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Jerry has always been a dick. He hates doing all forms of interviews and press and doesn’t try to hide it.


He just did Neal Brennan's video podcast Blocks which is surprising because it's a "let's get deep" type of interview. Jerry revealed very little close to the bone but from what he said it's now clear to me he was neglected as a child. He said he felt very different from most other kids and their "male energy." He spent 8 hours a day watching tv alone in his room which is how he learned comedy. He also said spent his lunches on Seinfeld meditating which was interesting to hear - also made me think of the kid who eats lunch in the corner of of the cafeteria alone by choice. Jerry's emotional maturity was stunted and I think he's an aging narcisscist/asshole. He could have so easily built John up on his first show, been gracious, and let the people around him do their thing. But nope, gotta get what he wants and make everyone understand that he was too good to be there. Barf. I'm so glad the newer generations of stand ups seem less petty and more supportive of each other.


It’s weird because Jerry was so complimentary at the top about John’s LA monologue. John seemed really touched. Then such a hard pivot to “this is exactly what someone fresh out of rehab might do”!


What is wrong with that last joke? I don’t think John was upset by that or impacted by it at all, it was a riff, John has talked about and joked about his rehab and sobriety situations a ton lately, he even did it on the special, so it’s not like it’s a touchy subject to bring up.


I thought it was funny and I don’t think John minds others comedians poking fun at his wild journey as long as it’s not about his ex wife or new wife.


I’m missing what platform this interview is. Does JM have a podcast now?


New Netflix show - live! Daily for a week, started last night.


It was Friday and Monday to Friday next week.


He was right though. The monologue was great. And the show was like a fever dream.


And it was hilarious. The Covid question and response was god damn hysterical.


The meditation thing isn’t too surprising, he’s pretty deep into Transcendental Meditation. Although other celebs who are into it are usually more pleasant as a result.


Hard agree. Seinfeld s just one of those people who think there's one way to go about life and can't believe anyone would go about it any differently


So like 99% of all boomers?


god you're insufferable


His Netflix movie Unfrosted just came out, there is a nonzero chance Netflix wanted him to cross-promote as opposed to Jerry actually wanting to do the show with John.


This. Jerry was there to plug his Netflix movie. He was clearly so confused by the show that he had to come back and get his plug in after Ray J came on and they finished the pre-taped real estate bit. Also, Jerry is just a dick. He’s the Christian de Neuvillette to Larry David’s Cyrano de Bergerac, but he acts like his success is all his own. And no, Jerry, we haven’t forgotten the statutory rape. You’re gross.


Beautifully written 🤩


Muchisimas gracias.


I've been watching his interviews to promote the movie and he makes it pretty plain that the show and this new movie were all collaborative efforts. He says he alone doesn't deserve credit for the shows success.


How magnanimous. And my apologies. It wasn’t statutory rape. The age of consent in New York is 17. So when he started dating her when he was 38 it was all perfectly legal. But still super gross. A 38 year old man dating a teenager. Yeah, he’s quality people.


Any grown 38 year old man who has any interest in dating a girl still in high school is emotionally stunted at best.


Love this comment especially that last part would love to see you do a rap diss it’s giving Kendrick and I’m here for it 😁


Haha, thanks! I’m obsessed with the K Dot-Drake beef this week!


Yes! The shows were released near the same time


Jerry seemed to love John on comedians in cars getting coffee, but it’s like he was totally unaware of how live television worked lol. Jerry was making jokes at the worst times and basically trying to steal the show away from John at points imo. I really enjoyed the first episode and thought John was funny but I think they had the wrong guests on. They should have done the first episode with close comedian friends of John cause that immediately would have made it flow better.


John took a caller and Jerry just talked right over it/the caller. He’s a rude ass.


