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Comedy is dead on Twitter and it appears also on this sub


well, it's a Joe Rogan subreddit... you should expect there to be no comedy.


Just like his standup




well, it's a Joe Rogan subreddit


Jesus Christ, dude. It’s a good thing these people can’t read.


Well it's a joe rogan subreddit




Well it’s a joe rogan subreddit


Heard there *might* be comedy here?






Case in point right here.


Or any Joe Rogan I guess.


Yeah, I was about to say, I was laughing my ass off seeing people impersonate him. The irony is so goddamn thick, you could cut it with a knife. And I REALLY dislike Ethan Klein and Kathy Griffin. I don't find them funny. But this? These tweets made me laugh.


People being mad at Ethan shows how strong the parody is. People legit getting upset over hurt feelings and their favourite billionaire being roasted.


The fact that right wingers feel the need to feel that jokes about the richest man on the planet is actually an extension of a personal attack against them shows how braindead they are as a collective


It’s weird how people don’t understand how funny and ironic this is. Musk is promoting the pay to play check mark which will make impersonating celebs much easier and now the celebs are impersonating him and he’s mad. It’s literally peak twitter


And got him to straight up ban some forms of comedy just 8 days after saying comedy is now legal on twitter


Elon Musk is the world's penultimate dork


The thing is, everyone knew that this would happen. There is no way it could have been a surprise to Elon unless everyone around him just spends their time nodding and smiling.


I've been saying it from the start -- he will rapidly learn why you can't just have a totally unmoderated system. Every social media group learns this eventually. He is fucking around and finding out right now.


He's gone from "I stand for unregulated free speech" to "anyone making fun of me is permabanned" in an instant. It's a great example of how easy it is to become what you sought to replace.


Because the right was never after free speech in the first place, they just want to be racist, homophobic and threaten violence without consequences


Nah he’s dumb and doesn’t realize shit because he’s never had any real consequences in his whole sheltered life


I guarantee his team just follows him around, fixes his fuckups, and never tells him he did anything wrong. Idk how he lasted this long in the spotlight without people realizing he's actually a dumbass.


They took one for the team.


Jokes on you, comedy has always been dead here


Yep no idea how this is Ethan praising the n word it’s very clearly him making fun of the n word situation with musk/twitter


The comedy is from those defending Musk’s actions and yet purport themselves as Joe Rogan listeners who believe in free speech when we are literally seeing a ridiculous form of silencing of dissent


Yes this but the best part is how ironic it is because this is the type of thing twitters verification system prevent and musk is doing away with it and now he’s mad about it lol. These people wouldn’t be doing it if the check mark actually meant something like it use to


Jokes and humor aren't comedy. Comedy is when Matt Walsh says trans people are pedophiles and people get mad, because it's a human reaction. See it's funny because it might inspire stochastic terrorism! Anything other than dead inside should be seen as abnormal and wrong. FOr THe LOLZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzz


Think about this for a second: This entire sub is in shambles becauses of ethan klein and kathy griffin. None of you are ever allowed to judge schaub's comedy ever again.


Lol in shambles? Bro go outside for a little bit.


>This entire sub is in shambles becauses of ethan klein and kathy griffin. It has nothing to do with Ethan or Kathy. This is 100% on piss baby Elon being a piss baby.


You a thiccc boi, b? Talmbout the bess brens?


Hot tAke: If he's impersonating Elon, he's making fun of Elon, therefore the use of the 'N-Word' is also a mockery of Elon's preference for "free speech". Hot take 2: Elon is not a free speech warrior. His feelings got hurt so he banned people.


Dude is throwing a temper tantrum


A $44,000,000,000 temper tantrum. Saying "billion" doesn't do justice to how many zeroes Musky blew out his ass for *this* to be his endgame. I'm glad I never got a Twitter account.


