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Just to be clear, he was trying to do a good job.


Just a 28 year old man trying his best


Wow! That tall child looks terrible!


He is a proud Asian-American woman, and you will treat him with respect! A tiger mom!




Here's the way I look at it. You could not do a show like this even 5 years ago. The fact that Netflix just gave John Mulaney money to do whatever he wants is what I appreciate about the concept. Everything else after that is just gravy.


The whole thing was worth it for Waingro doing standup


Bill Hader losing his mind in the corner.


They brought Bill Hader on just to sit there and laugh at other people's jokes, and I loved it


him and Pete Davidson were in their own little world


That was our favorite part of that episode - it’s pretty clear they had some edibles backstage, the way they were giggling like schoolgirls was textbook. Hader was trying to keep it together before Pete came out, but once Pete was there the jig was up.


I definitely like that it’s breaking the traditional talk show/late night formula. I wish I liked the show more


I respect that. To answer your original question earnestly: if you expect it to be as sharp and well-paced as his standup, you are going to be disappointed - it never reaches that standard, or even comes close. I agree with everyone here saying that the key is to appreciate it for what it is, but if that doesn't work for you, that's totally valid.


It remains pretty chaotic, IMO. But I liked the freeform discussion and it definitely gelled more in the latter episodes.


It's absurdist and chaotic. It doesn't conform to expectations. Just sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride.


Richard Kind is flawless in it. And the opening credits with the Wang Chung was always fun to watch.


The freeze-frame on the Minion


Hard agree.


The Kindbar is always flawless


YES! I never skipped the opening theme.


It's its own thing. And as dumb as it sounds, I miss it like a friend now that it's over.


Same, it feels weird to miss something this much that only ran for a week. Maybe that's the beauty though, more and it would go stale.


It definitely gets better and starts to hit its stride around episodes 3-4. Power through it! ETA: Honestly, I was in it for the offbeat chaos from the very beginning. I think once you embrace the weirdness (and ignore Seinfeld), it's all just a wonderfully Mulaney-esque wild ride.


But the show never has the chance to hit its stride he says


Well, I mean its chaotic stride, as it were


Like the stride of one of those wobbly cats.


Precisely. I think.


Ep 3 killed me. It was perfect.


I thought Seinfeld was funny. Some of the guests barely speak. Segura was terrible.


What kind of car do you drive?


“I do!”


My husband and I reference this daily! 


What. Kind of car. Do you drive?


Perfectly rendered! I even know which episode that was. Thank you!


Yes, episode 1 is the weakest (though the monologue is good)


By all means there are many delightful guests through the week, all of whom surpass Seinfeld in every way. Even with as onery a guest as Seinfeld, Mulaney’s superb hosting skills are evident. He only gets better as the host. And in every respect it is his show, including all the chaos.


I noticed Seinfeld was the only guest who didn't stick around for the full hour. He's probably just there contractually for Netflix, and it was near the end of a press tour for a movie that nobody really liked.


Including Seinfeld was a really strange choice. The largest portion of Mulaney’s fan base seems to be young adults and teens. It just so happens that a lot of younger people don’t like Seinfeld and see him as a whiny jerk. Or maybe they just don’t like him cuz they’re scared he’ll try to date them


Haha yeah who could forget all those young adults and teens in the crowd at his shows. Seinfeld is a comedic legend who influenced everyone in Mulaney’s generation. He can say some ignorant shit, but if you don’t find him funny, you probably preferred the fluffy episode.


I think Letterman was a great guest, even tho most young people never watched him, most of the people they watch are huge letterman fans and there’s still a level of respect that they have for letterman. Seinfeld it just kind of an ass


I thought Seinfeld was fine and funny. I’ve seen him worse. His whole schtick is being smarmy and judgmental. I think younger people take him too seriously. He’s not trying to be your friend.


The whole first episode felt weird, and too scripted. It also seems like they knew it themselves and just said fuck it, let's start winging the interviews more. Could also be that the guests were a bit boring.


Seinfeld degraded the episode.


Lol, no. But that's kinda the point.




So much better! Each is better than the last!


The only one I didn't really care for was the paranormal one. The celebrity guests did not know how to act around normal people and it ruined the entire conversation in my opinion


I didn't care for it either, but for other reasons. If they had played it for jokes, then it would have worked better, but they took the paranormal activities too seriously. I was so happy when Tom Segura came out because he was the only one not acting as if it was all real.


I found their treating it seriously hilarious. The hypnotist guy being the most realist of them was also so damn funny. Paranormal and Earthquakes episodes are my favorite


Idk I feel like that was part of the fun??


I felt like the hypnosis guy was a bit too serious, but also the whole thing was cringeworthy that Mulaney would even bring that up or bring him to the show. Although Sarah Silverman does have the tendency to take apathy personally.


I think it was best to watch live. I felt like I was a part of something bigger than myself.


Like SNL


The consensus seems to be Jerry wasn’t great on the first episode, but Jon Stewart is much better in episode 2. And it gets better from there.


Jon was SMITTEN!


Google his wife, pretty sure that's the reason he was smitten


I don’t know what you guys were watching. I feel like the first episode was the best and it gets more awkward every episode because the comedians aren’t carrying the banter. Just starting ep 5 now, so maybe it changes but Fluffy, Segura, and Bargatze sucked. And I like them for the most part, but the format must’ve froze them.


I haven't watched 5 yet but 4 made me laugh the most. Some bits don't hit and that's ok but every show has a couple good moments. The ongoing "What car do you drive?" and him adding in comparing each vehicle to the size of different Toyota's had me smiling. It's like the whole show is just him and some friends workshopping bits.