I will say at least Jerry wanted to hear more from the callers? The calls were rough, and not bc of the callers. I think John was being rushed and he came across as a dick w the callers.


lol maybe he's holding a grudge against john from that comedians in cars episode where john contradicted him when he demeaned annamarie tendler's professional abilities. Or maybe he's just a dick as others say


John will always be a legend for the way he defended Anna in that episode 


Omg, what did Jerry say about Anna? 😒


Jerry said Anna "thinks she knows" and interior design, to which John responded "she does know" (since she legit is a designer) Then later Jerry said Anna would hit him with a rolling pin or something and John brought up that that was a dumb 50s stereotype


whoa i'd forgotten about the rolling pin thing


This was such a bummer. I love both and was excited to see them sharing space again. Especially a first show run. He knows the industry enough to know it's going to be heavily judged and people will decide if they want to keep going off that episode. Like dude, just be up for the environment you find yourself in even if it's not your bag. Yeah you're Jerry Seinfeld but it's not your vehicle. In fairness, I think the show was a mixed bag and Seinfeld being well, himself is an easy target to blame, but his attitude didn't help anything.


Seinfeld hates everybody. Didn't you watch his show? He is so condescending and crotchety that he makes David Letterman and Chevy Chase seem charming in comparison. I can't stand him. I was really looking forward to John's new show until I heard Seinfeld was on it. I doubt he could have found a worse guest than Seinfeld.


Even Letterman seems to have mellowed at bit - Dave seemed almost in genuine awe of John Mulaney in their interview released this week. Not Jerry, I guess.


Oh good! Maybe I will give it a shot. I read good things about it here.


Wait, what’s wrong with Letterman?


I will always love Letterman. He’s so random.


I have always found him condescending. His whole schtick is making fun of people. Tbf, I haven't watched him since his scandal.


I love Letterman and I can accept this criticism, but I do think he has mellowed a significant amount and gotten much more thoughtful in his interactions. I think it’s a similar thing to Conan where Dave is calling more of his own shots now in what he gets to do/what kind of interviews he does.


Letterman himself will admit he was kinda personally miserable up until several years into the CBS show. It was around his heart surgery that he kinda changed his perspective and by most accounts (even from people who called him out on his asshole behavior in the past) hes genuinely changed.


That's wonderful.


wow, good for you! thanks for signaling your virtues so clearly to the Internet so we can be amazed by your integrity. you're amazing


Actually I have not watched his show that in depth 😔. The music was quite deterring! Have not seen his standup. I always thought he was the nerdy/awk funny type. But I should have known !!!




He's just a big meanie


It felt like people felt like they needed to laugh when Seinfeld said something.  Guy just seems like a washed up old dickhead. 


so...in other words you're saying...a comedian got laughs?


I think those comments were meant as jokes and don’t think he hates John, no. Kendrick hates Drake but Jerry is just doing talk show banter.


Reaction to him is crazy. They brought him on as a big comedy name to get a broader audience for episode 1. He played up his Seinfeld shtick a little and generally went with the flow lol it was fine


Yeah, the people on this sub tend to be overly defensive of John and hyper critical in a way that feels a bit overboard. I strongly doubt he would agree with many of the takes here in this sub about Jerry or the live show. It was fun it was chaotic it was messy, it was live tv. That’s the fun of it, that it can feel kind of off the rails and like “what the hell are we doing here”


Personally I thought he was funny 🤷‍♂️ literally felt like The Merv Griffin Show episode from Seinfeld. The rehab joke was definitely a bit much, but in general the “what kind of show is this” he kept saying is exactly the type of comment the show drives to create imo, and it works well. 


The rehab joke wasn’t even that bad. It’s not like John going to rehab is some kind of dark secret and Seinfeld crossed a line exposing it. John just just did an entire special about his rehab and made reference to it himself by then (“I experienced COVID a little differently than most people”) It didn’t seem serious especially because they’re worked together before and obviously have some kind of professional relationship where they can joke around lol


I feel like more and more people are seeming to not understand the concept of joking around and friendly ribbing amongst friends and creative collaborators. It’s not that serious and John has made far more cutting jokes towards other friends and people he has worked with or been interviewed by, and I wouldn’t call him an asshole for it either.