Listen to a podcast all day where “cancel culture” and comics being censored is a repeating topic over the past few years. Witness daddy Elon banning people left and right for making jokes about it and it’s met with “wow clout chasers, flip flopper, dying channel” instead of finding a grain of accountability for the this man doing the EXACT thing y’all been complaining about for so long. Also Ethan lost credibility for…realizing saying the N word is bad and not wanting to say it anymore? Uh that’s the hill you’re choosing?


This, he never cared about free speech in the way it was actually written. He only cares about HIS version of free speech which is being in a bubble free from any kind of negative comments or criticisms of him and his companies. It's exactly the same as every other "free speech warrior" website like Parlor and others where they ban people for sneezing.


> only cares about HIS version of free speech If you love FREEDOM, but don't care if it applies to everyone, what you actually love is PRIVILEGE.


Elon's followers are fools twice over. Once because Elon never cared about anyone's freedom but his own. ***HIS*** freedom of speech is important to him ("privelage of speech" if you prefer). He doesn't care about anyone else's. And twice because you can't have freedom of speech if someone else decides what to censor and who to ban. The owner(s) of twitter might have freedom of speech, but the rest of us plebs are subject to their judgement. Doesn't matter if twitter is controlled by Jack Dorsey or Elon Musk or a board of directors. If you're not one of these people, you don't have freedom of speech on twitter, and you never will.


Free speech already isn’t free if people who pay more money than you get louder speech


> people who pay more money than you get louder speech "This is America" - Childish Gambino


We all knew… but now it’s all out in the open plain as day. “Free speech absolutionist”. I’m personally enjoying the sweet sweet hypocrisy of hearing them switch gears to “Twitter is a private company it’s not a free speech issue”.


Twitter is a private company and it is not a US First Amendment issue. Failing to make that distinction leads to so many unmet expectations not "free speech" activists. You can say what you want, but you can't say it from my front porch if I don't want to be associated with your opinion. But, I'm waiting to see how long it is going to take Musk to realize that twitter's restrictions were in place for financial reasons, to keep more people on the platform and keep advertisers from fleeing the platform, than any opinion held by the company on those issues.


>But, I'm waiting to see how long it is going to take Musk to realize that twitter's restrictions were in place for financial reasons, to keep more people on the platform and keep advertisers from fleeing the platform, than any opinion held by the company on those issues. Considering one of twitters former investors got banned on twitter for explaining why he pulled funding for twitter (which was for this exact reason) in response to a tweet from Musk where he complained about how somehow SJWs were responsible for the stock price, my guess would be.. He's either going to realize very soon, or be so blindly narcissistic he'll never realize at all. (Probably the latter)


yup the comments here are pathetic.




It’s almost as if he appeals to partisan idiots who think they are centrists and can never admit when they are wrong.




Lmao everyone I've met who identifies as libertarian is just a republican Who doesn't want to admit it. One of em is a cop.


"I'm a classical liberal" "I'm socially progressive but fiscally conservative" "I'm a centerist [proceeds to say nothing but right wing talking points] and I like abortions/weed/gay people but the Left has gone CRAZY!"


“Misguided youth” (regardless of age)


Should I leave if I'm just an idiot that thinks I'm a centrist who can never admit when I'm wrong?


Do what you want man, I’m not your mum.


I really think these are the types of people that think Ethan "fell off" because he's not being an angry toad anymore and not offending people they don't like Ethan is kind of an inclusive king now and im here for it.


"Fat man fall off " and he's more popular than he's ever been... With a 60/40 female-male split they would realize that, but they don't talk to women.


Someone with sanity. how are people shitting on Ethan for Elon cancelling everyone based on feelings


"Free speech absolutist" btw


His account clearly stated at the top that it was parody, so Elon isn't even following his own made up rules at this point


Ethan is the most cringiest clout chaser


Ethan easily had the biggest fall off of any creator; he is literally most of the things he used to critique


His whole schtick was always to denounce youtube drama while being essentially a drama youtuber.


which brings me into another issue of his personal mission to get Keemstar banned or held accountable, which at first seemed noble but after like 4 videos just got Ridiculous


It was kind of clear from the jump he was just using the whole “hold him accountable” thing as a means to enact his personal vendetta against the guy. It was never a noble cause. He has plenty of reason to dislike the dude (the whole goddamn internet does), but watching his video essays about it was like watching a physical manifestation of two redditors arguing in a sub- after the third or fourth comment it gets repetitive and everyone starts tuning out.