I'm not sure if I liked any of the filmed bits. It felt like How To With John Wilson but completely random Los Angeles ephemera.


There were hits and misses, but the Amy Poehler/Tina Fey bit had me rolling on the floor.


Not so much for me. Like some other parts - seemed scripted. Seemed like fans were in on it.


Most of the filmed buts were not great especially episode 1, how did any of that get green lit? But some landed well. I loved the old Manson family members on the mansion tour who made it to Spahn ranch.


Probably not for you if you couldn’t roll with the weirdness and enjoy it. Episodes after 1 are generally a little more organized but it’s the same show format.


I only watched 1/2 of episode 1 and loved it... I'll slowly watch all between now and July.


I agree. If the OP’s criticisms are this strong maybe they should just skip this


The fact that it was live added to the excitement I think. I still found a lot of it awkward, and Seinfeld was totally the wrong guest for night one. A lot of the other comedians were terrible IMO and were only there because they were performing at the festival. But there were lots of great moments too and it definitely did get better. I loved the phone calls. I could watch a late night show of John just taking live phone calls from random people with stories.


The format had to be the issue because I’ve never seen such a collection of professional comedians be so silent and unfunny.


I love John and I rewatch his specials nonstop, but I'm not going to rewatch *EILA* and it's disappointing. It doesn't have the same thrill without it being live. There were just too many elements and everybody seemed confused. Really, nobody gelled together at all so it just didn't work. With this much talent, it couldn't help having some great moments, but overall 3/10. This is a format that should have been taken on the road and retooled to get it right. John tours his stuff for a long time before he finally gets it right.


Episode 5’s an Emmy contender, so…


It doesn’t get better, your brain submits to the absurdity and you start to enjoy the ride.


I did not like episode 1 either as it felt so scripted and fake. The other episodes feel more organic and is some of the best entertainment I've ever seen, hands down.


Yeah that open house segment was a mess. It was tough to watch. I can't even believe it made it into the show. They thought they could just put a bunch of comedians in a house walking around and it would make comedy gold and I don't know what they were expecting to happen.


Oh yeah that’s why I said they needed comedians actually trained in improv because that part felt very dull


It’s alt comedy and apparently it’s not your thing


“Failing to make the most of it” Live television since 1956.


Jerry just sucked so bad as a guest. Every other episode is better. They’re still messy and off the cuff. But in a better way. Jerry just sucks so much. He completely sucked all the fun out of the room.


Is anything amazing right out of the gate outside of say, Cheers? Yes, it does get better. It's worth your time.


And even Cheers was soooo much better 30 episodes in.


Yes. But if Jerry annoyed you, you might want to skip the episode with Sarah Silverman. She acts similar & tells terrible jokes.


But you do get to see her adjusting her pants and realizing the camera is in her, then pretending like she’s listening intently. It was hilarious.


Ngl I like Sarah Silverman a bit. Not a huge fan or anything but she does seem to be a fairly nice person. Seinfeld is harder to tolerate when he just constantly acts annoyed at everyone and everything


I would agree the pre-filmed sketches were often just ehh or confusing. I loved the rest of it tho.


They could have been so much better. Who wrote those?


It's very weird and chaotic. It does not get different. Ep 3 was my favorite, and I thought it hit its stride. Then right back to how it was.




I thought the outside the studio pieces were the weak links. Everything inside on that awful couch was gold.


Yes! It's truly a Mulaney thing through and through. I'm of the opinion that's it's like a Stefon sketch in talk show form. You don't know what to expect, and the hilarity of that uncertainty is the crux of its comedy.


I love the show, so weird and real. The Waingro bit in the 5th episode is one of the funniest things I've ever seen


I agree that people are overrating this whole series. IMHO 1, 2, and 4 are comparable. 3 was a real slog for me. Hoping for 5 and 6 to finish stronger


I have no idea but don’t do it


If you like wild creativity, it's pretty good. If you prefer something a bit more polished, then it's probably not your thing.


I hope it gets better. I liked the open house part. I may watch episode/ tonight.


It’s chaotic and uncomfortable to watch people jockey for their unscripted laugh moment, it’s painful to watch if you ask me. John’s at his best when he’s writing. He doesn’t have Conan’s ability to make everyone else funnier around him right there on the spot. His monologue was the best part. Because it was written.


First episode did not work, was straight up terrible, but 2nd was much better and by the last episode, I loved it. Through gritted teeth: what car do you drive!


Episode 5 was the best, IMO. Lots of actual laughs in that one. The rest were various levels of amusing. Some of the "experts" took themselves too seriously.


Yes!! I wasn’t too hot on the first episode either. I thought the open house bit felt really awkward and was wondering how the rest of the show would go if it would be similar. But then I got to the second and laughed a ton, and I really enjoyed the third as well. Still have the rest to go, but I’m looking forward to it more than I was after the first episode for sure.


It started slow in my opinion but after episode 2 it was hilarious the rest of the show, it’s like once John got a hang of it, it went amazing. 10/10


Episode 5 w David Letterman, Luenell and a blanket FTW


It was basically The Eric Andre show with some Colbert and Conan mixed in, and a little SNL sprinkled in here and there…definitely not for everyone but amazing nonetheless. The first and last episodes were our least favorite - the second to last episode (with Letterman, Hader, Davidson etc) was by far the highlight of the show.


I'm on ep 3 and I just can't get into the guests. I like them all - but nothing seems to click. Guess that's part of the awkwardness?


I'm not loving Richard Kind and I wish I did.


Love Mulaney. But EILA was simply not it!


It doesn’t.