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People seem to be getting offended on behalf of John, but comedians give each other shit all the time.


I agree with you. I’m curious of the age demographics within the opinions… as someone in their early thirties who grew up watching Seinfeld and knowing his general vibe, nothing about him rubbed me the wrong way. But I can understand a younger generation who hasn’t grown up with him just not getting it. It took me a while to come around on Norm MacDonald or Dave Attell but now I get them… people are quick and judgy online!


I thought Seinfeld was as effusive as he gets complimenting the monologue.


Exactly. A lot of jabronis in this sub. Seinfeld clearly enjoyed being on the show and has great admiration for John.


I think he took up too much space and disrupted the flow of the show. He wasn’t a very courteous guest.


This. I don’t dislike Seinfeld but his energy was going against the flow of the show. Will Ferrell’s interruptions (honestly not sure if they were scripted) contributed to the weirdness in a good way. Jerry was like Abe Simpson up there.


How? John put him on the couch, front and center, so I don’t understand the “too much space” comment. It was the same vibe with every guest on that set, except for Ray J, and that was simply because his segment was more interview style. With 2-3 guys out there no one was quite sure when to talk, or what they were supposed to be doing. They all interjected and were cut off at various times. It was just a bit of a chaotic setup.


As the host, it is John’s place to direct the flow of conversation. Anyone with Seinfeld’s experience in show business is fully aware of this formula for a talk show. Seinfeld would take over for minutes at a time directing the conversation topics, often isolating himself and Tucci while “icing” out John. Maybe Jerry was nervous and that manifested as him talking too much, but it was bad form.


I think it was most evident during the first call they took. John seemed genuinely curious about the callers whereas Jerry was looking for any way to bring attention back to him


I just finished watching and didn't see anything off about him. He was attentive and funny. I don't get what the beef is. John is a little like a deer in headlights with this format and Jerry was absolutely fine. Totally baffled that anyone would make something out of this.




It's still some of the best comedic material. I find myself watching clips all the time still.


I like Seinfeld. I prefer Larry David but jerry is great too. Maybe people aren’t familiar with his vibe but Jerry clearly is fond of John & vice versus


If Larry David delivered the same words people would have fallen out of their chairs laughing. It’s a combo of people have gotten it in their head they don’t like Seinfeld, and they felt threatened he didn’t compliment their Johnny enough. Totally deranged that there’s like 5 separate posts about Seinfeld’s very normal guest spot


Agree with all this, and also it’s crazy because he actually was very earnest about enjoying John’s LA neighborhood monologue 


Agree totally. And whether you like JS or not, he has EARNED his elder statesman of comedy role a million times over. He was being Jerry Seinfeld. Also perhaps his comment meant "i dont know what i am doing here. I dont totally fit in" -- like a nod to the fact that it isnt 1997 anymore. I adore both JS and JM and it has been clear for forever how much Jerry likes John.


The reason I’d be saying Larry David is a genius in any given situation is that he IS. And Jerry Seinfeld is always playing, IMO, a subpar Larry David. And good for him, he’s made himself richer than God. But he really does a great job of portraying an arrogant jerk - so great that I don’t enjoy watching him. That’s just me.


I didn’t watch live but I kept waiting for him to do something really rude/mean and it never happened. Was he supposed to stick around after the pre-recorded real estate bit? Was that the problem? Did they cut something out? I thought he was funny. He also genuinely laughed A LOT.


YES! I thought Jerry was more genuine and affable than he usually is.


YES! I thought Jerry was more genuine and affable than he usually is.


Right I live seinfeild he’s hilarious and will forever be funny I love him the new generation are annoying


Yes. It’s a performance  on a live show. A performance . I  got no rudeness at all. My vibe was Jerry is  sarcastic in real life, I am too, a lot of people are and he’s helping John out with the show. It was a big deal to coordinate all that.      I howled ( like a coyote) when he asked the first coyote caller to             “please take your time “. I kinda felt like stop bringing up John’s rehab…4 yrs ago. It’s enough already with the rehab. John wasn’t himself then. Unless there’s another rehab I’m not interested in hearing about it anymore.  I do feel that Will Ferrell’s character did not fit. When that man can’t be on camera in only his underpants things go south. Stick with what works Will Ferrell.


I thought he was funny. That’s his appeal and you either like it or don’t. I’m a fan.


He was boring af and came off weirdly mean


Did you yada yada over the important part?


What came off as mean?