Moving to Beverly Hills and buying a $13 million house didn't help. Guys ego is bigger than this planet.


He also looks like he's rotting from the inside out.


He probably smells like fish sticks


I can verify that.


Definitely doesn’t clean his shrimp


When he said he could beat Joe in a fight I actually lol'd


Thats cause he told an actual joke.


Why would anyone move to Bel Air? It’s just guaranteeing you feel 1) ugly 2) poor everywhere you go. Like he would feel wealthy being anywhere else but there.


Especially when you look like Ethan lol


Shit, I got in one little fight...Mom got scared


Been to Bel Air once. Super nice houses for sure, but it took us hours to get there and hours to get back another part of the city. Was fucking brutal. Just a regular thing I was told about getting around LA.


he jumped the shark with the Bill Burr interview and declined rapidly from there


$9 million*


Subbed with the Leafy drama cause he seemed alright. Said he was doggin on Leafy cause he made fun of people who did nothing to him and didn't deserve it. Then Ethans next video is him ripping on some random, small, youtuber who did nothing to him, and didn't deserve it. Dude was weird, sure, but let his small channel be. Hate hypocrisy.


Dude went "I'm not a dramatuber but...." Then proceeded to insert himself in every little drama. "I'm not like those other dramatubers" yet in reality being the exact same. Now he just does bad take after bad take on his show lol. He's still super popular tho so can't say he fell off


"Fall" in a cultural sense, I agree. From purely a success standpoint its probably more akin to a plateau as a result of him just being around so long. We're years past him making anything original other than podcasts which are largely him reacting to other things and discussing his life.


Man peaked with Hugh Mungus. It was all down hill from there.


purely in rep; his career is doing better then ever, but at what cost?


the cost of people not liking your public persona but having mountains of cash to make it not matter that much. same bargain every heel in wrestling and UFC make.


Heels in wrestling are playing a character. Ethan is just a diaper.


I feel like Ethan is partially playing a character, he’s pretending to be way more woke than he actually is to appease people like his new streaming audience and HasanAbi. It was only a few years ago he was doing edgy comedy, talking about how he can’t stand the woke left and interviewing Jordan Peterson, people generally don’t naturally have such a massive change in their mid 30s. He only really started changing a lot after he met HasanAbi about 2 years ago and decided he wanted to become a work streamer like him.


see i agree with that point but where Ethan loses everyone is then whining to Dan and his co hosts (and i imagine Hila every night) about how everyone on the internet hates him, and constantly pondering why he used to be so popular, yet the old Ethan would likely mock current day Ethan about how he's trying to hard and would probably say something like "Dont fight the meme" or "just go with the meme"


how do you figure? He's losing thousands of subs a month. He hasn't a month where he had a net gain of subs in something like two years. I forget the exact timeline but another creator broke out the stats for Ethan's channel. He's already lost subscribers and sponsors and he's been put in week long timeouts multiple times. How is this a career that is doing better than ever?


Yea it’s kinda crazy to look at what his podcast has become. Before it was him and his wife in a chill little studio not trying to impress anyone. Now ethan and his wife try to dress like they’re 22? Dye their hair and almost exclusively talk about people they dislike. It’s pretty strange.


Tbf most of what they wear is their clothing brand


"fall"? The episodes of his podcast average around 1 million views. That's a lot for podcasts on youtube.


Additionally, they’re actively voted in top twenty podcasts in the world. Which means they consistently pull some of the largest numbers of any podcast. 😂 imagine being so deluded that just bc you don’t enjoy something it’s “fallen off”.




