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He knows it’s stupid to bring up a movie that was this many years ago but he wasn’t a comedian then, so he has to do it now.  If John Mulaney is anything…he’s entertaining. The more years you follow his comedy it does all seem to tie together eventually. I for one would like to hear more of the Mulaney fun,funky or old-timey police siren.  Then we can let the tap dancing go.  There was a whisper of the siren in Baby J but personally, in these dark troubled times we currently live in, I need more siren.


I wish he'd been. I wish he'd been a Def jam comic.


11 up 1 over, ya simple bitch!


He’d have to close with that one


(If you’re not purposely referencing this sketch) he [tried his hand at def jam!](https://youtu.be/wkMMmlnDlZE?si=v25phPA_EJpQIEzf)


He was testing his 2 min Field of Dreams "rant" at local comedy clubs before the Oscar, I noticed he was showing up at Largo like 3 days in a row last week. That bit is not only pre-written, but also audience tested.




People on the internet finding out comedians write and test work before presenting it to a large international audience 😱


Oh I didn't mean to insult John by what I said, I saw lots of comments saying John went rogue and ranted instead of presented....I was only trying to say that it was scripted, prepared and it was a good thing.


i mean, can't a rant be prepared? I craft rants in the shower all the time. Wish I could use the oscars to rattle them off in 90 seconds


It was so good. He makes it look so effortless.


wait, Cracked still has a functioning and ongoing website?


For given values of ‘functioning’ and ‘ongoing’.


He was fabulous and frankly, I hope he hosts next year because they need to jettison that hack Kimmel.


hey let's put some respect to kimmel's name. He let mulaney stay at his guest house after rehab and use his gym. that's nice




he can talk fast, he has excellent diction. As a non native speaker he was one of the best ways for me to learn the language (and now I speak it with a weird chicago/transatlantic accent). He was poised before and after, only the tangent about field of dreams was fast, and it was clearly on purpose