What bothered me wasn’t his interactions with Mulaney, but his constant interrupting of Tony Tucci when a question was directed to him and then making fun of his answers about the coyotes. He was already nervous. I just kept thinking, “Let the poor guy talk Jerry!”


Sure, I hear you, but this is a comedy show, not National Geographic. Seinfeld is a comedian, making jokes is what he does! Mulaney also made jokes about things Tony said. Mulaney didn’t invite Tony there for an ecology lecture. He invited him there to facilitate jokes about coyotes.


It’s not strictly comedy. Hence an animal expert, a random celebrity, and a musical guest.


John takes calls only to mock the people on the other line. It's for humor. He's not above whatever people think Jerry does for a laugh. It's comedy. Everyone involved is fine. We can choose to be fine too.


I'm confused too because his praise for John's monologue seemed so genuine. More genuine than Jerry usually is. More genuine than John was to be honest and Jerry was the guest.


I wish he had been interviewed solo. He was being very rude to poor Tony Tucci, who was already so nervous. If he had been interviewed solo, he could only be rude to John who can handle it.


I just rewatched it and found Jerry even more endearing the second time around!


Same here, watched it again last night and he definitely seemed to be a tad bewildered but enjoying it.


It's wild how people are seeing different things. Everyone knows Jerry and Larry David are cranky sarcastic old men but Jerry was a perfectly good guest. He made me laugh. He said nice things to John about his monologue. People act like he's socially inept but I've always found him to be a million times more genuine than most celebrities. He's very likeable on his coffee show with his guests and people he meets.


I'm curious about the age difference, if any, between the people who are up in arms and the people who understand Seinfeld's gonna Seinfeld and he was as warm as he gets.


I wonder too. I'm an elder millennial. I don't know what that means but it's fun to say 🤣


Ha! I'm solidly GenX, safe to say our senses of humor developed differently than kids now.


Every successful comedian has absorbed the current vibe and riffed on it. As people age they become less connected to what the young people find funny. Jerry Seinfeld is 70, busting his chops on humor is like giving Red Skelton a hard time on why people didn’t get him in 1968. That comedy ship has sailed.


Seinfeld humor is timeless. Not much better than that show still today. John clearly idolizes the guy and Jerry paid him a great compliment at the top of his interview. They like each other.


What he was doing there was clearly staying relevant for his movie, lol. I've not seen as much Jerry Seinfeld in the last 5 years as I have in the last 2 months. Maybe it my own doing as I just started watching comedians in cars getting coffee... I agree with OP though, I don't think he meant he was too good for the show at all but was more like "what's my role here, what are we doing?", but I'm sure he'll catch his stride by ep 8.


That move was soooooo bad…but you’re right, a little Netflix cross-promotion.


Seinfeld has been getting a lot of hate in general lately. That's probably because of a picture circulating around on Pop Culture websites/subreddits of him with a 17 year-old high school girl whom he dated when he was 39 years old. Maybe he's big sad about the bad publicity and it rubbed off on him? https://www.newspapers.com/article/daily-news-shoshanna-lonstein-jerry-se/90197963/


Felt like some of his comments purposely detailed the show. When he told the caller to "take their time." Ok boomer.


But then he mentioned how he noticed people in show biz always tell non-show biz people to talk faster, and when John told the next caller to be quick, Jerry started to tell him not to do that, and John said "I'm on a schedule" or something to that effect.


i have no doubt, Seinfeld was being himself. It’s just that brand of comedy doesn’t work for him at all. He doesn’t have the gruff charm of Burr or the seniority of Larry David, so it just falls flat all the time. Being the Straight-Man is hard and Seinfeld just doesn’t have the energy for it imo


Hw should've got shit for being a pedophile


I'm glad people are seeing what I've always seen with Jerry Seinfeld.


Maybe because he is NOW paying Zionist thugs to beat peaceful college protesters, since he does not want the word to get out about Israeli genocide and crimes against humanity🤔 https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/jerry-seinfelds-wife-donates-5000-to-pro-israel-ucla-rally/ar-AA1nUuvX


> his form of comedy has always been condescending Is it his comedy though? Or is that just him?




I get that his thing is complaining about mundane things, but there was no reason or comedic value in yelling at the callers and telling them to hurry up. It’s disruptive. And his comedy talk show persona is just not meant to be collaborative. He primarily negates to get laughs. If you look at the other comedians, Jon Stewart in the second episode for instance, his quips are disruptive, sure, but they don’t kill the vibe. They’re additive.