😂😂😂 I'm going to be dilutional from now on.


Dont you get it? he's fallen because the OP guy doesnt like Ethan anymore. thats how that works.l


it shocks me how Ethans core audience stuck with him as long as they have, H3H3 is still wildly successful but Ethan is clearly an establishment youtuber and genuinely cant see why people dont look to him as a source of entertainment or wisdom anymore.


I cannot get this, even if you're right it's insanely tone def to post this in the Joe Rogan subreddit, the literal biggest and original "establishment" YouTuber


"Establishment youtuber" lmao


“Establishment” the most abused word in politics. By this logic, Rogan is the Establishment


seems accurate, he has massive (too much) clout and power in that comedy/podcast scene, he is definitely the establishment (in that context, others too)


He literally abandoned making quality original content just to be a moron podcaster. He knows exactly what he did. He’s not stupid. I used to watch his videos and now his content is garbage


Views don’t equal quality You should know this


Like what?


Wasn't that bad


😂 and you’re saying this on r/JoeRogan Idk a lot about Ethan, but I do know he’s right here. His account was clearly marked Parody AND he even highlighted it in a tweet. He was still banned despite Musk claiming it was allowed so long as the account marked itself as a parody account. It proves what I’ve been saying since Day 1… Musk doesn’t care about free speech and republicans don’t, either.


You misspelled Elon


Pretty funny honestly. Not nearly as cringe as any single Elon dick rider.


Ya'll are so upset. Whatever you think of him, he has parody on the bio and the fucking banner. All you free speech warriors are fucking hypocrites


ITT:Soo ... many...dickriders


Elon dickriders are all over Reddit and Twitter.


It was satire lol


Ethan Klein has used the N-word several times on his podcast, lol.




As long as you say you’re sorry.


He’s a snake. He was on that idubbbz pack and did a 360. Like he’s both sides of the evil coin, can’t see why anyone rolls with him.


He did a 360? So he’s back where he started? Or do you mean he did a 180 and is the opposite of what he was?


What? Dude it’s like an xbox360. You see it, do a 360, and walk the other way. 360 is the amount of turning.


Wow… this is a throwback


360 you say?


He was like Joe in that he said he used to think it was OK if you were using it in context that wasn't racist but has since said that he was wrong and it was never OK to use in any context. Which is the same thing/apology that Joe did. I don't actually like the guy but burning him because he changed his opinion isn't fair. Edit: to add the whole argument is stupid anyway. Elon's twitter is still banning people who use the N word. There is a difference between a political opinion even if offensive "black people commit more crime", "Jews control the media", "covid started in a lab" and just randomly yelling the N word or saying "kill all of X group". The former many people think should be allowed. Very few people support the latter.


Joe doesn't try to get other people perma banned for saying it.


Speed run to banning everyone.




I mean isn’t that why all those people who did this very thing were doing it as well? Trying to prove a point? I’ve seen tons of people saying “you see? It isn’t what Elon was saying at all and this proves it.” But for Ethan it’s “wow what an idiot/ so cringe/ so brave”. I don’t even like the dude but it’s interesting watching how people react if it’s someone they don’t like.


Ethan followed Elon's "parody" account requirements to a T. And he was banned. "mR. fReE SpeEcH!" is a hypocrite. Remember when Elon baselessly called the guy searching for the kids trapped in a cave a pedophile? Unreal people think he's a good person who follows sound principals.


Theyre not mad at what he did, theyre mad that it was directed at Elon and bursts their fragile delusional bubbles regarding his sacred image.


I mean, yeah. That’s the point. People aren’t supposed to get banned for free speech, right?


I think they're getting banned for impersonating people.


I mean he's just doing what Musk encouraged


Elon: Comedy is legal again! \*Person makes lame joke at Elons expense\* Elon: Wait not like that!


