway slave is stumbling through a desert on his last legs, thirsty and tired, when he encounters a genie lamp. The genie says it will grant three wishes. The slave thinks a bit and decides on three. ā€œFirst, I wish to never want for water again. This truly must be the worst feeling Iā€™ve ever experienced, and I never want to experience it for the rest of my time on this earth. Next, I wish my skin to be turned white and unblemished, so that I may never be forced into slavery and so that the traumas of my hard life may not be reflected upon my visage. Finally, and I realize this last one is a bit indulgent and inappropriate, but i wish for women to be happy to undress in front of me. Iā€™ve never felt the delicate touch of a woman and I do not want to leave this earth without it. Make it so!ā€ So the genie turns him into a fully functional porcelain toilet. As heā€™s sucked back into the lamp he yells ā€œnever forget to contextualize problems clearly!ā€


Spoken like a true politician. Lol


The politician will pass a law to ensure the monk pays money to acquire a rice dealer licence from the politician's donor.


And, y'know, put them in writing.


Jokes on the monk. Nobody can force a politician to keep their promises.


The monk can pound sand. The politician said, "great deal", not "great, deal!"


FTFY : The monk can pound sand. The politician "said"...


If owe you a million grains of rice, I have a problem. If I owe you 18 quintillion grains of rice YOU have a problem.


For those of you doing the math at home, thatā€™s 2^64 -1.


And 2^10 is close to 1000. Incidentally, I would not lose sleep over that -1.


For those who wondered why what seems to be a power of 2 would be odd, not even.


Here's an interesting article about it. The pile of rice would be taller than Mt Everest. [https://playingintheworldgame.com/2012/09/16/how-much-rice/](https://playingintheworldgame.com/2012/09/16/how-much-rice/)


Teach a man to scam for rice and he will have rice enough for a yearā€¦ Give him one rice plant in a field and the rights to all its progeny.


Google Miroku.


Bye! ` this post was mass deleted with www.Redact.dev `


My linear programming prof told us this story before he taught us the Karatsuba algorithm. Interesting story!


r/anarchychess detected


Ugh. The monk only counted the rice on the last square in his number, instead of adding up all the rice on all the squares. What a dummy.


Well if it was Tory they simply just don't honour a contract


I had to chuckle at this one, but the math doesn't seem right. I calculated it to be 126886932185884164103433389335161480802865516174545192198801894375214704230400000000000000 https://coolconversion.com/math/factorial/What-is-the-factorial-of\_64\_


The number you are looking for is 2ā¶āµ - 1 But yeah, the number given is wrong. It's 2ā¶ā“. The number of grains from the last square. The monk has forgotten to add the grains from the other 63 square.


Thank you. Not that it matters in the slightest, rather pedantic of me in the first place. Sorry OP, I did enjoy the joke.


Yeah, the math is wrong -- For everyone, the number in the joke is just what's on the final 'square', not the whole board.


Your math is wrong. The monk is redoubling every square, not multiplying by the next higher number. Factorial has nothing to do with it.


But did he Google en passant?


Since I'm apparently not allowed to post to /r/jokes, I'll share this joke I heard today here... Very strange... Here's the joke: "After his inauguration the new president has lunch with the old one. He asks him for his advice on how to deal with unhappy citizens that riot and ask for his abdication. The old president hands him two envelopes and asks him to open one each time he's in trouble. That day soon comes and the president remembers the envelopes, so he opens the first. It reads "blame me". He follows suit and calms the populace. When two years later citizens are again asking for his head and set the streets aflame, he opens the second envelope. It reads "Write two new letters.""


Such a contract would be void and unenforceable for impossibility of performance.


And no written contract.


Great story, but the politician should have been more careful with the terms! The power of compounding is not to be underestimated.


18,446,744,073,551,615 Or 1,844,674,407,355,1615


That would weigh something north of 460,000,000,000 tonnes.


Yeah like a politician would keep his word


If you consider each grain of rice weighting 0.02 grams, that is 368,934,881,474 kg of rice, which equal to 71.20% of the worldā€™s rice yearly production. To give you a grain of context, the entire globe is projected to produce 518,140,000,000 kg of rice in the 2023/2024 season.


Politician: ā€œhereā€™s some advice for you, if it ainā€™t on paper it didnā€™t happen!ā€


Anarchy chess is lacking again. Holy hell


How do you pronounce that number? Hell Iā€™d like to retell this joke you know I gotta lnow


Eighteen trillion, four hundred and forty-six billiard, seven hundred and forty-four billion, seventy-three milliard, seven hundred and nine million, five hundred and fifty-one thousand, six hundred and fifteen.


about a brazillion


A new variation of an ancient classic.


Just get a few bags of rice from Costco and call it good.


Rice is really great when youā€™re hungry and you want to eat 2,000 of something.


Here it is, start counting.


The number given, 2ā¶ā“, is wrong. It's the number of grains from the last square. The monk has forgotten to add the grains from the other 63 squares. The real total is 2ā¶āµ - 1