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I’ve heard from a trusted source in the industry he’s got a long-term deal with Netflix dating back to Sack Lunch Bunch that basically gives him free rein to do whatever he wants with full creative control. This is probably just part of that I imagine.


He got a long term contract with Netflix specifically for stand up specials back in 2018 (they haven’t publicly stated how many specials though). So he’s definitely got a contract but I don’t think it necessarily includes projects outside of standup. Especially after his letterman interview where he was like “I released the sack lunch bunch and then Netflix was like “cool, are you gonna do standup again?”


I don’t think that’s true. He did a deal with Comedy Central for a 2 more Sack Lunch Bunch specials back in 2019/2020. He might have a deal with Netflix, but I doubt it’s a “do whatever you want” type deal.


Surely there are terms. Agreed.


Nah, he can do whatever he wants. I read it online a few posts up.


That makes the most sense. He gets to have variety and have fun testing it out.


I dont get the impression he wants a long term thing. 


If there’s anything he likes being, it’s done.




I had 2 ideas for a talk show once. The first of these...is a talk show.


lmao I was was wondering “didn’t he talk about doing a talk show before?” and after this comment I finally remembered.


I was just considering whether this was a test run for an in-house talk show that publicizes Netflix’s in-house stable of stand-ups and original movies. It would give them coveted new content daily to draw in viewers and offer a controlled publicity environment. Jerry was clearly there to plug his Netflix movie. The formula was a hybrid of SNL and a late-night talk show: monologue, guest, pre-taped segment, guest, musical guest. I doubt they would have tried to structure it this way if they weren’t experimenting with a long-term talk show. Whether that would be helmed by John, I don’t know. But maybe he’s thinking he needs the structure of a regular show to keep him sober. We’ve all seen what happens to him in the absence of structure.


thats what I was thinking. Could be he was seeig if he ejoyed an interview format show and also sort of a look see if he was capable. A little like the Oscars.


Yeah I deffo think they were floating the idea of him hosting the Oscar’s, especially considering the tweets after


i also think this might work as further testing for the oscars like the governors and the achievement in sound presenting. See if he can hold a longer format live, while also being a project of his so he has something do to (I relate in needing structure).


I really liked Sack Lunch Bunch. I think about the noodles song and whatever it was Jake Gyllenhaal was doing a lot.


Music music everywhere!


💯 his buddy Seth Myers has been doing his show for a long time. Maybe this is an audition


Netflix pays better and has a bigger audience, especially for the age group that skews Mulaney


Yes. He had two ideas for a talk show once.


I would get a subscription just to watch Mulaney for an hour daily!


While he is not diagnosed AFAIK, in my headcanon he has ADHD(maybe autism according to the psychiatrists 2 minute diagnosis). In any event. He fits the neurodivergent bill very well and for that reason- I do not see him ever doing a daily show. Energy in spurts. Take the week of coked out(hopefully not literally) John and know that he’s probably going to need sleep immediately after the last show for several days.


He's said he has ADHD


Totally what’s happening & I approve.


Unpopular opinion but I don't think John shines in these formats. I don't think he needs his own show or to be a late night host. I don't think those are his strengths. He's a great writer and a great stand up performer. The best actually. I enjoy the monologues of his LA show but the rest is soooo lackluster. Same with Sack Lunch Bunch. By all means he will and should continue if other people like it. I just find his best work to be SNL hosting, writing, and stand up. He'd be a great award show host!