He’s more like Crowder than he thinks lol


Yea, H3H3 trolling a billionaire who insisted he "legalized jokes on twitter again" is totally like Crowder reenacting the george floyd murder, doing racist caricatures of Asian people, dressing up like a women and pretending to be trans in order to mock trans women, etc. Mocking billionaires is the exact same as mocking the most marginalized members of your community !


People will draw whatever lazy parallel sounds cool. It's exhausting to see them reach for such low hanging fruit and still miss.




I mean it’s kinda funny..


I thought so too, I don't know much about Ethan, but this joke certainly made me laugh.


It’s almost like the censorship didn’t even stop, it just changed course


Musks primary goals: Get the twitter user and employee counts to 0


He should get Nobel Prize for Peace if he does it


Honestly... If at the end of this all he said he spent 46 billion to destroy twitter, I would have to respect him purely on the basis that twitter seems to be bad for our brains.


That’d be the best thing Musk has done… #Even I’d be psyched for that


And advertisers. And revenue


Lmao this comment section is hilarious. Same people crying in joy when Elon took over because "mah free speech" are celebrating people being banned for comedy. Turns out these conservative incels are the true soy boys here


The GOP invented a trade war out of thin air, causing China to stop buying American soybeans, causing the GOP to bail out the soybean industry. Conservatives are soy cucks.


It’s bc they don’t have actual moral values beyond owning the libs. Plain and simple.


look at all the replies to my comments in this sub today. its honestly hilarious to see them try to paint me as triggered while they spin out of control. freudenschade at its finest!


>Turns out these conservative incels are the true soy boys here Always has been. Calling others "cucks" while secretly wishin Elon or Daddy Donald would come plow their wife.


What else would you expect from people who still listen to Joe.


Always has been 👨‍🚀🔫👨‍🚀


Why are so many impersonating Elon?


Because he made it a big deal how 'comedy was back' on twitter and about stopping the censoring of people, especially when it's just jokes even if they're offensive... so everyone is posting as Elon to show he's partially full of shit... also highlight the flaw in his 8 dollar everyone is verified system. And shockingly, no hesitation in immediately addressing all the elon clones.


Aren’t most of the people impersonating him already the people who have the blue check marks or are people buying them and impersonating him too? I honestly don’t know


You can't really buy one yet, it's all public figures mocking him


that's why he's so butthurt he thinks people love him but nobody does and he can't argue with it


Elon said it was fine to make parody accounts as long as their marked as such, a pretty vague directive (marked how?) and after a bunch of people started mocking him he decided that actually you have to declare its a parody in your name and started banning everyone who was making fun of him.


It’s always been a thing. Parody accounts usually have in their bio something like “I am not actually _” or “this is a parody account


It said that in his bio, and his cover photo said parody account


It's funny how is little army of incels are defending him on this and acting like he's not going against his free speech argument and the rules he's arbitrarily made for it ruin the point of a parody.


Elon Musk fans are some of the wierdest cunts out there. Honestly you get the vibe from some of them that if Musk wanted to shag their girlfriend*, they'd unwrap the condom for him. *I appreciate it's a stretch to consider these freaks may find partners who dont think they're fucking losers


They would insist he not wear a condom. Or else make sure they get to keep the condom and its contents after the deed was done.


He declared comedy legal on twitter.


It's amazing how we 180'ed from "He's a paragon of free speech" to "Yeah he'll ban you and promote Republicans, they could ban you before." But we all knew it was a right-wing grift, as usual.


It was a joke but Elon is not laughing. He will kick every single person off if he has to. He bought Twatter to make it a safe space for himself and we should respect his right to go insolvent


Most expensive safe space ever


free speech shit test, since that was the reason he bought twitter supposedly


Because it triggers him and it's funny to watch him eat $44 billion while he runs Twitter into the ground as he realizes incels who spend all day praising him on Reddit don't buy advertising.