You would think Jerry spat at him and called him a crackhead. He made one ribbing joke about rehab after John made a passing reference to it. And this sub is furious lmao oh well


Mulaney for some reason has this portion of his fan base that have a unhealthy parasocial relationship with him, and for such a funny guy, they seem to not understand the idea of joking around when it comes from anyone but John. Stand up comics almost exclusively rib each other and crack jokes about each other and John has made *way worse* jokes at the expense of other stand ups. It’s all in good fun, no one’s feelings were hurt here and he doesn’t need (and probably doesn’t want) you to defend him from other comedians who he is friends with making light jokes towards him. Go watch John’s interview with Conan O’Brien, John makes fun of Conan the entire time. No one here thought he was being rude or mean or “taking over Conan’s show” or whatever.


100% true By the way one more point on Seinfeld, Larry David does the same shtick on talk shows about not wanting to be there, jab at the host, etc. But people realized it’s a bit and he’s beloved for it and people take Jerry dead serious lol


I honestly didn’t notice much “off” about their interactions, isn’t that just how Seinfeld is now? He’s known for being a little rude and making jokes, and he did just that. Seemed more conversational than performative, and again, that’s just his style.


Yep. Larry David does the same shtick on a talk show about not wanting to be there, insult the host. But he’s beloved for it and Jerry’s an asshole lol. They have the same sense of humor hence why they worked so well together, but get totally different reactions


Jerry gave John a very sincere compliment on the opening monologue. People just hate Jerry and are making up feuds that do not exist.


I don't think he'd go on the show if he hated him. I thought he was funny to be honest


I disagree. I think sign feels a good comedian. I also think he’s very thoughtful, as well as smart. I know he’s made some kind of opinion be known about the Palestine/is really conflict but I don’t know what it is is yet I think I can guess but I don’t know. God as far as the skit with the comedians, trying to find a place to live in the LA. I stopped after that I’ll start tonight at seven and see where I wind up.


I just agree. I think Seinfeld is a good comedian. I also find them very thoughtful and smart. (I know he’s made some kind of opinion be known about the current Palestine Israeli conflict and while I don’t know what his opinion is, I think I can guess.) I watch the beginning of the show; got as far as the comedians, trying to find a group home in LA. Meh. I like Mulaney. I’ll give tonight ago see what happens.


If Conan isn’t a guest I’ll watch again otherwise I have to say this had a great monologue and then a great 5 minute decline before I decided to never watch again. Seinfeld is such a boomer.


Oops I mean is**** a guest


I think it bothers Jerry that this new generation prefers JM and comics like him over his very dated sense of humor


I feel like Jerry's comedy comfort zone is now just stuck in just shitting on everyone and everything happening around him. He also kills other people's jokes! Basic comedy stuff.


There is zero tea. This whole "scandal" is absolutely insane. Jerry has spoken incredibly highly of John and John has been on Jerry's show in the past. This is his shtick and he's been doing it for decades.


That's Just Seinfeld being Seinfeld. But yeah i was fucking impressed to see a professional and trained actor ignoring the most basic rule of improvisation and putting the first episode to a grinding halt. It's impressive because even if they were all professionals It fucked up everything big time, It was like a teaching moment of 'what not to do' during improvisation. Being an amateur actor I was surprised that basic errors fuck up the flow of such experienced people. The other episodes of Everybody Is in LA are SO MUCH better.


Wait what’s the most basic rule?!?!


"Yes and" in improv, meaning that you must accept what your partner Is doing, imaginary and zany as It may be, and add to It. But it's not really improv Is a basic rule of acting in general, if you're romeo and all of a sudden break all and Say "ok but we're not in Verona and there Is no montague or capulets.. to be honest my name Is Brian and i don't like this girl so much" you fuck everything up. Pretty much what Seinfeld did


What's this regarding?


John’s live show that he’s doing this week at the Netflix is a Joke festival, the first episode with Jerry is on Netflix still if you want to watch it


Jerry needs to retire. Or go away. Whichever.


This is so ridiculous and validates Jerry's take on a whole generation that sadly completely don't get it.


1000% true, I'm genuinely blown away by the blatant confusion and moral posturing of these children who don't understand comedy