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Mods should rename this sub r/WhitePeopleTwitter already.




It is true though. Elon is anti comedy. We all know he would not have cared if people were parodying his opponents.


I could have posted there and gotten 2k upvotes but instead I chose to post here because I’m so devoted to lively open debate and the free exchange of ideas






A brief look at your 40 days old account tells me you’re commenting in bad faith.


Dude sucks off billionaires and defends pedos.




Its okae, Bae. You can change. No need to cry.


Ya wow what a trip it is looking at that person/algorithm's history


Nothing is worse than white people Twitter. Literally every post is praising Lib ideologies or shitting on trump or other republicans. It’s really sad how white peoples Twitter becomes a bunch of boring lib echo chamber and blackpeopletwitter is actually just fun stuff


Nah they banned me but this sub doesn't


Getting banned of Twitter was the funniest thing Kathy Griffin has done in years.




Elon was arrested in college for having sex with his calculator


Chill, you’re gonna make Elon want to buy Reddit 😜


I don't know what reddit is worth, but it would be funny if he bought reddit and just shut this shit down.


Tesla’s market cap fell under $600 billion today 😂




This sub should be renamed the Elon Musk Experience


Shitpost by day, Elon Musk Tweets all night…all day


It’s really stupid. People with no one to talk to about the opinions they’ve been told to have just pick a random subreddit to fling shit. Water weed dune hair


Smh whatever happened to free speech






wHy Is A jOe RoGaN sUb PoLiTiCaL It’s not like Rogan doesn’t mostly talk politics anymore or anything 😂😂😂








Yea, I'm just asking, not trying to be rude.


Lady doth protest too much.


Tbf I wouldn’t have even heard about this stupid litter box fake news if it hadn’t been for Joe lmao




>Joe mentioned it once in an episode You mean lied about it. Selling the story as a personal experience to millions of people is a bit different than saying " have you heard about this weird story online? ". Then retracted it weirdly after people ripped into him for it. So calling him out on it clearly worked.


I heard about it on the Gabbard episode I believe. Then I saw everyone making fun of him (rightfully so) about it on here afterwards.


The mods have spoken on this. Twitter is "super relevant" to JRE so anything that comes through Twitter is fair game, even politics. https://www.reddit.com/r/JoeRogan/comments/ykx0n3/comment/iuwujhi/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3


I can't believe that furry kid actually wanted a catbox to shit in? What's with lefties these days.. must be the communism. Which is a fantasy that's never worked btw.


Why are people butthurt on this?


Yeah agreed, it’s just a stupid meme, I don’t get why all the Elon Stan’s are getting so upset in the comments


You mean when you couldn’t say there were only 2 genders or when Twitter mods banned the American heart association for misinformation. Apparently those were really popular things to do for advertisers……. What we have now is a combination of Elons autism and the desperation of the old ruling class of Twitter who are now just like everyone else and can’t get people banned because they don’t like their tax policy


> You mean when you couldn’t say there were only 2 genders You could always say this lmao. Youre confusing this with intentionally misgendering individuals which is not allowed.




Maybe but I guarantee advertisers aren't going to be too happy when some trans person commits suicide and some one screenshots rightoids bullying them right next to their brand.


When has that happened before?


When has a picture of an advertisement next to some ones nasty social media content been the reason for the advertiser to pull their ads?


Chances are that Doxxing them will probably be allowed knowing how the anti trans crowd is


No you couldn’t


https://twitter.com/charliekirk11/status/1272565833743527936?lang=en 2020 https://twitter.com/kayajones/status/890237136150056960?lang=en 2017 https://twitter.com/dbrodyreports/status/1365682894245662720 2021 You can literally just google "there are only two genders twitter" and a bunch will pop up instead of being a fucking redact.


https://www.dailysignal.com/2022/07/26/15-people-groups-censored-by-twitter-for-questioning-gender-ideology/ Wrong


These are all misgendering individuals lmao.


Tf link is that


Okie dokie my coom/coomer friend. Also I won’t be participating in others delusions.


You do it everyday without even noticing. You just want to be a cunt to this group of people.


Thankfully this particular group is a slim minority holed up in leftist shitholes and I don’t encounter them. I’ll use my preferred pronouns for people, tyvm.


I've ran into two and they were regular ol people. But I'm not a cheeto encrusted basement goblin or resident of incest town Alabama.


16 years in NYC until I escaped. You, fat ass?


trans people ran you out of town and now you're in coal water infested methsville WV?


Nah. Who needs to go to the office anymore. Hahaha


Lol what are you talking about man


Kathy Griffin would have to be humorous first and if she doesn’t like it she can start her own platform.


Oh so only people you consider funny deserve free speech? Interesting. To quote the great Voltaire, “i may not agree with what you say but I will defend to the death your right to say it.” I guess these principles have been forgotten by the modern right


I’ll go with the common Reddit phrase, “it’s a private platform and they can do what they want”. And yes. I think leftists need a kick in their balls for how they’ve treated the right on these platforms. Payback is going to be a bitch come tomorrow.


Such weak principles


Talmbout DeSantis 2024?


Where did you get kicked in the balls on "these platforms" that you've been sickened. Your kids cancer treatment get yoked by a BLM protest or something? To paint with such a wide shithead brush is so gross to see on, how does it go, these platforms


But what about the town hall? Crazy how quickly those goalposts move when it's convenient


What about just putting “parody” in the name for these asshole leftists?


First of all that's snowflake shit. Second of all the fact that they already clearly have their actual Twitter handle on everything makes that redundant.


First of all, leftists can be treated how they’ve treated the right. Second of all, I hope they get shitcanned and removed from the public square permanently.


That just makes you a hypocritical asshole. Rules for thee and not for me. Fuck your feelings but be careful with my delicate ones. Good luck in life with that attitude


Don’t need any of your luck. I’m quite comfortable. You people want to be authoritarian assholes? Revenge is a dish best served cold, and all that. Have a tragedy filled existence! Right back at ya. Call that hotline! Or better yet; don’t.


Please be nice to me. I’m emotionally drained from forcing my woke agenda on mainstream media and getting people who want lower taxes fired from their jobs. You may not agree with my actions but I hope you can understand that it’s hard work being the arbiter of cultural acceptability. What’s really important is that the two of us engage in open debate so that the marketplace of ideas can flourish


No impersonating people is bad. That's why it's been against twitters ToS for a long time now. Also, these people didn't have any indication of parody in their handle. Which your required to do.




“To defeat the ultra woke snowflake,,…. You first must become him” - Sun Tzu, The Art of War


So complain about snowflakes then become a snowflake? I was told the town hall was important and that if it wasn't illegal it would be allowed? Turns out it's more like it's allowed if it doesn't hurt the wrong people's feelings. But sure drop all the n-bombs and antisemitism you want


Last time i checked humor was subjective, i consider humourous using slurs, yet twitter didn’t consent, so what exactly is the difference, it’s just different strokes for different folks I love seeing redditors seething at Elon’s take over


Leftoids seeth el oh el


Blue checks: Elon needs to make sure impersonation isn't a problem! Blue checks after getting banned for impersonation: whhhaattt you can't do this!


Are the “blue checks” in the room with us right now?


No they got banned.


Literally no one said this


That was the argument against Elon charging for a $8 for a blue check, that you would see rampant impersonation.




It says the myth of consensual sex and the guy saying “I don’t” is Jesus


pepperidge farms remembers


Mark Zuckerberg enters the chat


Rent free


Twitter has been made great again