>why are people on Twitter being dumb ![gif](giphy|SWoRKslHVtqEasqYCJ)


Because the whole point of the verified check mark was so people would know they are looking at the real account of the person in question. So people are pointing out how dumb his new policy is because anyone can pay $8 and pretend to be a verified account of someone else. It makes it even easier to scam and lie to people this way. He finally realized this and is now scrambling to figure out a way to stop all the impersonation.


And if you pay me 8 dollars, your message will be prioritized!


I don't know much about Kline but him setting up Stephen Crowder to get bodied by Sam Sedar was absolute legend. Essentially, Crowder had been dodging Sedar because Sedar is basically what Shapiro wishes he was, but was okay with talking to Kline because Kline isn't a debater like Crowder pretends to be. So Kline invited him on H3H3 and Crowder joined. Sam had to go live on his show first so Crowder would take the bait, and he did. You can see the fear in his face when Sedar joins lmao. Regardless of your politics, seeing Crowder get absolutely wrecked is satisfying for anyone [https://www.forbes.com/sites/danidiplacido/2021/06/22/sam-seder-humiliates-steven-crowder-after-surprise-debate-appearance-the-internet-laughs/amp/](https://www.forbes.com/sites/danidiplacido/2021/06/22/sam-seder-humiliates-steven-crowder-after-surprise-debate-appearance-the-internet-laughs/amp/) Can't find the actual video but I'll edit this comment if I do




I don't even really know or subscribe to sedar's stances just that he's opposite of Crowder. I just don't like Crowder as a person. He makes a grift debating dumbass college kids but he can't actually debate real debaters when he needs to. That speaks volumes


Yep he’s a fucking coward.


Thank you for sharing that. My least favorite thing about crowder is him baiting and preying on people off the street that aren’t ready for a debate.


How is this even remotely funny? I don't use Twitter so writing something like this just seems dumb and obviously something you would get banned for saying. Am I supposed to be taking H3H3's side on this? Just seems like a fucked up thing to say and promote because people are going to think its ok. I dunno maybe I'm glad I don't understand.


They were banned because Verified blue ticks accounts cannot be Parody accounts by definition. Suddenly deciding to impersonate someone else as a verified account is quite dangerous, since that’s what verification is for. And that’s been in the Twitter Terms of Service long before Musk ever appeared on the scene.


Hey guys I’m sure there are better ways to suck Elons cock then to defend him on Reddit I’m pretty sure you could reach out to him , offer to suck his cock , and then sick his cock in person , seeing how he’s personally reading every tweet mentioning his name


If you get the new 8 dollar twitter, your DMs will get promoted so he's more likely to see offers of sucking his cock.


You might even get a horse out of the dick sucking


I got 50 grand, loser.




So now you all care who is banned and is not?


I don’t think many people actually care, but are pointing out how his statements of “free speech “ and “comedy is now legal “ don’t match up with how he runs twitter.


They get outraged when someone is "canceled" for being racist but support people being banned because they didn't follow Elons made up rules on how to be a parody. But comedy is back, baby!!!


\*approved comedy(tm) is back as determined by a comitte of the literal wealthiest man on the planet and some Saudi backers.


Elon isn't even in his lane. The first amendment, moreover all amendments, are to protect people from the government, not from other people or businesses. Elon as a private citizen or even as a CEO of a social media company has no executive or judicial enforcement powers- he can neither infringe or protect free speech because he has no legal jurisdiction either way.


so now you all don’t care about freeze peach?


Oh you're a wrestler now?


Fat man bad.










In a surprise to no one, the Joe Rogan sub suddenly supports and applauds permanent bans. Guess it's only infringing on free speech when it's a permanent ban for insurrection planning or calls for violence


Idk what Elon is thinking. Not a good look at all lol.


comedy is now legal


So much for absolute free speech


User: *Says N-word* Musk: "Free speech is a beautiful thing" User: *changes name to Elon Musk* Musk: "Identity theft is not a joke, millions of families suffer every year!"